Horses and companions. Mounts in Neverwinter Online How to remove your mount from the Neverwinter pen

Neverwinter is a huge and beautiful world. Here you will find various locations - from endless forests and swamps to gloomy ruins and high mountains. And to make life easier for players, mounts have been introduced into the game, which will not only be loyal, but also help in moving around the world.

You will receive your first horse at level 20, alas, before that you will have to travel on your own feet.

And so, having reached this lvl, you will have to go to Protekrat and find a horse merchant there.

He will offer you to complete the quest "Let's go!", As a reward for which you will receive 3 tokens. You can exchange these tokens at the NPC for three pets, which will differ only in color. Please note that for these tokens you will not receive an "eternal" mount, they are given only for a trial period, which lasts 5 hours, so make good use of the allotted time.

After that, you will have the opportunity to buy these horses on a permanent basis. It will cost 5 gold coins. For this money, you will get an ordinary horse, which will speed up your movement by 50%, quite well, for your money.

As soon as you have acquired your pet, it will appear in your inventory. Now the matter is small, drag its icon to the skill panel, under the specially designated number 7. Done! Now you just need to press "7" and you will instantly saddle your horse.

There are 3 levels for each horse in total. And each new lvl will open up additional opportunities: to increase the speed of movement, resistance to external damage (that is, the number of blows required to knock out of the saddle), as well as the pumping, the appearance will change.

To increase the level of a mountable pet, you need to train it. This can be done at the "Bazaar of Miracles" and, all the same, the Horse Merchant, for astral diamonds. Note that you cannot "jump" levels, that is, in order to learn level 3, you must first raise 2 and only then 3.

Let's now look at each level separately:

Level 1... You get this mountable pet immediately after purchase. He has the following abilities: movement speed + 50%, withstands up to 3 hits for 5 seconds.

Level 2... After the first training, his indicators will noticeably improve: movement speed + 80%, withstands up to 4 hits for 5 seconds.

Level 3... Movement speed + 110%, withstands up to 5 shocks in the saddle

In addition to the standard horses, there are more unique horses in Neverwinter. You can get them in a variety of ways. For example, by participating in various promotions and events, you can buy at the auction or get it from sets such as the "Locked Box of the Dark Forest", which drops out when hunting monsters. You can purchase the key for it for ZEN.

Demonstration of mounts in Neverwinter:

In Neverwinter, all the details are not random, and often symbolize something, or are the prototypes of some of the elements described by the author Robert Salvatore in his books about the forgotten kingdoms. It is no coincidence that there is no such thing as "mana" in the game, because after the disintegration of Mystra's yarn, magic as such disappeared from the Forgotten Realms. Also, the composition of the group of the main characters consisted of five brave warriors, in the same way you collect groups for dungeons. Today we will talk about companions and horses, their role in the game, and their significance in the Forgotten Realms.

How it all began, of course, with the main character of the book, Drizzt Do'Urden. After all, he is the owner of a magical onyx figurine, thanks to which he can summon a companion to his side - the panther Guenhwyvar. Companions are not soulless creatures, but beings from other dimensions, summoned to cooperate in battle. Guenhwyvar was a creature of the astral dimension, where she could regain her strength and health after a fight. A satellite cannot be killed at the material level, it can only be expelled into its dimension, for a certain time, which is why your companions in the game do not die, but rise up with full strength, ready to protect you again. They do not need any physical food or any special care, which is quite convenient for adventure seekers.

Unlike companions, with summoned horses, the situation is somewhat different. They do not have their own consciousness, and do not live in other dimensions. For example, Drizzt used the unicorn Andahar, summoning with a magical whistle. Isn't it the same thing you ask? Guenhwyvar was summoned by means of a statuette, but here the call is carried out with a whistle? But in fact, Andahar is just a magical two-dimensional, in the form of a unicorn. He could just as well be a chariot. He does not have his own mind or consciousness. Therefore, the horses also do not require any care or feeding.

So, when we found out the origins of the origin of horses and companions, as well as their canonicity in the game, we can take a closer look at the game manutes and companions.

The game has horses of different quality, which affects their efficiency, usefulness and, of course, price.

White. (first, lowest grade of horses)

Increased movement speed by 50%, most of them are horses for gold, which can be bought from the horse merchant in Protectorate.

Green. (the second and most common grade of horses)

An increase in movement speed by 50%, you can get them most often as a reward for a variety of regularly held events, prayer.

Blue. (third grade of horses)

An 80% increase in movement speed, already a more valuable species, can be found at the auction or in the ZEN market.

Violet. (the fourth and most demanded variety of horses)

Increase in movement speed by 110%, the most popular mounts, due to a solid increase in speed. You can get it at the ZEN market, auction, or from locked chests.

Ginger. (elite grade of horses)

Increase movement speed by 140%, top speed makes these horses very desirable and expensive. Recently, horses of this quality began to be made to be summoned in battle, and inflicting damage, as well as increasing some of your character's stats. Obtained exclusively from locked chests.


Subdivided into:




Companions can be acquired at the Auction, Zen Market, Miracle Bazaar, and Companion Dealer. Only one companion can be summoned at a time, but four more can passively influence you, giving their bonuses. During the battle, the companion gains experience for killed enemies, and increases its level, but needs training to raise the latter. You send a companion for training, then when he gains enough experience, and for some time he cannot be summoned, but this period of time can be reduced by paying for training with Astral Diamonds.

Companions, as well as horses, are of different quality.

White - can reach a maximum of level 15 (upgrading to green quality costs 300,000 AB)

Green - can reach a maximum of level 20 (upgrading to blue quality costs 500,000 AB)

Blue - can reach a maximum of level 25 (upgrading to purple quality costs 750,000 AB)

Violet - can reach a maximum of level 35 (upgrading to red quality costs 1,000,000 AB)

Each companion has three slots for strengthening stones (1,10,15 lvl open), and three slots for equipment (1,15,25 lvl open).

The appearance of the companion changes, depending on his lvl, the higher the lvl, the more epic appearance becomes available to him (opens 10,20,30 lvl)

/ Answer to online game: / Who are the horses in Neverwinter online?

What are the mounts in Neverwinter Online?


In Neverwinter Online, steeds are faithful mounts that will speed up your travel around the area. game world... For the first time, we get the opportunity to acquire a horse at the twentieth level of a character in the Protectorate by completing the corresponding task.

Horses in Neverwinter Online are divided into several levels. The first one will increase your movement speed by 50%, usually these are simple horses. The second will also speed up by 50%, but usually these are rare horse breeds or other unusual mounts that stand out as a reward for special events or prayer. Also purchased at Auction or Zen Market.

The third level will give a significant acceleration - up to 80%, these are rare mounts that you will find at the same auction or Zen market. The fourth level will speed up movement by 110%, obtained from locked chests that require an enchanted key. Also found in the Auction or Zen Market.

At the fifth level - the same 110% acceleration, here are the rarest and most expensive mounts in Neverwinter Online. Can be obtained from locked chests or bought at the auction.

This is not only the improvement of your main character, but also friendship with companions, as well as the development of your pets. Both those and others are represented in the game quite widely and besides the fact that they will brighten up your travels around the world of Winterlessness, they will also bring obvious benefits, both when moving across locations, and directly in battles. In general, let's start with the analysis, starting with the simplest mounts and moving on to more useful and rare companions and pets, including combat ones.

Let's start with free companions. Upon reaching the 16th level, your character will be given a quest to get the first free combat partner. To get this quest, you need to talk to An Ashok, who is located in the Great Market in Protectorate city. Here you will be given the opportunity to choose one of four partners. The choice will depend on your playing style and game preferences. As soon as you complete Ashoka's quest, open your inventory and find there new item... Activate it and select a companion. By pressing the C key, you can study its characteristics.

At this stage, you can get the Cleric's Disciple, Wayward Wizard, Brother in Arms and Dog. Everything is clear: a healer, a magician, a warrior and a dog. The cleric will add 25 points to the recovery speed. Fights weakly, but heals more or less clearly. He will not stand for a long time in battle, if he push her into the background, he will be able to seriously help. The wizard adds 25 points to the recovery of vigor. The magician's specialization is inflicting massive damage in areas, and, as a result, pulling enemies around him. Also, it will not stand up for a long time in direct combat, but at a distance it copes well with the enemy. Brother in Arms will add 25 points to defense. This is a classic warrior who rushes to the front line to attack. Most suitable for the position of a bodyguard. Just like a magician gathers enemies around him, but, unlike a magician, it can withstand for quite a long time, therefore it is perfect as a companion for those who prefer ranged attacks. Well, and finally, the dog. This character, unlike the previous ones, is suitable for all classes. Adds 25 damage. His specialty is single-target melee attacks. In general, a dog is like a dog.

If you have made a choice, and then you are disappointed in what you have done, then it does not matter: you can always exchange a companion for another in the same Big Market. In principle, in this way, you can alternately try several partners in business and stop at one. Although, after you acquire a companion, nothing will prevent you from buying another one later. They are divided into common and rare.

Let's quickly go through the entire list of companions.

Aion Stone of Might... Belongs to the class of rare. It is a typical buffer that increases the characteristics of the main character. In fact, it is just a stone flying overhead and does no damage, only increasing the characteristics of the hero.

Legionary... Lover of close combat. Adds 25 to power. In fact, it is an almost complete copy of the Brother in Arms. A companion that will help increase the hero's nominally inflicted damage. Belongs to the class of ordinary characters.

Dancing Shield... An item similar to the Aion Stone. Only this time it will be a regular flying shield, adding +1 to parry. At the same time, it can sometimes cause damage to enemies if it runs into them. Will have to the court of those heroes who have little armor and health.

Dancing Blade... Another dancing inanimate companion. Adds +3 to critical damage. A great object that will fly around and sting others.

Cat... Another rather rare character. It is a classic buffer that adds protection. Also improves damage taken from falling, adds 125 points to parry, increases critical strike prospects and speeds up recovery. A great companion that will suit everything. The only negative is the relatively high price of 833 diamonds.

Pied Piper Thief... Werewolf rat. His specialty is poisons. In addition to the fact that he adds a 3% chance for the main character to poison the enemy, he himself actively enters into battles, knocks back opponents and hits them with poison. Useful when your hero is surrounded from all sides.

Jagged Dancing Blade... Reduces the enemy's defense by 5%, otherwise, it also spins around and hits enemies. An almost complete copy of a simple dancing blade.

Guardian angel... Simultaneously heals and raises the defensive qualities of the hero. This is an extremely rare companion. The angel takes on some of your damage and at the same time heals the main character. The peculiarity of obtaining this partner is that you can get it only after the hero prays 360 fire coins at the bonfires. You can pray once an hour, but you can get coins only once a day.

Fiery Archon... Another extremely rare hero. The Archon's specialization is attack. A sphere of fire flying overhead sets everything on fire, while increasing your damage by 30%. An excellent companion that will radically transform the process of passing.

Handicap... The last pet that can be purchased for in-game currency, not for donation. Handicap also specializes in attack. It is something that looks like a bird, which burns the enemy with fire, after holding it in a special vice. An extremely useful and rare companion type.

Now, perhaps, we should say a little about mounts.

You can get it a little later, at level 20. Upon reaching this level, you will be given the opportunity to complete a task called "Let's go." You need to take it again in the same Protectorate from a horse and horse merchant. As a reward for the completed task, you will be given 3 tokens, for which it will be possible to purchase a four-legged artiodactyl. First, you will be offered to rent a horse. But it will be possible to buy on an ongoing basis a little later. There are only five horses of the first level. They are absolutely no different, except for the colors. All other "running" characteristics are identical. But for donation, you will already be offered completely unusual riding animals, among which there are horses, an owl, and animals called wargs.

Horses, however, as well as mounts and as companions, can also be pumped. Horses / horses have three upgradable characteristics, which are responsible for resistance to damage, for movement speed and for damage taken by the rider. The more pumped the horse, the more difficult it will be for the enemy to knock the hero out of the saddle. Consequently, the hero will be able to cut into crowds of enemies, crossing them and not fearing that he will be knocked out of the saddle. To the credit of the game, the appearance of the animal, like any pet, changes depending on the level of development. Development itself can be boosted through training.

Trainings, oddly enough, must be purchased for diamonds at the Bazaar of Miracles, as well as from the horse merchant himself.

The horse of the first level increases its movement speed by one and a half times, and the player is knocked out of the saddle after the third blow. The horse of the second level already runs 80% faster than the hero, who can now be knocked out of the saddle only after four hits. The horse of the third level provides an increase in speed by 110%, and you can knock the hero out of the saddle after only five hits. Naturally, these horses cannot be compared with those animals that can be purchased for donat, the same giant armored spider will plug anyone in the belt, but, nevertheless, ordinary horses will still greatly speed up the player's movement on the map, make him more mobile and elusive.

Finally, here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding pet breeding in Neverwinter online.

Neither the companion nor the summoned animal needs to be fed. It does not require any care other than treatment. If it happened that the pet was killed, run up to him and press the Russian "A" key. If your satellite is disabled, then you can take your time, the time for lifting it from the ground is not limited. But, if your pet was hit, then there is another conversation. We need to hurry up. The pet itself cannot be controlled. He will act on his own. Each species has its own character and each observes certain elements of behavior. If it suddenly happens that your pet disappears from the active panel, then most likely you accidentally put it back into your inventory. Go there and search. The loss will surely be there, you just need to go to the tab with pets.