The most atrocious crimes of the American army (16 photos)

The Lucifer Effect [Why Good People Turn Bad] Zimbardo Philip George

Location: Abu Ghraib prison

Location: Abu Ghraib prison

The city of Abu Ghraib (or Abu Ghraib) is located 32 kilometers west of Baghdad and a few kilometers from Fallujah, where the prison is located. The city lies within the Sunni Triangle, the center of a powerful insurgent resistance to the American occupation. In the past, Western media called this prison "Saddam's main torture chamber" because it was here, during the reign of the Baath party, that Saddam Hussein performed the torture and public executions of "dissidents" - they were carried out here twice a week. There is evidence that Nazi-like experiments were carried out on some of these political prisoners and criminals as part of the Iraqi chemical and biological weapons program.

At any given time, the huge prison complex, whose name can literally be translated as "home of strange fathers" or "father of the strange", contained up to 50,000 people. This prison has always had a dubious reputation, because in the era before the invention of chlorpromazine, there was a psychiatric hospital for the violent. Built by British companies in 1960, the prison covers 1.15 square meters. km; along its perimeter there are 24 watchtowers. It is a whole city, divided by walls into five separate zones. Each zone contains one type of prisoner. In the center of the open courtyard of the prison, there used to be a huge tower 120 meters high.Unlike most American prisons located in remote rural areas, the Abu Ghraib prison is located so that from its windows you can see residential buildings and office buildings (possibly built after 1960 .). The cells of the prison, with an area of ​​about 16 sq. m, accommodate up to 40 prisoners held in truly terrible conditions.

Colonel Bernard Flynn, Commander, Abu Ghraib Prison, recalls that the prison was constantly fired upon: “This is a very visible target because this is a bad area. The whole of Iraq is a bad area ... One of the towers is so close to the neighboring areas that from it you can literally look into the bedrooms of local residents, you know, right from it. Snipers appear on the rooftops and in the entrances, they shoot at the soldiers on the towers. Therefore, we are constantly on guard, we are trying to defend ourselves, we are trying to restrain the rebels so that they do not rush inside. "

In March 2003, the US military overthrew Saddam Hussein's government, and the prison was given a new name that would separate it from its dubious past. It was now called the Baghdad Central Confinement Facility - the acronym BCCF can be seen in the reports of many investigation teams. When Saddam Hussein's regime fell, all prisoners, including many criminals, were released and the prison ransacked; they stole everything that could be taken away: doors, windows, bricks - absolutely everything. Incidentally - and this was not reported in the media - the Abu Ghraib city zoo was also ravaged, and wild animals were free. Lions and tigers roamed the streets for several days until they were caught or killed. Former CIA officer Bob Baer describes a scene he witnessed with his own eyes in this infamous prison: “I visited Abu Ghraib prison a few days after she was released. It was the most horrible place I have seen in my life. I said, 'If there is any reason to get rid of Saddam Hussein, it is Abu Ghraib.' He continues his grim account: “We found bodies here half-eaten by dogs, we found places of torture. You know, electrodes coming out of the walls. It was a terrible place. "

The British High Command recommended destroying the prison, but the Americans decided to rebuild it as soon as possible and contain all those suspected of some nebulous "crimes against the coalition", alleged rebel leaders and various criminals. All this motley composition of the detainees was supervised by Iraqi guards of a very dubious nature. Many of the detainees were innocent civilians - they were taken prisoner during military sweeps or arrested at checkpoints on the highway for some "suspicious actions." There were whole families here - men, women and teenagers. They were awaiting interrogations for information they might have about possible revolts against the coalition. But even after interrogations, when it turned out that they were not guilty of anything, they were not released: the military were afraid that they would join the rebels, or simply no one wanted to take responsibility for their release.

Convenient target for mortar attacks

The one hundred and twenty-meter tower in the center of the prison soon became a favorite target for nighttime mortar attacks from the rooftops of neighboring buildings. In August 2003, a mortar attack killed eleven soldiers sleeping in tents in the courtyard of the “open complex”. During another attack, a grenade exploded in a tent where there were many soldiers. Colonel Thomas Pappas, commander of the military intelligence brigade stationed in the prison, was also there. Pappas remained intact, but the young soldier, his driver, was literally blown to pieces, he died on the spot, like several other soldiers. Pappas was so scared that he never took off his bulletproof vest again. I was told that he did not take off his bulletproof vest and metal helmet, even while taking a shower. Later he was declared unfit for military service and dismissed from office. His deteriorating mental state did not allow him to properly manage the soldiers working in the prison. After that horrific mortar attack, Pappas housed almost all of his soldiers inside the prison, in a "secure complex" - they slept in cramped prison cells, as did the inmates.

Stories about the death of comrades, about constant sniper fire, grenades and mortar attacks kept everyone who served in the prison in constant fear, sometimes subjected to enemy shelling 20 times a week. Everyone died under fire - both American soldiers and Iraqi prisoners. The shelling gradually destroyed some of the buildings in the prison complex. Burned hulls and ruins were visible everywhere.

Mortar attacks occurred so often that they became a common attribute of the surreal madness of Abu Ghraib. Joe Darby recalls how, after hearing the sound of a shot, he and colleagues tried to figure out the caliber and location of the mortar: 60mm, 80mm, or even more, 120mm. However, this psychological insensitivity in the face of death did not last long. Darby confesses that “a few days before my squad left Abu Ghraib, we suddenly became afraid for the first time of mortar attacks. It was weird. Everyone crowded around the wall. I sat down in the corner and began to pray. Nothing remained of the usual insensitivity. Keep this in mind when looking at the pictures. We all tried to cope with it, each in its own way. "

According to one senior source who worked at Abu Ghraib prison for several years, she remained extremely dangerous place both for life and for work. In 2006, the military commanders finally decided to leave it, but it was too late to repair the damage caused by the previous decision to revive it.

But the suffering of the soldiers did not end there. The devastated and dilapidated Abu Ghraib prison did not have a sewerage system - only holes in the ground and mobile dry closets. However, there were not enough dry closets for all the prisoners and soldiers accommodated here. They were emptied irregularly, they periodically overflowed, and in the intense summer heat they constantly emanated a terrible stench. Moreover, there were no normal showers; water was supplied on schedule. There was not enough soap, the electricity was regularly cut off because the generators were working intermittently. The stench emanated from the unwashed bodies of the prisoners, and from all the rooms where they were kept. In the summer, in the pouring rain, when the temperature rose above 45 ° C, the prison turned into something like an oven or sauna. During storms, dust clogs into the lungs, causing coughs and viral infections.

A new commander arrives at the scene, but nothing changes

In June 2003, in this disastrous Iraqi prison appeared new leader... Reserve Brigadier General Janice Karpinski took over command of the 800th Military Police Brigade, which ran Abu Ghraib prison and was responsible for all other military prisons in Iraq. The appointment was odd for two reasons: Karpinski was the only female commander in the war zone, and she had absolutely no experience in managing correctional facilities. She now had three large prison complexes, 17 prisons throughout Iraq, eight battalions of soldiers, hundreds of Iraqi guards, 3,400 inexperienced reservists, and a special interrogation center in Block 1 A. It was too much for such an inexperienced officer. stock.

According to several sources, Karpinski soon left her office in Abu Ghraib due to constant danger and dire living conditions and returned to the much safer Camp Victory, near the Baghdad airport. Since Karpinski was almost always absent, but often traveled to Kuwait, top management and there was no day-to-day management in the prison at all. In addition, she claims that higher-ranking officers told her that Unit 1A - “ special place»And is not the object of its direct guidance. Therefore, she never visited him.

The presence of a female commander, whose leadership was only nominal, encouraged sexist sentiments among the soldiers, and this led to a weakening of normal military discipline and order. "General Karpinski's subordinates in Abu Ghraib sometimes ignored her orders and did not follow the rules - they did not wear uniforms and did not salute their senior officers, which further weakened discipline in the prison," said one of the brigade's servicemen. The soldier, who agreed to testify on condition of anonymity, confirmed that officers serving in the prison routinely ignored General Karpinski's orders. They said that they were not going to obey her, because she is a woman.

It is therefore quite curious that, despite the dire conditions in Abu Ghraib, in December 2003, General Karpinski gave an optimistic interview to the newspaper St Petersburg Times. She said that for many Iraqis trapped in Abu Ghraib, “the living conditions in the prison better conditions life at home. " She added: "We even started to worry that they would not want to be released." However, just as General Karpinski was giving such a sprightly pre-Christmas interview, Major General Antonio Taguba was investigating reports of numerous incidents of "sadistic, cruel, unjustified criminal acts" committed by her accountable reservists from the 372nd Military Police Company. the guards of the night shift of block 1A.

Later, General Karpinski was fined, temporarily removed from office, officially reprimanded and withdrawn. She was later demoted to colonel and fired. Karpinski became the first and only officer found guilty in the course of an abuse investigation - her fault consisted of the sins of omission and ignorance. Not what she did, but what she didn't.

In his autobiography, One Woman's Army, Karpinski tells the story from his own perspective. She recalls a visit by a team of senior officers from Guantanamo, led by Major General Jeffrey Miller. He told her, "We are going to change the interrogation methods in Abu Ghraib." This meant taking off the kid gloves, moving away from being soft on suspects, and moving on to tactics that would provide “valuable intelligence” needed in the war on terrorism and insurgency. Miller insisted on changing the prison's new official name (BCCF) and returning to an old one that still terrifies Iraqis: Abu Ghraib prison.

Karpinski also notes that the theme started by General Miller was continued by Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, the commander of US forces in Iraq. He said that prisoners and detainees are "dogs" and should be treated accordingly. According to Karpinski, its commanders, Generals Miller and Sanchez, created a whole program of dehumanization and torture in Abu Ghraib prison.

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Chapter Fourteen Abuse and Torture at Abu Ghraib: Causes and Operating

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Prison Abu Ghraib you say?

So you don't know anything about real Russian torture. We will tell you about Russian spirituality. Read ... GPAP 1 (pictured) - the building of the bus depot (in Grozny), turned by the Russians into a closed prison for torture. There were no people in this prison, animals were "working" there. Boys and girls were not just killed, but as painful as possible. Torture: "Horizontal bar" - a device on which people were hung in different positions. Over time, the bones came out of the joints. "Fly agaric" - they burned out the mouth cavity with a soldering iron. "Rose" - the tube is inserted into anus , then barbed wire is inserted through the tube into the rectum. The tube is pulled out, and the wire remains. The wire is then pulled out. "Cross". There, in one of the halls, there was a cross welded from rails. Prisoners were tied to the cross with wire and shocked. "Wolf grin" - a large file grinded teeth in the mouth. "Vise" - clamped the head in a vice, and boiling resin dripped from above. And the famous "Womb". They dug a hole 1 meter deep, squatted the prisoners in a row and poured concrete up to their necks. When the concrete dries, shrinking, it breaks all bones. How the interrogations went. Favorite option is "Vacuum Cleaner". They put a gas mask on their heads and cut off the oxygen. The panting prisoner was kicked to death. When he lost consciousness, he was injected with chemistry, and everything started all over again. This went on for hours. Another option is "Birch". The prisoner was placed on a chair, hands were tied behind his back in advance, and a noose was put on his head, which was tied over his head to the crossbar. They knocked out a chair, the man suffocated on the gallows. The unconscious person was pumped out and hanged again. There was a wall behind the building of GPAP 1, where people were shot. Often they were placed against the wall and fired 2-3 times from above. They were joking. Then they killed. Sometimes the chained wounded were given to be torn apart by dogs. This is GPAP 1. Many of the executioners were narrow-eyed. I ask you not to read these lines. And absorb them into your blood. These are not fables, this is not the delirium of a madman in the night who has lost his mind. This is the suffering and torment of those who remained there and those few who survived. And they want to die, than live, this pain in the soul stuck in them forever. I would write this on every wall of our city. It is a pity that not everyone is given to understand this. If I write about the Chaika Hotel, in the basement of which 48 refugees, heaped with slabs, ate each other from hunger. Or about those who, passing by, heard screams from under the ground and knocks. But he passed by. I am writing this, and this will not forget us ... My mother's cousin personally knew a woman who was distraught that she had to eat human flesh in the basement of the house in which they were flooded. Her child died there in her arms. After that she threw herself at the children ... Boarding school for the deaf and dumb at Minutka. From 2000 to 2006 - a closed prison (secret). There were several buildings, one with a "monkey house" for an excuse. But the second building and its basements served as a death machine. The day before us our "memorial" defenders arrived there. They found documents and photographs of prisoners in one of the offices. And how miserable cowards allowed the structures to confiscate them. The monkeys took pictures and went home. We arrived and were not allowed in. At our own risk, we entered from the back. The authorities ordered the workers there to demolish the building within a week. We had little time. Among the workers there was a guy who helped us. Next, I will tell you what was there. My story will go on about this OMON. This place was the home of death, almost 400 people "disappeared" in it, even more. And its owners were those murderers from GPAP 1. This is the Khantymansiysk OMON, who called themselves SOM. Above the entrance to the basement, where the prisoners were killed, it was written in large letters. LET'S HELP TO DIE! These were last words what our brothers and sisters read before entering the "cave"! And on the building could be clearly seen the inscription, WE DO NOT HAVE ... YOUR MOUNTAIN! There were several cells in the basements. There was nothing in them, no windows, no light, only dirt, dampness and concrete. Men were kept in the 1st cell; all the walls were covered with names. Girls and women were kept in the second cell. I will not say what was on the walls. But many were written in blood, those who wrote them understood that they would die. I AM ALIVE? Diana. I SEE NOTHING, I DIED HERE Zareta 2001. ALLAH HELP, Malika 16 years old. There is a lot of grief on these walls, and they have absorbed a lot of tears and blood. All these inscriptions and words are difficult for me to pronounce. The next day, when we arrived, someone set fire to the cameras. And soot settled on the walls. These girls were brutally raped every day. Above every killer bunk, there were nude photos of these girls. There were also those killed by them as a memory. These photos were found by workers, but immediately burned. They also raped the cells with men so that they could hear the screams of their sisters. Those who tried to help were tortured. There was also a torture chamber just outside the wall from the prisoners. So that they hear the screams and crunch of bones, their brothers and sisters. In this cell, we noticed two thick boards, they were used like this: a person was put on one, and the other was covered. And from above they beat me with a huge sledgehammer. So that the insides burst. The walls in this cell were covered with paint many times, as there was blood everywhere. One man survived, they managed to cut off his ear. But he still does not tell the whole truth, fear overcame him. Some girls were stolen and sold to this place, but bastards. The next day, I was called there by one person. What I saw shocked me, it was a nightmare. It turned out that the workers had found secret cameras. They were walled up. There was nothing in one. But there were rings in the walls, and the second passage to the second chamber was broken before our eyes. We went there. What we saw there, I will remember for the rest of my life. They kept pregnant women and girls with babies there. Three iron beds, each with a half-bent sheet of iron hanging above. Tied with a wire to the ceiling. Children were put in them. The premises are all damp and muddy. No windows, no light. In the far corner stood a strange apparatus, and next to it the whole wall was covered in blood. As we found out, they chopped fingers on it, burned them on a small stove that stood under it, and wiped their hand against the wall. And this is all in the room where the girls with babies were kept. Most likely, these children were born there. Neither they nor their mothers survived. And the third place of death! It is still functioning today (at the time of publication of this material in 2007). From 2000 to the present day! If we combine the torture of GPAP 1 and the cruelty of SOMA, there will be no 10 percent of what is happening there. Even the authorities are not allowed to this place. Only direct subordination to the Kremlin. Nobody returned from there. Near New Atagi. Secret base. Passing this place at night was life-threatening for any driver. If stopped, he could not reach the house. One Chechen worked there, he told before his death about this place. Behind this part, square meters by meter are dug into the ground in the field. In every cell, a naked prisoner, under open air... He is there almost always, he cannot lie down, get up, sit down. All twisted in a cage. This guy said that there are girls and boys and very young. And there is not a single normal one, all who have lost their minds, bark and howl at night. Overgrown, dirty, wild. This place still exists (at the time of publication of this material, it was online in 2007). And it instills fear in everyone, with its silence and silence. For 200 meters people drink tea and have a rest. And there, someone dies of suffering.

: 33 ° 17'29 ″ s. sh. 44 ° 03′58 ″ in. etc. /  33.291389 ° N sh. 44.066111 ° E etc.(G) 33.291389 , 44.066111

The cells of the Abu Ghraib prison

According to the testimony of a number of inmates, American soldiers raped them, rode on horseback, and forced them to catch food from prison toilets. In particular, the inmates said: “They made us walk on all fours like dogs and yapped. We had to bark like dogs, and if you didn't bark, then you were hit in the face without any pity. After that, they threw us in the cells, took away the mattresses, poured water on the floor and forced us to sleep in this slurry, without removing the hoods from our heads. And all of this was photographed all the time ”,“ One American said he would rape me. He drew a woman on my back and made me stand in a shameful position, hold my own scrotum in my hands. "

12 members of the US Armed Forces were found guilty on charges related to the incidents at Abu Ghraib prison. They received various prison sentences.

The investigation did not establish the guilt of the high-ranking Pentagon officials in the incident.

Photos of torture at US military bases in Afghanistan and Iraq have been banned from publication by the US government, based on an amendment to the Freedom of Information Act, which prohibits publication if it could endanger someone's life or safety (safety of American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq ). The American Civil Liberties Union has demanded publication through the courts because these photographs prove, according to the Union, that prisoners were tortured not only in Iraqi Abu Ghraib prison.

In 2006, Judge Alvin Hellerstein ordered the US government to release the photographs. In 2008, New York's Second Federal Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the judge's decision.

see also

  • Camp Cropper, located west of Baghdad.
  • Camp Bucca, located near Umm Qasr.

Notes (edit)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

In 1971, American psychologist Philip Zimbardo conducted the acclaimed Stanford Experiment. He simulated prison conditions by dividing the participants into prisoners and overseers.

The results were shocking - the experiment quickly got out of control, and every third "guard" showed sadistic inclinations. At Stanford, specially selected mentally sane people played the role of prisoners and guards. What can be said about real prisons, which, moreover, are located in the occupied territory and where they contain enemy soldiers, from time to time confusing civilians with them? With the connivance of the command, the absence of clear instructions and psychological support from the staff, as well as the supervision of independent parties, imprisonment can turn into a real nightmare, as happened in the prisons of Abu Ghraib and Camp Nam.

Iraqi war

In 2003, US President George W. Bush sent troops to Iraq, using Kuwait as a bridgehead. Iraq was accused of resuming the development of weapons of mass destruction and cooperation with Al-Qaeda (an organization banned in the Russian Federation). The Security Council did not authorize the invasion, but it happened anyway. Fading away and flaring up again, the war in Iraq lasted until 2011. The situation was aggravated by the internal religious conflict between Sunnis and Shiites, which grew into a real civil war... For eight years of the conflict, the Americans got it right: a full-scale guerrilla war was waged against them, roads were mined, snipers and suicide bombers were used.
During the war in Iraq, human rights were systematically violated by all parties to the conflict. The kidnapping, torture and murder of prisoners of war, including those recorded on videotape, outraged the international community. In particular, the atrocities of the American military against prisoners held in Iraqi prisons were made public.

Abu Ghraib Prison Nightmare

In April 2004, the American channel SVS showed a scandalous story about the torture of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison, which held Iraqis accused of committing crimes against the forces of the Western coalition. The prison, notorious as the center of Saddam Hussein's torture, has not changed its purpose since it has changed its owner. The photographs shown in the plot were published by the New Yorker magazine. The pictures caused a real shock. Servicemen Sabrina Harman, Charles Grenner and Lindy England posed in humiliating positions in front of beaten, tied, undressed prisoners. During further investigation it was revealed that the prisoners were raped, tortured with electric current, poisoned with dogs, and hung up with their hands tied. Lindy England showed that her superiors forced her to take such pictures, apparently in order to use them later as a tool of intimidation. At least one inmate, Manadel al Jamadi, died after being beaten.
Ivan "Chip" Frederick, one of the prison officers, later said that he "had questions when he saw some things, for example, that prisoners were left in the cell without clothes or in women's underpants, they were handcuffed to the cell door." ... “I started asking questions and the answer I got was:“ Military intelligence wants to do it this way, ”said Frederic.

System, not randomness

In accordance with Article 14 of the Geneva Convention, prisoners of war have the right to respect for their honor and dignity, and Article 13 states that they must be protected from acts of violence, intimidation, and insults. And America has signed this convention.

One could decide that the lawlessness going on in the Abu Ghraib prison is an isolated case, a consequence of the sadistic inclinations of individual guards and the connivance of their superiors. However, in 2006, Human Rights Watch, an international organization for the protection of human rights, published an additional investigation, from which it followed that torture and bullying were practiced in other prisons in Iraq. At Camp Nam, prisoners were stripped, deprived of sleep, cold-tortured and beaten. At the Tiger base, the prisoners were kept for more than a day without food and water, placed in extremely hot conditions, and beaten during interrogations. All of this was an established system of treatment of prisoners, a "standard operating procedure" and was encouraged by the command, the report said.

Excuses for the American military

In April 2004, the leadership of the US Armed Forces admitted that some of the methods of torture did not comply with the Third Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, and announced their readiness to publicly apologize. Naturally, it "did not know" about what was happening.

How it ended

Public outcry, protests from the International Red Cross and the efforts of independent lawyers forced a military tribunal to consider the cases of 11 American military personnel accused of physical, sexual and psychological abuse of prisoners. These people suffered various punishments, ranging from demotion to prison terms ranging from six months to eight years. Unfortunately, no tribunal would try a system that allows performers to do this sort of thing. It is easier to interrogate a person who has been broken by torture; torture can be used as a tool to intimidate and put pressure on residents of the occupied territories. This is probably why the American command encouraged arbitrariness in prisons and harshly suppressed attempts by staff to report violations.

أبو غريب) is a prison in the Iraqi city of the same name, located 32 km west of Baghdad. The infamous Abu Ghraib prison since the days of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was turned by the Americans after the invasion of Iraq into a detention center for Iraqis accused of committing crimes against Western coalition forces.

During the reign of Saddam Hussein

Run by coalition forces

Torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison

According to the testimony of a number of inmates, American soldiers raped them, rode on horseback, and forced them to catch food from prison toilets. In particular, the inmates said: “They made us walk on all fours like dogs and yapped. We had to bark like dogs, and if you didn't bark, then you were hit in the face without any pity. After that, they threw us in the cells, took away the mattresses, poured water on the floor and forced us to sleep in this slurry, without removing the hoods from our heads. And all of this was photographed all the time ”,“ One American said he would rape me. He drew a woman on my back and made me stand in a shameful position, hold my own scrotum in my hands. "