Dead Marilyn. The Life and Death of Marilyn Monroe. The Life and Death of Marilyn Monroe

The life and secrets of the death of famous people. Marilyn Monroe
"Famous people are divided into two categories: some humanity does not want to forget, others - can not."
(Vladislav Grzeszczyk)
History is full of secrets, and it cannot be perceived only by the dry articles of encyclopedias and textbooks. It is to this conclusion that everyone who comes into contact with its mysteries, found literally at every step, comes. And is it not thanks to solving such riddles that history becomes alive - like the people who created it, and did not only create it with their lives?

American sex symbol Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe (Monroe)- real name Norma Jean Baker Mortenson (Mortenson) - was born June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles.
Who was her father is not established, she bore the name of a Norwegian immigrant who died in an accident in 1929. Later, Marilyn denied that Mortenson was her father, and, filling out various kinds of official papers, in the column "Father's name" she wrote: "Unknown." And the mother of the actress, Gladys, spent almost all the years of her daughter's life in a psychiatric hospital. Suffered from mental illness and grandfather, and grandmother Marilyn on the maternal side.

For all the time of a not very joyful childhood, little Norma had about ten adoptive parents, and for two years she even lived in an orphanage. She did not have a father, and her mother, a strange and unbalanced woman, considered that she would not be able to raise her daughter on her own, and gave her at the age of two weeks to a foster family. Where the girl lived for 7 years, only occasionally visited by her mother. After 7 years, Gladys took her daughter back, but not for long. Soon she had a mental breakdown, during which she threw herself at someone with a knife, and she was sent to a psychiatric hospital. Norma spent the rest of her childhood in an orphanage and several foster families, where they tried to rape her twice when she was not yet 12: the first time by her stepfather, and the second time by her cousin. The consequence of this was, according to one version, frigidity and distrust of men.

About sex, she said: “Personally, sex and sexual problems do not concern me more than cleaning shoes,” “If I ever understand why people are so interested in sex, I’ll be very lucky.” Until the age of 19, Marilyn tried to commit suicide twice. Once she turned on the gas, the second time she swallowed sleeping pills. A difficult childhood largely determined tragic fate movie stars. The hardships and suffering she endured, combined with bad heredity, became the main causes of her mental imbalance.

Marilyn's first independent victory was getting rid of congenital stuttering. It escalated after the orphanage: the girl could not pronounce without hesitation and two words. She corrected her defect for three years. And for 16 years, without the help of speech therapists, she got rid of stuttering.

The first time Marilyn got married at the age of 16, in the 42nd year, after which she left school and settled with her husband, Jim Dougherty. It was more of a forced measure than a whim, as she was afraid to go back to the orphanage. The foster family was about to move, but they did not want to take her with them. Therefore, early marriage was immediately approved. A year after the wedding, Jim went to serve in the Navy, and Norma Jean went to work at an aircraft factory.

In the fall, a team of directors and photographers came to the plant to make a photo essay about the contribution of American women to the fight against Nazism. Photographer David Conover spotted Norma Jean and asked her to pose for a series of shots for $5 an hour. She agreed. Thus began her stellar career. Soon she left the factory and began working as a fashion model. Returning from the war, Jim did not like this and he gave Norma an ultimatum: either a career or a family. But she had ambitions, she wanted to act in films and at that time she found out that the producers prefer unmarried actresses. The fate of this marriage was sealed. She later said: "I always knew that I became famous not because of my talent or beauty, but only because I never completely belonged to anyone or anything."

Twenty-year-old Marilyn was not classically beautiful, and behind a radiant smile in the pictures for magazines, postcards and calendars, she hid the sadness that had settled in her since childhood, a bunch of complexes and a tendency to severe depression. Later, one of her close critics will write: "Not being loved at 25, or 35, or 45 is tolerable if you were loved at 5. To say that Marilyn was bypassed with tenderness in childhood is to say very little." Marilyn herself recalled: “No one ever called me daughter. Nobody ever hugged me. No one has ever kissed me...” and “When a little girl feels lost and alone, feels that no one needs her, she can’t forget it all her life.”
In August 1946, she received an offer to sign a contract at the 20th Century Fox film studio, where she was hired as an extra. At the studio, she was offered the names Carol Lind, Claire Norman, Marilyn Miller, but in the end settled on the name under which she later became famous - Marilyn Monroe. The surname Monroe belonged to her grandmother. "The Greatest Blonde of All Time" was born with brown hair. She became blonde around the same time that she changed her name to a pseudonym. It cannot be said that the career of the actress was cloudless. She had to actively make her way to the cinematic Olympus in various ways - to make contacts, often to start fleeting novels.

Suddenly, the film company terminated the contract with Marilyn, and she was again on the street. But she did not lose heart and continued to persistently engage in self-education and sports, earning a living by posing. She was paid $50 an hour for this job. At that time, photographing nude models was equated with pornography, and such an activity was considered illegal for film actresses. However, for Monroe, then barely making ends meet, that $50 was a lot of money.

When Marilyn was already twenty-two years old, luck smiled at her again, this time at the Columbia Pictures studio.

In the cheap picture "Chorus Girls" Marilyn had to sing, dance, talk. It was her first full-length film role. To achieve success, she had to work hard and learn a lot. During this period, Marilyn began a stormy and long romance with Fred Karger, who was in charge of the musical part of the film company and actually taught the new actress to sing. It was perhaps the largest true love in her life, the memories of which she kept until the end of her days. After parting with Fred, Marilyn not only found herself alone again, but also lost her job. But, fortunately, the black stripe did not last long.

Soon Marilyn again received an invitation to shoot from the XX Century Fox studio and signed a new contract with her. This time she got a small role in the western Asphalt Jungle. The real actress Marilyn helped to become Johnny Hyde, a specialist in "untwisting" the stars. Having become Marilyn's producer and lover, he took great care of her, so his unexpected death was a very hard blow for her. The future celebrity was left alone again. But her path to the Hollywood Olympus has already begun.

The main roles she played in the films "Monkey Tricks", "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", "How to Marry a Millionaire" captivated the audience. She became the most popular actress in the United States.
By the end of 1951, she was receiving 2-3 thousand letters from fans a week.

In the movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" she had a memorable number where she sings "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" in a pink dress. She worked on this role as if it were her last role in life.

In 1952, Marilyn secretly married a former literary critic, her longtime lover Bob Sletzer. To formalize the "secret" marriage, the future spouses left for Mexico. But as soon as they returned, the owner of the film studio found out about everything and demanded that the marriage be terminated immediately. Three days later, the boss's demand was met.
On June 26, 1953, Marilyn and Jane Russell wrote their names and left hand and footprints on the Avenue of Stars at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. During the week, all major newspapers wrote about this event.

In January 1954, Marilyn remarried, this time to famed baseball player Joe DiMaggio. This event coincided with another loss of work: Marilyn was fired for not appearing on the set. The marriage took place on January 14, 1954. On their honeymoon, the newlyweds went to Japan, where DiMaggio had business interests. Unfortunately, the couple almost immediately began to quarrel. Joe was very jealous and often dissolved his hands, so after nine months their marriage broke up.

In March 1954, Monroe received the Best Actress of 1953 award for her roles in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire.
On January 7, 1955, Marilyn announced the creation of her own corporation, Marilyn Monroe Productions, in which she was president and majority owner. Milton Green attracts dozens of journalists and potential investors to Frank Delaney's home for MARILYN MONROE PRODUCTION (MMP). Marilyn appeared all in white, announced her new company. "I'm tired of playing sex bombs, I want to play other roles. I'm an actress, not a machine."
Back in 1950, Marilyn met playwright Arthur Miller, but then they broke up and met again in 1955. By that time he was divorced, and from a previous marriage he had two children. In the summer of 1956 they got married. This marriage was the longest, but not the happiest: they lived together for four and a half years and divorced on January 20, 1961. Later it became known that Arthur, a few weeks after the wedding, made an entry in his diary where he said: “It seems to me that she Small child, I hate her!". Marilyn saw this recording and was shocked, after which there was a quarrel. In her opinion, expressed later, Arthur "was a good writer, but not a very good husband."

Marilyn always wanted to have children, both with Joe and Arthur she tried to have a child, but she did not succeed - health problems, a number of abortions (13 according to unconfirmed reports) and excessive addiction to drugs and alcohol affected. From Arthur, she became pregnant during the filming of the film "Some Like It Hot" ("Only Girls in Jazz"), but the pregnancy turned out to be ectopic and ended in a miscarriage. From such a shock, Marilyn falls into a long depression, drinks a lot and continues to take medication randomly. in a coma.

In the first months of 1958, she began to drink even more, gaining 9 kg. Marilyn began to wear baggy dresses in which she did not look very good. In the spring, she decided to return to Hollywood. It was then that Billy Wilder sent her a draft of the script for "Only Girls in Jazz", where she plays one of the main roles. Shooting began on July 8, Marilyn was very tiring to work on the film. But the film was a huge success, and her performance was noted as excellent.

On May 13, 1959, Marilyn receives an award - a statue of David Donatello (Italian "Oscar") for her role in the film "The Prince and the Dancer". Fox Studios appoints the actress to be the ambassador of American culture.
On September 19, representatives of the film industry held a reception in honor of Nikita Khrushchev, who traveled all over America. Marilyn was asked to get up from the table and greet him. She later said proudly, "He looked at me the way a man looks at a woman, he just looked."
In 1961, Marilyn's health deteriorated and it was no longer a secret to the public that she was using drugs. After a lot of negative reviews from critics and viewers about the last two films with her participation, as well as due to her divorce from Miller, she suffers a nervous breakdown and is placed in the Payne-Whiteney psychiatric clinic, where she is forcibly kept for some time in a cramped room, due to causing her to actually develop claustrophobia. These kinds of problems are her birth curse. Her mother and grandmother are also different time were in psychiatric institutions.

On May 19, 1961, at Madison Square, Marilyn sang "Happy Birthday Mr. President" to John F. Kennedy, whom she met before his presidency, in the 51st year. There were rumors of their romance, as well as an affair with his brother Robert Kennedy. But there is no significant evidence for this famous photo, where Kennedy hugs Monroe, is known to be a two-actor fake).

1962, Monroe had another drug overdose. Joe DiMaggio came to her rescue again. They decided to remarry and set the date for August 8, 1962.
On June 1, Marilyn celebrated her 36th birthday.

In late June-early July, the actress starred in two photo shoots: for Vogue magazine. She looked amazing at 36.

On Wednesday, August 1, the actress received a call from Evelyn Moriati, a friend and understudy of Marilyn, she said that the shooting of the film "Something has to happen" will begin in October, that her salary will increase by 2.5 times. Evelyn recalled: "Marilyn was in good mood. We talked about the script, everything." Marilyn had the prospect of filming in The Jean Harlow Story, her future was painted with bright colors.

The actress decides to fire her housekeeper, who considered it normal to get into other people's affairs (for example, she read Marilyn's mail). On Saturday, August 4, Eunice was supposed to last time appear at the actress's house. Marilyn's press secretary, Pat Newcomb, recalls how the actress said several times that she was going to leave her therapist. On Thursday, Marilyn invited friends over for champagne and caviar. She was happy, full of optimism, humor and health. She woke up rested the next day, perhaps because she hadn't taken sleeping pills. She nevertheless met with her psychotherapist, Greenson prescribed her a new sleeping pill - Nembutal. The rest of the day she was engaged in matters of marriage and work. Eunice said that Marilyn was happy during this time.

Pictured left: Eunice Murray (Marilyn's housekeeper).

Last day in Monroe's life

Early on the morning of August 4, around 8 am, Eunice Murray (Marilyn's housekeeper) came to take care of the flowers. At about 10:00 a photographer drove up to the house, who took pictures of Monroe, it was necessary to discuss the publication of these photos in magazines. "Marilyn seemed to have no worries," he later recalled. After meeting with the photographer, Marilyn called friends, made an appointment with a massage therapist for Sunday.

From 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm (with a break from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm), Marilyn was at home with her therapist, Dr. Ralph Greenson. Around 2:00 pm, Joe DiMaggio's son called (at that time he was 20 years old, he served in the Navy).
Marilyn later asked Eunice to take her to the home of Peter Lawford (one of President Kennedy's relatives). Then she went to the beach. On the beach, it was noticeable that the actress was under the influence of drugs, she could hardly keep her balance.

At 4:30 pm, Marilyn and Eunice returned home.
Around 17:00, Peter Lawford called, invited the actress to his place. He was planning a party, but Marilyn refused. At this time, Greenson was waiting for a call from Hyman Engelberg, who was supposed to come to inject Marilyn with sleeping pills, as was often the case.
At 7:15 p.m., he left, leaving Marilyn with Eunice. Joe's son called again, he recalled that Marilyn was happy, you could hear from her voice that she was pleased with something.

At 7:45 pm, Peter Lawford called, hoping that Marilyn would accept his invitation. He knew from her voice that she was unhappy, she was muttering something in a hoarse voice. He tried to make out what she was saying, what was happening to her. She took a breath and said, "Say goodbye to Pat, say goodbye to the president, you're a good guy." And she hung up.

Peter tried to call back, but it was busy. He wanted to go to the actress's house, but he was told: “Don't do it! You are a confidant of the president. If you go, you will see her drunk, and tomorrow morning you will be in all the newspapers with a scandalous headline. He asked a friend to call Eunice to check on Marilyn. She called back, said Marilyn was doing well. In fact, she did not go to the actress's house.

When Peter heard that Marilyn was all right, he did not calm down. He called Joe Naar, who lived near Monroe's house. Peter asked him to go to the actress's house. Around 11:00 pm, Joe got dressed and was about to go, but the bell stopped him. Peter's friend called and told him not to go anywhere, that everything was fine with Marilyn, he had already called her housekeeper.
At 5:00, Marilyn's agent Pat Ncomb called: “There has been a tragedy. Marilyn took a large dose of medication." "Is she all right?" asked Pat. "No, she's dead."

Marilyn Monroe died on the night of August 5, 1962 in Brentwood, California at the age of 36 from a lethal dose of sleeping pills. There are five versions of the cause of her death: a murder committed by the secret services on the orders of the Kennedy brothers in order to avoid publicity of their sexual relations; murder committed by the mafia; drug overdose; suicide; the tragic mistake of psychoanalyst actress Ralph Greenson, who ordered the patient to take chloral hydrate shortly after she took Nembutal. What was the true reason is still unknown.

There is a hypothesis that in her famous leather-bound diary, Marilyn documented the details of her intimate relationships with the Kennedy brothers and other lovers, in particular, wrote down what they said in bed. Thus, the diary was a serious compromising evidence. According to an eyewitness, Monroe's stylist, who accompanied her on trips, on the day of her death, the actress visited the house of Frank Sinatra, with whom she also had a short-term affair. There, she met a mafioso who collaborated with the CIA - Sam Giancana. He urged Monroe to hand over the diary. But she did not agree, and she was eliminated for fear of blackmail or publicity. And the diary disappeared from her house without a trace.

By official version, death was due to taking an excessive dose of drugs. But such a conclusion does not explain many of the contradictions and inconsistencies revealed during further investigation into the circumstances of the death of the actress.
There is also the truth of the version that Marilyn died of a drug overdose or committed suicide. But here is a photograph of the actress, taken a few hours before her death. It looks like she's not going to die...
The corpse of Monroe is taken out of her house.... The problem is that each of the versions can be proven to one degree or another, but finally and irrevocably - none.

I don’t want to end on such a sad note ... For us, Marilyn Monroe will remain so ....

On the night of August 4-5, 1962, America was shocked by sensational and at the same time tragic news: the most magnificent woman and actress in the country was found dead in her mansion. But what really happened? Everyone asked this question in those days. It was officially announced that what had happened was an unintentional suicide as a result of improper use of anti-anxiety drugs prescribed by a doctor. However, a week later, articles began to appear in the press, the authors of which tried to talk about different versions of the death of the blond star.


The first and official version of Monroe's death is drugs. It is known that Marilyn was subject to the deepest depressions. She visited a psychoanalyst every day, who recommended that she take strong sleeping pills and antidepressants. However, dependence on medicines developed in her youth - about 18 years. She constantly experimented with them, as if playing with death. In the morning - stimulants, at night - sleeping pills, and in huge doses and often along with your favorite champagne. The medication was chaotic and was, in fact, a drug addiction. One of the many lovers of the star - famous actor Ted Jordan - recalled that she considered the pills "her own best friends and could not sleep or work without them.

The blond goddess was terrified of repeating the fate of her mother and grandmother, who ended their lives in a "psychiatric hospital". In 1958, a psychiatrist found signs of schizophrenia in Marilyn. In this regard, she was forced to undergo a more serious examination in a psychiatric clinic, and spend some time there. Sometimes she "disconnected" from life, was late for shooting for ... a whole week, each time she forgot the text of the role. And, of course, she could make a mistake in taking the medicine, "overshooting" the dose by accident.


The second version is suicide. Many people of art, vulnerable and unbalanced, tried more than once to "make it". Marilyn was no exception, who tried to commit suicide in her younger years. Once, being just a girl, she deliberately turned on the gas, another time she swallowed sleeping pills. Another suicide attempt was made after the death of Johnny Hyde, one of the first lovers and producers of the star. There is evidence that Marilyn repeatedly brought herself to the brink of life and death, but each time she was saved.


Mafia-ordered murder is another version of Monroe's death. The day before her death, Marilyn dated one of her famous ex-lovers, Frank Sinatra. This is evidenced by the records of the CIA, under whose vigilant supervision was Monroe's villa. By that time Sinatra was right hand the leader of the American mafia - Sam Giancana, which gave rise to rumors about the possible involvement of organized crime in the death of a movie star.

Assassination ordered by Kennedy

Many also believe that the assassination was commissioned by Kennedy. Frank Capell, writer, in 1964 said that Robert Kennedy was to blame for the death of the actress. James Haspiel even said that he heard wiretapping tapes that proved that Robert Kennedy strangled Marilyn with a pillow.

The relationship between US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe was the apogee in the unfortunate fate of the actress. It seemed that they were made for each other - the first beauty and the first man of the country. But the publicity of this stormy romance could irreversibly destroy his political career. The lovers broke up in May 1962, but Monroe did not want to put up with the break. Having plunged into despair, drowning out the pain with drugs, she wrote pathetic letters to John, annoyed him with phone calls and threatened with exposure in the press. The main trump card was the diary, where Marilyn wrote down everything about their meetings and conversations.

Robert Kennedy, the president's younger brother and part-time Attorney General, was delegated by the family to console his abandoned mistress, but he himself fell into her arms. This relationship developed rapidly. The actress claimed that she loved Robert and that he promised to marry her. Robert tried to quit the game to stop Monroe from self-destructing, but it was too late. The unspoken version, according to which John and Robert Kennedy were the main culprits in the death of the actress, appeared almost immediately after the news of this sad event. However, strong arguments in its favor surfaced only in 1986 from the archives of the FBI and the CIA.

A large number of testimonies indicate that on August 4, R. Kennedy flew to Los Angeles for a final showdown with Monroe, in whose house a terrible scene played out. An eyewitness to this scene said the following: Marilyn promised to call a press conference and tell the whole world how the Kennedy brothers treated her. Robert was angry and demanded to leave him and John alone. The quarrel ended in Monroe's hysterical fit, and the next morning she was found dead.

Psychoanalyst's mistake

Ralph Greenson, Monroe's personal psychoanalyst, became very close person for an actress. He was convinced that for the treatment of Marilyn, drugs should be widely used, while at the same time correcting the emotional sphere of the patient.

One of the most prominent biographers of the star, Donald Spoto, wrote in his book "Marilyn Monroe": "His technique was disastrous for the patient. Instead of stimulating the patient to gain independence, he did just the opposite - and as a result completely subordinated actions to his will and Monroe's wishes ... he was sure that he could make her do whatever he wanted."

He forbade her to meet with her ex-husband, Joe DiMaggio, limited communication with friends who cared about the actress. Spoto cites evidence that Ralph Greenson in 1962 spread false rumors that Monroe had schizophrenia, and even beat him. The proof of the latter fact is the conclusion of the therapist a few months before Marilyn's death about a broken nose and bruises under the eyes.

At the end of July Hollywood star already clearly saw that Greenson was alienating her from her friends. "By the end of July 1962, Marilyn realized that if she wanted to have any kind of personal life, she needed to break up with Greenson," Spoto writes.

But on August 4, 1962, the six hours spent with the psychoanalyst were the last in her life.

Marilyn Monroe is a sex symbol of the 50s of the XX century, an actress, singer and model with a luxurious feminine figure. Her sweetness, naive childish look, wide snow-white smile, combined with innate charm and sexuality, attracted the attention of filmmakers and photographers from all over the world.

Monroe was loved by men, she was envied by women. The mysterious popularity and mystical death of Marilyn, even after half a century, haunt admirers of her appearance and talent.

Biography of Marilyn Monroe

Norma Jean Mortenson (real name) was born in the City of Angels - Los Angeles, USA, on June 1, 1926. The difficult childhood of the movie star, the eternal wandering around foster families and orphanages, to some extent left an imprint on the character and fate of the actress. She was the third child in an incomplete family, did not know her real father, and early lost her mother's love and care. Due to health problems, lack of time and money, Norma's mother was forced to give the girl to be raised by guardians. All childhood and adolescence, the future celebrity wandered around other people's families where, according to the actress, they even tried to rape her several times.

Everything changed when Norma was 17 years old. She accidentally met a successful photographer at the Padioplane factory, where she worked at the time. David Conover came to the site to take a number of propaganda photographs. He was attracted by the pretty appearance of a young girl.

It was this meeting that became fateful for the future film star. Norma left her job at the factory and went to conquer the modeling business, posing for little-known photographers. One of them advised the girl to change her image and take a harmonious pseudonym. This is how the platinum blonde Marilyn Monroe appeared.

Male actresses

The blonde attracted men to her like a magnet. They were drawn to her, and she was not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. Some associate the way Marilyn Monroe died with problems in his personal life, intimate relationships with influential men. The actress was married to baseball player Joe DiMaggio, playwright Arthur Miller, met with the Kennedy brothers.


Marilyn Monroe is the owner of an incredibly feminine, attractive figure. High lush chest, thin waist, rounded hips, slender legs attracted attention and were valued in the modeling business and the film industry. The pretty appearance and ideal parameters of Marilyn Monroe served her well. The blonde got almost all her roles thanks to her sexuality, good looks and inimitable naivety in her eyes.

The parameters of Marilyn Monroe with a height of 166 cm (95x57.5x90), photogenic, harmonious figure were useful to her in the cinema. In all films, except for the latest works, she appears as a stupid blonde, whose main goal is to get married successfully. Marilyn owes her beauty not only to nature, but also to plastic surgery. The actress changed the shape of her nose and chin, worked on her smile, figure, enlarged her breasts, and radically changed her image. We can say that the image of Monroe, as everyone knows him, was made by Hollywood, pursuing certain goals.

Mysticism, coincidence or a well-thought-out plan - but the life, fame and death of the actress are shrouded in eternal mystery. The most striking style icon of the 20th century passed away at a young age.

Many articles and books have been written about how Marilyn Monroe died, her life and roles.

  • Marilyn loved to read. Her home library had over four hundred books.
  • The actress all her life considered herself physically restrained and thought that something was wrong with her.
  • Monroe was afraid of her carefree role in the cinema, so she spent almost all her free time in acting studios.
  • Despite the attention from the outside, the actress always felt lonely.
  • For the sake of Arthur Miller, her third husband, Monroe converted to Judaism.
  • Marilyn Monroe's birthday is 06/1/1926, the date of her death is 08/05/1962.
  • The actress could drink only orange juice all day, but still did not suffer from thinness.

Last film role

The actress starred in twenty-eight films. Many of them brought fame to Marilyn Monroe. The last role in the film, whose title is mysteriously connected with the tragic events ("Something must happen"), remained unfinished. The finished picture was only the drama "The Misfits" (1961), where the actress appears in a completely different role.

Marilyn throughout her career dreamed of getting rid of the image of a frivolous blonde and was worried that she was not given serious dramatic roles. The premature death of Marilyn Monroe did not allow her main acting dream to come true.

Mystery of death: versions

To this day, many are interested in the question of how Marilyn Monroe died. Mystical coincidences in the life of the actress, failed marriages, aborted pregnancy, unplayed roles influenced the tragic ending of the star to one degree or another.

According to the main version of the investigation, on August 5, 1962, the actress exceeded the dose of sleeping pills and antidepressants prescribed by her doctor. 36-year-old Marilyn, being in a state of depression and nervous exhaustion, may have unintentionally taken medication and lost consciousness. The actress was found in the morning. She was lying face down in her bed with a telephone receiver in her hand and without signs of life. Forensic experts found hematomas on one leg. Next to the bed were empty vials of various drugs and a package of sleeping pills. No suicide note was found.

The death of Marilyn Monroe interested the public. Some claimed it was murder. One of the former CIA employees said that Monroe was "ordered", but this information found no confirmation. The connection between Marilyn Monroe and Kennedy, the President of the United States, creates another version. Allegedly, Marilyn wanted to become the first lady and blackmailed Kennedy. After her death, eavesdropping microphones were found in her house.

In addition, the actress entered into an intimate relationship not only with John F. Kennedy, but also with his brother Robert. Later, journalists put forward another version of Monroe's death. The authors claim that Robert Kennedy and Peter Lawford visited the actress on the evening of her death. They quarreled, and Marilyn promised at the upcoming press conference to tell Interesting Facts about the Kennedy family and make public classified information of a political nature.

According to journalists and according to the confession of retired CIA officer Norman Hodges, Monroe was killed. She was injected with a giant dose of barbiturates. Also, the attending physician was accused of the death of the actress, who prescribed Nembutal in large quantities to her.


After Marilyn Monroe died, this news swept America like a giant wave. The main version of death was made public - suicide. The details of the tragic death, or rather an overdose of sleeping pills, led to hundreds of deaths of ordinary Americans, who of their own free will, following their idol, ended their lives in a similar way.

//-- Tragic denouement --//

Further events developed rapidly.

Marilyn invited Greenson and talked with him for more than two hours. After the doctor left, Lawford called her and invited her to the party. Marilyn refused, citing poor health. But Peter sensed something unsettling in her voice, and after a while he called again. Nobody answered him. He kept calling again and again, but the phone was stubbornly silent.

Night had already fallen when Lawford, seriously alarmed, called Marilyn's lawyer Mickey Rudin and her companion Eunice Murray. But they considered Peter's fears unfounded and assured him that the actress was all right. However, after midnight, that is, already on August 5, Eunice nevertheless looked into Marilyn's bedroom and found her unconscious.

An ambulance, a psychiatrist and a press officer were immediately called. The psychiatrist Greenson appeared first and immediately began to perform artificial respiration on Marilyn. Soon she began to recover and show signs of life. At this time, the ambulance arrived. The doctor listened to Greenson's story and gave Marilyn some kind of injection. Literally a minute after that, Marilyn Monroe died.

//-- Suspicion of murder --//
According to the official version, death was due to taking an excessive dose of drugs. But such a conclusion does not explain many of the contradictions and inconsistencies revealed during further investigation into the circumstances of the death of the actress.

So, press attaches A. Hall and M. Leib, summoned to the Monroe mansion, claimed that at the time of their arrival, the actress was lying in bed in the guest room, and not in her bedroom.

Further, the results of the examination showed that a few hours before her death, Marilyn did not drink a single gram of alcohol. But they confirmed the presence in her body of sleeping pills (Nembutal), as well as a tranquilizer (chloral hydrate), the content of which exceeded the normal therapeutic dose, respectively, ten and twenty times.

And one of Marilyn Monroe's closest friends, her former lover and husband Robert Sletzer, claimed that just on the day of her death, she scheduled the same press conference that she had recently frightened the Kennedy brothers, as well as a meeting with her lawyer.

Marilyn believed that both Kennedy brothers treated her cruelly, and, apparently, she was seriously going to tell the press about her love affairs with both the current US president and his minister brother.

During the investigation, Peter Lawford admitted that he arranged the reception on August 4 at the insistence of Robert Kennedy, but Marilyn did not accept the invitation, and Robert did not come either. The investigation also established that shortly before her death, she had another abortion. The father of the unborn child was believed to be Robert Kennedy.

There is also information that it was at the request of Robert Kennedy that the FBI installed "bugs" in Marilyn's house - listening devices to control the hysterical and unpredictable actress, and that a promise was taken from her not to seek meetings with any of the Kennedy brothers and not to advertise the nature of their relationship with them. And May Brussell, a Californian political commentator who died in the late 90s, shortly before his death became aware that one of Marilyn's meetings with Robert Kennedy in their love nest was secretly filmed with all the intimate details.

However, Marilyn failed to keep her promise and, according to her acquaintances, repeatedly made unsuccessful attempts to meet with Robert. Once in this position, Marilyn, with her unstable and vulnerable psyche, could decide on any, the most desperate step and literally destroy both of her former high-ranking lovers. In addition, she did not know how to keep her mouth shut and, among friends, willingly shared her opinion about her relationship with the Kennedy brothers. Until the very last moment, Marilyn seriously hoped to marry one of them. Perhaps that is why she was helped to die.

Many eyewitnesses of those events are sure that the extravagant and talkative movie star was simply gagged in this way. It is possible that the CIA did this, and without the knowledge of the President and the Minister of Justice, since Marilyn's behavior in the last days of her life began to pose a threat even to the security of the country. Her sympathies for the left and the communists, as well as the alleged connection, through Frank Sinatra, with the criminal world also played a role in this.

There is also a version that it was Robert Kennedy who ordered the liquidation of an intriguer who was pretty tired of him, losing his mind on the basis of alcohol and drugs. In addition, it remained unknown where he was on the night of the death of the actress. According to some reports, the minister was at Peter Lawford's villa, located just four blocks from Marilyn's house, and, therefore, he could well visit her on that ill-fated day. Moreover, the investigation had reason to believe that Robert Kennedy could even be in Marilyn's house at the time of her death or immediately after it.

It can also be assumed that Marilyn Monroe was killed "by verdict" of the mafia, which in this way intended to compromise their enemies - the Kennedy clan: sooner or later, the imitation of the movie star's suicide would have been revealed and became widely discussed in the press - just like Marilyn's relationship with John and Robert Kennedy. (In terms of relationships, that's exactly what happened.)

There is still a lot of conflicting information about the "bugs" in the movie star's house. It is assumed that DiMaggio laid the foundation for electronic listening, her ex-husband. But later it turned out that both the mafia and the CIA had some records of conversations during Monroe's meetings with the Kennedy brothers.

"Goddess of love", "sex bomb", "Hollywood star", "the most beautiful woman in the world" remained in the memory of millions of people. Just a year and a half after her death, John F. Kennedy also died at the hands of assassins, and five years later, in the same way, his brother Robert, the last of this “sweet trinity,” died.

//-- Maybe Marilyn is alive? --//

The early death of world-famous people always causes the emergence of various versions of their possible "miraculous" salvation. Of course, there are similar versions in relation to Marilyn Monroe.

Here is one of them.

In April 2001, a correspondent for the American weekly Weekly World News met in a secluded villa on the French Riviera with a former CIA officer who had left the service to become a private detective. This man, who asked to be called Mr. B, told the journalist the sensational news. According to him, he managed to find the number one former movie star who had hidden from human eyes.

“Marilyn Monroe was my idol,” said Mr. B. “As a teenager, I literally idolized her, and the news of her death due to a drug overdose shocked me. And at the same time, my heart told me that there was something terribly false in the version of her death given to the general public.

Having become an adult and having worked for several years in the CIA, Mr. B began alone, at his own peril and risk, to find out the true causes and circumstances of the death of his beloved actress. In the course of this secret investigation, facts and circumstantial evidence began to accumulate in him that Marilyn was alive.

Mr. B, he said, was able to establish that a heavily undercover team of "conflict resolution" specialists, the so-called "Group A", in the service of the government, was tasked with physically eliminating the actress. However, at the last moment, Robert Kennedy imposed a ban on this operation.

He expected to take the chair of the President of the United States in the future, and his closest friends feared that if, during the investigation of the murder of Marilyn, their love affair somehow became known, then for Robert Kennedy, who was reputed to be a faithful husband and a respectable family man, this would mean collapse. political career. Therefore, it was decided to stage Marilyn's suicide.

This dramatization took place on August 5, 1962 in Los Angeles. A chronically ill cameo actress was drugged to death and then transported to Marilyn's apartment. After that, it was not difficult to announce that the great movie star died from an overdose of sleeping pills, since Marilyn's longtime addiction to such drugs was widely known.

Meanwhile, Marilyn, “pumped up” with sedatives, was kidnapped and secretly transported to Switzerland, where she was placed in a private, strictly guarded neuropsychiatric sanatorium in the south-west of the country, on the shores of Lake Neuchâtel, not far from the border with France. There she was isolated from all communication with the outside world.

“Bobby and his associates intended to release Marilyn from this imprisonment over time, they even developed a legend explaining her miraculous resurrection,” says Mr. B, “But all these plans collapsed when on June 6, 1968 he was mortally wounded by the terrorist Sirhan Sirhan in Los The Ambassador Hotel in Angeles.

By that time, Marilyn had been in the sanatorium for almost six years. Allegedly, there is reliable information that Robert Kennedy met with her there at least twice, but Mr. B could not find a single witness to these meetings.

The former CIA agent believes that in life Marilyn was distinguished by excessive gullibility, even naivety, therefore, when she came to her senses in Switzerland and learned about the fate prepared for her, she did not rebel and did not protest, even despite the fact that she was afraid of all kinds of psychiatric treatment establishments.

After the death of Robert Kennedy, there was no one left who could help Marilyn regain her freedom, and it seemed that she was destined to grow old and die in this isolated sanatorium. But there, another man appeared in Marilyn's life - a full-time gynecologist at the clinic at the sanatorium, Dr. Laube, a widower, father of three sons. He fell in love with an actress who retained her sex appeal, courted her for a long time and beautifully, and she eventually agreed to become his wife. After the wedding, the couple moved to Austria, but then returned to Switzerland. Dr. Laube died in the late 70s, and Marilyn was left a well-to-do widow with three adopted teenage sons in her arms.

And now 74-year-old Norma Jean Baker Mortenson, who was once a world sex symbol and known to everyone under the name of Marilyn Monroe, leads a quiet life in a cozy village house on the shores of a picturesque lake, not far from the place where her grown adults live. three receptionsmany sons with their children - her grandchildren.

Marilyn Monroe was murdered. There's no doubt in my mind. The display of vials of barbiturates and stimulants is just a distraction and an emphasis on her addiction to drugs. It's just convenient to blame everything on them. In the evening of 08/04/1962. three people came to see her - her doctor Greenberg, actor and friend Wolford and Robert Kennedy. The housekeeper of the house and her brother, who were there at the time, saw. At first they were silent out of fear. But before her death, the housekeeper nevertheless told how it was and who was. They were ordered to get out. There were wiretapping bugs in the room where everything was happening. The mafia took care to put them in order to extract compromising evidence on the love affairs of Marilyn and D. Kennedy. These bugs recorded voices and screams when she was beaten in the face and demanded a certain diary, which she Vela. Then someone said WHAT SHOULD WE DO WITH HER NOW? This meant that she was already unconscious. And most likely she was strangled with a pillow. From the guest room she was taken to the bedroom. Everything was removed from her and laid flat and face down. As the first policeman who arrived, who had seen a lot of poisoned by an overdose, was immediately surprised, it could not be so. It immediately became clear to him that the body had been transferred from somewhere. In those who have been poisoned, the body trembles in convulsions and convulsions. And here it is even and ostentatious. No traces of capsules were found in the small intestine. And the stay in the blood and liver was 14 mg / liter. This is 40 to 42 capsules should have been taken at once. And the crystals of the latter would still not be dissolved in the stomach. But they were not! Then the acts of examinations were altered to suit the version of self-poisoning. Samples disappeared mysteriously. But the dissenting experts guessed that a lethally saturated solution of barbiturates and chloral hydrates was administered to her by means of an enema when she was disabled by Greenberg's injection. They noticed traces and trauma in the large intestine. The brother of the housekeeper, Yunni, showed that there were two more with the indicated trinity, but he absolutely did not know them. something to the grave and showed that at that time he was performing very delicate tasks to eliminate people dangerous to America. He had 37 eliminated on his account. And only one of them was a blonde woman. then it was his turn to do the job. He injected a deadly dose…. And that’s all… Everyone who knew was silent on pain of death. Some fell silent immediately or not immediately forever. And before his death in 1986. Yunni, apparently also having a hard time going through all this and feeling her involvement, told reporters. You can say she repented before her death. In general, the investigation was one-sided from the very beginning. What they wanted, they saw; what they did not want, they did not take into account. This is the real MURDER! She was buried on August 08, 1962. at the Westwood Village Memorial in the crypt. And ironically, it was on this day that she was to have a second wedding with her ex-second husband Joe DiMaggio ... He was faithful to her until his death and brought her red roses once a week, as he once promised at the wedding ....