Sunny people syndrome. Sunny children why they are called that. Increasing the age of women in labor

Often people use the term "Down's disease", often saying that this disease is incurable. Others believe that there is Down's syndrome, and there is Down's disease, and the condition of the child and the chances of a cure depend on this. But it is worth noting that such statements are incorrect and absurd. In fact, Down syndrome is not a disease. The term "syndrome" means a certain set of features or signs. For the first time, such features were described in 1866 by John Langdon Dun, which is why the syndrome has such a name. And only after many years, scientists understood the cause of the syndrome - it is an extra chromosome in the human genetic code. Normally, the body contains 46 chromosomes. In children with this syndrome, there are 47 of them - the 21st pair contains one more additional one. Therefore, the diagnosis is ascertained by the doctor with the help of a blood test.

What are the reasons?

Until now, there are no reliable facts about the reasons for the appearance of another chromosome. Such children are born in equal numbers in well-developed countries, and in poor ones, in the families of scientists and in the families of the unemployed. In fact, there is no one's fault in the appearance of a child with Down syndrome. As well as guilt that a person was born this way - even more so. Such a child is the same as the other, he just has one more chromosome, one "small" chromosome. However, because of such a small difference, people usually place a large margin between children with Down syndrome and normal children.

Features of the children of the Sun

Unfortunately, this extra chromosome provokes a number of physiological features, in connection with which a child with Down syndrome develops more slowly than his peers. It was previously believed that children diagnosed with Down syndrome were too mentally retarded and not amenable to learning. but modern science after a series of studies claims that all children are different and Down syndrome has varying degrees of severity. Most kids can easily learn to speak, write, read, walk, and do a lot of the things normal kids do. The development of such children is promoted by the atmosphere of kindness and love in the house, and the corresponding special programs.

Children of the Sun and society

Parents and all relatives should treat children with Down syndrome with love and patience, engage in an early intervention program with the child, provide proper medical care, and then you can hope for positive improvements. Society should experience tolerance towards such people, however, often the children of the Sun face either ridicule, or indifference, or pity (only the weak are spared, better help or do not interfere with such a child!). Therefore, if your child is normal, instill in him the quality of tolerance from childhood towards those people who differ from us by only one chromosome.

“I love dogs,” “I love my job at McDonald’s,” “I love going to the movies with my friend Kitty,” “I’m a Chelsea fan,” “I like James Bond”… ordinary judgments of ordinary people, not much different from you and me - with only one difference: all these people, captured in a special photo album by photographer R. Bailey, were born with one extra chromosome.

The nuclei of human cells contain 46 chromosomes - 23 pairs. Sometimes in the process of meiosis - a special division leading to the formation of germ cells - one of the pairs does not separate, resulting in an egg or sperm cell with not 23, but with 24 chromosomes, and when it meets with a cell of the opposite sex, a zygote will be obtained not with 46, but with 47 chromosomes. Why is this happening? So far there is no answer. But definitely not because people drink, smoke, take drugs, or are in a zone of radioactive contamination - such an anomaly occurs in about one embryo in 700 (children who are allowed to be born are slightly less - one in 1000). The only pattern that has been noticed so far is that women over 35 are slightly more likely, but no one guarantees that this will not happen to a younger mother.

An extra chromosome causes a number of changes in the structure and functioning of the body. Some of them are visible to the “naked eye”: a flat face, a flat nape, an arched palate and reduced muscle tone, as a result of which the mouth may be ajar, a shortened skull, an additional skin fold in the palm, a short nose. One of the most noticeable signs is a skin fold at the inner corner of the eye, which somewhat resembles the shape of the eyes of the representatives of the Mongoloid race. Because of this symptom, the English physician J.L. Down, who described this syndrome in 1862, called it "Mongolism." This term - and also "Mongolian idiocy" - was used until 1972, when, after many years of struggle, it was finally recognized that pathology could not be identified with racial characteristics, and the modern name, Down syndrome, was established.

This chromosomal anomaly is not limited to external signs - heart defects, strabismus, leukemia, hormonal disorders often go hand in hand with it, therefore, regular medical examinations by the relevant specialists are mandatory. The immune system is quite weak, so a person can get sick infectious diseases more often and harder. Once upon a time, for these reasons, people with Down syndrome did not live long - but modern medicine allows them to live to at least 50 years. Unlike Down syndrome itself, all of this is quite treatable. Sometimes Down's syndrome is accompanied by hearing impairment - in this case, the help of an audiologist is needed.

What scares parents the most is developmental delay. Such children begin to hold their heads only by the age of three months, sit down - by the age of one, walk - not earlier than two years. Such people lag behind both in mental development and in speech (the latter is explained not only by a delay in mental development, but also with a special structure of the oral cavity, and reduced muscle tone - so classes with a speech therapist are required).

As for the mental retardation of people with Down syndrome, it is greatly exaggerated. Its severe degree is observed only in a few, and in most cases we are talking about a moderate or mild degree of intellectual decline. Of course, in this case, too, a severe form with a complete inability to adapt to independent living among people can be “organized” - for this it is necessary to separate the newborn from his parents and place him in a special closed institution ... which they have been doing for many years, thereby supporting the myth of the absolute lack of learning of children with Down syndrome and their inability to social adaptation.

Meanwhile, if such a child stays with his parents, if he is treated according to special methods, then his development can go relatively successfully. Of course, he will not graduate from universities (although such examples are known), but it is possible to develop self-service skills and life in society, as well as such people are quite capable of mastering some professions.

People with Down syndrome are often called "sunny children", attributing to them an increased smile and a constant stay in good mood. This is not so - of course, mood swings are inherent in them in the same way as in all people, but some specific traits they have character: they are obedient, patient. What is absolutely not characteristic of them is aggressiveness.

What is the position of such people in society?

A. Hitler included people suffering from "Mongolism" in his eugenics program T-4, also known as "Action - death out of pity." Many modern doctors are in full solidarity with the Führer in his struggle for the purity of the human race: as soon as a survey of a pregnant woman reveals Down's syndrome or such a diagnosis is made to an already born child, then a massive psychological attack on parents immediately begins - “Have an abortion / write a refusal, you are still young give birth to another child - healthy, why do you need a disabled person, ”etc. Often, “kind” relatives and acquaintances are connected to the “processing” (a woman can also be intimidated by the fact that her husband will definitely leave her with such a child). It is not yet proposed to kill already born children - but there are already "progressives" who are pushing the idea of ​​the so-called. "postnatal abortion"... Not all parents can withstand such psychological pressure - many go for an abortion or abandon their children. As a result, children end up in orphanages where they do not receive proper development, thereby supporting the myth of the complete lack of education and social inability of people with Down syndrome, which scares new parents ... such a vicious circle!

People who have visited Western countries notice that there both children and adults with Down syndrome can be found in stores, on the streets, and anywhere, while we seem to not have them - not because in the West such people are more often born, but because they are not isolated from society there. Not every Western experience is worthy of imitation, but this is precisely what can and should be adopted. Moreover, children with a mild degree of mental retardation, with proper development, are quite capable of attending mass kindergartens and studying in regular schools.

Is it possible to introduce inclusive education for children with Down syndrome in Russia today? Perhaps not - and the point here is not only that not all teachers know how to work with them. Bring such a child to normal Kindergarten- not only his peers will start to terrorize him, but his parents will overwhelm the head, and then the GORONO with angry appeals: “Why is THIS studying with our children!” However, this is not the only manifestation of an inadequate attitude towards people with disabilities in general, and towards people with Down syndrome in particular. How the unhealthy interest shown by almost every acquaintance (even casual ones) harasses the parents of such children - for some reason everyone is extremely interested to know “what is it for”, “can it be cured”, “did you know about it before birth” , and most importantly - “probably it was hard for you to find out about this?” Some are even accepted to express condolences ... indeed, a collision with a disability - whether it's Down's syndrome or something else - is a wonderful “test” for both tact, politeness, and just humanity.

There are children who are not like others - they were born special: with an extra chromosome or a worldview that is completely different from the usual one. Such children are, in no case, not grief, not a sentence and not a punishment for parents. They are called bright or sunny because they smile more often than others. They are able to love and live a full life, although they are born completely unsuited for this world. Parents of special children need to find special approach and then they will follow a different, special path of their lives.

Statistics are relentless - Down syndrome occurs in everyone 700th child in the world, and autism in one of 88 children.

A mother who finds out that her child is not like the others finds it difficult to decide what to do next. Many believe that they will have to put an end to their lives if the baby was born with a genetic pathology. But star parents, who have the opportunity to state their situation publicly, do everything possible to prove that a special child is a full-fledged member of society and deserves love.

The actress and singer made the loudest statements about her “other” motherhood Evelina Bledans, who in 2012 gave birth to her second son Semyon. Even in utero, the boy was diagnosed with Down syndrome and fusion of fingers on his left foot, but mom and dad wanted him to be born, in any case.

“People are intimidated by prejudice, and therefore 85% of parents are afraid of additional difficulties in raising a baby who is not like everyone else” Evelyn says.

She decided to destroy the existing stereotype that it is necessary to keep silent about children with genetic abnormalities, and every day she proves to all parents that a baby, whatever it may be, is a great happiness.

“This page was created for parents who are about to have or have already had such children. I started it in order to socialize people with Down syndrome. I wanted to explain that this diagnosis should not be feared - such people should be treated with loyalty.”

Evelina regularly writes about her son Semyon, his development, gives all kinds of recommendations, returns parents faith in themselves and gives a positive attitude.

Among celebrities, not only Evelina is raising a special child. There is also a sunny daughter Lolita Milyavskaya- at birth, Eve was diagnosed with Down syndrome, but later changed it to autism - congenital psychological isolation. Lolita does not hide the fact that her child, up to 4 years old, did not speak at all, did not see well and had many health problems. However, the singer always praised her daughter, and maternal love performed a miracle - now Eva is 16 years old and she goes to school, where she practically does not differ in behavior and level of development from her peers.

famous director's daughter Fyodor Bondarchuk, Barbara, was also born with Down syndrome. Parents do not consider the girl sick, but they call her special. They say that such a diagnosis only strengthened their family.

Composer Konstantin Meladze three children from his first marriage. The youngest of them, Valery, suffers from a rare form of autism. The boy lives in his own, special world and practically does not communicate with people. Yana, the mother of Valery and the ex-wife of the musician, first spoke about her son's illness after her divorce from Konstantin.

“Doctors diagnosed Valera with autism. Treatment of this disease in all countries of the world is very expensive, including Ukraine. No, this is not a sentence, this is a shooting, after which you were left to live. This is a serious disease that has not yet been treated in any way, but it can be corrected. I'm talking about a severe form of autism. These kids can be trained. I think that parents who are faced with a similar problem are familiar with the feeling of fear, helplessness in the face of grief, and shame. Our society does not accept, does not recognize “others”. But when a child has the first successes, hope and faith wake up - and then a new starting point for true victories and bright pride for your child begins. Parents do not need to be ashamed, to blame themselves. Do not think that you could do something wrong. When you understand what a responsible mission you are performing in the life of your child, you will realize the value or even pricelessness of your role.

My son was also diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Sylvester Stallone. Little Sergio had difficulty adapting to the world around him: he could not even establish contact with his relatives, not to mention the rest of those around him. Sergio's mother was actively involved in the child and even managed to open a research center for autistic children.

Now Sergio is 35 years old, he never left his world - he lives quietly and alone. His father visits him, brings medicine and is still indignant: “I have enough money and opportunities, but I can’t help him in any way.”

The American singer also faced the problem of autism in a child Toni Braxton. She felt that something was wrong with her child when he was not yet a year old. The singer put a lot of effort into the development of the boy, and everything was not in vain - he was able to go to school with ordinary children.

The concept of autism was introduced in 1920, and childhood autism was described in the forties of the last century. The main thesis in describing autistic people is that the child is disconnected from the outside world, when a person does not perceive or does not understand the events taking place around. Features of "rain children" are described in detail in the book "Autistic Thinking" by E. Blair.

From the first months of life, a child with autism avoids direct contact and interaction with adults, does not cuddle when picked up. They avoid looking directly into their mother's eyes, looking out of the corner of their eye, because their peripheral vision is more developed. Children cannot react in the usual way to sounds, to their name.

A child may be capable in the field of mathematics or music, draw beautifully, but be helpless in everyday matters, it is bad to make contact with people. Other areas of life and activity that are not interesting for autistic people may not be affected at all. Coefficient mental development such children often exceed 70 points out of 100 possible.

With proper and patient training, involving a lot of time, brought up in love and care, such children can show significant creative potential, be smarter than many ordinary children.

Rain children have many phobias. They are stereotyped much more than the average person. They are afraid of everything new and incomprehensible. A change in external conditions, even to a small extent, can turn out to be a real tragedy for such a child. Another feature of autistic people is the lack of visible attachments to close people, even to mother or brother, sister.

Recent theories do not consider autism to be a hereditary disease. Rather, a hereditary predisposition can be passed on. The appearance of autism in a child may be associated with birth trauma, due to fetal developmental disorders during pregnancy, and other factors that have not yet been studied. There are more and more "rain children" in the world.

Children of the Sun or Down Syndrome

This is one of the most common genetic disorders. But not a disease. In a normal cell, there are 46 chromosomes, half of the paternal chromosomes, half of the maternal ones, and they are arranged strictly in pairs. In children with Down syndrome, an extra chromosome appears in the twenty-first pair. An extra chromosome is determined only by a geneticist using a blood test. Such a deviation occurs quite often. For every 800-1000, there is one with a 47th chromosome.

The cause of the anomaly is currently unclear. Such children can grow up both in the family of a scientist or politician, and in the family of a farmer or worker from a factory. In families of parents leading healthy lifestyle life or living for pleasure. Deviations not related to environmental issues or climate.

"Children of the Sun" are easily recognizable. They have a difference in the shape of the head and facial features, they are very similar to each other. Their health is usually poor, there is a high risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, often there are thyroid and vision disorders.

The squeamish attitude towards the children of the Sun is unfair and humiliating. The opinion that they are aggressive is deeply mistaken. The sun symbolizes their kindness and spiritual purity. And the use of the term "down" is simply unacceptable.

Usually such children are developmentally delayed, but the level of ability varies greatly within this group. With appropriate upbringing, the children of the Sun learn to speak and read. They just need to be engaged in other programs. Such children are free to attend kindergartens and schools. Upon graduation, more than 80% receive professions and can successfully work in many areas.

Down syndrome in children is often determined already at birth - by the sum of certain physical characteristics characteristic of people with this genetic pathology.

Some children have only a few signs, while others have almost all of them. Because some of these features can also be seen in people who do not have Down syndrome, genetic testing must be done to confirm the diagnosis.

Signs characteristic of children with Down syndrome:

  • low muscle tone (babies are born "sluggish");
  • brachycephaly (short skull);
  • flat features, very small nose;
  • raised outer corners of the eyes (oblique incision);
  • epicanthus (vertical skin fold near the inner corner of the eye on the upper eyelid);
  • very small, irregular shape ears;
  • short thick neck;
  • on the palm there is one deep transverse fold in the center;
  • superflexibility (due to hypermobility of the joints);
  • twisted little finger;
  • too much distance between the big and second toe;
  • enlarged tongue and half-open mouth;
  • short fingers and limbs.

Other Health Problems Associated with Down Syndrome

About 50% of children with Down syndrome are born with heart defects, and so serious that the child may experience heart failure soon after birth. However, not all heart defects are diagnosed by external signs, so all children with Down syndrome should have an echocardiogram during the first few months of life to make sure that the child has or does not have a heart problem.

Minor defects can be corrected with drugs, but serious defects of the cardiovascular system require surgical intervention.

People with Down syndrome have more hormonal problems than the general population. About 10% of children with Down syndrome and 50% of such adults suffer from pathologies thyroid gland. The most common disease among people with Down's syndrome is hypothyroidism, a condition caused by a long-term sustained lack of thyroid hormones. Hypothyroidism can be corrected with medication.

More than half of children with Down syndrome have vision problems such as strabismus, nearsightedness, farsightedness, or cataracts. In many cases, the situation can be corrected with the help of glasses or surgery.

Hearing impairment is also very common in children with Down syndrome, so they should be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist and ENT in order to identify problems with vision and hearing in a timely manner. Otherwise, you will have to solve the problem with the development of speech, which will appear as a result of pathologies of hearing and vision.

Patients with Down syndrome have a much higher (15–20 times) risk of developing leukemia compared with ordinary people. Moreover, the disease, as a rule, manifests itself during the first three years of a child's life, but has a higher cure rate than the average. A temporary form of leukemia in children with Down syndrome can also develop immediately after birth, but it usually resolves on its own within the first two to three months.

Approximately 10-12% of children born with Down's syndrome also suffer from developmental disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which usually require surgical intervention.

About a quarter of adults (over 35 years old) with Down syndrome have signs of Alzheimer's disease (dementia). Usually, Alzheimer's disease does not develop before the age of 50, and only 5-10% of adults over 65 years of age have its symptoms.

Call your doctor and talk about Down Syndrome if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant and have (or your partner) a family history of children with Down Syndrome.