Children's crosswords in English. Learn English with the help of crossword puzzles. Who needs an English crossword puzzle and why

If you ask a dozen people who are on the road about how they will kill time on the road, you can most likely assume that many will prefer solving crossword puzzles. These puzzles are printed in almost all periodicals. Solving crossword puzzles is very useful, especially in English. Let's see why they are so popular.

Solving crossword puzzles in English

The term crossword itself is a translation of the word crossword(intersection of words). A crossword puzzle in English is a puzzle presented in the form of a grid of words crossing each other horizontally and vertically. By answering crossword questions (or descriptive definitions), you get words that you fit into the grid. According to the rules, only nouns in the nominative case and singular can be answers. But now the original English crossword has undergone many changes, so you can meet any innovations in this word game.

The right to be considered the ancestor of the crossword puzzle is disputed by three states: England, the USA and South Africa. Michael Davis, who published the first work in the Time newspaper at the end of the 19th century, is considered the first creator of a crossword puzzle in English in England. In South Africa, they believe that the first crossword puzzle appeared thanks to Willy Orville, a resident of Cape Town who is in prison. Well, in the USA, Arthur Wynn is considered the creator of the crossword puzzle in English, who published it in the Sunday issue of the New York World newspaper on December 21, 1913.

Why crosswords in english(and in the native language too) are so interesting to people? Probably because it's a great way to entertain yourself at your leisure. Moreover, by solving a crossword puzzle in English, you increase your self-esteem, because you have a clear example that your knowledge has come in handy. Scientists count crossword puzzles in English excellent remedy mental training. After all, answering crossword questions in English, you encourage your brain to work, remembering necessary word. Moreover, you will first need to understand the essence of the question (after all, it is in English), and for this you need a good one.

Having guessed the right word, you enter it into the grid of the English crossword puzzle and thereby work out the spelling. And visual memory will help you remember this word. Some crossword puzzles in English have tricky questions, answering which you hone your wit and ingenuity. To guess crossword puzzles in English, you can resort to using reference literature, which will expand your horizons and deepen your knowledge. And finally, crossword puzzles in English teach you to be more diligent and patient, because it will take some time to complete what you started.

Where to look for crossword puzzles in English?

Currently, online crossword puzzles in English are very popular, which can be solved directly on sites dedicated to learning English. For instance:

  • - level crosswords elementary and upper intermediate
  • - crossword puzzles in English are divided into headings: anagrams, birds, cities, common

Moreover, there are special programs that in a matter of seconds create English crosswords any subject and complexity. For example, "Universal Crossword Generator" on the site. These crossword puzzles in English you guess interactively.

There are a lot of opportunities for creating and solving crossword puzzles in English. Choose the method convenient for you and get started! Your brain will thank you!

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Сrossword puzzle "Pets"

1. cat, 2. kitten, 3. fish, 4. hamster, 5. hedgehog, 6. puppy, 7. lizard, 8. frog.

9. rabbit, 10. snake, 11. mouse, 12. butterfly,

13. parrot, 14. rat, 15. dog.

Crossword puzzle "Flat"


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Crossword puzzle "Food"

1) pizza, 2) milk, 3) banana, 4) soup, 5) candy, 6) fish, 7) cheese, 8) meat, 9) porridge, 10) pear, 11) orange, 12) bread, 13) tea, 14) hamburger.

1) jam, 2) chicken, 3) coffee, 4) sandwich, 5) tomato, 6) potato (pl), 7) juice, 8) cabbage, 9) egg, 10) spaghetti, 11) apple, 12) carrots.

Crossword puzzle "Numerals from 10 to 100"

Across: 1) 30; 2) 13; 3) 60; 4) 50; 5) 70; 6) 18; 7) 12; 8) 90.

Down: 1) 100; 2) 20; 3) 15; 4) 11; 5) 10; 6) 40; 7) 14.

Crossword puzzle "Numerals from 1 to 10"

Write down those numerals that are given in the first cell of the word.

Individual assignments for 4th grade!!!

Find the 2nd shape irregular verbs. From the remaining unused letters, make up:

a) an offer

b) a word;

c) word.

Individual tasks for 3 classes !!!

1) Find the words: cheese, potatoes, sandwich, porridge, sweet, cake, jam, fish, meat, egg, bread, pizza, soup, tea, coffee, milk, juice .

2) Some letters are not used. Makeawordwiththem: (make a word from the remaining letters)
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Submit your answers to your English teachers or class teacher by February 4th.

"Decipher the sentence"

It is necessary to write down the words shown in the pictures, and write out only the letters marked with a plus sign from them in the cells in order to decipher the sentence.(unlike puzzles, unnecessary letters in words are indicated not by commas on the sides of the word, but by a minus sign).

Messed up letters

By arranging the letters in the correct order, you will find out what the boy likes to do.

Crossword puzzle "Sports"

You need to enter the verbs horizontally to read the girl's name vertically.

Encrypted offer

Guess in what order you need to write out the letters in order to understand the meaning of the sentence.

Unscramble the sentence to find out which dog belongs to the boy.


To find out which animal is a pet and what its name is, you need to guess which adjectives characterize it and fill in the missing letters in the cells.

A crossword puzzle is a popular puzzle, the essence of which is to guess words according to tasks-questions. Researchers claim that the first crossword puzzles were compiled back in the 1st-4th centuries AD. Currently, many varieties of crossword puzzles are known: classic, crossword, chainword, fillword, Japanese, etc. It is known that the writer Vladimir Nabokov compiled author's crosswords for a Berlin newspaper, many still remember Oleg Vasiliev's author's crosswords in Komsomolskaya Pravda. Now in Russia there are more than 400 specialized periodicals devoted to various variants of crossword puzzles *. Nowadays, creating a crossword puzzle is available to everyone.
In educational activities, solving crossword puzzles is usually used at the stage of repetition and generalization of the material.

How to make a crossword? Three preparatory steps

Compiling a crossword puzzle online or on paper usually comes down to the following steps:
  • inventing a set of words that will make up a crossword puzzle;
  • formulation of tasks-questions by which the given word will be guessed;
  • compiling the crossword itself, the location of the cells-letters on the sheet.

How to make a crossword puzzle online from a set of words and download in Word?

If you have a ready-made set of words that should be in a crossword puzzle, use the service for compiling an online crossword puzzle from words - CROSS

On the left, enter a set of your words, set the size of the crossword puzzle in cells (by default - 25 cells) and click the button Create a crossword.

As a result, you will receive an example of a completed crossword puzzle, which you can Download in Word format(empty) or Filled, also in Word.

When you press a button To try one more time a new crossword will be generated.

To use the crossword puzzle in the lesson, you will only need to enter questions into the crossword template that is downloaded in Word, print the required number of copies, and also print one copy for yourself so that you can easily check.

Compose a crossword online yourself - Crossword Factory


In this online crossword creation service, you can create a crossword puzzle yourself by entering your words and placing them on the field, so you can generate a crossword puzzle from a list of words.

To enter a new word, select the cells in which you plan to place the word with the mouse.

Next, select a word from the dictionary or spell your own word. Click the button Ready.

You can then enter a definition for this word or delete it.

To move a word, select it and, while pressing the CTRL button, move it across the field.

You can print this crossword puzzle with words and tasks, or with blank cells and tasks. To do this, click the Print version button and check the necessary checkboxes.

You can also give a link to solve this crossword puzzle online on the Crossword Factory website. To do this, click the Save Crossword button.

Crossword - create beautiful crosswords


An interesting service with a nice design for creating and solving various types of crossword puzzles. Unfortunately, the Add a question function did not work for me. Perhaps you will succeed.

To create a crossword puzzle, you first need to enter the words from the link Word Editor - Add. Words can be added separated by spaces or each on a new line. After adding words, you need to click the button Add.

Hello everyone. Today we will talk about crossword puzzles. How to solve them, whether it will help in learning the language, and on what sites they can be found.

cross word in English - a puzzle (puzzle), where you need to guess words and enter them in a row or column so that the letters intersect, and some words complement others.

Will crosswords in English help in learning

In general, any interaction with the language helps in its study. There are new words in puzzles, and you have to think about the meaning of riddles, try to guess them, activate passive vocabulary in memory. This definitely makes sense.

To say that crosswords in English is very effective method, it is forbidden. And it is clearly not worth considering crossword puzzles as the main way of studying. But if you just love puzzles and don't mind solving them in your free time, then why not. As an additional practice, very good.

How is a crossword puzzle different from a crossword puzzle?

In both cases, you need to guess and enter words. Both in the crossword and in the crossword they intersect. It may seem that these are just different names for the same puzzle, but this is not entirely true.

Crossword - more general concept. Just what we call this word, in a broad sense. A scanword (Scandinavian crossword) is just a kind of crossword. Its main differences are that in it the tasks are written out not separately, but in cells within the field itself. Also, there are more intersections of letters in the crossword puzzle than in the classic crossword puzzle.

How to solve crosswords correctly

First, let's deal with the terminology.

Word- a word that needs to be guessed
Clue- riddle text
row- row
Column- column
cell- cell
letter- letter
Across- lengthwise, left to right
Down- top down
solve- solve
Hint- clue

The easiest way to solve the puzzle is as follows:

  1. To get started, review all tasks. If this is a scanword, then start from the upper left corner and move down, looking at each line. So you don't miss anything. Write down the answers that you are 100% sure of. The rest are not touched.
  2. Now let's move on to the tasks for which we already have hints. One or two guessed letters in a word will help to guess many words.
  3. We continue to open new clues and solve words on them.
  4. Solve crossword puzzles foreign language more difficult, but with clues in the form of a few guessed letters, you can guess the word intuitively, even if you didn’t know it initially.

Don't be afraid to leave the crossword unsolved. Let it be three-quarters, half, or even ten percent full. Nothing wrong. Leave it for later.

Sites with English crosswords

By the way, you might be interested in reading our selection English newspapers .

Crossword by ApplyNation

Classic app in its genre. Unlike the previous one, it's free, but with ads. The database contains over 10,000 questions. The game has quests, experience points, additional awards and other things that dilute the gameplay.

Clean Crossword

The developers note that the application is made in "classic British English". And so - the application is simple, without unnecessary garbage, in a minimalist design.

Crossword Puzzle

Here we will leave the mark "Editor's Choice". The application is thoughtful, beautiful and generally not boring. There is a breakdown of tasks by difficulty level: Easy, Medium, Hard. The application was conceived for native speakers, so you will have to puzzle over questions of maximum complexity for a long time.

Cody Cross

Bright game with beautiful cartoon graphics. There is a level system here. Solve one puzzle - move on and on to more difficult ones. In this case, you can choose topics (some are simpler, others are more difficult).

Bonus: Crossword solver- cheat sheet site. Stores all crossword puzzles in English with answersfrom popular sites and publications of all time. On it you can drive yourclue and get an answer right away.

That's all. We have tried to collect as many useful English crosswords as possible so that you can choose at least one. If you wanted to start solving puzzles in English, now you have no excuse not to do it :)

EnglishDom #we inspire to learn

Purpose of the crossword puzzle: for high school students.

Announcement: a crossword puzzle is a kind of self-examination, an entertaining test. This crossword puzzle can be used in the classroom, in extracurricular activities as a process of mastering and repeating English words.

Target- to promote the development of ingenuity and associative thinking.


Develop memory and expand horizons;

Learn to work with information sources.

1. A place where very sick people are taken. (hospital)

2. A jewel. (diamond)

3. A place where people bathe and wash clothing. (bathroom)

4. A group of people who fight to protect their country. (army)

5. A number. (ten)

6. Woman's decoration for the ears. (earring)

7. A person who has authority and influence in the team. (leader)

8. How old are you? what it means. (age)

9. A gray animal with four paws and a long tail. It looks like very big mice. (rat)

1. It is an animal. It moves very slowly. (tortoise)

2. A spring month. (April)

3. A school thing. (pen)

4. A place where frogs, mosquitoes and snakes live. People gather berries near it. (marsh)

5. Twelve months. (year)

6. It transports people and things from one city to another. It has different kinds of cars. (train)

7. A kind of metal. (iron)

8. When people cry, they flow from their eyes. (tear)

9. A special liquid that is used to stick things together. (glue)

10. A lesson which is used for entertainment. (game)