World of Warcraft Legion: Life after the Legion. World of Warcraft Legion: Life after Legion New addon wow after legion

It seems that just recently, at the Gamescom 2015 conference in Cologne, Blizzard stunned all its fans with a new addition called World of Warcraft Legion. Much has been said, shown, updated or redone. Some of the new products were completely unexpected for the players, while others, on the contrary, became a completely expected "surprise" such as, for example, the next return of the villains (take the same Illidan and his minions from the Legion, the Burning Legion itself and others). Be that as it may, now we at least approximately know what we should expect: a new continent - the Broken Isles, a bunch of demons, just an incredible amount of demons, especially considering the fact that now players will also have access to a new class Demon Hunters, the introduction of the Emerald Dream into the game, as well as its main Nightmare and many, many other novelties in the form of dungeons, raids, animation updates. This list could go on and on, but does it make sense?

Yes, we already have an idea about the next addition and it's time to think about what will happen next, because we won't know any more facts about the Legion until BlizzCon 2015. Now let's just imagine, we defeat a bunch of demons from the Legion and our score against universal evil becomes equal to 3:0 in our favor. And now let's sum up. Archimonde was killed? Killed, moreover, twice. Kicked Klee'jaeden off the planet? Kicked out! We drove all this wickedness from Azeroth 10,000 years ago, killed them at the end of the Third War and are killing them now, and even more sophisticated. Can we really get away with all of this? No matter how big the demonic army that invades Azeroth, it will still be a very small part of the Legion's total strength, but this fact again brings back to the question of the future of Azeroth. Are we just going back to the inveterate and eternal struggle with each other?

At the moment, there are only a few logical ideas for new additions. There, in the underworld of Azeroth, where the Old Gods and their servants doze, there are oceans, so theoretically, there is where to turn around to continue the world itself. Thus, you can continue the story through the Titans and underworld and these will most likely be the long-awaited nagas, only the question is, is it worth it? How then will the previous addition (at that time it will already be Legion) and the next one be connected? Maybe we will undergo complete destruction and, in order to survive, we will have to descend to the Old Gods?

Many, many questions arise and, unfortunately, it is very difficult to answer them now, as the company's plans change like gloves. And what do you think, what will await us after the legion? And is it worth waiting for something interesting at all?

Today I want to talk about the upcoming expansion that awaits us and think a little about the future of the game. I must say right away that this is my personal subjective opinion.

And so, as we know after the events of Draenor, Archimonde sends Gul "Dan to our time, and he, in turn, first of all frees Illidan, and prepares a springboard for the invasion of demons. We do not know what will happen to Illidan and what role he will take in this addition it's very hard to say.

But one thing we know for sure is that this will be the biggest invasion of the "Burning Legion" in Azeroth.

Many already know (spoiler alerts) that we heroes are about to get our hands on the most powerful weapon of all time (Artifacts). In order to use them to stop the invasion of demons in Azeroth .. We have to meet the enemy on the Broken Isles, get class stronghold and from there to coordinate our actions to protect the world .. We also know that many important heroes of the universe will either die or go missing altogether, which I think is very bad. Famous characters will disappear, namely Varian Wrynn and Ox "Jin.

Anduin Wrynn will take the place of the leader of the Alliance, and, oddly enough, Sylvanas will rule the Horde, each of them is puzzled by his own problems. The young king thinks that he cannot cope with this burden, he is not sure that he can lead his people. In turn, Sylvanas wants to learn the secret of immortality from Val "Kir, this takes her too far and she has to choose between herself and her people. Everything would be fine, but the invasion of the Legion must be prevented. Heroes are sent in search of "Pillars of Creation" to close the tomb of Sargeras, and here is the fun part.

The naga, led by the "Wavemistress Atissa", who in turn serve Azshara, are also looking for the Pillars of Creation. And here is the main question, why do Azshara need these pillars ???

And I'll tell you to free their masters of the "Old Gods" (this is my guess) Since after the destruction of the Well of Eternity, most of Kalimdor went to the bottom of the sea, and with it Queen Azshara and her servants, there she heard a whisper from herself in her head, the whispers of the ancients. They offered her immortality and great power, in return demanding their service, Azshara agreed and over time, from a beautiful elf, she transformed into the Queen of the Nagas.

So why does she want to free the Old Gods?? They don’t have enough strength to break out of their prisons in order to appear in Azeroth in their guise, they need power that will break their shackles and they will come out .. Since the Gods are tied to the planet, the death of the planet will take away and their lives, and the death of the Gods will bring the end of Azeroth .. (confusion) Here you can think and dream what will happen ..

As I think, since this is the most global Legion invasion of Azeroth, even with the power of all the heroes and their artifacts, we will not be able to defeat them .. We will be defeated, which in turn means the end of everything, Azeroth and its inhabitants, including the Ancient Gods. So why don't they help us.. Do not forget that once they were the most powerful creatures on the planet.. Their whisper drove the victim crazy. And entire races went over to their side, worshiping these great creatures.

But let's think, if Azshara manages to free them, then they could defeat the Legion. By absorbing the power of the Pillars of Creation, and the power of the portals from where the demons come out, they could easily throw back the threat of the Legion. Which in turn will save the planet and themselves. Yes, now the question is, we dealt with the Legions, but released a much more dangerous enemy, those whom even the Titans could not kill .. And here is the end of the Legion add-on and the new addon, we can devote it to the "Old Gods".

The developers gave very extensive interviews, in which they talked about the new features of the addon, reminded of those already familiar and summarized everything that we should know. Below you will find extracts from the most interesting facts that we took away from this meeting!

  • The addon will have 3 raid tiers. Two raids are available after release, one more in patch 7.2 and one more at the end of the addon.
  • At least 3 major content patches are planned.
  • In patch 7.1, we will have a mega dungeon, and its testing will begin shortly after the release of the Legion.
  • Your choice of loot specialization determines which legendaries will drop for the character.
  • Blizzard is going to improve the casting animation of spells.
  • The content release plan is much smarter than in WoD, and the pace of opening raids will be more pleasant to progress.
  • In the next addon after the Legion, we will see a flattening of characteristics.
  • A series of animations has been planned that will tell the story of Illidan and the Illidari.
  • The armor will be more asymmetrical, including various details like gloves.
  • The developers have not given up on the idea of ​​implementing class accessories like quivers or toms.
  • The Fisherman's Artifact will be available to acquire shortly after starting adventures in the Broken Isles.
  • Blizzard has come up with ways to get not all Artifact skins. But the work is going on.
  • New skins can be added in content patches.
  • Each “skin” of the Artifact takes about 4 days of work.
  • There are special quest chains for all professions, starting at level 100 and continuing up to 110.
  • Legion has more profession content than has been in the game for a long time.
  • PvE content will be ideally tailored for both top raiders who clear new bosses in a few weeks, and casual players who spend only a few hours a week.
  • World quests allow you to progress without taking up a lot of the time spent on raids or dungeons.
  • They will remain relevant throughout the addon. The level of rewards is determined depending on the character's current UP.
  • World quests are the most important source of Artifact Power. They also provide Class Hall resources needed for the campaign.
  • It will take months, not weeks, for the maximum leveling of Artifact traits.
  • Dungeons in Legion are a very important part of the content. They are well structured and therefore will remain relevant for a long time.
  • It is planned to add prequests to the game again, not as epic as in Burning Crusade, but they will appear anyway.
  • What will happen to the Artifacts after the end of the Legion is unknown. Much depends on the attitude of the players themselves.
  • There was discussion about the possibility of releasing an add-on without having to upgrade the character to additional levels. But no concrete decision has yet been reached on this matter.
  • The functionality of creating “replays” in the Arena and BG is discussed.
  • The legendary ring remains too powerful even at level 110, so it is going to be nerfed in some way.
  • Jewels that give +600 stats will be BoE.
  • Materials and resources for professions in the Legion will become much more rare compared to WoD.
  • The development of a new engine is not discussed, as this will negate all the improvements made before. Gradual updates with each addon is the way developers choose.
  • Technology in World of Warcraft allows you to automatically create additional copies of super-populated zones. So you won't have any problems with overpopulation in the Demon Hunter starting area.
  • The creation of a DOTA-like BG has been discussed, but so far the team has not come to a decision on what it should be. There are too many aspects to consider.
  • There are no plans for a new PvP zone in the Legion. And Tol Barad and Icegrasp will not be updated either.