White swimsuit on a tanned body. How to choose the color of a swimsuit. Choice for pale skin

We select the color of the swimsuit. In order to deal with a bathing suit, you need to know very simple rules and stick to them. The very first thing is to get a swimsuit in your size. He should not press in all places, otherwise extra folds will be created on the body, which will not look attractive at all. Also, a poorly chosen size will rub and restrict your movements, which will bring additional discomfort. The second most important thing is that the beach outfit should be liked first of all by you. Then you won't have to shrink from every casual glance in your direction on the beach, on the contrary - you will feel like the queen of the entire coast. And finally, the choice is also important. colors corresponding to skin color and behavior style. We will talk about how to choose the color of a swimsuit today. What swimsuit color is slimming? Avoid white color, since all light shades visually expand and make the figure more voluminous. But such saturated shades as blue, burgundy, playful green can attract the attention of others and at the same time hide possible excess weight. The most radical option is a black swimsuit, so it should be chosen with a bright ornament. If you want to "tighten" yourself a little, you need to choose a pattern in the middle of which there will be a darker shade than along the edges. Also, do not forget about the features of your skin color, because the same shade looks completely different on blondes and brunettes. Swimsuit color for pale skin. In the absence of a tan, it is better to give preference to muted shades - these should be more neutral tones. V Lately neon-colored swimsuits have become especially popular for fair skin. Neon will make you more attractive on the beach. It will perfectly enhance the brightness of the sun, and will also be able to emphasize even the slightest tan. Blue and turquoise swimsuits are also well suited. Everything that will resemble the color of the sea wave is ideally combined with pale skin and blond hair. What suits brunettes? For catchy, spectacular girls with dark hair, swimsuits of bright colors are perfect. If you also have dark skin, then focus on burgundy, red and brown shades. Swimsuits of yellow and acid colors will help to absorb all the brightness of the warm sun and perfectly emphasize your individuality. However, only girls with a beautiful figure can afford these rather risky shades. If you can’t boast of perfect shapes, dilute the bright shade with some kind of pattern or an interesting strip that visually hides flaws. Burning brown-haired women can allow experiments with a combination of colors. For example, the top half of the outfit is dark and the bottom half is light. This combination will visually highlight a chic chest (if any). What is suitable for blondes? Girls with blond hair need to use only saturated colors. For example, a mint-colored swimsuit has an unusual, rich green hue that will give you a unique alluring look. If you are also a blue-eyed blonde, we advise you to stay in blue and turquoise colors. A coral-colored swimsuit will help emphasize a bronze tan. He draws all the attention not to himself, but focuses on the tanned areas of your charming body. This is the only case when fair-haired beauties can take a chance with a light shade.

When choosing a swimsuit color, it is very important that it harmonizes with your skin tone. Especially if it is light and pale. Only with the right color you will look stylish and spectacular.

For pale skin, which does not tan well, you should select soft pastel colors and stick to light warm shades. A swimsuit in pink, coral or lilac is well suited. You can also buy bright solid color swimsuits that will add more depth to your outfit. Softer shades are ideal - cornflower blue, light green and raspberry, in which many Self 2014 swimwear are presented.

Red color is suitable, but only if you will not stay in the sun for a long time. Otherwise, the skin will quickly turn red and simply merge with the color of the swimsuit.

Light cold shades will produce the exact opposite effect compared to light warm ones, that is, they will make your skin even paler. If you really like cold shades, then you need to combine them with darker ones to create a little contrast.

Girls with medium fair skin can safely choose swimwear in light cold colors and dark shades, which Amarea 2014 swimsuits have a wide variety of. Coral, blue, pink and ripe cherry color will create a beautiful contrast with natural skin tone.

It should be borne in mind that in choosing the color of a swimsuit, much depends not so much on the color itself, but on their combination. When choosing a gamut, paramount importance should be given to the color that is closer to the face.

In addition to the division by skin tone in choosing the color of a swimsuit, there is such a thing as the division of the type of appearance by color. Pale skin is characterized by three types of color: light, muted and contrasting.

If the color is light, then all face colors have low saturation. Most often, these are blondes with colorless eyebrows and eyelashes. These women are suitable for swimwear in delicate pastel colors and their combinations with colors of medium brightness.

The muted colors are characterized by aristocratic colors: pale skin and hair of medium saturation. This type of woman is unusually decorated with soft undertones combined with a light color and a few bright accents.

Contrasting colors suggest fair skin and dark hair. Combinations of light and dark or bright colors look great here. Pale and pastel colors should be avoided.

To look stylish, you need to know your colors and be able to combine them. A harmonious combination can only be obtained if the colors reinforce each other and, as a result, emphasize your natural data.

In this guide, we'll help you choose the perfect bikini color for your skin tone and characteristics. It is also important to take into account your skin's response to solar radiation. Thanks to the right colors and natural beauty, your skin will always look great!

We have divided skin tones into four groups. Find yours!

1) Best swimsuit colors for white skin

What bikini colors work best with white skin that barely tans?

You have snow-white skin, with a porcelain tint, which is easily irritated and even reddened by exposure to sunlight. You need to protect it with special sunscreen or it will burn very quickly. Your natural hair color is blonde or red (but not necessarily).

Quick tip:

Choose a color that will contrast with your skin. This will favorably emphasize the beauty of your porcelain skin, which is so highly valued in many countries!

What do we have to do?

First of all, take care of your beautiful skin by applying sunscreen with!
Opt for dark and cold colors, for example, or.

What should be avoided?

In general, try not to choose pastels, whites, yellows, and oranges that will make your skin look pale.
Bright and luminous colors will make your skin look reddish and not quite the effect you are looking for.

Read more about bikini for white skin

Opt for contrasting colors! Beautiful dark shades of bikinis and one-piece swimsuits will emphasize your natural beauty and make porcelain skin your main advantage! Dark blue, dark purple, dark green and many more colors!

You have very white skin with porcelain undertones. You hardly tan, your skin does not like the sun and burns very quickly. You should never forget about sun protection cosmetics with SPF filters. What colors will highlight your natural beauty? Colors that contrast with your skin! Stop your choice on dark shades. They the best way emphasize the beauty of your skin and make it your main advantage. Black is always good, but there are other options. Depending on whether your skin has a warm or cool undertone, you can choose a swimsuit in bright warm colors (but not neon!) or rich cold tones. If your skin has a warm undertone, you will look amazing in dark purple, dark red and dark green. If your skin has a cool undertone, then the best colors for you will be saturated colors, like precious stones: emerald and sapphire. How to determine what shade your skin is? Look at your veins on the inside of your arm. If they are greenish, your skin is warm; if bluish, your skin is cold. Check out our selection of beautiful one-pieces and bikinis to suit your skin type!

2/ Best swimwear colors for fair skin

What bikini colors are best for fair skin that doesn't tan very easily?

You have fair skin, and your natural hair color is most likely blond or light blond. Under the sun, your skin first turns pink, and then takes on a light tan shade. You cannot stay under the sun for a long time, otherwise your skin will burn. You need to be very careful with the sun, however, at the end of the summer season, your skin does get a tan.

Quick tip:

To emphasize the color of your skin, you will do the same as for white skin, namely, contrasting colors! This is what will make you unique. Try it and see for yourself!

What do we have to do?

Opt for swimwear in dark colors, no matter if it's a bikini or a one-piece swimsuit. You will suit the color of the sea wave, red, emerald green, brown and dark purple. Cool colors will look great while your skin is still white, and you can add some pastels a little later. Try, for example, or !
Don't forget high SPF sun protection.

What should be avoided?

In general, avoid all pastels, as well as whites, yellows, and oranges. They will make your skin look pale. Avoid bright and luminous colors as they will give your skin a pink and even reddish tint.

Here you will find our offers suitable for your skin type!

Read more about fair skin bikinis

Until you get your summer tan, aim for contrast. Spice up your white skin with black bikinis, navy blue one-piece swimsuits and vibrant magenta tankinis! After lightly tanned, try pastel colors. These soft colors will perfectly accentuate your tan.

If you have white skin that doesn't tan quickly, you should make it yours! Eventually your skin will tan, but this takes time and will not be easy. You may blush when exposed to the first rays of the sun, and if you do not use sunscreen with a high degree SPF, you can get sunburn. During the first days or even weeks of your vacation, look for contrast. You can follow the advice for very light skin type. Use black, dark blue, dark green, dark purple. You can also use the tone recommendation for warm or cool skin tones. If you have a cool skin tone, choose dark and cool colors, they will brighten up your skin even more! If you have warm skin tones, choose warm, bright colors. Once you're visibly tanned, perhaps towards the end of your holiday, you can switch to pastels. These pleasant light colors will accentuate your gentle tan. See our offers below and choose what suits you best!

3/ The best swimwear colors for light skin tone to golden

What is the best bikini color for light to golden skin?

This includes a wide range of skin tones. Your skin is fair or golden, while your natural hair color is light brown or even brown. At the beginning of exposure to the sun, your skin may turn reddish, but at the end it seizes a tan and takes on a noticeable golden hue.

Quick tip:

You are lucky! Since your skin can tan under the sun, anything will suit you!

What do we have to do?

At the very beginning of your vacation, when your skin is not yet tanned, opt for dark colors, those that suit fair skin. But once your skin is a golden tan, you can unleash your imagination and creativity! You will look great in both cool and warm colors, as well as pastels, colors with and without! Absolutely everything will suit you: bright and saturated colors and even white! It will highlight the beauty of your tan!
Sunscreen cosmetics suitable for your skin type are essential even when your skin is already tanned.

What should be avoided?

In the beginning, avoid colors that will make your skin look pale, such as pastels or yellows. But once your skin is beautifully tanned...you can try everything! Choose the colors you like!

Here you will find our offers suitable for your skin type!

More about bikini for golden skin

Check out our offer of swimwear suitable for light to golden skin tones. Your skin loves the sun and tans easily. Contrasting bikinis at the start of your holiday and bright trendy swimwear the days after. Once you get a little tan, you'll look amazing in any color swimsuit.

Beautiful golden skin has many shades: from light to dark gold. A common feature is that such skin loves the sun and tans very easily! What to wear in this case? At the very beginning of the holiday, in the very first days, you can wear a swimsuit in a contrasting color. Dark shades will look great on light, tanned skin. Pastel shades will also look great on you, because your skin is naturally dark. You can choose bikinis in black, navy blue, dark green, dark red or deep purple. But once your skin is tanned, you can wear your swimsuit in the color you want! Bright and saturated colors will become your friends. You can choose a swimsuit with an eye-catching print, just the way you like it! Colorful bikinis, printed monokinis, colorful one-pieces and tankinis in every color! All this and more awaits you! Vibrant colors will accentuate your skin tone. You can choose yellow, pink and even white! There are no limits for you - turn on all your imagination!

4/ Best swimwear colors for dark skin tones

What bikini colors are best for dark skin?

You have dark skin and your natural hair color is brown, dark brown, or black. You tan easily in the sun, and the shade of your tan can be both dark and very dark. Your skin practically does not burn.

Quick tip:

Well... you'll look amazing in a swimsuit of any color even at the beginning of your vacation!

What do we have to do?

We advise you to choose those colors that will emphasize the color of your skin. or will look great on dark skin! You can play with contrasting colors and choose bright colors that will enhance your natural tan even better!
Saturated colors like red, orange or blue will also suit your skin. You can try luminescent colors and colorful prints... Don't limit yourself!
Protect your beautiful dark skin with the right sunscreen!

What should be avoided?

Nothing! You can wear absolutely anything you like!

Here you will find our offers suitable for your skin type!

Read more about dark skin bikinis

You can wear any color you want from the start of your holiday! Your skin is dark and tans very easily. Turn these features into advantages! Stop your choice on white, yellow and golden swimsuits! Bright and eye-catching prints made especially for you!

If you have dark or very dark skin, then you are in luck! Why? Because you can wear whatever you want from the start of your vacation. Your dark skin loves the sun and tans very quickly. However, never forget sunscreen with the right SPF! You can opt for both solid color swimsuits and swimsuits with intricate prints. You will look great in white and yellow swimsuits, while a golden bikini will accentuate your tanned skin. You can even wear neon (fluorescent) swimsuits and look great in them. Your skin is just made for color madness. Everything will look amazing on you. You can also choose dark colors if you like. They will also look good on your skin. Try colorful bikinis, printed monokinis, one-pieces and more. View our wide range of swimwear. You have a huge advantage - you can choose any color you want!

The beach season has long been open, and in order to look your best, you need to choose the right beach outfit. Very important role when choosing a swimsuit, not only the type of figure plays, but also the color type of appearance. A properly selected swimsuit can work wonders - it will emphasize the beauty and dignity of the figure. An incorrectly chosen kit can spoil the created beach bow.

How to determine your color type?

First you need to know about the color type of your appearance. There are four color options. They were divided into autumn, winter, spring and summer.

Each girl has her own characteristics in appearance. Tsvetopit characterize the color of hair, skin, eyes. Based on these basic criteria, you can choose a very stylish swimsuit that fits in all respects, and at the same time look stunning.

How to choose the shade of a swimsuit depending on the color type?

Swimsuits of cold saturated shades are suitable for girls of the "winter" coloring plant. This color scheme will add contrast to the beach look. Bathing set is better to choose blue, black or pink.

It is better for ladies of spring coloring to avoid cold flowers. It is best to choose warm and bright shades. Also, do not choose the white color of the swimsuit because of the too soft appearance.

The girls of the summer coloring do not have enough natural contrast. Therefore, you can safely choose the brightest, most saturated colors and prints. But you should avoid "dirty" tones in clothes. The best variation of the shade of a beach outfit will be blue, burgundy, red and brown.

All pastel colors are ideal for the “autumn” color type, you can safely get a black and beige swimsuit. The nature of such girls endowed with a very bright appearance. Deep, saturated colors also perfectly emphasize the appearance. These include coral, brown and green color. Do not give your preference to gray, blue, pink shades.

In addition to coloring appearance, the figure also plays a big role. If nature rewarded with large breasts, then you should make your choice on separate sets of swimsuits. It is also better that the beach outfit is two-tone. This rule also applies to one-piece swimsuits.

Girls with a wide pelvis should buy a swimsuit with an emphasis on the bra. It should be a bright saturated color, with voluminous drapery and a fashionable print. This solution will easily help solve the problem and visually increase the bust.

Matched to the figure, it seems to sit perfectly, but something is still wrong. Most likely a color problem. In fact, the perfect fit of a bathing suit plays a primary role, but if you do not take into account the color of the model and whether it suits you, then the whole impression of a luxurious look can be ruined.

The effect that can be achieved with the right swimsuit color

* White- the basic color in the wardrobe, but far from the most popular among swimsuits. He easily emphasizes figure flaws, so only girls with a perfect body can afford a white swimsuit. It makes white skin even paler and makes it not very bright. healthy look. On the other hand, a white swimsuit perfectly sets off a tan and is simply irreplaceable in the wardrobe of swarthy beauties;

* Black in the version of a one-piece swimsuit - slims, separate - emphasizes flaws. Black swimwear definitely looks good on girls with a perfect figure, while the rest are better off choosing combinations of black with bright accents;

* Blue- classic bathing suit color. A one-piece plain blue swimsuit is ideal for curvaceous girls, but it does not hurt to diversify such a model with contrasting inserts;

* Red- a color that subconsciously catches the eye. This is a very bright color that will draw a lot of attention to you. A girl in a red bathing suit does not have to be the owner of an ideal figure, but to be self-confident - for sure;

* Green- good for a bathing suit only in light or bright colors, rich green can make the figure out of proportion and add several years to age. Therefore, green swimwear is chosen with caution;

* multi-colored models- ideal for hiding flaws and focusing on the merits. In combination with black or deep blue, they can create a noticeable corrective effect.

Hair color and skin tone, which swimsuit to choose?

* Blondes with light or dark skin very bright models of swimsuits go. Floral prints, patterns in oriental style will look perfect.

=> Suitable colors- violet, turquoise, raspberry, garnet, sapphire;

=> Bad Choice- white and orange, all light shades.

* Brunettes with fair skin:

=> Correct swimsuit color- all warm shades, ideally peach or caramel;

=> It's better to give up from white, deep blue or purple.

* Brunettes with dark skin:

=> Great choice- bright shades of crimson, juicy green, rich blue;

=> Worth giving up from light yellow and pale green hue.

Brown-haired regardless of skin tone soft and warm colors are suitable, a pattern or pattern of a swimsuit will also be useful.

=> Suitable colors- milk chocolate, green, purple;

=> Better to avoid– plain swimsuits in black, blue, red and white.

At red-haired girls skin is usually light in color, so pastel colors and soft shades are best avoided. Too bright colors can contrast badly with hair. The exception is red, but the tandem of red hair and a red swimsuit is suitable for natures with a truly explosive character.

=> lucky color - juicy green, all shades of chocolate;

=> Bad Colors- white, sandy, pale peach.

If in doubt about choosing the right swimsuit, contact the stylists of the Juliette online store, who will select a model for the beach and swimming even better than you wanted. Juliette has only limited collections from designers from all over the world. Hurry because your model is the most beautiful and fashionable swimsuit already in the store!