Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sysoev regarding the possibility of his resignation: “As it will be, so it will be. Voronezh police were rated “unsatisfactory

December was fruitful for the exposure of fraudulent law enforcement officers. This time, FSB operatives managed to catch an almost “colleague” red-handed - the head of the Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption in the city of Mytishchi, Moscow Region, 44-year-old Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Sysoev. He is accused of extorting a bribe in the amount of 9 million rubles, associated with fraud in a group and using his official position.

The fact is that, intending to receive money in several stages, the lieutenant colonel did not put a finger on his finger to help the bribe-giver, his criminal problems were relatively well resolved by themselves.

From extortionists to autocrats

The background to this confusing story is as follows. In the fall of 2016, his friend, unemployed Vyacheslav Suzdalnitsky, born in 1959, turned to Sysoev. He said that a 38-year-old Muscovite named Sergei Bespalov was accused of extortion in resolving a debt dispute. Whether Bespalov really violated the law, or was slandered by unscrupulous borrowers, is no longer so important. Suzdalnitsky offered to take advantage of Bespalov's delicate position, who really did not want to learn everything about the prison and the zone. In addition, he dreamed of leaving the pre-trial detention center on recognizance not to leave.

Having received consent to the "special operation" from the police officer, the mediator told Bespalov's lawyer that there was an opportunity to alleviate the fate of her client and to re-qualify Article 163 (Extortion) to a less serious one, for example, Article 330 (Arbitrariness). If the extortionists face up to 15 years, then for arbitrariness they are sent to jail extremely rarely and for no more than five years, in the main, they impose fines, compulsory work and suspended sentences.

Sysoev and Suzdalnitsky asked for 9 million rubles for their services. The parties agreed that the money will be transferred in parts, depending on the course of the case.

As the first tranche, Bespalov's lawyer transferred 2.7 million rubles to Suzdalnitsky in her car. After a while, the investigation really re-qualified the article and sent the suspect under, and then under a subscription. But, as the lawyer managed to find out, this happened as a result of a thorough study by the investigation of the circumstances of the criminal case, and not the interference of Sysoev or someone else.

Bespalov realized that he was being deceived, and when in May 2017 Suzdalnitsky demanded another 3 million rubles, threatening to "return everything as it was" in case of anything, wrote a statement to the FSB. The operational development of a werewolf in uniform and his assistant continued for several months. The swindlers behaved cautiously, several times postponed the time and place of transfer of money.

At the meeting on December 6, the lawyer armed herself with portable video equipment and a money doll. After the transfer of the dummy, the bundles of banknotes of the intermediary were detained. Then it was Sysoev's turn.

Petrova said that at the moment, employees of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow region are checking one of Sysoev's subordinates. The captain of the OBEPiPK is suspected of taking a bribe of 200 thousand rubles from a car owner, who was threatened with criminal liability under article 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (dangerous violation of the rules for operating vehicles).

According to statistics, it is precisely the fighters against economic crimes and corruption (previously, just the Economic Crime Department, and in times Soviet Union- OBKHSS, that is, the department for combating the theft of socialist property) themselves often become developers and executors of corruption and fraudulent schemes.

Differences in the interpretation of economic crimes in the Soviet Union and new Russia we talked about in the article about.

The case with Colonel Sysoev is quite typical. Fraudsters rely on the fact that the accused of a serious crime has nowhere to go and he is ready to fulfill any demands in the hope of mitigating the punishment or avoiding it. If the victim of the fraud is nevertheless convicted of full program, you can always throw up your hands and say that there were no chances to buy the indulgence, although “we did everything we could”.

With the help of workers law enforcement agencies solve problems of private and corporate debts, disputes between competitors and increasingly "squeeze out" business, which was previously the prerogative of crime bosses and their fighting teams.

Crimes by law enforcement officers are always socially significant, as they undermine trust ordinary people to state power. On the pages of the information and analytical portal site, we will tell you about extortion, the source of which was officials and security officials.

Read all about crime and subscribe to crime news bulletins.

The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region, Police Lieutenant General Alexander Sysoev commented on rumors to journalists about his possible resignation. Recall that such rumors began to circulate after the departmental inspection of the police began in Voronezh.

At a press conference on March 31, Alexander Sysoev was asked what the results of this check were and whether he himself had a desire to change the Voronezh region to another region or move to another position.

- As it will be, so it will be, - answered the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. - And my desires are in the last place here. Verification not completed. It is planned. The territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the main department have been checked since 2007. In order to determine the real state of affairs of this part. Not Sysoeva or Ivanova there, but all units subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At the same press conference, Alexander Sysoev cited data according to which the Voronezh region in the departmental rating among all regional divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, based on the results of activities from 2012 to 2016, rose from 72nd to 9th place.

At the same time, when asked whether this would give any preferences to Sysoev himself, the head of the Voronezh police said no.

Help "Yo!"

Alexander Sysoev has been appointed head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region since April 2011. Prior to that, he served in various positions of commanding personnel in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Stavropol Territory at the district level. From 1995 to 1998 he headed the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory. In the period from 1998 to 2002, he was the deputy head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Stavropol Territory. Since 2002, he has served in various positions of the highest commanding staff in the North Caucasus region.

On March 31, at a press conference at Interfax, Alexander Sysoev gave an answer about his possible resignation from the post of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Voronezh Region.

Note that on the eve of the source "Notebook Voronezh" reported that Alexander Sysoev would either retire or move to another region.

And in fact, the lieutenant general did not deny our source.

My desires are in the last place here, we are government people, therefore, as it will be, so it will be, - said Alexander Sysoev, thereby making it clear that he is morally ready for such a turn of events.

Regarding the inspection of the department, the head of the central board stressed that "they are not checking Sysoev or Ivanov, but the units that are subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs - inter-municipal, municipal, and up to the main department itself." The check has been going on for the last ten years of work

Recall that the Voronezh Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is being checked by the commission of the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The chief inspector of the ministry, Major General Roman Zaitsev, is in charge of the audit. According to our sources, one or two months after the inspection, Alexander Sysoev will undergo rotation, because the internal regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs assume the replacement of the heads of the regional headquarters, who have been working in one place for more than 5 years.

Alexander Sysoev was appointed head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Voronezh Region by presidential decree in April 2011.

By the way, according to the current legislation, the maximum service life in the internal affairs bodies for lieutenant generals is 60 years, the age that Alexander Sysoev reached last year. And President Vladimir Putin has already extended his term by one year.

As for the successors of Mr. Sysoev, sources say that their pool has not yet been formed. When choosing a candidate, the opinion of the head of the region, Alexei Gordeev, will also be taken into account.

Victor Ganik

Latest news of the Voronezh region on the topic:
Alexander Sysoev is morally ready to leave the police of the Voronezh region

Alexander Sysoev is morally ready to leave the police of the Voronezh region- Voronezh

On March 31, at a press conference at Interfax, Alexander Sysoev gave an answer about his possible resignation from the post of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Voronezh Region.
16:20 31.03.2017 Bloknot-Voronezh.Ru

24.07.2017, 17:27

To replace the head of the Voronezh Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexander Sysoev, may the head of the Tula police come instead of the head of the Lipetsk police?

According to unofficial information, the head of the Tula department of the department, Sergei Galkin, may come to replace the head of the General Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Voronezh Region, Alexander Sysoev.

Earlier, sources of "Abireg" in the Lipetsk and Voronezh departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs predicted to replace Alexander Sysoev with his Lipetsk colleague Mikhail Molokanov. According to them, the new head of the regional GU was first searched for among the Moscow security forces. Later, the choice fell on Mr. Molokanov due to the fact that in 2.5 years of work he "put things in order" in the Lipetsk department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Recall that during the March press conference, Alexander Sysoev (19th place in the 2017 Voronezh Region Influence Rating) did not deny rumors about his possible resignation from the post of head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Directorate for the Voronezh Region after the completion of the inspection of the department by the capital's commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He turned 60 last year. For lieutenant generals of the police, this is the age limit of service, further the powers are extended by the president. In the summer of 2016, Vladimir Putin extended the term of office of Mr. Sysoev for another year.

Sergey Galkin is 58 years old. He began his service as a security policeman. For several years he served in various positions in the internal affairs bodies of the Murmansk region. Having moved to the Kaluga region, he served as a district police inspector, in 2007 he was appointed first deputy head of the Internal Affairs Directorate - the head of the criminal police of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the region. In the fall of 2012, Sergei Galkin was appointed head of the Tula department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Two years later, he was awarded the special rank of Major General of Police.

* Information under the heading "Rumors" comes from different sources, which we are not entitled to disclose. The agency is not responsible for the accuracy of the information: we ask you to treat the information exactly as a rumor and check it when using it!

According to unofficial information, an inspection of the activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the region gave the Voronezh police an unsatisfactory assessment. Recall that the ministerial commission, headed by Major General of Police Roman Zaitsev, has been checking the Voronezh Main Directorate as planned over the past two weeks.

The "failure" gave rise to rumors about the imminent resignation of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Sysoev and his replacement by Anatoly Yakunin, who in 2008-2010 served in the Voronezh head office as head of the criminal police. Then Anatoly Yakunin made a dizzying career, the peak of which was the post of chief of police in the city of Moscow. IN currently Major General Yakunin serves as the head of the Interior Ministry's operations department.

Recall that when the audit was in full swing, Alexander Sysoev held a press conference, during which he commented on rumors about his possible resignation, saying that everything depends on the results of the audit of the department's central apparatus. At the same time, General Sysoev stressed that they were not checking him personally, but all subordinate units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

And when he was asked about his career plans, Alexander Sysoev answered simply: "My desires are in last place here."

In 2016, Alexander Sysoev turned 60. For lieutenant generals of the police, this is the age limit for service, then the president extends the powers. In this case, the procedure assumes an annual renewal (or not renewal) of powers.

Last summer, Vladimir Putin extended the term of office of Alexander Sysoev until July 7, 2017.

Will General Sysoev leave the post, which he has held since April 2011, or not?

The Internet newspaper "Voronezh Vremya" addressed this question to the Chairman of the Committee on Transport, Road Facilities and Safety regional duma Vladimir Verzilin - a man who for 20 years was the head of the regional traffic police, including under the leadership of Sysoev.

I understand that the rumors about the departure of Alexander Nikolaevich are caused by the ministerial "failure", - says Vladimir Verzilin. - But it seems to me that this "unsatisfactory", rather, preventive - to work better.

According to Verzilin, the situation in the Voronezh police is not critical:

We are in the top ten in many respects: both in the work of the State Traffic Inspectorate and in the number of murders solved. In general, the situation is under control. And the trends in the Voronezh police, in my opinion, are positive.

In general, Vladimir Verzilin comes to the following conclusion:

It's not for me to make predictions - the president decides. But my opinion is that Sysoev will work for another year. There are no grounds for his early resignation.

As for Anatoly Yakunin, Vladimir Verzilin argues as follows:

There is a possibility that he will head the Voronezh administration after Sysoev's departure. Moreover, his current position is somewhat below his level. I worked with Yakunin, he is a thoughtful, qualified leader. I can’t say anything against his candidacy.

Of course, it is difficult to say whether the "failure" delivered to the Voronezh police will entail the immediate resignation of Alexander Sysoev. But there is no reason not to trust the foreboding of the person who led the regional traffic police for twenty years.