What is the fruit of the coffee tree called? Plum details. Cultivation, useful properties and variety selection. Video: How to grow a coffee tree at home

Plum - well, who does not know her ?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, surprises with excellent harvests, pleases with its diversity in terms of ripening and a huge choice of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, somewhere she feels better, somewhere worse, but almost no summer resident refuses to grow her on her plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in middle lane, but also in the Urals, in Siberia.

“Each vegetable has its own time”, and each plant has its own optimal time for planting. Anyone who has experienced planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in spring, the plants have not yet started to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat, and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop in such a way that landings have to be carried out at the very height of summer.

Chili con carne in Spanish means chili with meat. This is a Texan and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and minced beef. In addition to the main products, there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, burning, very satisfying and amazingly tasty! You can cook a large pot, arrange in containers and freeze - a whole week will be a delicious dinner.

Cucumber is one of the most beloved garden crops of our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to get a really good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is a little secret that will significantly increase their yield. It's about about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell in the article. An important point in the cultivation of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Summer is associated with beautiful flowers. Both in the garden and in the rooms you want to admire the luxurious inflorescences and touching flowers. And for this it is not at all necessary to use cut bouquets. In the assortment of the best indoor plants there are many beautifully flowering species. In the summer, when they receive the brightest lighting and the optimal duration of daylight hours, they are able to outshine any bouquet. Short-lived or just annual crops look like living bouquets.

Pie with sardines and potatoes - fast, tasty, easy! Such a cake can be baked on weekends, and on weekdays, and a modest festive table it will also decorate. For the filling, in principle, any canned fish is suitable - natural with the addition of oil. With pink salmon or salmon, the taste will turn out a little different, with saury, sardines or mackerel, such deliciousness! The potatoes are put raw in the pie, so they need to be cut very thinly so that they have time to bake. You can use a vegetable cutter.

Summer is in full swing. Planting in gardens and orchards is mostly completed, but worries have not diminished, because the calendar has the hottest months of the year. The temperature scale of the thermometer often exceeds +30 ° C, preventing our plants from growing and developing. How can you help them cope with the heat? The tips that we will share in this article will be useful to both suburban and urban residents. After all, indoor plants during this period also have a hard time. In hot weather, plants need watering.

For many gardeners, slugs are a real nightmare. Although one might think, well, what's wrong with these, at first glance, peaceful sedentary creatures? But in fact, they can cause significant damage to your plants and crops. Not only do slugs persistently eat leaves, flowers and fruits in spring and summer, but with the onset of cold weather, these land mollusks move to the cellar and continue to destroy what you have so carefully grown and collected.

Spelled beef horns - a quick dish for dinner or lunch. V Lately spelt (spelled wheat) becomes popular among supporters proper nutrition and not only. Porridges, soups are prepared from this delicious cereal, spelled and pasta are made from it. In this recipe, from spelled horns, we will cook healthy pasta navy style with vegetable and lean ground beef sauce. The recipe is suitable for those who follow their figure and love to cook. healthy food Houses.

Summer is a wonderful time of the year! So much can be done at the dacha in a few warm months - and work, and relax, and invite friends to barbecue. But as soon as the heat of the day subsides, our small, but real enemies, mosquitoes, immediately appear. In a rainy summer or after a strong flood of rivers, there are especially many of them and the attacks of small bloodsuckers become simply unbearable. Mosquitoes are an unpleasant squeak and bite that cause severe itching.

Incredible blooms on your favorite cacti and succulents are always made even more attractive by the amazing hardiness of the plants themselves. Luxurious bells and dazzling stars remind you that nature has many miracles in store. And although for flowering, many indoor succulents need special conditions wintering, they still remain cultures that are content with minimal care and are suitable for everyone. Let's take a closer look at the most spectacular of them.

Summer appetizer with quail eggs and red caviar - a simple vegetable salad with a spicy sweet and sour dressing that goes well with eggs and caviar. There is an explosion of vitamins in the salad - fresh cucumber and radish, sweet pepper and ripe tomato, as well as creamy curd cheese, which perfectly complements the vegetable mix. This dish can be served before dinner as a light snack with toasted toast. Suitable for refueling unrefined oil and balsamic vinegar.

Linden is planted in parks and squares, slender trees with a spreading crown perfectly purify the air and give long-awaited coolness on a hot summer day. She is loved for her amazing honey aroma, enveloping her in late May and early June, when she appears Linden blossom. It has valuable medicinal properties and is used in many folk recipes, retains its useful qualities for a long time. How and when to collect it, how to properly dry, store and use it will be described in the article.

Flowers on the site delight the eye, give harmony and improve mood from the first warm days until late autumn. Many gardeners and summer residents enthusiastically engage in floriculture - they propagate, plant, create unique flower beds and flower beds not only in the backyard, but also in greenhouses and greenhouses. True, like all other plants, flowers are often invaded by harmful insects and also suffer from various diseases. How to treat, read the article.

Sometimes, watching some plants during the growing season, you can not understand when you like it best, at what point - in spring, summer or autumn? Here is the Japanese spirea from among these plants. Her appearance is constantly changing. And although I chose to write this article the moment when it blooms, I'm still not sure that I'm right. In spring and autumn, its foliage plays with incredible colors and shades. But, in addition to beauty, it is also an unpretentious shrub.

Hearing the word "coffee", many immediately imagine a cup of aromatic drink brewed from selected coffee beans. Today, coffee beans are immensely popular, while this is just a part of the coffee berry, amazing in its structure. In this article, we will look at the coffee berry in a new light, and you will see that the matter is not limited to extracting coffee beans from it.

The coffee berry is a stone fruit of the coffee tree that is red (sometimes yellow) in color and consists of several layers that perform different functions. The outer shell of the berry (skin) is called the exocarp. She, being bitter and thick, performs a protective function. Beneath it is the mesocarp, a thin layer of pulp with the sweet taste and texture of grape pulp. Next comes the parenchyma - a set of cellular elements that provide many synthesis processes in a living organism - assimilation. After it - a kind of parchment, in science - endocarp. And only after this list inside the berry are seeds known as coffee beans. Usually they develop in pairs and are separated by an additional membrane - the spermoderm. Experts call it silver skin or skin, traces of which can sometimes be found when roasting grains.

It happens that not two grains are formed in the berry, but one whole. This is explained by the fact that at the stage of conception one of the grains was not capable of development and remained a microscopic embryo. Whole grain is called "peaberry" (from the English peaberry - pea berry or pea). This seed is rounded, slightly larger than the standard "half". The number of berries with such grains is approximately 5-7% of the total crop. Peaberries are carefully selected and sold as a separate coffee variety. It is believed that Peaberry coffee has a brighter bouquet, because. the rounded shape of the grain, unlike conventional beans with thinner and sharper edges, goes through the roasting process better, which enhances the final taste, making it more uniform and rich. In addition, it is believed that the taste of peaberry is more intense, because the elements to be distributed between the two grains have been absorbed by only one grain. The equivalent term "caracol" (from Spanish caracolito) is also found in the literature.

Coffee seeds, whether Peaberries or standard beans, are embryos that, when provided with food and moisture, develop into newer plant(cm. ). They themselves consist of embryonic matter, water, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, amino acids and, of course, caffeine, the proportion of which varies depending on. It also depends on him.

For many years, coffee beans were perceived as the only possible and profitable product for general consumption, and the rest of the coffee berry - the juicy pulp - was thrown away due to its perishable nature. Only recently, experts discovered the unique properties of the upper shells of the coffee berry, began to process them and supply them to the market in the form of various products.

Over the past two years, the coffee fruit has been the subject of much controversy and controversy, but it turned out that its pulp contains a huge amount of amino acids and other nutrients - many times more than in fresh blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. The pulp of the coffee berry contains a large amount of phenolic acids that can reduce the risk of diseases, including cancer. Moreover, it has been noted that the hands of coffee harvesters (in the process) age more slowly than other parts of the body, because. part of the nutrients, oils and antioxidants remains on the fingers of pickers, being a natural cosmetic product.

As for products derived from the pulp of the coffee berry, today several foreign companies produce juices and nutritional drinks, calling them superfruit, dried fruits - dried pitted coffee berries, as well as extracts and vitamins.

The main problem of the distribution of innovative products is that the consumer has a very firmly formed associative array with respect to coffee: when mentioning coffee berries, an image of coffee beans and the coffee drink itself arises. However, the taste of the pulp of the berry has little in common with the taste of coffee beans, especially in the processed form in both cases; ready-to-eat products made from pulp and grains are completely different.

Regardless of the production of products from the pulp of the coffee berry or its grains, among many other factors, the ripeness of the berry at the time of harvest and the high-quality processing of its components play a special role in the formation of taste.

The coffee tree is a beautiful and unusual indoor plant that not only perfectly decorates any interior, but also proper care will give fruits from which it will be possible to prepare a natural invigorating drink. In this article, we will tell you how to grow a coffee tree at home and what recommendations you need to take into account, and the photos will help you get acquainted with this process more clearly.

Characteristics of the coffee tree

The birthplace of coffee is hot Africa, and specifically Ethiopia. From there came all the species known today. But out of 50 varieties, only one is suitable for indoor decorative cultivation - it has the name Arabian. Its main differences are wavy elongated oval-shaped leaves with a rich green tint and a pointed tip. The flowers are white, formed into a bunch, then turn into greenish berries, which turn reddish when ripe. From these fruits, grains are collected, which are then turned into a famous drink.

Where to put the plant

A young indoor coffee tree requires a lot of light, so it is best to set the pot on a windowsill in a warm room. Coffee also grows well on a north-facing window, but a south-facing window is best for it. One of the most important requirements is not to change the location of the plant and not to turn the pot. This will cause the foliage to fall off, and the flowering tree may lose buds and subsequently not bear fruit.

Suitable temperature, humidity and lighting for coffee

For the normal development of the seedling, it needs the following air temperature:

  • Summer period - up to +22 degrees;
  • Winter period - up to +18 degrees.

In winter, the temperature in the dwelling should not fall below +12 degrees, because if the temperature is lowered, the growth of a young green pet is inhibited and its roots rot. Not quite comfortable conditions for overwintering are quite suitable for an adult plant. The acceptable temperature in the winter season for him is +10 degrees, you definitely need good lighting, and a small rare watering of the root zone.

The seedling loves very much when its leaves are regularly sprayed with settled warm water. This procedure is carried out at all times of the year. The home coffee tree should grow in moderately humid air. If it is dry or too wet, it will depress the plant.

The growth of the seedling on the northern window will be long, flowering will be late, and fruiting will be delayed. Southern lighting also has its drawbacks. The leaves of the coffee tree can easily get sunburned, so in the summer season the plant is slightly shaded. To do this, a newspaper sheet is attached to the window glass with adhesive tape. The rays of the sun falling on the coffee, becoming scattered, do not burn the leaves.

If there is no good sunlight, then the adult "green resident" cannot form a full-fledged ovary. It is necessary not to miss the moment of the formation of fruit embryos by the flower brush, after this process the plant must be shaded.

Soil, watering and top dressing for a coffee tree

The most favorable soil for coffee is loose, breathable. Water when watering this soil well moisturizes the roots of the plant, does not stagnate, its excess drains into the pan due to drainage.

Used substrates:

  • Combining leafy turf, shabby peat and river coarse sand in proportions 1:2:2;
  • Chernozem, sand, leaf turf and humus are mixed in equal proportions. Two parts of sour peat are mixed with them.

It is also desirable to finely chop and add sphagnum moss. It will ensure the retention of moisture in the soil and maintain its normal friability and acidity. Do not forget about good drainage at the bottom of the pot, otherwise moisture stagnation can lead to the death of the roots.

It is necessary to transplant a coffee tree up to three years every spring, and when it reaches four years and beyond, once every 2-3 years.

A grown coffee tree at home should be regularly watered abundantly in summer, and slightly reduce the supply of moisture in winter. It is best to "drink" coffee with rain soft water.

To obtain additional moisture, the tree needs to be sprayed or wiped with a damp sponge. You can also occasionally give your "green friend" a warm shower or put the pot in a pan of water.

As fertilizers for top dressing are used:

  • Potash, phosphorus and nitrogen mineral mixtures;
  • Horn shavings;
  • Mullein.

Planting a coffee bean tree

To start growing a coffee tree with your own hands, you need to prepare a deep pot so that the tap root is comfortable and free. The grain must be slightly compressed with pliers or cut deep with a knife so that the outer shell cracks. Then germination will begin faster. Otherwise, the grain will not be accepted until its outer shell decays.

  • Planting material prepared according to the above scheme is soaked overnight in a growth stimulator (for example, Zircon);
  • To plant a tree from coffee beans, we allocate a deep pot with good drainage, filled with a slightly damp loose soil mixture;
  • We plant in the ground by 3-4 cm with intervals between each grain of 3-5 cm;
  • We water the soil, then cover the pot with a plastic bag or glass and put it in a warm room;
  • Once every 14 days, we open the pot, remove the condensate and air the crops. The first sprouts "hatch" after 50-60 days.

It is better to choose fresh seeds. They are more likely to germinate. But from seeds that have lain down for a long time, only 2-3 out of 100 can begin to grow.

Propagation of a coffee tree by cuttings

It is easier to propagate the plant with green cuttings. To do this, you need to prepare a soil mixture from equal parts of marsh sour crumbs based on peat and perlite. It will pass oxygen and moisture well. It is also necessary to disinfect the soil with a solution of manganese.

Next steps:

  • In an adult tree, we select a twig with four leaves from the middle part of the crown. It is better to take a cutting from a branch with bud germs that grew last year. So the future plant will enter the phase of branching and flowering earlier;
  • We cut the cutting from the mother tree three centimeters below the foliage with a blade or a sharp knife;
  • On freshly cut blanks under the last two leaves, we leave longitudinal scratches with a needle. This will contribute to the accelerated formation of roots;
  • Then we place the cuttings vertically with the lower scratched part for 3 hours in a root-forming mixture of a tablespoon of honey dissolved in a glass of water;
  • Next, we plant the blanks in a pot with soil 2-3 cm deep (to the leaves) and cover with a perforated plastic bag. Through the holes it will be possible to spray and ventilate the seedlings;
  • You also need to protect the cuttings from the sun.

The most optimal temperature for rooting is + 25-30 degrees with high humidity. The main sign that the cuttings have taken root is the growth of the upper buds. And when a new pair of leaves appears, you can transplant into a separate container.

Cuttings have a number of advantages:

  • The young tree will have the same characteristics as the mother plant;
  • Flowering occurs in the first year of planting;
  • The first fruits appear in a year.

You can buy a young plant in a flower shop. Its cost will depend on the type, height and diameter of the pot. For example, the average price of a small specimen 30 cm high in a 12 cm pot is approximately 1000 rubles in online stores.

Diseases of the coffee tree

The main cause of ailments in a plant is improper care. Diseases of the coffee tree can be eliminated as follows:

  • If the foliage dries, curls and becomes stained, you need to carefully inspect the plant and remove the affected areas;
  • In order to get rid of pests, it is treated with a solution of actellik and karbofos (10 drops per half liter of water);
  • If the leaves are damaged by a scab, they must be gently wiped with alcohol;
  • From fungal diseases, treatment with insecticidal soap, copper sulfate or antifungal drugs will help.

Now you know how to care for a coffee tree. If everything is done correctly, then in 3-4 years you will be able to get not only beautiful indoor plant, but the fruits are in the form of berries, from which grains are extracted. When they are processed, real natural coffee will turn out. And when grown from a cutting, a tree can begin to bear fruit in the first year.

Video: How to grow a coffee tree at home

Due to the extraordinary diversity of coffee trees and shrubs, their exact classification is rather difficult.

Back in the 18th century, the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus classified coffee varieties, identifying three main types of coffee trees: Arabica, Robusta and Liberica, which are used only to breed new varieties of coffee.

Two of these make up the majority of commercial coffee types:

Coffea Arabica (which has quite a few subspecies);
- Coffea canephora. Robusta, which received this name ("strong, strong").

Among other types of coffee tree, Coffea Liberica, discovered in Liberia in 1843, and Coffea Dewevrei, the most famous subspecies of which is excelsa. Both of these varieties have the qualities of robusta and quite acceptable, albeit rather mediocre, taste. A lot of effort has been put into creating various coffee hybrids, but one must take into account the fact that, despite high yields, high resistance and longevity, many hybrids produce coffee of much worse quality than the original types of coffee trees.


The most famous view.

A tree 6 to 8 meters high (however, the tree is not allowed to grow more than 4 meters for the convenience of harvesting), with outstretched branches; leaves are glossy, 14 centimeters long, oblong or ovate oblong, pointed.

Flowers in bunches of 3 and 7 in the corners of the leaves, white fragrant - five; the oblong fruit is red, and finally purple, oval, 14 millimeters long.

The grains are oblong, flat-convex, facing each other with flat sides, on which a longitudinal dollar-shaped cut is noticeable. It usually grows on mountain plateaus or on the slopes of volcanoes at an altitude of up to 800-1200 meters above sea level, where the average annual rainfall reaches 1500-2000 mm, and where warm days give way to rather cold nights with average fluctuations in average daily temperatures from 15 to 24 degrees Celsius.

Arabica coffee trees bloom after each rainy season, after which the fruit takes approximately nine months to mature.

In a year, an Arabica tree usually produces no more than 5 kg of fruit, from which about 1 kg of finished grains is obtained. Beans are larger, longer and even than those of Robusta, and also less caffeinated, Arabica beans have a delicate sour aroma. Arabica contains: 18% aromatic oils, 0.5 -1.5% caffeine. The taste of coffee made from Arabica is sweet, with a slight sourness.

Arabica makes up almost 70% of all coffee produced in the world, but growing it, because it is very sensitive to diseases, pests and frost, is quite difficult, and therefore it is more expensive than other varieties of coffee.


Unlike Arabica coffee, Robusta coffee has less aroma and greater strength, and besides, plants perfectly resist diseases and insects. However, the strength of coffee is far from the most important characteristic of this drink, and the taste of Robusta is valued lower than Arabica. In this regard, it makes up only 30 percent of the coffee produced in the world.

Despite the fact that Robusta trees need to be artificially pollinated and cared for literally from the first days of their life, it is still easier to grow Robusta, and when in the second half of the 19th century numerous arabica plantations were destroyed by the disease, it was mostly planted instead. robusta. Currently, it is grown in the tropics, but most of all Robusta is supplied to the Eastern and Central Africa, Southeast Asia and Brazil.

Robusta grows at an altitude of 200 m to 900 m above sea level and is more resistant to changes in temperature and rainfall. Plantations do not require much maintenance and are characterized by high yields.

Robusta withstands a very humid climate with a rainfall of 3000 mm or more, but in no case should water be allowed to stagnate under the trees. In addition, Robusta survives at very high air temperatures, although it prefers 24-30 degrees Celsius. Robusta trees bloom randomly and rather irregularly; their fruits take 10-11 months to mature.

Robusta beans contain: 8% aromatic oils, an average of 4.5% caffeine.

On sale, Robusta is mainly used in blends, where it is a very valuable component - due to its high strength, it is used in various blends, as well as for the production of instant coffee.

In Italy, it is added to mixtures to obtain a more stable and dense foam in espresso.


The Liberica coffee tree comes from West Africa, more specifically from a small state called Liberia.

Liberian coffee was first discovered in the 18th century. Today, Liberica is common in virtually all African countries, and is also grown in Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka.

Liberica coffee trees have very large leaves, while coffee beans reach 3-3.5 cm in length and 1-1.5 cm in width. The height of the coffee tree can be from 6 to 10 meters.

Liberica is a rather unpretentious type of coffee tree and is very resistant to various unfavorable factors, however, the ideal conditions for its cultivation are heat air and high soil moisture.

Also, Liberica is very resistant to various diseases of coffee trees, the only exception is a rust fungus.

The taste qualities of Liberian coffee leave much to be desired. Therefore, Liberica is not used as an independent coffee variety, but is used only in combination with other varieties.


Excelsa is even less common than Liberica. Like a cultivated tree excelsa cultivated in Vietnam and the Philippines.

The coffee tree of the excelsa type reaches a height of 20 meters. The fruits of the tree are large in size and have a persistent aroma. Excelsa, like Liberica, is resistant to various diseases of coffee trees, but at the same time it is whimsical to growing conditions.

Excelsa coffee has no industrial value and is used only in a mixture with other types of coffee beans.

Since the fragrant fruits of coffee trees conquered the whole world, the cultivation of these plants has been taken up everywhere. Of course, when growing a house from a coffee tree, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a full-fledged crop, but the indoor bush has such high decorative properties that it is always an honored guest in any floristic collection.

The plant coffee tree or coffee (Coffe) belongs to the Rubiaceae family. Homeland - the tropics of Africa.

From ancient times, a legend came about the merits of coffee, which tells that one shepherd had goats that ate berries from a coffee bush. After that, the goats frolic all night, awake. He told about this to one mullah, who often fell asleep in the mosque. Mulla decided to test the effect of these berries on himself. And indeed, berries help the mullah.

In 1591, the Italian physician Prosper Alpinus, accompanying the Venetian embassy to Egypt, got acquainted with this drink. Upon his return, he brought some coffee beans and spoke about its medicinal properties. In 1652, the first coffee house was opened in London. These small, cozy establishments spread so quickly that in just a few years there were several thousand of them.

Since in those days there was no extensive information that we have in our time, people gathered in crowds there, learning and discussing last news where various commercial transactions were concluded. If they wanted to know something about a person, they didn’t ask him what district of the city he lives in, and what coffee shop he visits. Even the first lanterns that were installed in the city were placed near coffee houses.

Coffee, a low tree native to tropical Africa and Abyssinia, found its second home in Brazil. The best varieties of coffee - Arabian and Kenyan - are valued much higher than coffee from other countries. However, in India, coffee is also cultivated on a significant scale.

Of the cultivated species of the coffee tree, Arabic coffee ranks first, occupying 90% of the area. This species grows well, blooms and bears fruit in room conditions.

What does a coffee tree look like: plant description

Coffee is an evergreen tree, rarely a shrub. The coffee tree is a very attractive indoor plant; at home, with proper care, it grows up to 2 m in height.

The leaves are large, leathery (10-15 cm), slightly wavy, shiny, with a short petiole, have a green color. They are oval in shape with a pointed crown. The bark of the trunk has a light beige color.

The flowers are very fragrant, white or cream, collected in inflorescences of 3-7 pieces in the axils of the leaves. The flowers are bisexual, emit a strong fragrant smell, reminiscent of jasmine.

The fruit is a berry, bright red when ripe. According to the description, the berries of coffee trees are similar to. The fruits are small, initially green, round or oval. Inside are seeds called "coffee beans". In countries where coffee is grown, children eat these berries with great pleasure.

Mature grains have a yellowish color, they acquire a dark brown color after roasting. From one coffee tree in room culture, you can harvest up to 0.5 kg.

If you take care of the coffee tree at home as experienced flower growers advise, the plant can bloom and bear fruit at the same time throughout the year. The coffee tree is a long-liver, as individual specimens live up to 200 years (on plantations no more than 30 years). On average, a coffee tree can produce up to 1 kg of seeds during the year.

A potted coffee tree easily adapts to adverse indoor conditions. The young plant blooms in the third or fourth year

Its height depends on the type of tree. In the spring and summer periods, increased plant growth occurs; in a year, a tree can grow by 5–10 cm.

Species and varieties.

At home, only one species is grown - Arabian coffee (C. aradica).

There is also a dwarf form indoor flower a coffee tree - ‘Nana’ ('Nana')- its height is not more than 50-70 cm.

See what the coffee tree looks like in these photos:

The use of coffee fruit

In some African countries, coffee tree leaves are brewed as tea, they also contain caffeine. The sweet pulp of the fruit is edible. A drink made from roasted coffee beans has a tonic and vasodilating effect. An infusion of raw coffee is useful for whooping cough and for nervous headaches, as well as for arthritis and gout.

In traditional medicine, medical charcoal is made from coffee seeds. It is used as a cleanser for gastric poisoning, superior to all other types of medical coal. It is used for poisoning, in the treatment of wounds, from gases.

In Russia medicinal properties coffee was known as early as 1665, and was considered an indispensable medicine "against the common cold and headaches." The famous botanist Carl Linnaeus wrote about coffee that “... this drink strengthens the womb, helps the stomach to cook food, cleanses the clogged inside, warms the stomach.” Voltaire could drink up to 50 cups of coffee during the day, not much inferior to Honore de Balzac.

In medical practice, it is used as an aphrodisiac nervous system and a vasodilator for depression, mental fatigue, various heart diseases, headaches, hypotension, poisoning.

At home, the fruits are dried indoors in the open air, after being freed from the pulp. Then fried until brown, crushed.

It should be borne in mind that when drinking coffee, the body gets used to it. If it is consumed in large doses (more than 5 cups of coffee a day), and then stopped, then there may be manifestations in the form of headache, fatigue, irritability, and sometimes nausea.

Having information about the use of coffee tree fruits, do not forget that strong coffee is not recommended for patients with atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, as it can cause an angina attack.

It is also contraindicated to drink coffee for children, elderly people suffering from insomnia, with increased excitability, gastritis, stomach ulcers. The sweet edible pulp of coffee fruits (berries) in Africa is used to make alcoholic beverages and for caffeine.

Care when growing a coffee tree in a pot at home (with video)

It is necessary that the growing conditions close to tropical are maintained in the room in which the coffee tree is located, just then it will be possible to hope for a harvest and that the beans will have a characteristic coffee aroma.

Accommodation. Coffee needs a bright, sunny room, especially in winter. It is better to place a coffee tree on the western and eastern windows.

Coffee needs a lot of sun and fresh air, but young plants cannot stand direct sunlight. The coffee tree prefers diffused light. If it is too dark, it will grow more slowly, and bright light can cause yellowing and wrinkling of the leaves. With a lack of light, marginal necrosis of the leaves may begin.

When grown at home, the coffee tree is not as sensitive to movement as the lemon, but it also gets used to its place and does not like to be moved to another. However, in the summer it can be put on a balcony or loggia, and even taken out to the dacha, provided that it remains oriented to the sun (for this, it is enough to tie a rag on the south side of the tree).

Temperature. It is better to keep the plant at a temperature of 25-30 ° C, especially during the growing season. Room temperature is also suitable for normal growth. In winter, the plant hibernates, and then it needs a lower temperature, but not lower than 18 ° C. In winter, the plant is usually kept at a temperature not lower than 18 ° C.

The soil. The main requirements for soil when caring for an indoor coffee tree are nutritional value and friability. The soil for the plant consists of soddy soil, coarse river sand and leaf humus, taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 1, while the soil reaction should be neutral.

The substrate is prepared from soddy and leafy soil, humus and sand (2:1:1:1).

Top dressing. When caring for a coffee tree at home, fertilizing is carried out from May to September twice a month with flower fertilizers.

During the growing season, the coffee tree intensively consumes nutrients, so it is recommended to feed it once every 10 days; especially it needs nitrogen and potassium. From spring to mid-August, the tree is fed with slurry (1: 10) and complete mineral fertilizer, which necessarily contains trace elements, molybdenum is especially necessary. AVA fertilizer is very useful.

Transfer. In the course of growing a coffee tree at home, a young flower is transplanted annually, an adult - once every 2-3 years. Mature plants are transferred to taller and larger pots in spring.

How to water and prune a houseplant coffee tree at home (with photo)

Abundant in summer, moderate in winter, settled water. The plant needs regular watering, especially in the spring and summer during the stage of increased growth. But too abundant watering is not recommended. Before watering the coffee tree, make sure that the top layer of soil is slightly dry. If watering is insufficient, or vice versa, too plentiful, then the leaves may begin to fall off. In winter, you should not water the coffee tree often.

The coffee tree loves fresh air and requires high humidity. With the heating turned on, it is advisable to spray coffee 2-3 times a day.

As shown in the photo, the indoor coffee tree has a beautiful natural crown:

When pruning the plant, you should only shorten too long shoots and limit the height of the plant according to need. However, specimens grown from cuttings develop in the form of a bush that needs to be formed. Since the plant is very photophilous, it is recommended to turn it around its axis from time to time for uniform development of the crown.

The following describes how to propagate a coffee tree at home.

How to propagate a coffee tree at home with seeds and cuttings

Reproduction. Freshly harvested seeds, peeled from the red shell. Seeds germinate better in a heated substrate (25-28 °C).

Seeds quickly lose their viability, so they should be stored no longer than a year, and it is best to sow soon after harvest. To grow a coffee tree, the seeds, peeled from the pulp, are sown in a soil mixture of light soddy soil, leafy soil and sand (2:1:2) to a depth of 1 cm, flat side down. Before planting, they are washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The temperature for germination should be 22-24 degrees, the substrate is kept moist. Shoots appear in 30-40 days. After the formation of the first pair of leaves, the plants are planted in pots. The first 3-4 years, the plant is transplanted annually, then every two years. For adult plants, 1 part of humus is added to the soil.

You can propagate coffee and cuttings, rooting them in wet sand under glass or plastic wrap, at a temperature of 28-30 C. Cuttings must be taken from a fruit-bearing tree, otherwise you will not wait for the fruits. The plant is cut in the spring with the tops of semi-lignified shoots of last year's growth. Seedlings of the coffee tree begin to bear fruit for 3-4 years, and specimens grown by cuttings sometimes bloom already at the rooting stage.

The video "Coffee tree at home" clearly demonstrates all the main agricultural practices for caring for this plant: