Worthy defenders wow. The Command Desk in Battle for Azeroth - The Complete Guide. In a duel, they patiently wait for the enemy to weaken the defense.

The youngest defender of Stalingrad was six-year-old Seryozha Aleshkov, the son of the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 47th Guards Rifle Division. The fate of this boy is dramatic, like many children of war. Before the war, the Aleshkov family lived in the Kaluga region in the village of Gryn. In the fall of 1941, the region was captured by the Nazis. Lost in the forests, the village became the base of the partisan detachment, and its inhabitants became partisans.

One day, a mother with a ten-year-old Petya - Serezha's older brother - went on a mission. They were captured by the Nazis. They were tortured. Petya was hanged. When the mother tried to save her son, she was shot dead by the Gestapo. Serezha was left an orphan. In the summer of 1942, punishers attacked the partisan base. The partisans, firing back, went into the thicket of the forest.

In one of the runs, Serezha got tangled in the bushes, fell, and badly hurt his leg. Lagging behind his own, he wandered through the forest for several days. Slept under trees, ate berries. On September 8, 1942, our units occupied this area. The soldiers of the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment picked up the exhausted and hungry boy, left him, sewed a military uniform, enrolled in the lists of the regiment, with which he went through a glorious military path, including Stalingrad.

Serezha becomes a member Battle of Stalingrad. At this time he was 6 years old. Of course, Serezha could not take direct part in the hostilities, but he tried his best to help our soldiers: he brought them food, brought them shells, cartridges, sang songs, read poems, delivered mail between battles. He was very fond of in the regiment and was called the fighter Aleshkin. Once, he saved the life of the regiment commander, Colonel M.D. Vorobyov.

During the shelling, the colonel was overwhelmed in a dugout. Seryozha did not lose his head and called our fighters in time. The soldiers who arrived in time pulled the commander out of the rubble and he remained alive. On November 18, 1942, Seryozha, together with the soldiers of one company, came under mortar fire. A fragment of a mine was wounded in the leg, ended up in the hospital. After treatment he returned to the regiment. The soldiers arranged a celebration on this occasion.

Before the formation, an order was read out to award Serezha with the medal "For Military Merit" No. 013 (Order of 04/24/1943). Two years later he was sent to study at the Tula Suvorov Military School. On holidays, as to his own father, he came to Mikhail Danilovich Vorobyov, the former commander of the regiment.

During the award "For military merit".

Post-war photograph by Sergei Aleshkov.

Before the war, they were the most ordinary boys and girls. They studied, helped the elders, played, ran, jumped, broke their noses and knees. Only relatives, classmates and friends knew their names.
Boys. Girls. On their fragile shoulders lay the weight of adversity, disasters, grief of the war years. And they did not bend under this weight, they became stronger in spirit, more courageous, more enduring.
Little heroes of the big war. They fought next to the elders - fathers, brothers, next to the communists and Komsomol members.
And not for a moment did young hearts tremble!

For military merits, tens of thousands of children and pioneers were awarded orders and medals:
Orders of Lenin were awarded - Tolya Shumov, Vitya Korobkov, Volodya Kaznacheev; Order of the Red Banner - Volodya Dubinin, Yuli Kantemirov, Andrey Makarihin, Kostya Kravchuk;
Orders Patriotic War 1st degree - Petya Klypa, Valery Volkov, Sasha Kovalev; Order of the Red Star - Volodya Samorukha, Shura Efremov, Vanya Andrianov, Vitya Kovalenko, Lenya Ankinovich.

Hundreds of pioneers have been awarded
Medal "Partisan of the Great Patriotic War"
medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" - over 15,000,
"For the defense of Moscow" - over 20,000 medals
Four pioneer heroes were awarded the title
Hero Soviet Union:
Lenya Golikov, Marat Kazei, Valya Kotik, Zina Portnova.

Marat Kazei.
The war fell on the Belarusian land. The Nazis broke into the village where Marat lived with his mother, Anna Aleksandrovna Kazya. In the fall, Marat no longer had to go to school in the fifth grade. The Nazis turned the school building into their barracks. The enemy was furious. Anna Alexandrovna Kazei was captured for her connection with the partisans, and soon Marat found out that his mother had been hanged in Minsk. The boy's heart was filled with anger and hatred for the enemy. Together with his sister, a Komsomol member Ada, pioneer Marat Kazei went to the partisans in the Stankovsky forest.

He became a scout at the headquarters of the partisan brigade. Penetrated into enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information to the command. Using these data, the partisans developed a daring operation and defeated the fascist garrison in the city of Dzerzhinsk ... Marat participated in the battles and invariably showed courage, fearlessness, along with experienced demolition men railway. Marat died in battle. He fought to the last bullet, and when he had only one grenade left, he let the enemies get closer and blew them up ... and himself. For courage and bravery pioneer Marat Kazei was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to the young Hero was erected in the city of Minsk.

Nadia Bogdanova.
She was executed twice by the Nazis, and fighting friends for many years considered Nadya dead. She even erected a monument.
It's hard to believe, but when she became a scout in the partisan detachment of "Uncle Vanya" Dyachkov, she was not yet ten years old. Small, thin, she, pretending to be a beggar, wandered among the Nazis, noticing everything, remembering everything, and brought the most valuable information to the detachment.

And then, together with partisan fighters, she blew up the fascist headquarters, derailed a train with military equipment, mined objects. The first time she was captured when, together with Vanya Zvontsov, she hung out a red flag on November 7, 1941 in Vitebsk occupied by the enemy. They beat her with ramrods, tortured her, and when they brought her to the ditch - to shoot, she had no strength left - she fell into the ditch, for a moment, ahead of the bullet. Vanya died, and the partisans found Nadia alive in the ditch ... The second time she was captured at the end of the 43rd. And again torture: they poured ice water over her in the cold, burned a five-pointed star on her back. Considering the scout dead, the Nazis, when the partisans attacked Karasevo, abandoned her.

Came out of her, paralyzed and almost blind, the locals. After the war in Odessa, Academician V.P. Filatov returned Nadia's sight. After 15 years, she heard on the radio how the head of intelligence of the 6th detachment Slesarenko - her commander - said that the soldiers of their dead comrades would never forget, and named Nadia among them Bogdanova, who saved his life, who was wounded ... Only then did she show up, only then did the people who worked with her learn about what an amazing fate she was, Nadya Bogdanova, awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, medals.

Zina Portnova
The war found the Leningrad pioneer Zina Portnova in the village of Zuya, where she came for the holidays - this is not far from the Obol station in the Vitebsk region. In Obol, an underground Komsomol youth organization "Young Avengers" was created, and Zina was elected a member of its committee. She participated in daring operations against the enemy, in sabotage, distributed leaflets, and conducted reconnaissance on the instructions of the partisan detachment. ... It was December 1943. Zina was returning from a mission.

In the village of Mostishche, a traitor betrayed her. The Nazis seized the young partisan and tortured her. The answer to the enemy was Zina's silence, her contempt and hatred, her determination to fight until
end. During one of the interrogations, having chosen the moment, Zina grabbed a pistol from the table and shot at the Gestapo point-blank. The officer who ran into the shot was also killed on the spot. Zina tried to escape, but the Nazis overtook her ... The brave young pioneer was brutally tortured, but until the last minute she remained steadfast, courageous, unbending. And the Motherland posthumously noted her feat with her highest title - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Lenya Golikov
When the enemy captured his native village, the boy went to the partisans.
More than once he went to reconnaissance, brought important information to the partisan detachment. And enemy trains and cars flew downhill, bridges collapsed, enemy warehouses burned ...
There was a battle in his life that Lenya fought one on one with a fascist general. A grenade thrown by a boy knocked out a car. A Nazi with a briefcase in his hands got out of it and, shooting back, rushed to run. Lenya is behind him. He pursued the enemy for almost a kilometer and finally killed him.

There were some very important documents in the briefcase. The headquarters of the partisans immediately sent them by plane to Moscow.
There were many more battles in his short life! And the young hero who fought shoulder to shoulder with adults never flinched. He died near the village of Ostraya Luka in the winter of 1943, when the enemy was especially fierce, feeling that the earth was burning under his feet, that there would be no mercy for him ...
On April 2, 1944, a decree of the Presidium was published Supreme Council USSR on awarding the pioneer partisan Lena Golikov the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Valya Kotik
When the Nazis broke into Shepetovka, Valya Kotik and his friends decided to fight the enemy. The guys collected weapons at the battlefield, which the partisans then transported to the detachment in a wagon of hay.
Having looked closely at the boy, the communists entrusted Valya to be a liaison and intelligence officer in their underground organization. He learned the location of enemy posts, the order of the changing of the guard.
The Nazis planned a punitive operation against the partisans, and Valya, having tracked down the Nazi officer who led the punishers, killed him ...

When arrests began in the city, Valya, along with his mother and brother Viktor, went to the partisans. The pioneer, who had just turned fourteen years old, fought shoulder to shoulder with adults, liberating his native land. On his account - six enemy echelons blown up on the way to the front. Valya Kotik was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, and the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War," 2nd class.
Valya Kotik died as a hero, and the Motherland posthumously honored him with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Vitya Khomenko
Pioneer Vitya Khomenko passed his heroic path of struggle against the Nazis in the underground organization "Nikolaev Center".
... At school, in German, Vitya was "excellent", and the underground instructed the pioneer to get a job in the officer's canteen. He washed dishes, sometimes served the officers in the hall and listened to their conversations. In drunken arguments, the Nazis blurted out information that was of great interest to the "Nikolaev Center".
The officers began to send the quick, smart boy on errands, and soon made him a messenger at the headquarters. It could not have occurred to them that the most secret packages were the first to be read by the underground at the turnout ...

Together with Shura Kober, Vitya was given the task of crossing the front line in order to establish contact with Moscow. In Moscow, at the headquarters of the partisan movement, they reported on the situation and told about what they had observed on the way.
Returning to Nikolaev, the guys delivered a radio transmitter, explosives, and weapons to the underground workers. Again, fighting without fear or hesitation. On December 5, 1942, ten underground workers were captured by the Nazis and executed. Among them are two boys - Shura Kober and Vitya Khomenko. They lived as heroes and died as heroes.
The Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree - posthumously - was awarded by the Motherland to her fearless son. The name of Vitya Khomenko is the school where he studied.

Volodya Kaznacheev
1941... In the spring I finished fifth grade. In the fall he joined a partisan detachment.
When, together with his sister Anya, he came to the partisans in the Kletnyansky forests, in the Bryansk region, the detachment said: “Well, replenishment! , they stopped joking (Elena Kondratievna was killed by the Nazis).
There was a "partisan school" in the detachment.

Future miners and demolition workers were trained there. Volodya perfectly mastered this science and, together with his senior comrades, derailed eight echelons. He had to cover the retreat of the group, stopping the pursuers with grenades ...

He was connected; often went to Kletnya, delivering valuable information; waiting for darkness, posting leaflets. From operation to operation he became more experienced, more skillful.
For the head of the partisan Kzanacheev, the Nazis put a reward, not even suspecting that their brave opponent was just a boy. He fought alongside adults until the very day when motherland was not freed from fascist evil spirits, and rightfully shared with adults the glory of the hero-liberator native land. Volodya Kaznacheev was awarded the Order of Lenin, the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" 1st degree.

Marat Kazei with his sister.

A preserved letter to my sister.

It can even be argued that the pioneer heroes themselves are a myth generated by total propaganda. But here's what you still should not forget: these 13-17-year-olds died for real. Someone blew himself up with the last grenade, someone received a bullet from the advancing Germans, someone was hanged in the courtyard of the prison.
These guys, for whom the words "patriotism", "honor" and "Motherland" were absolute concepts, deserved the right to everything. Except oblivion."

Lenya Golikov and Valya Kotik

Zina Portnova and Valya Zenkina

Marat Kazei and Volodya Dubinin

Lara Mikheenko and Nadia Bogdanova

Kostya Kravchuk and Vitya Khomenko

Yuta Bondarovskaya and Galya Komleva

Vasya Korobko and Sasha Borodulin

Broken Shore is unlocked by completing a scenario that grants access to the Legionfall's Legionfall faction. After running the script, you can run world quests on the Broken Shore and earn reputation with the new faction.

With patch 7.2, the currency from the pre-patch Nethershards is back. They are used to purchase Legionfall reputation rewards and "discarded" armor blanks.


Deliverance Pinnacle is the main base on the Broken Shore. It is there that you can make your “contribution” to the construction of new buildings that give various bonuses (including opening access to new content). The one-time contribution is 100 Legionfall Army Supplies (issued as a reward for completing tasks, obtained from rare elite monsters). The construction is carried out by the forces of one faction from the entire region.

The player can build three different buildings - Mage Tower, Command Headquarters and Nether Breaker. Each of these buildings will provide one permanent bonus that applies to all, as well as one random bonus that changes when a new building of this type is built. To receive bonuses, you need to talk with Commander Chambers, after the construction of a new building.

At the end of the construction, the armies of the Legion will attack the erected building for 3 days, until it is completely destroyed. During the attack period, bonuses from the building will not work. To start new construction, you must wait 1 day.

Mage Tower

Permanent bonus from the mage tower - Fel Treasures. It unlocks Artifact Trials, Wyrmtongue Hidden Chests, and the Portal Network.

Artifact Challenges: This is a solo content that allows you to try your hand at battles with powerful opponents. Upon successful completion, the player receives a new look for his artifact. For each attempt, you have to pay with Nethershards. There are 7 different tests for each specialization.
Wyrmtongue's Hidden Chests: Players gain the ability to see Wyrmtongue's Unusual Stash. The Wyrmtongue Cache Key is required to open the chest, which can be purchased for 500 Nethershards from Treasure Hunter Ix'reeged. X'reeged appears after completing the quest chain that starts with Spiders, right? . He sells Wyrmmouth's Wandering Essence for 5,000,000 Nethershards.
Portal Network: The Tower of Mages contains portals that allow you to travel through the zones of the Broken Isles (Azsuna, Highmountain, Val'sharah, Stormheim).
Random bonuses


The player can buy discarded blanks and Thaumaturge Vashryn. Each of the blanks is worth 5,000 Nethershards. These blanks allow you to get a piece of equipment for your specialization (there is even a small chance that the item will be legendary).


The Cerberax is a Legion warship that flies over the Broken Shore and attacks certain areas. From opponents who will be in the shadow of the ship, you can get beacons used to open portals with demons. These demons drop Nethershards, as well as materials for crafting items with professions and empowered beacons that serve to summon additional opponents.

There are several types of lighthouses.

  • Upon reaching Amity, you will receive Save Azeroth. Go to Silithus and take it to get the power of the heart of Azeroth and ask for your 15 levels.
  • Once Respected, return to Magni to collect the Heart of Azeroth's heart potential to unlock.
  • After reaching Revered, return to Magni to complete Pay the Heart and gain 15 more item levels to your Heart of Azeroth.


The main source of reputation for the defenders of Azeroth is the completion of world quests. Unlike other factions, you have limited reputation with the defenders of Azeroth. The reason for this is that they do not have their own quest area, and besides, there are only a few common tasks that give them reputation. We have listed common sources below:

  • World Quests (75 reputation points)
  • Emissary quests (1500 reputation points)
  • Completing a quest from the mission table (150 reputation points)

Alliance missions:

Horde missions:

Always complete all World Quests and Emissary Quests to gain maximum reputation. Importantly, if there is a bonus from the World Quests tournament, then you will receive additional reputation points.

Local quests

The Defenders of Azeroth World Quests appear in all zones and involve collecting Azerite from different sources. Completing these quests will grant you reputation with the Champions of Azeroth upon completion. To unlock world quests, you must reach level 120 and complete the quest Unification of Kul Tiras(A) or Unification of the Zandalar(H). This means that you must complete the war campaign quests up to the point, which includes completing all three combat search missions in zones on the opposite continent.

Contract: Champions of Azeroth

Upon reaching friendly relations, you can create a Contract: Champions of Azeroth for purchase at the auction house, which will allow you to gain reputation as Champions of Azeroth after completing world quests in any of the zones.


Similar to Legion, emissaries will offer players rewards for completing world quests for their faction. The Defenders have an emissary that you can complete 4 world quests within 3 days to get 1500 reputation and an emissary stash.


Like Legion, your mission table can periodically have quests that reward you with reputation for certain factions, including the Champions of Azeroth.

Reputation enhancement

At certain points in the game, various events can occur that help increase reputation. As with Legion, during the World Quests Bonus Event week, you will receive 50% more reputation from completing World Quests in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.

P.S. if you want a discount - write to the operator before buying through any of the contacts on our site :)

Legion has finally added a new patch 7.2, and players from all over the world have a long-awaited opportunity to get even with the Burning Legion for the past defeat. Now the demons will not be able to hide from hundreds and thousands of those who want to farm a new currency - Void Shards, as well as those who just want to complete quests or get to new dungeons. This guide will help you understand all the new features related to setting up a base on the Broken Shore, as well as completing world quests and farming a new currency.

How to get to the Broken Shore, where to start?

First of all, you will need a character of maximum level 110. Logging into the game with this character after the release of patch 7.2 will shortly receive a message from Khadgar, along with a quest sending you to the Broken Shore. The quest is not difficult - you just need to complete the scenario by recapturing a piece of the Broken Shore from the Legion to build a base. After the base is built, all new world quests, hunting for mini-bosses, as well as events with farming Void Shards, which are necessary for buying equipment or toys for the new faction, will open up for you.

At your base on the Broken Shore, you'll also receive a few simple one-time quests that will unlock new flight points in a new location and give you some Nethershards or supplies to build buildings at your base.

Among others, there will be a quest " Broken Shore Exploration", the essence of which boils down to knocking out the item Mysterious Rune-Covered Scroll. This scroll can drop from any inhabitant of the Broken Shore.

Hunting for rare mobs

From time to time, you will notice green skull icons on the map - these are rare mobs that carry exactly what you need with them - resources, currency, and sometimes even random equipment. Alone, you are unlikely to be able to deal with one such mini-boss, so it makes sense to take a few friends on the hunt or just wait for other players to show up. Sometimes mini-bosses are hunted down by whole groups of players - you can also just follow them and help in the fight.

Rare mobs are also required to complete the Tomb Breaking achievement, and one of them named Lord Hel'Nurath even carries one of the color options for the warlock class mount (for more details, see our guide dedicated to class mounts).

Also, after the Nether Destroyer is built at the base, new world bosses will become available, from which an item of equipment level 890+ may well drop.

Broken Shore World Quests

The essence of world quests has not changed from the fact that now they are in the Broken Shore - you also get certain useful items for completing them and reputation with the local faction. In addition to the usual Order Resources, Artifact Power, Gold, and random gear items, we've also added Void Shards and Legionfall's Supplies, which will only come in handy on the Broken Shore. There's also something in store for seasoned pet tamers - there are three new enemies with powerful pets in the Broken Shore.

All available world quests are displayed on the map of the location and currently this is the only way to increase reputation with the new faction, except for some one-time quests.

Farming Nethershards

As soon as you visit the two new merchants at your base in the Broken Shore, you immediately realize that the first thing you need is the Nethershards. The fact is that new toys and a whole bunch of various items of equipment, including epic and legendary quality, are sold for this currency. Rare Blue Gear can be purchased for as little as 400 Nethershards, but can usually only be purchased on an item with random stats of ilvl 860. If you want to get something really powerful, you will have to drop 5000 Nether Shards at once, but there is a chance that such an item will become legendary. However, you yourself can make epic equipment legendary, although it already costs 8000 Shards. The answer to the reasonable question "where to get such a mountain of Shards?" is a farm.

So, Shards are farmed only from ordinary demons, which are knocked down in herds from low-level portals. At this stage, you may face difficulty in the form of other players of the opposite faction, from the blows of which the demons cease to bring you at least some benefit. To avoid such situations, you can simply choose a couple of portals for yourself, next to which there is no one, and also gather a group to farm Shards and take mobs from representatives of the enemy faction on your own. The most useful farming classes can come from classes with a powerful AOE - warlocks, warriors, monks, etc., as well as tanks, which should hold everything that appears from the portals.

After you farm Shards at each Cerberax spawn point, you will be credited with the Lightning Lights achievement.

If you do not have the time and desire to farm Void Shards, you can delegate this work to us. You can order the farm of Nether Shards on this page.

Broken Shore Buffs

Scattered throughout the Broken Shore are various items that can help you farm Shards and complete world quests, the key is to know what to look for.

First, you can find elven shrines - if you use a glowing orb in one of them, you will receive a buff for 1 hour, which can increase damage dealt, reduce damage taken, and also increase all primary or secondary stats.

Secondly, Corrupted Flowers and Books can also buff your abilities, but they increase damage taken or reduce your maximum health for the duration - consider whether such buffs are needed.

Thirdly, if you meet a green core lying alone on the ground, then grab it without hesitation - with its help you can inflict huge damage on any enemy in a small area, but only once, after which you will need to find a new core.

Also, do not forget to rummage through the caches scattered throughout the location - in them you can find gray items with a good value in gold, stronghold resources, Void Shards or supplies of the Legionfall Army.

Farm reputation with Legionfall

Reputation with the new faction builds just as slowly as reputation with the Nightborne, but it's a must if you want to be able to fly around the Broken Isles and buy new toys.

The leveling of reputation is very simple - with the help of world quests on the Broken Shore, but there are also some other ways to do this. The first way is to complete one-time quests that are related to the main plot of the location, and which open gradually until the opening of a new raid - the Tomb of Sargeras. The second way is related to your class hall, but it depends solely on random chance - among the quests for followers in the stronghold, quests with a reward in the form of reputation may appear, and sometimes this is reputation with a new faction.

Try to visit the Broken Shore regularly to unlock flights to the Broken Isles faster.

Building a base on the Broken Shore

Once you've arrived at your base on the Broken Shore, you'll be able to invest Legionfall supplies into one of the special buildings - Mage Tower, Command Headquarters, or the Void Breaker. Each building will allow you to advance in the Broken Shore storyline and get closer to flying in the Broken Isles.

Deciding which building will be built first is offered to all players of your game world, so if everyone decides to invest in the Mage Tower, it will be the first one. You can get supplies through world quests or from caches - you need 100 units. to invest in construction. In addition to progressing one of the buildings, you will receive a chest with a random item of equipment and reputation with the local faction, so stockpiling is useful.

Once the building is built, you will receive significant bonuses, which will be discussed below, however, the demons will try to destroy the building. If the building is destroyed, you will have to repair it, which also requires an infusion of supplies, but the bonuses are worth it.

1) Mage Tower

The tower of mages is a useful thing. She can grant you portals to all locations in the Broken Isles, as well as Dalaran. The Mage Tower will also allow you to complete solo challenges, which reward new skins for artifact weapons. And as a small bonus, you'll be able to find more resource caches throughout the Broken Shore.

If the tower is already built, then talk to Commander Chambers nearby to receive one of the buffs that last for the allotted time or until the demons destroy the tower:

1. Informed - You gain more Artifact Power in raids and dungeons in the Broken Isles.

2. Power Overwhelming - You gain more Artifact Power from World Quests.

3. Worthy of Respect - You gain 30% more reputation with the Legionfall of the Fall each time it is earned.

4. Like a feather - you get the ability to ride on water if you are on a mount.

2) Headquarters

The headquarters of command is also a good help for the heroes, providing the bonus "Forces of the Order". This perk will open up additional World Quests for you in the Broken Shore dungeons, as well as your class' NPCs to assist you when fighting outside of the Broken Shore dungeons. V class stronghold additional tasks for associates with good rewards will also open.

Just like in the case of the Tower of Mages, after building the Command Headquarters, you can choose one of the additional buffs:

1. War Campaign - you get more Legionfall supplies, which will allow you to invest in construction more often.

2. Worthy Defenders - Follower quests in the stronghold can bring you legendary follower equipment.

3. Powerful Buff - World Quests in the Broken Shore have a chance to drop a Buff Rune, useful in Heroic and Mythic raids.

4. Fully Ready - All of your stats are increased by 10% while in the Broken Shore.

3) Void Breaker

The competition for the other two buildings is the Destroyer of the Void - a magical focus that, according to the plot, does an excellent job with demons, and in terms of gameplay it is a source of good bonuses. First, the Destroyer summons 4 new World Bosses to the Broken Shore, each of which will drop ilvl 890+ gear. Secondly, portals appear on the Broken Shore, from which mini-bosses can appear, carrying a whole lot of resources with them. Thirdly, players with a leveled profession that allows them to craft equipment will be able to receive an Armorer Letter of Recommendation, which is required for crafting legendary items equipment.

A rebuilt Nether Breaker will also give you the option to choose from several additional bonuses:

1. Seal Your Destiny - Once a day you can get an additional Seal of Broken Fate, which is used to get additional items in raids. You will receive the seal provided that the building was not destroyed by demons.

2. Fate smiles on you - when using the Seal in a raid, you can return it back if instead of an item you get the power of artifacts.

3. Netherstorm - whenever you get Nether Shards, there is a chance that you will get additional Shards.

4. Reinforced Reins - allows you to interact with objects and collect resources while mounted.

The Mage Tower is essential for early exploration of the 7.2 content, and also comes in handy if you need more Artifact Power. The command post will greatly simplify your daily visits to the Broken Shore and provide an additional boost to your allies. The Void Breaker is needed, first of all, to get additional and improved equipment, helping to dress your character faster.

This concludes the Broken Shore guide, but it may receive an update in the future. We hope that our guide was useful to you.

Companions not only help to carry out missions, but also open up some history in the fight against the Legion. So, you can meet the key personalities of the lore, for example, Rehgar for shamans or Manastorm for mages. The main goal of associates (champions) is to help in various missions of the class stronghold, which give experience, artifact power, gold, and sometimes gear. A certain number of missions are also required to complete a class campaign or obtain a mount, such as a fox. Each class has access to eight allies in the Legion Hall, but only five champions can be active. The rest will be marked "awaiting instructions." You can activate an ally at any time, but it will cost 250 gold. Improving followers in the Legion: common, rare, epic The initial level of the champion is determined by which company (head) of the stronghold he received, but the starting quality will always be normal. That is, the quality does not depend on the level of the hero: 100, 13, 19 or 110. The maximum level is 110. To improve the quality of a follower, you need to complete missions. Experience graph for followers regardless of class:

XP needs:


When the champion has reached the maximum level and quality, then experience is not accrued for him.

Legion Companion Item Levels

Reaching follower level 110, he gets item ilvl 760, which can be upgraded to complete more difficult tasks. The maximum item level is 850. To improve the quality of equipment requires the following upgrades:

  • Heavy Armor Set: +5 position level
  • Reinforced Armor Set: +10 position level
  • Impenetrable Armor Set: +15 position level

This means that the items will always be a multiple of the number, and followers cannot have, for example, 799 ilvl. You can get elements in two ways: from various missions of the stronghold, using the third level of the stronghold upgrade. As for the second method, Druids, Monks and Shamans can get it. Other classes simply place orders for champion weapons. Each order takes 12 hours and costs 50 resources. Class Hall Companions Guide: Low Level and Combat . It is also worth considering that such followers do not receive full experience. If the difference is too great, then it will simply become useless: not conducive to success.

Companion equipment in the Legion

When champions reach level 110 and a different quality, they unlock equipment slots that can be used as upgrades. The first slot is unlocked when the follower reaches Rare quality, the second slot is unlocked when the follower reaches Epic quality. You can get the equipment:

  • Order Hall Missions
  • Local quests
  • The third level of the stronghold
  • Emissary
  • Treasures, chests

To put equipment, simply click on the icon or place the desired item in it. Below is a table with various equipment that improves a certain characteristic:

Victory Increase Percentage:

shabby stone

lucky bauble

Fetish luck

Increases mission success chance by 15%.

Rushing pocket watch

20% on missions less than 4 hours.

Potion of Energy

30% of missions are less than 4 hours.

Elixir of Mighty Concentration

40% of missions are less than 4 hours.

Sturdy hiking boots

On a mission longer than 8 hours by 20%.

Bottomless flask

On a mission longer than 8 hours by 30%.

Vial of Endless Breath

On a mission longer than 8 hours by 40%.

Undead Token

Death Knight

Rune of Retribution

Touch of Death

Relic of the Ebon Blade

Marauder's Trail

Demon Hunter

Relic of the Shadow

Seal of the Demon

Essence of Malice

Gaze of Elune

Scroll of Growth

Glowing Token

Forest Ember

Bow of the Ancient Kings

Seeker's receipt

Windrunner's Gift

Cloak of Deception

Magician's trinket

Arcane Token

Ring of Primal Power

Highborne Bling

Qi Gem

Blessing Tea

Crazy Mogu Stone

Bell of Rage

Hammer of Justice

Protection of the Light

Manuscript of Enlightenment

Decoration of the Order of the Silver Hand

Sacred Figurine

Priest (priest)

Power of Light

Sanity in a Bottle

Edge of Sanity

Smoke Grenades

Power Siphon Brew

Powder of Disappearance

mitan voodoo

Earth Clamp

earth totem

Furious Dash

Skull of the Dark Brotherhood


Demonic Brew

Helm of Command

Relic of the Grim Harvest Council

Might of the Valarjar

Battle Banner

Ax Val'kira

Skull of the Fallen Enemy

Demon in a box

Mission success chance is 15% higher.

royal feathers

15% mission success chance, and with bodyguards gives 25 units. resources for completing a local quest.

Potion of Sacrifice

The mission success chance is 15%, and with bodyguards it gives 15 gold for completing a local quest.

Brooch of endless dreams

Reduces quest time by 15% and increases success chance by 5%.

Book of Secrets

Reduces quest time by 15% and grants 25 pts. resources in local quests with a bodyguard.

Grace of Eltrig

Reduces quest time by 15% and grants 15 gold in world quests with a bodyguard.

Power of Omen

Gives 100 pts. resource with a bodyguard in completing world quests and increases success in missions by 5%.

Ice Fang

Gives 100 pts. resource with a bodyguard in completing world quests and reduces mission completion time by 5%.

The coals of the firelands

Gives 100 pts. resource with a bodyguard in completing world quests and 15 gold.

Haven of Light

Gives 50 gold when you have a bodyguard on world quests and increases your win rate by 5.

End of Nightmare

Gain 50 gold with a bodyguard on world quests and reduce mission time by 5%.

Dust of Azeroth

Gives 25 pts. resource with a bodyguard in completing world quests and 50 gold.

winter horn

Death Knight

Increases victory percentage by 20% during one mission, can be used up to three missions.

golden banana

Manuscript of Truth

Action plan


Shattered soul

Demon Hunter

Restores 1 vitality to the target unit.

wild mushroom

Meril's Conjured Meals

well of healing

Healing Stream Totem

Evil Soul Health Stone


The cry of the dead

Summons a unit of Valarjar aspirants.

Companions in the Legion by class: a list, where to get it?

Below you can view the list, which shows all the Legion's comrades-in-arms by class, what abilities they have. For some champions, we have created helpful notes.

Companions of the Hunter (Hunt) Legion:


Rogue Companions (Rogues) Legion:
