Black Rook's Fortress is a world quest. Dungeon Black Rook Hold in WOW - all the information. Black Rook Hold

This guide will tell you what modes are in Black Rook Fortress, what difficulties you will face during the passage, mobs, bosses and much more. For a more detailed understanding and disclosure of the dungeon, namely the tactics for mobs and bosses are presented by our hyperlinks below:

* (1st boss);

* (2nd boss);

* (3rd boss);

* (final boss).

Mythic + Affixes

When you reach level 4 in your Mythic+ dungeons, you will start to see keystone-bound affixes that add extra effects to enemies inside the dungeon. Each level (4, 7 and 10) cannot be duplicated within the same keystone, so you will have one of them for more high levels, and they will cycle through each week. The combinations can vary depending on the complexity and degree of their synergy with each other and the instance in question, but they all have an impact and should be tackled differently.

Affix level 1 (active at 4+)

frenzied . When targets reach 30% health, they lock onto and deal 100% bonus damage. This encourages burning enemies individually when they reach that point, or keeping hard crowd control like a stun when they reach that point during an AoE.

supportive . Whenever an enemy dies, it pushes back other enemies in combat with an additional 20% health and damage that strongly directs them to kill at the same time or in each other's small window. In large groups it can be deadly if not properly managed. Note that this, however, does not interact with addons triggered via the boss mechanic.

sanguine . When enemies die, they leave a small pool on the ground that damages players and heals enemies standing inside them. This raises awareness and means you need to quickly move the group around them.

overflowing . In the dungeon itself, additional smaller additions will be generated, which increases the number of targets in the pulls. This basically increases the pull difficulty as additional enemies will be active in each pack.

discontinuous . When minions die in a dungeon, all group members inside will receive a debuff that deals 5% of max health damage every 2 seconds for 4 seconds. This requires the side to kill targets in a slow manner to prevent stacking too high and killing players, and the healer must be aware of the group's health when it is applied.

Affix level 2 (active at 7+)

Volcanic . This results in random AoEs on the ground that will deal a lot of ripple damage if they stand inside them. Managing this benefit comes from players avoiding them whenever they spawn and will increase as a result of the DPS reduction due to players avoiding them.

Necrotic . All enemies apply a debuff that deals spell damage and reduces the amount of healing/absorption received by 3%, up to 10 hits. This increases the healing intensity of tanks and adds an extra component to the damage they take.

shy . Enemies will randomly drop all threat onto their current target. This makes them significantly more dangerous to DPS and adds an extra factor for tanks as dangerous mobs will require extra attention to keep them under control.

Explosive . Enemies will occasionally spawn near explosive areas with low health. They will explode after 6 seconds if not killed, while having 50% of the maximum health of all party members. These orbs are immune to AoE and crowd control, so they need to be quickly switched and killed during the dungeon.

trembling . All players will periodically cast a Shockwave of 8 yards around their character, dealing 20% ​​of their maximum health to any players standing inside it after 3 seconds and interrupting spells. Players must remain spread out so as not to take more than one hit.

Horrible . Any players that go below 90% health will suffer a Grievous Wound, dealing with the player's max health every 3 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. So the healer needs to be aware of stacks and heal players above 90% in order to remove debuffs.

Level 3 affix (active at 10+)

Tyrannical . Increases the boss' health by 40% and his damage by 20%. This greatly enhances the bosses and should be noted when dealing with some of the more dangerous ones, as it also affects abilities, along with the increased duration of the fights in question.

Fortified . Increases the health of minions in the dungeon by 20% and their damage by 40%. This greatly increases traction and in some cases can limit your speed and slow you down between bosses.

Black Rook Hold Timer: 35 minutes

Black Rook Hold is a very linear dungeon, with very few mob groups. However, there are a number of very punitive bands that should be handled very carefully, so overdrawing can be dangerous.

Though there's not much to go here, here common path, which will take you through each floor:

One of the tasks in the chain for each class to unlock the third slot of the artifact weapon is to visit the dungeon. This dungeon must be visited by players of the following classes: Achievements are also available here bad memories , bad memories And Useless Helpers needed to achieve Glory of the Legion Hero, which rewards Arcane Plume's Reins of the Hippogryph. All achievements can only be completed on Mythic difficulty.

Merging souls

One of the two paths is blocked by a gate

At the beginning of the exploration of this dungeon, you will walk along the diamond-shaped path to the Great Tomb, in which the Merging of Souls is located. One of the two paths will be blocked by a gate, while the other is free for you to walk through. Which path you take will be randomly chosen by the dungeon itself.

Mythic difficulty

In Mythic+ difficulty, both paths will be open, players will be able to choose which of the two paths is more profitable for them to take, depending on the weekly effects.

Notable mobs

It doesn't matter which of the two paths you take, Soul Merge is available at the beginning of the dungeon, the trash in the diamond corridors is practically identical.

    When fighting multiple Nobles at the same time, healers should first remove Soulblade DoTs from players who have received multiple stacks of the debuff

Throw Velandra's Glaive

It is possible to kill the Phantom Defender before he starts casting the spell Soul sacrifice, especially if you constantly use stun abilities on it that will delay its casting. This is the ideal alignment; otherwise, focus your attacks on the defender while the debuff is on him Soul sacrifice under which he will receive additional damage. Killing a defender does NOT remove the buff Soul sacrifice imposed on his allies.

Depending on which path the group takes at the start of the dungeon, players will encounter one of two mini-bosses. These are spirits wandering within the walls of their own mausoleum.

The right path leads to Lady Velandra's Mausoleum, in which players will fight Lady Velandra Ravencrest, accompanied by one Phantom Councilor, one Phantom Noble, and one Phantom Defender.

    Velandra attacks your tank with melee strikes and a Slam attack that deals moderate to heavy damage.

    The glaive deals medium damage to the target and bounces to an adjacent target.

Mythic difficulty

On Mythic and Mythic+ difficulties, Bash deals an additional 20% physical damage. In view of this and the presence of the Phantom Defender (with a defensive buff Soul sacrifice), it will be much faster, and more convenient, to take the left path to Lord Etheldrin's Mausoleum.

If you have an echo of the soul - keep moving

On the left path you will come to the Mausoleum of Lord Etheldrin, where you will come face to face with Lord Etheldrin Ravencrest. He will be accompanied by one Phantom Advisor and two Phantom Nobles.

    Two seconds after receiving the debuff, the player begins to leave a phantom echo of himself where he was standing

    4 seconds after spawning, Soul Echo will detonate and deal medium damage to targets in its area of ​​effect.

Tactics for Merging Souls

The Soul Meld fight is quite simple, you fight with a single target, it requires a minimum/medium level of mobility.

Rotating scythe will select a random ranged/healer target, a blue arrow appears above the target's head.

    The player has approximately two to three seconds (depending on their distance from the boss) to get out of the way of the scythe

    The scythe continues to spin for 30 seconds, continuing to damage and knock back all players within its area of ​​effect

    When you are targeted, instantly move 15 meters to the side to avoid taking damage

A Soul Echo is applied to a random non-tank (Melee/Ranged) target, causing it to emanate its echo in the same way as in the fight against Lord Aetheldrin Ravencrest.

    You will have a 2 second "prepare" time for the player to move away from their allies

    Each Soul Echo lasts 4 seconds, then explodes, dealing moderate Shadow damage to all nearby players.

    A player affected by Soul Echo should run to the edge of the room and leave an echo behind them, away from their allies.

Don't stand in front of Soul Merge when Soul Harvest begins

Approximately 20 seconds into the fight, and every 15 seconds thereafter, Soul Meld will begin casting Soul Harvest, dealing incredibly high damage in a 180-degree arc in front of it.

    Tanks take near-lethal damage even when using active damage reduction abilities

    Constantly monitor the large-scale effect of this spell and exit it

Preferably use Bloodlust / Heroism / Time warp at the very beginning of the battle.

One of the tasks in the chain for each class to unlock the third slot of the artifact weapon is to visit the dungeon. This dungeon must be visited by players of the following classes: Achievements are also available here bad memories , bad memories And Useless Helpers needed to achieve Glory of the Legion Hero, which rewards Arcane Plume's Reins of the Hippogryph. All achievements can only be completed on Mythic difficulty.

Scourspray the Fierce

Boulder hit stuns players

Players need to climb three spiral staircases to get to the balcony where Grimdrop is standing. Two of the flights of stairs have been "mined" by a pair of serpentine demons dropping boulders down the stairs. Players should avoid being hit by boulders as they do a lot of damage.

Rough attack is incredibly dangerous

Guardian of Wrath - The blade master deals a lot of damage to the tank. The tank should not taunt other targets while dealing with the blademaster.

    When the Blademaster's Wrathguard drops to 25% health, he goes into Enrage, dealing additional damage

In the middle of the first landing you will meet two Wrathguards - Blademasters. Players should use crowd control effects as often as possible when mobs use an ability Rough attack, and even use single stuns to interrupt their channeling. Deal with mobs one by one, one tank will not survive the attacks of two Guardians of Wrath at once, which are in Enrage.

Wyrmtongue Trash is a rather unpredictable opponent, due to the mechanics of the ability "Drink" an ancient potion .

    Players should get out of this cone, and tanks should try to turn the mob away from the group

    The Frenzy Potion causes the hoarder to grow unrecognizable, he starts attacking 5 times more often, he deals 5% more every second until he is killed

One of the effects of drinking an ancient potion - Indigestion

Also, the Wyrmtongue hoarder will sometimes throw Throw Priceless Artifact to the points next to the players. The artifact deals low-medium damage to all players in a small area. Pay attention to the small rotating indicators on the ground and move away from them. Most often, he scatters artifacts when he is attacked, however they do not threaten the tank.

Rogue Wyrmmouths are common mobs with no remarkable abilities, they hit with basic attacks.

Bloodthirsty felhounds run in circles in small branches from the main corridor: they can be skipped; however, if the Wyrmtongue Ravenclaw fails to roll you back! , they can be unintentionally pulled. Hounds hit with basic attacks, their kill priority is low.

On the last flight of stairs, before the fight with Grimdrop, you will encounter a group of Vicious Felbender and Felbat Hatchling.

    Angry Vanquishers deal moderate melee damage to a tank

While players are climbing the last ladder, waves of 3-4 felbat hatchlings will spawn every 6-10 seconds. The only way to stop them from spawning is to get to the top of the flight and kill the two Wicked Felbenders that spawn them, then you will finally reach the balcony with the boss.

Mythic difficulty

On Mythic and Mythic+ difficulties, Vile Vanquishers gain the ability Felfury. When they say it Felfury Increases the damage of nearby allies by 50% for 20 seconds. The effect is not dispelled by any abilities.

Players need to interrupt the channeling Felfury as soon as possible, as Empowered Felbats deal bonus damage with their chosen ability Kill the bats! target, and healing both the tank and the target of the spell at the same time will be a difficult task.

In Mythic+, especially when the weekly effect is Support , players run through this span using invisibility potions. You will have to run around twice - the first time on the way to Furlthrob and the second time after killing him, when you go down to the final boss.

Strategy for Grimdrop the Ferocious

The fight with Furspoil the Fierce is frankly simple, you hit a single target, it requires little movement in combat.

The main mechanics of the boss - Violent punch, which he uses when his energy reaches 100.

    To mitigate the damage taken, the tank should use powerful defensive cooldowns

    Healers should use their most powerful single heals to keep the tank's health at an acceptable level for the duration of the debuff.

Furlthrob accumulates energy based on the melee damage it deals to the tank.

    Unmitigated Melee Attacks restore 10 Energy to Furlthrob

    If the tank uses, say, 30% damage reduction, the boss will gain 7 energy

    If the tank parries or dodges an attack, or if the tank misses it, Grimdrop does not regenerate energy.

    Tanks should keep damage mitigation active at all times to slow down the boss' energy gain rate

    Avoiding damage will be much more effective than mitigating it, making it slower to regenerate the energy of Furspray.

    The boss can be kited, but melee DPS will not like it, so only kite as a last resort

Felbat marks the target with Felvorth ability

Cast Fel Vomit Bar

Approximately every 22 seconds, Furspray casts Earth Shaking Stomp, which deals moderate damage to the entire group, knocking players back. This cannot be avoided, however, the tank can stand with its back to the edge of the balcony to reduce the distance it will be thrown back.

Approximately 30 seconds after the pull, Felsplash will start summoning one Felbat to help. Felbat attacks a random target with an ability

, Broken Isles

RacesMo "arg

bossLord Kur'talos Ravencrest Dungeon Information TypeDungeon Recommended
level110 Player limit5

Black Rook Hold- a huge stronghold carved by the night elves from a high mountain, which is located in the northwestern part of Val "shara. This fortress belonged to the genus of Raven Crests, the most famous representative of which was Kur" talos, who took on the role of commander of the army with the beginning of the War of the Ancients.

In its appearance, the structure resembles a black rook, as if descended from a chessboard. The walls of the fortress are decorated with images of black birds, indicating the Ravencrest clan that owned this place. For many generations, the servants of the Raven Crests continued to carve new premises from the rock, and by the reign of Kur "talos, the fortress had reached its maximum size. It was known as an ominous place devoid of any colors, and the nobles living here were respected among the entire empire of the night The stronghold became one of the strongholds of the defenders who resisted the demons after the invasion began, it was believed that it was destroyed during the Great Sundering, until the war that began in the Broken Isles proved otherwise.


Dungeon Journal

Carved out by elven masons from the largest mountain in Val'shara, Black Rook Keep became a bastion against the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients. This almost impregnable stronghold is also the family home of Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest, who was once the mentor of Illidan himself. But after the Legion attacked, a strange dark energy began to emanate from the fortress. The undead terrify the surrounding lands.



One of the memories shown by the naaru allows you to see the events that took place in the fortress during the War of the Ancients. Kur "talos and Illidan, appointed commander of the Moon Guards, led a small detachment of defenders and cleared a fortress besieged by demons. Raven Crest stated that Illidan and his Moon Guards - last hope Suramar. Illidan realized that nearly all of the mages' energy had gone into creating the protective barrier, and they would die if they were not given rest. He busied himself with restoring and activating the portal in order to obtain both reinforcements and a source of power. He succeeded, and a new detachment of guards arrived, and Illidan himself was able to restore his strength.

At Illidan's direction, the portcullis was lowered and the battle against the demons began. Illidan pushed forward and destroyed Xalian Felflame, which was summoning the Infernals. He had to sacrifice his own comrades-in-arms, borrowing their energy for the sake of killing the demon. Going further, he activated another Moonguard portal and realized that he had to close the portal in the courtyard through which the demons entered Azeroth. Together with his acolytes, he fought his way through the ranks of the demons, sacrificing his brethren when necessary. He helped Jarod Shadowsong and Broxigar the Red, and they joined his band. Illidan decided to close the main portal using cosmic energies and then fought the demon Balaadur, the greatest mage hunter in the universe.

There was one more huge monster to defeat, and in front of everyone, Illidan gathered all the remaining forces of the Moon Guard, killing them. He destroyed the demon, but shocked everyone around him. Illidan tried to justify himself that he could not submit to the Legion and let the world burn to the ground. The Moon Guardians gave their lives for Azeroth. Illidan finally realized what a fool Kur "talos was and that he could no longer teach him anything. Deciding that such cowards at the head of the Legion could not be defeated, Illidan said goodbye and left the fortress.


Having stolen Illidan's remains from the Vault of the Guardians, Gul'dan arrived at Black Rook Hold and performed a ritual to separate Illidan's soul from his body. At the time of the completion of the ritual, an enormous amount of energy was released, which forced the souls of the Ravencrest clan members to return to their home. Demons of the Legion, seeking vengeance, some of the souls were returned to their bodies and plunged into a trance that forced the reborn night elves to relive the horrors of the War of the Ancients.

The inhabitants of Gilneas, who reached Val'shara, built their town of Bradensbrook. Soon they were attacked by revived elves pouring from Black Rook Fortress. Trying to find his missing sister, Jarod Shadowsong arrived in Bradensbrook, who was surprised when he saw his old friends died in the War of the Ancients. With the help of the heroes, he investigated and found a ring with the emblem of the Guardians. It belongs to Maiev, and Jarod received proof that his sister was in Black Rook Hold. She would never part with the ring voluntarily.

Saving Maiev

Jarod and the hero went to the fortress, where the disappearance of the remains of Kur "talos was discovered in the Mausoleum of the Raven Crest. This meant that the lord, who was a fearless leader and experienced commander, was also resurrected by the Legion. Jarod began searching for traces of Maiev's stay while the hero fought with the revived In one of the halls, a note was found saying that the Guardian refuses to speak, despite all the efforts of the enemies.Jerod assumed that it was about Maiev.The glaive of the Guardian, which belonged to the lost sister, was also found in the forge.Jerod, having reconnoitered the situation, found out that the key to the prison, where Maiev is probably being held, is guarded by the jailer Araxas.

Together with the hero, he dealt with the demon and the guards inside, after which he began to inspect the cells. Maiev was in the far chamber, and the hero, having found her, handed over weapons and armor. The elf's entire body was scarred, and she looked haggard but determined. The demons tormented her for several weeks and did not learn anything from her. Maiev promised that her rescue would be followed by a massacre.

She was surprised that her brother had come to save her after everything that happened between them, but Jarod asked her not to remember the past. Together they made their way to the head jailer - Lieutenant Dezdel Stareye. During the battle, Jarod became convinced that the resurrected night elves believed their opponents were demons and could not see the truth. After dealing with Desdel, they made their way outside through the drains, where Maiev thanked the hero for his help and decided to start planning a future battle against Lord Ravencrest.

Hero Invasion

A squad of heroes decided to enter the fortress in order to free the night elves from the torture that the demons staged. The invasion began through the Crypt of Ravens - crypts and mausoleums located in the depths of the fortress. Going deeper, the heroes discovered that the residual energy of the ritual performed by Gul "dan combined the souls of the Ravencrest clan members into a huge monster that only wanted to absorb and devour new souls. The heroes fought him and were able to break the bonds within the fusion, which freed Lady Velandra and Lord Etheldrin from captivity. They thanked for the help and asked to find Kur "talos to end this nightmare.

The detachment went up to the next floor, where the main hall was located. Here, the heroes heard a conversation between Latosius, an adviser to Kur "talos, and Illysanna Ravencrest, his daughter. Illisanna was a demon hunter recently released from the Vault of the Guardians. Latosius told her about the enemy invasion and ask her to stop them for the sake of her father's life. Illisanna promised, that will not let you down, and attacked a detachment of heroes when they defeated the commander Shemd "son and his soldiers. She actively used the abilities of the demon hunter, but was defeated. Before dying, Illysanna whispered that she had been betrayed.

As they passed through Raven's Keep, the heroes encountered demons infesting the fortress and hiding the truth from the night elves. The commander of the local mo "args was Grimthroat the Fierce, who had previously led the Legion's attack on the fortress. Now he organized air defense with his felbats and clashed with the heroes in Black Rook's Nest, promising that he would paint the walls with their blood. Grimdrop called for the felbats to help and still was destroyed.

On the platform in the upper part of the stronghold, the detachment finally met Lord Kur "talos Ravencrest, next to whom stood adviser Latosius. Kur" talos attacked the heroes, shouting that Azeroth did not bow before the demons. He remained a prisoner of illusions until Latosius, who was watching the battle, decided it was time to reveal himself. The adviser called Kur "talos a nonentity who had not been spared by the past thousands of years, and took on his true form, turning out to be the dreadlord Dantalionax. He destroyed the body of the Raven Crest, releasing his soul, and Kur "talos finally understood what was happening. The heroes began the battle with Dantalionax, and the lord called on the spirits of his ancestors and endowed the squad with special powers. With these powers, the heroes were able to destroy the demon and put an end to the madness that was going on in Black Rook Hold.



Crypt of the Ravens Main Hall Ravens' Crypt Black Rook Rise Black Rook's Nest Lord Ravencrest's Room Raven Crown Hall of War Ravenwatch Great Tomb Lord Etheldrin's Mausoleum Lady Velandra's Mausoleum



Changes in updates


External links

Collected in one place all the information about dungeon Black Rook Hold in WOW Legion- bosses and tactics, achievements in the dungeon, a map, how to get there, where the entrance is.

Dungeon Overview

Video review and short tactics on Black Rook Keep bosses:

Black Rook Hold: how to get there

The dungeon is located in the location at coordinates (38.7, 53.2). nearest master airways located in Bradensbrook.

Where is the entrance to Black Rook Hold (video):

World Quests

There are several world quests in this dungeon . Each of them gives +250 reputation with the Mistweavers faction:

In the dungeon itself, it will be possible to pump reputation with the Nightfallen faction.

Dungeon Map

Fortress of the Black Rook on the map of Valshara:

Bosses in Black Rook Hold

There are four bosses to fight in the Black Rook Hold dungeon:

By the way, in one of the comments on the wowhead it was said that Illysanna looks more like Nerzhul's grandmother than an elf.

We have collected in one place video reviews of all the bosses of Black Rook Hold. After the release of WOW Legion, tactics videos will also be added.

Video: Merging Souls

Video: Illysana Ravencrest

Video: Hmurodrob Fierce

Video: Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest (final boss)

Black Rook Achievements

In total, in Black Rook Hold you can get 6 achievements.

Achievements for completing the dungeon in different modes:

There are 3 additional achievements that are required for the Glory of the Legion hero meta achievement.

1. Black Rook's Wail - Defeat the Merger of Souls boss on Mythic difficulty after defeating the Restless Spirit.

How to complete this achievement in Black Rook Hold?

During one of the phases, Ruthless Souls will appear in the room, which will then slowly move towards the boss. All you have to do is slow down one of the spirits so that he doesn't get to the boss.

After 30-60 seconds, the ghost will turn into a restless spirit that must be killed. The achievement is easy to do in a group with a Death Knight - he can bind spirits and pull them with Death Grip.

Video guide to Black Rook Wailing:

There is an easter egg hidden in the name of the achievement - this is movie reference 2006 Black Rook Moan starring Samuel L. Jackson and Christina Ricci (English titles of achievement and movie are Black Rook Moan / Black Snake Moan).

2. Helpless Helpers - Kill Illysana Ravencrest on Mythic difficulty, leaving all of her helpers alive.

3. Bad memories - Find 6 entries from Illysana's diary in the dungeon.

We can't wait to hear what you liked about Black Rook Hold dungeon in WOW Legion - share your opinion in the comments!