Creative competition “Space expedition. Creative competition "Space expedition International drawing competition space expedition

All-Russian creative competition "Space Expedition" has been announced. Deadline April 1, 2016.

Organizer: Moscow Planetarium.

The competition is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight. Children from 4 to 16 years old can take part in the competition.

Annotation of the competition:

55 years ago, the first man went on a space flight and circled the Earth. Our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin became him. Since then, humanity has significantly expanded its capabilities for studying the Universe. Orbiting space stations have brought invaluable assistance to scientific experiments on the study of near-earth spaces. Perhaps, in the near future, space expeditions will be sent from Earth to other planets.

Think up who will be part of the first interplanetary expedition, what the astronauts will be dressed in, what they will go to conquer the cosmic ocean, what obstacles they may encounter on their way.

Make a drawing or craft on the theme "Space expedition" and send photos to the address [email protected] marked "Competition". Do not forget to include your first name, last name, age and contact phone number.

Our official Vkontakte group:,.

If you want your work to be presented at an exhibition in the Moscow Planetarium, send it by mail or bring it to the address: Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya st., 5с1.

The winners are determined by the jury on April 5, 2016. The organizers will select exactly 55 winners in various space nominations.

  • Start! On April 12, 2016, the Moscow Planetarium will host the winners of the Space Expedition at a solemn ceremony celebrating the 55th anniversary of the first flight into space and will present prizes. The winning guys will launch 55 balloons into the sky, symbolizing the idea of ​​flying into space. After that, a detachment of the most inventive will go to study the red planet at the MARS Station, a detachment of the most prudent will receive space food, a detachment of the most courageous will visit the Small Star Hall and the Lunarium Museum, and the detachment of the most attentive will receive gifts from the Roscosmos State Corporation.

On March 1, the Moscow Planetarium, together with the Roscosmos State Corporation, announced a large-scale Space Expedition competition, and now, March 31 is the last day for accepting works. In total, about a thousand photographs of handicrafts and works made by children from 4 to 16 years old were sent to the competition. Authors of 300 works brought them to the Planetarium to participate in the exhibition.

It was not an easy time for the jury - to select works and announce the winners. A huge number of wonderful drawings and extraordinary handicrafts were sent by participants from Russia and the CIS countries to the Space Expedition competition.

The selection of works was carried out according to the following criteria:

  1. Compliance with the subject of the announced competition
  2. Aesthetic component
  3. Originality of the idea
  4. Original technique of performance
  5. Workmanship quality

Competition winners:

1. Nomination "Most Inventive"

These guys are our future. They can construct a rocket from any materials at hand and equip the expedition with the most necessary during the flight. In the meantime, the guys will go to the Mars Station in the Moscow Planetarium to explore the alien landscapes.

The number of winners is 15.

The prize is a visit to the Mars Station.

3. Arthur Chatoyan, 15 years old, Moscow - “Suit for an interplanetary expedition”.

4. Stanislav Cheburkin, 8 years old, Moscow - "Extraterrestrial".

5. Alisa Manukyan, 7 years old, Moscow.

6. Ekaterina Kolesnikova, 13 years old, Shadrinsk - "Model of an interplanetary complex to Mars".

7. Valentin Kosterin

8. Vadim Baidavletov, 15 years old, Orenburg - "Space expedition".

9. Evgenia Tirekhina, 11 years old, Saint Petersburg.

10. Anastasia Dmitrieva, 11 years old, Nizhny Novgorod.

11. Alexandra Egorkina, 7 years old, Moscow - "The Journey of the Little Prince".

12. Anton Gerasimenko, 7 years old, Moscow.

13. Anastasia Khlevova, 11 years old - "Soul Conversation".

14. Nikolay Shulepov, 10 years old, Seversk, Tomsk region - "Space transport".

15. Ekaterina Sokolova, 11 years old, Monino.

This team is ready not only to assemble an expedition, but also to create a full-fledged infrastructure for living on another planet. For the brain to function, energy is needed, which real astronauts take from space food.

The number of winners is 15.

The prize is space food from the Space Food Laboratory.

3. Matvey Vorobyov

4. Andrey Vorobyov, 5 years old, Moscow - “We are on Mars”.

5. Ekaterina Burykina, 7 years old, Moscow - Lunokhod.

6. Daniil Burykin, 7 years old, Moscow - "Chocolate Rocket".

7. Vita Epifanova, 6 years old, Moscow.

8.Andrey Aleshkin, 5.5 years old, Moscow.

9. Artemy Aleshkin, 3, Moscow.

10. Polina Avvakumova, 16 years old - Space Selfie.

11. Anna Bliznyukova, 10 years old

12. Sabrina Gyulalieva, 8 years old - "Space travel"

13. Taina Golunova, 4 years old, Krasnodar - “Space expedition to Neptune. View from the window ”.

14. Alexandra Bulygina, 16 years old.

15. Ksenia Venediktova, 11 years old, Vyazma, Smolensk region.

3. Nomination "The most courageous"

These daredevils will not be afraid to go to Space, conquer alien peaks and even make friends with aliens! We invite them to the interactive museum "Lunarium" and the Small Star Hall of the Moscow Planetarium to undergo pre-flight preparation and send the first message to extraterrestrial civilizations.

Number of winners - 15

Prize - certificates for visiting the Lunarium and the Small Star Hall.

1 - 14 - collective work GBOU Lyceum 1550, middle group 4-5 years - "Unusual space travel to the unknown planet" Ellen "

4. Nomination "Most Attentive"

Do not forget to tightly close the door to the spacecraft, include the soft landing module in the structure, take with you interesting book or seeds of rare plants. The most attentive members of the space expedition receive prizes from the Roscosmos State Corporation.

Number of winners - 10

Prize - gifts from Roscosmos State Corporation

1. Ineshina Anastasia, 10 years old.

4. Lyova Elin, 8 years old.

5. Diana Floka, 14 years old, Crimea.

6. Georgy Svezhentsev, 4.5 years old, Moscow.

7. Regina Avdonina, 8 years old.

8. Anastasia Melnikova, 9 years old, Volgograd.

9. Victoria Voskanyan, 12 years old, Sochi

10. Alena Metelskaya, 8 years old, Krasnodar.

We would like to thank all the participants for their interesting and extraordinary work! Everyone who took part in the Space Expedition competition will be sent electronic certificates of the participant.

We are waiting for the winners of the competition at the award ceremony on April 12 at 11:30 in the lobby of the Moscow Planetarium.

Please note that due to the limited number of places for 1 child who won the competition, only 1 accompanying person is allowed.

According to the regulations of the Contest, the Moscow Planetarium does not pay transport and other expenses related to the participant's stay in Moscow during the awarding period. Prizes will not be sent by mail or courier.
If it is impossible to attend the awards ceremony on April 12, you can pick up the prizes during Planetarium working hours at the reception desk in the lobby

You can send questions about the competition to.

24.11.2017 Results of the XIV International Competition children's drawing"SPACE EXPEDITION"

Dear friends!

On November 24, 2017, in the Biysk City Palace of Culture, the results of the XIV International Competition of Children's Drawing "SPACE EXPEDITION" were summed up. Pupils of our kindergarten №4 "Raduga" in Malgobek took part in this competition.

10 pupils of the preschool institution were awarded diplomas of various degrees, and their leader for organizing and conducting the competition was awarded a diploma and gratitude for the preparation of the winner of the XIII All-Russian competition of children's drawing "Magic Wand". Congratulations to our young "artists" with the end of the XIV International Children's Drawing Competition "SPACE EXPEDITION". It is very good that we can enjoy the first creative achievements of the little ones. We wish you all continued success!

Dunno with great interest studied all the competitive works from Russian Federation, Austria, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, which he liked very much: “Guys, thank you very much for your informative and fascinating, like the Cosmos itself, work! Now I know a lot about Space and in the near future I will fly with my friends on a distant space journey! Thank you for helping me all the time! See you soon! Your Dunno. "

The head of the art studio of our kindergarten Torshkhoeva Zalina Zhumaldinovna helped the children prepare for this competition. We wish you professional takeoffs and creative success in your work!