Should I crack the nutmeg or not. Nutmeg - properties and uses in cooking. Recipes with nutmeg. Adding Nutmeg to Cooking and Drinks

6 reasons to eat nutmeg...

Nutmeg is one of the most useful spices in the world, which used to be worth its weight in gold, but is now available to everyone.

The aroma is slightly spicy, the taste is slightly spicy at first, and later intensifies.

Sold as a whole nut, and ground. It is better to grind immediately before use, in order to avoid loss of aroma (essential oils), taste and healing properties.

Nutmeg gently and effectively treats the vessels of the whole body, the brain, heart, thyroid gland, stomach, liver, kidneys, lungs, bladder, joints of the whole organism and the spine. It treats benign tumors (for example, mastopathy), the immune system, brain diseases, prevents the growth of tumors, and is useful for stress. Muscat cures chronic rhinitis. Softly and gently dissolves atherosclerosis in small vessels, also blood clots (nutmeg is the best treatment for blood clots, it dissolves very gently and safely). Treats staphylococcus and other types of infections. Used to prevent tuberculosis. Bandages can be used for treatment. Relieves pain, spasms, tension. Dissolves stones in gallbladder(bandage with nutmeg on left hand and leg, see details on the Internet). The main reason for the formation of stones is grain products after 4 pm. It is good to add nutmeg to milk in the evening (even better with honey) before going to bed - it relaxes, calms the psyche. In large quantities before bedtime, you do not need to use it - it will be difficult to fall asleep.

Suitable for everyone and useful to everyone - in small quantities. Gives tenderness, peace, but also activity, strength and stamina. Nutmeg activates digestion, increases blood circulation and greatly improves immunity. Helps keep limbs warm.
The best time to consume nutmeg is from 11 am to 4 pm.

The use of nutmeg in cooking

It is used in the preparation of chocolate puddings and creams, cakes and various sweets, cookies, pear compote, jams. Added to baked apples, plums and apricots. Nutmeg can be added to all dishes in which nutmeg is present.

Nutmeg is used in the preparation of soups, sauces, various vegetable salads, asparagus, peas and tomato sauce, as well as vegetable dishes, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, leeks, spinach. Also used to prepare meat broths, rice dishes, mashed potatoes, fish, veal, minced meat and poultry. Nutmeg is widely used to flavor alcoholic beverages, it is used to improve the taste of tomato juice, dairy drinks, wine (including hot), punch and cocoa. In small quantities it is added to apple roll, fruit cake, ice cream and whipped cream.

Narcotic properties of nutmeg

When taken internally in large quantities nutmeg causes euphoria and clarity of thought, a state of peace and bliss.

For this, he was unofficially awarded the status of a drug or psychedelic.

But nutmeg is not a drug, although an overdose is extremely unpleasant and even dangerous (however, like an overdose of other spices).

Nutmeg - a natural remedy for depression

To relieve stress, remove nervousness or depression, freshly ground nutmeg is used, it can be added to tea, kefir, milk or other drink. Two medium-sized nuts will be enough for a person of average build (according to the materials of an Ayurvedic lecture) to get out of depression.

However, remember that in such large doses, nutmeg should not be consumed often - it can be a one-time help from severe depression. But in small quantities, ground nuts can be consumed every day - this will only benefit.

To get a strong spicy taste, a tiny piece of this nut is enough. But even more interesting in terms of aroma, saturation, nutmeg color (macis) is an orange powder that is obtained from ground petals (pericarp) of nutmeg.

V medicinal purposes it is necessary to grind the whole nut, and not use the powder, since the nut oil dries out in the powder.

Nutmeg is a good antioxidant because it contains vitamins C and E, as well as useful minerals (zinc, selenium, manganese, magnesium, and others). If there are problems with blood circulation, varicose veins, arthritis, osteochondrosis - nutmeg will help.

Nutmeg increases the body's resistance to various infectious diseases because it increases the activity of the immune system. It is included in the composition of immunostimulating fees.

In ancient Chinese treatises, it is noted that nutmeg is recommended for heart diseases.

Nutmeg is also called a male spice, so it can be consumed in very small doses, but daily. But don't overdo it.

In general, nutmeg is the beginning healthy eating, unless, of course, it is used wisely and also with natural healthy foods, such as vegetables, especially potatoes and carrots.

It is necessary to use spices, laying them in the dish at the end of cooking.

It is harmless to take one drop of oil infused with nutmeg for prophylactic purposes, preferably with honey and drinking water. Course 21 days. Then yourself and your doctor determine the need for a second course.


Do not use nutmeg and preparations based on it during pregnancy, epilepsy. If the therapeutic dose is exceeded, a violation of cardiac activity, increased nervous excitability and intoxication are possible. The use of nutmeg for medicinal purposes requires the advice of a doctor.

Nutmeg to boost immunity

You will need: nutmeg - 1/4 tsp, milk - 1 cup.

Warm milk. Dissolve crushed nutmeg. Drink before bed. Strengthens not only the immune system, but also saves from insomnia.

Nutmeg decoction for the treatment of prostate adenoma

You will need: nutmeg - 2 pcs., Water - 0.5 l.

Grind nutmeg, add water, boil. Insist. Drink several times a day.

Nutmeg for the treatment of varicose veins

You will need: nutmeg - 1 pc., Water.

Nut, crushing, grind into powder, pour water. Take 20 minutes before breakfast. Drink until the pain disappears and the veins shrink. This usually takes about 3 weeks. Further to accept 1 nut (pounded) once in 2-3 days.

Nutmeg for diarrhea

You will need: kefir - 1 cup, nutmeg - 1/2 tsp, ginger - 1/2 tsp.

Mix ingredients. Drink in two doses: morning and evening. It is believed that having eliminated diarrhea, nutmeg, along with ginger, does not cause constipation.

Muscat: pros and cons of muscat trips
Benefits of trip under nutmeg:
- low cost and legality of nutmeg remain out of competition;
- long trip time (up to two days at high dosages);
- at small doses, nutmeg acts like a light cannabis smoke for the whole day;
- light and pleasant waste (if you do not violate the rules of the nutmeg trip);
- with the appropriate dosage of nutmeg, you can achieve the required depth of the trip.

Cons of nutmeg trips:
- long action, many begin to strain;
- due to the long time of the nutmeg trip, it is necessary to carefully plan the next day;
- with large doses of nuts, bad trips and betrayals are possible;
- nutmeg is disgusting to use;
- possible pain in the abdomen, red eyes;
- if you neglect the tips on the trip, then there is a chance to get a hard waste and a strong blow to the liver.

Nutmeg trip rules
1. Conditions for taking nutmeg. It is better to take nutmeg on an empty stomach. When eating nutmeg on a full stomach, a bad waste is guaranteed, the effect will be weaker, stomach pain is possible after 3-4 hours. After taking it, do not eat for two to three hours, it is allowed to drink (not alcohol). After a few hours, you can eat, preferably liquids, like soups and cocoa, but a little and if necessary. Perhaps the use of some digestive tablets, this will minimize the negative effect of nutmeg alkaloids, nothing will hurt. Hard and dry food during the trip is better not to eat at all. In a word, carefully monitor food intake, do not overdo it.

2. Form of nutmeg for consumption. Take nutmeg nuts only in crushed form, mixed with fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria. Ordinary kefir is also suitable, milk is absolutely useless and even harmful, the best option is Bifidok and Snezhok. It is possible to use nutmeg with honey: honey is mixed with nutmeg to a very thick consistency. It is said that Nutmeg nut is even better with honey. It is better not to gnaw nuts, it is harmful to the teeth and is absorbed very poorly: it is better to crush them with a hammer and throw them into a coffee grinder, or grind them through a grater. It is undesirable to buy ground nutmeg.

3. Dosage of nutmeg. The amount of nutmeg for a trip is calculated as follows: for 1 kg of human weight, you need 0.33 grams of nuts, that is, 15 ... 20 grams per 60 kg of human mass. When using more than 20 grams of nutmeg, you must carefully prepare for the trip. With frequent use, the body develops tolerance to nutmeg; to overcome it, it is enough to take a break in trips or mix nutmeg with morning glory seeds, or gradually increase the dosage of nutmeg. When buying nuts, it is enough to take 4 ... 5 nuts, depending on their freshness - this is enough with a margin.

4. Start time of the nutmeg trip. It is better to take nuts in the morning or in the afternoon. The action of nutmeg begins differently for everyone, on average after 3.5 ... 4 hours, the peak of action begins approximately 8 hours after consumption. It makes no sense to start a nutmeg trip in the evening, especially if you expect to go to bed.

First example: ate nutmeg at 18.00. The beginning of the effect is from 22.00 to 23.00, the peak of the trip will be at 02.00. Do you need it?! Weak action is guaranteed for the whole next day after the trip; maybe even sleep all day.

Example number two: they took Muscat at 13.00. The beginning of the effects at 17.00, the maximum nutmeg action will come at 20.00…21.00. In the morning, a fluttering person may have a very weak residual effect or a slight withdrawal.

5. Muscat mixes with other substances. Many psychonauts believe that morning glory is ideal. Someone has tried mixing nutmeg with dextromethorphan (DXM), but it's very life threatening. It is possible to smoke marijuana during a nutmeg trip. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated. Nutmeg does not mix well with other substances and poisoning is possible. Be careful when experimenting with strong substances. Caffeine will accelerate the action of nutmeg alkaloids, but heart problems are possible: a very large load.

6. Action of nutmeg. With a nutmeg trip, tactile hallucinations from nutmeg are possible, that is, hallucinations with the behavior of the limbs of the insides (that crackles, crunches, opens). There is a feeling of euphoria, more physical. There may be a violation of coordination of movements when eating a large amount of nuts. Memory and concentration worsens, time stretching occurs, increased color saturation, the effect of presence. It is recommended to spend the trip under nutmeg warm. You can also outdoors, provided that it is summer outside. It is desirable to watch films without violence: comedies, science fiction, cartoons. Listening to music while tripping is possible and even necessary, but not heavy. Some advise having sex under nutmeg - in fact, just for the sake of this you can already try. It is very good when both trippers are partners.

Nutmeg Trip Warning
Don't underestimate nutmeg. You can’t imagine how many people were dumbfounded by its action, and this is due to the fact that the nutmeg begins to act after a very long time (up to four hours), and not noticeably, not in waves, but constantly increasing without relief. In no case do not try to “catch up” during this time (that is, take an additional dose of nutmeg to enhance the trip)!

Nutmeg is not a drug and is not addictive. It is not prohibited by law, it is sold legally as spices. Muscat is a psychedelic of medium strength, contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins, but even more - harmful substances. When taken in large quantities leads to a state of euphoria. Muscat poisoning is not caused by nutmeg itself, but by a violation of the digestive function of the stomach. That is why it is recommended to follow a diet after a nutmeg trip, eat only soups and drink juices, teas, cocoa.

Nutmeg- this is the edible part of the nutmeg tree, which in its appearance resembles an apricot. The tree itself grows for a century, but actively bears fruit in the first 40 years of its flowering. In a year, there are more than 10,000 fruits that a tree can produce. When fully ripe, the fruit falls to the ground and splits into two parts.. The taste of this fruit is very piquant and burning, and also has a delicate and unusual aroma.

The best place to grow nutmeg was the island of Grenada. In 1796, records were broken for cultivation on the island, and since then, the inhabitants, feeling proud of their island, call it "Muscat". Nutmeg has become a national treasure and has been featured twice on the island's flag.

In ancient times, the bone part of the nuts was used as a talisman or amulet. It was believed that it would help protect against the tricks of the devil and serious illnesses. For nuts, special containers were made to carry with you. It was a miniature grater to make it easier to spice the dish. Fashionistas of those times made special walnut jewelry. And traders in the markets, taking advantage of unknown people, sold them figurines of a walnut carved from wood.

Selection and storage

There is nothing difficult in choosing a nutmeg powder. The main thing is that the packaging is airtight, and the powder is dry and crumbly.

Spice after opening the package should be used as soon as possible in order to avoid loss of its taste and aromatic qualities.

Application in cooking

The use of nutmeg powder in cooking is not the last place in classical cuisine. On the shelves you can see two types of nutmeg, in the form of powder and flakes. In large-scale production, this spice is widely used in the manufacture of confectionery, meat and drinks. Muscat "color" is added to milk sauces, such as alfredo, and is widely used in the preparation of meat, fish dishes, and seafood. It is worth trying to add to dishes with cottage cheese, dessert cakes, and casseroles. For a perfect end to dinner, sprinkle a handful of the powder with a little sugar over the chilled lemon wedges. Alcoholic drinks when adding a pinch of nutmeg, they will have a complete taste.

Seasoning must be added at the end of cooking, otherwise you will get a slightly bitter taste as a result. If you are preparing dough for baking, you need to add seasoning in the middle of the process so that the dough is saturated with aroma. The amount of nutmeg or nutmeg should be no more than 0.1 grams per serving.

In order to grind nutmeg to a powder, you must first grind the nut with a knife into pieces smaller than a pea, and put it in a pepper mill. In the absence of a knife at hand, you can simply wrap the nuts in a cloth and chop with a hammer.

Beneficial features

Nutmeg powder has an unlimited number of useful properties. Due to the fact that the composition of this spice includes many useful macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins. More details can be seen in the table below.

Element name

Beneficial features

It lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, is an antidepressant, improves metabolism.

Improves the functioning of the immune system, the condition of hair, nails.

Improves brain function, memory, attention. Normalizes appetite. Slows down aging.


Improves performance thyroid gland. Accelerates the growth of cells in the body.

Pantothenic acid

Stimulates the work of the adrenal glands.


Prevents nervous and skin disorders.

Folic acid

Supports the cardiovascular system. Restores the liver.

Vitamin C

Tissue restoration. Improves gum health.

Accelerates the work of the kidneys.

Reduces pain in arthritis, gives energy.

Useful properties in everyday life

The crushed fruit is a great helper in the household. It is excellent at repelling bugs. It is worth placing it in the kitchen cabinet where the cereal is located, and you can forget about them for a long time. In order to prevent your clothes from being spoiled by moths, you need to put a couple of nutmegs in your closet with things.

One of the unusual uses of the powder is its ability to hide the unwanted smell of alcohol, which is often popular among men. Regardless of the amount drunk, the effect of nutmeg powder will be noticeable within 10-15 minutes. To do this, you need to use 1-2 roasted nuts, or 5-10 grams of powder.

Application in cosmetics

Its use in cosmetics has been known since ancient times. Girls in ancient times, having learned the properties of the aroma of spices, tried with its help to attract the attention of men, and they succeeded. Now essential oils are made from nutmeg, which, like powder, are very useful for dry and damaged hair. Ground nut strengthens, regenerates the growth zone of the hair, helps to stop hair loss. To do this, you will need to prepare a tincture, which includes ½ cup of nutmeg, 0.5 ml of water. All this mixture must be boiled for 10-15 minutes, and then allowed to cool and strain. Distribute the resulting tincture over wet hair, cover with a hat, and keep for 40 minutes.

Treatment with ground nutmeg

Treatment with ground nuts is becoming popular in many countries around the world. In Israel, there is a clinic in which, in addition to standard medicines, they use products based on nutmeg.

Believe me, it is thanks to this spice that it will be possible to forget about your ailments. The following table clearly shows which ones and how to deal with them.





100 ml. kefir, 100 ml. water, 1/3 tsp muscat

All ingredients in one bowl and mix.

Divide into 3 meals, take 30 minutes before meals.


1/3 tsp nutmeg, 0.5 ml. hot milk, 1 tsp honey

Pour hot milk over nutmeg powder and add honey.

Must be taken before bed. Continue treatment until the symptoms of insomnia disappear completely.

Rheumatism, arthritis

½ st. nutmeg powder, 200 g olive oil, 100 g anise oil

Mix until smooth and heat up.

Apply warm to the affected area. The duration of treatment, until the disappearance of painful symptoms.

Headache with SARS

0.5 ml. hot milk, 1 tsp ground nut.

Mix and compress.

Put the prepared compress on the forehead. Keep it on your head until the pain goes away.

½ st. ground nuts, 200 ml. alcohol, 200 ml. linseed oil

Insist in a tightly closed container at a temperature of 20-24 degrees.

Divide the use into 3 doses, 10-15 ml each. 2 hours before meals.

To increase sexual activity in men

1 st. ground nuts, 1 tbsp. ginger powder, ½ tbsp. anise seeds, 0.7-1 l. alcohol 90%

Insist in a tightly closed container for 7 days, while turning the container over every day.

Divide into 3 doses of 25 ml. everyday. Use for the effect.

The taste of Muscat warms and soothes nervous system, and even shivering from the cold, leads to normal emotional state, improves memory, and uplifts mood.

Harm of nutmeg for health and possible contraindications to its use

The harm of nutmeg powder lies in the fact that the composition contains a certain amount of components that can cause hallucinations, or even lead to a heart attack. Eaten 3-4 seeds or 15-20 grams of powder can lead to disastrous consequences, at best to severe poisoning.

Abuse may cause symptoms such as:

  • confused speech;
  • intoxication;
  • hallucinations;
  • rapid heartbeat
  • pain in the abdomen.

If you have at least one of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Nutmeg is contraindicated for people with epilepsy, and individuals who are allergic to the components contained in the powder.

It is better for pregnant girls to completely exclude nutmeg from their diet, even in the form of a powder, while carrying a baby. The reason for this is the component that is part of the product. It causes a rush in the blood to the organs. Therefore, its use can harm you and your baby.

Western countries consider nutmeg spice only as a seasoning. But in China, it is treated in a special way. After all, they consider seasoning a drug that is stronger than marijuana in action. A specific dose has not yet been established. Two types of essential oils, isosafrole and myristicin, which are part of nutmeg, became the parent of several more types of drugs.

Good day!!!
Today I want to tell you about an unusual “thing”, we will talk about a nutmeg mill, yes, nutmeg, because. with other varieties of nuts, she refused to “work” (walnut visited), there will be photos further. In general, the thing is interesting and has the right to life. Detailed under "cut"


This mill is designed for quality grinding of whole nutmeg. The mechanism of the mill has a pair of grater blades and a powerful tooth that allows you to grate nutmeg very finely.

Mill mechanism

Nutmeg is an aromatic spice with a warm, spicy, pronounced taste. Widely used in the food industry, cooking, aromatherapy. Limited in medicine. Modern research does not confirm the expressed medicinal properties this plant. But the spice, rich in useful substances, can be used as a vitamin food supplement.
Walnut is a large oval-shaped seeds that are sold both as a whole and in ground form.

Application of nutmeg

The use of nutmeg is practiced in medicine, perfumery, cosmetic industry and especially widely in cooking and food industry. The spice and medicinal raw materials are obtained from 3 cultivated species of nutmeg:

The spice is currently grown and produced mainly in the countries of Southeast Asia - India, Sri Lanka, and to a lesser extent in Brazil and the islands of the Caribbean.

How the spice is used:

1. Dried seedlings, they are sold under the name mace, nutmeg, it is preferable to use it in cooking, as it has a richer aroma and pronounced taste.

2. Seeds that have previously been processed are called nutmeg.

The spice production process is as follows: ripened fruits are harvested, seeds with seedlings are taken out, seeds are removed from the seedlings, after which the seedlings are crushed and dried in the sun. In the process of drying, they lose weight and change color. After drying, the spice is carefully packaged. In the production of spices, they try to leave it whole, since intact, not broken seedlings are valued higher.

The resulting mace is a brittle, hard plate about 4 cm long and 2 cm wide, about 1 mm thick. The color of the spice is light orange.

Seeds are also dried in the sun for several days. After that, they are laid out on grates and dried for one to two months, turning them over daily. Completely dried seeds are collected, the shell is separated from the kernel, lightly tapping on them with hammers. The kernels, to increase the shelf life and protect against pests, are briefly treated by immersion in a special mixture of salt and lime. The end of the process is the final drying during the week and packaging. The spice is packaged mainly in foil-based packages of combined materials; such packaging retains the properties of the spice for as long as possible. At the end of the production process, nutmeg is ready for use and goes to stores.

Nutmeg fruits are used in cooking and medicine.

Nutmeg fruits.

Ready nutmeg is a gray kernel, about 3 cm long and 2 cm wide, with a pleasant, rich, warm aroma. Aroma is given to the spices by essential oils. Their greatest content is in large, round nuts.

The highest quality and most expensive spice is obtained from the fruits of fragrant nutmeg. In addition to this species, silver nutmeg and Malabar nutmeg are cultivated. The spices obtained from these plant species are less aromatic, valued lower than the spices obtained from fragrant nutmeg, are used in cooking and aromatherapy on a smaller scale.

Nutmeg is much more expensive than nutmeg and is produced and exported in small quantities. Historically, nutmeg cost 4-5 times more than nutmeg. At present, the difference is not so great, it is 30-40%.

The use of nutmeg in cosmetology and the cosmetic industry is due to the aromatic essential oils that make up its composition. The raw materials for obtaining essential oils are the fruits and pericarp of the plant.

Nutmeg essential oil is produced by steam distillation of raw materials (nuts). The essential oil has a local irritating, skin-warming property. It improves blood circulation in the vessels, slightly irritating the skin, relieves spasms. Warms muscles and joints, widely used in massage creams and oils.

The essential oil is used in sports medicine. The oil is used for arthritis and osteochondrosis. Its ingredients improve digestion. The oil has a general tonic effect on the human body.

The use of nutmeg and the oil obtained from it has a beneficial effect on the human body, tones and improves metabolism.

Now about what the mill was purchased for, I like to experiment in the kitchen. I often use spices in cooking various dishes. One of my favorite spices or additives, whichever you like, is nutmeg. All the time I bought it in ground form. I recently saw whole nuts on the market. Without hesitation, I bought them for testing and was not mistaken (the aroma of freshly ground nuts is something). But it turned out not to be as easy as I thought. Coming home from the market, I decided to chop the nuts, but they turned out to be so hard that I could crush them only with a hammer =)). Without hesitation, I looked after myself a mill and ordered it in China. Because I didn’t find anything similar in my city, only electric mills are on sale (their prices bite). The parcel went standard for Ukraine 32 days.

Mill in practice -

The grind turned out to be of high quality, even finer than I expected. When crushing a nut in the kitchen, a very “tasty and spicy” aroma was formed. The mill did a great job.

When trying to grind Walnut, I failed. The walnut is too soft, the mill simply rams it and scrolls in place.

18+ REMEMBER that the amount of nutmeg or nutmeg should not exceed 1 g per serving (about 3 pinches of grated nut).

When poisoned with a large amount of nutmeg, some funny effects are observed, which schoolchildren use to deal with harsh reality. Usually more than one (in large quantities) times nutmeg normal person does not use, although there are connoisseurs .......

In general, the mill was satisfied. Does its job 100%.
I will be glad if the review is useful to someone.
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Nutmeg is an evergreen tree, reaching 20 meters, native to the Moluccas.

Muskatnik has been widely used in cooking, in ground form it is added to confectionery, it is also included in the composition of spices for sausages. Also, nutmeg is used in the form of salad dressings, fish is also seasoned, etc. etc.

Nutmeg in medicine

The use of a little nutmeg powder inside helps to accelerate the absorption of food, especially in the small intestine. Also, nutmeg can be used as an aphrodisiac, as the same Kratom has an exciting and calming effect. It also acts as a tonic for the muscles. It is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, as well as sexual impotence and sleep disturbances. Sometimes nutmeg is given to children to soothe the pain of cutting teeth.

Nutmeg as an entheogen

Nutmeg, due to its availability, has become popular among a wide range of psychonauts. It is easy to find and easy to prepare, and the effect is very long. The main psychoactive substances are: myristicin, elemicin, and safrole. The liver partially processes myristicin MMDA, which answers the question, “why does it take so long to accelerate?”

Nutmeg as an aphrodisiac

The plant of Aphrodite, as some call it, Since ancient times, Muscat was considered a love seasoning, it has a stronger effect on the female reproductive system, and enhances sexual desire, it also affects men, only less intensely.

Preparation and use of nutmeg

For the best effect, we need the most fresh whole nuts, you can use ground seasoning only if it is fresh, but whole nuts are better, because all the power is in essential oils, which volatilize when stored in a powdered state.

Well, we bought fresh nuts, now we need to decide on the dose. Due to the load on the liver, it is better to drink a spoonful of milk thistle 5 hours before taking nutmeg. I strongly advise against taking Muscat for people with pathologies of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. And so let's start getting acquainted with 2-3 nuts, grind them in a mortar or coffee grinder, if in a coffee grinder, then you first need to break them into smaller pieces. You can cut them or grind them on a grater. It is better to take the powder with kefir or yogurt, mixing the powder well in it. By itself, Muscat in such quantities does not produce a very strong change in consciousness, but in mixes with other plants it changes very well.

Dosage of nutmeg: 3-10 grams. no longer recommended, hard on the liver. The optimal dose is 6 grams.

Combination of ingredients

Cloves and ground nutmeg

Nutmeg goes well with different plants. For example: you can take 2-3 nuts 2 hours before taking Olilukov, MJ changes the arrival, but not much, they are somewhat similar. Also good paired with Garmaloy, 1-2 hours before taking Muscat, eat 0.5-2 grams of Harmala (harmala is an MAOI, so it’s better not to).

Triple mix, a very interesting combination

  1. Take a couple of Muscat nuts inside.
  2. After 3 hours, eat two branches of wormwood about 10 centimeters in size.
  3. Then immediately smoke the turkeys.

Here are some more components of the nutmeg mixture to correct the condition: parsley, zira, fennel, dill, cloves, calamus, bay leaf, star anise. In these plants there are similar substances that mutually reinforce or change the general state.

  • Parsley - adds physical strength
  • Bay leaf - enhances understanding.
  • Carnation - contributes to the enlightenment of consciousness.
  • - reduces toxicity, and also change the trip itself.

Just like with Oliluk, you can combine Muscat with Datura. I recommend 2-3 Muscat nuts, smoke 50 seeds after 3 hours. MJ will not hurt in such matters ...

You can use nuts together with sleep-grass (tea from dried leaves), which gives a high concentration of attention.

the effect

The action of Muskatnik manifests itself after an hour or two, it starts to get a little sleepy, I want to lie down, think about something, after 3-4 hours the state is slowly but surely changing. Full saturation of the arrival occurs 6-8 hours after ingestion. The arrival of a wave, some thoughts are replaced by euphoria, empathy increases (a sense of the environment, including people, without a logical conclusion). All this, of course, is similar to the action of hemp, but still it is not, it is not so strong in this direction, and if you increase the dose, then a feeling of heaviness in the head is added, here a little dried cloves can save the situation.

Side effects on the body

With their cheapness and legality, miracle nuts in large quantities are very not beneficial affect our body, especially the liver. It starts showing up after a few uses. Dryness can also be noted, and redness of the eyes (like from hemp), the feeling is as if sand was poured into the eyes, vizin does not always help. Waste products can reach 2 days, this is manifested by nebula in the head ...


To use it, you need:

  • Find your optimal dose, i.e. start small.
  • Do not part with the reception, eat them no more than once every 2 weeks.
  • It is best to use nuts in mixes, to enhance or change one or another entheogen (combinations are described above). And of course, always weigh the pros and cons. Nutmeg is not for everyone

You can buy nutmeg from our partners

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