Fallout 3 pitt how to pick up your weapon. Walkthrough The Pitt

Follow the signal you picked up from the radio and you will soon reach the man who was attacked by Pitt's Raiders. The victim is Werner. As you help him repel this attack, you will learn from his words that he is a slave who escaped from Pitt. And Pitt, as he says, is just hell. But he still has a lot of friends in slavery, so he asks you to help him.

Agree and move west to the Depot from where you saved poor Werner. There will be a group of slavers at this Depot. Now you can just break into Pitt with your cool guns and shoot everyone in the skull, well, and free all the slaves. And there is an option with payment, that is, lay out money for each slave and take the clothes of a local slave. After that, move to the cart. Near the trolley, Werner will be waiting for you, who will say that your journey will be long enough. But just loading a new territory awaits you. As you find yourself in a new location, you will be met by a couple of local raiders, with whom you will have a small dialogue, and then a fight. After the victory, you and Werner will go to the fence, where he will leave you. Also, he will tell you that it is better not to take things with you, as the guards will immediately take them away from you. But still, he will try to find a way to smuggle your things to you. As you pass through the bridge, then be extremely careful, as there will be just a huge number of mines on your way. After the mined bridge, you will meet near the Jackson gate - a local guard. He will take all your things. Go through and find Medea. As you find her, then he will ask you to retire with her in her closet. After talking, you will find out that a man named Marco can help you with weapons, but Jackson will suddenly interrupt your dialogue with Medea and immediately start asking questions. And now Medea will not be able to answer anything smart, except to send you to work in warehouses where you need to carry ingots.

Lack of safety standards

It's better for you to move straight to the Workshop. Yes, and there you can find Marco. In the shops you need to go to the room where the computers are located. Marco will sit in this room. He will give you a new weapon - a chainsaw. And now, you need to go straight to the workshop where you will have to carry the ingots that Medea also spoke about. A man named Everett will be waiting for you near the entrance. He will ask you to follow him. On the way after Everett, you will notice the Trogs. Trogs are the new kind mutants that mutated due to one disease. And by the way, in any case, you will need to transfer ten ingots to Everett. In the place where he leaves you, there will be a door, so you need to go through this door. Now you need to get ten steel ingots. You will find two pieces near the entrance on a corpse. The rest are on the roofs of the wagons, in general, there is nothing complicated here. Now go back, give the ingots and go to Medea. Now she will tell you that you need to meet with Ashur next. So get ready to fight in the arena against other slaves. But the problem in the arena is that radioactive waste will be dumped on it, so you need to end the battle as soon as possible. There will be several fights in total. First, a fight with three ordinary slaves, then a fight with the Bear Brothers (they are half-trogs). The final battle will be with Gruber. Gruber is the one who was able to go through all the fights that were in the arena. How can you defeat him, then your task will be completed.

free labor

After your brilliant victory in the Arena, you have the opportunity to meet with Ashur himself, so Crenshaw will guide you to him. Follow him to the upper city. Now move to the entrance, where "Paradise" is written. After talking with Ashur, you will learn that the cure for ailments is on your right side, in the laboratory. After that, on the intercom they will tell you about the uprising of the slaves. Ashur will leave, but he will recommend that you go to the laboratory. There will be a girl inside the laboratory. It turns out that she is generally Ashura's wife and their child - this is the right medicine. This child has perfect immunity, which allows him to fight against various mutations. Now you have a painful choice. Leave the child or steal it.

If you decide to leave without a child, then you have to meet Medea and find out from her where Werner went. When you find him, you will find out that he is already expecting a baby. But when he finds out that you came without a child, then he runs away from you. And no perks and abilities will help you catch up with him. Therefore, return to Ashura. He will thank you very well and say that he wants to be engaged in the restoration of this town and because of you, the restoration will go much faster.

If you still decide to steal this child, then expect that you will have very big problems. It will be very difficult for you to get out and you will have a difficult battle with the guard Ashura. And after you still get to Werner, he will tell you that you must also cut down all the lights in the Upper part of the city. As you do this, Werner will be very grateful to you and will say that this city will soon be restored. Only now the Upper part will no longer exist and Ashur with his wife and child will be dead.

slave life

So, you received a radio signal for help for a fee. We got to our destination on the map and repulsed the attack of a bunch of non-local raiders. After that, we decided to talk to a guy named Werner. He will tell you the sad story of his city. After the conversation, head to the entrance to the tunnel, which should lead you to the city of slaves. Near the entrance, there is a small base of slave traders. Clean it up. Next, after moving behind the bars to a bunch of slaves (we jumped over the bars from behind), borrow a robe from one of them. Just then, your new partner will appear, go through the doors leading to the tunnel and sit on the railcar standing next to it. Let's hit the road.

First you have to clear the area a little from the enemies. Then follow your new acquaintance, who will open the way to the city for you. He won't go any further, he'll just wait here for you. After reminding you the purpose of your visit (to find a cure), he wishes you good luck. Move forward and turn onto the bridge. Be careful, the whole road will be littered with mines and huge traps. Then dogs and a gunner will appear, firing at you from the top of the bridge.

After crossing to the other side, turn right and go into the hands of the slavers. Just don't forget, for the sake of decency, to hide all your weapons and try on a slave costume.

Media, that's your contact's name, will be waiting for you on the right side of the big pit. After a short conversation, follow the woman to her house for further instructions. From a conversation with your "coordinator" it will become clear that the slaves started a riot that will begin soon. In order for you to be able to participate in the uprising, you still need to live up to this time. The guards do not like lazy people and are always suspicious of them. Take the task from the girl to collect steel ingots in warehouses. These places are very dangerous, so first you need to get some kind of weapon. Head to the workshop and look for a slave named Marco, he will hand you a chainsaw, some kind of weapon, but still.

Next, we go to a guy named Everett, who will actually take you to the place of work. We need only 10 ingots, you will find two of them immediately, under your feet, at the same time grab an assault rifle. Stick to the left. In the trash can you will find 3 more pieces. Climb up the stairs and find the missing pieces. As soon as the right amount is in the backpack, go back.

The overseer will take your finds and release them on all four sides. We return to the Media and get the following instructions. After that, we get out to the square where Ashur, the head of this camp, is going to hold combat competitions. After listening to the speech of the leader, go to him in order to get into the lists of participants. You need to go to the shops. On the right, look for the entrance, which is guarded by the guard, after a short conversation, go inside. After talking with a female guard and agreeing to fight, you can direct to the entrance to the arena, it is located on the left, in the pipe. Before the fight, it is better to search the room for medicines, also look in the closet. Having collected a small arsenal, advance into battle. The first three opponents will be armed with firearms, wait until the radioactive barrels are lowered from above, and only then exit the cage. Collect weapons and all sorts of necessary things from defeated enemies. Having patched up the wounds a little and after talking with the female guard, enter into a new fight. Be sure to pick up a huge "Glove of Death" from one of the opponents, it will still come in handy. We leave the arena and again talk with the guard. This time, a lone warrior will act against you, who will be well armed and protected. When the entire supply of weapons is exhausted, it will be time for hand-to-hand combat. While wearing the “Glove of Death”, jump on the enemy during his reload.

Having dealt with the last enemy, we return to the workshop and head deeper into it. We find another guarded gate, which we can now open, and go straight through the door.

Here we are in the upper city, head to a huge building in a large area, this is Paradise, in which our goal lives. Once you're on the second floor, go through the elevator doors. Now along the corridor, to an elderly man who is still busy talking with his subordinate. Waiting for our turn, we will talk to him.

And here is the dilemma. You will find out that your employer, who actually sent you here in search of a cure, is not a slave at all, but a deserter captain. Well, but that's not all, after the conversation, search the entire floor. When you find a woman named Sandra, talk to her, she will tell you what kind of medicine it is, and in what form it is.

Now you will have to decide whether to take the girl or leave her alone.

Option 1. You take the medicine girl

If you still decide to go for theft, then get ready to run fast and shoot accurately. You will also need a huge number of first aid kits, stock them up in advance. Head to your friend Mediah, she will have to tell you what to do next.

Werner will be waiting for you in a room located in an abandoned warehouse. Once on them, go straight ahead and climb up. After going a little to the left, find the steps leading up. At the level where you come across one of the slaves, turn left and look for doors, behind them there will be "our guy". Give the child, and you will be given a new task.

This time, head to the city's dungeon. The entrance to it is located on the territory of the warehouses to the left of the entrance that you used before, and is a hatch in the ground. After going through a series of tunnels, at the end of the path, find the control panel. Activate it and select the topmost tab that says disable spotlights. Now chaos will come in the upper city, go to the end of the tunnel in order to be in the square in front of Rayam. Here you will have two enemies, wild Trades and followers of Ashura. By the way, the dictator himself will run to your left in the same square. To make it easier to get through the crowds of enemies, use the stealth boy you have in your backpack.

The time has come to visit the lower city, to Mediah's house, where Werner will meet you, who will be grateful to you for participating in the coup. That's all!

Option 2. You leave the child alone

This option is perhaps the most humane. After leaving the building, you will notice that the slave uprising has begun. Run to the lower city to Mediah and extort information from her, where is the guy named Werner. She will tell you that he hid in abandoned warehouses. When you are right here, go forward and go up the stairs on the left side twice. Once on a small platform with a guard in the form of a slave, look for the blue door, it will lead you to the goal. Then a conversation will start, in the end, your former companion will quarrel very much, but will not argue with you and leave the location. Now it's time to return to Ashur in the building called Paradise and have a polite chat. As it turns out, our new friend not a tyrant at all, but preaches dictatorship because of the difficult situation in the city. In future plans, he will get rid of slavery and come to democracy.

Fallout 3: The Pitt

slave life

So, you received a radio signal for help for a fee. We got to our destination on the map and repulsed the attack of a bunch of non-local raiders. After that, we decided to talk to a guy named Werner. He will tell you the sad story of his city. After the conversation, head to the entrance to the tunnel, which should lead you to the city of slaves. Near the entrance, there is a small base of slave traders. Clean it up. Next, after moving behind the bars to a bunch of slaves (we jumped over the bars from behind), borrow a robe from one of them. Just then, your new partner will appear, go through the doors leading to the tunnel and sit on the railcar standing next to it. Let's hit the road.

First you have to clear the area a little from the enemies. Then follow your new acquaintance, who will open the way to the city for you. He won't go any further, he'll just wait here for you. After reminding you the purpose of your visit (to find a cure), he wishes you good luck. Move forward and turn onto the bridge. Be careful, the whole road will be littered with mines and huge traps. Then dogs and a gunner will appear, firing at you from the top of the bridge.

After crossing to the other side, turn right and go into the hands of the slavers. Just don't forget, for the sake of decency, to hide all your weapons and try on a slave costume.

Media, that's your contact's name, will be waiting for you on the right side of the big pit. After a short conversation, follow the woman to her house for further instructions. From a conversation with yours, it will become clear that the slaves have started a rebellion that will begin soon. In order for you to be able to participate in the uprising, you still need to live up to this time. The guards do not like lazy people and are always suspicious of them. Take the task from the girl to collect steel ingots in warehouses. These places are very dangerous, so first you need to get some kind of weapon. Head to the workshop and look for a slave named Marco, he will hand you a chainsaw, some kind of weapon, but still.

Next, we go to a guy named Everett, who will actually take you to the place of work. We need only 10 ingots, you will find two of them immediately, under your feet, at the same time grab an assault rifle. Stick to the left. In the trash can you will find 3 more pieces. Climb up the stairs and find the missing pieces. As soon as the right amount is in the backpack, go back.

The overseer will take your finds and release them on all four sides. We return to the Media and get the following instructions. After that, we get out to the square where Ashur, the head of this camp, is going to hold combat competitions. After listening to the speech of the leader, go to him in order to get into the lists of participants. You need to go to the shops. On the right, look for the entrance, which is guarded by the guard, after a short conversation, go inside. After talking with a female guard and agreeing to fight, you can direct to the entrance to the arena, it is located on the left, in the pipe. Before the fight, it is better to search the room for medicines, also look in the closet. Having collected a small arsenal, advance into battle. The first three opponents will be armed with firearms, wait until the radioactive barrels are lowered from above, and only then exit the cage. Collect weapons and all sorts of necessary things from defeated enemies. Having patched up the wounds a little and after talking with the female guard, enter into a new fight. Be sure to pick up a huge one from one of the opponents, it will still come in handy. We leave the arena and again talk with the guard. This time, a lone warrior will act against you, who will be well armed and protected. When the entire supply of weapons is exhausted, it will be time for hand-to-hand combat. While equipped, jump on an enemy while it is reloading.

Having dealt with the last enemy, we return to the workshop and head deeper into it. We find another guarded gate, which we can now open, and go straight through the door.

Here we are in the upper city, head to a huge building in a large area, this is Paradise, in which our goal lives. Once you're on the second floor, go through the elevator doors. Now along the corridor, to an elderly man who is still busy talking with his subordinate. Waiting for our turn, we will talk to him.
And here is the dilemma. You will find out that your employer, who actually sent you here in search of a cure, is not a slave at all, but a deserter captain. Well, but that's not all, after the conversation, search the entire floor. When you find a woman named Sandra, talk to her, she will tell you what kind of medicine it is, and in what form it is.

Now you will have to decide whether to take the girl or leave her alone.

Option 1. You take the medicine girl

If you still decide to go for theft, then get ready to run fast and shoot accurately. You will also need a huge number of first aid kits, stock them up in advance. Head to your friend Mediah, she will have to tell you what to do next.

Werner will be waiting for you in a room located in an abandoned warehouse. Once on them, go straight ahead and climb up. After going a little to the left, find the steps leading up. At the level where you come across one of the slaves, turn left and look for doors, behind them and will be. Give the child, and you will be given a new task.

This time, head to the city's dungeon. The entrance to it is located on the territory of the warehouses to the left of the entrance that you used before, and is a hatch in the ground. After going through a series of tunnels, at the end of the path, find the control panel. Activate it and select the topmost tab that says disable spotlights. Now chaos will come in the upper city, go to the end of the tunnel in order to be in the square in front of Rayam. Here you will have two enemies, wild Trades and followers of Ashura. By the way, the dictator himself will run to your left in the same square. To make it easier to get through the crowds of enemies, use the stealth boy you have in your backpack.

The time has come to visit the lower city, to Mediah's house, where Werner will meet you, who will be grateful to you for participating in the coup. That's all!

Option 2. You leave the child alone

This option is perhaps the most humane. After leaving the building, you will notice that the slave uprising has begun. Run to the lower city to Mediah and extort information from her, where is the guy named Werner. She will tell you that he hid in abandoned warehouses. When you are right here, go forward and go up the stairs on the left side twice. Once on a small platform with a guard in the form of a slave, look for the blue door, it will lead you to the goal. Then a conversation will start, in the end, your former companion will quarrel very much, but will not argue with you and leave the location. Now it's time to return to Ashur in the building called Paradise and have a polite chat. As it turns out, our new friend is not a tyrant at all, but preaches dictatorship because of the difficult situation in the city. In future plans, he will get rid of slavery and come to democracy.

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Following the radio signal, we meet a man under attack by Pitt's Raiders. The man's name is Werner. After we help him cope with them, we learn that he is a runaway slave and fled from Pitt, according to him, a living hell. But his slave friends need help and you, as a hero, have to help him. We head to the Depot, which is located west of the place where you found Werner. There you will meet slave traders who go about their business: they sleep, guard, wait. You can break into Pitt with guns and cannons, or you can free the local slaves by killing all the slave traders, or by paying money for the slaves and taking the slave's clothes from the corpse. Now you need to go to the cart. Werner is waiting for you there and says that it will be a long and difficult journey. I don’t know about the heroes, but this journey will cost you in loading a new area. Arriving at your destination, a group of raiders meets you and after a short dialogue, a shootout begins. After your next victory, you and Werner will go to the fence, where he will leave you. He says that you shouldn't take your things with you, as the guards will take everything. But he will try to find a way to get them back. When making your way along the bridge, be careful - there are many mines. After a dangerous passage, you will come to a new gate, where one of the guards (Jackson) will meet you and take all your things. Go and look for Midea. When you find her, she will ask you to retire with her to talk and asks you to go to her closet. After a short conversation, in which you learn that if you need a weapon, then Marco can help you, Jackson bursts into the room and asks about our personality. Medea does not come up with anything interesting how to send you to work in warehouses to drag 10 ingots.

I advise you to go straight to the Workshop. All the more there and is now Marco. In the workshop you will need to go straight ahead. until there is a right turn and there turn right again and enter the computer room. It will be Marco. He will give you a rather unique weapon - a chainsaw. Then we go to the workshop, where you have to carry the ingots that Medea spoke about. Everett is waiting for you at the entrance and asks you to follow him. As you walk, you may notice Trogs - new creatures that were once human, but mutated due to disease. One way or another, you will have to bring a dozen ingots to Everett. In the place where Everett leaves you there is a door - you go there. Now everything is simple - collect 10 steel ingots. Two you can find right at the entrance next to the corpse. The other 5 are in the wagons against the wall. Two more in the trash cans next to the corpse. Well, the latter can be found on the roofs of the cars that are on the rails. I think there is nothing complicated. Now you should go back, give Everett his ingots and go to Medea. She will inform you that the slaves need someone to meet with Ashur. And that someone will be you. You have to fight in the arena with other slaves. However, there is a small amendment - barrels with radioactive waste will be dumped into the arena and you need to hurry. You will have several fights. The first is with three slaves, the second is with the Bear Brothers, who are half human, half trogs. The last fight will be with Gruber, one of the three who went through all the fights in the arena. After defeating him, the task will be completed.

After winning the Arena, you are given the opportunity to have an audience with Ashura and Crenshaw undertakes to see you off. Follow him to the Upper City, and then to the entrance to "Paradise". There, after talking with Ashur, you will learn that the cure for the disease is on the right in the laboratory. And then they talk on the intercom about a slave uprising. Ashur leaves and advises you to look into the laboratory. There the woman will tell you that she is Ashura's wife and that their child is the cure. It has innate immunity from all sorts of mutations and will help save people from illness. You are given a choice - to steal the child or to leave him and leave with nothing.

If you decide to leave with nothing, then you will have to meet Midea and find out where Werner is. When you find him, you will find that he is already expecting a baby. But after he finds out that the child is gone, he runs away, no matter what perks and abilities you have. Time to return to Ashura. He will thank you and declare that he wants to restore the city and thanks to us it will go faster.

If you decide to kidnap a child, then expect trouble. You will have a hard time getting out with him and fighting with the guards of Ashura. When you come to Werner, he will tell you that you need to get rid of the Upper City. To do this, you should turn off the lighting in the Upper City. Having done this, we return to Werner, who will thank you and say that the city will recover soon. Only the Upper City will no longer exist, and the mother and father of the child are now dead.

Now you will receive a signal for help, providing which you will be rewarded. Immediately move forward on the road, having previously looked at the map. Be careful, because the mercenaries will attack now. After dealing with them, go to Werner and chat with him. In this way, you will learn about the history of the city, which will turn out to be not very fun. After finishing communication in Werner, go to the tunnel, which can lead you to the city inhabited by slaves. Then, in the passage of Fallout 3: The Pitt, you will find yourself near the entrance, get a weapon and use it to deal with opponents walking around the base located nearby.

After that, climb over from the back side of the lattice and go to where several slaves are sitting, and take clothes from one of them. As soon as you change clothes, your friend will immediately appear. Together with him, go to the entrance to the tunnel and find a handcar there. Come and get into the transport and drive on.

After driving a little, you will need to fight a little, and then follow in the footsteps of your partner to reach the city. It is worth noting that now you have to go further alone, as the partner will remain outside the city and will be waiting for you. Now he will remind you that you need to find a cure. Get on the road and move forward. As soon as you see a bridge ahead, go to it. Only in the passage of Fallout 3: The Pitt, be careful, because you will have to go along a mined path, surrounded by traps around the perimeter. As soon as you pass it, then take out your weapon and use it to deal with the dogs and the mercenary who will shoot at you from the bridge.

When you find yourself on the opposite side, immediately turn to the right side and go to where the slave traders are. I advise you to first change into appropriate clothes and hide weapons under it. Having dealt with opponents, return to your partner, whose name is Media.

You can find it on the right side, where there is a huge pit. After talking with him, follow the woman into the building, because she should give you the appropriate instructions. It turns out that the slaves will soon arrange a riot. You need now to take the mission to collect steel ingots in warehouses. I must say right away that you first need to replenish your combat arsenal, and then move to the warehouses, because this territory is very dangerous. Go to the workshop and find Marco there, who will give you a chainsaw that can be used as a weapon.

Then, in the passage of the game Fallout 3: The Pitt, you should go to the place where the guy, whom I call Everett, is located, because it is he who can bring you to the right place. Having reached the warehouses, immediately start searching for ingots. You need to collect 10 pcs. Look under your feet and pick up the first two ingots. Also, do not forget to take a rifle, which lies nearby. Then go forward, sticking to the left side, until you find yourself near the tank. Dig into it and find three more ingots. After picking them up, head to the stairs and climb up it. Having got out, start searching for the rest of the ingots. After collecting all ten, put them in your backpack and return to where you came from.

The caretaker will take all the contents of your backpack and let you go. Now return to the Media to start the next task. After talking, immediately go to the square where the leader Ashur plans to fight. After carefully listening to his monologue, immediately run and sign up for the list of participants in the competition. It is worth noting that you need to go to the workshops. And you can get there as follows: on the right side, find the entrance guarded by a soldier. Approach him and talk, and then move inside. After walking a little, you will meet a female guard who will take the agreement to enter the tournament. After you agree, go to the door that will take you to the arena. It can be found on the left side in the pipe. Then in the Fallout 3: The Pitt walkthrough, you need to sneak into the room and search it before you start a fight. It is worth noting that the very first three attackers will have firearms in their arsenal. You need to wait until you see radioactive barrels from above, and only after they appear can you get out of the cage.

After you destroy the first soldiers, be sure to collect their weapons and other things. Then improve your health and go to the guard to chat, and only after that you can go into battle again. Now the enemy will have the "Glove of Death", which must be taken away after you finish him off. Having acquired a new attribute, return to the guard again and chat. It is worth noting that in the further passage of the game Fallout 3: The Pitt, one soldier will fight against you, who will have excellent weapons in his arsenal and reliable protection. At the moment when all the weapons and ammo run out, start fighting in hand-to-hand combat. I advise you to quickly put on the previously selected props on your hand and jump on the opponent when he stops to recharge.

As soon as all the enemies stop breathing, you can return to the workshop and go into the depths. Then you need to find the gate, which will be carefully guarded. Having dealt with the enemies, you can open them and go further.

Thus, you will find yourself in the upper city, go to the largest building located in a large area. It is this place that is called Paradise, in which you can get to the object you are looking for. Go to the second floor and find the elevator there. Approach him and go upstairs. After getting out of it, go along the corridor forward until you see an old man talking with his subordinate. Now in the passage of Fallout 3: The Pitt, wait for the end of the conversation and approach the old man.

It turns out that your boss, who sent you in search of medicines, is not a slave, he is a captain who deserted at one time. After you finish talking to the old man, explore every crevice on the floor. You should find Sandra's girlfriend. After talking with her, you will find out what the desired medicine looks like. Now you need to make a decision about what to do with the girl: leave her alone or keep her with you.

Option 1. Take a girl with you

If you choose this option, then immediately be ready for a sprint and a firefight. Do not forget that you will also need a lot of first-aid kits, so I advise you to stock up on them in advance. You can go to Medi so that she gives instructions on how to proceed.

Now Werner will be waiting for you in the room, which is located in the abandoned warehouses. Once you get to them, you can go straight ahead. Sooner or later you will find yourself near the stairs, which you need to climb up. After getting out, turn left and find another ladder, which you can climb even higher. It is worth noting that on the floor on which you will meet a slave, you need to turn to the left side and find the doors behind which the accomplice will sit. When you get to him, hurry up to pick up another task from him.

Now you will find yourself in the dungeon of the city, the entrance to which you will still need to find. So hurry to go to the territory where the warehouses are located. Once in place, look around and a little to the left of the entrance you will see a hatch cover. Continue through the game Fallout 3: The Pitt and climb inside, then move through several tunnels and eventually you will find yourself near Rayam in the square. Be careful, because two opponents will attack, who are called wild Torgs serving Ashur. It is also worth noting that the leader himself will move a little to the left of you. Get a stealth-boy from your backpack and use it on a crowd of opponents.

Now you can go to the lower city, to where Mediah's house stands. You will be greeted by Werner, who will express his gratitude for Active participation in riot.

Option 2 Leave the girl alone

I believe that doing so would be the most prudent course of action. You need to get out of the house and look around. Now you can determine that the slave rebellion has already started. Continuing the passage of the game Fallout 3: The Pitt, run to the lower city and look for Media there. As soon as you find yourself with her, immediately begin to ask about the whereabouts of Werner. It turns out that he is hiding in long-abandoned warehouses. Run to them and climb inside. Look around and go forward until you hit the stairs, which is located on the left side. Climbing along it, find the next steps on the left and climb them.

Thus, you will find yourself on a small platform, along which a guard dressed as a slave walks. After dealing with him, find the door, painted blue, and go through it. Thus, you will be on target. Chat and wait for the end of the conversation. Just be prepared for the fact that he will start to swear and leave this territory. Now you need to quickly return to Ashur, who is waiting for you in the house with the sign "Paradise" on it. When you get to the place, immediately talk to him. In the process of communication, you will learn that your interlocutor is not a terrible tyrant, but simply adheres to this mode because of the difficult situation that now prevails in the city. You will learn that his plans include the complete eradication of slavery and the establishment of a democratic regime. On this passage of the game Fallout 3: The Pitt is considered completed.