Layout of polypropylene pipes in the bathroom and toilet. Piping in the bathroom - how to do it correctly, and what materials to use

Everyone cares about the level of comfort modern man... It is difficult to imagine a home without amenities. The layout of the sewerage system in the bathroom is one of the most important stages in the arrangement of an apartment or house.

You can connect all systems yourself if you carefully study the principles of installation.

Illustration for the article

Bathroom engineering communications

Bathroom engineering communications are divided into several types:

  • internal heat supply systems (hot water supply);
  • internal water supply and sewerage systems (supply cold water and disposal of the used one).

Simply put, when arranging a bath, you will need a laying of plumbing and sewer pipes... The required set of equipment will show how much is required. The standard room-bathroom contains:

  • toilet;
  • bath or booth;
  • washbasin;
  • Washer;
  • boiler.

In some cases, a heated towel rail, bidet, etc. can be installed. After the number of devices and their location has been determined, you should start drawing up a diagram.

Pipe routing diagram

A well-thought-out bathroom plan largely guarantees the correctness of the work. It is not recommended to proceed to the next stage without a high-quality scheme.

With the rational placement of bathroom elements, you can save on building materials and reduce the time required for laying the elements. As a result, the sewage system in the bathroom with your own hands will turn into a simple process, and the result will please the owner.

The first step is to draw a plumbing diagram. There are several ways to wire:

  • consistent;
  • collector.

The first option is simple, so if you plan to carry out the work yourself, it is better to give preference to it. The disadvantage is the uneven distribution of pressure during the simultaneous use of several devices.

After flushing the toilet cistern, the pressure of cold water in the sink or bathroom will dramatically decrease. In Soviet times, preference was given to sequential wiring when building new buildings; many faced such a problem.

Collector wiring by the presence of a collector. With its help, you can evenly distribute the pressure, which will minimize water loss when using multiple devices at the same time.

After the manifold, a shut-off valve can be installed on each pipe. This approach will allow for repair work on a separate device without shutting down the entire cold and hot water supply system.

Once it is determined which of the above wiring methods is more suitable, you should start drawing up a complex water supply scheme. Depending on the number of devices, you should get the following result:

Next, you should start drawing up a similar scheme for the sewage system. It is distinguished by its simplicity, since there is no need to think about installing additional devices (collectors, meters, filters, and so on). The complete sewerage scheme is as follows:

The diagram shows the elements:

  • a - hot water supply;
  • b - cold water supply;
  • c - sewerage.

If the diagram will be drawn independently, you should follow the advice of specialists:

  • avoid crossing pipes;
  • close to yourself the elements of the water supply and sewerage system, so that in the course of certain works it is easy to hide them;
  • after installing plumbing fixtures, the desired element must be within reach, it is required to have free access to the connection point of pipes with flexible hoses.

Materials for laying water pipes

After drawing up the diagram, the next preparatory stage comes up. To provide water supply, the following pipes are used:

  • steel;
  • copper;
  • metal-plastic;
  • plastic.

Steel pipes hardly need any special introduction. Their main disadvantage is the unjustified high cost of material and high requirements for installation work. There are other disadvantages that will have to be faced during the operation of metal pipes:

  • susceptibility to corrosion;
  • high electrical conductivity;
  • gradual reduction of the flow area due to the formation of limescale.

Copper pipes are rarely used. The main plus is pleasant appearance... This is where the advantages of the material end. Among the disadvantages are:

  • high cost;
  • costly installation, since soldering is required;
  • unavailability in the market due to low demand.

Reinforced plastic is a popular option. They represent a three-layer construction with sufficient strength. The system has an approximate lifespan of 35 years. A fitting is used for the connection - a relatively easy process that requires a certain skill in installation.

The disadvantage of metal-plastic pipes is the periodic need to tighten the connections.

The best choice is plastic pipes. They are practically devoid of the disadvantages of the above competitive materials, they have a lot of advantages. Among them:

  • durability;
  • non-susceptibility to corrosion;
  • low cost;
  • tightness of the connection;
  • acceptable appearance;
  • ease of installation.

They have one drawback: the connection is non-separable. To repair the system, you will have to cut a part of the pipe, and lay a new part. However, the low cost of the material makes up for the disadvantage.

If you plan to do the work yourself, plastic ones are ideal.

Materials for laying sewer pipes

The main requirements for sewer pipes are strength and durability. An inexperienced person may immediately get the impression that it is necessary to use metal and steel structures with high degree wear and tear. This approach does not justify itself.

In new construction of buildings, cast iron materials are often preferred. It has a high degree of strength. The material has a drawback - a lot of weight. It is problematic to install the material without special equipment. Therefore, do-it-yourself sewage in the bathroom requires alternative options.

You can use plastic pipes. If you consider them for installing a sewage system, there are many advantages. Due to the smooth inner surface, they will not clog. Even after 10 years of operation, they have a high throughput. The downside is the low degree of sound insulation.

DIY sewerage installation

Having given preference to plastic ones, installation work is facilitated. No additional tools (soldering iron) are required, since the pipes are inserted into one another, or using a fitting. You can quickly disassemble the sewer in case of an error. The works are carried out in the following order:

  • turning off the water;
  • dismantling the toilet bowl and other bathroom appliances that may interfere with work (bath, sink, etc.);
  • dismantling the old riser pipe and other systems;
  • installation of a new riser pipe;
  • installation of internal sewerage.

When performing work, observe the following principles:

  • sewer pipes leading to a common riser must not stand at right angles (a slope of 3 cm for each meter of pipe or more);
  • it is imperative to use rubber gaskets at the joint to ensure maximum tightness, avoid leakage or bad smell;
  • the diameter of the pipe from the sink, washing machine, bath and other appliances should be 50 mm. An exception is the connection from the toilet, the diameter of which must be at least 110 mm.


When carrying out repairs in the toilet room, it is very important to correctly arrange all plumbing products and household appliances. Before starting the repair work, it is worth drawing a diagram of the placement of everything, and already based on this, the pipes will be routed in the bathroom. The wiring can be performed both open and hidden - it depends on the preference of the owner of the home. Regardless of what type of wiring is chosen, pipes must be installed efficiently and tightly.

Which pipes are best used for wiring in the bathroom

For routing, you can use different kinds pipes, they all have their advantages and disadvantages. The following products are used:

  1. Metallic;
  2. Reinforced plastic;
  3. Polyethylene.

Bathroom piping

Often, intra-apartment wiring is performed with metal-plastic elements, which have the following advantages:

  • Low cost;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Durability;
  • Not subject to corrosion;
  • Does not require painting.

Polyethylene pipes are characterized by the same qualities, however, they are much more expensive and therefore not so available to a wide range of consumers. The metal wiring in the bathroom, familiar to many, is losing its popularity due to the fact that for the installation of metal components, special equipment and skills are needed to perform such work.

What to look for when buying pipes

It is better to buy pipes and fittings for them in trusted stores, then there will be no doubt that such products will serve for more than one year. When buying, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • Products should not have cracks, chips or other deformations;
  • Before buying, you need to pay attention to the marking of the pipes, usually it indicates at what temperature and pressure the product can be used;
  • Before buying, you need to calculate the required diameter and buy products in accordance with the calculation data.

By choosing the right pipes and fittings for wiring, you can count on an uninterrupted supply of water in your apartment or house.

What type of wiring to choose

In order for the piping in the bathroom to be performed correctly, you need to look at the recommendations of experts in this area, some of which we will describe below. First you need to decide on the type of wiring. Which type to use - open or closed? It only depends on the taste and capabilities of the owner. The advantages of hidden wiring are as follows:

  • All elements in the bathroom are hidden, which adds attractiveness to the room;
  • A useful area is added, the necessary furniture is easily arranged;
  • Pipes are reliably protected from external factors.

The hidden type has much more disadvantages than advantages. They are:

  • You can only use elements from certain materials;
  • Time-consuming preliminary work is required, which includes punching niches for wiring in the walls;
  • Need a perfect fit of plumbing elements;
  • To carry out or replace pipes in a hidden wiring, it is required to break the walls and then carry out cosmetic repairs;
  • It is impossible to trace the tightness of the joints during operation.

The open method of laying pipes is easier during installation, but in addition to its advantages, it also has its drawbacks. The advantages of the open method include:

Laying pipes in the bathroom and toilet

  • You can use all components from any materials;
  • Very simple installation that does not require skills and special tools;
  • The pipes can be systematically monitored for their tightness;
  • All elements can be changed at any time without disturbing the general condition of the walls.

There are only two drawbacks to this wiring method:

  • Ugly appearance of the bathroom;
  • Reducing the usable area of ​​the toilet.

What to look for when routing pipes

After the gasket option is finally selected, a diagram should be drawn. It should indicate all pipes, their direction, diameter, necessary for connecting fittings. This will simplify the work and help you complete everything as accurately as possible. The distribution of pipes in the combined bathroom is carried out taking into account the needs of the water supply points and the points of collection of sewage effluents. For each of the plumbing fixtures, a separate tap is installed, with which you can turn off the supply of tap water.

When removing pipes for the kitchen, you also need to install an additional ball valve, which, if necessary, will quickly stop the water supply and repair or replace the mixer.

Before starting the plumbing work, it is worth preparing all the necessary tools. The basic set that will be required for the wiring is as follows:

Sewerage through the bathroom to the kitchen

  1. Bulgarian;
  2. Adjustable wrench;
  3. Screwdriver;
  4. Spanners;
  5. Roulette;
  6. Marker;
  7. Foam or other sealant.

Varieties of pipe routing

There are only two types of wiring of the plumbing system in an apartment or house:

  1. Collector;
  2. Consistent.

The most common is considered to be serial or tee wiring, it is characterized by the serial connection of all elements of the system. One common pipe is withdrawn from the central pipeline and branches depart from it to each plumbing fixture. The disadvantage of this type of connection is a decrease in the water pressure for each of the subsequent plumbing products.

The collector connection method is used when it is necessary to connect a lot of plumbing products that require a constant supply of water. This method is applicable if, in addition to the branches for the bathroom, sink and toilet, pipes are added to connect the washing machine and bidet. With the collector option, a collector is connected to the main riser, and from it there are branches to all the necessary devices and devices.

Bathroom sewerage wiring

Ball valves are installed at the entrance to the collector and at the exit to each plumbing product, this will allow, if necessary, to turn off any plumbing product for repair and at the same time freely use the rest.

Sewerage wiring

The sewerage system in the bathroom must be carried out in compliance with all building codes and regulations. To begin with, it is necessary to replace the common riser; for this, plastic sewer pipes of the appropriate diameter are often used. It is better to change the common riser at the same time as the neighbors, then it will not work out that after a while the riser at the junction will leak.

If the toilet is not combined with the bathroom, then it is necessary to lay the sewer pipes through the bathroom to the bathroom, this is quite simple to do if you put a tee on the common sewer pipe. Having started the sewage system into the bathroom through the hole in the wall, you can make branches and connect plumbing devices. The number of cut-in devices does not affect the drainage rate, the main thing is that the pipe diameter meets the needs.

Whom to entrust the execution of the wiring

You can do the wiring in the bathroom yourself; this requires only simple work skills and a standard set of tools. However, many owners of houses and apartments prefer not to delve into repairs and to attract specialists to perform this type of work.

When choosing a master to perform repair work, you should not take the first ad that comes across, it is better to contact a reputable company specializing in repairs. You can also ask friends who have recently done renovations for advice. After spending a little time looking for a good master, you can forget about for many years to come.

Why is high-quality piping in the bathroom so important?

High-quality wiring of water and sewer pipes in the bathroom is important for the smooth operation of all plumbing fixtures and fittings. When all the elements are securely and tightly connected, then you can count on a good relationship with neighbors, since the chance of flooding them with water is minimal. Having carefully calculated the diameter of all the necessary pipes, and having completed their high-quality installation, you can count on a good pressure at all points of the water intake, as well as uninterrupted water supply. A high-quality and correct repair in the bathroom will help you avoid troubles and forget about repairs for many years.

Many apartments are still equipped with cast iron sewerage and rusty plumbing. Plumbing and sewerage, clogging and leaking, ever-flaking paint and rusty streaks irritate and spoil the mood. There is only one way out - to replace the water distribution in the bathroom and toilet. For installation, you can hire special people, or make your own plumbing.

The tenant will not be able to replace the risers. This is the responsibility of the service organization. The risers must be changed on all floors at once and so much work made by professional locksmiths. But if you replace the water supply and sewerage from the risers and further along the apartment, then headache with blockages, poor pressure and plumbing leaks will pass.

The participation of locksmiths will be required at the initial stage. The locksmith must cut the shut-off valves from the riser to the wiring into the apartment. The task of the one who makes the replacement is to lay new water pipes from the shut-off valves to the points of distribution and consumption of water (mixers, washing machine, water heater).

Modern materials are reminiscent of a children's designer. Installing new plumbing systems, it all comes down to inserting details into the locks of another part, or tightening the nuts on the connections. Calculated for installation required amount such details of the "constructor of a setekhnik".

It is necessary to draw up a plan for the future water supply and sewerage system, in which all water consumers, points of distribution and points of discharge into the sewer will be marked. Distances are measured between the shut-off valve to the first water consumer, then from the consumer to the next, so to the final tap or closing household appliances.

For sewerage, the distances from the entrance to the sewerage system to the drain are measured, further from the drain to the drain.

Preparation. Materials (edit)

Now you need to select materials. There are no options for sewerage. It is plastic. There is only a choice in the diameter of the sewer after the toilet. The point is that the toilet removes waste products into the riser pipe 110 mm. It is not necessary to stretch it throughout the apartment: it is thick, clumsy, and takes up a lot of space. For the installation of drains from sinks, bathtubs and household appliances, sewage with a diameter of 50 or 40 mm is used.

For plumbing, there are two types of modern pipes:

  1. Polypropylene... It is cheaper to use, but requires a professional welding tool. Bending of polypropylene pipes is not possible. You have to apply corners and turns. Also, polypropylene pipes are thicker than metal-plastic.
  2. Metalloplast... As for polypropylene, it is an expensive material, since all connections are collapsible and it is necessary to purchase additional threaded connections - fittings.

In terms of quality and reliability, both materials have their pros and cons. For an ordinary owner who changes the piping in the bathroom and toilet with his own hands, metal-plastic is ideal.

Preparation. Purchase of materials and tools

There is no need to bother with calculations of how many fittings are needed. How many and what connections are needed for sewerage. Need to specify exactly how many taps will be in the new plumbing layout and the measured distances. For example:

Change mixers as needed. Often new mixers are installed on old lines. In this case, dismantling them, in a form suitable for subsequent installation, available. The plan must be given to the manager of the store where everything is bought. The required components will be assembled.

From an unusual tool you will need:

Pipe cutters, tube benders, and other professional tools cost money. Buying them for one installation is pointless. A hacksaw for metal copes with cutting pipes, a spring can bend.

Required tools and materials for installation:

  • A hammer;
  • Chisel:
  • Screwdriver;
  • Keys: gas, adjustable, plumbing;
  • Wrench 10, 11, 22, 24;
  • Pliers;
  • Hacksaw for metal;
  • Plus and minus screwdrivers;
  • Mounting foam or cement mixture for sealing technological holes:
  • Fum tape, plumbing thread, or tow;
  • Garbage bags 55x95 cm.

Desirable tools and materials for installation and removal:

Dismantling. Goals and objectives

The purpose of the dismantling is to remove the old plumbing wiring in the bathroom and toilet to the shut-off valves or water meters. Old sewer pipes - to the common riser.

The main task, the failure of which will lead to truly fatal consequences - during dismantling do not damage common plumbing risers. Speaking in simple words, do not allow the sewer riser to crack, do not tear off the water pipe between the shut-off valve and the riser.

In the first case the crack threatens to leak fecal water into the renovated apartment and below. Repair of a riser is comparable in complexity to its replacement.

Second case it is easier to eliminate the consequences, but until the emergency service arrives and cuts off the water supply to the riser, all floors from the bottom will be flooded.

Sewerage installation

The sewerage system in the bathroom and toilet is installed according to the "mom-dad" principle. A rubber sealing ring is installed in the connection on the female side. The "dad" is inserted into the "mom", the ring creates a reliable, leak-free connection.

A rubber cuff is installed at the entrance of the old sewer. This will be the first "mom". The next structural part is inserted into it. The pipes are cut to the required length with a metal hacksaw. Tees and fours are installed in accordance with the terms of reference.

For draining household appliances, tees with a special outlet for a hose are used. The branch must be opened, it is sealed, and has the shape of a cone-fitting.

Bathtub and washbasin trims are assembled according to the manufacturer's instructions. There are a great many of them. The general recommendation for everyone is to apply the sealant to the joints immediately, without checking whether it is flowing or not.

Installation of sewer pipes in the bathroom and toilet is carried out on a slope. On a one meter long sewer pipe section, the height difference at the ends of the pipe should be two centimeters.

Sewer pipes are installed on plastic clamps fixed to the walls.

Technological holes after installation are foamed or covered with a cement mixture.

Installation of a plumbing system

Reinforced-plastic pipes are connected using fittings. A fitting is, in fact, an adapter between a pipe and a plumbing element.

In the fitting, on the one hand, thread, internal or external, it is possible to withdraw the union, etc. On the other hand, the collet. Under the collet there is a compression ring and a fitting with sealing rubber rings.

To secure the fitting to the end of the pipe, cut the pipe perpendicular to the length. Insert the calibrator into the slice and actively, with pressure, turn clockwise... This cuts off any irregularities in the cut and expands the inner diameter of the pipe at the inlet.

The collet is put on the pipe, the crimp ring is put on. The fitting is inserted into the pipe. The collet is screwed onto the fitting using wrenches. The ring crimps the pipe. The connection is tight and reliable. There is no need to use additional sealing materials.

To connect the toilet bowl, a tee fitting is used. Two ends of which are intended for metal-plastic, and a shut-off valve is screwed onto the third. A flexible hose is on it. It is only necessary to seal the connection with fum tape.

To supply water to household appliances, a tee tap with a shut-off valve is used. It is connected to the line using two fittings - adapters. Sealing is performed at the fitting-tee connections.

For laying pipes in the bathroom, with a branch from the main line, a tee fitting is used. Sealing of connections is not required. The wall-mounted mixer is attached to a water socket (elbow) for fixing mixers, etc. The herringbone mixer is connected with a flexible hose.

The reinforced plastic pipe is bent by means of a spring. A spring on a wire (for subsequent extraction) is placed in the pipe at the bend. The pipe bends, as an option, on the knee. Installation of pipes in the bathroom to the wall is carried out using plastic clamps. The clamps are fixed in the wall with dowel-nails.

Do-it-yourself piping in the bathroom and toilet is not particularly difficult. The main problems do not arise when installing new lines, and at the stage of dismantling old water supply and sewerage systems. Special tools are required for routing polypropylene pipes in the bathroom and toilet.

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