Tea masterpiece. Each type of Chinese tea has its own set of unique flavors. How to drink elite tea

After drinking tea, artist Rabi Silviaus turns tea bags into paintings.

She started a project called 363 Days of Tea back in January 2015. It is presented in a recently published illustrated book. The images speak for themselves - reused empty tea bags and Rabi's daily stories recorded on them.

Graphics, painting and collages - the author's hobbies change as often as the topics.

On her Instagram page, you can see an impressionistic couple in love, a branch of a snowy tree, Rembrandt with a Mac laptop and selfie sticks, disgruntled people on planes.

Classical art muses sunk into the TV show are interpreted in a new way.

But the viewer, already ready to internally explode with laughter, running through the page on Instagram, clings to another picture with his eyes. From the torn piece of tea bag with the image of a blurry building breathes cold and moisture. He's not quirky or funny like the others.

Old streets, the building looks huge. The little white space above the building is the brightest you've ever seen.

But then you remember that it's just Instagram and a tea bag.

Most recently, Silviaus stayed at LM Studios in Hyères, France.

She became the first artist living in this place. As a result, the project 26 days of tea in France was born. A similar idea was implemented on a trip to Japan.

She regularly posts new works on Instagram. In the photo, many excited tea bags look at each other anxiously as they watch her paint on one of them, definitely thinking "I'm next, I'm next!"...

There are many varieties of tea in China. They differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in taste, but also in the processing of leaves, fermentation, and the location of plantations. Popular varieties of Chinese are varieties of green, black, red,.

Popular varieties of Chinese green tea


This variety has a beautiful name - "White Peony". It is grown only in Fujian province. For production, they take buds and the first two leaves that appear in early spring. Welding is made strictly by hand - no automation.

"White Peony" is valued for its delicate sweet aftertaste and subtle fruity aftertaste. There is practically no caffeine here, but there are a lot of natural antioxidants that stimulate rejuvenation. This is one of the varieties of tea that perfectly tones up in the hot season, helps to cope with stress, nervous tension, and fatigue.


Another name for this tea - "Silver Needles" was given because of its unusual appearance - the leaves are very similar to white needles, and they have villi. This is one of the most delicate and finest varieties of white tea. Only the upper buds are harvested as raw materials for its production. Leaves are not included.

It is important! This variety is not accepted mechanically or manually processed. The buds are dried under the sun immediately after harvest. After a few days, this type is ready for use.

Due to the lack of processing, almost all useful substances are preserved here, therefore, despite the transparency, the “needles” are very useful.

Although many provinces are trying to grow this tea at home, the original place of its growth is the province of Fuding. The color of the drink is almost imperceptible. The taste is delicate, leaving a delicate sweetish aftertaste.

Popular varieties of Chinese red tea

Usually such tea is called black in all countries, but not in China - here it is red. These teas are heavily fermented and have a persistent strong odor.

  • AnhuiQihong. The name "red tea" fully corresponds to the dark red tint of the drink. It has a delicate honey flavor and aroma;
  • DianHongJinhao. On the leaves of this variety there are delicate villi of a pleasant golden hue. Valued for its original smell with light inclusions of dried apricots and buckwheat honey;
  • Keemun- one of the most famous varieties in Europe and America. Sufficiently strong taste and aroma, as well as the dark red color of the drink, have gained popularity around the world;
  • YixingHongCha- another type of red tea. Loved by tea gourmets for delicate notes of fruits and berries;
  • LaosongXiaozhong known in Western countries under a different name - Lapsang Souchong. It has a characteristic smoky aroma. This is explained by the fact that during the production process, smoking is carried out over a fire from pine logs.

Popular varieties of Chinese yellow tea

Yellow tea is made from selected raw materials and is considered one of the rarest and most elite types. In ancient times, it was believed that only the emperor and the nobility were worthy of this variety. Names of delicious drinks:

  • mandinghuanya Made only in Sichuan province. For its production, buds are used, collected in early spring and having a yellow tint. The raw material is heat treated and dried, after which it is heated for an hour, wrapped in special paper. In total, the leaves are processed in this way three times, then they are formed and dried.

This variety is brewed with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 80-85 ° C. Despite the subtle yellowish tint, the aroma of tea is very strong - with an admixture of flowers, herbs, berries, almonds and honey;

  • JunshanYinzhen- Another imperial tea variety. The full cycle of its production takes 3 days. And the raw materials for it are collected for about two weeks. For this species, the most tender and thin kidneys are taken.

Shades of the drink vary from slightly yellow to peach. The taste is very subtle. Fans of this tea note the obvious presence of notes of flowers, meadow herbs, honey, prunes, apricots;

  • Moli Yinzhen. This tea is famous for its ability to relieve nervous tension. Initially, this variety was used as a medicine, and a little later, the Chinese began to use it during. A characteristic feature of tea is its mixture with jasmine. The aroma of this flower perfectly complements the drink.

For the tea itself, two leaves are taken from the top. Tea bushes must be young. Jasmine is harvested during the warm season: from April to September, when its scent is at its strongest.

Popular varieties of Chinese oolong tea

Real oolong is made in China - there are no analogues in other countries. Due to the shade of the finished drink, it was nicknamed "turquoise tea". Oolong is a semi-fermented tea, with leaves that are green in the center and red at the edges.

There are about 30 varieties of oolong, but only a few of them are popular:

  • Moli Oolong is a mixture of oolong shoots and jasmine flowers. In China, they prefer to drink this Chinese tea after spicy dishes with a lot of spices. Well tones and refreshes;
  • Huangjingui- early tea. The drink has a tart taste, and the aroma is quite strong;
  • GuiHua- consists of oolong and osmanthus flowers. It is they who saturate the tea with a characteristic taste and aroma of peach. The drink copes very well with thirst, especially during the hot months;
  • Siji Chu has a pronounced spicy aroma. For the production of this popular tea variety, buds and nearby leaves are taken. It is customary to collect tea leaves for its manufacture 4 times a year;
  • Tie Guan Yin- This is the most common variety, a kind of classic. Most often used during;
  • Guanyin Wang- This is Tieguanyin, consisting of selected raw materials. Its distinguishing feature is the possibility of multiple welding. At the same time, the drink does not lose its taste. This variety is valued for its subtle combination of the smell of honey and herbs.

Black tea

In China, unlike other countries, a completely different tea is considered black. Pu-erh is an elite Chinese tea, which is strikingly different from any other variety in that it is subjected to a fermentation process by manufacturers. The fermentation process is the work of microorganisms to impart characteristic taste and aroma properties.

Tea is made according to a special centuries-old technology, which is used only in the Yunnan province. Puer is in many ways similar to wine in that it gains more and more value over time and is a welcome member in the collections of connoisseurs of this magnificent tea drink.

The main advantage of pu-erh is its original, unique taste, captivating and alluring aroma. Tea lovers appreciate this drink because it gives vigor and strength. In general, the effect is similar to coffee, but with one difference - less caffeine.

In addition, tea is good for health. It helps to reduce cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and the risk of cancer. This variety is approved for people suffering from peptic ulcer.

How is Pu-erh made?

The best tea collections come from Camelia Sinensis trees. And there is no mistake here - it is from mature trees, but not from tea bushes. This type of tea drink cannot be purchased in shops and tea shops. Only a few trees grow in Yunnan province, their age, according to some estimates, is more than 10 centuries.

For the manufacture of pu-erh, selected green leaves are used, which are dried in the sun, fried and then aged for a couple of months.

The secret of making pu-erh is kept in the strictest confidence. The production technology consists in soaking the leaves in several infusions, after which they are fermented. The fermentation process of high-quality pu-erh lasts at least 6 months. All this mass is kept in the pit for 2-3 years, after which it is pressed into cakes.

The most popular varieties of Chinese tea are not always elite. Even simple types of tea leaves can bring real aesthetic pleasure in taste and aroma, if they are cooked correctly. Therefore, the people for each type of tea have their own method of preparation and many requirements for the brewing procedure. If you try to observe all the smallest nuances, we can assume that it will be successful.

Tea is the healthiest drink. He came from China and has long gained popularity in Europe. We offer to buy different types of tea in one store. Browse the catalog and choose. We have everything you need: cups, a heat-resistant glass teapot, various gourmet drinks for real gourmets.

No matter which variety you prefer, there is something for everyone. Lovers of the green variety can taste Milky Oolong tea with a sweetish unusual flavor and a rich content of antioxidants. Previously, elite varieties were available only to the emperor and his family, but now everyone can enjoy their taste and aroma.

Try it and you are a real masterpiece - elite drinks in glass. All you have to do is visit our website. Tea "Milk Oolong" is able to increase the efficiency and tone of the body, and also perfectly warms up and tones. Drinking a mug of a milk drink instantly relieves heaviness in the stomach, and also refreshes and improves complexion.

Elite tea is not only tasty, but also very healthy. After all, it is collected and made according to traditional technologies that help preserve all the freshness and strength of the leaves and buds. Buy from us. We practice delivery in Moscow and in any other region. For connoisseurs of real tea drinking, we have elite tea (in glass containers) and dishes, everything you need to properly brew a real drink. It is possible to order in bulk. Our main advantage is attractive prices.

Tea for true connoisseurs

Traditionally, several types are distinguished, depending on the color, the time of collection of the leaves and the type of processing.

The most popular varieties:

  • the black;
  • White;
  • green;
  • floral;
  • fruit;
  • oolongs;
  • pu-erh;
  • mate.

All of these varieties can be purchased from us. The online store offers favorable prices and the ability to order delivery to any city, whether it be Moscow or St. Petersburg. And so that the drink is consumed in a sophisticated setting, we have glassware for tea.

Elite varieties allow you to fully appreciate the taste and aroma of the drink. True connoisseurs know that the best tea is harvested only a few days a year. It goes through a long process. For the preparation of an exquisite drink, only buds and young leaves are used. Therefore, elite tea is not only tasty, but also healthy. After all, it contains antioxidants, many vitamins and macronutrients.

For those who prefer a light aftertaste, Green Snail tea is a real find. It has a slightly tart taste, fruity-floral aroma. But from such a combination, its beneficial properties are no less than those of another elite drink. Tea "Green Snail" is able to please a true connoisseur of taste. And in order to properly brew a fragrant drink, you can buy a Gongfu teapot from us.

For those who prefer the taste of a drink without much bitterness and even a little sweet aftertaste, we advise you to try a special kind of drink. Tea "White Monkey" has an amber-yellow color, the taste is slightly tart, but at the same time transparent, without bitterness. The aroma is floral with a hint of sour orange, some feel a slight coniferous accent in it.

Gourmets note no less useful properties of the drink. Tea "White Monkey", in addition to the fact that it quenches thirst well, is distinguished by bactericidal and even tannic properties. Consumers testify to the ability to strengthen the gums and improve the condition of the oral cavity, as well as to prevent caries. For peace of mind, positive and harmony, try a classic green drink - Bi Lo Chun Tea. The aroma of this variety is unsurpassed. It can be described as light and gentle. In it you will find notes of flowers and fruits, and most importantly - freshness, like on a spring day after a thunderstorm.

An elite drink in glass is something that not only you, but all your guests will be delighted with. Tea "Jasmine Spiral" will suit connoisseurs of floral taste. During production, the leaves are rolled by hand in order to saturate your drink even more with the aroma of the jasmine flower during the brewing process.

How to drink elite tea

To create an atmosphere of comfort and celebration, it is worth holding a real ceremony, as happens in the East. This will require special dishes and, of course, high-quality elite tea. It is customary to brew it several times. The first two servings are considered the most delicious, so they are served to guests. Real tea can be brewed several times. Moreover, it is recommended to use not boiling water, but water of 70-80 degrees Celsius. Then the drink will open completely and you will be able to feel the aroma of real tea, collected in compliance with all traditions and rules.

Our offer

Elite tea is an imperial drink. It was he who was served in the palaces of Asian rulers. It is believed to help clear the mind and bring peace. Order a gourmet drink from us. We carry out delivery around the city in Moscow and other regions. We provide excellent prices and consistently high quality. "Russian Tea Company" has been producing and distributing tea since 1998. It is considered the recognized market leader. Our products are of high quality and comply with international standards. "Russian Tea Company" has its own laboratory, which produces its own tea masterpieces.

For your convenience, we accept orders and small wholesale. Favorable prices, the ability to buy directly on the site and fast delivery - these are some of our conditions. We have a wide selection of teas for every taste. It only takes one minute to place an order. The convenient catalog contains the best offers and the most exquisite varieties.

Masterpieces of tea art... or everything about tea and even a little more


And which one exactly? Green, black, white, with flower petals, impurities

mountain herbs or pieces of fruit? Any whim for your money. Watching

What do you like the most and how much do you expect. Lots of

people do not imagine their day, not to mention life, at least without

cups of tea. So, why did he captivate humanity so much? Perhaps this

drink for us, like a drug or just a beautiful habit? Interesting

But, really, how does it get on our table, how does it happen and how is it useful?

Why, for example, at the North Pole this miraculous drink

saves people from the cold, and in Central Asia - from the heat? But it's definitely possible

to say one thing: to create the perfect tea, nature has done only half

business ... The second half is the merit of specialists who turn it

into a heavenly drink...

Delight is in the air...

I don't know why, but the first thing that comes to mind is Black tea...

Why do you think everything is so standard and banal? I won't run

ahead with explanations, now you yourself will find out about everything. Unlike

green tea, he, in the manufacturing process, is subjected to complete

fermentation, which gives it its characteristic black color and special

resinous aroma. In short, the manufacturing technology of black

tea is like this: green tea leaves are laid out in a thin ball for

drying on a special surface. It lasts 12-18 hours. IN

As a result, the leaves lose a large amount of moisture and become

soft, which makes it easy to twist them. After drying

layers of tea leaves are tightly rolled up, as if into a tube. During

this procedure, the veins break, the foliage itself is very wrinkled and emits

specific juice and oils, this gives black tea a pleasant and sharp

smell. After that, the tea leaves are transferred to a large, cool, moist

a room where they are laid out in layers of approximately 2 cm for

fermentation. During oxidation, the color of the leaves becomes significantly

darker, and from fermentation, a characteristic aroma arises - from floral to

fruity, nutty to spicy. Then - it is dried in large

ovens under a stream of hot air with a huge temperature. Tea

juice that stands out, and fragrant essential oils that are included in its

composition, stick tightly to the leaves and retain their

properties, up to that time until they interact with boiling water

during brewing.

The last step in the manufacturing process

black tea is sorting finished raw materials. As a result, from solid

tea leaves remain only many pieces of different sizes.

The simplest sorting - into large-leaf, medium-leaf and

small-leaf tea.

There are 4 types of Indian teas that are sold as separate varieties that have their own unique properties:

Darjeeling Tea


the most expensive and most elite tea in the world (it is sold with the specified

exact place of cultivation, date of harvest, age of bushes, etc.).

Unfortunately, most of the teas sold under the brand name "Darjeeling" turn out

blends that contain only 50% Darjeeling. Maybe something like this

that this mixture contains additives of third crop Darjeeling harvested

during the rainy season, i.e. he is rougher and

less fragrant. So, you need to buy quality tea first or

second harvest (this should be indicated on the packaging). Darjeelings have

lighter brew color than other black teas - from amber red

to bright gold. Fortress and astringency are not very well felt,

however, the floral-almond scent is wonderful. And in addition he

quite fragrant.

Assam Tea

He usually has a bright and

rich orange infusion with a restrained sweet smell. This tea

more tart than Darjeeling, but less aromatic. Many varieties

branded " Irish Breakfast” are mixtures that are 70-80% Assamese varieties.

Nilgiri tea (nilgiris; Nilgiri Tea)

South Indian tea. Often sold as

an elite variety, but its taste is quite similar to good

Ceylon teas. Compared to the previous two, it

coarse, not very aromatic, rich in color and taste

Sikkim Tea

This is relatively new in the world tea

market variety, which appeared on mass sale only in the 1980-90s.

It is quite peculiar and combines a delicate smell and

light color of Darjeeling tea with a light sweetish velvety aroma

assam. Sakkim is a wonderful tea, although not very famous, but almost

as expensive as the Darjeelings.

Idyll of taste


here, we have already learned a little about black tea, so you can go to

others. I must say that in Europe and America there is a real “boom”

green tea, and this is primarily due to its healing

properties (I was told about it by the salesman of "Megamarket" Slobodko

Natalia). The main purpose of making green tea is to preserve

medicinal components of fresh leaves in such a way that they

appeared during brewing. So what procedure does he go through

before we try it? Freshly plucked tea leaves are placed on

open air so that they wither. Interestingly, the smaller

the time they are in the air, the more green tea is like

White. Then they are dried in hot air by some separate

in a way that gives the drink a variety of flavors, and then

twisted (also in different ways), due to which green tea may be in

in this form:

1. Easily twisted

(naturally dried), almost no leaf curl (in China -

"hunchi"). By the way, it looks pretty funny: like ordinary grass. Here

the same can also be attributed to flat tea, similar to bay leaves;

2. heavily twisted

across. In China, such tea is called "pearl" or "tzucha", in Japan

- "sencha". It may vary in size and quality. Pleasant astringency

combines with a harmonious taste and adds vigor and

inspiration, improves well-being and pushes to new achievements.

3. heavily twisted

along. The tea leaves are in the form of oblong twisted spiral

sticks. One such example is the Japanese "spider legs" tea.

The tighter it is twisted, the higher its concentration. In this way,

the most saturated is strongly twisted, and the most fragrant drink is

from weakly twisted tea leaves.

Mrs. Natalia willingly told about the fact that:

  • tea without enzymes is white and green;
  • semi-enzymatic - blue, yellow, red;
  • enzymatic - black;
  • others are flavored.

Snow white tea

And now I would like more

talk about white tea (White Needle, Dragons Whiskers, Gu Zhang Mao

Jian), to travel to a "milky white" country... So, in a larger

degrees for him are collected only by young little leaves of the first

harvest, covered with white villi of tea buds. It is interesting that for

elite white teas use either only the top leaf, or another plus

one near it, which emphasizes the richness of flavors and bright

the personality of this variety. Making white tea takes two

first- short-term

steam exposure (approximately one minute) to stop the process

fermentation, although some types of this tea are slightly fermented or

smoke on smoke;

second- drying in

ovens. The finished tea does not contain twisted, withered, broken, black and

brown leaves. The color should remain grey-green.

White tea necessary

pour not very hot water (50-70 C). It has exquisite taste

due to the special concentration of essential oils, and very hot water

spoils its pleasant smell. After brewing, it has a pale yellow or

greenish-yellow color and delicate floral, herbaceous aroma. Time

brewing - approximately 5 minutes. Mrs. Natalia said the same,

what White tea poorly stored and transported, but it is more

fragrant and healing. In China, the most popular variety is "White Peony"

and “Silver Needle” (known as far back as the 12th century).

Surprise knows no bounds!

I was amazed when I heard about yellow and blue teas.

TO yellow -

include teas with a low content of enzymes (10-20%), and they are similar in

appearance and taste of green teas. As an example, you can

bring pushongs (10-12%), Dong-Ding (18%), Jun-shan, Yin-zhen and

others. They are elite and expensive, which until the beginning of the twentieth century

under pain of death, it was forbidden to export from China. From the history

it is known that Russia received this tea only in the 60s of the XIX century

centuries. Since, for example, for the manufacture of one kilogram of a variety

The “Silver Needle”, which was obtained from Mount Junshan, was spent about

4 days. More than 25,000 tea buds had to be picked. Their taste

similar to green teas, but the smell of a bouquet of flowers is more felt

aroma that resembles lilac. I found out from the store consultant

“Selpo” Pilipenko Irina, that the representative of yellow tea is Pi-Lo-Chun

(3-4%), although some experts attribute it to green or white

tea. The color of yellow tea is pale green or golden, and the taste is simply


Blue teas are called so

because they contain a large amount of enzymes (50-70%). This

they look like black. Here you can name such teas as: Formosa

Oolong (classic), Pu-Er, Bai-Hao. Tea consultant also

turned to a detailed story about pushongs - they are floral, with a small

tea buds, which are most often dried naturally on

sun or shade. They have a rich specific aroma, brightly

pronounced taste and red-brown color or slightly yellowish


Over the past few years, the drink "Karkade" has begun to appear more often on store shelves. "Carcade" is Red tea,

which is brewed from hibiscus flowers (the national flower of Malaysia,

which grows in the tropics), the size of the petals is 7-10 cm, they

thick, bright red or dark purple with a rich odor. For

teas use flower buds. After they withered, their sizes

increase several times, and the buds become juicy and bright.

When brewing, use glass or porcelain dishes and

do not boil, as dyes are lost, and the drink becomes

dirty grey.

Kindly ask for a cup of Ceylon tea

The first tea bushes in Sri Lanka

planted in 1824. And it was more scientific and amateur

interest than commercial. And already in 1867 the Scot

James Taylor founded the first tea plantation in Ceylon. Production

tea grew rapidly - from 23 pounds (1873) to 81.3 tons (1880

year). There are several areas for tea production on the island -

Dimbula, Nuwara Eliya, Uva, Maskeliya, Kandy... Favorable climate and

unique technology hides behind the awesomeness of the drink. One of

representatives can be called tea "Princess Nuri" alpine. On the

mountain slopes of the island, where clouds are born, and the sun is close at hand,

and grow it. Delicate foliage absorbed almost 500 trace elements and 450

organic compounds useful for youth, beauty and health.

Indeed, at an altitude of 2500 meters above sea level, clean, fresh air,

therefore, the teas grown here are distinguished by a special rich taste and

aroma, and retain the fragrance of mountain flowers and herbs. Sri Lanka

treats us with green teas, black, oolongs and even white and

"silver". According to statistics, at the end of the 20th century, the contribution of the island to

world production of tea is 9.5%, and in world exports - from 21

%. To date, the production of Ceylon tea per year reaches 260

thousand tons. You can also name the main importers: Iran, UAE, Turkey,

Syria, Jordan, East African countries, Europe and USA.

Combining business with pleasure...

Did you know that one cup of tea contains:

Vitamin C in fresh tea leaf

contains 4 times more than in lemon or orange juice, but, to

Unfortunately, in the process of heat treatment, a significant part of it

is lost. So, of course, that more vitamin C is in white

and green tea (it is believed that the latter has 2 times more than this

vitamin than in black). It even has more caffeine than coffee (30-40

mg)! In general, tea contains a huge amount of healing and tonic properties.

substances. These useful and interesting things were told by the pediatrician Ryashko

Mikhail Stepanovich.

Vitamin P (rutin) necessary for the body

for the process of cell respiration, nutrition, strengthening of the walls of blood vessels and

capillaries. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - owns

antiallergic action.

B vitamins are very good

preserved in tea at all stages of its production. Responsible for

normal condition of integumentary tissues (skin and hair), liver, glands

internal secretion, nervous system.

Dentist Shakera Nadezhda

Alekseevna focused on the fact that tea contains a lot of

trace elements, especially those that affect

the formation of bones and teeth - fluorine, calcium, phosphorus ... She also

pointed out that Chinese and Japanese scientists have researched that tea strengthens

tooth enamel (well, of course, if you drink it without sweets. The effect

increases when consumed with milk. Unfortunately there is one

a small “but” - teeth turn yellow from regular consumption of strong tea.

According to WHO, every tenth person

of our planet has a real chance of getting sick with urinary stone disease.

a cup a day - reduces the risk of disease by 10%. In general, he

cleanses the body of toxins and normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal

What kind of tea do you like?

everyone has their own way to cheer up, warm up, relax

or energize. But it is a cup of tea that works the most.

effectively. Fortunately, those days when restaurants served only

two types of tea - with and without lemon - are a thing of the past. Modern

Kiev restaurants can satisfy even picky guests. So

here, the "highlight" of the restaurant "Marakesh" (street Sahaydachnogo, 24) is

tea “Eye of the Phoenix”, which costs 55 UAH. I believe it's fun

worth it. After all, this is the original green tea from elite bushes.

The drink is served in a transparent teapot with a large flower in it.

Chinese plum. Therefore, it has a wonderful plum aroma. Such

You will have to pay the same price at the restaurant “Central” (St.

Mizhgirna, 28) for tea “Juan Pochetov Mu Dan”.

You can also watch live

tea chrysanthemum flower that opens. In addition, this

the drink is good for the eyes and liver. It has a delicate aroma and soft

taste. Then you can visit the Taboo Club (Pushkinskaya St., 5-7/29) and

for 30 UAH. enjoy the unsurpassed "Paradise night" tea. For his

mint is ground with cane sugar. Then there

pour black tea and add coconut syrup. And if this is for you

will not be enough, then you can still visit the restaurant "Khinkali" (st.

Sh. Rustaveli, 4) for a cup of tea “Heart of Tibet”. young tea leaves

tied in the form of a heart, in the middle of which a red flower is placed

amaranth and two jasmine flowers. When brewing a tea bud

blooms and a beautiful flower appears on snow-white flowers

Regarding the prices in the tea market, they

quite different. For example, black tea “Lipton” with bergamot; African

Dream”, which contains cinnamon, South African rooibos; Soft

Cashmere” – cinnamon, vanilla, rose petals cost UAH 8.20. “Dilma” medium

sheet black (weight 100 g) can be purchased at the store for 10.25 UAH,

and another tea bag (25 bags) of the same brand, for example,

currant, raspberry, lemon - for 8.30 UAH, and the same, but

pineapple, banana, peach - for 7.90 UAH, but from rose hips -

for 9.25 UAH. I'll move on to Edwin tea. Its varieties “Strawberry and

Cream” (pieces of berries with cream, 100 gr.), “Chocolate Rum” (with

rum and chocolate), “Irish Cream” (cream-alcohol, Irish

cream liqueur) You can buy for 25.05 UAH. How much can you get 25

tea bags “Lotus breeze”, “Creamy rooibos”, “Ginger red”, “Mate

aguaute”, “Christmas mystery”, “Green melissa”, “Summer bouquet” and

others from the brand "Greenfield"? Here is the answer for you: for 11.50 UAH. me yet

I was interested in the price of Hyleys green tea made from chamomile, mint, lemon.

To purchase it, you will need to lay out from your wallet

for 25 bags 8.70 UAH. And, of course, how can you not know the price of “Svit

tea"? Who loves "Night in Venice", then for 100 gr. will have to

pay 28 UAH, for “Marakesh”, “Fairy tale” - 33 UAH, for “Escalibur”,

“Apelit with cream” - 25 UAH. and for “Insolent Fruit” - 29 UAH.

And finally, I would like to introduce

As soon as a bud of bound tea is placed in hot water, it begins to miraculously transform, revealing to the admiring gaze a “blooming” white petals of a chrysanthemum, a “blooming” bright yellow calendula or a pink amaranth framed by a white background of jasmine flowers, etc. Splendor is emphasized by the tea leaves that have opened around the flower arrangement.

The creation of such a harmonious combination of the exquisite taste of elite Chinese tea and the charm of an aesthetic spectacle determines the huge popularity of this drink. Bound tea is a highly skilled art, and its brewing process has its own characteristics.

Masters knit a huge variety of variants of such tea, so each time the observer is brewed, a different performance awaits. Inconspicuous compared to the upcoming spectacle, the bud keeps its script and outcome a secret.

This drink, also called blooming tea (开花茶 or 香片工艺茶) in China, also keeps the history of its origin. According to one version, this tea is more than one hundred years old and existed in the era of the Song Dynasty ruling in the 10th-13th centuries, which is confirmed by written sources that mention tea leaves associated with flowers. According to another version, which also has a number of evidence in its favor, bound tea appeared only in the 80s of the last, twentieth century.

However, by and large, it does not matter when exactly flowering tea appeared. And although we do not know the name of the person who first came up with the idea of ​​packing flowers in tea leaves, he was a real genius who gave his contemporaries and descendants a genuine masterpiece that combines the enjoyment of sight and taste.


Bound or blooming tea is dense buds of various shapes made from tea leaves, inside of which dried fragrant flowers are hidden. For their creation, mainly teas processed according to technology are used, from which it is easier to knit buds of the required shape. The most actively used group, less often - representatives of groups and.

In the production of teas, the so-called flushes are used. When in the spring the bushes of camellia sinensis "wake up", they begin to rapidly grow new shoots. Here is such a bright green young stem with three, four or even five (depending on the type of tea) delicate light green soft leaves and there is a tea flush.

Plucked from a bush, it completely goes through all the technological stages. The stem is removed already during the final bulkhead. And the buds on the tops of the flushes that have not yet opened into leaves are called tips. They are not cut off, but twisted with a special movement. They are used to produce teas of expensive elite varieties.

For flowering tea, tips and top flash leaves are used. It is made exclusively by hand, since it is impossible to automate this process. In the world, Chinese masters of tea binding today have no equal. In the Celestial Empire, it is knitted mainly in four provinces: Sichuan, Yunnan in the southwest, Fujian and Hunan.

Masters know perfectly well which dry flowers or their combinations and in what quantity are best combined with each of the teas. They knit dozens of different options, which, opening up when brewed, turn into unique bizarre compositions.

The addition of flowers gives the taste and aroma some additional notes and shades: softness, tenderness, sweetness, astringency, etc. However, by and large, the flowers in this case do not act as a flavor additive, but as the main visual element on which the whole intrigue of the performance is played out.

White flowers of jasmine, chrysanthemum or osmanthus, pink amaranth, clover or Chinese rose, bright yellow marigold, mauve lavender, yellowish lychee (Chinese plum), pink, white or red peony, tiger or orange lily, and also lotus, camellia, etc.

Chrysanthemum in China is the first traditional remedy for colds and a storehouse of vitamins for the body. It is brewed as an independent drink or added to teas, softening them and bringing shades of sweetness. The addition of green tea chrysanthemum is especially popular.

Jasmine flowers complement the drink with an exquisite delicate aroma. Its combination with green teas is especially harmonious. Also popular is the Chinese rose grown in Shandong province, which changes the taste and aroma of tea. It is also used as a separate fragrant drink.

Quite often called fragrant olive osmanthus is used in Chinese medicine to prepare a rejuvenating drink, the use of which stimulates metabolism in cells and improves blood circulation in the body. It is also used as a remedy with a mild analgesic effect. When added to tea, osmanthus softens its taste and gives it a certain special charm.

A soothing drink made from lily flowers is considered the best remedy for insomnia in China. As an additive to teas, it harmonizes and emphasizes their taste. Lavender in the Celestial Empire is one of the main herbs of traditional medicine.

Drinks brewed on its basis are used to treat nervous disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Given its rich aroma, it is used with some caution as an addition to tea.

To make blooming tea, one or several different dried flowers selected by the master are sewn into a bundle of tips or leaves weighing 6-10 grams, sorted by length, tied with cotton or silk thread. Then the bud is wrapped tightly with a cloth, tied, and additionally dried at 90 °C to fix the shape.

The finished buds obtained at the output have a different composition of the components used and differ in geometric shape. Most often they are knitted in the form of a Chinese symbol of love - a ball. But often hearts, mushrooms, ovals, flower buds, baskets, Chinese lanterns, pyramids, etc. come out from under the hands of the master. Virtuosos can knit buds even in the form of such exotic figurines as dragons, bunnies, teapots, fish or a Chinese pagoda.

Depending on the level of complexity, an experienced craftsman takes from one to ten minutes to complete one composition, and during a shift he can tie up to 2-2.5 kg of tea into buds. It is packed individually in separate bags or wrapped in foil and 100 grams (10-12 pieces) is placed in a beautiful box.


Despite the huge variety of compositions and the difference in the forms of related buds, such tea is prepared and consumed according to the same rules.

Step 1. Choose a container. Since flowering tea is intended for both taste and aesthetic pleasure, it should be brewed exclusively in a transparent container. It can be a glass teapot, a deep bowl, a tea mug, a large glass, etc.

Step 2. Cooking water. When brewing this drink, as well as other Chinese white, yellow, green and red Chinese teas, you should never pour boiling water into the container. Delicate teas from the kidneys are best poured with water heated to 80 ° C, and hotter ones are suitable for leaf teas - up to 90 ° C.

To do this, after boiling the kettle, you need to open the lid and wait 4-5 minutes until the water cools to the optimum temperature. In addition to heating, the quality of the drink is also affected by the degree of hardness of the water. Soft water has a higher extraction ability and the tea will turn out brighter in taste and aroma, while hard water simply “destroys” the drink.

Step 3 We combine the bud with water. One bud is placed in the container, for brewing which you will need at least 200 ml of water. Combining bound tea with water can be done in two ways: first, fill the container with liquid and carefully drop the bud into it or place it at the bottom and then, tilting the container, carefully pour water along the wall.

Step 4 We contemplate the aesthetics of the brewing process. We put the container in a convenient place and watch the bewitching spectacle of the “blooming” of the bud, when bright flowers break through and open through the straightening tea leaves, forming a fantastic bouquet swaying in the water.

Step 5 We enjoy the taste. After 2-4 minutes, allowing the bud to finally bloom, the tea is poured into cups or bowls. You should drink the finished drink slowly and in small sips in order to fully experience and enjoy all the splendor of taste and aroma.

Step 6 We brew again. One bud of flowering tea in most cases can be brewed up to 4-5 times. To do this, after pouring the drink into cups and bowls, hot water is again poured into the container. The time of its infusion determines the strength of each subsequent serving of tea.