Test version of the exam in computer science. Everything you need to know about the exam in computer science. Four pieces of paper were found at the crime scene.

WITH modern world technologies and realities of programming, development USE in Informatics has little in common. There are some basic points, but even if you understand tasks a little, this does not mean that you will eventually become a good developer. But there are a lot of areas where IT specialists are needed. You will not lose at all if you want to have a stable income above the average. In IT, you get it. Provided, of course, that you have the appropriate skills. And you can develop and grow here as much as you like, because the market is so huge that you can’t even imagine! And it is not limited only to our state. Work for any company from anywhere in the world! This is all very inspiring, so let the preparation for the exam in computer science be the first small step, after which years of self-development and improvement in this area will follow.


Part 1 contains 23 short answer tasks. This part contains tasks with a short answer, implying an independent formulation of a sequence of characters. Tasks check the material of all thematic blocks. 12 tasks belong to the basic level, 10 tasks to an increased level of complexity, 1 task to a high level of complexity.

Part 2 contains 4 tasks, the first of which advanced level difficulty, the remaining 3 tasks high level difficulties. The tasks of this part involve writing a detailed answer in an arbitrary form.

3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes) are allotted to complete the examination paper. It is recommended to take 1.5 hours (90 minutes) to complete the tasks of Part 1. The rest of the time is recommended to be devoted to the tasks of part 2.

Explanations for grading assignments

The performance of each task of part 1 is estimated at 1 point. The task of part 1 is considered completed if the examiner gave the answer corresponding to the code of the correct answer. Completion of the tasks of part 2 is estimated from 0 to 4 points. The answers to the tasks of part 2 are checked and evaluated by experts. The maximum number of points that can be obtained for completing the tasks of part 2 is 12.

This exam lasts 4 hours. Maximum amount points scored - 35. Percentage between the levels of questions is almost equal. Most of the questions are test questions, in the exam only 4 tasks are assigned for a detailed answer.

Computer science exam is quite complex and requires special attention and proper preparation of students. It includes general test questions which are designed for low level knowledge. There are also tasks that require reflection and calculations with an accurate calculation.

The distribution of tasks in parts of the exam paper of the Unified State Examination of 2019 in computer science, indicating the primary scores below in the infographic.

Maximum points - 35 (100%)

Total exam time - 235 minutes


Part 1

23 tasks 1-23
(with short answer)


Part 2

4 tasks 1-4
(Detailed response)

Changes in KIM USE 2019 compared to 2018

  1. There are no changes in the CIM structure. In task 25, the possibility of writing an algorithm in natural language was removed due to the lack of demand for this possibility by the exam participants.
  2. Examples of program texts and their fragments in the conditions of tasks 8, 11, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25 in the C language are replaced with examples in the C ++ language, as it is much more relevant and common.

Systematic preparation is the key to success

The educational portal site offers many demonstration computer science tests that you can solve without leaving your workplace.

Trial tasks will help you plunge into the atmosphere of testing and find those knowledge gaps that need to be corrected to achieve maximum results.

The unified state exam in informatics consists of 27 tasks. Each task is devoted to one of the topics studied in the framework of the school curriculum. Computer science is a core subject, so only those students who need it in the future take it. Here you can find out how to solve USE assignments in computer science, as well as to study examples and solutions based on detailed tasks.

All USE tasks all tasks (107) USE task 1 (19) USE task 3 (2) USE task 4 (11) USE task 5 (10) USE task 6 (7) USE task 7 (3) USE task 9 (5) USE task 10 (7) USE task 11 (1) USE task 12 (3) USE task 13 (7) USE task 16 (19) USE task 17 (4) USE without number (9)

The Quadrator performer has two commands: add 3 and square

The performer Quadrator has two teams, which are assigned numbers: 1 - add 3; 2 - square it. The first of them increases the number on the screen by 3, the second raises it to the second power. The performer works only with natural numbers. Write an algorithm for obtaining number B from number A, containing no more than K commands. In the answer, write down only the numbers of the commands. If there is more than one such algorithm, write down any of them.

Vasya makes up words in which only letters occur

Vasya makes up N-letter words in which only letters A, B, C occur, and the letter A appears exactly 1 time. Each of the other valid letters can occur any number of times in the word, or not at all. A word is any valid sequence of letters, not necessarily meaningful. How many words are there that Vasya can write?

Igor makes a table of code words for message transmission

Igor makes a table of code words for message transmission, each message has its own code word. Igor uses N-letter words as code words, in which there are only letters A, B, C, and the letter A appears exactly 1 time. Each of the other valid letters may occur any number of times in the codeword, or not at all. How many different code words can Igor use?

The task is included in the exam in computer science for grade 11 at number 10.

Algorithm for calculating the value of the function F(n)

Algorithm for calculating the value of the function F(n), where n is natural number, is given by the following relations. What is the value of the function F(K)? Write down only a natural number in your answer.

The task is included in the exam in computer science for grade 11 at number 11.

How many seconds does it take for a modem to send messages

How many seconds does it take for a modem transmitting messages at a rate of N bps to transmit a color bitmap of size AxB pixels, provided that the color of each pixel is encoded in K bits? (Enter only the number on the form.)

The task is included in the exam in computer science for grade 11 at number 9.

The decryptor needs to recover the corrupted message fragment

The decryptor needs to restore the damaged fragment of the message, consisting of 4 characters. There is reliable information that no more than five letters were used (A, B, C, D, E), and one of the symbols is in the third place... One of the letters is in the fourth place... One of the letters is in the first place ... On the second - ... Additional information appeared that one of the four options is possible. Which?

The task is included in the exam in computer science for grade 11 at number 6.

The meteorological station monitors air humidity

The meteorological station monitors air humidity. The result of one measurement is an integer from 0 to 100 percent, which is written using the smallest possible number of bits. The station made N measurements. Determine the information volume of the observation results.

What will the formula look like after the cell is copied

The cell contains a formula. What will the formula look like when cell X is copied into cell Y? Note: The $ sign is used to denote absolute addressing.

The task is included in the exam in computer science for grade 11 at number 7.

Being in the root directory of a newly formatted drive

Being in the root directory of the newly formatted disk, the student created K directories. Then, in each of the created directories, he created another N directories. How many directories were on the disk, including the root?

The task is included in the exam in computer science for grade 11.

Four pieces of paper were found at the crime scene.

Four pieces of paper were found at the crime scene. The investigation found that fragments of one IP address were recorded on them. The forensics labeled these fragments as A, B, C, and D. Retrieve the IP address. In your response, provide a sequence of letters representing the fragments, in the order corresponding to the IP address.

Petya wrote down the IP address of the school server on a piece of paper

Petya wrote down the school server's IP address on a piece of paper and put it in his jacket pocket. Petya's mother accidentally washed the jacket along with the note. After washing, Petya found four scraps with fragments of the IP address in his pocket. These fragments are labeled A, B, C, and D. Restore the IP address. In your response, provide a sequence of letters representing the fragments, in the order corresponding to the IP address.

The task is included in the exam in computer science for grade 11 at number 12.

When registering in a computer system, each user is given a password.

When registering in a computer system, each user is given a password consisting of 15 characters and containing numbers and capital letters. Thus, K different characters are used. Each such password in a computer system is written in the minimum possible and the same integer number of bytes (in this case, character-by-character encoding is used and all characters are encoded in the same and minimum possible number of bits). Determine the amount of memory allocated by this system for storing N passwords.

The task is included in the exam in computer science for grade 11 at number 13.

In some country, the car number is made up of capital letters

In some country car number length K characters are made up of capital letters (M different letters are used) and any decimal digits. Letters with numbers can follow in any order. Each such number in a computer program is written in the minimum possible and the same integer number of bytes (in this case, character-by-character coding is used and all characters are encoded in the same and minimum possible number of bits). Determine the amount of memory allocated by this program for writing N numbers.

The task is included in the exam in computer science for grade 11 at number 13.

Lada Esakova

When a student of grade 11 begins to prepare for the exam in computer science, as a rule, he prepares from scratch. This is one of the differences between the exam in computer science and exams in other subjects.

In mathematics, the knowledge of a high school student is definitely not zero. In Russian, even more so.

But in computer science, the situation is much more complicated. What is studied at school in the classroom has nothing to do with the preparation program for the exam in computer science.

What is the USE in Informatics?

The USE control test in computer science contains 27 tasks, which relate to a variety of topics. These are number systems, this is Boolean algebra, algorithmics, this is programming, modeling, elements of graph theory.

The USE in Informatics covers a very wide range of information. Of course, the exam will only need the basics, but these are the basics of important and modern topics.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in computer science from scratch implies that the student did not study any of these topics at school. Usually it is!

For example, such a topic as Boolean algebra, or the algebra of logic, is included in the exam in computer science. But it is not studied in schools, even in specialized ones. She is neither in the course of school computer science, nor in the course of mathematics. The student has no idea!

And therefore, almost none of the students solves the famous problem on systems of logical equations. This problem in the Unified State Examination in Informatics is number 23. Let's say more - teachers often recommend that high school students not try to solve this problem at all, and not even look at it, so as not to waste time.

Does this mean that task 23 from the Unified State Examination in Informatics is not solved at all? Of course not! Our students regularly solve it every year. In our course of preparation for the Unified State Examination in Informatics, from many topics, we take only what is required for the exam. And we pay maximum attention to these tasks.

Why does the school not prepare for the exam in computer science?

This is due to the fact that computer science is not a compulsory subject. The Ministry of Education does not provide any standards and programs. Therefore, teachers at computer science lessons give schoolchildren completely different material - who can do what. Moreover, in some schools there are no computer science lessons at all.

What do high school students usually do in computer science classes? Do they play shooting games?

Fortunately, at school, in computer science lessons, schoolchildren are still engaged not in nonsense, but quite useful things. For example, they study Word and Escel. This will come in handy in life, but, unfortunately, for passing the exam- absolutely useless.

Moreover, the guys study Word at a serious level, and some even pass exams in computer layout and receive a certificate of a typesetter. Some schools teach 3D modeling. A lot of schools give web design. This is a wonderful topic, useful in the future, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the exam! And coming to our courses, the student really prepares for the exam in computer science from scratch.

A similar situation is with high school students of specialized lyceums. Strong profile lyceums honestly teach programming in computer science lessons. The guys come out of there as good programmers. But after all, in the USE in computer science, only 5 tasks are somehow related to programming, and of them exactly one task in the USE version is devoted to writing a program! The result is a maximum of 6 tasks for the exam in computer science.

How much time does it take to prepare for the exam in computer science from scratch?

There is good news! You can prepare for the exam in computer science from scratch in one year. It's not easy, but it's possible, and our students prove it every year. The course of preparation for the exam in computer science is not very big. You can take courses once a week for 2 hours. Of course, you need to actively do your homework.

But there is one amendment. If a student has never done programming before grade 11, it is hardly possible to fully master programming in a year. Therefore, task No. 27 of the USE variant in computer science will remain unsolved. She is the most difficult.

It is especially difficult to prepare for the exam in computer science from scratch for those students who have never been familiar with programming at all and do not know what it is. This area is quite specific, so programming training needs to be given a lot of time and solve a huge number of tasks.

In our courses, we make sure to analyze all the typical programming tasks. And not once during the exam did the programming problem come as a surprise to our students - they were all sorted out during the courses. And only task 27 is left out for those who did not do programming at all until the 11th grade.

Coming to our computer science courses, students and parents are sometimes surprised not to see computers in the classroom. They think that since they came to prepare for the exam in computer science, then there should be computers on the tables. But they are not! To what extent is it necessary to have laptops and computers when preparing for the exam in computer science?

This is a feature of the exam in computer science. There will be no computer for the exam! And yes, it will be necessary to solve tasks with a pen on a sheet of paper, because it is in this format that the Unified State Examination in Informatics is now taking place. This is a real problem for those who rent it.

Even high school students from specialized lyceums, who are good at programming, may be helpless at the exam in computer science. They, of course, program on computers, that is, in a special environment. But what happens when there is no computer? And not only schoolchildren - even professional programmers can write a program on paper with great difficulty. Therefore, we are preparing for such a complex format right away. We deliberately do not use computers and laptops when preparing for the Unified State Exam in computer science - according to the rule "It is hard in learning, easy in battle."

For several years now, there have been rumors that the Unified State Exam in computer science will be transferred to a computer form. They promised to do it in 2017, but they didn't. Will they do it in 2018? We don't know yet. If such an exam format is introduced, it will be much easier to prepare for the exam in computer science from scratch.

So, a year of active preparation for the exam in computer science from scratch, and your result is 26 tasks out of 27 possible. And if you are at least a little familiar with programming, then all 27 out of 27. We wish you to achieve such a result in the exam!

And once again I recommend for the preparation of theoretical material and my book "Informatics. Author's course of preparation for the exam " where the practice of problem solving is given.

Tell your friends!

Which programming language to choose, what tasks to focus on and how to allocate time on the exam

Teaches computer science at Foxford.

Different universities require different entrance exams in IT areas. Somewhere you need to take physics, somewhere - computer science. It is up to you to decide which exam to prepare for, but it should be borne in mind that the competition for specialties where physics must be taken is usually lower than in specialties where the Unified State Examination in computer science is required, i.e. the probability of entering "through physics" is greater.

Why then take the exam in computer science?

  • It is faster and easier to prepare for it than for physics.
  • You will be able to choose from more specialties.
  • It will be easier for you to study in the chosen specialty.

What you need to know about the exam in computer science

The exam in computer science consists of two parts. In the first part there are 23 problems with a short answer, in the second - 4 problems with a detailed answer. The first part of the exam has 12 basic level items, 10 advanced level items and 1 high level item. In the second part - 1 task of an increased level and 3 - high.

Solving problems from the first part allows you to score 23 primary points - one point for the completed task. Solving problems in the second part adds 12 primary points (3, 2, 3 and 4 points for each problem, respectively). Thus, the maximum primary points that can be obtained for solving all tasks is 35.

Primary scores are converted into test scores, which are the result of the exam. 35 primary points = 100 test points per exam. At the same time, more test points are awarded for solving problems from the second part of the exam than for answers to the problems of the first part. Each primary score obtained on the second part of the exam will give you 3 or 4 test scores, which in total is about 40 final scores for the exam.

This means that when performing the exam in computer science, it is necessary to pay special attention to solving problems with a detailed answer: No. 24, 25, 26 and 27. Their successful completion will allow you to score more final points. But the price of a mistake during their implementation is higher - the loss of each primary score is fraught with the fact that you will not pass the competition, because 3-4 final scores for the Unified State Examination with high competition in IT specialties can become decisive.

How to prepare for solving problems from the first part

  • Pay special attention to tasks No. 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 23. It is these tasks, according to the analysis of the results of past years, that are especially difficult. Difficulties in solving these problems are experienced not only by those who have a low overall score for the Unified State Examination in computer science, but also by “good students” and “excellent students”.
  • Learn by heart the table of powers of the number 2.
  • Remember that Kbytes in tasks means kibibytes, not kilobytes. 1 kibibyte = 1024 bytes. This will help avoid calculation errors.
  • Carefully study the exam options of previous years. The computer science exam is one of the most stable, which means that you can safely use the USE options for the last 3-4 years for preparation.
  • Get to know the different options for wording assignments. Remember that a slight change in the wording will always lead to worse exam results.
  • Read the problem statement carefully. Most of the errors in completing assignments are due to a misunderstanding of the condition.
  • Learn to independently check completed tasks and find errors in the answers.

What you need to know about problem solving with a detailed answer

24 task - to find the error

25 task requires a simple program

26 task - on game theory

27 task - it is necessary to program a complex program

Problem 27 is the main difficulty in the exam. It is only decided60-70% of USE writers in computer science. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is impossible to prepare for it in advance. Each year, a fundamentally new problem is presented for the exam. When solving problem No. 27, not a single semantic error should be made.

How to calculate exam time

Be guided by the data that are given in the specification of control measuring materials for the exam in computer science. It indicates the approximate time allotted for completing the tasks of the first and second parts of the exam.

The exam in computer science lasts 235 minutes

Of these, 90 minutes are allotted for solving problems from the first part. On average, each task from the first part takes from 3 to 5 minutes. It takes 10 minutes to solve problem #23.

There are 145 minutes left to solve the tasks of the second part of the exam, while solving the last problem No. 27 will take at least 55 minutes. These calculations were made by the specialists of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements and are based on the results of exams from previous years, so they should be taken seriously and used as a guide for the exam.

Programming languages ​​- which one to choose

  1. BASIC. It is an outdated language, and although it is still taught in schools, there is no point in wasting time learning it.
  2. School algorithmic programming language. It is designed specifically for early learning to program, it is convenient for mastering initial algorithms, but it contains almost no depth, there is nowhere to develop in it.
  3. Pascal. It is still one of the most common programming languages ​​for teaching in schools and universities, but its capabilities are also very limited. Pascal is quite suitable as the language for writing the exam.
  4. C++. Universal language, one of the fastest programming languages. It is difficult to study on it, but in practical application its possibilities are very wide.
  5. Python. It is easy to learn at an elementary level, the only thing required is knowledge in English. At the same time, with an in-depth study, Python provides the programmer with no less opportunities than C ++. Having started learning Python at school, you will continue to use it in the future, you will not have to relearn another language in order to reach new horizons in programming. To pass the exam, it is enough to know "Python" at a basic level.

Good to know

  • Works in computer science are evaluated by two experts. If the expert evaluation results differ by 1 point, the higher of the two points is assigned. If the discrepancy is 2 points or more, the work is rechecked by a third expert.
  • A useful site for preparing for the exam in computer science -