Scarlet Monastery 3.3 5 where is located. Scarlet Monastery. Location description. High Inquisitor Whitemane

In this short overview, we will be covering a classic five-player dungeon called the Scarlet Monastery. In the game location, you will find a lot of adventures, several bosses and a lot of useful things that are available only in this area.

Location Description

The player must be at least level 23 before entering this dungeon. After the Mists of Pandaria update, this location can also be completed in heroic mode. But the player needs to level up to level 90 in order to get into the Scarlet Monastery. Where is the Dungeon can be found in the northeast. Once this place was a temple of Light, but then it was taken over by insane fanatics of the Scarlet Crusade. These madmen consider all representatives of other races to be enemies, they really dislike uninvited guests, considering them potential carriers of the Plague. So don't expect a happy reception. The dungeon is divided into four locations: a graveyard, an armory, a library, and a cathedral. In each of these parts, a fierce battle awaits you. What you will have to face in these areas, we will describe below.

Scarlet Monastery: Cemetery

Here are buried all the fighters of the Scarlet Order, who died in endless campaigns against the "infidels". Before you get to the cemetery, you will have to go through the torture chambers. The first mini-boss of the game location, Vishas the Investigator, lives here. It will not be difficult to deal with him, so we go further and go to the Abandoned Skete. Here you can find Azshir the Sleepless, Fallen Champion, Ironback, or the Headless Horseman. Any of these opponents will not cause much trouble and will be the seed for the main boss of the cemetery - Thalnos the Soul Reclaimer. This enemy is able to summon shadows and zombies to his side, which are best killed immediately, and then cause damage to the boss himself.


The Scarlet Monastery is conditionally divided into playable zones, so that the entire dungeon is an interweaving of corridors, buildings, and rooms. Before you get to the library, you will need to pass the kennel where the Scarlet warriors train their dogs. Do not think that ordinary soldiers, along with animals, will be the only obstacle in the way. After all, one of the bosses of the location lives in this place - the kennel Loxley. And only after defeating him you will be able to go to the library.

This area is one of the most beautiful places of the monastery. Lots of rare books, a dim candle flame, high ceilings and elegant furniture all make an impression. There are a lot of useful things waiting for you in the treasury, but they are protected by the Wizard Doan. The enemy is strong enough, and it will be problematic to defeat him alone. But if you correctly use the advantages of a well-knit team, then the battle will end quickly.

Armory of the Monastery

This unique location, where the Scarlet Monastery trains its soldiers, is simply crammed with useful items, durable armor and excellent weapons. But get ready for the fact that getting them will not be easy. If earlier priests and magicians stood in your way, then in these corridors you will meet real warriors. In addition, the boss of this location, Herod, is a pretty strong opponent. After defeating him, 30 Scarlet Recruits appear, from which you can easily knock out a unique tabard.

Scarlet Monastery: Cathedral

The most difficult area of ​​this location is for players who have reached at least level 32 of development. The cathedral begins with the church gardens, the path from which lies in the heart of the Monastery - the chapel.

Here you have to meet and fight with three powerful bosses of the location: Inquisitor Fairbanks, Commander Mograine and High Inquisitor Whitemane. All these opponents are able to come to the aid of each other, so you need to destroy them one by one. Also, before you engage the boss, it's best to clear the entire wing of any opponents, because they can come to the call of the enemy. Complete walkthrough all locations of the dungeon will give you the opportunity to get not only experience and reputation, but also excellent equipment and weapons.

The Scarlet Crusade is known for its fanaticism. But the events of Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm greatly undermined the power and credibility of this organization. The Argent Dawn is attacking not only the undead, but also the fanatics of the Scarlet Crusade, almost all of their fortifications are defeated, and even the last stronghold - the Scarlet Monastery is under threat. Sylvanas, the Banshee Queen, has decided to take over these lands. In fact, it is not very pleasant to have such uncomfortable neighbors around. Yes, and the corpses to continue the experiments will not be superfluous.

Today we will talk about the Scarlet Monastery, its past and future.

The Scarlet Monastery is located in the northeast of Tirisfal Glades and is one of the largest strongholds of this mysterious organization. Militant monks and paladins, obsessed with a passion for Supreme Justice, live and train within the walls of the Monastery.

The corpses of infidels who venture too close serve as a warning to adventurers.

The monastery commands respect: it is built of reddish marble, and its tiled roof stands out sharply against the gloomy landscape of Tirisfal Glades. It could be a great place for quiet reflection and philosophy, if not for its gloomy past and present.

The monastery consists of four parts:

  • Cemeteries
  • armory
  • Libraries
  • Cathedral

And today there is a fierce struggle for each of these parts. The Forsaken, led by Dark Ranger Velonara, seek to take over the Scarlet Monastery on Sylvanas' orders.

Monastery Cemetery

The cemetery is the place where the ordinary fighters of the Scarlet Order, who fell in countless campaigns against the "infidels", were buried. The road to the cemetery is blocked by torture chambers.

In them, Interrogator Vishas tortures the captive Forsaken, trying to get the information they need. But Vishas pursues not only practical goals: he is a sadist who enjoys the very process of torture.

The whole room is lined with instruments of torture.

And heaps of skulls piled into boxes serve as living proof of the brutality of the Scarlet Crusade.

The cemetery itself is filled with the spirits of dead warriors and monks. They did not find peace and, perhaps, this is their punishment for what they have done.

It can be seen that the cemetery has not been looked after for a long time: the statues are overgrown with moss, the thick stone slabs are cracked, and the crypts have collapsed...

The skeletalized Bloodmage Thalnos watches over the dead in the catacombs.

Monastery Library

The division into sections in the monastery is conditional, since the entire structure is a complex complex of premises, passages and rooms. So, to get to the library (It's three in the morning?!) you need to go through the kennel. On the lawn, the Scarlet Houndmasters train their four-legged pets.

Huge dogs, similar to mastiffs, are ready to tear apart anyone whom their owner points to. It is not clear what they are fed, but the corpses from the torture chamber disappear somewhere ... The meat does not smell.

The chief kennel Loksi manages three dogs at once, and it is he who is responsible for searching for the captive, if he manages to elude the Investigator Vishas.

The library itself is reminiscent of the Golden Days of the Scarlet Crusade: passages richly decorated with portraits, giant shelves stacked to the top with books.

Graceful busts of prominent figures and heroes of the Scarlet Order.

Among the books of the library you can find very rare and unusual copies: legends about ancient wars and relatively recent events, summaries of the political life of Azeroth and descriptions of future battles.

Behind the fanaticism of individual representatives of the order lies a lively mind, the ability to plan and analyze.

The library is one of the most beautiful places in the Monastery: dim light shining through narrow windows, dozens of candles on elegant candlesticks, high ceilings and stained-glass windows.

The library is headed by the Wizard Doan, one of the most powerful wizards of the order.

Armory of the Monastery

If the library is dominated by mages, monks and priests, then the armory is a place where archers and warriors of the Scarlet Order train.

Here everything is done so that fanatics can improve their fighting skills: a shooting range where archers can practice on targets, sometimes even live ones.

And mannequins, as well as a sparring ground.

In the dungeons of the armory, you can see the rich arsenal of the Scarlet Crusade. All the walls are lined with various kinds of weapons, mostly trophy ones.

On the tables are fragments of armor - also trophy ones.

Shields with Alliance emblems are reminiscent of the days when the Scarlet Crusade did not consider all life on Azeroth as enemies.

It is curious that among the siege weapons you can find cannons, as well as a ram. We did not meet a ram of this kind either among or among.

Even missiles - and those are available. Apparently they were bought or taken by force from the goblins.

Herod of the Scarlet Order - Herod stands in the last room of the armory.

The round spacious hall is decorated with stained-glass windows. And near the walls are statues of other heroes of the Scarlet Order and those who made a significant contribution to its development. It's amazing how many heroes came out of the Scarlet Order, many of them made a significant contribution to the history of Azeroth, more than once standing up to protect the world from destruction. And what a pity that the names of these heroes these days are pronounced more like a curse.

Monastery Cathedral

The heart of the Scarlet Monastery is the cathedral. The majestic building of the cathedral is decorated with jagged spiers. It feels some kind of threat, implicit, but well tangible.

The luxurious fountain, which is surrounded by stairs, reminds of distant days and, it seems, still keeps the warmth of the hands of the masters who created it.

Today is the day of the battle, which means that soon the water in the fountain will turn red.

The cathedral is grandiose, it overwhelms with its size. That's the way it should be. Even fanatics need to be reminded from time to time that they are nobody, that they serve a higher purpose.

Dozens of monks and warriors pray in the Cathedral. It's not about winning, it's about surviving.

In the passages of the cathedral you can see tombstones strewn with candles. Who lies under them, what kind of unknown heroes were awarded such an honor - we do not know.

The clang of the Forsaken's weapons draws ever closer. And Scarlet Commander Mograine stands at the altar, gathering his strength.

The altar is covered with traces of sacrifices. Blood stains on the sacred veil indicate that it was not fruit that was brought as a gift to the Light ...

And the High Inquisitor Whiteman, the “gray eminence”, perhaps the real leader of the Scarlet Order, is always ready to help her Champion.

The heart of the monastery: a semi-dark room behind the Altar. The light is dimly filtering through the windows of almost opaque reddish glass. Stained glass windows and openwork arches do not relieve the oppressive impression. It smells of death and wickedness, no matter how beautiful the words of the high priests of the order are.

The walls are lined with sarcophagi. They probably contain those who still remember what exactly the order was created for, what goals it served and by what means these goals were achieved.

This is the end of every Scarlet fanatic's journey. His dream is to die for the Light and be here. Well, this dream can come true.

The Scarlet Monastery is one of the wonders of Azeroth, an example of a place of worship converted into a home, a place of training and worship at the same time. Everything in it is saturated with mystical beliefs and it can be very difficult to resist not to convert to the faith of the Scarlet Order, entering under the blood-red vaults ...

Future of the Scarlet Monastery

The monastery is under siege by Sylvanas' troops. The Forsaken, albeit with heavy losses, still make their way through the ranks of the members of the Scarlet Order. They have advantages: the forces of the Forsaken are not exhausted by a long war, and meanwhile, the Scarlet Crusade has nowhere to retreat.

Most likely, an inglorious end awaits him. The monastery will be lost. The location of the monastery is very good, so Sylvanas can make it his residence. Pay attention to the equipment of the Royal guards: is not it, it is very similar to the armor of the Scarlet Order?

Probably, this is also not without reason: no one can forbid Sylvanas to necromance a little. Yes, and in the dubious hobby of the Banshee Queen

The arsenal of the order and its library can also be used for good (as well as for harm to the world). Who knows, maybe there is an ancient magical work that describes how to summon Sargeras =).

Let's see. In any case, now you know that the Scarlet Monastery is not just a dungeon for low-level characters.

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The Scarlet Monastery has been reworked in WOW 5.0 Mists of Pandaria. It is now available to level 90 players on Heroic Difficulty. In this article, you will find tactics for each Scarlet Monastery boss, and you can also watch a video on passing this dungeon in Heroic Mode.

Scarlet Monastery Boss Tactics:

1. Thalnos Soul Retender:

  • Heal should dispel Soul Banish and Mind Rot from the tank as quickly as possible.
  • The boss will periodically cast Soul Vortex, sending a spirit to one of the players. When the spirit reaches the target, it will transform into a Soul Vortex, dealing instant AOE damage in a 2m radius and then will deal damage to everyone who remains in the spell's area of ​​effect. Whirlwind of Souls - you need to quickly shoot down.
  • As the fight progresses, the boss will summon a group of zombies. The tank should collect them, and the DDs should fill them up quickly.
  • Periodically, the boss will resurrect zombies. The tank keeps resurrected zombies until the end of the battle.

2. Brother Korloff

  • The task of the tank is to keep the boss and move away from the zone of action of the Fire Fists in time.
  • Periodically, the Boss will cast Volleyball at a random player and immediately cast Firestorm Strike for AOE damage. At such times, stay away from the boss.
  • Once the boss drops below 50% health, it will start leaving trails of fire that deal heavy damage that increases as the boss's health decreases.

3. High Inquisitor Whitemane

  • At the beginning of the battle, you need to defeat Commander Durand. He will hit random players with Steel Flash, which needs to be healed, and the boss will also use Staggering Blow, at this moment we just get out of the way of the boss.
  • After the death of Durand, Whitemane directly enters the battle. She will heal, throw Shields on herself and hit with Divine Punishment. From this point on, it's especially important to keep an eye on the Mass Resurrection cast. It must be interrupted, otherwise the boss will resurrect big army zombies, which promises big trouble. After about 50% health, Whitemane resurrects Durand. Now you have to fight both Durand and Whitemane at the same time.
  • First, I recommend killing Whitemane, while knocking down her treatment. Then finish off Durand.

Video on the passage of the Scarlet Monastery in heroic mode:

Video author: naurplay

In order to complete this dungeon, you need to kill 3 bosses.

  1. Thalnos the Soul Retriever
  2. Brother Korloff
  3. High Inquisitor Whitemane

Boss Tactics

1) Thalnos Soul Retender

The boss periodically summons 5 zombies during the battle, these zombies should be quickly aggroed by the tank, dd-shers at the same time should as quickly as possible for the AoE-sew these adds. Zombies on the tank stack soul rot, but the healer can dispel it, and the healer also needs to dispel soul banish.

If the healer does not have time to dispel the expulsion of the soul, then an add will appear which will have to be grabbed and killed just as quickly. This add will deal AoE damage. From time to time Thalnos will cast a whirlwind of souls, however, the cast gets lost, but if the boss casts the spell, then a puddle will appear on the floor from which you will need to run out.

Periodically, Thalnos will summon a spirit, the spirit will move into a dead zombie and resurrect him, the resurrected zombie has a lot of hp, and he also hits hard. It is recommended to take the resurrected zombie to the tank and dd-shers do not waste time on it, but continue to beat the boss. In extreme cases, the tank will have to burn through the defensive cooldowns.

2) Brother Korloff

The boss will jump to a random player making a volley, after which a firestorm strike will immediately go, it is better not to run immediately to the boss, but wait until the storm ends. The tank should follow the fire fists cast and run out of the affected area in time.

After the boss has 50% HP left, puddles begin to spawn under him, you can’t enter these puddles, they hurt. Also, the less HP Karloff has, the more he deals fire damage.

3) High Inquisitor Whitemane

Your fight will consist of 3 phases.

First you need to deal with Durand. Stand apart and heal the damage as he will cast a steel flash and stagger. After killing Durandom, Whitemane will run out, she will cast Power Word: Shield (it is better to dispel it), healing and divine punishment (it is best to interrupt the healing).

However, when Whitemane has 50% HP left, she stuns the entire party (puts her to sleep). At this time, she will resurrect Durandom and heal him for full hp and herself too. After that, the stun will fall from the group and you will have to deal with both of them. It is worth keeping an eye on the mass resurrection cast and knocking it down at the first opportunity, if it is casted then a crowd of mobs will resurrect, and most likely there will be a wipe. It is recommended to kill Whitemane first.

In general, the dungeon is not difficult, the main thing is to knock down castes in time and not stand in all the nasty things.

Video guide

The Scarlet Crusade is at war, and their position is quite unimportant in that part of the monastery that everyone knows well as the Graveyard. Everywhere the floor is strewn with the corpses of the undead, which the followers of the Order diligently burn. Everything around is blazing with flames, creating a special gloomy picture. Interrogator Vishas, ​​like most of the trash mobs, is no longer here, and the Cemetery itself, according to the hint on the dungeon's loading screen, is now part of the Cathedral.

In addition to the Cemetery, the Library also ceased to exist as a separate dungeon. This is now part of the Armory, which has been renamed Scarlet Halls. There, chained mastiffs are ready to tear you to shreds, and archers are just waiting for the opportunity to shoot you with their bows. To survive, you will have to take cover from the hail of arrows behind the training shield. Right now this part of the dungeon is a bit buggy.

Loxie and Herod are no more - they were replaced by other NPCs. They look almost the same as their predecessors, but the names are still different.

What has changed and what has remained the same:

  • The dungeon level for the normal remained the same as it was.
  • Heroic is designed for characters level 90.
    At the moment, the dungeon is not yet finished - no votes have been recorded, no loot either.
  • One or two subzones have disappeared forever. The Armory became part of the Library.
  • The respective bosses have moved to a new place of residence.
  • The cemetery became the "Cathedral of the Scarlet Monastery".
  • There is now only one boss in the graveyard - Bloodmage Thalnos. Investigator Vishas disappeared.
  • It is no longer possible to get into the mausoleum behind Thalnos, where a rare mob called Ironback used to occasionally spawn.
  • Now in the Graveyard you fight not only with the undead, but also with the Scarlet Order. The Scarlet Crusade, in turn, is also fighting the Scourge and you.
  • New Scarlet mobs carry explosives that you can detonate by blowing up nearby undead.
  • The combined Library and Armory are now called Scarlet Halls.
  • The Scarlet Halls start at the entrance to the Library, but then intertwine with the Armory rooms, and end with the final Armory room as well.
  • Herod and Dog Loxy were replaced by Swordsman Harlan and Psar Brown, respectively.
  • You will need to pick up targets, and, hiding behind them, make your way through a hail of burning arrows flying at you.
  • The Scarlet Crusade is trying to use cannons against you to push you out of the armory. This receiver they took from their colleagues in Startholme.
  • Fireworks are no longer stored in the Armory Chests.
  • The rooms in front of Herod's room have been removed, making the path to the boss significantly shorter.
  • Scarlet Recruits no longer rush to you after defeating the final boss... Which could mean that the Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade may be gone in Mists of Pandaria.