Games like blade and soul. Games like Blade and Soul. Video game Blade and Soul

For all fans of the anime genre, the release of Blade and Soul was an amazing event. The project perfectly intertwines the components of RPG and fighting game, and the characters fascinate with their realism, while they are incredibly cute, in the best traditions of the genre. Everyone can play for free, for this you only need to download the content. The review will reveal to you some of the features of the project, the rest you can find out for yourself, just start playing and enjoy the process.

Distinctive features of the project

MMORPG is designed to be as spectacular as possible. The combat scenes and mechanics deserve special attention. We can say with confidence that you have never seen anything like this before. Igrodely introduced a unique hit animation, which is accompanied by stylish graphic effects. The application of skills is also decorated in an unusual style. Glossy textures turn the process into a high-quality cartoon, the heroes of which are the gamers themselves.

Separation of races and classes

The combat system is unique not only for its unusual combination of modes, but also for the wide possibilities and abilities of the characters, each of which masters at least eight tricks. In total, you can see four races:

  • Jin is people.
  • Kun - represented exclusively by girls.
  • Gon are descendants of dragons.
  • Lin are pretty creatures.

It is worth noting that all existing classes are open for each of the races. Currently, there are eight of them, while in the next update this number will increase to ten. Here everyone can find something special for themselves. Do you love kung fu? Choose the master of this martial art. Want to swing a huge axe? Be the Destroyer. Can't imagine a game without Assassin? Then the Master of Shadows is created especially for you. There are also characters who skillfully wield swords, elements, magic and other interesting variations that make confrontations extraordinarily exciting.

It is worth noting that throughout the game you will be able to watch story videos that will reveal to you all the vicissitudes of this world. Colorful and capacious inserts will appeal to everyone and everyone, and the closer you get to the final, the more dynamic events will open up to you. We can say with confidence that the story will continue, you can see for yourself by seeing everything with your own eyes.

Walk on the edge of the blade!

Hundreds of years ago, the world was shrouded in serenity. He did not know suffering and cruelty. Nothing disturbed the harmony of all living things.

But since the creation of all things, there has always been evil. Through the most imperceptible loopholes, it finds its way to everyone.

The desire for more gradually turned into a desire to destroy. After all, it is easier to destroy something greater than to create, thus remaining above others. Greed, greed, envy. Over time, the darkness spread throughout the world, endowing its servants with unprecedented power.

And then, led by the Dark Emperor and the Demon Masters.

Such is the plot, in which martial arts and Chinese mythology are intertwined as never before. Read about all the features of the game further in our review of Blade and Soul.


Fighting game elements will make the battles especially colorful!

In a standing position, we have eight combat skills. And then this standard set changes during the battle, depending on what happens during the battle. Knocked the enemy down - possible actions appear in the style of breaking an arm or trampling a face. Thrown into the air, again some of the skills change, allowing, say, to stick the enemy into the ground. And so in any state of affairs during a fight, including those cases when you are knocked down, when you block or parry a blow. In general, there are a lot of skills in the game.

Some of them interrupt the enemy's attack, others parry and allow you to start a counterattack, others accumulate a debuff on the enemy, and you, without slowing down, must carry out a hellish combo strike.


The class nomenclature of game characters is striking in its diversity

It is most comfortable to fight with Force Masters and Sumanists - both of these classes of DB and are not so dependent on blocks or parries. Plus, most of their skills are debuffed, that is, they accumulate an effect on enemies, and then give a bonus when hit.

In addition to these two classes, four more are available in the game.

Blade Masters- craftsmen to dismember the enemy with a katana. They are very nimble and knead mainly in one goal. Most of their combo combos start with a parry and a counterattack. Well, then the balls are already called, and they jump, and there are also a couple of AvE-skills.

kung fu masters- brutal uncles and aunts with pood fists wrapped in brass knuckles. They knead extremely effectively. Playing for them is like watching a Taiwanese action movie. They hit mostly one target, but very powerfully.

Destroyer- no less brutal warriors using axes instead of brass knuckles. Almost all of their skills are AoE. And the combo is extremely hard to survive. But as a counterbalance to the outrageous coolness, the class is quite slow. So by blocking his attacks, it is quite possible for him to pile on.

Assassin- in remote, masters of control, vskih traps, sudden jumps. Use a small cleaver.

Win and improve your combat parameters!

The remaining two classes are the only ranged representatives in the game. Force Masters use fire, ice, and other forces of nature to their advantage. Most AoE skills. Plus all sorts of debuffs, control skills and more. In general, very strong, but poorly protected, so playing for them, you need to constantly stay away from enemies. Especially ardent ones can be grabbed and thrown away.

Scammers- unlike force masters, they do not rely so much on their skills as trust their heels. And these are not hellish spirits, as one might think, but cute kitties. You need to choose a companion during the first trainings, but in the future he will not only be a powerful controller of enemies, but also beat them furiously.

In the future, two more classes should appear in the game - this is Gunner, who uses something small in battle. And secondly - some kind of class with a bunch of curses, created on the basis of Chinese culture.

In general, all classes are quite interesting, but there are limitations when creating a character. Playing a certain race with any class will not work. There are four races in total. These are Lans (cute mice), Gons (brutal men and no less impressive girls), Goons (a race consisting only of thin girls) and Zhins (ordinary people with the greatest choice classes)

Chips and features

The difficulty of the game is divided from "easy" to "deadly dangerous"

A very significant feature of the game is the quick-go mode, which allows you, like in a Chinese movie about kung fu, to run along the walls, soar up and literally run through the air. It is activated by pressing the W button twice. And this thing works everywhere - both on land and on water in Jesus mode. Plus, there are skills that can be activated in this mode. Imagine - you jump on the wall, and therefore, like a kite, fall on the enemy. In addition, this feature allows you to move around locations at breakneck speed.

Another feature is the “dragon pillars”, thanks to which the player can quickly and extremely effectively move through obstacles that are impassable in normal walking and running mode.

The game has an oriental kind of intolerance built into it - a confrontation between martial arts schools and different clans.

So far, there are two daboks available in the game, when wearing which, you become one of the parties to the conflict. And as soon as you put it on, you should immediately look around carefully - the enemies may already be nearby, regardless of whether you are on the fields surrounded by mobs or in a cozy shop.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that it is not necessary to wear slippers, and you can desert at any time, throw off your slippers and go to wet your fellow tribesmen.

Starting from level 45, inter-clan confrontations enter into the life of players tightly, and they begin to fight fiercely not only for glory, but also for the sake of the guild and coins, for which you can buy special weapons or jewelry.

Excellent quality and the desire of developers to make the game spectacular can be seen immediately

Thanks to a special death system, after death, the player does not need to run into battle again from God knows where. The trick is that after the first death you can recover. When the end catches up with you after your first fight with the mobs, they stop paying attention to you. You crawl away for 40 seconds, and again into battle. Thanks to this system, dungeons do not have to be replayed several times.

Dungeons, by the way, are not particularly inspiring. Too similar to each other. The variety is brought only by the bosses living at the end. They are different - from ordinary, player-like fighters to giant creatures. Although it happens all at once. The goal of the mission remains standard - to snatch valuable loot.

In addition to the fact that you can pick up something sensible from the boss and the chest that is located near him, coins are also given out for dungeons, which in certain places can be exchanged for more powerful guns.

Bosses also drop pieces of pie. A pie is stats that are collected in sets of three, five and eight pieces. Depending on how many pieces of the set, bonuses are given. More set - more bonuses. In general, the pie is a replacement for standard armor from a helmet, socks, underpants, mittens and other things. And also stats are given by weapons and jewelry, for which there are five slots. Everything else is customization, affecting only appearance player.

The development of the Persian is not limited to clothing. It's still MMORPG. The usual pumping of skills and abilities opens from level 15. After him, with the taking of each new level, the player receives one point, which must be put somewhere to develop himself.

The passage of levels in accordance with Korean traditions is tied to the grind. Although there are many quests, most of them are about killing a large, large number of monsters. Unfortunately, there are very few original tasks, and most of them follow the plot of the game.

If you are well armed, ordinary quests are completed fairly quickly. Long and tedious drinking of elite monsters was not observed. Jobs will be completed even faster if sharpened. Sharpening occurs as follows - first, with the help of a special gas-cutting scroll, a hole is made in a knife or cannon, and then a pebble is inserted there, which increases the characteristics of the weapon.

Crafting will certainly help too. You can craft jars, food, pieces of cake. And in general, there are no differences from other standard MMORPGs. Everything is given not at once, but over a certain period of time.

As for the social system, it is known that players can join groups, but nothing is known about clans yet.

Video trailer for Blade and Soul:

In Game Blade and Soul there is everything: colorful battles, interesting quests, a developed plot with various surprises. And the name of the online role-playing game also perfectly matches its content. Now we will see what is remarkable about this product of the gaming industry.

I would like to immediately note that the game Blade and Soul, released by Korean developers in the now distant 2012, will be a reason for many players - a double reason, we would say. Firstly, the game does not have an open world, all the tasks that a player can take are constantly loaded, which does not give complete freedom of action - this is really a minus, and many gamers clearly do not like this. Secondly, the game is made in an Asian manner, which is quite logical. Many game effects are made with similar Chinese characters. Of course, there will be those who will really like it, but it will not do without critics.

Game process

To begin with, as in most cases, in Blade and Soul you will have to choose who to play as, there are four races in the game, from which you have to choose one. The user will have the opportunity to play for the skin of a female warrior. In general, the entire Blade and Soul game is built on ancient Chinese mythology, each piece of the plot is worked out as accurately as possible so as not to lie, so that everything is as it really is.

After the choice is made, you can go to the battlefield. As for the combat system, it is done very well, auto-targeting is excellent, now you don’t need to aim at the enemy for minutes, you just need to move the mouse cursor over it and your character will start contact (battle) with the enemy.

An excellent model of the PvP combat system has been created and shown in the game. Various game modes: 1 on 1, companies, several people - guilds, all this cannot but please the fans of this project. Also in Blade and Soul there is a system of some anonymity, entering the battle arena, all the names (nicknames) of the players are classified, which does not give rise to unnecessary quarrels among the players.

Game features

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the online role-playing game is unique in that it is made in an oriental style. The creators were looking for any opportunity to insert some Asian "thing" into the gameplay. For example, when fighting, swinging a weapon, black stripes appear around it in the style of Kung Fu and other hieroglyphs that are remotely similar to martial arts.

Another feature of the game is that you have to play as a girl. To some this may seem like a very attractive occupation, to someone unusual, nevertheless it is so. By creating a character, the player can change the character's appearance, clothing, combat skills, and the like. It is worth mentioning that despite the existing plot, the genre of the game itself and its construction, Black and Soul is still becoming more and more a sports game. In Korea, China, Europe, and soon in Russia, competitions among e-sportsmen in this project.

Character development

In total, in the online game of the MMORPG Blade and Soul genre, there are fifty levels of pumping your character.

The game has several conditions for raising the player's level:

  1. Premium - book or scroll 50% for miles, milk tea, experience potion, star anise tea, purified water
  2. Outfit corresponding to the level of the character.
  3. The upgrade price will be revised if your character does not have the minimum required equipment, or it does not correspond to the level of the character.
  4. At the time of pumping, go to the character only after agreement with the manager.

At this stage of computer technology, MMORPG games are too connected with raising the skills of a character, this often repels a beginner, causes no interest in the game and its world created by the developers. Blade and Soul gaming cyberspace is no exception, the need to quickly develop your own hero in order to achieve the following points:

  • strengthening, learning new skills;
  • availability of PvP mode;
  • the ability to choose a faction, join a clan.

The fastest and most reliable character leveling in the Blade and Soul game is a combined, mixed method. The bottom line is to use each of the three options at a certain range of levels. For example, in the range of 25-30 it would be best to deal with mobs and the yellow quest branch. Of course, such a combined approach requires certain knowledge of the features game world, which the beginner lacks a priori.


Having chosen an unsuccessful weapon, you will practically not feel it until about level 45, however, you still have to replace the weapon after a few levels.

In total, the game has several types of melee weapons: swords, laser swords, katanas and other oriental murder weapons. With each level, the player will increase the skill of owning a particular weapon. In the game store you can buy new type weapons.

Game arenas

In total, Blade and Soul has a large number of locations - game arenas. All of them are subject to the "come and go" principle. The fact is that the arenas are unfortunately made as "temporary" maps. The open world, as such, is completely absent, there is no opportunity to move freely. All tasks are loaded with some kind of screensavers, so the gamer will not have to look at the beauties of the Blade & Soul area, alas. With the release of updates and patches, true fans of the game download, install and watch new game locations in their game, done quite well.


In the fictional world of Blade and Soul, there are only four races:

  1. Mighty Giants Vana
  2. beautiful maidens Fans
  3. Fearless Warriors Sheng
  4. Lina's babies

Mighty Giants Vana- a strong, almost invincible race. Vans live in huge houses, but not by themselves, but with their girls, who are distinguished from other representatives of the female races by their massive size and beautiful structure of the figure, which cannot but attract. They have access to such classes as: Axe, Element and Kung Fu

Maiden Fans- a very beautiful and elegant race. It consists exclusively of girls, beautiful and fragile creatures who play a role in the game of embodying the masculine ideals of a woman. Feng, which translates as Heaven is mistaken for messengers from heaven. They themselves believe that they are called to maintain balance in the universe and establish harmony in a world full of chaos. Classes: Blade Master, Elemental Master and Kung Fu

Lina's babies- pretty creatures, small in size with ears and a tail, are presented by the creators today only as forests and a raccoon. Possess the element, call and blade Linov.

Fearless Warriors Sheng- very similar to ordinary people, the human prototype, however, not everything is so simple - the Shens have much stronger will and strength than ordinary people. They have an excellent figure, body structures, and they also have excellent subconscious thinking on a mental level.

crafting system

The mining system of one or another mineral in the game is limited. In other words, it's practically non-existent. And not because the creators were too lazy to make it or because of some of their "troubles", but simply this genre does not correspond to "digging in the garden" and other activities of this kind. Basically, Blade and Soul is presented as an arena for battles, and not for crafting. Some users will be pleased, and some will be upset.

Game analogs

There are some products in the world that are similar to Blade and Soul. These are games with a similar genre, similar gameplay and graphics - The secret world, Aniom, Rift: Planes and Terala.

Game ratings

In many respects, this game has proven itself on the positive side, mainly, of course, male representatives. The players liked the battles and battles created in the game, the plot also did not leave them indifferent. Overall, the online role-playing game Blade and Soul received an average score of -7 out of 10 possible.

Blade and Soul video review

"Blade and Soul" is a game from the Koreans NcSoft, the developers of the legendary Ruler.

Opening servers in Europe and North America planned for the end of 2015, and in the East the number of registered users has long exceeded 20 million.

Video game Blade and Soul

A fantasy world inhabited by unusual creatures, like pretty girls with huge mouse ears. Oriental culture and a lot of kung fu.

Dynamic battles and detailed locations. Magic, swords and thoughtful plot.

Features of the universe

Before us is ancient Korea with animated characters from myths and legends.

The plot is epic - the main character will have to solve family problems, learn great skills and save the world along the way.

The quests are well written and do not get hung up on the banal grind, there are many unexpected plot twists and travels around the world.

Graphics deserve special praise

Most Korean games are bright acid flashes of spells, fed up with gilded swords and annoying pathos in every little thing.

Everything is in moderation here, and designers can be proud of the drawing of heroes, equipment and locations.

For whom to play?

Non-boring choice of characters:

And the classes are good

  • Blade master masterfully owns a sword.
  • Destroyer is a typical tank.
  • Summoner - support and teamwork.
  • Force master specializes in magical attacks and elemental power.
  • Kung Fu master is the most difficult class with a lot of crits.
  • Assassin - hidden combat, dodges and backstab.
  • Blade dancer is a wild mixture of sword attack, magic and dodge.

There is no healer in the game, so healing is provided through potions and artifacts.

Great character customization- a bunch of sliders that change the color of the eyes, skin, hair, hairstyle, limb length and a bunch of other parameters.

Combat system

The fights in Blade and Soul are better to experience once than to read a hundred times, as others do.

Aiming, dodging, attacking in the back, running in circles around the mob, crits, magic, complex tricks that require maximum concentration and directness of hands.

They require a stable psyche and a good keyboard- after a while, it starts to seem that he was not in an RPG, but in a very high-quality fighting game.

PvE: mobs, mobs, more mobs

A whole bunch of world bosses located right in the middle of the locations. Crystals periodically fall out of them, which are necessary for spinning the roulette wheel in the nearest city.

Everything is in order with the instances: large, thoughtful, in sufficient quantity.

There is a statue next to the entrance, when you click on it, the search for a suitable group begins. This significantly saves time on the selection of the team.

The extracted treasures are put up for auction - the prize is received by the player who offered the largest amount, and the rest share the gold equally. So no one is left behind.

Interesting feature: no matter how epic the armor looks, here it performs only a decorative function, and artifacts and weapons affect the hero’s stats.

PvP: who has straighter arms

As you pass storyline the player will be asked to join one of two factions.

The guys in red represent local evil, and those in blue represent honor and order. There are no special differences between them.

Arenas, massive skirmishes, global world battles - everything is as it should be.

Trade and production

Interesting crafting system: the NPC assistants themselves will take care of the tedious gathering of resources, and the character will calmly continue to deal with the mobs.

Available from a dozen gathering and production professions, there are trade and other peaceful guilds.

General impression

The main advantage of the game- very dynamic battles that do not allow you to get bored. Plus interesting characters, thoughtful instances and regular PvP meat grinders.

There is no doubt that a high-quality and worthy Korean project will take root in Europe.

Blade & Soul is a Korean online game with beautifully choreographed battles and an interesting storyline.

The game was developed by the Team Bloodlust division of the Korean publisher NCSoft - this is the same team that worked on and. In Korea, the game was released in 2012, followed by releases in China and Japan, but in the US, Europe and Russia, the project is right up to the beginning of 2016. In Asia, the game turned out to be quite popular - according to unofficial data, the number of active players reached 20 million.

Events Blade & Soul unfold in the Middle World - a place where people live. This world is bordered by several other worlds inhabited by gods, spirits and demons. The latter are constantly making attempts to enslave the world of people, and the plot of the game takes place just during the next such invasion. Blade & Soul is distinguished by a very good production - all important events are revealed in well-directed videos.

Despite the fact that the game was released back in 2012, Blade & Soul is still one of the most. She has a well-designed and diverse world, beautiful characters, as well as smartly staged fights. A duel with a monster or another player is not only a sea of ​​adrenaline, but also a very beautiful sight.

There are four races in the game, and all of them are similar to people, differing only in complexion and external style. Only Lyn stands out a little - these are tiny men with huge animal ears, which in battle are in no way inferior to their "big" brothers. The race should be chosen wisely - there are eight classes in the game, and each of them is usually available only to one or two races. The very choice of classes is unusual - the game has a wide selection of melee warriors and mages, but there are no specialized tanks and healers. In certain situations and with a certain buildup, some classes can partially take on these responsibilities, but no more.

Otherwise, we have a completely classic MMORPG. The player gains levels by completing story and additional tasks, defeats especially difficult enemies in a group, selects the right leveling option for the hero, and also tries to find the most powerful equipment for him. The combat system is traditional, with a choice of targets - however, the battles themselves are very dynamic and require a decent reaction from the player.

Over time, you will have to choose one of the two factions (by the way, you can then change the faction) - they are at enmity with each other, but the conflict is quite “democratic”. In order to participate in PvP, you need to wear a special suit. Battles are fought in special zones, a zone where each faction has a support base - you can take daily tasks. For victories, special points are accumulated, which can be exchanged for rewards. The zones themselves are divided into levels to make it interesting for players with different experience to fight.

It is worth adding that the Blade & Soul clan system is entirely tied to PvP. The clan must belong to one of the factions, and its pumping is carried out precisely in battles with other players. The higher the clan level, the more bonuses it gives to players who are members of it.