The history of semolina. Interesting facts about semolina. What is semolina

Some consider it one of their favorite dishes, while others shudder at the mere mention of it - they hate it so much. We are talking, of course, about semolina - a favorite of thousands of children and adults, as well as a hater of about the same number of people.

Almost everyone, from kindergarteners to old people, has an idea of ​​what semolina porridge tastes like. But not everyone knows when it appeared in Russia, what it is made of and how it is prepared correctly. Let's try to figure it out!

Meet semolina. She's wheat flour.

Semolina is obtained by boiling semolina in water or milk with the addition of salt and sugar. The semolina itself is the same wheat, crushed to grains with a diameter of 0.25-1 mm. For its production, both hard and soft wheat varieties are used. You can find out what kind of semolina you are holding in your hands by the labeling on the package: “M” - from soft varieties, “T” - from hard varieties, “MT” - from a mixture of varieties.

It should be noted that semolina is used not only for making cereals. Often it acts as an ingredient in pancakes, casseroles, cutlets, soufflés, muffins, mousses and pies. Many opponents of semolina are happy to eat meals with semolina. A striking example of this is the Mannik cake, which is popular with housewives.

The history of semolina

Despite the fact that people began to grow wheat even before our era, semolina appeared much later. On the territory of present-day Russia, it began to be produced, and in small quantities, in old Russian times. Semolina porridge was considered a delicacy, and therefore was intended only for the nobility and the rich.

Semolina became widespread only in the USSR. A cheap and therefore generally available product quickly fell in love with millions of Soviet citizens. Most often it was used for cooking, that is, for making semolina porridge. This dish has become a key one in the menu of kindergartens, schools, technical schools, universities and public canteens.

Semolina porridge: benefits and harms

Semolina is useful product, because it contains such useful substances as potassium, iron, B vitamins. Eating semolina contributes to the production of blood cells, normal functioning nervous system... Since cereals contain a lot simple carbohydrates, semolina is very quickly absorbed, enriches the body with energy. That is why it is indispensable in the diet of patients after surgery, patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

For all its benefits, semolina can be harmful. It's all about the gliadin and phytin contained in cereals. Gliadin is a gluten that can cause intestinal villous necrosis and slow the absorption of nutrients. That is why semolina porridge is not suitable as a complementary food for young children, and is also not recommended for consumption by children under the age of 3 years.

In addition, some people have hypersensitivity to gliadin. This is expressed in the form of pain in the ligaments, eczema, diarrhea, pain in the stomach and intestines. Gliadin can cause a strong allergic reaction in children, as well as provoke the manifestation of a hereditary disease - celiac disease.

The opinion of scientists and pediatricians about phytin is ambiguous. At the moment, there is no exact data on whether phytin can interfere with the absorption of calcium, iron and vitamin D in the intestine. Pediatricians say that semolina is a harmful product, and children who often eat it are more likely to get rickets. However, recent studies by Swiss scientists prove the opposite: the phytin contained in semolina does not interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

Semolina - how to choose?

To make the semolina porridge tasty, it is important not only to cook it correctly, but also to skillfully choose the cereal. Currently, you can buy semolina both by weight and packaged. Semolina by weight is not the best option. Improper storage often leads to dampness of the product. Such semolina has a sour or bitter taste, it can smell unpleasantly of dampness and mold.

Semolina in a package is not a guarantor of a successfully cooked porridge. Even in the factory-packed product, there can be “surprises” - food moths or bugs. That is why, before you put the semolina in the basket and go to the checkout, you should check the package for integrity. If cereal spills even a little from the bag, there is a high probability of its infestation by insects. They can be seen when shaking the bag.

Cook, cook, porridge, delicious and aromatic!

Many people think that making semolina porridge is as easy as shelling pears. In fact, it turns out that this task is more difficult than it seemed at first. Runaway milk, burnt crust from below, unpleasant-looking lumps - these are far from all the troubles that a cook inexperienced in "semolina" can have.

To prepare semolina porridge for two people, you will need: 0.5 liters of milk, 4 tablespoons with a slide of semolina, a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar. Cooking time (and it’s hard to believe) is 2-3 minutes. The fact is that semolina boils very quickly, literally within 20-30 seconds. The rest of the time is taken by boiling milk.

The first thing to do to cook semolina is to boil the milk. To prevent the milk from escaping, it is important to stir it constantly with a spoon. When boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, and then gently, without rushing, add semolina, sugar and salt. In this case, you must not forget about stirring! Only then will the semolina thicken evenly and without lumps.

After 20-30 seconds, the cereal will swell properly. It's time to turn off the heat, remove the saucepan to another burner and cover the porridge with a lid. After a minute of languishing, semolina porridge can be laid out on plates and enjoy its incomparable aroma and taste.

The main rules for cooking perfect semolina porridge:

  • semolina should be poured only into boiled milk;
  • pour in the cereal slowly;
  • all 2-3 minutes of cooking porridge, you must not forget about stirring.

It should also be remembered that the finer the semolina, the faster it swells. If you need to boil liquid semolina porridge, the amount of cereal should be halved. If there is no milk in the house, you can use water to prepare semolina. However, in this case, the taste of the porridge will not be as delicious as usual. Milk can be replaced with cream - so semolina porridge will look even more like a delicate cream.

Semolina porridge in ... a slow cooker?

IN last years multi-cookers are becoming more widespread - devices that require minimal human participation in cooking. Basically, it all comes down to the sequence "I filled in the ingredients - I chose the mode - I turned it on - I waited - you enjoy the finished dish." For large families, the multicooker has become the main assistant in the kitchen, because you can cook anything in it, and even semolina!

To prepare porridge for two people, you will need: 200 ml of water, 200 ml of milk (2.5%), 40 grams of semolina, a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 5 grams of butter. The bowl of the multicooker must be lubricated with oil, and then pour and pour all the other ingredients into it. Having mixed them, it remains only to select the mode. First, you should cook porridge in the "Porridge" mode for 15 minutes, and then for another 5 minutes, but already in the "Warm up" mode. It turns out very tasty, without lumps and burnt crusts!

How to improve the taste of semolina porridge?

Any recipe can be improved. So, adding pieces of bacon, dried dill or finely chopped garlic to fried potatoes, you get three completely new recipes for cooking your favorite dish. Semolina is no exception: some foods can change its taste for the better.

The cooking method remains the same, but the number of ingredients increases. They can become butter, preserves or jam, dried apricots, prunes, canned fruits, fresh and frozen berries, slices of apples, pears and tangerines, condensed milk, cinnamon, vanilla sugar, coconut flakes. Only if the first twelve components are added to the porridge after cooking, then the last three are added during the cooking process.

How to feed a child with semolina?

It's no secret that not everyone likes semolina, especially children. Feeding them with semolina becomes a real problem for moms and dads. A child arranging a funeral at the table is a painful sight for any parent. And what to do? Should you follow the lead? Or force feed, despite crying, porridge running down your chin and vomiting?

Many mothers, knowing how often they give their children semolina in kindergartens and schools, accustom their children to this delicacy. But not by force, but ... by cunning! How exactly? Nothing prevents you from turning semolina porridge into a fabulous delicacy. And this can be done with the help of the same flavor enhancers described above: condensed milk, jam, fruits, etc.

A plate of semolina is a small canvas on which you can draw so many bright pictures. A clown, a smiling little man, a sun, a dog - these and other images are easily created using canned and dried fruits, condensed milk, cinnamon and other goodies.

Seeing something amazing in his plate, the child will completely forget about the "opposite" taste of semolina. The process of eating food will turn into a game and will definitely give you pleasure. It is worth noting that such a creative approach in the design of ready-made meals will help parents to introduce their child to other dishes they do not yet like.

Semolina is one of the most popular cereals and is especially often fed to children in the kindergarten. But despite such a prevalence of the dish, many do not know at all what semolina is made of. Let's take a closer look at this.

You are still tormented by the question, what is the semolina made of? Wheat, of course! After collection, it goes through several stages of processing., before reaching the state in which we are used to seeing the discussed cereal.

Semolina - Wheat groats coarse grinding.

  • First of all, the selected grain is checked for gluten content using a special laboratory analysis.
  • After checking, the grains are sent to the workshop, where the tempering process is carried out, which gives the grains their density. They are immediately cleaned and washed.
  • Next, it is necessary to free the core from the layers covering it. This is done by coarse grinding.
  • The resulting mass is sieved, crushed by machines and processed.
  • At the last stage, the groats are separated from the shell, polished and quality control is carried out.

A good, really high quality product should be snow white. Of course, semolina can be yellow or cream - the color depends on the type of grain.

Composition and calorie content

So, having figured out which cereal semolina is from, it's time to find out its properties and composition. In the process of grinding, the cereal loses a certain percentage of fat and fiber. By the way, just the low fiber content contributes to the easy digestion of porridge, and in addition, starch relieves the stomach of mucus. Also, many useful substances are stored in semolina: zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins (E, PP, B).

Semolina contains a lot of magnesium and potassium.


  • proteins - 10.5 grams;
  • fats - 1 gram;
  • and carbohydrates - 70 grams.

In addition to its rich composition, semolina is also generous in calories - 328 units per 100 grams of dry product. But after boiling, that number drops to just 100 calories per 100 grams. And nevertheless, you should not abuse such porridge. One small portion is enough for breakfast, and even then not every day.

The benefits of semolina for men, women

First of all, this porridge is ideal for those who have stomach problems. This is due to its low fiber content and easy absorption.

Semolina porridge is a cork for a healthy stomach and intestines.

But besides this, the use of semolina has other positive aspects:

  • the cereal contains thiamine, which is not produced by our body, which means that it must be taken with food;
  • for the health of blood, a person needs folic acid, it can also be obtained by sometimes consuming semolina;
  • a large amount of iron in cereals makes up for its deficiency in human blood.

As for the benefits of cereals for men, first of all, it is a simple and quick saturation of the body. That is, having breakfast with this porridge, you can not think about hunger until lunchtime. It is also recommended for those who are actively involved in sports and want to dial muscle mass, because it is high in calories and contains a sufficient amount of protein.

And semolina, cooked in milk, and even with sugar, will be an excellent remedy against fatigue and nervous tension for men engaged in physical labor.

For women, semolina is recommended for weight loss, but of course the portions should be small. Some people think that oatmeal will be more effective, but it is not - it is much more difficult to digest, and this is especially true if there are problems with digestion.

Regular consumption of porridge has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair due to many microelements. And, of course, some women actively use cereals for various cosmetic purposes.

Beneficial properties for children and during pregnancy

It is not for nothing that semolina is given to children in almost all kindergartens, this speaks of its necessity and benefits for a growing organism.

Semolina during pregnancy is the most optimal way to satisfy hunger.
  • A large number of vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect. Calcium and silicon strengthen bones, while magnesium and potassium strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • It is recommended to eat porridge for kidney failure.
  • It is used for depletion due to the small amount of fiber.
  • Carbohydrates are good for filling and energizing.

But sometimes it turns out that this is one of the few products from which a woman does not feel sick and therefore has to be included in the diet.

The use of semolina

Usually they eat semolina for breakfast, but there are several other areas where it can be used with benefit.


A diet on semolina for weight loss will allow you to lose extra pounds and improve the functioning of the body.

This porridge is perfect for losing weight for people with stomach problems and slagging of the body. It can also be used as the main component of a mono diet (a diet where only one product is used). Semolina for breakfast several times a week will improve digestion, which will also have a positive effect on the rate of weight loss.

Facial masks

Some semolina face masks can replace expensive creams.

The rejuvenating effect can only be compared with professional salon procedures.

Its regular use for cosmetic purposes:

  • help tighten the skin;
  • relieve acne and blemishes;
  • removes dryness;
  • will make the skin softer;
  • protect from ultraviolet rays
  • and will start natural regeneration processes.

In cooking

If you think that semolina can only be boiled, you are wrong. It is used to make doughs, casseroles and pancakes. And also as a breading for cutlets, meatballs and zraz. From it you can make a very popular pie - manna, and it is also good to add such cereal to mousse, soufflé and puddings.

It would seem, what can be bad from ordinary porridge?

This product can bring harm in addition to benefits.

But in fact, this cereal should be used with caution:

  • phytin and gliodin, which are part of the cereal, can disrupt the absorption of nutrients in the body;
  • some people may have gluten intolerance, and, of course, there is one in semolina;
  • it is undesirable to give porridge to children under one year old, since there is a lot of starch in the cereal;
  • excessive consumption of the product can contribute to weight gain.

Like any other product, semolina has positive and negative properties. It is enough to observe the measure and then there will be no harm from its use. On the contrary! There will only be benefits that you will definitely appreciate by including a plate of semolina in your weekly diet.

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About semolina, which one to choose and how to store

Semolina, in comparison with other cereals, does not have a high content of valuable microelements and fiber useful for digestion. Distinctive feature semolina is high in carbohydrates, making it an excellent source of energy.

It is mainly used for cooking cereals, great for breakfast, due to its high carbohydrate content. Semolina is added to the dough when baking, which helps to keep the baked goods in shape after baking.

The indisputable advantages of semolina include the speed of its preparation. From the start of cooking until the moment it is ready, it only takes a few minutes and the dish is ready!

Semolina is a coarse wheat flour with a particle size of 0.2 mm to 0.7 mm.

Semolina is made from wheat of various varieties. Semolina variety can be identified by the markings on the packaging:

  • "M"- semolina from soft varieties wheat.
  • "T"- semolina from hard varieties wheat.
  • "MT"- bait from a mixture of hard (20%) and soft (80%) varieties wheat.

Semolina from "soft" varieties, by the look white with opaque particles. Such semolina during cooking, due to good absorption of liquid, increases in volume several times. And the porridge cooked from this type of semolina will be homogeneous, without lumps. Well suited for adding to mousses, culinary pastries, and of course for making cereals.

Semolina from "hard" varieties, yellowish in color with translucent particles. When boiled, it increases slightly in volume. Suitable for adding to pastries that must retain their shape after cooking, such as dumplings, pancakes, bread.

Semolina grade "MT" the most versatile. It is well suited both for preparing porridge and for adding to culinary products.

Semolina porridges are unique in that they are digested and absorbed in the lower intestine, unlike most other cereals. Due to its low fiber content, semolina is recommended for people with indigestion. Semolina does not cause "bloating" or excessive gas formation, such as pea or oatmeal porridge. The assimilation of semolina by the body occurs quickly and almost completely.

Semolina porridge is a source of easily digestible carbohydrates that are quickly and almost completely processed by the body. Suitable for most people, except for people with gluten intolerance.

The harm of semolina

The main contraindication to the use of semolina is the high content of gluten (gluten) in its composition. In some people, gluten is not absorbed by the body and can cause allergic reactions.

Semolina composition, per 100 gr. dry product

% of the daily value in 100 g
Calorie content 333 kcal 19.8%
Protein 10.3 g 13.6%
Fats 1 g 1.7%
Carbohydrates 70.6 g 33.5%
Alimentary fiber 3.6 g 18%
Water 14 g 0.6%
Ash 0.5 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.14 mg 9.3%
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.04 mg 2.2%
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.17 mg 8.5%
Vitamin B9, folate 23 μg 5.8%
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 1.5 mg 10%
Vitamin PP, NE 3 mg 15%
Niacin 1.2 mg
Potassium, K 130 mg 5.2%
Calcium, Ca 20 mg 2%
Silicon, Si 6 mg 20%
Magnesium, Mg 18 mg 4.5%
Sodium, Na 3 mg 0.2%
Sulfur, S 75 mg 7.5%
Phosphorus, Ph 85 mg 10.6%
Chlorine, Cl 21 mg 0.9%
Trace elements
Aluminum, Al 570 mcg
Boron, B 63 μg
Vanadium, V 103 mcg
Iron, Fe 1 mg 5.6%
Cobalt, Co 25 mcg 250%
Manganese, Mn 0.44 mg 22%
Copper, Cu 70 mcg 7%
Molybdenum, Mo 11.3 μg 16.1%
Nickel, Ni 11.5 μg
Tin, Sn 3.2 μg
Titanium, Ti 8.9 μg
Fluorine, F 20 mcg 0.5%
Chrome, Cr 1 μg 2%
Zinc, Zn 0.59 mg 4.9%
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 68.5 g
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 1.6 g
Essential amino acids
Arginine * 0.47 g
Valine 0.49 g
Histidine * 0.21 g
Isoleucine 0.45 g
Leucine 0.81 g
Lysine 0.26 g
Methionine 0.16 g
Methionine + Cysteine 0.38 g
Threonine 0.32 g
Tryptophan 0.11 g
Phenylalanine 0.54 g
Phenylalanine + Tyrosine 0.81 g
Essential amino acids
Alanin 0.34 g
Aspartic acid 0.38 g
Glycine 0.37 g
Glutamic acid 3.2 g
Proline 1.04 g
Serine 0.53 g
Tyrosine 0.27 g
Cysteine 0.22 g
Saturated fatty acid
Saturated fatty acids 0.2 g

Calorie content of semolina in various household containers:

  • Glass 250 ml = 200 g (666 kcal)
  • Glass 200 ml = 160 g (532.8 kcal)
  • Tablespoon = 25 g (83.3 kcal)
  • Teaspoon = 8 g (26.6 kcal)

White, tender semolina porridge in milk is familiar to each of us with early childhood.

For some, she was a favorite dish prepared by caring mother's hands, and for others, the worst nightmare of kindergarten, with disgusting lumps and an undefined salty sweet taste. But what is semolina made of, because the cereal called semolina does not exist? Let's figure it out!

A bit of history

In the old days, semolina was served only in wealthy families, since it was very expensive. The first mention of semolina dates back to the medieval period, both in Europe and in Russia. In the 18th-19th centuries, the famous Guryev porridge was prepared from it, invented by the personal chef of Count Guryev and very popular among the Russian nobility, as well as a variety of puddings, soufflés and casseroles.

For the common people semolina remained inaccessible for a long time, and only under Soviet rule this tasty, easily digestible cereal firmly entered the diet of preschool children.

What is semolina made of?

There is nothing mysterious about the origin of semolina: it is a by-product of grinding wheat flour. When grinding wheat grains, the main part of the grinding is made up of the fine fraction, i.e. flour, but some particles remain larger than necessary. They are separated by sifting - this is the semolina. The semolina particles are initially heterogeneous, so they are additionally processed, leading to the required standard.

For the manufacture of semolina, different varieties of wheat are used.

- Groats made from the so-called soft varieties are marked with a letter M on the package. Grains from them will turn out to be white and opaque, and during cooking they swell greatly, and the porridge turns out to be tender, like a cream.

- Semolina from durum wheat is marked with a letter T... Its yellowish grains are translucent in appearance. When cooked, they swell much less than soft ones, but the porridge remains crumbly. From decoy T-grades you get a very tasty unsweetened porridge in water, which is cooked with preliminary calcination of dry cereals in a pan.

- Semolina made from a mixture of hard and soft cereals is marked with letters MT and consists of 80% soft and 20% hard varieties.

Semolina brand M most often used for cooking baby porridge, as well as for making mousses and casseroles, adding to baked goods. Groats grade T good in puddings, pancakes and the like. Brand MT is considered universal, but its properties are closer to brand M.

How is semolina made?

The preparation of semolina is a rather complicated technological process, which is organized with the help of modern equipment.

1. Wheat grains are heated (tempered), then threshed and washed to remove dust and dirt.

2. Clean dried grain enters the flour-grinding complex, where coarse grinding takes place, after which the core of the grain is separated from the outer part (bran) using an air jet.

3. The cores of wheat grains are ground, after which the grinding is sieved, and the coarse particles are separated for further processing.

4. By several grinding and sifting, semolina particles are brought to a standard size (0.75-0.5 mm), ground and dust particles are removed.

5. The finished semolina is quality tested, after which it is packed in bags or sacks and goes on sale.

The benefits and harms of semolina

Today, one can often find diametrically opposite opinions about the benefits of semolina: some consider it to be an extremely useful dietary product, others argue that you should not eat semolina at all. The truth, as usual, lies in the middle.

Semolina contains quite a lot of calories, but it is poor in vitamins and fiber, so it is useful in small quantities for children who consume a lot of energy, as well as for elderly people with diseases of the digestive tract. This does not mean that you need to eat semolina porridge every day, but two or three times a week, a dessert or a side dish of semolina will be beneficial. The cereal contains a small amount of magnesium, zinc, potassium, vitamins B, PP and E.

It should be noted that semolina contains a lot of gluten (gluten), which can cause an allergic reaction. It is for this reason that semolina has been excluded from the diet of children of the first year of life today, although the previous several generations literally grew up on milk semolina.

In addition, semolina is rich in phytin, a substance that binds and blocks calcium salts. Because of it, milk semolina is not at all as useful as it was previously thought, and with frequent use, it can even lead to the leaching of calcium from the child's body.

Semolina quickly boils down, contains very little fiber. Semolina is digested in the lower intestine and then absorbed into the bloodstream. That is why liquid semolina is a part of diets for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Semolina cleanses the body and removes fat.

Semolina is very high in gluten, a protein also called gluten. There are people who are intolerant to gluten, which causes allergies.

There are three types of semolina on sale: the letter "M" on the package indicates semolina from soft wheat varieties, the letter "T" denotes cereals made from hard varieties, and the letters "MT" indicate semolina containing at least 20% of cereals from hard varieties wheat. Very often this information is not indicated on the packaging.

Semolina flavor

Semolina is coarsely ground wheat, so it tastes right. The taste of semolina porridge depends on what products were additionally used in the preparation of the porridge.

Combining semolina with other products

Semolina goes well with fruits, jams, cottage cheese (in casseroles).

The use of semolina in cooking

Semolina is used for the preparation of semolina, Guryev porridge, dumplings, casseroles, manna. Semolina is also used as a binding ingredient in the preparation of meat and fish cutlets, especially in baby food.

Features of cooking semolina

When cooking semolina porridge, you should follow the rules:

  1. For 0.5 liters of liquid, you need to take ¾ glass of semolina.
  2. The groats are poured in a thin stream, stirring continuously, into a hot, but not boiling (90-95 C) liquid, adding salt and sugar. You can pour the cereal through a sieve. Fall asleep quickly and evenly.
  3. Smaller cereals boil faster.
  4. After the porridge is cooked, it is necessary to close the pan with a lid and leave it for a while so that the cereal swells.

Semolina storage

Store semolina in a sealed jar in a cool dry place. You can throw a clove of garlic into the jar.

Traditional role in dishes

Semolina is cooked from semolina, it is added to casseroles, pancakes are baked on its basis and pies - manniks are made.

Allowable substitutions

In casseroles, cutlets, semolina can be replaced with coarse wheat flour or starch.

The history of the origin of semolina

Although people cultivated wheat even before our era, semolina appeared much later.

In Russia, semolina was produced in small quantities and only got on the tables of aristocrats, the common people did not know semolina. In the USSR, semolina porridge has become an everyday, publicly available product.

Influence on the human body, useful substances

Semolina porridge is very often prepared for children, which is not entirely correct, since a child's stomach cannot yet digest the starch contained in semolina in large quantities. The phytin contained in semolina is able to bind calcium, which comes along with other food, thus depriving the child's body building material for bones. Often, children who constantly eat semolina get sick with rickets or seizures.

For adults and the elderly, the disadvantages of fiber-free semolina turn into its advantages: semolina does not irritate the stomach, prevents colon cancer. Semolina is the only cereal that is digested in the lower part of the intestine and only there is absorbed into its walls. Manka is good remedy treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases, it cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat.

Semolina contains everything that is in wheat flour: starch, vitamins E and B1, B2, B6, PP, iron. Semolina is recommended for severe patients in the postoperative period, when enhanced nutrition is needed.

Interesting facts about semolina

Who invented the Guryev porridge

The famous Guryev porridge was invented in early XIX century. The name of this porridge comes from the name of Count Dmitry Guryev, a member of the State Council and Minister of Finance, and it was invented by Zakhar Kuzmin, a serf cook. Guryev bought out Kuzmin and his family and made him his own cook. There is another version, according to which Guryev himself invented a recipe for porridge.