Genres related to the journalistic style of speech. Features of publicistic style. Functions of journalistic style. What it is

The word journalistic is derived from the Latin word publicus, which means “public, state”. The words journalism (socio-political literature on modern, topical topics) and publicist (author of works on socio-political topics) are cognate with the word journalistic. Etymologically, all these words are related to the word public, which has two meanings: 1) visitors, spectators, listeners; 2) people, people.

The purpose of the journalistic style of speech- informing, transferring socially significant information with a simultaneous impact on the reader, listener, convincing him of something, suggesting certain ideas, views to him, encouraging him to certain actions, actions.

Scope of publicistic style of speech- socio-economic, political, cultural relations.

Genres of journalism- article in a newspaper, magazine, essay, reportage, interview, feuilleton, oratory, judicial speech, speech on radio, television, at a meeting, report.

The journalistic style of speech is characterized by logicality, figurativeness, emotionality, appraisal, appeal and their corresponding language tools. It widely uses socio-political vocabulary, various types of syntactic constructions.

A journalistic text is often constructed as a scientific discourse: an important social problem is put forward, possible ways of solving it are analyzed and evaluated, generalizations and conclusions are made, the material is arranged in a strict logical sequence, general scientific terminology is used. This brings him closer to the scientific style.

Publicistic speeches are distinguished by reliability, accuracy of facts, concreteness, strict validity. It also brings him closer to the scientific style of speech. On the other hand, publicistic speech is characterized by passion, appeal. The most important requirement for journalism is public accessibility: it is designed for a wide audience and should be understandable to everyone.

The journalistic style has much in common with the artistic style of speech. In order to effectively influence the reader or listener, his imagination and feelings, the speaker or writer uses epithets, comparisons, metaphors and other figurative means, resorts to colloquial and even colloquial words and phrases, phraseological expressions that enhance the emotional impact of speech.

Publicistic articles by literary critics V.G. Belinsky, N.A. Dobrolyubova, N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.V. Shelgunov, historians S.M. Solovieva, V.O. Klyuchevsky, philosophers V.V. Rozanova, N.A. Berdyaev, speeches by prominent Russian lawyers A.F. Koni, F.N. Plevako. M. Gorky turned to journalistic genres (the cycles “On Modernity”, “In America”, “Notes on Philistinism”, “Untimely Thoughts”), V.G. Korolenko (letters to A.V. Lunacharsky), M.A. Sholokhov, A.N. Tolstoy, L.M. Leonov. The writers S.P. are known for their journalistic articles. Zalygin, V.G. Rasputin, D.A. Granin, V.Ya. Lakshin, Academician D.S. Likhachev.

The journalistic style (as mentioned earlier) includes the speech of the defender or prosecutor in court. And the fate of a person often depends on their oratory, the ability to master the word.

The journalistic style of speech is characterized by the widespread use of socio-political vocabulary, as well as vocabulary denoting the concepts of morality, ethics, medicine, economics, culture, words from the field of psychology, words denoting internal state, human experience, etc.

In a journalistic style, the words are often used: with prefixes a-, anti-, de-, inter-, times- (s-); with suffixes -i (ya), -qi (ya), -izatsi (ya), -ism, -ist; with roots close in meaning to prefixes, all-, general-, super-.

The vocabulary of the journalistic style is characterized by the use of figurative means, the figurative meaning of words, words with a brightly emotional coloring.

The means of emotional influence used in this style of speech are diverse. For the most part, they resemble figurative and expressive means. artistic style speeches, with the difference, however, that their main purpose is not the creation of artistic images, but the impact on the reader, listener, convincing him of something and informing, transmitting information.

Emotional means of expressiveness of the language can include epithets (including those that are an application), comparisons, metaphors, rhetorical questions and appeals, lexical repetitions, gradation. Gradation is sometimes combined with repetition (not a single week, not a single day, not a single minute can be lost), it can be enhanced by grammatical means: the use of gradational unions and allied combinations (not only ..., but also; not only ..., but also; not only …, how). This includes phraseological units, proverbs, sayings, colloquial turns of speech (including vernacular); the use of literary images, quotations, linguistic means of humor, irony, satire (witty comparisons, ironic inserts, satirical retelling, parading, puns).

The emotional means of the language are combined in a journalistic style with strict logical proof, semantic highlighting of especially important words, phrases, and individual parts of the statement.

Socio-political vocabulary is replenished as a result of borrowings, new formations and the revival of previously known words, but with a new meaning (for example: entrepreneur, business, market, etc.).

In the journalistic style of speech, as well as in the scientific one, nouns in the genitive case are often used as an inconsistent definition of the type of voice of the world, the countries of the near abroad. In sentences, verbs in the form of the imperative mood, reflexive verbs often act as a predicate.

The syntax of this style of speech is characterized by the use of homogeneous members, introductory words and sentences, participial and adverbial phrases, complex syntactic constructions.

Journalistic style - this is a style that serves the sphere of socio-political, socio-economic, socio-cultural and other social relations. This is the style of newspaper articles, radio and television programs, political speeches.

Main functions journalistic style informational and influencing, basic forms of speech - oral and written; typical type of speech - monologue.

characteristic peculiarities This style - the relevance of issues, imagery, sharpness and brightness of presentation - are due to the social purpose of journalism: by transmitting information, to produce a certain impact on the addressee (often mass), to form public opinion on a particular issue.

Journalistic style is considered to be a very complex phenomenon due to the heterogeneity of its tasks and conditions of communication, the diversity of genres. Transitional, inter-style phenomena are very noticeable in it. So, in analytical problematic articles on scientific and economic topics published in newspapers, the impact of the scientific (popular science) style is affected.

An important linguistic feature of journalistic style is the combination of two tendencies - toexpressiveness and to the standard .

Depending on the genre, either expression or standard comes to the fore. Expression prevails in such genres as pamphlet, feuilleton, etc. In the genres of editorial newspaper article, newsreel, reportage, striving for maximum information content and speed of information transfer, the trend towards the standard prevails.

Such language means are considered standard, which are often reproduced in a certain speech situation and, more broadly, in a certain functional style. Combinations labor watch, new frontiers, live response, warm support, steady growth, aggravation of the situation and etc.




    Both literary (neutral, bookish, colloquial) and colloquial and slang vocabulary and phraseology are used ( I suppose, cool, party etc.).

    The use of language tools with emotionally expressive coloring, evaluative semantics ( totalitarian, foppishness, narrow-mindedness, bully and etc.).

    Along with the neutral, high book vocabulary is used, which has a solemn, pathetic coloring: homeland, service,dare, broadcast, creation, accomplishments etc.

    A significant role in the journalistic style is played by colloquial vocabulary. The assessment contained in it contributes to the democratization of style, provides the necessary contact with the addressee and influence on him. For instance: hype, public utilities, gratuitousness,get a hold of).

    Are used speech standards- stable in its composition and reproducible in finished form, language means that do not cause a negative attitude, as they have clear semantics and economically express an idea, contributing to the speed of information transfer: humanitarian aid, commercial structures, public sector employees, employment service, information sources and etc.

7. Characteristic phraseology that allows you to accurately and quickly give information: election campaign, treaty ratification, political thinking, return visit, peaceful coexistence, arms race, yellow press.



    The morphology of the journalistic style does not provide vivid examples of stylistic fixation. A particular feature of the journalistic style is the use of uncountable nouns in the plural form: conversations, searches, initiatives, moods, needs and etc.

    Among the features of this style can be attributed the frequency of imperative forms of the verb, which contribute to the activation of the interlocutor's attention: look, let's think, pay attention, take a closer look etc. Imperative forms are a style-forming feature in calls, appeals: Vote for our candidate! Protect the environment!

    The substantiation of adjectives and participles with the meaning of a person gets a stylistic coloring: right flank, an example of the best, work without lagging behind.

    In terms of the use of tense forms of the verb, the journalistic style also differs from other book styles: it is not characterized by the predominance of the present tense forms - the present and past tense forms are equally used.

    The objectivity of the presentation of the material is facilitated by the forms of the passive and mid-reflexive voices of verbs. For instance: The situation is heating up; Military tensions are escalating. Passive participles are considered to be publicistically colored. time with the suffix -om-: led, carried, driven.

    The expression of high appreciation is expressed by the superlative forms of adjectives: the strongest measures, the strongest influence, the deepest respect, the strictest discipline.

    A feature of the journalistic style in use service units speech is the frequency of the use of negative particles not and neither, amplifying particle same, particles after all, here, even, only and etc.



    Emotionally and expressively colored constructions are commonly used: exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions, sentences with appeal, nominative sentences, repetitions, reverse word order in a sentence (inversion).

    The desire for expression leads to the use of constructions with colloquial coloring, for example, two-term segmented constructions: Spartakiad ski track. Women came out today. The division of the statement into parts not only facilitates the perception of its meaning, but also gives the text tension, dynamism, expressive emphasis on one or another part of the statement.

    For stylistic purposes, homogeneous and isolated members of the sentence are used.

Journalistic style- functional style of speech, which is used in the genres: article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, oratory.

Publicistic style serves to influence people and inform them through the media (newspapers, magazines, television, posters, booklets). It is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality, appraisal, appeal. It widely uses, in addition to neutral, high, solemn vocabulary and phraseology, emotionally colored words, the use short sentences, chopped prose, verbless phrases, rhetorical questions, exclamations, repetitions, etc. The linguistic features of this style are affected by the breadth of topics: it becomes necessary to include special vocabulary that requires explanation. On the other hand, a number of topics are in the center of public attention, and the vocabulary related to these topics acquires a journalistic coloring. Among such topics, politics, economics, education, healthcare, criminalistics, and military topics should be singled out.

The journalistic style is characterized by use of evaluative vocabulary, which has strong emotional overtones (energetic start, firm position, severe crisis).

This style is used in the sphere of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not for a narrow circle of specialists, but for the general public, and the impact is directed not only to the mind, but also to the feelings of the addressee.

Speech task:

1) influence mass consciousness;

2) call to action;

3) communicate information.

Vocabulary has a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring, includes colloquial, colloquial and slang elements. Vocabulary, characteristic of the journalistic style, can be used in other styles: in official business, scientific. But in a journalistic style, it acquires a special function - to create a picture of events and convey to the addressee the journalist's impressions of these events.

“... Thousands and thousands of your sons have covered themselves with splendor and glory throughout the ages. They enriched our lives with great discoveries, their work, the work of your sons, created from the beast human is the best of everything that has been seen on earth. How can you allow the person you have born to descend again into a beast, into a predator, into a murderer. Mothers! Wives! You own the voice, you own the right to make law on earth.
M. Gorky.) "

Journalistic style: functions and scope. Varieties and genre originality of journalistic style.

Journalistic style of speech(general characteristics)

Latin has a verb public are- "make public, open to all" or "explain publicly, make public". The word is connected with it by origin. journalism. Publicism is a special type of literary works that highlights, explains current issues of socio-political life, and raises moral problems.

The subject of journalism is life in society, economics, ecology - everything that concerns everyone.

Journalistic style used in the socio-political sphere of activity. This is the language of newspapers, socio-political magazines, propaganda radio and television programs, comments on documentaries, the language of speeches at meetings, rallies, celebrations, etc. Journalistic style is a speech activity in the field of politics in all its variety of meanings. The main means of journalistic style are designed not only for the message, information, logical proof, but also for the emotional impact on the listener (audience).

The characteristic features of journalistic works are the relevance of the issue, political passion and imagery, sharpness and brightness of presentation. They are due to the social purpose of journalism - reporting facts, forming public opinion, actively influencing the mind and feelings of a person.

Publicistic style is represented by many genres:

1. newspaper- essay, article, feuilleton, reportage;

2. television– analytical program, information message, live dialogue;

3. public speaking- speech at a rally, toast, debate;

4. communicative- press conference, "no tie" meeting, teleconferences;

Functions of journalistic style

One of the important features of the journalistic style is combination within its framework of two functions of the language: message functions ( informative) and the impact function ( expressive).

Message function consists in the fact that the authors of journalism texts inform a wide range of readers, viewers, listeners about problems that are significant for society.

The information function is inherent in all styles of speech. Its specificity in a journalistic style lies in the subject and nature of the information, in its sources and addressees. Thus, television programs, newspaper and magazine articles inform society about the most diverse aspects of its life: about parliamentary debates, about the economic programs of the government and parties, about incidents and crimes, about the state of environment about the everyday life of citizens.

Information submission method in a journalistic style also has its own distinctive features. Information in journalistic texts not only describes the facts, but also reflects the assessment, opinions, moods of the authors, contains their comments and reflections. This distinguishes it, for example, from official business information. Another difference in the provision of information is due to the fact that the publicist tends to write selectively - primarily about what is of interest to certain community groups, he highlights only those aspects of life that are important to his potential audience.

Informing citizens about the state of affairs in socially significant spheres is accompanied in journalistic texts by the implementation of the second most important function of this style - impact functions. The goal of the publicist is not only to tell about the state of affairs in society, but also to convince the audience of the need for a certain attitude towards the facts presented and the need for the desired behavior. Therefore, the journalistic style is characterized by open tendentiousness, polemicism, emotionality (which is caused by the desire of the publicist to prove the correctness of his position).

In various journalistic genres, one of the two named functions can act as a leading one, while it is important that the influence function does not crowd out information function: propaganda of ideas useful for society should be based on complete and reliable information to the audience.

Linguistic signs of a journalistic style of speech

Lexical features

1. In the journalistic style, there are always ready-made standard formulas (or speech clichés), which are not of an individual authorial, but of a social nature: warm support, lively response, harsh criticism, putting things in order etc. As a result of repeated repetitions, these clichés often turn into boring (erased) clichés: fundamental changes, radical reforms.

Speech patterns reflect the nature of time. Many clichés are already outdated, for example: sharks of imperialism, growing pains, servants of the people, enemy of the people. On the contrary, newfangled for the official press of the late 90s. became words and expressions: elite, struggle of elites, elite of the criminal world, top financial elite, promote, virtual, image, iconic figure, power pie, child of stagnation, wooden ruble, lie injection.

Numerous examples of speech clichés became part of the so-called journalistic phraseology, which allows you to quickly and accurately give information: peaceful offensive, force of dictate, ways of progress, security issue, package of proposals.

2. The relationship between the sender and the addressee in a journalistic style is similar to the relationship between the actor and the audience. "Theatrical" vocabulary- the second striking feature of the journalistic style. It permeates all journalistic texts: political show , on the political arena, behind the scenes fight, role leader, dramatic events known in politics trick, nightmarish scenario and etc.

3. characteristic feature journalistic style is emotional-evaluative vocabulary. This assessment is not individual, but social in nature. For example, positive words: asset, mercy, thoughts, dare, prosperity; negative words: plant, philistine, sabotage, racism, depersonalization.

4. In a journalistic style special place belongs to the book layers of vocabulary, which have a solemn, civil-pathetic, rhetorical coloring: dare, erect, self-sacrifice, army, homeland. The use of Old Church Slavonicisms also gives the text a pathetic tone: accomplishments, power, guardian etc.

5. In texts of journalistic style military terminology is often present: guards, height assault, forward edge, line of fire, direct fire, strategy, reserve mobilization. But it is used, of course, not in its own direct meaning, but figuratively (texts with these words can be, for example, about harvesting, commissioning new production facilities, etc.).

6. As an evaluation tool in journalism may meet passive words vocabularyarchaisms. For instance: dollar and his healers . Military profits are growing.

Morphological features

The morphological features of the journalistic style include the frequent use of certain grammatical forms of parts of speech. This:

1) the singular of a noun in the plural sense: Russian man has always been resilient; Teacher always knows student ;

2) genitive case of a noun: time change, package proposals, reform prices, exit from crisis and etc.;

3) imperative forms of the verb: stay with us on the first channel!

4) present tense of the verb: in Moscow opens, April 3 starts;

5) participles on -ohm: driven, weightless, driven;

6) derivative prepositions: in the field, on the way, on the base, in the name of, in the light, in the interests of, taking into account.

Syntactic signs

The syntactic features of the journalistic style include frequently repeated, as well as specific types of sentences (syntactic constructions). Among them:

1) rhetorical questions: Will the Russian man survive? Do Russians want wars?

2) exclamatory sentences: All to the polls!

3) proposals with reversed order: The army is at war with nature(cf.: The army is at war with nature).The exception was mining enterprises(compare: Enterprises were an exception);

4) headings of articles, essays that perform an advertising function: Small troubles of a large fleet. Winter is the hot season.

Headlines often use a specific language technique - " connection of the unconnected". It makes it possible to reveal the internal inconsistency of an object or phenomenon with minimal linguistic means: a toiling parasite, repeated inimitable, gloomy merriment, eloquent silence.

There are many definitions of the term "style". If we compare these definitions, then we can distinguish general provisions: style is: 1) a variety literary language, 2) which functions (acts) in a certain area of ​​social activity, 3) for which it uses the specific features of text construction and linguistic means of expressing content specific to a given style. In other words, styles are the main largest speech varieties.

Various factors influence the formation and functioning of styles. Since style exists in speech, its formation is influenced by factors (conditions) that are associated with the life of society itself. These factors are called extralinguistic or extralinguistic. There are the following factors:

· Sphere of social activity: science, law, politics, art, domestic sphere;

Form of speech: written or oral;

Type of speech: monologue, dialogue, polylogue;

Mode of communication: public or private (all functional styles, except colloquial, refer to public communication);

· Genre of speech: in particular for journalistic style - note, article, reportage, etc.;

· Functions of communication.

Each style implements all the functions of the language (communication, message, influence, etc.), but only one is leading. For example, for a scientific style this is a message, for a journalistic style it is an impact. Based on these factors, the following styles of the Russian language are traditionally distinguished: scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial and artistic.

Let's take a closer look at publicistic style.

The journalistic style is characteristic of the political sphere of society, functions in written and oral forms, manifests itself both in monologue and in dialogue and polylogue (discussion), is a public way of communication.

The purpose of journalistic texts is to inform citizens about events in the country and in the world, as well as to form public opinion. A feature of the journalistic style is the combination of the standard (stable linguistic forms of expression) and expression (linguistic means that affect the reader's emotions).

The journalistic style is represented by a variety of genres that have different tasks in the process of communication and function in different conditions. So, journalistic genres include newspaper political information, editorials, notes, feuilletons, pamphlets, lyrical and journalistic articles, as well as slogans, appeals, appeals to citizens of the country, reviews of films and performances, satirical notes, essays, reviews, that is, all genres of mass communication (the language of newspapers, magazines, television and radio programs), as well as the oral form of speech - public speeches on socio-political topics. Due to the variety of genres, the characteristic of journalistic style causes many difficulties.

It should be borne in mind that the journalistic style, like all other styles, is a historical phenomenon and is subject to change, but in it, more than in other styles, changes are noticeable that are due to socio-political processes in society. So, even a non-specialist can see changes in the newspaper modern style in comparison, for example, with the language of the newspapers of the beginning of the century: open conscription, slogans, directiveness of newspapers have disappeared, modern newspapers strive at least for external argumentation of presentation, polemical publications. However, the characteristic stylistic features of journalism have been preserved.

The journalistic style is primarily characterized by the desire to influence the reader, the listener. So, the most important feature of the journalistic style is its influencing function, which can be designated by the linguistic term "expressive function". This function of journalistic style is inherent in all its genres in any socio-political conditions.

A characteristic feature of this style is also the information content of the presentation associated with the popularization function. The desire to communicate something new for the reader and listener ensures the success of journalistic genres. The peculiarity of the functioning of the journalistic genre, for example, in newspapers, the conditions for preparing the material, different level qualifications of numerous correspondents contributes to the fact that there are standard language means in the texts of newspapers. The standard character of language means is generated both by repetition and by the fact that the search for expressive means is limited in time, and therefore ready-made expression formulas are used.

Thus, the typical features of a journalistic style are: the desire to influence the reader is an influencing function; information content; expressiveness due to the influencing function; the presence of a standard in the expression. The influencing function of the journalistic style determines the expressiveness of this style. Expressiveness is manifested primarily in the evaluation of events and phenomena. Evaluation is expressed by the use of adjectives, nouns, adverbs with the meaning of a positive or negative evaluation of the type: wonderful, most interesting, important, sufficient, grandiose, unprecedented, etc. Evaluation is also expressed by the use of high book vocabulary: daring, Motherland, Fatherland, mission, inspiration, feat of arms, etc. On the other hand, the assessment is expressed by colloquial and even colloquial vocabulary, for example: hype, frenzied, renegades, etc.

A sharp, apt, figurative assessment is expressed using metaphors, personification, for example: the news is in a hurry, spring is raging, slander and hypocrisy are walking side by side.

In the journalistic style, foreign words and elements of words are actively used, in particular prefixes a-, anti-, pro-, neo-. ultra- (anti-constitutional, ultra-right, etc.). It is thanks to the media Lately the active vocabulary of foreign words that are part of the Russian language has been significantly replenished - privatization, electorate, denomination and others. Evaluation can also be expressed using word-building means, for example, superlative suffixes for adjectives, evaluation suffixes for nouns: the highest, the most interesting, the most important, group action, hazing, assault.

The syntax of the newspaper-journalistic style of speech also has its own characteristics associated with the active use of emotionally and expressive-colored constructions: exclamatory and interrogative sentences, offers with appeal, rhetorical questions, repetitions, dissected constructions, etc. The desire for expression determines the use of constructions with colloquial coloring: particles, interjections, inversions, non-union sentences, the omission of one or another member of the sentence, etc. Often the assessment is already expressed in the headings, therefore, expressiveness requirements are imposed on the title of the articles , catchiness. Expressiveness is thus expressed by a variety of linguistic means, including the structure of the sentence.

The informativeness of the journalistic style is achieved:

a) documentary and factual manner of presentation through the use of special terms, special vocabulary, professional words;

b) the generalization of the presentation, its analyticity;

c) "neutrality" of presentation, which is facilitated by non-expressive vocabulary; complex syntactic constructions are used, especially with a subordinating connection.

A characteristic feature of the journalistic style is the presence of special newspaper standards, special newspaper phraseology, newspaper clichés appear, for example: make a huge contribution, work with a twinkle, honor sacredly, increase martial traditions, universal values, etc.

The journalistic style uses linguistic means of different styles, however, the main style features of the journalistic style stand out very clearly, and the journalistic style is a special phenomenon, combining such features as expressiveness and standard, informativeness and popularization.

Journalism is called the chronicle of modernity, since it reflects the current history in its entirety, addresses the topical problems of society - political, social, cultural, everyday, philosophical, etc. Newspaper-journalistic (journalistic) style speech is presented on the pages of newspapers and magazines, in the materials of radio and television journalism, in public lectures, in the speeches of speakers in parliament, at congresses, plenums, meetings, rallies, etc.

Texts related to this style are distinguished by a variety of topics and language design. On the one hand, the same genre, for example, the genre of reportage, will be significantly different in the newspaper, on radio and on television. But, on the other hand, newspaper reporting differs significantly from other newspaper genres - information, essay, feuilleton, etc.

However, all genres of journalism have many common features that allow them to be combined into a single whole. And these common features are due to the presence of common function. Journalistic style texts are always addressed to the masses and always perform - along with informational - an influencing function. The nature of the impact can be direct and open. For example, at a rally, speakers openly call on the masses to support or reject this or that decision of the government, this or that speaker, politician, etc.

The nature of the impact may be different, as if hidden behind an outwardly objective presentation of facts (cf. news programs on radio, television). However, the very selection of facts, their more or less detailed consideration, the nature of the presentation of the material also provide for a certain impact on the masses. By its very nature, journalism is designed to actively intervene in life, to shape public opinion.

A characteristic feature of journalism is also that it affects not only one person, but precisely the masses, society as a whole and its individual social groups. In the journalistic style, the author's individuality is much stronger than in the scientific, official and business styles. However, in this case, the author manifests himself not only as a specific person (with his own unique features), but also as a representative of society, an exponent of certain social ideas, interests, etc.

Therefore, the main feature, the dominant feature of journalistic style is social appraisal, which is manifested both in the very selection of facts, the degree of attention to them, and in the use of expressive linguistic means.

In general, the journalistic style is characterized by a constant alternation of expression and standard, the constant transformation of expressive means into a standard and the search for new expressive means of expression.

For example, metaphors cold war, iron curtain, perestroika, stagnation, thaw almost immediately turned into socio-political, standardly used terms.

Such confrontation and interaction of expression and standard is quite natural. The influencing function determines the constant desire of journalism for expression, but the need for expressive and visual means conflicts with the need to quickly respond to all the events of our time. Standards, being ready-made speech forms, are correlated with certain socio-political and other situations. And the text, built in a familiar, standard form, is easier to write and easier to digest. It is no coincidence that such stereotypes are most often found in those genres that require an economical and concise form and are operationally related to the event itself: official communication, information, press review, report on the work of parliament, government, etc. In other genres (essay, feuilleton, etc.) there are fewer speech standards, original expressive techniques come to the fore, speech is individualized.

The standard informative means used in a journalistic style include the following:

Language tools Examples
Socio-political vocabulary. Society, citizen, patriotism, reform, democracy, parliament, debate.
Terminology of science, production and other social media. According to the experts of the Institute terrestrial magnetism Russian Academy, main stream of solar matter passed away from the Earth ... At the beginning of the century, the peak of the eleven-year solar activity cycle. For 6 days, the number of requests for medical help for those suffering from diseases has doubled of cardio-vascular system.
Book vocabulary of abstract meaning. Intensify, constructive, priority.
Own names. It was decided to hold the next meeting of the G8 in Canada. After talks about the possible resignation of the Italian coach "Spartacus" gave his club the best match of the season. The president V.V. Putin made an appeal to the participants of the forum.
Abbreviations, that is, compound words. UNESCO, CIS, UN.
Newspaper cliches, that is, stable phrases and whole sentences. Difficult political environment; reserves for increasing efficiency; reach design capacity.
Polynomial phrases. Together with the delegation went to the DPRK working group to prepare proposals for the modernization of Korean roads.
Complete sentences with direct word order. Yesterday Minister of Railways N. Aksyonenko headed a delegation of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation and flew to Pyongyang.
Complex and complicated sentences with participial, adverbial phrases, plug-in constructions, etc. It is expected that during the meeting of ministers a number of issues related to the connection of the Trans-Korean Railway with the Trans-Siberian Railway will be resolved.

Among the expressive-influencing means, it is necessary to highlight the following:

Language tools Examples
Language level: Vocabulary and phraseology
Vocabulary of various stylistic coloring. Puncture inexperienced politician in intrigues; to one of the regional police departments of Khabarovsk man rammed cannon; The Pentagon watches with impotent desperation as Chinese experts gutted top secret plane; fire up state machine - it's not for weak.
Newspapers, that is, units that are widely used in this particular area and almost uncommon in other areas. Accomplishments, steady, initiative, intrigues, curbing, atrocities, military action, outrages, unanimously, solidarity.
Tropes, that is, turns of speech in which a word or expression is used in figurative meaning in order to achieve greater expressiveness.
a) Metaphor, that is, the use of a word in a figurative sense based on the similarity of two objects or phenomena. Election marathon; political farce; reserve of racism; political solitaire.
b) Metonymy, that is, the use of the name of one object instead of the name of another object on the basis of external or intercom(adjacency) between these objects or phenomena. Gold(meaning "gold medals") went to our athletes. London(meaning "the government, the ruling circles of Great Britain") agreed to participate in the military operation together with Washington(in the meaning of "the government, the ruling circles of the United States").
c) Synecdoche, that is, a kind of metonymy, in which the name of a part (detail) of an object is transferred to the whole object, and vice versa - the name of the whole is used instead of the name of the part. In this case, the singular is often used instead of plural and vice versa. The presentation was dominated by crimson jackets(instead - wealthy people, now conditionally called new Russians). Protection(instead of - the defender) requires the full justification of the widow Rokhlin. Even the most discerning buyer find here a product to your liking.
d) Epithet, that is, an artistic, figurative definition. Dirty war; gangster prices; barbaric methods.
e) Comparison, that is, a trope consisting in likening one object to another on the basis of a common feature. snow dust pillar stood in the air. It was noticeable that "the best teacher in Russia", going on stage, was worried like a first grader.
f) Paraphrase, that is, a trope, consisting in replacing the name of a person, object or phenomenon with a description of their essential features or an indication of their characteristic features. Foggy Albion (England); king of beasts (lion); creator of Macbeth (Shakespeare); singer of Giaur and Juan (Byron).
g) Allegory, that is, an allegorical depiction of an abstract concept with the help of a specific, life image. Such a quality of a person as cunning is shown in the form of a fox, greed - in the guise of a wolf, deceit - in the form of a snake, etc.
h) Hyperbole, that is, a figurative expression containing an exorbitant exaggeration of the size, strength, value of an object, phenomenon. Wide as the sea, highway; officials robbed poor tenants to the thread; ready suffocate in the arms.
i) Litota, that is, a figurative expression that downplays the size, strength, significance of the described object, phenomenon. Below a thin blade you have to bow your head. Such injections into our economy - a drop in the sea.
j) Personification, that is, endowing inanimate objects with signs and properties of a person. The ice track is waiting future champions. Terrifying poverty firmly clung to to an African country. not without reason slander and hypocrisy all life walk in an embrace.
Cliche expressive-influencing nature. People of good will; with a sense of legitimate pride; with deep satisfaction; to increase fighting traditions; policy of aggression and provocation; pirate course, the role of the world gendarme.
Phraseologisms, proverbs, sayings, winged words, including modified ones. Washington still shows the habit rake in the heat with someone else's hands. This faction is no stranger sing from someone else's voice. The restoration of Lensk proved that we have not forgotten how work with fire. Lennon lived, Lennon is alive, Lennon will live!
Language level: Morphology
The emphasized role of collectiveness (the use of the singular in the meaning of the plural, pronouns every, every, adverb always, never, everywhere and etc.). How to help farmer? This land is richly watered with the blood of our fathers and grandfathers. Each man at least once in his life thought about this question. Never The world has never seemed so small and fragile.
Forms of superlatives as an expression of expression, the highest rating. The most decisive measures, the highest achievements, the strictest ban.
Imperative (incentive) forms as an expression of agitation and sloganism (imperative mood, infinitive, etc.). summon slanderers to the answer! Be worthy memory of the fallen! Everyone - to fight the flood!
The expressive use of present tense forms in describing past events: the author seeks to present himself and the reader as if they were participants in these events. Now I often I ask myself, what made me in life? AND I answer- Far East. Here about everything their concepts, between people their relations. Here, for example, in Vladivostok comes whaling flotilla "Glory". The whole city buzzing. collects the bosses of all the sailors and say: “If you, a scoundrel, come tomorrow and say that you were robbed, then it’s better not to come.” Someone in the morning is an, of course robbed, and blames...
Language level: Expressive syntax and rhetorical figures *
Antithesis, that is, a sharp opposition of concepts, thoughts, images. The rich feast on weekdays, and the poor mourn on holidays.
Gradation, that is, such a construction of parts of the statement, in which each subsequent part contains an increasing (or decreasing) semantic or emotionally expressive meaning. Our officials have long forgotten that they are obliged cherish the people's wealth, preserve, increase, fight for every penny!
Inversion, that is, the arrangement of the members of the sentence in a special order that violates the usual (direct) word order. With joy this message was received. Don't leave terrorists from retribution.
Parallelism, that is, the same syntactic construction of adjacent sentences or segments of speech, including such varieties of parallelism as anaphora, that is, the repetition of the same elements at the beginning of each parallel row, and epiphora, that is, the repetition of the last elements at the end of each row. Every day the pensioner came to the district administration. Every day retirees were not accepted. On Monday, the plant did not work - shared received on a new order money. Didn't work on Tuesday either. shared the money. And now, a month later, also not up to work - divide money not earned yet!
Mixing Syntactic Structures(the incompleteness of the phrase, the end of the sentence is given in a different syntactic plan than the beginning, etc.). Our experiment showed that the Russian "wild geese" are ready to fight for the Americans, even for the Taliban. If only they paid... A banknote was confiscated from a citizen detained in Kazan, which was 83 times more than the norm. Did the terrorists also have such "weapons of mass destruction"?
Connecting structures, that is, those in which phrases do not fit immediately into one semantic plane, but form a chain of attachment. I recognize the role of the individual in history. Especially if it's the president. Especially the President of Russia. They did everything themselves. And what just did not come up with! It is worse when a person is not noticed behind the clothes. It is worse when offended. They offend undeservedly.
A rhetorical question, that is, the affirmation or denial of something in the form of a question, a rhetorical exclamation, a rhetorical appeal, as well as a question-corresponding presentation of the material as an imitation of a dialogue; introduction to the text of direct speech. So we will not hear the truth from our valiant naval commanders? Get it, Inspector, blue outfit! Yesterday, the Minister of the Interior signed a report from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate on the introduction of a new uniform for its employees in Russia. Equator wall? Easy!
Nominative representations, that is, an isolated nominative case, naming the topic of the subsequent phrase and designed to arouse special interest in the subject of the statement. September 11, 2001. This day became a black day in the life of the entire planet.
Ellipsis, that is, the intentional omission of any member of the sentence, which is implied from the context. In your letters - the truth of life. Russia - in the final of the 2002 World Cup!
Polyunion or, on the contrary, non-union in complex and complicated sentences. The team was shaken up more than once. And they changed coaches. And the center was transferred to the right flank. And the defense was dispersed. To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

Of course, the use of standard and expressive means of language in a journalistic style largely depends on the genre, on the sense of proportion, taste and talent of the publicist.