The prestigious Vorobyovy Gory school is evicted from the Palace of Pioneers. Lyceum "Vorobyovy Gory" Lyceum "Vorobyovy Gory" Novoyasenevsky

In the lyceum "Vorobyovy Gory" at the level of secondary general education, the following profiles are implemented:
natural science;

Technology Profile
Choosing a technological profile, a child can gain advanced knowledge in mathematics, physics, computer science.
In the Vorobyovy Gory Lyceum, early profiling is carried out at the level of primary general education by introducing variable courses, the purpose of which is to develop mathematical thinking. The implementation of federal state educational standards also makes it possible to increase interest in technical sciences, to promote the identification and development of children's talents through extracurricular activities such as Visual Programming, Small MechMath, Chess.
As part of additional education students of grades 1-4 are offered the programs "Initial technical modeling", "Fascinating science", "Robotics".
At the level of basic general education, classes are formed with a developing mathematical block (grades 5-7), pre-profile classes (grades 8-9), where courses in the choice of students in lesson activities become workshops in mathematics, physics, computer science, which allows prepare students for a conscious choice of specialized education, in extracurricular activities such courses as "Programming" (2-3 languages), "Special Physics", "Special Mathematics", "Technical English", allow you to navigate the world of professions, choose a specialization. As part of additional education, students in grades 5-6 are offered programming courses in the Scratch language, technical modeling and robotics. Schoolchildren in grades 7-9 study programming languages ​​as part of additional education high level(С++, C#, Python), web design, 3D engineering modeling, fundamentals of analog and digital electronics, digital manufacturing technologies, robotics. In the classroom, high school students learn to independently create websites, develop mobile applications, and program Arduino microprocessor devices. Students are also provided with programs to study computer 2D and 3D graphics, animation and digital media creativity using modern computer programs and systems. Classes are taught by qualified teachers - graduates of leading Russian universities.
Upon completion of basic general education, students of the Vorobyovy Gory State Budgetary Educational Institution continue their education at the level of secondary general education in technology profile classes. From 2016-2017 academic year educational organization implements the project "Academic (scientific and technological) class in a Moscow school", within the framework of which GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" cooperates with the A.V. Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the A.M. Prokhorov Institute of General Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Natural Science Profile
Children who choose a natural science profile receive advanced knowledge in such disciplines as biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. The implementation of federal state educational standards also makes it possible, through extracurricular activities such as Astronomy, Microbiology, We and the Biosphere, Young Medic, to increase interest in the natural sciences, to promote the identification and development of children's talents.
The children have biological workshops, additional classes on the study of subtropical nature, astronomy and astrophysics. Classes for students are held in the greenhouse, winter garden, living corner, zoological museum, botanical garden, collection and experimental plots open ground, as well as in the planetarium and observatory of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers. Children go to laboratory works to the Polytechnic Museum, as well as get acquainted with various interesting people- representatives of the natural-scientific environment.
Within the framework of the project "Academic (scientific and technological) class in a Moscow school", GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory" cooperates with the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry named after M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Microbiology named after S. N. Vinogradsky RAS.
Humanitarian profile
Children who choose this profile can get in-depth knowledge of the humanities: Russian, social science, English, a second foreign language.
Particular attention in the study of the humanities is given to a foreign language. Apart from in English children are offered the choice of studying French, German or Spanish. Such extracurricular activities courses as "Economics in English", "Country Studies", "Foreign Literature" allow not only to deepen knowledge of the language, teach to operate with specialized terms and take part in international competitions and olympiads, but also to broaden the horizons of students. There are courses “Traveling around English-speaking countries”, where in the classroom children can virtually visit different countries, go to a cafe, shop or ask for directions. Thus, they work out the practical application of the acquired skills, which increases interest in learning the language, and also allows them to overcome the speech barrier. Theater in English (French, German, Spanish) allows you to show the full creative potential of lyceum students, at the same time increasing the motivation of students. Students demonstrate their knowledge of languages ​​from the big stage of the Palace of Pioneers, delighting with beautiful theatrical performances in a foreign language, defend various research projects in a foreign language, which develops their skills scientific work, since any project is primarily a scientific research activity, and such work in a foreign language deserves special attention.

Socio-economic profile
The choice of this profile ensures the formation of a new economic thinking among students, the formation of the ability to independently acquire and apply economic knowledge, the development of an active life position in students in relation to the economic processes taking place in society.
Particular attention within the socio-economic profile is given to social science, mathematics and English. In addition to these disciplines, classes are held here in rhetoric, the basics of economics, and law.
Extracurricular activities such as "Economics in English", "Consumer Economics", "Mathematics in English", "Fundamentals of Financial Literacy" allow the student not only to expand their knowledge of economic disciplines, but also develop erudition and professional thinking skills, help understand the economic and political problems of our time, prepare well for admission to the chosen university.
Additional education is part of the educational program of the socio-economic class and provides students with additional opportunities for mastering special skills. Additional education programs are aimed at preparing for Olympiads in special subjects, organizing research and scientific and practical activities of students, important role in the realization of entrepreneurial potential.
In teaching, along with traditional methods, visiting seminars, trainings, defense of creative projects, participation in sociological research are used.

Participation in city projects of the Moscow Department of Education
In the 2016-2017 academic year, Vorobyovy Gory launched the following city projects of the Moscow Department of Education:
"Moscow Electronic School";
"Academic class in a Moscow school";
"Development of a convergent basic educational program for all levels of education."
In the 2017-2018 academic year, it is planned to participate in the implementation of the DOGM programs:
"Cadet class in a Moscow school";
"Medical class in a Moscow school".
The Lyceum cooperates with leading universities: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, RANEPA, MAI, HSE, RUDN and others.

The results of the annual rating of the TOP-300 best educational institutions in Moscow, which was prepared by the Department of Education of the capital, have been summed up. In the Konkovo ​​district of the South-Western Administrative District, 4 schools were included in this prestigious list at once.

Schools received points and positions in the TOP-300 for the results of children in the Unified State Examination, State Academic Examination, various olympiads and competitions, and other parameters were also evaluated, for example, if the child moved from the preschool department to the first grade of the same school. On the contrary, when there were violations during the unified state exam, many points were taken from the school.At the same time, the rating does not take into account the internal assessments of schools (in journals and notebooks), which makes it more objective.

Out of 300 schools, the top 170 places receive various grants (the top 20 will receive grants of the I degree, from 21 to 70 places - grants of the II degree, and from 71 to 170 places - grants of the III degree). The amount of grants is different every year and becomes known later. The school can use this money for internal needs: the purchase of equipment, equipment additional materials laboratories, repairs, etc.

The TOP-300 of the best schools this year included 43 schools in the South-Western Administrative District, of which 4 were schools in the Konkovo ​​district. This is school number 17 (96th place and grant III steps), school number 49 (167th place and a grant III steps), school No. 170 named after A.P. Chekhov (232nd place), school No. 113 of the YuZAO Konkovo ​​(284th place).

The general list of SWAO schools included in the TOP-300:

5th place - Lyceum "Second School" SWAD Gagarinsky

13th place - Gymnasium No. 1514 SWAO Lomonosovsky

19th place - School No. 2007 with in-depth study of physics and mathematics
SWAD Southern Butovo

24th place School No. 192 SWAO Gagarinsky

31st place Gymnasium No. 1534 YuZAO Academic

32nd place School No. 2086 SWAO Gagarinsky

35th place School No. 109 (Yamburg Education Center) SWAD Teply Stan

47th place Education Center No. 117 SWAO Lomonosovskiy

48th place School No. 2109 SWAD South Butovo

63rd place Gymnasium No. 45 named after L.I. Milgram South-Western Administrative District Academic

72nd place School No. 2009 SWAD South Butovo

76th place School with in-depth study of English No. 1354 South-West Administrative District Yuzhnoye Butovo

83rd place Lyceum No. 1533 (information technology) SWAO Gagarinsky

85th place School No. 2114 SWAD Severnoe Butovo

87th place School No. 199 SWAO Academic

88th place Gymnasium No. 1507 SWAD Teply Stan

96th place School No. 17 SWAD Konkovo

101st place Lyceum No. 1561 SWAO Yasenevo

120th place School No. 1492 South-West Administrative District South Butovo

121st place School No. 1212 SWAD Yasenevo

122nd place School with in-depth study of English No. 1273 YuZAO Konkovo

125th place Gymnasium No. 1532 SWAD Teply Stan

128th place School No. 1883 "Butovo" SWAD Southern Butovo

135th place School No. 1980 YuZAO South Butovo

153rd place School with in-depth study of English No. 1279 SWAD Zyuzino

159th place School with in-depth study of mathematics and informatics No. 7 SWAO Lomonosovskiy

162nd place Lyceum 1525 "Vorobyovy Gory" SWAD Gagarinsky

167th place School No. 49 SWAD Konkovo

169th place School No. 2006 SWAD Severnoe Butovo

174 place Professional educational institution Sparrow Hills SWAD Gagarinsky

179 place School with in-depth study foreign languages No. 1205 YuZAO Cheryomushki

191 place School No. 15 SWAD Cheryomushki

208th place School No. 1101 SWAD Teply Stan

214th place School No. 1106 SWAD Yasenevo

219 place School with in-depth study of English No. 1206

Parents are furious - at the beginning of the summer they were assured that this would not happen.

Lyceum "Vorobyovy Gory" is one of the most prestigious schools in Moscow, equal in popularity to other stellar educational institutions like the "Intellectual" or the 57th. Classes here follow a special program and experimental methods, and the school day is sometimes very different from what can be seen in ordinary secondary schools. The place where classes are held is also unusual - the Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills, which is an architectural monument.

It is in it, in fact, that the reason for the current conflict between the parents of the students, on the one hand, and the management of the lyceum and the Palace of Pioneers itself, on the other. The fact that the architectural monument on Kosygin Street was to undergo survey work, including "shoveling and chasing", was known at the beginning of summer - after the school year ended. However, it was then that parents were assured that there were no plans to move lyceum classes before the second half of 2020. Literally a day before the new school year, they were told the exact opposite - elementary and secondary school classes would begin the school year in buildings on Fotieva Street (in the Gagarinsky District) and Donskaya Street (in the Shabolovka District). This caused a sharp reaction from the parents, many of whom at one time even specially moved in order to live within walking distance from the lyceum.

“Parents, including me, are categorically not satisfied with this,” the mother of one of the students told Moskvich Mag, “the lyceum classes of the palace were created precisely as a symbiosis of school and additional education. Many subjects that children study as part of the school curriculum are taught by teachers who also lead circles, that is, they can give children more extensive knowledge and in the most interesting way. The transfer of the lyceum from the palace destroys this symbiosis. Therefore, de facto, it was not about the transfer of the lyceum, but about its destruction.”

The palace employees working in the buildings on Shabolovka are not happy with the move. “Mugs on Donskaya Street are not being liquidated, but, apparently, they will be reduced. And for us, teachers, the appearance of teachers, methodologists and children was a shock today ... it was especially unpleasant when I walked along the corridor and they told me: “Give me the key to your classroom - now the lyceum is being settled there,” says the teacher of the biological laboratory of the Palace of Pioneers on Shabolovka . - We collected everything with our own hands with the guys - we designed the collections, placed them in showcases, made labels. Most of the fees are ours. It is a pity, but both we and the lyceum students have become victims, hostages of this situation and the completely incomprehensible policy of the leadership.”

The competition for research and restoration (it should be the first since 1962) in the building on Sparrow Hills was announced in June, and its winner began work on August 23. At the same time, as the parents of the students point out in their Facebook group, for some reason no one is going to resettle the circles working in the palace - apparently, their visitors will not be able to interfere with chiselling and gating.

“On the twenty-eighth of August, I spoke with several employees of the palace. Their information was even more gloomy, - says the interlocutor of Moskvich Mag, - the administration informed them that the palace would be closed altogether soon. A vast territory with a park in a prestigious area has long haunted developers, so the “transfer of the lyceum” seems to be just the first step towards the start of building up the palace territory with commercial facilities. They simply decided to start with the lyceum in order to prevent the consolidation of protest among all the children and parents who visit the palace, including as an institution of additional education.