Pasta with ham and egg. Pasta with ham in a creamy sauce. What is the fill usually made from?

By traditional recipe it is made with spaghetti, bacon (or brisket) and a special egg and grated parmesan sauce.

Despite the fact that there is no cheese, cream, garlic, eggs in the traditional pasta a la carbonara, these ingredients are quite often used in various versions of this dish. Experiments can go so far that ham, cream, mushrooms become ingredients. Popular, for example, carbonara pasta with ham and cream. It turns out also very tasty! And most importantly, the Italians do not mind.

You can cook the most delicate, juicy carbonara pasta with ham and cream in just half an hour. The main thing is to boil pasta and don't be late with the sauce.

In order to achieve the perfect result in spaghetti cooking, details matter. For example, for cooking, you need to pick up a large pot so that you do not have to break the pasta. This is bad manners. The proportions of water, salt and pasta should be as follows: for a pound of pasta you need five liters of water and two tablespoons of salt. This is a fundamental point that allows you to achieve almost Italian quality of the dish.

You need to throw spaghetti into boiling, pre-salted water. If the long pasta doesn't fit all the way into your pan, no problem. Literally after 5-10 seconds, they will soften enough, and it will be possible to gently tip the tips into boiling water with a fork.

As soon as the pasta is immersed in water, you need to note the time and measure it in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. You can’t cook longer, because overcooked spaghetti will ruin the whole thing. (Ideal al dente is achieved in five to seven minutes.) It is also impossible to rinse the pasta with water: the starch on the surface of the pasta is needed so that the sauce is better retained.

Delicate carbonara pasta with ham and cream is a simple and quick dish. It is very easy to make and turns out amazing!

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic for no longer than a minute, stirring constantly. It is important that the garlic does not burn, otherwise you will have to do it all over again.

After a minute, send the ham to the pan and fry with garlic for about three minutes. Again stir almost continuously.

A completely different taste is obtained if a little spicy fragrant parmesan is added to the carbonara pasta with ham and cream. Gourmets will surely give preference to this version of the dish.

In well-heated oil

throw garlic, after a minute - ham (constantly stir both garlic and garlic with ham with a spoon). The frying time is three minutes.

Drain the pasta, return it to the pot, and immediately add the fried ham and egg-cheese mixture.

As soon as the cheese and yolks in the sauce thicken, turn off the fire. The main thing is not to overexpose the dish on fire so that the cheese spreads.

Satisfying and very delicious option pasta, which involves using bacon and ham at once. Cheese is a must in this recipe. But parmesan can easily be replaced with any semi-hard cheese.

When the sauce completely soaks the pasta, turn off the heat. If it turns out too thick, you can pour in a little more cream.

Fans of mushroom dishes can cook an unusual carbonara mushroom pasta with ham and cream. Despite a significant departure from the original, the dish turns out to be amazingly tasty.

Spicy dry-cured ham gives any dish a mild taste and a sophisticated look. Pasta is no exception. In a duet with cream and parmesan, something absolutely delicious is obtained.

Turn on the minimum heat again and wait for the cream to boil, without stopping stirring them. If you stop stirring, the yolks will go lumpy, curl up.

The original spicy taste is given to pasta carbonara with ham and cream by white wine. Delicious tender spaghetta sauce is the perfect end to a long day. The dish can be served with a glass of red wine.

A glass of water in which spaghetti was boiled must be left. If something goes wrong and too thick sauce will need to be diluted, decoction fit better Total.

Worst of all in pasta carbonara with ham and cream - digested spaghetti. Pasta is better undercooked than overcooked.

Cook pasta and sauce at the same time. If the pasta is already cold, you can not mix it with hot sauce: it will not soak the spaghetti.

The combination of several types of cheese gives a special charm to the pasta. Something special happens if you add a small piece to the sauce blue cheese with mold. An excellent substitute for it can be the more familiar mascarpone cheese.

You can’t add salt to the sauce: ham and cheese provide enough salt in combination with pasta boiled in salt water.

A variety of pasta recipes allows you to make culinary surprises, so over time, the circle of fans of this tasty and satisfying dish is only expanding. Pasta seasoned with a gravy of fresh cream and fragrant ham easily becomes the main dish of any table.

It is a white sauce with a mild taste that combines all the ingredients into a single appetizing ensemble. Therefore, for sautéing onions, you should use a small fire, only high-quality heavy cream and butter.

Durum wheat pasta is guaranteed to keep its shape. Their large assortment opens up wide scope for the imagination of the hostess.


  • pasta - 300 g
  • ham - 200 g
  • cream - 100 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • butter - 30 g
  • ground black pepper


1. The most important highlight in this dish is a cream-based sauce using ham. Let's start with him. Add a slice of butter to a deep, heavy-bottomed skillet. Send to a strong fire. Let the butter melt completely.

2. Cut a large onion into cubes, place in heated oil. While stirring with a spatula, cook over low heat until the onion becomes soft. You can cover with a lid and simmer a little on small fire- Literally 5-7 minutes.

3. Cut the ham into random small cubes. Add to skillet when onion is soft. Stir. Fry over the same heat for about 3-5 minutes.

4. Add cream, to taste - salt and ground pepper. Stir. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes.

5. Boil water in a suitable saucepan. Add a few pinches of salt and pasta to the water. Stir to prevent the pasta from sticking to the bottom and cook until tender. Cooking time - 8-10 minutes. The pasta should be soft but not overcooked. Place pasta in a sieve and rinse with warm water.

Menus of spaghetti with ham are often associated with careless housewives who are too lazy to peel potatoes. One way or another, but we undertake to prove that from these products you can cook both tasty and unusual, and for those who like to conjure for their own pleasure, there is also a recipe.

Spaghetti with ham - general principles of cooking

You can take any spaghetti, almost all of them are made from durum wheat flour, which guarantees the highest quality of the product. Boil them only in boiling, well-salted water. The liquid in the pan should be about ten times more than the spaghetti.

It is not recommended to stir the products often during cooking, especially when they begin to soften. The cooking time is always indicated in the instructions on the package, but it is still better to control the degree of readiness yourself.

With ham, various sauces are usually prepared, which are mixed with spaghetti. An exception is the preparation of a quick pizza in the oven, on a pasta basis, in which the ham is placed without additional processing.

Ham in sauces is often combined with vegetables, mushrooms, cheese and herbs. Sauces can be creamy or tomato. Almost all spaghetti ham sauces are prepared by adding hard cheese. It perfectly emphasizes the taste of the finished dish.

Spaghetti with ham in cream cheese sauce

350 gr. ham;

Three raw yolks;

200 ml cream, low fat.

1. Rinse the spaghetti boiled until tender with cold water and dry it by throwing it in a colander.

2. Cut the ham into thin long strips and put it in a dry frying pan. Stirring constantly, fry the pieces for five minutes over low heat. Then remove the pan from the heat and spread the ham on a disposable towel.

3. Pour the cream into a large saucepan. Add the yolks and chopped coarse crumbs to them, mix.

4. Place the container on a small fire and heat, while constantly stirring the contents. After about a couple of minutes, the whisk will pull the threads of melted cheese with it. Let the sauce sit for a couple more minutes and remove from heat.

5. Transfer the spaghetti from the colander to the pot. Pour the cheese sauce into them, add the fried ham, mix thoroughly and serve immediately.

Spaghetti with ham, tomatoes and cheese

200 gr. boiled ham;

A small pinch of coarsely ground pepper;

Fresh herbs - to taste;

1. Rinse small tomatoes in cold water, wipe dry with a paper towel and cut each in half.

2. Cut the ham into small pieces - cubes, straws or sticks. Shred the cheese with a medium grater.

3. Dip the spaghetti into boiling, lightly salted water, boil until tender. Stir while cooking to keep individual pasta from sticking together. When the spaghetti is cooked through enough, rinse it with warm water in a colander.

4. Melt the butter. Dip the tomato halves into the pan with melted fat, and lightly fry them on all sides.

5. Add ham, crushed garlic to the tomatoes, mix and continue cooking without raising the temperature.

6. When the ham pieces are lightly browned, pour four tablespoons into the pan drinking water. Lightly salt the roast, pepper to your liking, and add half the chopped cheese with finely chopped herbs.

7. Remove from heat and mix the contents of the pan with the washed spaghetti. While the dish has not cooled down, serve to the table, spreading out on portioned plates and generously sprinkling the remaining grated cheese on top.

Spaghetti with ham in mushroom sauce

Half a kilo of high quality spaghetti;

250 gr. fresh small champignons;

Boiled ham - 200 gr.;

200 gr. medium-fat sour cream;

Creamy homemade butter - 20 gr.;

1. If you managed to get small champignons, cut them in two, larger ones - into four parts.

2. Chop the onion into medium-sized slices, cut the ham into centimeter cubes.

3. Saute the onion in butter until transparent, add the mushrooms to it and continue cooking for 15 minutes until all the water has evaporated.

4. Then send the ham to the mushrooms fried with onions, and after another two minutes, pour sour cream. Pepper the sauce lightly and salt to your liking. Stir and, after simmering for two minutes, remove from heat.

5. Boil the spaghetti in lightly salted boiling water, following the instructions on the package. Then fold the pasta into a colander, rinse with non-hot water and arrange on plates.

6. Top pasta with ham and mushroom sauce and serve hot.

Spaghetti with ham and cheese Italian style - "Pasta Carbonara"

250 gr. top quality spaghetti;

100 gr. smoked ham;

3 spoons of good olive oil.

1. Cut the ham into thin rectangular sticks and fry the pieces until lightly browned in olive oil.

2. Boil lightly salted water in a large saucepan. Dip the spaghetti into boiling water and wait for it to boil again. Then turn the heat down to medium and continue to cook the pasta, stirring occasionally. Do not bring to readiness, they should be slightly harsh inside.

3. Throw the boiled pasta in a colander and after the moisture has completely drained, immediately add the fried ham and mix well.

4. One whole egg and the yolk from the second shake well with a fork. Add spices, a little salt, finely grated cheese (50 gr.) to the mixture and immediately pour the sauce into hot spaghetti.

5. Divide the Pasta Carbonara immediately on the plates, and grate the cheese on top.

Spaghetti with ham in tomato sauce with cheese

Dried ham - 200 gr.;

200 gr. high quality spaghetti;

A tablespoon of any white wine;

400 gram jar of tomatoes, canned in tomato juice;

20 gr. butter 72% butter;

Fresh green dill.

1. Boil spaghetti until tender in well-salted water. Rinse the pasta with hot water, drain off any liquid and pour over the melted pasta. butter and mix.

2. In a dry skillet over moderate heat, brown the thinly sliced ​​ham. Then pour in a spoonful of wine and continue to simmer for about three minutes.

3. Cut the tomatoes into medium-sized cubes and add to the ham together with the juice from the can.

4. Chop the washed, well-dried dill with a knife and add to the pan four minutes after the tomatoes. Stir in sauce and remove from heat.

5. Pour hot spaghetti into portions tomato sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Spaghetti with ham in the oven - "Simple Pasta Pizza"

200 gr. pork ham, boiled;

2. Moisten the bottom and walls of a round detachable form with butter or margarine and put pasta mixed with cheese and eggs into it.

3. Add a couple of tablespoons of ketchup on top and gently smooth over the entire surface of the spaghetti.

4. Cut the ham into medium-sized sticks and spread evenly over the pasta layer. On top of a coarse grater, grate the cheese in an even layer and place the mold for 10 minutes in a hot oven.

5. As soon as the cheese melts well and begins to brown, remove the dish from the oven.

Spaghetti with ham and vegetables

200 gr. long, narrow noodles or spaghetti;

Three medium fresh tomatoes;

Two small sweet peppers;

200 gr. young zucchini;

60 ml refined oil.

1. Remove the skin from the zucchini and cut the vegetable into medium-sized cubes. Remove the seeds from the pepper, rinse the rest with water. Cut the tomatoes and pepper pulp into slices. In order for vegetables to cook quickly, cutting should be medium-sized. Cut the ham into narrow short strips.

2. Brown the ham slices well over medium heat in a heavy skillet, but do not overcook. As soon as a light blush appears on the ham, add the zucchini and continue to fry everything together.

3. After a couple of minutes, when the zucchini pieces soften, add pepper to the pan, and after another three minutes, chopped tomatoes. As soon as the tomatoes give juice, season the vegetable roast with ground pepper, add a little salt and mix well, remove from heat.

4. Boiled spaghetti, dried from water, lay out to vegetables. Stir and warm up a bit.

Spaghetti with ham - cooking tricks and useful tips

The cooking time of spaghetti depends on what kind of grain they are made from, in addition, it can vary significantly from manufacturer to manufacturer. On average, cooking takes from 10 to 12 minutes, but it is still recommended to check the final readiness additionally.

Many housewives wash spaghetti with cold water, but professional chefs advise doing this only with boiling water.

So that the spaghetti dried from the liquid does not stick together, after washing it must be well sprinkled with oil and mixed.

If pasta needs to be warmed up in a sauce, it is better not to cook it slightly. When warmed up to readiness, they will reach themselves.

Cooking instructions

30 minutes Print

    1. Boil spaghetti. Boil in salted water until fully cooked. Tool Pasta pot The main rule of a good pasta pot is that it should be large. In order to cook just a pound of spaghetti, you need at least five liters of water. Another problem is to drain so much hot water. The problem can be solved by buying a pot with a special insert that can be removed with spaghetti, and all the water will remain in the pot.

    2. While the spaghetti is cooking, pour olive oil into a frying pan and fry the ham and bacon. It is better to cut them into strips about 3 cm by 0.5 cm in size. The Belgians from Green Pan rebelled against Teflon. With the passion of a preacher, they say that polytetrafluoroethylene heated by more than 260 degrees is toxic and even kills some birds on the spot. Instead, a new thermolon non-stick coating is offered, which does not contain chemicals harmful to health and at the same time allows frying in a small amount of oil.

    3. In a bowl, mix three eggs, cream and all the necessary seasonings. Whip a little until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add grated cheese. Mix.
    Crib How to check egg quality

    4. In a pan with ham (which is still on the stove) and bacon, place the finished pasta, mix and add cream with eggs. Mix well again until the spaghetti is completely covered in cheese and cream.
    Crib How to check egg quality