The era "5500 years from the creation of the world to Jesus Christ" and its use in Russia. "Creounity Time Machine" - a universal date converter 6370 from the creation of the world

The first system of counting years in the ancient Russian state was the Byzantine "era 5500", which naturally came into use after the baptism of Russia.

The history and chronology of mythological stories from the first man Adam to the Jewish/Arab forefather Abraham, as well as from Abraham to the first Roman emperor Augustus, under whom the New Testament events known as the "Incarnation and Nativity of the Savior" took place, date back to the years 1-5500 "from creation peace."

Of course, during these periods there were quite real events in different states of antiquity. But there was no single system for everyone, and many specialists who were knowledgeable in these matters tried to invent suitable option through calendar era, where any fact of history could take its only place.

Here is a brief excerpt from the monograph by Kuzenkov P.V., "Christian chronological systems" (edition 2014 from R.Kh. / 7523 from p. m.).

Alexandrian era of Annian
"5500 years from Adam to the Incarnation" (412)

The Alexandrian era was destined to become one of the most authoritative reckoning systems in the Christian world. It achieved a very effective combination of mystical symbolism and strict agreement with church tradition. However, its origin is hidden in darkness.

Almost everything that we know about its creator, Annian, is told to us by George Sinkell. He calls Annian "the most God-fearing monk", a contemporary and countryman of Panodorus, who lived in Egypt during the time of Theophilus of Alexandria (384-412).

Elijah of Nisibinsky (XI century) cites the data of "Annius of Alexandria" according to the chronology of the Assyrian and Median kings. Michael the Syrian (XII century) among his sources mentions the "Alexandrian monk Enan", who compiled a chronicle from Adam to Constantine.

However, one should not conclude from this phrase that Annian brought his work only to the beginning of the 4th century BC. George Sinkell, citing his source (Anniana or Pandora), mentions two "reference" dates: 5816 years from Adam to the 20th anniversary of the reign of Constantine the Great (325 AD), to which the "consecutive presentation (στοιχείωσιν) of events ", as well as 5904 from Adam to "the blessed 22nd Archbishop of Alexandria and Egypt and both Livy the idolaters Theophilus."

Since the 20th year of Constantine (obviously chosen as synchronism with the final date of the chronicle of Eusebius) corresponds to 5816 only in the Alexandrian era
(according to the era of Panodorus, this would be 5817/8), both dates refer to the work of Annianus.

Consequently, Annian completed his work in 5904 = 412 AD, and before October 15, when Archbishop Theophilus died, whose name is not yet accompanied by the epithet of “blessed memory”.

So, a very symbolic "era 5500" was created at the beginning of the familiar "5th century AD." Such an exact number is based on an approximate calculation of the life span of the Old Testament characters and the duration of the reigns of the then rulers, as well as due to an elementary adjustment to the sacred five and a half thousand years, which correspond to the six days of the creation of the world.

Adam was created in the middle of the sixth day; therefore (as the comrades reasoned), new adam, Christ, was to be born in the middle of the sixth millennium from the SM, 5500 years after the fall of the first people, for " to the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day (2 Peter 3:8).

The Greeks and Romans, Egyptians, Jews and all other enlightened peoples of that era had already learned quite well to keep track of their time, of the Sun, Moon and stars; Julius Caesar introduced at the same time, before the reign of Augustus, a very good practical Julian calendar; a new universal era literally hung in the air...

In general, the era appeared, only four centuries after the gospel events and soon after the first two Ecumenical Councils (325 and 381). The basis for a consistent, end-to-end description of history was created ancient world and accurate recording of fast-moving modern affairs.

More and more supporters of Christianity, in order, joined the chronology and correct records of the dates of the great deeds of their local rulers: princes, dukes, kings, etc. History stood on the solid rails of a unified counting system of years, thanks to which we now have the opportunity to easily review events the last two and a half thousand years.

In the tenth century, Russia also received Christian baptism and began to slowly get used to the four-digit dates "from the creation of the world." At the end of the 11th - beginning of the 12th centuries, the first annalistic code, "The Tale of Bygone Years", was compiled from several sources, where the years were given in the desired format.

Some excerpts from the PVL, revealing the essence of the past tenses, should be given in detail.

"In the year 6360 (852), indict 15, when Michael began to reign, the Russian land began to be called. We learned about this because under this king Russia came to Constantinople, as it is written about it in Greek chronicle. That is why from now on we will begin and put the numbers.

« From Adam to the flood of 2242, and from the flood to Abraham 1000 and 82 years, and from Abraham to the exodus of Moses 430 years, and from the exodus of Moses to David 600 and 1 year, and from David and from the beginning of the reign of Solomon to the captivity of Jerusalem 448 years, and from the captivity to Alexander 318 years, and from Alexander to the birth of Christ 333 years, and from the birth of Christ to Constantine 318 years, from Constantine to Michael this 542 years».

And from the first year of the reign of Michael to the first year of the reign of Oleg, the Russian prince, 29 years, and from the first year of the reign of Oleg, since he sat in Kyiv, to the first year of Igor, 31 years, and from the first year of Igor to the first year of Svyatoslav 33 years, and from the first year of Svyatoslavov to the first year of Yaropolkov 28 years; and Yaropolk reigned for 8 years, and Vladimir reigned for 37 years, and Yaroslav reigned for 40 years. Thus, from the death of Svyatoslav to the death of Yaroslav, 85 years; from the death of Yaroslav to the death of Svyatopolk 60 years.

“Then the Greeks sent a philosopher to Vladimir ... Vladimir asked: “Why did God come down to earth and accept such suffering?” The philosopher answered: “If you want to listen, I’ll tell you in order from the very beginning why God came down to earth ".

Vladimir asked: “When did this come true? And did it all come true? Or is it just now coming true?" The philosopher answered him: “All this has already come true when God became incarnate. As I said, when the Jews beat the prophets, and their kings transgressed the laws, God betrayed them for plunder, and they were taken captive to Assyria for their sins, and were in slavery there for 70 years. And then they returned to their own land, and they did not have a king, but the bishops ruled over them until the foreigner Herod, who began to rule over them.

During the reign of this latter, in the year 5500, Gabriel was sent to Nazareth to Virgin Mary, born in the tribe of David, say to her: “Rejoice, rejoice. The Lord is with you!"

In addition to biblical and ancient Russian dated events, the chronicle mentions many celestial and terrestrial natural phenomena. A characteristic passage with an eclipse of the sun from the history of the reign of Vladimir Monomakh:

"In the year 6621 (1113). A sign appeared in the sun at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. It was visible to all people: there was little left of the sun, like a month down with horns, March on the 19th day, and the moon on the 29th. These are signs not for good; there are signs with the sun or with the moon, or with the stars, not all over the earth, but if in any country there is a sign, that one sees it, and the other does not see it.

So in ancient times, in the days of Antioch, there were signs in Jerusalem, people began to appear in the air, prowling on horses with weapons in their hands, and threatened with weapons, and this was only in Jerusalem, but in other lands it was not.

Also, the sign that was in the sun foreshadowed Svyatopolkov's death. After this sign, the feast of the Passover arrived, and they celebrated it; and after the holiday the prince fell ill. And the blessed prince Michael, whose name was Svyatopolk, died on the 16th day of April outside Vyshgorod, they brought him in a boat to Kyiv, and brought his body into proper form, and laid it on a sledge.

And the boyars and his entire squad wept for him; after singing the proper songs over him, they buried him in the church of St. Michael, which he himself built. The princess (wife) of him generously divided his wealth among the monasteries, and the priests, and the poor, so that people marveled, for no one can create such a generous alms.

After that, on the tenth day, the people of Kiev arranged a council, sent to Vladimir (Monomakh), saying: “Come, prince, to the table of your father and grandfathers.” Hearing this, Vladimir wept a lot and did not go (to Kyiv), grieving for his brother. The Kievans plundered the yard of Putyaty tysyatsky, attacked the Jews, plundered their property.

And the people of Kiev sent again to Vladimir, saying: “Go, prince, to Kyiv; if you don’t go, then know that a lot of evil will happen, it’s not only Putyatin’s yard or the Sotskys, but they will rob the Jews, and they will also attack your daughter-in-law, and the boyars, and the monasteries, and you will keep the answer, prince, if monasteries will also be plundered. Hearing this, Vladimir went to Kyiv.

Other sources about the same eclipse:

Solar eclipse. March 19, 1113 Lavrentievskaya, Novgorodskaya II, Pskovskaya I, Novgorodskaya Karamzinskaya-1, Voskresenskaya, Nikonovskaya. "In the summer of 6622. There was a sign in the sun at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, to be seen by all the people, there were few of him left, as if roaming the valley of the horn, March at 19."

The contradiction between the dates 6621/6622 is explained by different counting of years.

Berezhkov N. "Chronology of Russian Chronicle" :

"Under the year 6622, the Laurentian Chronicle connects the events of 6621 (1113/4) and 6622 (1114/5) of the March years and, by such a connection, returns from the ultra-March designation of years to the March one. The very order of messages in this article, their dating by months, distributing them into two groups (March, April, January; then again March and November), suggests that events of two years are given here.

The comparison with the Tale of Bygone Years and the Novgorod I Chronicle convinces of the same. By March 6621 (1113/4) are: “a sign in the sun” on March 19, the death of Svyatopolk Izyaslavich on April 16, the entry of Vladimir Vsevolodovich into Kyiv on April 20 “in a week”, the appointment of Daniel to the (Yuryev) bishopric on January 6.

The solar eclipse was on March 19, 1113, that is, in the year 6621 of March; April 20 fell on a Sunday also in this March year (not in 6622). The Tale of Bygone Years and the Novgorod Chronicle I tell about these events under the year 6621 (the Novgorod Chronicle does not mention the eclipse).

Of the two messages that form the second group in this article of the Laurentian Chronicle - about the death of Svyatoslav Vladimirovich on March 17 and about the appointment of Cyril as a bishop (which bishopric is not indicated) on November 6 - in the Tale of Bygone Years and Novgorod I there is only the first, in both under 6622 (in the Tale - with a different date of the month, March 16, in Novgorod - without indicating the day).

By November of the same year, the second message should also be attributed according to the place occupied by it (the Laurentian Chronicle begins the next article with a message related to May 6623 of the March year). Thus, in the article under 6622 of the Laurentian Chronicle, the designation of the year is ultra-March in relation to the first group of messages and March in relation to the second.

"Total solar eclipse on March 19, 1113 is the 26th eclipse of the 115th Saros. The region of its best visibility falls in the middle and subtropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere.

The eclipse reaches its maximum at a point with coordinates 42.7° north latitude, 63.6° east longitude, lasts a maximum of 4 minutes 8 seconds, and the width of the moon's shadow on the earth's surface is 290 kilometers. At the moment and at the point of greatest eclipse, the direction to the sun (azimuth) is 139°, and the height of the sun above the horizon is 41°.

"The Canon of Russian Eclipses, compiled by M.A. Viliev.
The Canon gives conditions for the visibility of solar eclipses for the point φ = 55°.O and λ=32°.Ο east of Greenwich, i.e., lying a few versts from Smolensk, as a point approximately equally distant from Novgorod, Kyiv, and Moscow. The first column indicates the number of the eclipse according to the Canon of Oppolzer. The second column shows the date of the eclipse. The third column gives the hour angle of the sun at the moment of the greatest phase of the eclipse.

With the help of the table below, it can be converted to a regular time count in hours and minutes. The fourth column gives the magnitude of the largest phase of the eclipse in inches. The eclipses given in brackets are only partly visible at sunrise or sunset, so that the greatest phase occurs either below the horizon, or a few minutes after sunrise, or shortly before sunset.

Eclipses marked with asterisks are identified in further comments under the corresponding Nos. of the Canon of Oppolzer with descriptions of chronicles or other historical sources; if the asterisk is enclosed in brackets, then the identification remains in doubt.

* 5513 - 1113 III 19 - 297 - 7

5513. A total eclipse on March 19, 1113. The Laurentian Chronicle contains the following entry: “In the summer of 6622. There was a sign in the sun, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, to be seen by all people: there is not enough of him left, like the month of the valley of the horn, the month of March at 19” .

In Ipatievskaya, almost in the same edition, but under 6621, it was added that this sign showed the death of Svyatopolk, who died on April 16. The same eclipse was briefly noted under 6621 in the Gustynskaya chronicle and the Annals of Abraham, and under 6622 in Novgorod II, in Pskov I, in Nikon and Voskresenskaya.

The eclipse was on March 19, 1113, for Smolensk its phase was 7 days (inch). at 7:48 pm y(tra); a band of total eclipse went from Egypt through Arabia and Siberia to the north pole, and the position of the crescent of the sun with its horns down should have really been observed in Russia, while, for example, in China, the crescent of the sun should have seemed with its horns turned upwards. (end quote)

Thus, strict astronomical data modern science about the eclipse on March 19, 1113 confirm the dating of the PVL.

Last date of the chronicle (PVL): "In the year 6625 (1117)"

Chronological information on the Christian Orthodox history contained in the well-known Pilot's book. The foundations of Orthodoxy were laid by the Church Fathers at the Ecumenical Councils, the dates of which were well known to all the clergy.

"The Pilot Book is a collection of church rules and state laws related to them, adopted by the Orthodox Russian and other Slavic churches from Byzantium. The collection goes back to the Byzantine Nomocanon (literally, rule of law), compiled in the 6th century by Patriarch John Scholasticus of Constantinople. The Slavic translation of the Nomocanon was completed in the IX century for the Bulgarian church and is attributed to St. Methodius.

In the XIII century. Metropolitan of All Russia Kirill II turned to the Bulgarian Prince John Svyatislav with a request to send to Russia Pilot's book with interpretations of the rules of the church. In fulfillment of this request, a Serbian translation of the Kormchas was sent to Russia, made from the Greek language around 1225 by the Serbian Archbishop St. Savvoy. A list of this translation was proposed by Metropolitan Kirill II at the Vladimir Council in 1274 to the Russian bishops as a guide for church administration.

The Serbian Pilot was rewritten during the XIV-XVI centuries. in different areas of Russia in a large number of lists. Comparison of various lists already in the XV century. caused bewilderment as to its most correct composition. The first attempt at revision is attributed to Metropolitan Cyprian at the end of the 15th century. At the beginning of the 16th century, Maxim Grek, Rev. Joseph Volokolamsky and others. In the 16th century. Metropolitan Daniel prepared the Serbian Pilot for publication for general use throughout the Russian Church. In the 17th century, under Patriarch Joseph, it underwent a new revision in relation to the most ancient lists and was first printed in 1650.

Iosifovskaya Pilot for the most part is a Serbian Pilot. It contains: "Foreword to the reader, tales of cathedrals, two prefaces to the syntagma of XIV titles or "facets"; "titles or the rule of combination" and 71 chapters, which set out the rules of the holy apostles (ch. 1-4), councils (ch. 5-20), fathers (ch. 21-35) and hierarchs (ch. 36-41 ); extracts from the writings of Justinian (ch. 42 and 44), Alexei Komnenos (ch. 43) and the law of Moses (ch. 45); judgment law (ch. 46); an essay by Nicetas Stifatus against the Latins (ch. 47-48); Prochiron and Eclogue (ch. 49-50); the article "On the Mystery of Marriage" (ch. 51); the decrees of some Greek councils (ch. 52-54) and the canonical answers of the Metropolitan of Heraclius, Patriarch St. Nicephorus, John of Cyprus (ch. 55-59), Timothy of Alexandria (ch. 61), and Anastasius of Sinai (ch. 69); "Chirotonia" (ch. 60); rules for monks (ch. 62-64); articles by Cyril of Turov (ch. 65-68), presbyter Timothy and Nikon of Montenegro (ch. 70-71)."

The dates of the Ecumenical Councils, which, presumably, were well known to the first Russian Tsar, Ivan the Terrible, an active defender of the Orthodox faith in his disputes with Catholic envoys:

The first Ecumenical Council is dated "from the incarnation of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, to the first council of years, TNI", that is, 318; "but from the beginning of the world of years, EWHI", that is, 5818. Between two dates - 5500 years, a sacred number.

The modern accepted dates of the first councils differ by about eight years from those given, due to the well-known inconsistency between the two eras, the Alexandrian (5500) and Dionysius the Lesser (5508). Both of them are used in various sources, and sometimes it is very difficult even for a great specialist to establish where which reckoning is or elementary confusion with the use of relative time intervals, which can be shifted unknowingly to the left or right.

It is difficult to call the PVL dates absolutely accurate; they often contain errors of several or more years. Who paid attention to the date of the eclipse - " per year 6621 (1113)"- he saw the difference 5508, although the text directly refers to the 5500 era ... This is a common problem of copying and editing ancient texts, when new ones can run into old errors.

The Old Believers in Russia once strongly blamed the reformers of the church: " You stole eight years from God! As the famous anecdote says: "Either he stole, or someone stole from him..."

But what is eight years against thousands? So, a small school of the creators of the Christian chronology ...

P.S. Regarding errors in the annals, there is an interesting paragraph in one old Soviet book:

L. V. Cherepnin, "Russian Chronology" (Moscow, 1944)

Inaccuracies of chronological data of ancient Russian chronicles and their verification.

Speaking about the use of chronicles to verify act chronology, one must at the same time take into account that chronicle chronological data are often inaccurate.

This applies in particular to the Primary Chronicle, the earliest chronicle-type monument that has come down to us. The studies of a number of specialists (mainly academician Shakhmatov) proved that the original ancient text of the Primary Chronicle (or the chronicles that preceded it that did not reach us) was basically a continuous literary presentation, devoid of a chronological grid.

Main dates for the most early period inserted by a later hand, and most of the dates do not have solid ground under them. They appeared as a result of various conjectures and considerations of the annalistic archivist, who compared the events of Russian history with the chronological data known to him from Greek sources relating to the history of Byzantium.

So Academician Shakhmatov, the best expert on ancient Russian chronicle writing, proves that up to 945 only three dates can be recognized as trustworthy in the Primary Chronicle: 6420 (911) (Oleg’s treaty with Byzantium), 6449 (941) (Igor's campaign against Byzantium) and 6453 (945) (Igor's treaty with Byzantium). All other chronological data are clearly unreliable, in particular 6370 (862), with which the chronicle connects the mythical vocation of the Varangians and which appeared in all old history textbooks as the starting date of the Russian state.

Shakhmatov found out that the chronicler took the year 6360 (852) as the starting point of his chronological constructions, the date of accession to the throne of the Byzantine emperor Michael, with which he connected the beginning of Russia: "In the summer of 6360 I will begin to reign for Michael, beginning to call the Russian land."

The chronicler in this case was misled by the incorrect indications of his Greek sources, since in reality Michael ascended the throne not in 852, but in 842. Based on this erroneous initial date, the chronicler, as a result of various chronological calculations, introduced in the text of the chronicle and other years.

We need to remember our history and go our own way.

Currently, we use the dating of the years from the birth of Christ and the Gregorian calendar.

The Julian calendar, the so-called "old style", is not forgotten either. Every year in January, we remember him when we celebrate the "old" New Year. Also, the media carefully reminds of the change of years according to the Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other calendars.

Of course, this expands our horizons. Let's expand our horizons.

But, in order to make our horizons even wider, let's touch the ancient tradition of chronology Slavic peoples- To the Daariyan Krugolet of Numberbog, according to which our Ancestors lived not so long ago.

Now this calendar is used only by the Old Believers - representatives of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Faith - Ynglism.

The widespread use of our ancient calendar ceased a little over 300 years ago, when Tsar Peter 1, by his Decree, introduced a foreign calendar on the territory of Russia and ordered on the night of January 1 to celebrate the onset of the year 1700 from the birth of Jesus Christ. The calendar reform stole (at least) 5500 years of our stories.

And in Russia at that time it was Summer 7208 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

But it does not say at all that the emperor did not just change the calendar, he actually “stole”, at least (!). five and a half thousand years of our true history.

After all, the event from which the years were counted - the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (5508 BC) did not mean the creation of the universe by the biblical god at all, but literally; the signing of a peace treaty in the year of the Star Temple for the Krugolet of Chislobog after the victory of the Power of the Great Race (in the modern sense - Russia) over the empire of the Great Dragon (in the modern - China).

By the way, the symbolic image of a rider on a white horse slaying a dragon, known in Christian tradition as George the Victorious, actually symbolizes just this victory.

That is why this symbol has long been so widespread and revered in Russia among the Slavic-Aryan peoples.

From what events was the reckoning?

A natural question arises: what event was the reckoning from before the Creation of the World in the Star Temple?

The answer is obvious - from an earlier significant event.

Moreover, counting of years from different events could be carried out in parallel. That is how, with the mention of several time periods, the ancient chronicles began.

For example, here are a few dates of the current 2016 from RX:

Summer 7524 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple

Summer 13024 from the Great Cooling

Summer 44560 from the Creation of the Great Kolo Rasseniya

Summer 106794 from the Founding of Asgard of Iria

Summer 111822 from the Great Migration from Daaria

Summer 143006 from the period of the Three Moons

Summer 153382 by Assa Dei

Summer 185782 from Thule Time

Summer 604390 from the Time of Three Suns, etc.

Obviously, in the context of the modern "official" chronology, these dates look simply fantastic,

But for an independently thinking person interested in ancient cultural heritage peoples of the Earth, such "an abyss of years" do not look so frightening.

After all, not only in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but also in quite a few written monuments that have come down to us throughout the Earth, even much longer periods of historical time are mentioned,

Unbiased archaeological and paleo-astronomical studies point to the same facts.

It will also be very interesting to remember that in pre-Petrine times in Russia, not numbers were used to designate numerical values, as is now customary, but titled letters, i.e. Slavic letters with service symbols.

What did Cyril and Methodius "fix"?

And since the calendar is a written tradition (try to orally maintain and pass on such a complex and dynamic array of information from generation to generation), it is obvious that before the time of Peter I, writing in Russia already existed, at least (!) Seven over a thousand years.

However, it is believed that writing was “invented” especially for us, “illiterates”, by two Greek monks Cyril and Methodius, who only added a few Greek letters to our alphabet instead of diphthongs they did not understand.

And, modestly speaking, the ever-increasing pomposity during the annual “Cyril and Methodius” and “birthdays” of the “Slavic” writing is surprising. At the present time, since we use the modern calendar (from AD), it would be more correct to use it only for the events of the last three hundred years.

And more ancient events, for a clear understanding of their essence, must be dated in the system of chronology that was used before 1700. Otherwise, a misinterpretation of our history, culture, traditions and customs is possible.

It is sincerely regrettable that the dating of pre-Petrine events in modern textbooks,

For example, the year 1242 is called the year of the Battle on the Ice on Lake Peipsi, and at that time it was 6750 in Russia.

Or, for example, the year 988 from the birth of Jesus Christ is considered the year of the baptism of Kyiv.

But in Kyiv then they celebrated Summer 6496 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple.

Brothers and sisters, let's remember our past, look for it if evil minds hide it from us on purpose.

Slavs are a great race.

At the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea in 325, a rule was established: to celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon, and the celebration of the beginning of the church year should be moved to September 1, instead of March 1. The First Ecumenical Council (Σύνοδος) took place in the city of Nicaea under the Byzantine Emperor Constantine the Great. At the First Council of Nicaea in 325, 318 bishops were present, among them were: St. Athanasius the Great, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, James Bishop of Nisibis, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.

The account of time used in Byzantium relates the date Creation of the world by September 1, 5508 BC (i.e. before the birth of Christ, or BC), so September 1 was celebrated in the Byzantine Empire as the beginning of the year. The Byzantine era was adopted by the Greeks in the 7th century.

In the 10th century having adopted Christianity and the Byzantine chronology from the Creation of the world, Ancient Russia preserved until the end of the 15th century (until 1492) the pre-Christian spring celebration of the New Year on March 1, and not September 1, in the fall, as was customary in Byzantium. Before the adoption of Christianity in Russia, time was counted in the spring years, and not in the autumn, as was customary in Byzantium. The ancient Russian system of chronology of the X-XIV centuries was conducted from the Creation of the world, and the beginning of the year was celebrated on March 1.

On the coins of the X-XIV centuries, all the numbers of the millennium in the year were not indicated. For example, the indication of the year 207 meant 7207 from the Creation of the world. To transfer the year 7207 to a new chronology from the "Christmas" - the number "5508" should be subtracted. Therefore, the coin dated 207 refers to 1699.

Prince Rurik "Summer 6370"

At the turn of the XIV - XV centuries, records about September 1, as the beginning of the year, appear in the ancient Russian chronicles. Since that time, the New Year began on September 1, its celebration was preserved in Russia until the well-known royal Decree of Peter I of December 20, 7208 from the Creation of the world.

Tsarist Russia traded with many European countries, and in all trade agreements and contracts with Europeans had to indicate dates according to the Gregorian calendar, while the Julian calendar was still in force in Russia, adopted by the Decree of Tsar Peter I of December 20, 7208 from the Creation world, introducing the chronology from the Nativity of Christ. Petrovsky decree was called: " About the writing henceforth of Genvara from the 1st day of 1700 in all papers of the summer from the Nativity of Christ, and not from the creation of the world. The decree of Tsar Peter I ended with a prudent reservation: “And if anyone wants to write both those years, from the Creation of the world and from the Nativity of Christ, in a row freely.”

According to the Decree of Tsar Peter I dated December 20, 7208 from the Creation of the world in Russia, the Julian calendar was introduced, leading the chronology from the birth of Christ. In order to switch to a new calendar with the chronology "from the Nativity of Christ", it followed in the old calendar from the "creation of the world" from years 7208 subtract 5508 years.

The Decree of Peter I prescribed that after December 31, 7208 from the Creation of the world, January 1, 1700 from the Nativity of Christ would come, "from the birth of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ."

Decree of Peter I Russia switched to the Julian calendar in 1700 , which considered a solar or astronomical year lasting 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds and New Year from January 1st. The adoption by Russia of the chronology according to the Julian calendar greatly facilitated trade, cultural and scientific ties with Europe, although in many European countries in the 16th and 17th centuries the chronology according to the Gregorian calendar was already adopted.

By his decree, Tsar Peter I ordered postpone celebration of the beginning of the year from September 1 to January 1.

In the decree of the king, everyone was ordered to celebrate this event especially solemnly: “And as a sign of that good undertaking and the new centennial century, in joy, congratulate each other on the New Year ... On the noble and passable streets at the gates and houses, make some decoration from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper ... repair shooting from small cannons and guns, launch rockets, as many as anyone happens to, and light fires.

Tsar Peter I ordered to decorate the building of the Gostiny Dvor with spruce and pine branches, and state people and boyars were ordered to wear European clothes for the holiday. The first New Year's tree in Moscow was also put up on the New Year's Eve of 1700 on Red Square, and as a sign of fun, a festive New Year's fireworks, cannon and rifle salutes were arranged for the people.

About the Scythian monk Dionysus the Small.

Adoption new era, keeping score from the birth of Christ, it was proposed Pope John I ( from 523-526), on whose instructions his archivist, monk, Dionysius the Small (Egzegius -exiguous - small) in 525 calculated the days of the celebration of Christian Easter and compiled a table of calculations for Paschalia for 95 years.

The Scythian monk Dionysius had absolutely no data on the exact time of the birth of Jesus Christ, this date was accepted by him conditionally. Dionysius calculated the year of Christ's birth by means of calculations that have nothing to do with science. Dionysius did not know zeros. In 1202, Europeans got acquainted with Arabic numerals and the mathematical concept of "zero", from the Arabs. ABOUT -

Roman numerals cannot represent "zero" - X-10, or LX -60, or CXX -120, and zero -?

According to Dionysius the Lesser, Jesus Christ was born on December 25, 753 years after the founding of Rome. The Scythian monk Dionysius called the year 753 from the founding of Rome the first year after the birth of Christ (Anno Domini).

Dionysius the Small recorded the dates of the days of Easter in the years of the era "from the birth of Christ" and in the months of the Julian calendar, universally accepted in the Roman Empire. Paschalia of Dionysus or Easter tables made it much easier for Christians to calculate the date of Easter.

Calculations Scythian monk Dionysius Small have been used by the Roman church since 533, when the chronology of the new era was introduced.

The era of Dionysus is called the counting of years from the birth of Christ. To the cradle of the born Infant Jesus Christ came the Magi - in Greek "magicians". In gospel times, magicians (Magi) throughout the entire space of the Roman Empire and the East were called, namely, Persian priests, followers , since there is no “sh” sound in Greek, his Greek name is Zoroaster, "Son of the Star". Researchers believe that Persian magicians, priests and interpreters of the holy book visited Bethlehem proto-Aryans of the Avesta, followers of Zoroaster.

Era of Dionysius or reckoning from the Nativity of Christ spread in Western Europe startingfrom the 6th century , and by the 19th century it was accepted in all Christian countries and many non-Christian countries.


For more detail, open the Calendar in a separate tab (window) and zoom in

7528 summer has come on the Calendar of Russia.(This happened at 6:00 p.m.) September 21, 2019"year" in Christian reckoning)

Few people know that the modern “calculus” was introduced in Russia quite recently - in 1700.

Peter I performed this act, or rather, the one whom. It was by decree of Peter in the summer of 7208, according to the then current chronology, that Russia canceled its own calendar and switched to the current reckoning, starting from 1700.

What is known about it?

Any calculus has a starting point from some SIGNIFICANT EVENT. For example now 2019 YEAR (GOD - God) from the Nativity of Christ. Of course, our calendar marked by Peter also had a starting point.

The countdown began from the summer (year) called the “STAR TEMPLE”, in which our ancestors won the Great Victory over Arimia, the country of the Dragon (present-day China), completed a long and bloody war, that is, CREATED THE WORLD. Obviously, the event was so important and significant that for 7208 years, until the reign of Peter I, Russia lived under the sign of the Calendar starting its countdown from the CREATION OF THE WORLD IN THE SUMMER OF THE STAR TEMPLE, according to which, at the time of this publication, 7528 summer.

It was possible to level this starting point, make it abstract, and then erase it from people's memory and official “history” by changing the image of the word MIR. Each of us knows that in Russian there are words homonyms that are the same in spelling, but different in meaning. Our linguistics stubbornly ignores the explanation of the reasons for such strangeness - the origin of twin words that have different concepts. Actually, the secret is simple. Our original Initial Letter had 49 letters in its composition. Among the capital letters that fell under the “abbreviation”, and now missing, was the letter “i” (with a dot). The sound of the letters “and” “i” was almost the same, but the IMAGE of the letters was different. So the letter “I” had (and has now!) the image of UNION, UNITY, CONNECTION,. And the letter “i” with a dot had the image of a “divine, universal ray” descending from the depths of the Universe to people. Accordingly, the word is written as peace- meant an alliance, an agreement, a STATE WITHOUT WAR. And the word is written like world- had the image of the Universal World, the UNIVERSE. We know the slogan common in Soviet times, which includes both words with different meanings: “Peace to the world!”, That is to the world universal - Mir without war

After the illegal seizure of power in Russia by the pro-Western Romanov dynasty, a smooth but systematic destruction of our past began. Including reckoning. First, the letter “i” in the word MIR was replaced by the letter “i”, and “creation of the world” gradually became associated with the creation of the Universe, and not with the establishment of peace after the war.

At the same time, on the frescoes and engravings that depicted the defeated Dragon by Vityaz-Ariy, the Dragon (the symbol of China-Ariy) was replaced by an abstract Serpent, and the Vityaz-Ary received the name of George (which in Greek, after all, means plowman) Should I remind you that that the tiller who digs the earth is Arius, an Aryan? Nevertheless, Saint George has remained the patron saint of tillers in most modern cultures.

The substitution of three important components of the image of the Great Victory - the word WORLD (without war) for the Universe, the DRAGON (Chinese) for the rootless Serpent, and the name of the Russian Knight for the Greek George gradually turned a significant EVENT of counting our chronology into an abstraction, “fantasy”, deprived of value in human memory. This allowed Peter on the 7208th year to painlessly and without resistance replace our ancient calendar with the European one.

Everyone knows that on December 24, that is, 8 days before January 1, the entire Catholic world celebrates Christmas, the birth of the baby Jesus.

According to the Jewish rite, a Jewish boy must be circumcised strictly on the 8th day from birth. It is at this moment that he becomes attached to the agreement between the Jews and God Yahweh (Jehovah) and is included in the ranks of the "God's chosen people." This means that the biblical character born on December 24th, the Jewish boy Jesus, is circumcised on the 8th day of his birth, that is, on January 1st.

Under Peter I, communication between the nobility was carried out mainly in Dutch and German, and the word God (Year), just in these languages ​​​​means the word "God".
It turns out that Peter I forced everyone to congratulate each other on the circumcision of the new Jewish god.

This joke of the “reformer” tsar has taken root in Russia so much that now people, without hesitation, congratulate those around them and themselves on the circumcision of an unknown Jewish boy, while setting up Christmas trees at home - a tree that since ancient times symbolizes the path to the afterlife.

Today, only the Old Believers and some Internet users who are interested in the real Great Past of Russia-Russia know about the celebration of the New Year.

However, the vast majority of people who have lost their genetic memory and the original meaning of this expression continue to congratulate each other on the coming New Circumcised God, but not on the New Year, as it should be in Russia.

5508 years of the worthy Past of the Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian peoples have been dissolved in the new Petrine Historia, in which we are given the last place among all the peoples of the world.


Some Calendars from previous years

summer 7527