The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection. A. Laws of reflection. A reflection is diffuse if the rays hit the surface in parallel, but are reflected in all possible directions.

electromagnetic nature of light. The speed of light. geometric optics

Visible light - electromagnetic waves in the range from 3.8 * 10 -7 m to 7.6 * 10 -7 m. The speed of light is c \u003d 3 * 10 8 m / s. Huygens principle. Wave front - a surface connecting all points of the wave that are in the same phase (i.e., all points of the wave that are in the same state of oscillation at the same time). Each point, to which the perturbation has reached, itself becomes a source of secondary spherical waves. The wave surface is the envelope of the secondary waves. For a spherical wave, the wavefront is a sphere whose radius is R = vt, where v is the speed of the wave.

Geometric optics is a branch of optics that studies the laws of light propagation in transparent media and light reflection from mirror or translucent surfaces.

Laws of reflection of light. 1. Incident beam, reflected beam and perpendicular, restored to the interface between two media at the point of incidence of the beam lie in the same plane.

The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.

LIGHT REFRACTION - a change in the direction of propagation of a light wave (light beam) when passing through the interface between two different transparent media. 1. The incident and refracted rays and the perpendicular drawn to the interface between two media at the point of incidence of the beam lie in the same plane. 2. The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is a constant value for two media:,where α - angle of incidence,β - angle of refractionn - a constant value independent of the angle of incidence.

is the relative refractive index of light in the second medium relative to the first. Shows how many times the speed of light in the first medium differs from the speed of light in the second

n - a physical quantity equal to the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in a given medium:

Absolute refractive index of the medium shows how many times the speed of propagation of light in a given medium is less than the speed of light in vacuum. Total internal reflection is observed when a beam passes from an optically denser medium to an optically less dense one (from water to air). α0 is the limiting angle of total reflection, the angle of incidence at which the angle refraction is 90 0. Total internal reflection is used in optical fibers.

With the help of experiments, the laws of reflection for light radiation were found as early as the 3rd century. BC e. the ancient Greek scientist Euclid. In modern conditions, the verification of these laws is done using an optical washer (Fig. 29.2). It consists of a light source A that can be moved around a disc divided by degrees. By directing the light onto the reflective surface 3, the angles are measured.

The laws of light reflection coincide with the laws of wave reflection from obstacles (§ 24.19).

1. The incident beam and the reflection beam lie in the same plane perpendicular to the reflecting surface, restored at the point of incidence of the beam.

2. The angle of reflection of the beam is equal to the angle of its incidence:

Using an optical washer, it can be shown that the incident and reflected beams are reversible, that is, if the incident beam is directed along the path of the reflected beam, then the reflected beam will follow the path of the incident beam.

In § 24.19 the laws of reflection for a spherical wave front were established. Let us now show that they are also valid for a plane wave front, i.e., for the case of parallel beams falling onto a flat surface.

Let a plane wave fall on a smooth surface (Fig. 29.3), the front of which at some point in time occupies the position After some time, it will take the position. At this point in time (we will take it as zero), a reflected elementary wave will begin to propagate from point A. While the wave front moves from point C to point B in time, the wave from point

And it will spread over the hemisphere at a distance equal to the speed of wave propagation). The new position of the wave front after reflection of the rays will be a tangent to the hemisphere drawn from point B, i.e., a straight line. Further, this wave front will move parallel to itself in the direction of the rays AA or

Light propagates in a straight line only in a homogeneous medium. If light approaches the interface between two media, it changes the direction of propagation.

In addition, some of the light returns to the first Wednesday. This phenomenon is called reflection of light. A beam of light going to the interface between media in the first medium (Fig. 16.5) is called incident (a). Ray. remaining in the first medium after interaction at the interface between the media, called reflected (b).  

The angle \(\alpha\) between the incident ray and the perpendicular raised to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence of the ray is called angle of incidence.

The angle \(\gamma\) between the reflected ray and the same perpendicular is called reflection angle.

Back in the III century. BC. The ancient Greek scientist Euclid experimentally discovered the laws of reflection. In modern conditions, this law can be verified using an optical washer (Fig. 16.6), consisting of a disk, along the circumference of which divisions are applied, and from a light source that can be moved along the edge of the disk. A reflecting surface (a flat mirror) is fixed in the center of the disk. By directing light onto a reflective surface, the angles of incidence and angles of reflection are measured.

Laws of reflection:

1. Rays incident, reflected and perpendicular to the boundary of two media at the point of incidence of the beam lie in the same plane.

2. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence:


The laws of reflection can be derived theoretically using Fermat's principle.

Let light fall on the mirror surface from point A. At point A 1, the rays reflected from the mirror are collected (Fig. 16.7). Suppose that light can travel in two paths, reflecting from points O and O. The time it takes for light to travel the path AOA 1 can be found by the formula AO_1)(\upsilon)\), where \(~\upsilon\) is the speed of light propagation.

The shortest distance from point A to the mirror surface will be denoted by l, and from point A 1 - by i 1 .

From figure 16.7 we find

\(AO=\sqrt(l^2+x^2)\); \(OA_1=\sqrt((L-x)^2+l_1^2)\).


Let's find the derivative

\(t"_x=\frac(1)(\upsilon)\Bigr(\frac(2x)(2\sqrt(l^2+x^2))+\frac(2(Lx)(-1)) (2\sqrt((Lx)^2+l_1^2))\Bigl)=\frac(1)(\upsilon)\Bigr(\frac(x)(\sqrt(l^2+x^2)) -\frac(Lx)(\sqrt((Lx)^2+l_1^2))\Bigl) =\frac(1)(\upsilon)\Bigr(\frac(x)(AO)-\frac(Lx )(OA_1)\Bigl)\).

From the figure we see that \(\frac(x)(AO)=\sin \alpha\); \(\frac(L-x)(OA_1)=\sin\gamma\).

Therefore, \(t"_x=\frac(1)(\upsilon)(\sin \alpha-\sin \gamma)\).

In order for the time t to be minimal, the derivative must be equal to zero. So \(\frac(1)(\upsilon)(\sin \alpha-\sin \gamma)=0\). Hence \(~\sin \alpha = \sin \gamma\), and since the angles \(~\alpha\) and \(~\gamma\) are acute, it follows that the angles \[~\gamma=\ alpha\].

We have obtained a relation expressing the second law of reflection. Fermat's principle also implies the first law of reflection: the reflected ray lies in a plane passing through the incident ray and the normal to the reflecting surface, since if these rays lay in different planes, then the path AOA 1 would not be minimal.

The incident and reflected rays are reversible, i.e. if the incident beam is directed along the path of the reflected beam, then the reflected beam will follow the path of the incident beam - the law of reversibility of light rays.

Depending on the properties of the interface between the media, the reflection of light can be specular and diffuse (scattered).

Mirrored called reflection, in which a parallel beam of rays incident on a flat surface (Fig. 16.8) remains parallel after reflection.

A rough surface reflects a parallel beam of light incident on it in all possible directions (Fig. 16.9). This reflection of light is called diffuse.

Accordingly, mirror and matte surfaces are distinguished.

It should be noted that these are relative terms. Surfaces that reflect only specularly do not exist. In most cases, there is only a reflection maximum in the direction of the specular reflection angle. This explains why we see a mirror and other specularly reflective surfaces from all directions, and not just in one direction in which they reflect light.

The same surface can be specular or matte, depending on the wavelength of the incident light.

If the boundary is a surface, the dimensions d whose irregularities are less than the wavelength of light \(\lambda\), then the reflection will be specular (the surface of a drop of mercury, a polished metal surface, etc.), if \(d \gg \lambda\), the reflection will be diffuse. The better the surface is processed, the greater the proportion of the incident light is reflected in the direction of the specular reflection angle, and the smaller is scattered.

Scattered light arises as a result of small polishing defects, scratches, tiny dust particles, having a size of the order of several microns.

A surface that scatters incident light uniformly in all directions is called absolutely matte. Absolutely matte surfaces also do not exist. The surfaces of unglazed porcelain, drawing paper, and snow are close to absolutely matte surfaces.

Even for the same radiation, a matte surface can become specular if the angle of incidence is increased. Diffusely reflecting surfaces can also differ in the value of the reflection coefficient \(\rho=\frac(W_(OTP))(W) \), showing what part of the energy W of the light beam incident on the surface is the energy W of the reflected light beam.

White drawing paper has a reflectance of 0.7-0.8. Very high reflectance for surfaces coated with magnesium oxide - 0.95 and very low for black velvet - 0.01-0.002.

Note that the dependence of reflection and absorption on the oscillation frequency is most often selective.


Aksenovich L. A. Physics in high school: Theory. Tasks. Tests: Proc. allowance for institutions providing general. environments, education / L. A. Aksenovich, N. N. Rakina, K. S. Farino; Ed. K. S. Farino. - Mn.: Adukatsia i vykhavanne, 2004. - S. 457-460.

Laws of reflection and refraction of light. Total internal light reflection

The laws of light reflection were found experimentally back in the 3rd century BC by the ancient Greek scientist Euclid. Also, these laws can be obtained as a consequence of the Huygens principle, according to which each point of the medium, to which the perturbation has reached, is a source of secondary waves. The wave surface (wave front) at the next moment is a tangent surface to all secondary waves. Huygens principle is purely geometric.

A plane wave falls on a smooth reflective surface of the CM (Fig. 1), that is, a wave whose wave surfaces are strips.

Rice. 1 Huygens construction.

A 1 A and B 1 B are the rays of the incident wave, AC is the wave surface of this wave (or the wave front).

Till wave front from point C it will move in time t to point B, from point A the secondary wave will propagate along the hemisphere to the distance AD ​​= CB, since AD ​​= vt and CB = vt, where v is the speed of wave propagation.

The wave surface of the reflected wave is a straight line BD, tangent to the hemispheres. Further, the wave surface will move parallel to itself in the direction of the reflected beams AA 2 and BB 2 .

Right triangles ΔACB and ΔADB have a common hypotenuse AB and equal legs AD = CB. Therefore, they are equal.

Angles CAB = α and DBA = γ are equal because they are angles with mutually perpendicular sides. And from the equality of triangles it follows that α = γ.

It also follows from the Huygens construction that the incident and reflected rays lie in the same plane with the perpendicular to the surface restored at the point of incidence of the ray.

The laws of reflection are valid for the reverse direction of the light rays. Due to the reversibility of the course of light rays, we have that a ray propagating along the path of the reflected one is reflected along the path of the incident one.

Most bodies only reflect the radiation incident on them, without being a source of light. Illuminated objects are visible from all sides, as light is reflected from their surface in different directions, scattering.

This phenomenon is called diffuse reflection or diffuse reflection. Diffuse reflection of light (Fig. 2.) occurs from all rough surfaces. To determine the path of the reflected beam of such a surface, a plane tangent to the surface is drawn at the point of incidence of the beam, and the angles of incidence and reflection are plotted with respect to this plane.

Rice. 2. Diffuse reflection of light.

For example, 85% of white light is reflected from the surface of the snow, 75% from white paper, 0.5% from black velvet. Diffuse reflection of light does not cause discomfort in the human eye, in contrast to the specular reflection.

Specular reflection of light- this is when rays of light falling on a smooth surface at a certain angle are reflected mainly in one direction (Fig. 3.). The reflective surface in this case is called mirror(or mirror surface). Mirror surfaces can be considered optically smooth if the sizes of irregularities and inhomogeneities on them do not exceed the light wavelength (less than 1 μm). For such surfaces, the law of light reflection is fulfilled.

Rice. 3. Mirror reflection of light.

flat mirror is a mirror whose reflecting surface is a plane. A flat mirror makes it possible to see objects in front of it, and these objects seem to be located behind the mirror plane. In geometric optics, each point of the light source S is considered the center of a diverging beam of rays (Fig. 4.). Such a beam of rays is called homocentric. The image of a point S in an optical device is the center S' of a homocentric reflected and refracted beam of rays in various media. If light scattered by the surfaces of various bodies hits a flat mirror, and then, reflected from it, falls into the eye of the observer, then images of these bodies are visible in the mirror.

Rice. 4. The image that appears with the help of a flat mirror.

The image S' is called real if at the point S 1 the reflected (refracted) rays of the beam themselves intersect. An image S 1 is called imaginary if it is not the reflected (refracted) rays themselves that intersect in it, but their continuations. Light energy does not enter this point. On fig. 4 shows the image of the luminous point S, which appears with the help of a flat mirror.

The beam SO falls on the mirror KM at an angle of 0°, therefore, the angle of reflection is 0°, and this beam after reflection follows the path OS. From the entire set of rays falling from point S to a flat mirror, we select the ray SO 1.

Beam SO 1 falls on the mirror at an angle α and is reflected at an angle γ (α = γ). If we continue the reflected rays beyond the mirror, then they will converge at the point S 1, which is an imaginary image of the point S in a flat mirror. Thus, it seems to a person that the rays come out of the point S 1, although in reality there are no rays coming out of this point and entering the eye. The image of the point S 1 is located symmetrically to the most luminous point S relative to the KM mirror. Let's prove it.

The beam SB, incident on the mirror at an angle of 2 (Fig. 5.), according to the law of reflection of light, is reflected at an angle of 1 = 2.

Rice. 5. Reflection from a flat mirror.

From fig. 1.8 it can be seen that angles 1 and 5 are equal - as vertical. The sum of the angles 2 + 3 = 5 + 4 = 90°. Therefore, angles 3 = 4 and 2 = 5.

Right-angled triangles ΔSOB and ΔS 1 OB have a common leg OB and equal acute angles 3 and 4, therefore, these triangles are equal in side and two angles adjacent to the leg. This means that SO = OS 1 , that is, the point S 1 is located symmetrically to the point S with respect to the mirror.

In order to find the image of an object AB in a flat mirror, it is enough to lower the perpendiculars from the extreme points of the object to the mirror and, continuing them beyond the mirror, set aside a distance behind it equal to the distance from the mirror to the extreme point of the object (Fig. 6.). This image will be imaginary and life size. The dimensions and relative position of objects are preserved, but at the same time, in the mirror, the left and right sides of the image are reversed in comparison with the object itself. The parallelism of light rays incident on a flat mirror after reflection is also not disturbed.

Rice. 6. Image of an object in a flat mirror.

In engineering, mirrors with a complex curved reflective surface, such as spherical mirrors, are often used. spherical mirror- this is the surface of the body, which has the shape of a spherical segment and reflects light specularly. The parallelism of the rays upon reflection from such surfaces is violated. The mirror is called concave, if the rays are reflected from the inner surface of the spherical segment.

Parallel light rays after reflection from such a surface are collected at one point, so a concave mirror is called gathering. If the rays are reflected from the outer surface of the mirror, then it will convex. Parallel light rays scatter in different directions, so convex mirror called scattering.

Refraction At the interface between two media, the incident light flux is divided into two parts: one part is reflected, the other is refracted.
V. Snell (Snellius) before X. Huygens and I. Newton in 1621 experimentally discovered the law of refraction of light, but did not receive a formula, but expressed it in the form of tables, because. by this time, the sin and cos functions were not yet known in mathematics.
The refraction of light obeys the law: 1. The incident beam and the refracted beam lie in the same plane with the perpendicular erected at the point of incidence of the beam to the interface between two media. 2. The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction for two given media is a constant value (for monochromatic light).
The reason for refraction is the difference in the speeds of wave propagation in different media.
The value equal to the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the speed of light in a given medium is called the absolute refractive index of the medium. This is a tabular value - a characteristic of this environment.
The value equal to the ratio of the speed of light in one medium to the speed of light in another is called the relative refractive index of the second medium relative to the first.
Proof of the law of refraction. Propagation of incident and refracted rays: MM "- the interface between two media. Rays A 1 A and B 1 B - incident rays; α - angle of incidence; AC - wave surface at the moment when the beam A 1 A reaches the interface between the media. Using using the Huygens principle, we construct a wave surface at the moment when the beam B 1 B reaches the interface between the media. We construct the refracted rays AA 2 and BB 2. β is the angle of refraction. AB is the common side of the triangles ABC and ABD. Since the rays and wave surfaces are mutually are perpendicular, then the angle ABD= α and the angle BAC=β. Then we get:
In a prism or plane-parallel plate, refraction occurs on each face in accordance with the law of refraction of light. Don't forget that there is always a reflection. In addition, the actual path of the rays depends on both the refractive index and the refractive angle - the angle at the top of the prism.)
Total reflection If light falls from an optically denser medium into an optically less dense one, then at the angle of incidence determined for each medium, the refracted beam disappears. Only refraction is observed. This phenomenon is called total internal reflection.
The angle of incidence, which corresponds to the angle of refraction of 90 °, is called the limiting angle of total internal reflection (a 0). It follows from the law of refraction that when light passes from any medium into vacuum (or air)
If we try to look from under the water at what is in the air, then at a certain value of the angle at which we look, we can see the bottom reflected from the surface of the water. This is important to consider in order not to lose orientation.
In jewelry, stones are cut in such a way that each facet has a total reflection. This explains the "play of stones".
The phenomenon of a mirage is also explained by total internal reflection.

Dating back to around 300 BC. e.

Laws of reflection. Fresnel formulas

The law of light reflection - establishes a change in the direction of the light beam as a result of a meeting with a reflective (mirror) surface: the incident and reflected rays lie in the same plane with the normal to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence, and this normal divides the angle between the rays into two equal parts. The widely used but less accurate formulation "angle of incidence equals angle of reflection" does not indicate the exact direction of reflection of the beam. However, it looks like this:

This law is a consequence of the application of Fermat's principle to a reflecting surface and, like all laws of geometric optics, is derived from wave optics. The law is valid not only for perfectly reflecting surfaces, but also for the boundary of two media, partially reflecting light. In this case, as well as the law of refraction of light, it does not state anything about the intensity of the reflected light.

reflection mechanism

When an electromagnetic wave hits a conducting surface, a current arises, the electromagnetic field of which tends to compensate for this effect, which leads to almost complete reflection of light.

Types of reflection

Reflection of light can be mirror(that is, as observed when using mirrors) or diffuse(in this case, during reflection, the path of the rays from the object is not preserved, but only the energy component of the light flux) depending on the nature of the surface.

Mirror O. s. there is a certain relationship between the positions of the incident and reflected rays: 1) the reflected ray lies in a plane passing through the incident ray and the normal to the reflecting surface; 2) the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence j. The intensity of the reflected light (characterized by the reflection coefficient) depends on j and the polarization of the incident beam of rays (see Polarization of light), as well as on the ratio of the refractive indices n2 and n1 of the 2nd and 1st media. Quantitatively, this dependence (for a reflective medium - a dielectric) is expressed by the Fresnel formulas. From them, in particular, it follows that when light is incident along the normal to the surface, the reflection coefficient does not depend on the polarization of the incident beam and is equal to

(n2 - n1)²/(n2 + n1)²

In a very important particular case of a normal fall from air or glass onto their interface (nair "1.0; nst = 1.5), it is "4%.

The nature of reflected light polarization changes with j and is different for the incident light components polarized parallel (p-component) and perpendicular (s-component) to the plane of incidence. Under the plane of polarization is understood, as usual, the plane of oscillation of the electric vector of the light wave. At angles j equal to the so-called Brewster angle (see Brewster's law), the reflected light becomes completely polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence (the p-component of the incident light is completely refracted into the reflecting medium; if this medium strongly absorbs light, then the refracted p-component passes into medium is very small way). This feature of mirror O. with. used in a number of polarizing devices. For j larger than the Brewster angle, the reflection coefficient from dielectrics increases with increasing j, tending to 1 in the limit, regardless of the polarization of the incident light. In the case of specular reflection, as is clear from Fresnel's formulas, the phase of the reflected light generally changes abruptly. If j = 0 (light is incident normally to the interface), then for n2 > n1 the phase of the reflected wave is shifted by p, for n2< n1 - остаётся неизменной. Сдвиг фазы при О. с. в случае j ¹ 0 может быть различен для р- и s-составляющих падающего света в зависимости от того, больше или меньше j угла Брюстера, а также от соотношения n2 и n1. О. с. от поверхности оптически менее плотной среды (n2 < n1) при sin j ³ n2 / n1 является полным внутренним отражением, при котором вся энергия падающего пучка лучей возвращается в 1-ю среду. Зеркальное О. с. от поверхностей сильно отражающих сред (например, металлов) описывается формулами, подобными формулам Френеля, с тем (правда, весьма существенным) изменением, что n2 становится комплексной величиной, мнимая часть которой характеризует поглощение падающего света.

Absorption in a reflecting medium leads to the absence of the Brewster angle and higher (in comparison with dielectrics) values ​​of the reflection coefficient - even at normal incidence it can exceed 90% (this is the reason for the widespread use of smooth metal and metallized surfaces in mirrors). The polarization characteristics also differ. light waves reflected from the absorbing medium (due to other phase shifts of the p- and s-components of the incident waves). The nature of the polarization of reflected light is so sensitive to the parameters of the reflecting medium that numerous optical methods for studying metals are based on this phenomenon (see Magneto-optics, Metal-optics).

Diffuse O. with. - its scattering by the uneven surface of the 2nd medium in all possible directions. The spatial distribution of the reflected radiation flux and its intensity are different in different specific cases and are determined by the ratio between l and the size of irregularities, the distribution of irregularities over the surface, lighting conditions, and the properties of the reflecting medium. The limiting case of the spatial distribution of diffusely reflected light, which is strictly not fulfilled in nature, is described by the Lambert law. Diffuse O. with. It is also observed from media whose internal structure is inhomogeneous, which leads to the scattering of light in the volume of the medium and the return of part of it to the 1st medium. Patterns of diffuse O. with. from such media are determined by the nature of the processes of single and multiple scattering of light in them. Both absorption and scattering of light can show a strong dependence on l. The result of this is a change in the spectral composition of diffusely reflected light, which (when illuminated with white light) is visually perceived as the color of bodies.

Total internal reflection

As the angle of incidence increases i, the angle of refraction also increases, while the intensity of the reflected beam increases, and that of the refracted beam decreases (their sum is equal to the intensity of the incident beam). At some value i = i k injection r\u003d π / 2, the intensity of the refracted beam will become equal to zero, all light will be reflected. With a further increase in the angle i > i k there will be no refracted beam, there is a total reflection of light.

The value of the critical angle of incidence, at which total reflection begins, we find, we put in the law of refraction r= π / 2, then sin r= 1 means:

sin i k = n 2 / n 1

Diffuse light scattering

θ i = θ r .
The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection

The principle of operation of the corner reflector

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  • Total internal reflection of light. Educational research, Mayer Valery Vilgelmovich, The book contains descriptions of educational experimental studies of the phenomenon of total internal reflection from the boundary of optically homogeneous and layered-inhomogeneous media. Simple physical... Category: Textbooks for schoolchildren Series: Teacher's and student's library Publisher: FIZMATLIT, Manufacturer: