Non-standard coworking, workplace rental. Renting a workplace in a beauty salon: pros and cons for both parties Renting a workplace in a bank office

If you have empty space, you can:

- use it for your business (open a service, shop, hotel) - for this you need to be a professional businessman in this area;

- rent it out for any other business - the income will not be very high;

- turn your area into workplace and rent it out by the hour - the rent will be higher than renting out just empty space.

This is what Yevgeny Volk, the organizer of jobs for seamstresses in Moscow, probably thought:

(photo from the project site

He had a large empty room far from the subway. Such a room is hardly suitable for a shop or a hotel. But for artisans - who do not have their own office, and it is not very comfortable to work at home - just right. Especially if these workplaces are equipped with everything necessary for work - sewing machines, overlockers, ironing boards, fitting rooms and other necessary tools.

Eugene organized 21 workplaces for seamstresses in one space:

(photo from the group of the author of the project

and rents it out at a price of 50 to 90 rubles per hour (depending on the size of the purchased time package), or for 14,900 per month:

And almost immediately, jobs were bought from him for 2 months in advance.

The author of the project intends to earn money not only from leasing jobs. But also on conducting thematic master classes, seminars, as well as through advertising affiliate programs (given that its audience is a narrowly focused group, this direction will be in great demand).

For example, one of the nearest similar events is the “Basic Modeling Course” course for beginner seamstresses (it costs 5,000 rubles per person - this is the equivalent of 100 redeemed hours for using the workplace):

In addition, he intends to open several more similar workplaces (from the expression "work place" - "workplace") - as he himself called his business idea - not only for seamstresses, but also for hairdressers. And not only in Moscow, but also in other cities.

(By the way, this business is very similar to the idea I proposed earlier Office for an hour; and in Moscow, by the way, this idea has already been realized.)

Let's think about what other jobs can be rented out:

- garages - for car repairs (many garages are empty, but they could bring a good income);

— photo studio — for incoming photographers;

- a kitchen in some kind of cafe or dining room - to rent to culinary specialists for master classes or for housewives who earn money by cooking;

- computer club - for conducting various kinds of courses on computers.

Add your ideas (in the comments) what other jobs can be organized in empty areas.

Perhaps my experience will be of interest to someone, and someone will help to avoid my mistake. It turned out a lot of letters, who are too lazy to read, you can immediately proceed to the conclusion. I will not name names, names and locations, because the world of trading is small, and there is no need for people to send negativity into karma, all the more everything ended well for me. And it all turned out like this:

I decided to rent a workplace or an office for trading in Balashikha, so that I would make an appropriate topic on Smart-lab not far from home, but, as expected, there was no result, they didn’t really troll the castle, and that’s good). Offices near the house were not particularly suitable, or pre-revolutionary ruins with torn linoleum and dirty windows, or an inadequate price list for one person, and even without air conditioning. I even considered a room in a shopping center in my house, and here the situation is amazing, worthy of a separate post, our house, just like the shopping center, has been commissioned for almost 5 years, but 3/4 of the space is still empty, but people stubbornly do not reduce rent, even for 100r/m.

As a result of searching on one of the trading resources, lo and behold, I found a very tempting offer for myself, an office in Moscow, but it’s convenient for me to get there by train, from door to door in 50 minutes. Phoned, went looked, all arranged. New business center, nice office, condo, high ceilings, access system, relatively fast Internet, and so on.
The person who posted the announcement is minding his own business, this business has nothing to do with trading, but sometimes he kind of trades himself. Offers to rent workplaces for traders, for a completely ridiculous fee. To my question, “Why do you need this trading, with a business running?” He answered that he plans to assemble a team of 5-8 young traders, train them and learn on his own, and eventually make trading the main business, organize dealing, the office has already been bought, and there are investors ready to give money for management. In general, grandiose plans, a la, New Vasyuki.

Okay, everything seems to suit me, let's somehow formalize the relationship on paper. This is where things got interesting. The office was not his, but rented. IP is issued, not for him, but for his wife. Well, okay, here's a grit, a lease agreement with the owner for a year, but a stamp in the passport that I am the husband of the owner of the IP. Ok, the money is ridiculous, we made a lease agreement for a workplace, with payment for the first and last month. The next day I stopped by with my laptop, monitors and a chair. At the security, I filled out a paper application for bringing in equipment, entered my full name, received the go-ahead and the security guard escorted me with all the pieces of iron to the office door, making sure that I did not damage the repair along the way). Ok, I got everything connected.

I started going to the office, washed and shaved, satisfied, everything is serious, no more trading in home workouts and other attributes of home trading)) Time passed, there were no more traders to keep company. The man-landlord, let him be the "owner" came very rarely, and in the late evenings, when I was already leaving and, of course, did not trade at all. It is worth saying that only two managers worked in the office besides me, but the noise from their work sometimes exceeded the noise of my small child, because of which I decided to move out of the house)) Headphones to help, but sometimes it was really annoying. It was also annoying that one manager tried to borrow money from me, because. The "owner", from the words, did not pay very regularly.
Time passed, and at the end of the second week in the office ended drinking water, from a telephone conversation between the manager and the “owner”, whom I had not seen for a long time, I heard out of the corner of my ear that there was no need to order water, supposedly, we would order it to the new office. I got a little crazy, it was Friday evening.

Monday came, I went to buy water for the office, and then the fun began. At lunch, several people came, one of them said: “Like, I am the owner of the office, and I don’t know if the“ owner ”warned you or not, but before Wednesday you have to move out. And yes, I've placed a ban on equipment removal until the rent and operating expenses are paid. If you have personal belongings, resolve the issue with the "owner".
The owner carefully photographed everything in the office. Then I completely freaked out, took the phone number of the owner, and began to think, there was no talk of trade. I folded my laptop and everything that fit into the bag from under the laptop, and fearing, no matter how strange it may sound, to be caught by the guards, with my own laptop, overcoming the turnstiles, I drove towards the house.

The “owner” didn’t answer the phone and didn’t call back, but I didn’t really insist, because everything was already clear. In the evening, in a telephone conversation with the owner of the premises, I found out that something immediately went wrong in their relationship, there were a lot of words and promises from the "owner", but few actions, and more less money for rent. All concessions and Chinese warnings have ended. On my persuasion to allow you to take out your belongings, maybe. I honestly paid, and generally not in the subject, was adamant. There is only one layout, money in the morning - chairs in the evening.
The place and the office really suited me, I wanted to stay there, and to the offer to sit in the office “in the corner, for a small fee” until he finds new tenants, he replied that he had already signed a new lease agreement and new tenants were moving in on Wednesday evening, so must be dumped. Cool, cho!
Having received an affirmative answer from the owner that the “owner” will no longer be able to leave the office on his own, incl. and "under the guise" with my equipment, calmed down a bit. I found out the amount of the debt and began to remember what was in the office, to calculate the cost of office equipment at Avito prices, just in case. It seems that in a good scenario, the proceeds should cover the rent. I was even internally determined to buy a monitor from the “owner” in order to help with the cache and compensate for my money for a month and a half. I didn't want to drag out this story.

But it ended, as I already wrote, well. On Wednesday evening the "master" appeared. The owner generously forgave the “owner” for several months, demanding only money for the “communal apartment” and taking into account a couple of sofas, maybe something else, I don’t know, because as soon as the money was transferred, the owner escorted me and let me out on guard, i.e. To. passes have already been blocked.
Joy, he returned everything, even the money for rent, one might say, went to zero. Now again I can not waste time on the road, shave whenever I want and trade from home, in my shorts)))

Conclusion: very simple and clear, it is dangerous to contact sublease. I almost stopped by 4 moniks, a chair and a couple of brackets)) Be vigilant.
Thanks to everyone who made it)

Good luck to all!

P.S. Upvote who doesn't care.

workplace in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " Landlord”, on the one hand, and gr. , passport: series , number , issued by , residing at the address: , hereinafter referred to as " Tenant”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. The Landlord provides the Tenant temporary possession and use for a fee workplace, located at at: .

1.2. The workplace is equipped and equipped.

1.3. The workplace is used by the Tenant only for professional activities.


2.1. The rent is set in cash and amounts to rubles per month.

2.2. The Tenant pays the rent to the Landlord by bank transfer, no later than the day of each month.


3.1. The tenant has the right:

3.1.1. Use the workplace in accordance with its purpose.

3.1.2. To conclude a lease agreement for a new term, in case of proper performance of their obligations under the agreement.

3.2. The tenant is obliged:

3.2.1. Use the leased property in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

3.2.2. Maintain the leased property in good condition, carry out current repairs at its own expense and bear the costs of its maintenance.

3.2.3. Timely pay rent for the use of the workplace.

3.2.4. Comply with the internal regulations and working hours of the office where the workplace is located.

3.2.5. Upon termination of this agreement, return the property to the Lessor in the condition in which he received it, taking into account normal wear and tear.

3.3. The landlord has the right:

3.3.1. Control the intended use by the Lessee of the leased workplace.

3.3.2. Require termination of the agreement if the Lessee uses the workplace in a way that is not in accordance with its intended purpose and the terms of this agreement.

3.4. The landlord is obliged:

3.4.1. Issue to the Tenant a pass to enter the premises where the rented workplace is located.

3.4.2. To refrain from any actions that create obstacles for the Tenant in using the workplace.

3.4.3. Produce at your own expense overhaul leased property.


4.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties and is valid until ""2020.

4.2. If the Tenant intends to conclude an agreement for a new term, he is obliged to notify the Landlord of this at least one day before the expiration of the agreement.

4.3. When concluding for a new term, the terms of the contract may be changed by agreement of the Parties.


5.1. By agreement of the Parties, this Agreement may be amended or terminated.

5.2. At the request of the Lessor, the agreement may be prematurely terminated by the court in cases where the Lessee:

5.2.1. Uses the property with a material breach of the terms of the contract or assignment of the property, or with repeated violations.

5.2.2. Significantly degrades the property.

5.2.3. More than twice in a row after the expiration of the payment period established by the agreement, he does not pay the rent.

5.3. At the request of the Lessee, the contract may be terminated ahead of time by the court in cases where:

5.3.1. The Lessor does not provide the property for use to the Lessee or creates obstacles to the use of the property in accordance with the terms of the contract or the purpose of the property.

5.3.2. The property, due to circumstances for which the Lessee is not responsible, will be in a state unsuitable for use.


6.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. In case of delay in payment of lease payments, the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord a penalty in the amount of % of the amount of the debt for each day of delay.

6.3. For untimely return of the leased property, the Lessor has the right to demand payment of rent for the entire time of delay and a penalty in the amount of % of the amount of the debt for each day of delay.

6.4. The Lessor compensates the Lessee for losses caused by the delay in providing the leased property.

6.5. The lessor shall be liable for defects in the leased property that completely or partially impede the use of it, even if he was not aware of these defects at the time of conclusion of the contract.

Please note that the lease agreement is drawn up and checked by lawyers and is exemplary; it can be finalized taking into account the specific terms of the transaction. The Site Administration is not responsible for the validity of this agreement, as well as for its compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The idea of ​​renting a hairdresser's workplace often arises from the need to reduce the tax burden on the business or reduce operating costs. For the owner of the salon, the transition to a new labor relationship is convenient if it is impossible to lower the official salary for the employee. The master will gain independence from the employer, and the owner will be able to solve a number of financial problems. But first it is worth looking at both sides of the coin so that the end really justifies the means.

Benefits for the tenant

First of all, this is a good opportunity to earn money. To pay salaries to masters working in beauty salons under employment contracts, a piecework wage system is used. Usually this figure is set at 30% of the cost of the service. Additionally, the employer withholds income tax from the master's salary, which further reduces the amount received in hand. And if there is already an established customer base, the work will be carried out in a comfortable and well-located salon, there are chances to become successful.

The master, renting a workplace, receives the following opportunities:

  • Independently form prices for services;
  • Officially work with your client base;
  • Use your own tools and materials;
  • Have a flexible work schedule.

You can not rent a hairdressing chair in every place. If the salon is elite, a novice master without starting capital will not be able to afford such costs. Many business owners do not want to rent out their workplace. If the master turns out to be unscrupulous and due to the lack of control over his actions, they will easily lose the positive reputation of their establishment.

The master renting a workplace in the salon should be prepared for:

  • Independent purchase of materials (sometimes salon owners provide cosmetics and tools);
  • Impossibility to fully advertise yourself, you will have to look for customers through your own channels;
  • Bearing personal responsibility for the quality of services, independent bookkeeping and financial accounting;
  • Work in conditions of high competition with other craftsmen;
  • Responsibility to pay rent regardless of the amount of money earned.

Beauty coworking is a new format for organizing the workspace of hairdressers, eyebrow artists, make-up artists, and estheticians. These are professionally equipped beauty salons working with freelance specialists. Here, each master can rent a workplace for an hour, a year, a day or several days, paying only for the time actually worked.

Advantages and disadvantages for landlords

Leasing jobs is an additional passive source of income. Especially if you come across a good master with his client base.

You do not need to spend money on his professional development, advertising, purchase of cosmetics, as well as keeping records of a staff unit, saving up to 6% of your working time. Some landlords manage to pass on some of the operating costs of paying to the tenant utilities, as well as labor administrator and cleaner.

The owner of the salon needs to be prepared for the following:

  • Lost opportunities to make money on the master - renting one workplace will not bring the same income if this specialist worked for you under an employment contract;
  • Spontaneous service and quality of services - independence from the employer in pricing and time of coming to work can violate the rights of customers and ruin the reputation of the salon;
  • Lack of control - this gives rise to an irresponsible and mismanaged attitude to labor discipline, as well as possible damage and theft of property;
  • Non-payment of rent - masters often refuse to pay due to lack of earnings or personal circumstances;
  • Problems with inspection bodies - in the event of a lawsuit, dissatisfied with the service, customers will make claims against the owner of the salon;
  • Competition between masters - if the tenant has lower prices for services, it will become more profitable for customers to be served by him.

Some salon owners practice the so-called quiet rental or by verbal agreement. In such a transaction, both parties are at risk. If the master damages the property, the owner will not recover the damage from him. When checking by supervisory authorities, it will be necessary to explain the reasons for the work of the master. If the owner pays a fine for violating labor laws, then the master pays a fine for conducting illegal business activities.

We conclude a contract for the lease of a chair or office

In order to insure themselves against possible adverse consequences, both parties should agree in writing all the terms of the transaction - specify the subject, terms of the contract, place of conclusion, details of the parties, the rate and procedure for paying rent, and also provide for potential conflict situations.

One workplace of the master should have 6 square meters. m. of free space. In civil law there is no specifics what is meant by it. By law, you can only rent things that are transferred to the tenant for temporary possession and / or use. In order to clearly delineate the material responsibility of the master, the concept of “workplace” should be deciphered in detail in the contract. For example, for a hairdresser - an armchair, a sink, a mirror, a manicure specialist - a table with a lamp, shelves for tools, a chair.

It is better to draw up a lease agreement with lawyers. If the owner of the salon operates on the basis of a rented premises, subleasing free space, he must take into account a number of points:

  • The sublease agreement is concluded for a period not exceeding the term of the lease agreement;
  • The need for the written consent of the landlord (clause 2, article 615 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • In case of early termination of the lease agreement, the sublease agreement will automatically terminate.

In order for the master to be personally responsible to clients and the owner of the beauty salon, he must be issued individual entrepreneur who pays his own taxes. A business owner who rents out jobs will have to switch to a simplified taxation system if he has previously used UTII or PSN.

A master cosmetologist providing medical services, according to Russian law, must have a license for his activities. Often, the owners of a beauty parlor practice leasing workplaces to doctors so that they are responsible to patients in the event of a poor-quality service.

Obtaining the right to engage in a licensed type of activity involves the personification of a license. Medical services must be provided only by the licensee. At the same time, it is prohibited to transfer under the contract to another legal entity or individual entrepreneur the right to perform a licensed type of work.

When a cosmetology salon with a license does not have a documented labor relationship with a cosmetologist, the inspection authorities refer to Part 4 of Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and hold the business owner liable for non-compliance with the conditions for conducting medical activities. The presence of employment contracts with employees with secondary, higher, postgraduate and / or additional specialized education is also provided for in the Decree of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2012 No. 291. This is one of the mandatory requirements for a license applicant.


Leasing workplaces is a convenient option for those who want to collect a certain amount from the masters every month and not think about anything special. If initially the format of the enterprise was not conceived as a beauty coworking, about creative development such a salon is out of the question. Few craftsmen, when renting, think about the reputation of the establishment, and rarely does anyone take care of the property of the owner. And if in the future you decide to switch from rent to employment contracts, it will take a long time to earn a reputation for the salon.

The key to successful business is a successful lease of an office in Moscow. Properly selected premises will ensure a hassle-free arrival to work of employees, the ability for partners and clients to quickly find you among thousands of metropolitan offices. A modern office enhances the company's image, testifies to its success and competitiveness.

You can rent an office within 1 day. How to find the best option?

Consider what requirements you place on the future object. Use filters to mark these criteria for us:

  • ◾ Specify required amount work places.
  • ◾ Room area.
  • ◾ Belonging to a certain IFTS of the capital.
  • ◾ Location in a specific area or directly next to a specific metro station.
  • ◾ Additional wishes - availability of furniture in the office, courier or secretarial support, equipment with modern systems and technologies.

Important: the Place For Work service provides office rental without commission and without intermediaries, we are a completely free platform and do not charge for assistance in selecting commercial premises. So that you can rent an office in Moscow from the owner, we control all ads, we monitor the compliance of the data indicated by the owner of the object with reality.

Pay attention to the readiness of the object for settlement. You can rent an office space and move into it within one day, or you can find a cheaper option with the need for light cosmetic repairs.

Searching for offices for rent without a commission will take you no more than 5 minutes. After that, you can agree on the details of cooperation directly with the owner by phone or during a personal meeting during the inspection of the object. A large number of offers is a guarantee that for any business there is an option suitable for the price and other criteria. Here you will find hundreds of ads for renting an office in a shopping center, in