Guide to the female zodiac sign Aries: how to get the heart of an Aries girl. Aries woman compatibility in love and relationships Aries woman characteristic from a to z

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac.

The time of his reign begins on March 21, on the day of the spring solstice, and continues until April 20. Aries women born at the beginning of this period (March 21-31) are under the auspices of the militant Mars. The fiery planet gives from nature temperamental natures more more passion and sexuality. Women with a date of birth April 1-11 fall under the influence of the Sun, which endows their protégés with ambition and leadership qualities. Late Aries (April 12-20) is ruled by loving Venus. These are gentle and addicted persons with a penchant for the arts.

The element of Aries is Fire. He endows women with a bright charisma, thanks to which others are attracted to them like butterflies to the light. The auspicious colors of a fire sign are all the overflows of red and yellow that are present in a flaming sunset or the sparks of a fire.

The most powerful talisman stones for an Aries woman: ruby, agate, garnet, amethyst, carnelian, sapphire, rock crystal, diamond. Which one to choose, your heart and the ruling planet will tell you:

  • Carnelian, agate and rock crystal will help temper the stubbornness and excessive selfishness of Mars.

  • amethyst and moon rock will smooth out the imperious manifestations of solar Aries.

  • The romanticism of Venus is in harmony with the natural energy of diamond, sapphire, ruby ​​and garnet.
Lucky numbers are 4, 7 and 9, as well as their various combinations. The most successful day of the week is Thursday. It is worth timed to coincide with the beginning of a new project, the date of an important meeting or trip.

The nature of the Aries woman

Many Aries women have a conventional male character: they are self-confident and power-hungry, they are not characterized by the softness and complaisance inherent in the fairer sex. But, despite the ambitious nature of Aries women, men appreciate and love life partners born under this sign. Like any other zodiac sign, Aries is polar. Depending on how a girl uses her natural inclinations, they can manifest themselves in positive or negative aspects of the personality.


  • Confidence. When you evaluate the actions of the lady-Aries, you understand: for her there are no fears and obstacles. If she's up to something, it won't be easy to stop her.

  • Independence. A valuable quality of an Aries woman is her independence from men. She will not ask her husband to drive in a nail, bring bags, give wise advice, as she is confident in her abilities. “The galloping horse will stop” - this is about her.

  • Generosity. If you earn the favor of the Aries lady, get ready to receive gifts and compliments. She is used to expressing her gratitude not only with words, but also with material signs of attention.


  • Selfishness. Confidence in the extreme manifestation acquires features of superiority over others. To shake narcissism, Aries needs to meet a worthy partner who will be stronger and more determined than her.

  • Loneliness. A self-sufficient Aries woman often goes through life alone. She can do without men much longer than representatives of other signs.

  • Greed. The reverse side of generosity is excessive stinginess. Transformation of attitude towards material goods occurs as one grows older, when reckless youth is replaced by experienced maturity.

Zodiac signs: the most vulnerable places or how not to destroy relationships

Qualities to be developed

The main traits that confident Aries women need to cultivate in themselves are prudence and caution. Before you get involved in a long-term project (relationships, business, obligations), mentally look a couple of months ahead. Take time out to evaluate all the gains and losses from the planned action. And only then sign the contract or at the registry office.

What an Aries Woman Loves

  • To be the first always and in everything. The scope of her leadership is practically unlimited, whether it be work, family or relationships with friends.

  • Independence. Do not try to put a girl born under the sign of Aries in a golden cage - she will still break free.

  • Flattery (within reason). What woman doesn't like compliments? If such persons exist, then this is definitely not an Aries girl.

  • active image life. Traveling, playing sports, interesting hobbies, new acquaintances... Lady-Aries will always find something to do to feel the inexpressible joy of being.

  • Directness. Lies and ambiguity are unacceptable for a woman of this sign. To trust a person, she must feel his sincerity.

  • Take care of yourself. Even going out to the store, elegant Aries take a long time to preen in front of the mirror. They are sensitive to their appearance, so they are sure that others are examining them under a microscope.

What an Aries Woman Doesn't Like

  • To plan. Easy-going natures prefer spontaneous events to long-awaited events.

  • Irresponsible people. Aries women are an exception among the fire and air signs, which are famous for their optionality.

  • Ask for help. It is unlikely that you will hear the desperate cry of "HELP!" from the mouth of a ram. She would rather come to the rescue herself than ask for it.

  • To complain. In the arsenal of such a lady there is no expression "unfortunate female fate." Even if the black streak in her life has dragged on, she will call it "temporary difficulties."

  • Show your weakness. The Aries girl will not “cry in a vest”, counting on comfort and support. She has an unshakable fortitude and optimism.

  • criticism. Do not try to express your dissatisfaction with the Aries. Even if your claims are valid, they will be perceived inadequately.

How to Win an Aries Woman

If such a lady feels sympathy for a man, she will not take a wait-and-see attitude. Most likely, she herself will win his hand and heart, so the partner just needs to respond to gestures of attention. When a man wants to melt the ice of indifference beautiful lady, he should resort to the advice of astrologers:

Who is suitable for single women?

1. Aries girls are incorrigible romantics at heart. They believe in love to the grave and read chivalric novels. To earn love, try to live up to the lofty ideals of your chosen one: sing serenades, do crazy things and make generous gestures.

2. When caring for the representatives of this sign, do not stoop to undisguised flattery. They instantly distinguish a sincere feeling from spiritual falsehood.

3. Keep loyalty and devotion. Being next to Aries, do not cast appraising glances at other girls, she will not even tolerate hypothetical rivals.

4. Do not limit your partner's freedom with jealousy and attempts to control her. For the right to be independent, an Aries woman is able to sacrifice her feelings.

5. Be persistent and original! Such ladies are crazy about pleasant surprises. A subtle compliment, an unusual gift, an elegant bouquet of flowers - best friends Aries girls, however, as well as diamonds.

Love and marriage

In the heart manifestations, Aries are unnecessarily cold, which is compensated by passion in sex. The future with the beloved must have a real material basis for them. "Paradise in a hut" is unacceptable for them. As companions, they choose bright and wealthy people with brilliant prospects. An Aries woman will be proud of her love for her husband if he is spiritually and financially stable.

An exceptional feature of the representatives of this sign is that they fall in love at the level of reason. When they realize that a partner is worthy of reciprocity, they will sincerely love him.

Having found the other half, Aries does not hesitate to tie it with the bonds of Hymen. Sometimes her chosen one is under the crown so unexpectedly that he does not have time to realize what is happening. Not all husbands dream of quickly ending up under a woman's heels, and for Aries wives, this tendency manifests itself already on the first dates. Having quickly formalized the relationship, they do not leave their gentlemen a chance for long thought.

8 reasons not to fall in love with an Aries

The ladies of this sign are rational about family responsibilities. They perform household chores without excessive zeal, devoting to them exactly as much personal time as is necessary to maintain apparent comfort. The role of a housewife is not for her.

Suitable profession

A career for an Aries woman is no less important than for a man. For such a lady, a decent job is a means to realize life ambitions to a greater extent than a successful marriage. The business horoscope of those born under this sign suggests that they can achieve recognition in any chosen field.

Innate leadership allows you to fully reveal your potential in the role of a boss, rather than a subordinate. An overly straightforward disposition of such a woman can lead to conflict situations with management.

Even in their youth, Aries know what field of activity they want to choose. Intuitively, they prefer activities associated with change, travel and a sense of indispensability. Routine and sedentary work are hated for such women. They can most successfully realize their irrepressible potential in the profession:
  • manager
  • traveling salesman
  • insurance agent
  • veterinarian
  • doctor
  • architect
  • actresses
If you have good physical data, success in professional sports is possible.

How to get along with the mother-in-law-Aries?


Aries women are naturally strong immune systems. In the horoscope of this sign, the main vulnerabilities are associated with the head, especially with the organs of hearing and vision. There is a high probability of migraines, overwork, hypertension, insomnia. As a rule, these violations are caused by overexcitation, moral exhaustion, lack of proper rest.

How to recognize the lies of the zodiac signs?

Due to the accelerated metabolism, Aries diseases have a rapid course: an abrupt onset and a pronounced crisis are replaced in most cases by a speedy recovery. The danger lies in the fact that the owners of this sign tend to downplay the danger of illness and the importance of adherence to the regime.

If the Aries girl neglects the recommendations of doctors, a disease that is not serious at first glance can become chronic and protracted.

How to Raise an Aries Child

From the cradle, the children of this sign show restlessness and stubbornness. Such qualities should not be encouraged by giving them a delicate rebuff. Do not let the Aries girl sit on your head, otherwise she will turn from a little princess into an obstinate princess.

Teach her to develop patience and delicacy: these qualities are absent not only in the horoscope of children, but also of adult Aries. The best hobbies for an Aries girl are dancing, playing the piano, dynamic sports. If from a young age you manage to instill in her a love for these activities, negative energy will be directed in a useful direction.

Children born under the sign of Aries are selfish and cynics to a greater extent than everyone else. Develop in a little girl compassion for her neighbor, love for nature, animals, and you will grow up a caring and loving daughter.

The Aries woman is quick-witted and witty, has an iron will and strong energy. He has his own views on life and wants everything to be according to her rules. A militant woman who defends her interests like an Amazon. She always looks irresistible, so the opposite sex often pays attention to her.

Characteristics of the fire sign of the zodiac

Possessing excellent thinking, such a woman copes with her problems without outside help. He tries to be in the first place in everything, therefore he constantly works and flawlessly fulfills all orders. It may seem to others that the girl does not get tired at all, but she simply carefully hides her condition, because she does not like to cry in public and complain about a difficult fate.

Feels comfortable in the company of unfamiliar people and easily maintains casual conversations. Men fight for her beauty, but such a woman often wants to appreciate her spiritual beauty and noble deeds.

Speaking about the characteristics of the sign Aries in a woman, first of all, it is necessary to take into account her unbending will. She is always in control of the situation and easily recognizes lies. Inflexibility and stubbornness help her to go to her dream and deservedly receive awards. The girl does not need advice, because she considers herself better than the rest and, thanks to her determination, brings any business to the end.

Characteristics of the Aries girl:

  • purposeful;
  • unshakable;
  • cheerful;
  • selfish;
  • honest;
  • bold;
  • temperamental;
  • trying to always take precedence.

Family relationships

TO love relationship treats calmly, often does not put them in the first place. He prefers not to confess his feelings, but flirts beautifully. A real predator that easily catches the attention of men. But on the other hand, the girl is overly dreamy and timid. Aries women - what they can be in love - pure and sincere!

Quite seriously, she approaches the choice of a life partner, who must meet all her requirements. A loving Aries wife shows care, attentiveness, sensitivity. In love, such a woman is powerful and proud, rarely compromises. Quarrels in the family occur mainly because of her unshakable nature, as the girl subjugates her husband and children.

An observant mother carefully selects the best outfits for her child, but does not try to show sensitivity and kindness in raising her child. Such a woman with a strong character hopes for the rapid maturation of the child, obliging him to be responsible for his actions on his own. Children grow up, but often cannot adapt to life without a mother.

A girl born under the Aries zodiac sign is often popular among colleagues and fellow students, so she can easily become a world famous person. This zodiac sign represents a lot of famous women, for example: Alla Pugacheva, Valeria, Bella Akhmadulina, Laima Vaikule, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Positive qualities of the sign

The main character traits of an Aries girl according to the horoscope are ambition and arrogance. A strong-willed woman who wants to set the people around her in her own way, she moves a lot, loves to compete and easily wins in any competition. Strives to be perfect in relationships with the opposite sex, but career growth remains significant part in the life of a representative of this zodiac sign.

The choice of profession is not particularly important, since the Aries lady is able to cope with any task. Carefully checks and supervises the work of his subordinates. The bosses are always pleased with the success of the girl, because she takes the initiative and brings the matter to the end.

The areas of activity that the Aries girl chooses:

  • military medicine;
  • international relationships;
  • politics;
  • journalism;
  • marketing.

Description of the Aries woman in friendship

She easily manages to meet new people, because of this, she often forgets about old friends, because she does not like monotony. It is necessary to constantly come up with original entertainment in order to save female friendship. Aries cannot stand boredom and routine.

Date of birth value

The date of the sign of Aries is set from March 21, but for about a week he does not possess fiery power. And after April 14, it loses its power and dominance is transferred to the sign of Taurus.

The zodiac sign Aries is in the element of Fire, which affects the character of a person. The hot temper of such a girl must be directed in the right direction. Women become strict leaders, excellent workers. They usually work in the field of politics or international economics.

The fate of representatives of this sign is colorful and rich. The girl feels comfortable in noisy companies and often relaxes with friends after working days. She is prone to sudden mood swings, so she is calm and patient. A narcissistic and proud girl who likes to attract attention to herself.

Attention, only TODAY!

Ruler planet:♂ Mars. Element: Fire.

Aries woman

Women in general are difficult to understand, and the Aries woman in particular. However, the one who says this discriminatory phrase aloud in front of her will not expect anything good. Even the very word "woman" in this context offends her hearing, because the weaker sex, according to her firm conviction, is in no way inferior to men! And who, looking at her energy, firmness and inexhaustible love of life, dares to say that she is wrong?

The Aries woman may not devote her precious time to fighting for the feminist movement, but her very life is a vivid illustration of this struggle. She is the first, she is the leader, and this applies not only to the career of the Aries woman, but also to her attitude towards men and towards love. In all love affairs, she is used to being the leader, not the follower, so do not be surprised if she is the first to invite you on a date and even the first to offer you her hand and heart.

However, it is completely wrong to imagine an Aries woman as a kind of commander in a skirt.

Of course, on the one hand, she is naturally endowed with many "male" virtues: she is independent, energetic, knows how to achieve her own goals and is prone to directness, up to peremptory. Her faith in her own strength inspires her with inexhaustible optimism and faith in success. However, behind all her confidence (sometimes excessive) and the desire to keep everything under her control, there is a surprisingly romantic, subtle nature that dreams of unearthly love and is waiting for her prince on a white horse. An Aries woman in love can be incredibly feminine and desirable.

So if you want to win the attention, love and respect of an Aries woman, become a real knight for her. Only a self-confident, independent and very romantic man is able to win her proud heart for a long time.

Also, keep in mind that the Aries woman loves to be genuinely admired. She despises flattery and feels it right away, but if you talk about her virtues more often, she will put a big “plus” in front of your name. The fact is that since Aries herself tends to idealize her lover, she expects the same from you. She can regard your restraint in expressing feelings as callousness and indifference.

She herself firmly believes in unearthly, bookish love and rewards her chosen one with all possible virtues. In order not to disappoint her, try to stand on this shaky pedestal, at least half corresponding to her inflated ideas about you.

The flip side of Aries' striving for perfection is her complete rejection of criticism. She will not allow anyone to criticize herself or what she loves, immediately turning into a desperate attack. One can only sympathize with her offender: in a rage, an Aries woman can be sharp-tongued, ruthless and poisonous.

In love and in life together, it is difficult to imagine a greater owner than an Aries woman! She will generously share everything she has with her partner - her money, love, support, participation - but she expects no less from him. In addition, being very jealous by nature, the Aries woman must be absolutely confident in you, otherwise your marriage will not last a day.

However, without even a hint of flirting on your part, the Aries woman herself loves the admiring attention of men and can be surrounded by fans. Well, come to terms with this and learn to trust her: despite their independent behavior, Aries does not even have a thought of betrayal. Her Love is written with a capital letter and is not exchanged for trifles.

In a family for an Aries woman, the main thing is not to lose your freedom. She should not feel locked in four walls. Most likely, after marriage, she will not rush to quit her job: she needs vigorous activity and self-realization like air, they are an integral part of her being.

Having become the husband of an Aries woman, keep in mind one more of her features: she will try with all her might to take a dominant position in the family. However, if (God forbid) she really succeeds, she can quickly become disillusioned with you. At the same time, the Domostroevsky version also does not suit her at all: her independence and pride cannot be curbed. So get ready to fight for a place under the family sun. The best option in life with an Aries woman would be mutual respect and equality in the family.

As a mother, an Aries woman is unlikely to pay too much attention to her child - her seething energy is directed not only to the house, but also far beyond it. But her children will almost certainly believe in miracles and fairy tales. And, just like she herself once, wait for her prince (princess) on a white horse.

The Aries woman is used to being the leader in love and usually proposes to the man herself when she sees fit. At the same time, a person who remains indifferent to her charms always intrigues her. In this regard, Scarlett O'Hara, the heroine of Margaret Mitchell's famous novel Gone with the Wind, is the embodiment of all the qualities inherent in Aries women. Like Scarlett, she is always surrounded by a bunch of fans, while her heart reaches out to the only inaccessible man; like Scarlett , she does not whine when it is necessary to adapt to new life circumstances. Never was Scarlett more "Mars-like" than when she was left all alone, hungry, and clenching her fists, exclaimed: "I will survive all this, I will cheat and steal, but I swear to God I will never go hungry again!" And when, much later, all her dreams collapsed, the child died, and the loved one left her, this typical sheep said to herself: "I will still find a way to return him - because there is always tomorrow ahead!"

The Aries woman constantly needs someone she could dream of. At the same time, it is not so important whether he is next to her or somewhere far away: it is important that you can think about him to the sound of spring rain and winter nights, with flashes of lightning and to the sounds of your favorite melody. Even if this man is just a dream, and in real life he is not there, the Aries woman will not be very upset. In the end, everything that a man can do in life, she is able to do herself. She opens the door herself and does not wait until she is gallantly offered a coat. She is able to move a chair for herself, call a taxi, fight for her existence and even light her own cigarette. Moreover, she will do all this better and faster than a man. Needless to say, with this she deals an irreparable blow to male pride. The Aries woman loves to be a leader in everything, to keep the initiative in her hands. All this rightfully applies to her love interests. Most often, the Aries woman is the first to propose, especially if the man is indecisive and takes a long time to gather his thoughts. When courting such a woman, before you decide to hug and kiss her, make sure that she likes you, otherwise she may throw you such a slap in the face from which you will not recover soon.

March-April girl Aries loves to be admired, but do not overdo it. They are extremely devoted lovers and wives when they know they are loved, but do not tolerate when men command them. In addition, like, they are very jealous. The Aries woman demands complete freedom for herself both before and after marriage, but she is too decent by nature to love two men at the same time. If she fell in love with someone else, and the former love faded away, she will definitely honestly admit this to you. Sheep are good mothers, they make sure that their children are always healthy, washed, cleanly dressed and happy, but such a mother will not rush to the child at the first cry and try not to patronize him too much. She will accustom to strict discipline, trying to grow independent people out of them. Nevertheless, her children will not lack affection and love, and she will always find time to tell them a good bedtime story.

There is nothing in life that an Aries girl could not achieve. If she sets a goal for herself, then no matter how strange and irrational this goal may be, Aries will certainly achieve it. One of my acquaintances, for financial reasons, was forced to huddle for several years in two rooms with her husband, five tomboys and a dog. Even the mere thought of such a close cohabitation would be enough for any other woman to rebel. But my friend had her own thoughts about it. She coped well with all the inconveniences, and when the astrologer, having compiled her personal horoscope, informed her of a long unfavorable period in her life, she was genuinely surprised: “And when do you say it should begin?”

The Aries woman can make a scene for you, but quickly comes to her senses, never holds a grudge, will not take revenge and sink into self-pity. After an emotional explosion, her optimistic nature is reborn. Very feminine, perhaps even too much for the average man. But all this is hidden under her strong external appearance. And then, a knight is not an average man. Don't forget about it! She is easily hurt. Her constant smile is just a mask, her shield. If you can tame her, turn her into a lamb, you will have a woman who is honest, passionate and exciting, although impulsive and independent. The Aries girl can bring back your lost illusions.

Extremely idealistic, she vainly seeks to find a knight who will be stronger than her, give her the whole world and still not drop his manhood. And since this happens only in fairy tales, the Aries woman often lives alone. Her days are bright and her nights are dark and lonely. In order to love us, she must be proud of you, but at the same time, you must not forget about her talents and abilities. Although she demands a lot from you, everything will return doubly. She is generous towards her sympathies, calmly treats

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Aries girl - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Aries woman is endowed with many masculine qualities, and first of all - the desire for leadership not only in her career, but also in relationships with a partner.

In addition to the above, she is ready to lead and tell others how they should act in a given situation.

The representative of this sign is used to speaking without thinking, but it should be understood that she can easily throw a scandal, but she also quickly cools down and forgets the offense.

Don't expect an Aries girl to ask for forgiveness for her mistake, but she is capable of many small but pleasant acts as a sign that she accepts her wrong.

For this smart and stubborn lady, the most important value is not love and marriage, as she is diversified and has many interests. A woman of the zodiac sign Aries is ready to live without a man, without feeling discomfort or loneliness.

Aries woman: characteristic

Despite self-sufficiency and self-confidence, the Aries woman is feminine and sensitive by nature. She is waiting for a man who, behind a tough temper, will be able to unravel her dreams of complete understanding and will be able to support her in any life situation.

It should be understood that it is very easy to offend her, and a radiant smile is just a way to defend herself from the aggression of others. If you can become a support for her, she will fill your life with optimism and faith in a brighter future.

The representative of this sign is looking for someone who will admire her, but she can easily distinguish falsehood and flattery from true feelings.

An Aries partner should take into account that putting her in an awkward position in society is extremely undesirable, as she is used to paying attention to the smallest details, and she herself will not compromise her soul mate.

Aries woman personality

With this charming, unpredictable and temperamental person, you will never be bored. She will convince her companion to lead an active lifestyle, play sports and enjoy every minute of life.

You can’t keep anything a secret from the Aries girl, because she will not tolerate deceit and betrayal. The fact is that she lives by the principle of "Trust, but verify", and will check the words you said.

The characteristic of the Aries woman suggests that it is sometimes not easy to understand her, because she is impulsive and stubborn, who, on the one hand, seeks to lead, and on the other hand, is ready to obey that only protector.

Remember - aggression on your part can be fatal mistake, since she will not forgive such an attitude, and it will be very difficult to re-establish close relationships.

Aries: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Aries. This information will help you succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

zodiac sign aries girl

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Aries woman horoscope

Aries woman: appearance

Aries women are convinced of their irresistibility, and they have a right to it. Flaws in appearance are compensated by grooming, bright personality, self-confidence. A rare Aries woman will pass by a mirror without looking into it. The partners of the representatives of this sign are very impressed that companions, regardless of age and circumstances, always keep their mark. If an Aries woman does not look good enough, for example, due to ill health, then she will perceive even a sincere sympathetic remark, almost as an insult.

The manner of dressing reflects self-confidence; Aries often prefer a casual business or sporty style. Sometimes these women go beyond good taste by looking too eccentric. Being convinced of their beauty, such women can hardly use cosmetics, but if Aries does makeup, then pastel colors are unlikely to prevail in it. They also like strong smells, boldly declaring their presence. These women know how to impress, so only the most persistent can resist their charm.

Aries woman - a characteristic of behavior

Such women are smart, vain, extremely assertive. Their character is similar to that of men, they are very independent, rarely resort to the services and help of others where they can handle themselves. They will not bring a man into the house just for the sake of having a master in it. It is almost impossible to catch an Aries woman complaining about life or an unhappy female lot. And the prospect of becoming someone's "vest" does not inspire her either. She tries not to give out fatigue, pain, does not cry in front of others - she really has great fortitude.

These cheerful, cheerful and fearless women usually lead an active lifestyle and are friends with sports. Whatever they do, they do it with passion and pleasure. Aries love all sorts of adventures, and with age, they only slightly reduce life momentum. Surrounding involuntarily involved in their orbit, charged with their energy.

Aries zodiac sign - woman in work and career

Aries women will not be content with the role of a housewife, they will not quit their job for the sake of their husband and children. On the contrary, they often rely on a career, although, as a rule, they manage to skillfully combine family, life and climbing the career ladder. If a man does not become jealous of a companion for work, supports her, then she will devote all her successes to her beloved people, family, and become a support for them.

Aries women can handle even difficult, traditionally male work; they make successful business women, public figures enjoying authority. According to the horoscope, the Aries woman remains a leader, a fighter in her work, she is not unsettled by the tough atmosphere of competition and rivalry - on the contrary, she accepts the challenge with readiness and passion, openly demonstrating her achievements.

Aries woman in love

The representative of this sign of the zodiac less than others needs to rely on a strong male shoulder. She will not wait for someone to come and hammer a nail, carry a heavy burden, etc. But she definitely needs love, passion, romance and his hero - at least in her dreams. If love comes into her life, then the Aries woman herself can take the initiative to get married.

Aries woman in sex

Sex for such women is one of the joys of life that it would be foolish to ignore. They need a man who is equal to them in everything, and not a father and patron. They like the stronger sex with activity, enthusiasm, spontaneity. The Aries woman in bed is sentimental, romantic, passionate, but at the same time practical and by no means frivolous.

Aries woman in marriage

Aries women need a long-term stable relationship with a loved one. They turn into reliable allies who will never doubt the merits of the chosen one. Their ambition helps the husband to make a career, move to social heights. In the person of an Aries wife, the spouse will find not only an intelligent and devoted assistant, but also a cordial, sometimes sentimental girlfriend, ready to share with him all the joys and sorrows.

At the same time, the character of the Aries woman makes life together difficult with her. It is difficult to keep up with this energetic lady, life at the same pace requires high energy costs. A man should be prepared for the fact that his wife will strive for independence and dominance over him. Aries will never retire within four walls, there will always be some people around her, including admiring men. The husband will have to defend himself in disputes, overcome bouts of her bad mood and endure her temper.

Zodiac signs: Aries woman - the mistress of the house

One of the stumbling blocks in family life may be the tendency of a woman born under the sign of Aries to wastefulness. She does not think about the price at which the family gets money, she spends it with ease, without burdening herself with thoughts about tomorrow. She is able to throw a generous party, because of which tomorrow the family will have to sit on bread and water. Aries cannot be reproached for being bad housewives: the food is cooked, the house is clean (though mostly in the most prominent places). They handle everything homework but they don't like her. And they will never engage in family hearth alone: ​​the world around is too interesting to devote themselves to household chores.

Characteristics of Aries-woman - mother

Ladies born under this constellation love children, but up to a certain age, more strangers than their own. They are in no hurry to give birth, waiting until they are mentally and physically ready for this. Subtle hints from loved ones that it is time to have a baby, the Aries woman perceives as an encroachment on personal freedom. She reacts violently, not allowing pressure on herself in this matter.

When Aries have children, these women become good mothers, children get everything they need from them - both from a material and emotional point of view. Aries will not lisp with them, but they will introduce them to fairy tales and show that in real world full of magic. Such women themselves are somewhat far removed from children, so they can always understand how the younger generation lives. They enjoy spending time with children, and, most likely, their joint leisure time will be active and fun.

Who suits the Aries woman according to the horoscope for creating a family

If a woman is Aries, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius.

What to give an Aries woman

Like any lady, the representative of this sign will like the presented jewelry, but you need to choose special ones from them: a gift to an Aries woman should be guaranteed to distinguish her from the crowd. She is a big fan of everything new, non-standard, and if she has a friendly relationship with technology, you can give her something from fashion gadgets, digital novelties. Since Aries have a penchant for intellectual entertainment, they may well be satisfied as a gift. interesting book with a dynamic plot, discs with films of your favorite genre or director, etc. The active lifestyle of these purposeful persons makes it a good idea to buy them something from sports equipment or clothes for their favorite activities as a gift.

A good gift for an Aries woman is something that makes it possible to get new impressions, change the situation, for example, a tour package, a ticket to a fashionable production. A vain girl or woman will surely rejoice at a well-organized celebration in her honor with laudatory speeches, playing out episodes from her life, etc.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Aries woman. Relationships, character, family

The main characteristic of the representative of the zodiac sign is independence. She will never be in a dependent position for a long time. The emotionality of such a woman is incredibly highly developed. It can even be said that she lives only with passions and feelings. To understand how to win an Aries woman, to achieve her disposition, it is necessary to better study the nature of her actions, to be able to recognize true feelings.

Aries woman personality

WITH early years Aries girl is a very wayward, active, stubborn child. It is very important that in childhood, mother and father give maximum love, attention, care. Such an egocentric nature really needs praise, support, recognition from others, otherwise the girl will grow up too callous, even cruel.

Usually the character of an Aries woman has many "male" traits. She has excellent leadership qualities, a pronounced desire to command, an iron will. Endurance, the ability to act in the most critical situation is respected in any team. Often, representatives of the zodiac sign are focused on themselves, but this has practically nothing to do with selfishness. This quality is due rather to a special worldview. They learn the surrounding reality, passing everything through themselves, based on own feelings, conclusions, sensations.

WITH early age Aries girl has a heightened sense of justice. Rage in the fight against lawlessness, intransigence make her excessively harsh in her judgments. Such a girl is suitable for the characteristic "faithful fighting girlfriend." Youthful maximalism and the desire to remake the whole world often makes you commit rash acts that may affect your future fate.

Weaknesses and shortcomings

Under the mask of the sharp behavior of the "iron lady" often hides a very romantic, sentimental nature. When a woman of this zodiac sign feels bad, she usually seeks to hide her emotions. It is unacceptable for her to show her own weaknesses. Only left alone, such a lady as a child, can give vent to tears.

Representatives of the most straightforward sign of the Zodiac are absolutely incapable of lies, fawning, flattery.

The Aries woman approaches communication too straightforwardly. It seems that such a characteristic as honesty allows them to really remain themselves, but the complete lack of diplomacy often interferes in business and relationships. Criticism of Aries women is often perceived inadequately.

Communication and speech

In a noisy Aries company, a woman always wants to be the center of attention. Often she has a wide social circle. This is a devoted friend who will always help overcome difficulties. In society, he behaves confidently, but is somewhat afraid of getting into an awkward situation where he will look ridiculous. The representative of the first sign of the Zodiac is an active lady. She does not like idle time. Even the young girl Aries is a rare guest at a noisy party or social gathering, but if she gets a rare opportunity to relax, she has worthy fun, like a child, attracting attention.

As a rule, Aries woman hates empty talk. Such a friend is sociable, but speaks exclusively on business. All conversations are usually focused on specific things - work, plans, discussion of further actions, but it is difficult to call it silent. Often a friend of Aries does not know how to restrain offensive words at all, like a child, she is sincere, she always shows negative emotions immediately. It can be somewhat caustic, impulsive, but always honest.

Appearance and health

As a rule, the representative of this zodiac sign has good health. He takes illness calmly, but sometimes, like a child, he is capricious. This is due to the classic impatience of the fire sign, it is very important for her to always be strong. The weakest point of Aries is the head and circulatory system.

Usually such a girl has a very well-groomed appearance, but she prefers comfortable clothes, because she cannot stand it when something hinders her movements. As a rule, the Aries woman is quite developed physically. She has broad shoulders, a confident gait, a firm handshake. Eyebrows are thick, sometimes fused at the bridge of the nose. Appearance is always bright, the girl is always visible in the crowd.

Career and finance

Purposefulness, the main characteristic of the Aries woman, is very helpful in achieving excellent career growth. A sharp mind gives success in the exact sciences, technical fields, and business. Such a girl is not able to obey, but has good organizational skills. Very hardworking, energetic, active, independent. She is well suited to work as a designer, entrepreneur, medical, military, manager or salesperson.. Usually Aries woman not only works hard, but also has a wonderful income. Spends money quite easily, sometimes it is wasteful, showing the generosity characteristic of the first sign of the Zodiac, the breadth of the soul.

Love and relationships

An unbending, strong in life Aries woman in love becomes romantic, tender, caring, like a mother. Such a friend is very emotional, jealous, temperamental in sex. How to conquer an Aries woman? To do this, a man needs to achieve trust and real respect. A strong lady must admire her beloved so that he becomes her chosen one. Often women of this particular zodiac sign themselves offer to register a marriage.

Usually Aries girlfriend in sex is tireless, bold, playful. Powerful energy is very difficult to withstand for a guy who is not very interested in the carnal side of sensual connections. In sex, she is more concerned with emotions and sensations than with feelings of affection or security. In her youth, a girl is sometimes not interested in a permanent relationship, often she becomes a supporter of free love, but her partner's infidelity infuriates her. An Aries girlfriend in sex is usually as liberated as possible, she is absolutely not shy about her body, she prefers to take rather than give.

The Aries woman is a wonderful mother. Her child will be surrounded by love, care, attention. The energy of the fire sign is enough to raise him with dignity. Ambitious mother Aries is quite demanding. She stubbornly believes that her child should grow up to be at least a genius. Mom Aries is strict not only to her children, but also to herself. In education, he tries to show maximum responsibility, achieves a perfect family, which he can be deservedly proud of. The child loves Aries mother very much. With her usual optimism, she is rather supportive of all the hobbies of her children and understands them perfectly. Such a mother is quite inventive, she always comes up with active entertainment for the child.

If a woman is rather indulgent towards Aries children, she usually strives for leadership in the family. The most inappropriate occupation for such a wife is a housewife. She is simply incapable of giving vent to her ambition, her business qualities. Aries wife will never occupy a subordinate position.


Representatives of the first sign of the Zodiac have simply unimaginable stubbornness, it is impossible to convince them of anything, the opinion of the Aries woman will remain unchanged, and fighting her determination is like trying to break through a wall. Before you think about how to conquer an Aries woman, you should become equal with her in strength of character. When this beautiful representative of the sign of Fire accepts her own strengths, knows where to apply them, she becomes capable of great accomplishments.

Characteristics of women of other zodiac signs:

Aries woman - characteristics and horoscope

The Aries woman is energetic and active. She can be seen in any event, where she will always be in the forefront, teaching someone, arguing with someone, making demands and controlling the whole process. She is not characterized by a state of daydreaming and wandering in the clouds, this is a person of endless movement, who always moves only forward.