Japanese sweets: recipes for cooking at home. Japanese sweets: a fascinating process of making sweets from powder Sweets from powder

When the whole world has become accustomed to the crazy inventions of the Japanese and knows that anything can be expected from them, they show us new wonders. We are talking about unusual sweets, drinks, as well as a novelty in the world of cooking - the Popin Cooking set, which will interest not only adults, but also children, turning the baking process into a very exciting experience.

The most unusual Japanese delicacies

When you want something sweet for tea, a common person buys sweets, cookies or chocolate. For the people of Japan, this is too banal and simple. How about chicken wing flavored ice cream or chocolate flavored beer? Do not rush to refuse, because, as the Japanese themselves say, it is delicious. Therefore, we continue the list of the most unusual sweets of the Land of the Rising Sun.

1. A few years ago, Pepsi created a unique range of sodas for Japan. The best, according to residents, were drinks with the taste of yogurt and cucumber.

2. Any Japanese candy store has "ladies' chewing gum" in its assortment, which not only freshens breath, but also improves appearance hair, and also contribute to breast enlargement.

3. Squids and other seafood are served here not only as a main course, but also candied.

4. Seeing a bottle of liquid cheese on the counter, one gets the impression that the Japanese do not know that most people do not drink it, but eat it.

5. Like Pepsi, leading chocolate manufacturers produce a series of products aimed at the people of Japan. Did you know that there is a wasabi flavored Kit Kat in the world?

powder food

In the city of Osaka, there is a factory Kracie, engaged in the production of entertainment and unique food products. Among them was a set of Japanese sweets "Popin Cooking". In the Russian version, the name sounds like "Do it yourself".

Now, thanks to this wonderful box, anyone can enjoy the delicious treats of the Land of the Rising Sun without leaving their homeland and with a minimum of effort.

There are currently 9 kits available:

  • sweet sushi;
  • holiday cakes (the set includes 2 cakes with creamy strawberry icing);
  • mini pizza;
  • panda lunch;
  • land of fantasy or imagination;
  • lollipops;
  • cola, fries and hamburger;
  • sweet glazed donuts;
  • ice cream.

So, as the manufacturer assures, in order to prepare the powder, it will take a minimum of effort and a maximum of impressions. Let's check?

Cooking sweet donuts

Before starting the process, I would like to note that no utensils for preparing sweets are required, since everything you need is already included in the set. The only thing you need is water (milk) to dilute the miracle powders.

Following the instructions, we take the largest bags, dilute the contents with liquid and get the dough. Then we form donuts from it. The next step is to prepare and glaze. We read the instructions and find the right powder. And finally, the last step is decorating our donuts. For this stage, there is more than enough food material: waffle and chocolate crumbs, colored powders and much more. That's it, Japanese goodies are ready!

Well, as you can see, the manufacturer was right, making glazed donuts is really fun, and most importantly, no baking required. Therefore, feel free to introduce your children to this interesting and educational process.

Where can I buy

Unfortunately, it is impossible to buy cheap Japanese sweets (in this country they cost a penny) in an ordinary store in Russia. In order to purchase the treasured box, you need to place an order only via the Internet. As for the cost, for any of the 9 sets you will have to pay 1390 rubles + delivery (payment depends on the chosen online store).

Answers to expected questions

So, here are a few questions that may arise for anyone who first heard about the Popin Cooking set.

1. Are they edible? - Of course, all ingredients are intended for human consumption and are completely safe.

2. The most common question among dieters is: How many calories are in each meal? It is extremely difficult to answer it, since the calorie content of each box is different. But you should not worry about weight gain, since Japanese sweets are unlikely to give extra pounds and unnecessary centimeters.

3. Considering the composition of the previously given sets, we can say with confidence that most of the potential buyers will be tormented by the question: is there real caviar in the sushi set? The answer is no, because all the dishes from Popin Cooking are sweets that smell like candy and fruit gum.

4. Well, the last question: is it tasty? Certainly! Although, as the famous proverb says: "There are no comrades for taste and color," therefore, it is impossible to say that absolutely every buyer will like Japanese sweets. But if you belong to the category of fans of the sweets of the Land of the Rising Sun, then you will definitely like the Popin Cooking set.

March 8, 2016

When the whole world has become accustomed to the crazy inventions of the Japanese and knows that anything can be expected from them, they show us new wonders. We are talking about unusual sweets, drinks, as well as a novelty in the world of cooking - the Popin Cooking set, which will interest not only adults, but also children, turning the baking process into a very exciting experience.

The most unusual Japanese delicacies

When you want something sweet for tea, an ordinary person buys sweets, cookies or chocolate. For the people of Japan, this is too banal and simple. How about chicken wing flavored ice cream or chocolate flavored beer? Do not rush to refuse, because, as the Japanese themselves say, it is delicious. Therefore, we continue the list of the most unusual sweets of the Land of the Rising Sun.

1. A few years ago, Pepsi created a unique range of sodas for Japan. The best, according to residents, were drinks with the taste of yogurt and cucumber.

2. Any Japanese candy store stocks "ladies' chewing gum" that not only freshens breath, but also improves the appearance of hair, and also promotes breast enlargement.

3. Squids and other seafood are served here not only as a main course, but also candied.

4. Seeing a bottle of liquid cheese on the counter, one gets the impression that the Japanese do not know that most people do not drink it, but eat it.

5. Like Pepsi, leading chocolate manufacturers produce a series of products aimed at the people of Japan. Did you know that there is a wasabi flavored Kit Kat in the world?

powder food

In the city of Osaka, there is a factory Kracie, engaged in the production of entertainment and unique food products. Among them was a set of Japanese sweets "Popin Cooking". In the Russian version, the name sounds like "Do it yourself".

Now, thanks to this wonderful box, anyone can enjoy the delicious treats of the Land of the Rising Sun without leaving their homeland and with a minimum of effort.

There are currently 9 kits available:

  • sweet sushi;
  • holiday cakes (the set includes 2 cakes with creamy strawberry icing);
  • mini pizza;
  • panda lunch;
  • land of fantasy or imagination;
  • lollipops;
  • cola, fries and hamburger;
  • sweet glazed donuts;
  • ice cream.

So, as the manufacturer assures, in order to prepare Japanese sweets from powder, you will need a minimum of effort and a maximum of impressions. Let's check?

Cooking sweet donuts

Before starting the process, I would like to note that no utensils for preparing sweets are required, since everything you need is already included in the set. The only thing you need is water (milk) to dilute the miracle powders.

Following the instructions, we take the largest bags, dilute the contents with liquid and get the dough. Then we form donuts from it. The next step is to prepare and glaze. We read the instructions and find the right powder. And finally, the last step is decorating our donuts. For this stage, there is more than enough food material: waffle and chocolate crumbs, colored powders and much more. That's it, Japanese goodies are ready!

Well, as you can see, the manufacturer was right, making glazed donuts is really fun, and most importantly, no baking required. Therefore, feel free to introduce your children to this interesting and educational process.

Where can I buy

Unfortunately, it is impossible to buy cheap Japanese sweets (in this country they cost a penny) in an ordinary store in Russia. In order to purchase the treasured box, you need to place an order only via the Internet. As for the cost, for any of the 9 sets you will have to pay 1390 rubles + delivery (payment depends on the chosen online store).

Answers to expected questions

So, here are a few questions that may arise for anyone who first heard about the Popin Cooking set.

1. Are they edible? - Of course, all ingredients are intended for human consumption and are completely safe.

2. The most common question among dieters is: How many calories are in each meal? It is extremely difficult to answer it, since the calorie content of each box is different. But you should not worry about weight gain, since Japanese sweets are unlikely to give extra pounds and unnecessary centimeters.

3. Considering the composition of the previously given sets, we can say with confidence that most of the potential buyers will be tormented by the question: is there real caviar in the sushi set? The answer is no, because all the dishes from Popin Cooking are sweets that smell like candy and fruit gum.

4. Well, the last question: is it tasty? Certainly! Although, as the famous proverb says: "There are no comrades for taste and color," therefore, it is impossible to say that absolutely every buyer will like Japanese sweets. But if you belong to the category of fans of the sweets of the Land of the Rising Sun, then you will definitely like the Popin Cooking set.

Unusual Traditional Treats

1 hour

230 kcal

4.67/5 (6)

Japanese cuisine is very original, its dishes, including desserts, differ significantly from European ones and arouse constant interest.

Japanese sweets are different from European desserts and are unusual for our perception. Those who like to try everything unusual really like the gastronomic variety, especially if it has a composition that is healthier and more beneficial for the body.

European culinary traditions have largely influenced world cuisine.

But the wise people Land of the Rising Sun adapted them to their own conditions and created unique recipes for Japanese sweets, which can be treated differently, but it is definitely impossible to remain indifferent.

No matter how exotic Japanese sweets may seem to us, some of them can be quite easily prepared at home.

However, it should be noted that when preparing Japanese desserts, in order to avoid cooking errors, it is best to use recipes with photos or videos.

Cake Mochi (Mochi, Mochi)

Mochi are traditional Japanese New Year sweets. This small cupcakes with a large amount of filling and a thin layer of rice dough. Although the Japanese eat them all year round, on New Year's Eve it is customary to give mochi to loved ones with good wishes.

The semantic meaning of this dish - funeral food, has common roots with the Slavic kutya, which is prepared on certain occasions with similar goals.

There is another tradition: in the family circle, cut each mochi and treat everyone present with pieces of it. The ritual of eating mochi together introduces the family to divine grace.

  • a deep bowl, a spoon, a blender, a dough bowl that can be used in a water bath, a whisk, cling film, a saucepan for a water bath.

Required products

For the test:

For filling:

Features of product selection

The dough should be sticky, so the flour should be selected from the appropriate varieties of rice.

If rice flour could not be found on sale, you can make it yourself.

How to cook Mochi: a step by step recipe

Filling preparation

By the time the dough is ready, the filling must be prepared in advance, because the dough must be worked quickly: it loses its elasticity and dries out.

Dough preparation

Care must be taken when handling the dough, it can be quite hot inside, even if the outside has already cooled down.

Mochi assembly

How to decorate and serve dessert

Before preparing Japanese sweets, consider how you will decorate them. An exquisite dessert requires proper serving, and the decoration must be combined with the filling.

Mochi with citrus slices is appropriate to decorate with a pinch of dry saffron, banana filling will be combined with a sprig of marjoram.

To decorate these Japanese treats, you can use mint leaves, chocolate chips, candied flowers, and so on.

  • If you want to make your mochi more “smart”, you can add natural dyes to the dough water: spinach juice, carrots, beets.
  • The dough itself can be made chocolate by adding cocoa powder, but in this case, the amount of rice flour should be reduced.
  • The dough hardens quickly, so you need to work with it quickly, the filling must be prepared in advance.
  • The original recipe calls for a sweet bean paste for the filling, but you can use the filling to your liking, as long as it is not runny or juicey.

Mochi recipe video

The author of the recipe shows in detail how to cook mochi - delicious Japanese sweets. For the filling, she uses strawberries and chocolate paste with cookies. Shows all the subtleties of dough preparation. The process of wrapping the filling in rice dough is clearly demonstrated.

Japanese dorayaki pancakes

Dorayaki- honey biscuit pancakes with a sweet filling, traditionally made from bean paste, however, there are many variations.

The name "dorayaki", which translates as " fried gong”, pancakes were obtained thanks to a legend that tells about a certain samurai who forgot his gong in the house of one of the locals, who began to bake perfectly shaped pancakes on it.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour total time, 8 hours to soak the beans and 2 hours to boil them.
  • Inventory and kitchen appliances: bowl, whisk, tablespoon, teaspoon, blender, saucepan, frying pan, spatula.

Required products

For test:

  • eggs- 2 pcs;
  • sugar- 50 g;
  • liquid honey- 1 tbsp;
  • soda- 0.5 tsp;
  • water- 50 ml;
  • flour- 130 g.

For fillings:

  • adzuki beans- 0.5 st;
  • sugar- 50 g.

Features of product selection

Adzuki beans are sold in the store, prepared like all legumes: after pre-soaking in water overnight, they are boiled for about 2 hours.

Honey should be liquid. If it has already thickened, it should be heated in a water bath or in the microwave, but in no case should it be boiled.

How to cook Dorayaki: step by step recipe

Dough preparation

Filling preparation

pancake baking

How beautiful to arrange and serve pancakes

We coat the pancake with the prepared paste, cover it with the second one and press down a little, but so that the filling does not come out through the side slots.

Dorayaki are an everyday dish, they are not served on solemn occasions, however, if desired, pancakes can be decorated with chocolate topping, whipped cream, green mint leaves, berries or fruits.

  • It is always necessary to let the dough stand for about half an hour between kneading and cooking, so that gluten is released from the flour and carbon dioxide in sufficient quantities enriches the dough with bubbles that appear as a result of the soda reaction.
  • Before baking pancakes, the pan must be well heated.
  • To prevent dorayaki from sticking, before baking the first batch, grease the surface of the pan with a small amount of oil, wipe off the excess with a paper towel.
  • In order for the color of the pancakes to be uniform, this should be the heating of the pan, and the pan itself must be dry, without an excessive amount of oil.

Dorayaki video recipe

Japanese sweets made by the author of the video are dorayaki biscuit pancakes. Step by step shows the technology of dough preparation. The manufacture of the filling is demonstrated with all the subtleties. Interesting presentation traditional recipe accompanied by a legend, thanks to which the dish got its name.

Invitation to discussion and possible improvements

Fans of Japanese cuisine and its desserts can certainly tell about the intricacies of cooking Japanese sweets and their favorite variations. Please share your secrets and acquired skills.