World of Tank year of manufacture. Who and when created the game world of tanks? Creation of World Of Tanks

Next patch 1.6

Work on the next update is in full swing, with high-tier British light tanks, changes to personal combat missions, rectangular decals and other visual elements waiting for you in the public test. In addition, we have disabled damage to allies and their destruction by shots and rams.

Rebalance of personal missions

  • Rebalance of the tasks of the operation "Object 279 (r)".
    • 22 tasks received value adjustments.
    • 2 tasks have been changed while maintaining the player's progress on them with a 1 to 1 conversion.
  • Rebalance of a number of tasks for the SPG (for both campaigns).
    • In the Long-Awaited Reinforcements campaign, 12 tasks for the SPG have changed.
    • In the "Second Front" campaign, 5 tasks for self-propelled guns have changed.

Vehicle Appearance Changes

  • Added an information page for some styles where you can find a detailed and interesting description.
  • Added new fonts for tactical numbers.
  • The interface of decals and the way of interacting with them have been significantly redesigned.
  • Added new decals: square and rectangular with different aspect ratios.
    • Square decals can be placed on researchable Tier VIII vehicles, Premium Tier VIII vehicles, and Tier X tanks.
    • Rectangular decals can be placed on Tier VIII premium vehicles and Tier X tanks.
  • Changed decal placement points. All previously placed decals will be removed and sent to the "Appearance" → "Decals" section.

Disable damage to allies

  • Disabled damage to allies by shots and ramming for all types of Random Battles, including General Battles.
  • Reworked sounds and effects of direct hits from allied vehicles.
  • The system of penalties for damaging and stunning allies has been reworked.
  • The mechanism of interaction of high-explosive fragmentation shells of self-propelled guns with allied guns has been reworked.
  • Changes will be made to the Rules of the Game, which will take effect after the release of this update.

Tank Premium Account

  • The logic for accruing a controlled bonus to experience for a tank premium has been reworked. Now additional experience will be credited to the crew according to the same rules as it is credited per battle:
    • If the checkbox for accelerated crew training is not enabled before the start of the battle (or is missing), then part of the experience goes to the crew, the rest is credited to the vehicles.
    • If the accelerated crew training checkbox is enabled, then all experience is distributed among the crew.
  • Changed the conditions under which the bonus can be applied (all of the following must be met):
    • The last victorious battle on the selected vehicle.
    • This car is in the Angara (not sold, lease not completed, etc.)
    • On it sits the crew in full force, on which this battle was held.
    • The current state of the accelerated crew training checkbox is the same as before the start of the battle.


  • On the Malinovka map, the detection point was balanced: trees were removed that interfered with reconnaissance from the positions of the northern team.

Wheel vehicle changes

  • Engine mode settings have been optimized.
    • When switching driving modes, wheeled vehicles will no longer lose engine thrust. This is especially true when switching the driving mode from maneuverable to high-speed. With this shift, there will no longer be a deceleration before acceleration. Now, in such cases, the car will simply start to accelerate to a higher speed.
  • When changing modes of movement of wheeled vehicles, the wheels now rise and fall more realistically.
  • Motion physics settings have been optimized.
    • When wheeled vehicles collide with obstacles, in some cases it will become easier to regain control over the trajectory.
  • Added the ability to switch the movement modes of wheeled vehicles during the pre-battle countdown. A similar feature will also become available for Swedish tank destroyers.

Interface changes

  • Added the ability to disable the speedometer of wheeled vehicles through the settings of the game client. Movement mode indication is duplicated on the damage panel.
  • Added the ability to enable / disable the auto-aim marker for all types of vehicles through the game client settings (via the marker settings tab). The autoaim marker can be turned on/off separately for the main and alternate marker modes. The setting is valid for all vehicles, including wheeled vehicles (that is, the auto-aim marker for wheeled vehicles can be disabled in the same way).

Disabling Team Battle

  • Removed "Team Battle" from the list of available game modes.

Changes to Vehicle Parameters

🇩🇪 Germany

  • E75TS
  • M48RPz

Added technique for testing by supertesters:

  • AE Phase I
  • T54E2

🇬🇧 United Kingdom

Added technique for testing by supertesters:

  • A43BP

A branch of researchable light tanks has been added. The branch starts with the tank 🇬🇧Cromwell and contains:

  • VII - GSR 3301 Setter (Setter)
  • IX - GSOR3301 AVR FS (GSOR)
  • X - Manticore

🇯🇵 Japan

Changing the parameters of military equipment:

  • STB-1
    • Suspension traverse speed changed from 55 to 52 deg/s.
    • Turret traverse speed changed from 46 to 50 deg/s.
    • Gun elevation angle changed from 9 to 15 degrees (21 degrees with active suspension).
    • The gun depression angle has been changed from 6 to 8 degrees (with active suspension 14 degrees).
    • The minimum speed to activate/deactivate the active suspension has been changed from 15/24 to 30/30 km/h.


distant plans




  • Mode " battle royale"(all against all). New mechanics were tested, including a new visibility system (you can see the enemy only by aiming at him), narrowing the map, changing the tank right in battle, lack of self-propelled guns, by analogy with PUBG there are airdrops, assembly shells/equipment/equipment on the map and similar inventory, battles of 40 players (platoons of 2 are possible) take place on the reworked in HD map "Epic Normandy", 3 x 3 km in size, with a unique soundtrack. this mode took place on the server "Sandbox" for everyone.
  • Ranked battles for levels 8 and 9 are in the plans, not in 2018. Perhaps they will first be released in test mode on EU or NA clusters;


  • Multi-turreted and firing extra cannons, someday they will (low priority due to a large number low-level multi-turreted tanks and weak weapons on some additional turrets that will not play a role in combat) was tested on Halloween mode in 2017;


  • The change of weather conditions was tested, the situation is unsatisfactory on weak PCs, KTTS;
  • The introduction of Granite SDK technology into the game, which will add high-resolution textures (up to 8k) and photorealistic lighting to the game. Also, the loading time and the amount of memory occupied by the textures will decrease;

In 2008, Wargaming was working on an online multiplayer fantasy game. However, in parallel, there was an active discussion of the project, which would become truly original, not like the others. The main option was a game dedicated to military equipment of the mid-twentieth century. It was necessary to choose what technology to make the game about: ships, planes or tanks.

On December 12, 2008, a conversation took place in Moscow that finally decided the fate of the new project. Petr Bityukov, Victor Kisly, Vyacheslav Makarov and Marat Karpeko, during a discussion that lasted several hours, decided to make a game about tanks. Moreover, there were models of tanks developed for the strategic game "Operation" Bagration ". Draft development trees were ready in just a few days. By the way, it was originally planned that multiple launch rocket systems would be introduced into the game, but soon they decided to abandon this type of equipment.

In the spring of 2009, game designer Sergei Burkatovsky joined the company. During his time in this position, and subsequently the position of lead game designer, he invented and implemented a huge number of game features.

The project was given the code name "Tankodrom". Work on the first version went on until the summer of 2009. Here are some interesting pictures you could then see in the game.

The first cards that appeared in Tankodrome were Prokhorovka and Karelia. The designer of these cards was Genrikh Kravtsov. By the way, in the course of work on it, "Karelia" was jokingly called "Shabany" after one of the most remote districts of Minsk.

The first focus test of the game took place on July 24, 2009. On this day, Minsk was hit by a heavy downpour in the city center, there was a real flood. This was the path of the testers to the company's office.

The elements could not stop the focus testers. They arrived safely and fought among themselves.

Finally, in the summer of 2009, the closed alpha test of the game began. Then she looked a little different. Approximately like this:

Chapter 2

The World of Tanks project received its current name before the KRI-2009 conference. The name was chosen based on the fact that from the very beginning the developers decided that the game would have a large number of military equipment from different nations.

In November 2010, the third American branch of tank development appeared in the game. The project more and more corresponded to the globality of its name.

In the winter of 2010, closed beta testing of the game began. This is what the hangar interface looked like at that time. There are only 481 people online so far.

In March 2010, pumping vehicles for experience was introduced. This sparked interest, and the peak of the simultaneous presence of players on the server increased to 750 people.

On June 24, 2010, open beta testing began. The game has reached the finish line for release. A month before the official start of World of Tanks, about 7,500 people simultaneously played tanks on the Russian-language server. At that time, only two branches of technology development were presented in the game - Soviet and German.

On July 8, beta testing of the English version of the game started. Already in November of the same year, while still in closed beta test, the number of Western users of the game amounted to 200,000 people.

Chapter 3

On August 12, 2010, the game was officially released on the Russian server. By this time, about 16,000 people were simultaneously playing on the game server of the Russian-speaking region.

January 2011 was the month for the project when the bar was twice taken to a million users. On January 4, this is exactly the number of people registered worldwide in total. And on January 18, the millionth user came to the Russian-language server.

Another achievement of January was the world record for the simultaneous stay of players on the same server - 74,536 people. Then this number seemed very large, but time has shown that this is far from the limit.

At that moment, only single, platoon and company battles were available for players. However, players have already been given the opportunity to unite in clans. And in order for these clans to be able to fully test their strength in battles against each other, the “ World War". The creator of this global training ground for clan battles was Kirill Mal. The World War test began on February 1, 2011. On February 10, the first redistribution of territories on the Global Map began.

On February 24, 2011, the World of Tanks project entered the Guinness Book of Records, setting another world record for the simultaneous stay of users on the game server. So far, no other game has garnered 91,311 people on a single cluster.

In the spring of 2011, Wargaming began to conquer the East. On March 15, 2011, the game was released in China.

On April 1, 2011, players watched the first episode of Wargaming TV. This infotainment program subsequently became very popular among the players. And its host, Olga Sergeevna, is recognized by users as the face of the company. However, it was not in the first release. Olga Sergeevna first appeared on the screen only in the third issue.

On April 12, 2011, World of Tanks was officially released on the American and European servers. The project team began to choose directions for further territorial expansion. Now the target is Southeast Asia.

The esports direction began to gain momentum. During the first year, about 20 World of Tanks championships and tournaments took place. Among them was the grand tournament "Ural Steel", which brought together players from all over the world. The superfinal of the tournament took place on June 18, 2011 in Moscow. About 200 best players from all over the world came to it.

By the first anniversary of its existence, the game already had about 5,000,000 users on all clusters. More than 20 awards have been won at prestigious international exhibitions and conferences. From August 12, 2010 to August 12, 2011, 15 game updates were released.

On August 15, 2011, the World of Tanks project won the Best European Online Game (“Best European Online Game”) nomination as part of the European Games Award (EGA).

The achievements of the project would not have been possible without our players. From the very beginning of its existence, World of Tanks has brought together a huge number of wonderful people who not only played, but constantly participated in the improvement of the project and supported it. Without too much boasting, we can say that our gaming community has shown itself to be the most friendly and loyal.

This was revealed especially clearly during the days of voting for the "Runet Prize 2011". Throughout November, our tankers fought not only on game maps, but also on the site where the voting took place. Through their efforts, this award ended up with the World of Tanks project.

In the fall of 2011, it finally became clear that the game server could not cope with the number of users who play tanks every day. And then one game server was first divided into two, and then into three clusters. Update 0.7.0, released on December 13, 2011, solved the problem with "lags" and "stuttering" of the game. Then the players got the opportunity to give individuality appearance own tank: camouflages have appeared in the game.

Just before the New Year, the number of nations in the game was replenished with France. Fast and agile tanks equipped with automatic loaders immediately gained immense popularity. Now not a single company battle or battle on the Global Map can do without them.

The appearance of French tanks, the introduction of multi-clustering and other changes led to the fact that in February 2012 on the Russian-speaking gaming clusters the number of players simultaneously playing online exceeded the milestone of 400 thousand people.

On March 29, 2012, update 0.7.2 was released. It added variety to game process thanks to the emergence of new skills and abilities for the crew. "Sixth Sense", "King of the Road", "Combat Brotherhood" and other useful abilities allowed the game to open up even more fully.

On May 3, together with update 0.7.3, the second branch of Soviet heavy tanks appeared in the game. It was crowned with the IS-4, a combat vehicle that has long earned legendary status in the game. And on June 14, together with update 0.7.4, the French tech tree got artillery and anti-tank self-propelled guns. Bat. The Chatillon 155, a level 8 SPG equipped with an automatic loader, has revolutionized the battlefield. After update 0.7.5, the cannons of tank destroyers and medium tanks of the 10th level thundered.

On July 18, 2012, a landmark event took place within the framework of the "World War". For the first time, a special game event was launched on the Global Map. The mysterious continent of Atlantis has become the target of invasion by many clans. Having overturned the resistance of the natives, the players pierced through the continent with tank wedges and have already gained footholds in North America.

Chapter 4. Conclusion

It is impossible to tell in the framework of our "Chronicle" about everything that happened in 2012. This would take a whole book, and the volume of this book would constantly increase. Together with you, dear players, we are constantly moving forward. Very soon, new physics will be released - perhaps the most anticipated innovation in the game. The second "Ural Steel" is being prepared. We are pleased with new shows from Wargaming TV and a lot of press released by fans of the project. Sounds on the air of the radio "Direct fire".

Thanks to everyone who has been and remains with us. A deep bow to the veterans of the project and warm greetings to those who are just starting their combat path!

To what only epithets does not reward the people World Of Tanks game: she is both an “enemy of families”, and a “Belarusian miracle”, and a “breakthrough of the decade”. Its creators managed to do what dozens of companies tried so vainly to do before them, namely, to massively involve men aged 30 to 45 who have already taken place in the game process. People are not poor and quite conservative.

And it is largely thanks to the support of this age group that the game's revenues in 2013 amounted to no less than half a billion euros. An amount that a few years ago seemed to the creators of a dream, completely divorced from reality. And yet the success took place: today we can already talk about more than 60 million players and up to a million playing at the same time. The only fact that somewhat blurs the rosy picture is that the path to triumph took a long 12 years. But who said that everything comes at once?!


Once upon a time, in the vastness of Belarus, there was a not-so-famous, but quite skillful studio Founded back in 1998, for the time being it was known only for the fact that the guys who work there are able to fulfill their obligations for acceptable money. There were releases of several games, improvements for third-party clients and other similar orders on the studio's account.

As it happens, the joker came almost by accident: studio development - engine AdRevolver, responsible for displaying a banner ad, was interested in a large Internet advertising company Bluelithium. In exchange for a share of the profits at BlueLithium, the Belarusians provided support staff and a technology platform.

And again, luck: after a while, the notorious buys BlueLithium for $ 300 million. comes to them, albeit a small but quite sufficient part of the profits, amounting to several million dollars. It happens that having received a lot of money, people are not ready for it. Fortunately, with, everything was exactly the opposite. They have been waiting for this chance for a long time and took full advantage of it.

Creation of World Of Tanks

The fateful conversation about the fate of World Of Tanks (WoT) took place on December 12, 2008 and lasted several hours. The developers faced a dilemma that was quite difficult to resolve. So, there is some serious money paid by Yahoo. There is a desire to do something epoch-making and. And, most importantly, a multiplayer is already in development.

As you already understood, in the end a phrase was uttered that dotted all the "i". I can’t vouch for the literalness of what was said, but the main message was as follows: to hell with elves and orcs, let’s make tanks! From that moment on, work began on Tankdrome". Yes, that was the working title of the game.

Oh, how many rejections the studio had to hear when it tried to take on serious investors with whom it could share the financial burden of working on World Of Tanks. Orcs and elves were understood and approved by many, but no one wanted to invest in the tanks they needed. Today, these people probably bite their elbows, but at that time they laughed at the studio, considering them dreamers, preoccupied with a failed and unpromising "project".

And yet, despite the stupid hooting, continued to work on World Of Tanks. In April 2009, the official announcement of the game was released, and in September of the same year, alpha testing began, for which there were only five tank models and one incomplete map. Yes, not a lot, but the dashing trouble began!

  • ~ winter 2010- first closed beta testing;

  • ~ spring 2010- Introduced pumping equipment for experience;

  • ~ summer 2010- open beta testing;

  • ~ August 13, 2010- the official release of the game.

And so, the start was given. With a buildup, sometimes even overloading, the game went on, gaining loyal followers who are not indifferent to the roar of engines and desperate tank battles.

Further development

With rumors about new game, which is a fusion of realistic shooter, RPG and real-time strategy, scattered around with space speed. In January 2011, the bar was taken to a million users and 75,000 players online. Then it was considered something incredible, but it turned out that this is just a glimpse of future success.

The whole year 2011 was the time of expansion of the game to the West and East. World Of Tanks was launched in China, America and Great Britain within a short time. In the same year, the game collected a whole bunch of prizes and awards. So, an unthinkable thing, the project, which was only a year old, received the prestigious Runet Prize. An unprecedented event for our latitudes.

In parallel with marketing shifts, game mechanisms were also rapidly developed: new technology, powers, maps. Thanks to the support of dedicated fans, World Of Tanks is constantly improving. We must pay tribute to the developers: they do not rest on their laurels and do not cut big coupons. More than a decent part of the profits (and in 2013, the profit, by the way, amounted to more than 200 million euros), the owners again invest in the game.

And this brings results: to date, about 80 million people have registered in the World Of Tanks game, and on December 19, 2014, another record was set - 1,114,000 players online. Serious numbers.

Why do people love World Of Tanks so much?

Today, many analysts are trying to explain the success of World Of Tanks with a variety of reasons. I even met quite incredible ones, something like “These are Slavs - they need to constantly fight with someone” or “All because of high-profile advertising campaigns, over time, popularity will decline.” No, it doesn't. Grows. And growing, by the way, for a long time and steadily.

It seems to me that there are three main “pillars” on which the success of the World Of Tanks game “stands”:

  • ~ whale first - short play time. In most multiplayer games, you need to "kill" a lot of time for the gameplay. In World Of Tanks, the battles are fleeting. Just perfect for serious men weighed down by work and family responsibilities;

  • ~ whale second - realism. The game is great. The rumble of engines, shooting, well-drawn landscapes - all this is mesmerizing. If in fantasy worlds about 90% of game actions are completely invented, then in World Of Tanks everything is real;

  • ~ whale third - business model. In WoT, it is not necessary to constantly “tumble in money” in order to be on horseback. Yes, there are some benefits of premium accounts, but they are not as striking as in most other multiplayer games. In 2013, introduced the “free to win” principle, meaning that paying players cannot feel like “titans” when playing with ordinary users. Skill and military cunning come first. Yes, and playing without a subscription is also a rather serious trump card, thanks to which World Of Tanks is constantly replenished with new adherents.

I am sure that if the creators of this approach to the convenience and quality of the World Of Tanks game continue in the future, then we will have a lot of high-profile news about the next broken popularity records.

Most often replenished with products created by developers from the United States of America, major European countries or Japan. But it is worth noting that even not too large states are able to create games that "shoot out" to the whole world. In our article, we will answer the question in which country the World of Tanks game was created. This question is asked by many people, so today this game is known and popular. The article will also provide information on interesting features this online game.

A few words about the game

World of Tanks is an online game. Its genre is defined as a historical setting. It was announced on August 12, 2010. The entire gameplay takes place in an imitation of the time period of 1941-1945.

The business model of this product is presented in the form of free-to-play. This means that anyone can register, download the client and play the game itself without any mandatory costs. This provoked some unfair situations between those who buy additional weapons or equipment and those who play without donation.

However, in 2013, those who created the World of Tanks game announced a change in the system. From now on, the model will adhere to the free-to-win type. This means there is no difference in benefits between those who buy something and those who play without spending real currency. This change has led to the fact that the number of wins and losses depends only on the skill level of the player.


  • immediately after launch, the player is "thrown" into the general battle, without training in single player mode;
  • at the disposal of the beginner is one copy of the tank from each game nation (USA, USSR, Sweden, Czechoslovakia and some other countries);
  • taking part in the battle, the player earns in-game currency, crews train, experience points are accumulated, which allow them to open access to new equipment.


So who came up with the game World of Tanks? This product is copyrighted by a private company called It is listed as a publisher and developer of games, developing near-game services on various platforms. Where was World of Tanks created?

This development company was organized in Belarus (Minsk). The headquarters is located in the Republic of Cyprus.

The history of the creation of World of Tanks studio was founded back in 1998. At that time, she was not well known, but very promising. Then she was engaged in the completion of third-party clients, game releases and other similar work.

However, luck came from where they did not expect. The engine behind the creators of World of Tanks called AdRevolver, designed to display banner ads, turned out to be of interest to BlueLithium. She was in internet advertising.

It started on December 12, 2008. The developers faced a serious question: they had a large amount of money, a desire to create a worthwhile gaming product, and most importantly, the developments of an online fantasy game. As a result, after several hours of discussions, the developers made a decision: to leave the idea with science fiction and move on to work on a product, the working title of which was "Tankodrome".

It is worth noting that those who created the World of Tanks game have been fiddling for a long time in order to attract any of the serious investors to work on the game. Interestingly, if the company had worked on the original "fiction", the search would have been easier. This is due to the fact that many knew and trusted the elves.

And yet continued to work on their idea. The results became noticeable within a few months. In April 2009, the official announcement of the product took place. September was the launch month for alpha testing. At that time, players were offered to try 5 different tank models on the unfinished map.

A further update followed in 2010. The first came out in winter closed test games. In the spring of the same year, the game introduced the ability to upgrade vehicles for experience points. And in the summer of the same year, open beta testing was announced.

And finally, on August 12, 2010, there was a release. It is worth noting that if at the very beginning of development those who created the World of Tanks game were ridiculed not only by players, but also by investors, now it is one of the most famous companies in gaming world. It is worth noting that the launch of the project was not as easy as it could be. The unusual setting each time attracted more and more interested players. This, in turn, led to the fact that the servers with the game fell quite often, unable to withstand the influx of players.

Game updates

In the first month of 2011, it "overcame" the bar of 1 million players in total, as well as the mark of 75,000 online users, which at that time was a huge number. The game began to gain popularity in China, the US and the UK, winning a sufficient number of awards in the same year, including the prestigious Runet Prize.

This dedication has paid off. In December 2014, the bar of 1 million concurrent online users was surpassed. And at the moment, more than 80 million users have registered in the game.

global update

On March 20, 2018, the developers introduced the first major update, number 1.0. Generally speaking, it brought a new sound system and graphics to the game. Speaking in more detail, it is worth noting the following elements: graphics engine, performance, music, system requirements.

Changing the graphics engine

In this update, the creators have moved from the old BigWorld engine, which limits the introduction of new technologies into the code, to an improved Core. Its development was sharpened specifically for World of Tanks. The engine has the ability to make new technological settings.

It also makes it possible to use modern effects and technologies that improve the graphics of the game, making it more realistic. Many different environmental details have been added to the maps to improve the level of immersion in the game.

Changes have been made to elements such as changing weather conditions depending on the time of year when the player moves from a summer or autumn map to a winter map. Improved quality and saturation of sunlight. The visualization of destruction has also undergone changes.

Changing performance settings

There are the following improvements:

  • the interface has been optimized;
  • change in caterpillar calculations;
  • improvement of the system of vegetation models;
  • increased level of detail;
  • particle system optimization.


The compositions have been completely reworked. Composers were among those who came up with the game World of Tanks. They wrote and added more than 60 new tracks. Each map is assigned its own unique soundtrack. Updated loading screen melodies to match the region of the map. Each action also had its own sounds and tracks.

Minimum system requirements

Initially, the game was not too demanding due to a rather outdated engine. But at the moment, after the release of a new update and improving the quality of not only the picture, but also the mechanics themselves, it has become more demanding. In order to run the program, you will need:

  • have operating system Microsoft Windows XP SP3/Vista/7/8/10;
  • processor with 2 or more cores with SSE2 technology;
  • for stable operation of the game, you need to have 1.5 GB of RAM when running on Windows XP SP3; for other versions, you need to have 2 GB of RAM;
  • video adapter must be at least HD X2400 XT 256 MB RAM;
  • to install the game, it is worth having 36 GB of free space;
  • the connection speed with the server should not be lower than 256 Kbps.

To run the game under these conditions, you must have:

  • the processor must be at least Intel Core i5;
  • for stable operation of the game, you must have 4 or more GB of RAM;
  • video adapter must be at least GeForce GTX660 (2 GB) / Radeon HD 7850 (2 GB);
  • the system must have DirectX 9.0 or higher;
  • for a trouble-free installation, you need 36 GB of free space;

Requirements for ultra settings

If you have a reasonably powerful PC or gaming laptop, please review the following run requirements:

  • OS Microsoft Windows 7/8/10 64-bit;
  • the processor must be at least Intel Core i5 - 7400 or AMD Ryzen 5 1500 X;
  • you must have 8 or more GB of OP;
  • the video adapter must be at least GeForce GTX1050ti (4 GB) / Radeon RX 570 (24 GB);
  • 55 GB of free space is required to install the product;
  • The connection speed with the server should not be lower than 1024 Kbps or higher in order to ensure stable operation of the voice chat.

This page contains links to old versions of the World of Tanks client received from official sources. Initially, there were only links to official domains or which ensured their safety. Unfortunately Wargaming removes them over time.

What to do for those who were afraid to download the client from an unknown site (what if there is a virus?), It was not clear. We have the files themselves, thanks to torrents. But how to check them, because wargaming removes even MD5 checksums. The player Paracedrus came to the rescue by offering to take old check amounts from the Internet archive. I think it's a good compromise; you don't have to trust me personally and my list of MD5 amounts, and the Web Archive is an old and trusted organization.

Unfortunately, the Web Archive does not contain a copy of the checksum for some versions, and is also partially banned by Roskomnadzor, if it does not work for you, then you know who the reason is. Another problem is that versions after 9.0 consist of several files, the official checksums of which are not published. So sorry, but here you just have to trust me personally and this page. I downloaded all the torrents from the official site when they were still there. I missed 9.0 and 9.1, until I figure out how to check them, I can’t post them.

What is this all for?

Mostly for watching old replays. The first version with replay support is 0.7.0.

Why not just download the old client from rghost or root tracker? Because who knows what's in there. Maybe someone added a Trojan or a pack of viruses to the installer, because if your account is stolen, it can be sold. It is very difficult to reliably verify the absence of Trojans. And if you download from the official site, or at least check the MD5 after downloading, then you are sure that the files are harmless.


Earlier versions are downloaded in one file and installed without much difficulty. Ignore WOTLauncher.exe completely, and run "WorldOfTanks.exe path-to-replay" on the command line.

Versions after 0.8.1 are harder to install. The process is described step by step in the download window, just select the required version in the version table.

Dimitri's alternative: take a working client (for example 8.8), and extract the downloaded files over this working client. Doesn't work with all versions, but might help.

Where to download updates instead of the full client?

Since newer versions cannot be "installed", but have to be unpacked manually, I decided not to bother with updates. Inside these archives there are many diff files that need to be "applied", which is quite difficult.

Found an error?

Write in the comments below this article.

Request to developers

Please give us the opportunity to download old clients from official sources and not from suspicious sites. Leaving at least torrent files shouldn't be too expensive. I would not want to jinx it, but all files starting from version 9.2 remain available on the official website, for which many thanks to the developers!