Which is better wallpaper or textured plaster. Wallpaper or decorative plaster is the main issue of savings. Is it possible to save

Until recently, the choice of material for wall decoration was small, most people preferred wallpaper: smooth paper, vinyl, non-woven, with a convex texture or paintable. Over time, it came into vogue, which is wonderful.

Today there are canvases that imitate, as well as such an expensive type of decorative finish, such as. In order to decide how to finish, you should know the advantages and disadvantages of both methods. Decide which wallpaper is better or decorative plaster, our gallery will help you: examples of different finishes in the interior.

Practical and durable

Repair is quite costly, so it is better to choose a material for wall decoration that will not only look great, but will also last a long time. Rare wallpapers can please the eye for more than 5 years. Even non-woven and their types will not last more than 10 years on the walls, despite the fact that they can be painted repeatedly. The only exception is fiberglass material, but their service life is no more than 15-20 years.

The decorative mixture will last much longer. silicone finishes can last up to 60 years, polymer or silicate finishes up to 50 years, and mineral finishes up to 30 years. Decorative plaster can be washed and cleaned and cracked finish.

It is almost impossible to distinguish wallpaper for plastering in the interior.

Wallpaper or decorative plaster: labor intensity, speed and cost of work

If the house has smooth smooth walls, then pasting them with canvases is the fastest option. However, in practice, it turns out that in order to properly paste over the walls, they have to be prepared, applied with a primer, and the surfaces must be leveled.

Unlike rolled material, textured plaster can be applied even to surfaces with a defect, masking them due to its texture.

Decorative putty looks expensive and elegant on the walls

When asked whether it is cheaper to roll material or decorative plaster, the answer is obvious - it all depends on the quality of the chosen coating. For example, seamless wallpaper can cost several thousand rubles per roll, and if you add the cost of a primer, putty for walls, then the cost of finishing will be quite high. In this case, it will be cheaper.

Non-woven fabrics are very similar to plaster

Wallpaper imitating plaster

Some types of plaster, such as Venetian, not only have a high cost, but also require professional skills and craftsmanship when applied. In this regard, Venetian plaster wallpaper imitating is gaining popularity. They create a sense of luxury in the interior and have already earned a lot of rave reviews.

Thanks to a thick layer of vinyl applied to a solid paper base, plaster-imitation wallpapers not only repeat the colors of the Venetian finish, but also, unlike conventional ones, repel dust and create a visual expansion of the space thanks to the matte effect with overflow effects. Wallpaper with a plaster effect is easy to wash with soapy water, it is durable and resistant to fading.

Wallpaper for plastering in the interior looks elegant and stylish. However, their main advantage also lies in how much this material costs. It is much cheaper than this type of decorative mixture.

Wallpaper for decorative plaster, photo demonstrates imitation of Venetian decoration

Comparison with liquid wallpaper

Another great option is to opt for liquid wallpaper. The main thing that distinguishes this type of finish from the rest is the possibility of quick restoration of damaged areas. They are sold in the form of a dry or ready-made mixture that is diluted with warm water. Natural cotton fibers, high-quality dyes, binder adhesive - these are the main components of this material.

A modern finish that can be applied even to uneven walls

Liquid wallpaper in combination with spectacular lighting creates a unique, cozy atmosphere in the room. Such material looks expensive and elegant in any interior. So what to choose - liquid wallpaper or decorative plaster? We can say that both finishes are of excellent quality. Difficulties may arise only when applying the material to the walls, in the first case, in the second case, so choosing between them the difference will only be in price.

Silk liquid material in the interior looks like an expensive decorative putty

Qualitatively with your own hands, it is possible with certain skills, especially if it comes about a Venetian woman, wet silk, Marseilles wax.

Glueing wallpaper imitating textured plaster is, of course, easier and you can do without the help of professionals, but even the highest quality wallpaper cannot be compared with an exquisite expensive decorative coating. If the decisive factor for you is the price - the cost of material and work, then, of course, it is better to give preference to wallpaper.

If you are going to decorate the walls with inexpensive decorative, perhaps this option will be better than wallpaper, because the color of the finish can be changed repeatedly, and the plaster can stick to the walls, unlike wallpaper, for many years.

It is necessary to decide on the choice of what exactly to cover the walls in the rooms long before the start of the repair work in order to calculate the estimate. And the main materials between which you have to make a choice are wallpaper or decorative plaster... It would seem that since plaster is a rather versatile material, it can be the basis for wallpaper or an independent wall covering, then all the advantages behind it, but no, not everything is so simple. To determine which is better, plaster or wallpaper, you can only compare them with each other in all respects.

So let's start with durability. This is an important factor when decorating premises, because with the constant threat of a crisis, the next renovation may simply not be affordable, which means that the wall covering should last as long as possible. As for the plaster, it all depends on its type. So, for example, silicone plaster can last up to 60 years, if applied with high quality, silicate and polymer - up to 50 years, mineral - rarely longer than 30. Of course, the wallpaper cannot cover such a lifespan, with the exception of liquid wallpaper. Even reliable glass-cloth wallpapers serve for 10-20 years with careful handling, and metal ones are easily scratched, quickly losing their beauty.

Let's go further - the price. Here, too, everything is controversial, since good plaster costs about 350 rubles per square meter. And in general, the price range starts from 180 and ends at 1000 rubles per square meter, and this includes prices for Venetian plaster. Wallpaper, of course, is much cheaper: single-layer ones cost about 50 rubles per roll, two-layer ones - from 80 to 100 rubles per roll, you can find inexpensive silk-screen printing within 200 rubles. However, there are also really expensive, extremely beautiful and durable wallpapers, and among them textile wallpapers for 600 rubles per linear meter, as well as metal ones for 25 dollars per meter with a roll width of 0.686 meters. The cheapest liquid wallpaper can be found for 150 rubles (quality is not guaranteed at all), and on average they cost about 450 rubles, although there are brands whose price goes off scale for one and a half thousand.

Plastering the walls with or without wallpaper, which is preferable

As mentioned above, plaster often becomes the basis for wallpaper, and does this mean that it is she who should be presented with the award in the category "best material of the century"? Perhaps not, since wallpaper still competes with plaster. Liquid wallpaper is a wonderful material, almost in no way inferior to plaster, except perhaps for strength. However, at the same time, liquid wallpaper also has a clear advantage - if some area of ​​the coating is damaged, it is enough to simply scrape off the mass frozen on the wall, soak an appropriate amount of new material and cover the damaged area. This trick will not work with decorative plaster.

What turns out, liquid wallpaper can last almost forever? Almost, if you do not take into account the changing tastes of the landlords. And the same wall covering can just get bored. However, there is another advantage of liquid wallpaper - you can remove the entire coating and apply a new one, but in a different color. As for decorative plaster, its advantage is a huge margin of safety. It is known that when Rome was captured, the barbarians chipped off pieces of plaster and used them as countertops, or even used them completely outside the box - as mirrors... Yes, plaster can be extremely durable and, as a result of the correct treatment, will give its surface an almost mirror-like sheen.

Wallpaper or decorative plaster - easier is better?

For beginners in the repair epic, the most acceptable option always seems to be the one on which less effort will be spent, provided a satisfactory result is obtained (the main thing is not mediocre). Therefore, those who have experience in wallpapering and at the same time are afraid to take a spatula will definitely prefer wallpaper. Well, those who do not grab stars from the sky in the repair area at all will probably decide to try their hand at applying plaster. So which is better, plaster or wallpaper? What's easier?

So, before sticking wallpaper, you need to prepare the surface of the walls, giving them maximum smoothness. Then the walls must be primed with linseed oil or wallpaper glue. After waiting for it to dry completely, measure the required length of the wallpaper, cut it off, lay it on the floor with the wrong side up and coat it with glue. While it dries up (so as not to dry out at all, it is better to fold a piece of wallpaper in half), we smear a section of the wall. We apply wallpaper to the wall and gently rub it so as not to tear off the decorative layer and at the same time not to leave bubbles. We take on the next piece.

To apply decorative plaster, the wall does not need to be prepared, on the contrary, it is better to distort its surface more strongly in order to obtain an ideal adhesion of the mixture to the wall. Smearing with force on a pre-primed wall(the only stage of preparation for plastering) the first layer of plaster, we get a dense coating. When it dries, apply a new layer, after removing all unreliable protrusions. And so on up to 3-5 layers. At the end, we carefully rub the plaster with the finest sandpaper and voila - the wall covering is ready.

Even wonderful liquid wallpaper is not applied without preliminary preparation - plastering the walls under the wallpaper is simply necessary. Thus, we come to the conclusion that with a little experience in repair work, plaster is still better. Moreover, with proper treatment, it is also beautiful in its own way.

In this article I will try to answer one of the most difficult questions that our clients face when choosing a material for wall decoration.

It is necessary to decide what to cover the walls long before starting to repair, since most likely they will need to be prepared, and this is a rather lengthy and messy process. It is also important to do this in advance in order to calculate an approximate estimate and then not break out of the established budget.

The main materials that you will have to choose between will most likely be wallpaper (as has always been customary) and decorative plaster (a material that appeared on the Russian market not so long ago, but has firmly taken its position and is gradually displacing wallpaper from their habitual place).

Let's start with durability.

Service life is one of the main factors in the choice of materials when decorating premises, because in our not calm time, with the constant threat of a crisis, next time repairs may simply not be affordable and will be postponed until better times, and indeed, doing repairs at the moment , I do not want to think about how and when everything will have to be redone all over again, which means that the wall covering material should last as long as possible.

As for the plaster, everything is pretty simple:

The plaster does not fade from exposure to sunlight, the plaster does not rub off and is less susceptible to mechanical damage (such as, for example, animals that easily peel the wallpaper with their claws or children who can scratch the wallpaper with toys), decorative plaster is easy to clean without losing its durability qualities (the average service life of decorative plaster is from 35 to 70 years, with the correct application and the appropriate quality of materials).

Wallpaper, of course, cannot boast of such a lifespan:

Even the most reliable glass cloth wallpaper will last no more than 5 - 10 with very careful handling, and all other options are easily scratched, fade, rubbed off and quickly lose their original beauty and attractiveness.

So, in terms of durability, the score is 1 - 0 in favor of decorative plaster !!!

The next equally important question is the price.

High-quality plaster of domestic production will cost about 300-350 rubles per square meter, excluding the application price. Decorative, for example, Venetian plaster made in Italy or France will cost about 1000 rubles per square meter, it is naturally distinguished from inexpensive decorative plaster by quality and some specifications, such as the ability to hold a crack up to 1 - 1.5 cm.

Wallpaper, regardless of the manufacturer, of course, is much cheaper: single-layer wallpaper will cost you about 100 rubles per roll, two-layer - from 150 to 250 rubles per roll, inexpensive silk-screen printing (two-layer wallpaper in which one layer consists of cellulose (paper base), and the other is made of polyvinyl) within 300 rubles. Naturally, there are really expensive wallpapers that differ in the quality and beauty of design, including, for example, textile (from 700 rubles per meter) or metal (approximately 800 rubles per meter with a roll width of about 0.7 meters).

That is, in principle, wallpaper comes out cheaper than decorative plaster, not always, but more often than not ... but their quality will certainly be several times worse, but still the score becomes 1 - 1.

So which is better, decorative wall coverings or wallpaper? What's easier?

For those who are just going to start repairs and have never faced such questions before, the most acceptable option may seem to be one that will take a minimum of effort to obtain a satisfactory end result. Therefore, those who have ever had the experience of wallpapering walls are likely to prefer wallpaper. And those who have never come across either one or the other, for sure, will not be afraid to pick up a spatula and decide to try their hand at applying decorative plaster.

Before pasting the wallpaper, it is necessary to prepare a perfectly flat and smooth surface of the walls. Then the walls need to be primed. After complete drying, proceed to measuring a piece of wallpaper of the required length, spread it on the floor and apply glue. While the glue dries, we spread the desired section of the wall. We apply our piece of wallpaper to the wall and gently rub it, trying not to peel off the top decorative layer and at the same time not leave bubbles. Now we take on the next piece.

To apply decorative plaster, you do not need to prepare and level the wall, the plaster itself will hide all the minor irregularities in the wall. The only preparation step is the application of the primer. After the wall is primed with force, we smear the first layer of plaster on it - we get a dense coating (base). We are waiting for the first layer to dry and apply the second. And so on up to 3 - 5 layers. After the last layer has dried properly, we rub the surface with sandpaper and ... the wall is ready!

Even such liquid wallpaper, wonderful in all respects, cannot be applied without preliminary preparation of the walls - it is simply necessary to plaster the walls under the wallpaper. Thus, we can conclude that, without special experience in repair work, decorative plaster is still easier, more convenient and much faster in terms of application.

In the aggregate of all of the above, we can summarize:

Decorative plaster is a more durable material, less prone to wear and tear, the variety of colors and methods of applying plaster is almost endless (unlike wallpaper with a certain design), and here your imagination can really take off! With a relatively small difference in price, plaster surpasses wallpaper in all other parameters - it is stronger and more reliable, easier to apply and maintain, and much more interesting in design.

The final decision is always yours alone, but personally, when I was doing repairs in my
apartment, from the variety of wallpapers and types of decorative plaster, I chose Venetian plaster for myself.

I can wish you, make the right choice and then not regret your decision. Remember that when choosing finishing materials You are wasting your money, your time and your nerves, and with such expenses you want the choice made once to be final !!!

IN recent times many began to wonder which is better: to glue the wallpaper or apply decorative plaster on the walls? This choice is the basis for future renovations. Each option has both advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will consider which option is better, and also tell you what kind of decorative plaster better fit for finishing a particular surface.

Pros of gluing wallpaper

Before deciding, you need to consider the pros and cons of the two options. So which is better? Let's start with the wallpaper.

They are very popular and are now known to everyone. Due to their practicality and low cost, they are glued both in offices and in private homes. However, not everyone knows about the basic characteristics. The benefits include:

Disadvantages of wallpapering

The disadvantages include the following:

Advantages of decorative plaster

Decorating walls with decorative plaster also has many advantages. Let's take a look at them in more detail:

Now let's take a closer look at the cons.

Disadvantages of decorative plaster

This material also has disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at them:

Main selection criteria

The choice of coverage is influenced by a huge number of factors. First of all, you need to consider personal tastes and the quality of the walls. Consider the main criteria when choosing wall finishes:

Advice! Keep in mind that if you are planning exterior wall decoration, a clear advantage is for decorative plaster.

As a result, it is important to note that the choice of coverage does not greatly affect the beauty of the room. All factors have a purely practical... Ultimately, the choice depends on your personal preference, taste or renovation expectations. The choice can also be influenced by the style in which you want to make the renovation. For a classic style, wallpaper with patterns would be the best option, and for a modern style, both finishes are suitable. Alternatively, you can apply a combined finish with different colors... It is also worth taking into account the furniture that will be installed in the room.

Which plaster is better

There are many decorative solutions for walls and each of them has its own advantages. It will not work to answer unequivocally which one is better suited for the wall. Therefore, let's take a look at each option and analyze its characteristics. So, decorative plaster happens:

As you can see, the choice of plaster depends on your preference and type of work. If you plan to interior wall decoration, it is better to use a Venetian mixture, and for outdoor work - bark beetle or mineral solutions.

What to choose, decorative plaster or wallpaper. Before shaping the interior, you should deal with the material for decorating the walls in the premises. Most people traditionally give preference to wallpaper, without even considering other possibilities. In general, it is difficult to dub this desire categorically incorrect, since the modern product range presents us with all kinds of wallpapers, between them are smooth and embossed, with ornaments or monochromatic. And wallpapers are created from various materials - they can be either standard paper, vinyl or non-woven. However, the current market is able to present many alternatives to wallpaper; decorative plaster is now in great demand. So which of the materials does it make sense to give your preference to? Let's make an attempt to analyze the technical qualities of each and make an objective choice.

Durability of wallpaper and decorative plaster. Let's get down to business with an analysis of a practical nuance: which of the proposed materials has a longer service life? This is a very significant question, of course, unless you plan to do renovations every couple of years. Therefore, I want it to be both durable and beautiful at the same time, so that the wall picture will please the eye for many years. So, the lifespan of decorative plaster depends on its type. In the event that you apply mineral-based plaster, it will last for about 30 years; when working with silicate and polymer plaster, its high-quality operation will be marked by an indicator of fifty years.

A silicone-based plaster will be able to last up to 60 years without the need for its partial or complete removal. Unfortunately, wallpapers cannot boast of such temporary indicators. The longest period of operation of even very expensive and durable wallpaper will not exceed 20 years, however, as often happens, after 10 years the wallpaper begins to rapidly lose its decorative appearance, and then in this case, if they are initially marked with high quality.

Which is better wallpaper or decorative plaster. Comparison of the qualities of wallpaper and decorative plaster. Our people are accustomed to glue wallpaper, in addition, and learning to do this from scratch is much easier than applying plaster. Still, working with decorative plaster has its own specific points that require specialized knowledge. On the other hand, wallpaper often tears if handled carelessly, because of this, the material is considered irrational to use. In addition, wallpaper is difficult to dub as a waterproof material, unlike plaster. You have not seen someone gluing wallpaper in the bathroom? ..

However, a significant number of today's wallpapers are washable. Moreover, the wallpaper can be mounted on any existing base in construction: aerated concrete, brick, plaster, prefabricated panels, and many others. But regarding the aspect of the decorating component, then the priority position will be taken by decorative plaster, which allows you to imitate the appearance of a variety of natural materials: fur, stone, fabric, wood. Unfortunately, only textile materials can truly copy the wallpaper.

Which is more expensive: plaster or wallpaper? In such a serious matter, it seems like, decorative plaster definitely loses to wallpaper. Of course, the average price of wallpaper will be lower than the cost of plaster. However, the so-called seamless wallpaper, created on the basis of innovative materials, can be valued even more expensive than plaster. But generally speaking, it will be cheaper to stick wallpaper than to plaster the wall, since this factor is also influenced by the presence of hired workers in the plastering technology, while when installing wallpaper, you can do with your own skills.

The advantages of decorative plaster. However, let's revive the reputation of decorative plaster! In the event that we are talking about low cost and the greatest economy, then the decision to buy wallpaper will be the right one, however, when such factors as long-term reliability, durability and excellent appearance decorative finish, then in this case the wallpaper is not even close. Yes, you will need to pay an order of magnitude more, but in the end you will get a marvelous wall picture, the design of which will not leave indifferent any of the tenants.

TO As regards technical properties, the decorative plaster coating, firstly, has high reliability, secondly, it has good moisture resistance, and thirdly, it also becomes vapor-permeable, it perfectly matches the conditions of the bathrooms, which is difficult to say about the wallpaper under which, when a high level of moisture, mold often multiplies. The plaster does not fade under the influence of sunlight and does not turn yellow from fumes or cigarette smoke, and most importantly, it does not absorb odors, which is why it is confidently allowed to be applied in kitchens and dining rooms. As a result, decorative plaster provides customers with a huge variety of all kinds of textures and techniques, which include Venetian, marmorino, travertino, grotto and many others.

Summing up the results. Wallpaper, as a very popular decorative material, is attractive in many ways: it is easy to interact with it, it is inexpensively valued and can fully answer difficult aesthetic claims. Only if we think about luxurious design, literally for centuries, then the wallpaper clearly does not fall into the list of relevant materials, and then decorative plaster comes to the fore, which is less prone to wear and tear, and with which you have every chance create a true work of art indoors.

In conclusion, we note that the so-called liquid wallpaper, which is the synthesis of cellulose and cotton fibers with the addition of high-quality pigments and glue, can impose confident competition on decorative plaster. This coating can be imagined as a kind of combination of decorative plaster and wallpaper. Such material can be diluted with water-dispersion paint and applied to the walls with a brush or roller. As a result, the surfaces also come out very catchy and beautiful. However, if we talk about wallpaper with a traditional structure, then objectively in today's design, their use is less appropriate compared to decorative plaster.

Wallpaper decorative plaster photo.