Right-handed or left-handed - how to determine the child's leading hand? Three hands in a person: scientists have proved that the brain is ready for this How to prove that a person has 2 hands

Right-handed or left-handed? This question worries all parents whose child has just learned to hold a rattle in his hands or eat from a spoon. How to determine which hand is the leading one in the baby?

Excursion into physiology

Each person's brain has two cerebral hemispheres. In the right hemisphere are the nerve centers responsible for the work of the left half of the body, while the left hemisphere controls the right half. From birth in a baby, one of the cerebral hemispheres is more developed. If priority is given to the right hemisphere, then the child becomes left-handed. And, on the contrary, with a pronounced predominance of the left hemisphere, a right-hander grows out of the baby. It is not possible to predict which part of the brain will become the leading one.

According to statistics, up to 15% of the world's population are true left-handers. Among them there are those who were forcibly retrained in childhood, and those who remained left-handed for the rest of their lives. About 1% of all people are ambidexters. These people are equally good at using both the right and left hand. The rest of the world's population is right-handed.

A right-hander is a phenomenon that will surprise no one. Parents of little left-handers have much more questions. Why does a child take a toy in left hand instead of keeping her right? There is no definite answer to this question. It has been proven that left-handedness is inherited. If left-handers have already been born in your family, it is very likely that your baby will do everything with his left hand.

Other likely causes of left-handedness include brain injury. When the left hemisphere is damaged, the right side of the brain takes over all the functions of the damaged area, and the child becomes left-handed. A similar situation occurs with prolonged injury to the right hand. It has also been noticed that one of the twins often becomes left-handed, while the other remains right-handed.

How to determine the leading side?

The problem of adaptation of left-handed children would be solved much easier if there were methods for identifying left-handed children in the very early age... Only up to 3 years old, every child is an ambidexter by nature. It is equally convenient for him to do the usual things with both his left and right hand. This phenomenon is associated with the peculiarities of the development of the brain and does not require any special correction at this age.

You can try to find out if your child is right-handed or left-handed at an earlier age. But any test carried out on a baby under 3 years old cannot be the basis for a final "diagnosis". It is possible to unambiguously determine the leading hand after 4-5 years. At this age, the connections between the cerebral hemispheres and the child's body are finally formed, and it will not be difficult to find out if your baby is right-handed or left-handed.

The test for determining the leading hand in an infant is quite simple. It is known that at the age of about 3 months the main reflexes of the neonate disappear. The disappearance of reflexes occurs in different time on the right and left side. A child who will become left-handed in the future loses these reflexes faster on the left side. Watching your baby, at the age of 3-4 months you will be able to say for sure which hand will be the leading one after a few years.

Each test is designed for children aged 4-5 years. It is at this age that you can quite accurately determine whether your child is left-handed or right-handed. You can check your baby at home, without being distracted from the game or communication. Passing the test, the child will have to complete simple tasks, and his parents will have to keep track of which hand the kid does certain things. By the predominance of one hand or another, you can calculate which of them is the leading one for your child.

Preschool test:

  • cut the paper with scissors;
  • erase the drawing with an eraser;
  • string beads on a string;
  • lay out the cards on the table;
  • pour water from one container to another;
  • take a glass in hand;
  • open and close the lock;
  • wind the thread on a spool;
  • get a book from the shelf;
  • push the ball with your hand;
  • ring the bell;
  • brush your teeth;
  • take out a small object with a spoon from a glass;
  • open the screw cap bottle.

There is also a test for older children.

  • Have your child interlace their fingers in the lock. The left-hander will leave the thumb of the left hand on top, and the right-hander - the right.
  • Invite your child to clap their hands. The leading hand will be on top.
  • Ask your child to cross their arms in front of them. The dominant hand will again be on top.

Any test for a child can be chosen. You can use several tasks at once to determine the leading hand of your baby. When choosing this or that exercise, it is worth giving preference to actions unfamiliar to the child. The fact is that when parents teach their toddler to hold a mug, spoon or pencil, they put the object in their right hand. Thus, parents, unwittingly, retrain their little left-hander. The test assumes that the child will do the tasks unconsciously. Performing an unusual action for him, the kid himself, without noticing it, will give priority to the leading hand and thereby make it clear whether he is left-handed or right-handed.

Conduct one-on-one tests with your child in a relaxed and welcoming environment.

An important point: passing the test, the child must have equal access to all objects on the left and right side. Mugs, pencils, threads - all this should be at the same distance from both hands. Otherwise, the baby will reach where it is closer to him, and the test will be passed incorrectly.

Any test is carried out with the child in the form of a game. You should not focus the baby's attention on the fact that you are testing him. Let all tasks be done easily and naturally. If the kid is not in the mood for play, it is worth postponing the test until the next time.

Your child is left-handed

What if your baby is left-handed? In the old days, it was believed that such a state must be gotten rid of. Left-handers were retrained, creating many problems for the little man. Modern pediatricians and psychologists do not share this point of view. Experts believe that left-handedness is a variant of the norm. There is no point in retraining a child and breaking his true nature for the sake of the social norms of the last century.

Having learned that your baby is left-handed, do not rush to retrain him. Even having got used to doing everything with the right hand, the child will spend much more time and energy on it than his peers. In retrained left-handers, the right half of the brain is still dominant, and all actions take place through the right hemisphere. As a result, large body resources are spent on performing a simple action. Is it not for this reason that left-handers who follow their nature often outstrip their retrained peers in development?

The dominance of the left hand can undoubtedly create certain difficulties in adapting a child to the world around him. All devices on this planet, from the simplest household appliances to sophisticated appliances, are designed for right-handed people. If your baby is left-handed, he will have to get used to living in conditions that are not too comfortable for himself. Fortunately, many things have now been created for left-handed people that greatly simplify life in the world of right-handers. Is it worth retraining a child if it is possible to create quite comfortable conditions for his existence?

Hello dear friends!

Although a person has two hands, he prefers to use only one to perform actions. Of course, most often the right hand becomes the leading limb, but what if the dominant hand is the left?

I think that in childhood you might have noticed among your classmates left-handers, whom you tried in every possible way to direct you on the right path. They stayed with them after lessons to practice spelling, gave lectures aimed at rethinking the unique and rather interesting difference from the bulk of the kids.

Some items in the house, such as scissors, sharpeners, rulers and even the door handles are for right-handed people only. In order not to adapt to the oppressive abundance of injustices, I invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective methods for developing right-handed superpowers for left-handers.

By systematically training and devoting enough time to full-fledged classes, an individual will be able to become ambidextrous, that is, a person who has equal control of the upper limbs.

Right hand development includes an integrated approach. But why strive to reverse what a person feels comfortable in? Actually, The child has who is used to writing with his left hand, there is a risk of acquiring scoliosis or other back problems.

This is because with such a letter, the baby needs to take a pose that maximally allows the elbow and shoulder joint to bend to turn the hand closer to the notebook. Situationleads to the fact that children literally lie on their desks, and constantly monitor the state of posture of teachers a wish does not always arise.

The danger of relearning

The development of both hands at a young age minimizes the situation of back and vision problems. After all, alternating arms will help relieve the load from the muscle corset, giving you time to relax.

Doctors do not recommend retraining left-handers for several reasons. Under the auspices of "right" upbringing, parents will be able to hide only the most visible signs and characteristics left-handed, but the rest of the actions performed by an individual in everyday life and life are all the same about will become the prerogative of your beloved hand.

Dangerous retraining by the occurrence of malfunctions is important NS systems of the human body. Serious neuroses, tics, physical or emotional delays may develop. NS In addition to the above problems, the child may begin to stutter or experience a feeling of tremendous constriction, and as a result e this he risks losing his self-esteem and normal self-esteem.

But there is another violation that can begin its development, thanks to an attempt to retrain the baby. Dyslexia is a disorder that interferes with in get on with writing and reading skills. Sometimes it manifests itself banal bad handwriting, swallowing m words when reading and writing backwards.

Only Think about it, in the context of convenience, the whole world belongs to right-handers anyway, but here you also need to write with an uncontrolled hand, so that those around you are happy!

According to experts, it is better to try to develop a small person with the help of a leading hand in drawing or writing. And it also happens that they use the training of the leading leg, for example, in football or other sports.

What is hiding in the right hemisphere

Researchers of the phenomenon have not yet identified the reasons that provoke the development of left-handedness. Scientists and bright minds of doctors tend to believe that left-handers are born due to malfunctions of the brain during the prenatal period. Also ranked among the reasons and the feature of the birth itself, and brain pathology, and even genetics!

It has been proven that in a left-handed family, according to statistics, in 75% of cases, a left-handed person will also be born. But what is the main difference from right-handedness? The left hemisphere is responsible for the following list of requests in the brain:

  • speech
  • analysis
  • verbal information
  • logics
  • reading.

In people whose dominant hand is the right one, the left hemisphere dominates, but in the left-hander - the right one, where the main bias is:

  • intuition
  • creative inclinations
  • feelings
  • visual images.

This means that geniuses are very common among left-handers, those who themselves as great artists, literary masters or creators of musical works. Among them were Charlie Chaplin, and Marilyn Monroe and even Julius Caesar himself!

But what exist effective exercise helping to master the right hand better than the left? And what should be emphasized?

Full communication

What is Kinesiology? This is a science that deals with the development of the brain through the prism of movements. She has been familiar to people for more than two hundred years and perfectly recommends herself around the globe.

Aristotle and Hippocrates used kinesiological exercises for an integrated approach to development and activation of interhemispheric communications in the brain.

What is this workout for?

  • Qualitatively increase stress resistance;
  • develop the corpus callosum;
  • organize and synchronize the work of the left and right hemispheres;
  • unleash the potential of the cape l ital process;
  • long term memory;
  • improve writing and reading technique;
  • stimulate hand motility.

There is a global a kind of kinesiological puzzles. One of the methods I can call finger training, which is suitable for both adults and children. They are designed for productive development of left-handed right arm muscles and stimulation interhemispheric influences cerebral cortex.


1. "Fist-rib-palm"

For this assignment, you can involve the whole family and enjoy a productive pastime. You need to alternately perform three actions, clearly controlling the movements of your hand:

  • stretch your hand palm down, squeeze it into a fist;
  • unfold your palm with an edge. To do this, turn the brush counterclockwise, spreading your fingers, keeping your thumb pressed against your index finger;
  • turn your palm clockwise againto the floor, leaving your fingers extended and tense.

You need to perform actions slowly, gradually increasing the speed of execution. Strive to get closer to automation so that there is no confusion between actions.

2. "Flashlights"

The exercise is performed from the starting position of two arms straightened in front of you. At the phrase "The lanterns are on!" - straighten and tighten your fingers, point your palms down. When the command "Flashlight is out!"

When the command "Flashlight lit", you need to unclench the fingers of the left hand that were in the fist, and squeeze the fingers of the right. That is, you should be able to alternately “turn on” the flashlights on command, in the context of the exercise for the fingers.

3. "Hare"

The exercise is designed to generate impulses that help coordinate the tasks of the hand by making sense of the images. To perform the "Bunny" exercise, stretch your index and middle fingers up, and press your ring and little fingers together with your thumb and palms. Hold this position for a count of 10. The task must be performed first with the fingers of one hand, and then with two at the same time.

To make the conditions more difficult, I will suggest that you stay in the starting position of the "Bunny" exercise and tap your little and ring fingers with your thumb. The main thing is not to bend the middle and index.

4. "Rings"

You need to bring your thumb and forefinger together to form a circle. Straighten the remaining fingers, lift up and press against each other. Hold in this position, counting to 10, and then attach the other hand to the workout.

To complement the exercise, I will suggest that you bring the resulting "rings" to your eyes, imitating glasses. To do this, you need to turn your hands over, raising your elbows, and press your fingers tightly to your face.

5. "Chain"

Connect your right thumb and forefinger by pulling the rest up and up. Next, replace the index finger with the middle, ring and little fingers. Carry out similar manipulations with the left hand. Exercise with both hands at the same time, alternately replacing fingers on each of them.

Complicate the task and try to form "rings" that connect the right and left hand. To do this, take the starting position and penetrate the “ring” from the fingers of the left hand into the “ring” of the right, alternately changing fingers.

6. "Iron-knock"

Place the palm of your left hand on top of your head. And the palm of the right is on the stomach. Concentrate and try to rotate palm Yu right hand, and left - light tapping. You need to complete the task simultaneously, not by s willing action to become identical.

On this I will end today’s educational program!

Train your ambidextrous abilities and enjoy learning process!

See you on the blog, bye bye!

One of the classic questions in neuroscience is " How does a person feel his body?"It is generally accepted that the outlines of our body are limited subconsciously. That is, the subconscious mind perceives the body in accordance with a certain standard of a healthy human body, if very briefly and simply, for example: one head, two arms, two legs. However, researchers from Sweden have refuted this option. The result of their research shows that the human brain can move away from the standard scheme as soon as he has new information about the state of the body.

To get such conclusions, the scientists did the following: they tried to convince the study participants that they had three hands. On the basis of this experience, it was necessary to find out whether it is possible to force the brain to respond to external influences if it visually receives information that the body has 3 arms. The experiment itself consisted of two parts. First, the 154 participants covered their arms and shoulders with a cloth, making them see only their palms and wrists. At the same time, they put a prosthesis of the right hand under the tissue, so that it would look the same as the next to it, a real hand. After that, they simultaneously touched right hand and to the denture with brushes. In the second part, the participants in the experiment had more difficulty, the arm and the prosthesis were alternately threatened with a knife.

At the same time, the brain could not visually choose which hand belongs to it, but the most interesting thing is not this, but how exactly the human brain acts in such conditions. And he acts quite unexpectedly, instead of wasting time calculating which hand belongs to the body, he simply admits that all three belong to the body.

Ardvid Gutarshtam explained how his group came to the following conclusions: “We were able to prove that the human brain takes all three hands as extensions of its body by observing the sweating of the palm. with a knife. Moreover, it was the same when the real hand was threatened, and when the prosthesis was threatened. This was true until the brain could visually receive information that the third hand was in fact a prosthesis. "

The research carried out will be useful for specialists developing prostheses, as well as for restoring the motor activity of people who have suffered a stroke, as a result of which a part of their body has become paralyzed. The results also show that the human brain is able to move away from the usual body pattern, can control and respond to external influences, taking into account the correction for the limbs added to the body. No matter how fantastic it may sound, but our brain with you could easily control a much larger number of limbs than we actually have.

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The brightest star of the XX century, Audrey Hepburn was not only a great actress and style icon of her era. She was also a wonderful person, a loving mother and humanitarian activist. Her sophisticated looks still captivate many fans.

website remembers the best sayings of this amazing woman.

  1. I love people who make me laugh. I really think laughing is what I love the most. It cures many diseases. Perhaps this is the most important thing in a person.
  2. If you need a helping hand, know that you have it - your own. As you get older, you will realize that you have two hands: one to help yourself, the other to help others.
  3. Tears can mean more than a smile. Because we smile at almost everyone in a row, and we cry only because of those we love ...
  4. Sexuality is something that is hidden inside a woman.
  1. Father and mother had almost no time for me. I remembered that I was not needed by anyone, and all my life I doubted that it could be otherwise. Chocolate was my only love, and it never betrayed me.
  2. Beautiful are those lips that often speak kind words. Beautiful are those eyes that try to see only good in people. The one who shares his meal with the hungry will have a slender figure. And the hair will become like silk if it is stroked by a child every day.
  3. I don't need a bed to prove my femininity. I can be sexy by picking apples from a tree or standing in the rain.
  4. For confidence, walk with the knowledge that you are not alone.
  5. Living is like running through a museum. And only then do you begin to truly realize what you saw, think about it, look in books and remember - because you cannot accept it all at once.
  1. The beauty of a woman multiplies with her years.
  2. I believe in manicure, in flashy clothes, in the fact that on vacation you also need to do your hair and apply lipstick. I believe in pink color and that the happiest girls are the prettiest. I believe that the best remedy to burn calories is laughter. I believe that tomorrow will be a new day, and ... I believe in miracles.
  3. I never wanted a divorce. I hate that word. I shrink all over when they say it, talking about me. My ideal was to get married once and for all.
  4. Success is like reaching some round date and seeing that you haven't changed a bit.
  5. The beauty of a woman should be visible in her eyes - this is the door to her heart, the place where love lives.
  1. To give is to live. If you stop giving, you will have nothing to live for.
  2. The beauty of a woman is in the care that she gives with love, and in the passion that she does not hide.
  3. All my life my mother inspired me that a person should be useful. She was sure that giving love is much more important than receiving it.
  4. It is the responsibility of every person to help children who are suffering. Everything else is just a whim and self-indulgence.
  5. People much more than things need to be picked up, repaired, found a place and forgiven; never throw anyone away ...
  6. They say love is the most profitable investment: the more you give, the more you get in return. Not in this case. Love is the most unique contribution: the more you give it, the more it is born in yourself. If everyone understood this, how much easier it would be to live.