Rune feu - turborunes - automatic runic programming system. Activation of the Perth rune. Photo and interpretation of the runes Perth (Pertro) - TurboRunes - Automatic Runic Programming System of Runes kano perth inguz

Runes in combination with other symbols often change their original meaning. So, the Inguz sign in the Inguz-Odal-Gebo-Fehu runescript provides a fair deal, and Inguz-Perth-Berkana relieves a dry cough. Similar features of Scandinavian writing should be taken into account both when fortune-telling and when creating a talisman.

Inguz in a combination of two runes

In a combination of runes, each sign loses part of its main meaning. This also applies to fortune telling and the action of amulets. In combination with other runes, Inguz acquires a special meaning that differs from the initial interpretation of the sign:

Runes nameThe meaning in divinationSphere of protection
Inguz-Dagaz (Earth + Time)Well-being in money matters, prosperity.Increases immunity, protects against respiratory diseases.
Inguz-Gebo (Stone + Air)Bad heredity, diseases of the skeletal system.Used to start a good union, build relationships.
Inguz-Nautiz (Earth + Fire)Theft, fraud with government subsidies.Shackles potential, protects a person from the joy of life. Used as an evil eye.
Inguz-Alguz (Stone + Flame)Temptation, lust, adultery.Used to bless activities, increase profits in any sales area.
Inguz-Berkana (Earth + Stone)High risk of unsuccessful childbirth, risk of miscarriage.An extremely life-giving combination. Powerful talisman for conception and proper development of the child.
Inguz-Otal (Stone + Earth)An original dream come true, a successful completion of the project.Helps to abandon the past during a period of joy, reduces anxiety and doubts.
Inguz-Teyvaz (Earth + Fire)Loss of a friend, backbiting, intrigues behind the back.Gives the wearer courage, helps to get rid of complexes.
Inguz-Uruz (Earth + Stone)Fulfillment of obligations, payment of debts, costs associated with lending.It is used to search for a man or to increase male energy in a spouse.
Inguz-Turisaz (Earth + Flame)Great opportunities, open borders, an easy way.They bring unconditional victory and prosperity after it.
Inguz-Evaz (Earth + Air)The ruin of the company, bankruptcy.Moves the owner to productive work, helps to find business partners.
Inguz-Isa (Earth + Ice)Losses along the way.Turns a man away from other women.
Inguz-Eyvaz (Stone + Water)Unrealized plans, excessive daydreaming, frivolity.Reveals prospects in business, but requires dedication in business.
Inguz-Mannaz (Earth + Fire)Improving relations between generations, help from children.Gives blessings to ancestors, helps to build relationships with parents and children.
Inguz-Soulu (Stone + Fire)A triumph that turned into defeat, an inappropriate holiday, a cruel joke.Allows you to overcome the most difficult diseases, but does not reduce pain.
Inguz-Fehu (Earth + Flame)Anxiety, unreasonable fear, unnecessary monetary risk.Together with Fehu, Inguz works to increase income. A slow but continuous enrichment process takes place.
Inguz-Laguz (Stone + Fire)Soul cleansing, reincarnation.The amulet clears the owner of negative energy, contributes to the oblivion of past mistakes.
Inguz-Vuno (Earth + Stone)Public shame, ridicule, offensive nicknames.Fills the owner with vitality, the ability to rejoice and increase happiness.
Inguz-Khagalaz (Earth + Water)Car accident, natural disaster, fire.It relieves a person from destructive energy, directs all forces to creation.
Inguz-Raido (Stone + Fire)Re-marriage, life path renewal.Accelerates the search for a loved one, while the end result of such a relationship will be a wedding.
Inguz-Kenaz (Earth + Flame)Survival, oppression, racial inequality. An inverted Kano indicates harassment at home.Heals chronic diseases, relieves depression and apathy.
Inguz-Ansuz (Earth + Air)Excessive fussiness will lead to collapse, disorganization, forgetfulness.The amulet helps to carry out fruitful social work, to assemble a loyal team.
Inguz-Yera (Stone + Time)Overdue help loved one, unnecessary advice.Helps to find the true cause of the problem that inhibits human development.
Inguz-Perth (Earth + Water)A period of stagnation, laziness, meditation.Frees the owner from dubious old attachments, allows you to start a new life.
Inguz-VirdInfantilism, mental illnessIt slows down a person's life, plunges the victim into a neurotic state, and is used as a strong evil eye.

The combination of two runes has a stronger effect than one symbol. A similar ligature is used to focus the energy of the amulet on a specific goal.

Inguz in a combination of three runes

Three-runner combinations create powerful charms, the use of which requires more energy. There are such well-known runescripts using Inguz:

  1. Inguz - help to decide on drastic changes, to cut off the past, to seize on opportunities given by fate. At the event level, symbols warn of imminent changes, the nature of which will be positive. Nevertheless, the fortuneteller should prepare himself mentally to give up unnecessary attachments.
  2. Inguz-Kenaz-Ansuz - reveals the true feelings of a love partner, exposes treason and lies. In fortune telling, it indicates the likelihood of unpleasant discoveries in a team or family, intrigue and gossip.
  3. Inguz-Isa-Gebo is a powerful eguillet that reduces the spouse's sexual desire for other women. In the scenario, such a combination indicates a faithful marriage, a trusting relationship.

To protect yourself from negative impact runes, the owner should activate the symbols with special reservations. They reduce the risk of energy devastation.

Inguz activation has a number of features. Words should be spoken with confidence, in an affirmative way:

This rune will heal my spiritual and physical health, protect me from bad influences.

Inguz in a combination of four runes

Four or more runes in one runescript is a very strong ligature. Such combinations should be used with caution, beginners can suffer mentally. There are several popular four-runner amulets with Inguz:

  1. Inguz-Odal-Gebo-Fehu is a powerful amulet to attract buyers. Used to sell a specific property (house or vehicle). Protects the owner from dishonest transactions. At the event level, it portends a profitable investment, moderate competition, successful acquisitions, technology optimization.
  2. Algiz-Laguz-Perth-Inguz is a strong talisman for recovery after operations. The sphere of influence of the amulet is the skin and internal organs. Runes speed up the regeneration of the stitches and reduce the risk of inflammation. In fortune telling, they indicate a successful outcome of the operation, successful treatment, and the absence of pathologies.
  3. Algiz-Inguz-Berkana-Soulu - runes focus their action on the psychological state of the owner. The amulet helps with postpartum depression. It is also easier for women to accept the fact of motherhood. A similar alignment in fortune-telling means a well-proceeding pregnancy, easy childbirth, the absence of diseases in the child.

Such powerful combinations often use not only the energy of the wearer, but also his loved ones. It is not recommended for beginners to activate more than three runes.


Runa Inguz is a symbol of fertility and potential. In a scenario, a similar sign indicates success in any endeavors.

In combination with other runes, Inguz loses some of its main meaning and can even acquire a negative color. As a talisman, the symbol heals its wearer, both spiritually and physically.

Effects of the Uruz rune: increasing physical strength, improving physical condition, starting a new life, breaking through and out of bounds and limitations, strengthening physical health, strengthening self-confidence and strength, gaining Strength and Power, betting on youth and beauty, a breakthrough in business and relationships.

Runa Uruz the rune began. A real start. No preparation or anything else. Precisely a pure beginning. The very moment of the BEGINNING is Uruz. The known meaning of the rune "Wild bull"... An analogy with the Feu rune is immediately traced. Feu is a cattle, a bull, which was locked in a stall. And Uruz is a wild bull. Free from shackles. Rune Uruz is the Rune of STRENGTH, primary STRENGTH and POWER. All Power is gathered in Uruz. Power of nature. Power of the Earth. The power of a volcanic eruption, the power of the birth of POWER. The very process of Birth is Uruz. In order for a chicken to be born and hatch from an egg, you need to break the shackles of the shell. The chicken has never done this in this life, but it has been doing it for an eternity in the cycle of incarnations of the single soul of Atman. And in the nature of everyone there is this power of Atman, the power of the Spirit, the power to break through this shell and be born. Break the limitations and old frames, the old shackles of the Feu rune, throw off the clothes of Feu's material attire. The chicken needs to make an effort that is greater than it is. The chicken does not think it will work out or not, it is written in the genes - either strain or die. TENSION and BREAKING OF SHOULDERS this is Runa Uruz. It is heavy, like the first great Childbirth. The first contact with the Uruz rune is always the first Childbirth. You can also think of a metaphor for muscle gain. After all, Uruz is responsible for our physical body and physical strength. In order for the muscles to grow - the algorithm is simple, it is necessary to give a strong load and tension on the muscles. And this is not enough. If I do 100 push-ups every day and I can do it easily, my muscles will not grow, they will just be in good shape. To increase muscle mass, you need to overpower yourself every time and, through force, do push-ups, overbear yourself. Muscles at this moment are torn and muscle mass growth occurs. It's very simple ... Like the Uruz rune - it is simple in itself. And it's hard - we know how and what to do, the hardest thing is to DO it. The rune Uruz, like the runes, will not do ANYTHING for you, they will simply immerse you in this process, and if you consciously work with runes, then Uruz will facilitate the process of birth and reaching a new level for you. Yes - Uruz is the beginning of a new level of your life. Runa Uruz is the primary Chaos of the Universe. Everything is born and there is a lot of energy and nothing is clear, there is no structure and order. These are Strength, Power and Chaos. Raw, crude, indomitable, boundless, impersonal force of nature - that's what it is Runa Uruz. When the ice on the river cracks in the spring, when a volcano erupts or a tsunami wave washed away the coastal city - this element is similar to the second rune of the Elder Futhark. Uruz is the force of potential Chaos that fills the pristine abyss of the Ginnungagap, where between the two poles, like Yin and Yang, space is bursting from the force of their interaction.

IN runic magic the Uruz rune is used to enhance the energies of the formula or ligature, as a symbol of new and new beginnings. It is also used as a healing rune, but the nuance is bodily healing. Rune Uruz is a low-frequency rune. At the same time, it can serve as a powerful surge of strength. In one of the weeks of the Uruz rune after the Runic circle of power and meditation on the Uruz rune, I could not sleep all night and from the coccyx a fountain of energy beat up the spine, Kundalini went off scale. I thrashed all night in the shackles of the apartment like a wild bull locked in a cage. And the next day he burst out into nature. Runa Uruz recommends going out into nature more often and merging with it - walking barefoot, swimming in lakes, breathing fresh air, conquering mountain peaks. Uruz is the power of the Earth and Nature. The primary beginning is in us. Animal nature. It is also sexual energy. If you look astrologically, then this is Shaitan Capricorn or like the god Pan from the Greek epic. The Poles call men Pan. For the Germans, Herr is the Lord. And here Herr is ... You yourself know what ... This is the power of the primary animal principle. God Pan is a horned god who runs through the forest and catches nymphs to mate with. He is a symbol of wild untamed energy. Satyr, devil, devil. This energy is in Uruz and in Capricorn. Earth power energy. The energy of the power of Saturn. She is heavy and strong. Just like the birth process.

Keywords runes of Uruz: Wild Bull, Strength, Power, Beginning, Birth, Throwing off restrictions and boundaries, Physical strength, Increase in Power, Natural Strength, Power of primordial Chaos, Door to New Reality.

The fortune-telling meaning of the Uruz rune: changes and new beginnings, the old dies and the new is born. In an inverted position - feeding, excessive custody, violence, brute force. Change for the worse.

Magical use of the Uruz rune: increasing physical strength, enhancing the impact of other runes, strengthens strength and spirit.

The effects of the Perthro rune: giving birth and getting rid of fears, healing female diseases, influencing destiny and creating destiny.

Rune Perthro or Perth. The very rune about which it is impossible to say something logical or reasonable, in general, you can not even talk about it. After all, the main meaning of the Perthro rune is "MYSTERY". The rune of the unknown and hidden. And nevertheless, I will try to tell you about what to talk about as if it is impossible-)) The Perth rune symbolizes that part of reality that simply DOESN'T. Rather, it exists and we even gave it a name - this is the world of the hidden and unknown, the world of mystery. what often attracts people to esotericism and magic, what attracts to psychology. The desire to find out the secret, to understand the darkness of our psyche, or to understand our soul - after all, the word "Psychology" is the science of the soul. Perthro is close with the next rune - Algiz. Algiz is a trident, in the Greek alphafit the letter "psycho" and denotes the soul. The soul will be born from Perthro. Rune Pertro is the very abyss from which we emerged. This is MOTHER DARKNESS. Great and Almighty Tiamat - DARKNESS. This is the world of the unconscious. Rune Pertro is a rune of FEAR. An analogy with Tarot cards is the senior lasso Moon, which symbolizes night time - the time of sleep and the time of fears. Darkness is darkness, when nothing is clear and there is no light and it is scary. When Perth comes, we can be covered with this state. Just like the Luna lasso, the Pertro rune is the rune of the main exam, which symbolizes the process of death of the old and initiation into the new. Perth is this very exam. What exam must a student pass upon initiation? This is an exam in front of your fear of UNKNOWN. There are no other fears other than the GREAT HORROR BEFORE UNKNOWN. Although, with a wise approach, there is no such fear either - after all, Pertro is something that simply simply DOES NOT. And this is what can bring fear and horror. Deep down, Perthro carries that secret and forbidden knowledge that can make you feel uncomfortable. Perthro is despair. Pertro is the UNIVERSE that gave birth to us. Perthro is the woman's vagina from which we came out. Perthro is the agony of birth. Each person has always had only one main stressful situation in life - this is the moment of BIRTH. All other stresses are the same birth process. This is a way out into an unknown world, in which nothing is still clear, and this is the main exam. This is stress before a new occupation, before a new business, before a new way of life, before a new relationship, before what we have never done and the first stress awaits us as an exam and Pertro says that we are already in this moment of the exam, at the moment of birth, at the moment of testing, at the moment of initiation - and Pertro also tells us - all this will end and Algiz will come. ..and Soul will come ... The Soul will be born ... The Light of Consciousness will be born ... Let there be LIGHT at the end of the Tunnel. The process of passing through the nascent narrow channel and the process of hatching, the moment when they shout "STUFF ... STUFF ..." is the moment of the Perthro rune. This is a powerful moment, which is mystical in nature, it is strong, deep, it scares us in advance before it happens. We are afraid of Pertro long before her appearance and we want Pertro most of all. We always want to go back and wrap ourselves in Perthro. Return to Lono, where they ejected us from, where they kicked us out. Perthro is a lost paradise.

In the context of the rune circle, the Pertro rune denotes the period of passage along the dark corridor from the past to the future, and at the end, light awaits you. At the end of Pertro's life, there is always a birth. Perthro is also a rune bag from where we pull out the runes when divining. Pertro symbolizes FATE itself. Destiny is Perthro. When we create reality with runes, we create our own Destiny. All staves and formulas with Perthro are fateful. They don't joke with Perthro.

In magic and fortune telling, the Pertro rune can mean hidden, secret, and also its use is universal - we can write everything we want to get into Pertro and once this will give us everything -)) Pertro is the most passive rune. it is also the rune of sleep. This is the rune of the medium. This is the first female rune. Astrologically, this is Pisces. The most intuitive, sad, clairvoyant sign. It may not understand anything, but Pisces knows everything. A real medium. Vanga, Matrona are examples of mediums who are an example of Pertro - they were in a dream - their insights are the insights of a blind woman extracting information from the unconscious and secretive world. Under Perthro, you want to sleep and you can have dreams - prophetic dreams.

To go through the Perthro period is to go through the process of letting go of your fears and be born renewed. In healing, Perthro heals the female reproductive organs. Perthro burns our fears. Look Perthro towards your fears, go and come out to the Light.

Divinatory meaning: secret, secret, esoteric. Magic. Finding the Lost. The answer to the question, clarification of the situation. Honor, profit, outside help In an inverted position - sectarianism, black magic, careless occult actions. Clouding of reason, loss.

Magical use: the realization of hidden possibilities. Helps to overcome the past, drive out difficult memories. Facilitates the transition to a new level of consciousness, initiation (student) into the next step (master). In practical terms, it can interrupt the usual course of life for a while, turning it into a game in which win and loss are equally probable. Sometimes it helps a woman to "find herself", to realize herself as a woman and as a mother.

there is calming formula dagaz-berkano
there is ligature manaz-dagaz surrounded by two isa...

Becoming a barboval or sedative)))

Plastur - healing, Bjarkan - strengthening, the rest is to find out the sedative.
Styling will remain for later, when we pick up the content in its entirety.

Elm Eyvaz-Berkano for back pain, tested by personal experience.

Yesterday I put a formula on my friend's hand for "returning health to its original state"

Since the person suddenly became ill and the usual means did not help, I simply drew a formula with a pen on his left hand in the area of ​​the wrist. After half an hour, the acquaintance felt noticeably better and he calmly got to the house and fell asleep safely, and the next morning he called and said that he had exactly three Algiz imprinted on his right hand:

I tried the healing formula on myself Isa Lagaz - the pain has subsided. But ... I haven't felt such a brake for a long time, the simplest work situation made me stupid. Reflecting on the topic "and what nafig is going on with me today," I stared at the Isa fragment peeping out from under the clock, with the thought "aha-so that's it," and the formula was erased by gratitude. After that, the unsolvable work situation for more than 2 hours was resolved in 20 minutes. An interesting "gift" can be attached to your beloved colleague, whose deadline is about to finish the task urgently - the brain just falls asleep, and after it the body

Very good and regularly helps
Laguz - Berkano - Soulo for deep and sound sleep.

Previously, this formula seemed to "overlap" the memory of dreams.
And now dreams remain in the memory and the dreams themselves bear a bright positive charge.

Tortured for a while stomach pain, cramps and nausea... There is no time to go to the doctor. Applied to the body the formula "Healing Runes" Kenaz - Perth - Inguz. And for some reason I wanted to add Soilo at the end. Happened Kenaz-Perth-Inguz-Soilo... The pains stopped almost after a few minutes, then until the end of the day they were still barely audible. The next day, absolutely no pain. I wore the formula for 4 days. It's been a week without her, while everything is pah, pah.

Algiz-Berkano-Algiz. I wrote it on paper and attached it to uterine area, and healing runes Kenaz-Perth-Inguz- in ovarian area.
My usual medication course is 14 days, with a bunch of pills, suppositories and injections. This time - 7 days and half of all the pills that the doctor prescribed.

After 15 minutes, the pain disappeared completely. Not in an hour, as usual.

Isa-Laguz copes with runny nose!!! My mom is just delighted, some 15 minutes and that's it, there is no runny nose! I applied efcalipt oil to the sinuses. THANKS, dear runologists for the miracle formulas! Sincerely!

Thanks to Vinany for the method of dealing with cough: n but left hand Gebo on the right-Evaz.
Yesterday I did it. Today my bronchitis, which has become chronicled, has not yet reminded of itself. Although last night I coughed avidly.
I recommend.

I have very strong pain, sorry, during menstruation- no pills help, and if they help, then after eating a few pieces, and for a short time ...
Applied Berkana-Dagaz on the lower abdomen, it became easier after 15 minutes, after an hour the pain was almost completely gone, after two it was already flying like a swallow.

I also always put this formula on water when my head hurts or my stomach goes away pretty quickly.

I here somewhere saw a very beautiful ligature for this case (may the author forgive me for not indicating the authorship - I honestly don't remember where I saw it), consisting of runes Teyvaz-Berkana-Dagaz(it seems even on this forum).

She brought my cycle back to normal at once.

Yesterday the day off did not work out, those very wonderful CDs began, which just sometimes pass so painfully that nothing pills help, I lie dead and that's it ... well, yesterday it all started according to a scheme known to me, and when already on for several hours my stomach was twisting - I decided to make myself anesthesia with the formula - Isa-Evaz - Isa, and that way I wrote it on my stomach four times from the bottom of my heart, at first there was some kind of fading for a minute and the pain just disappeared, but after a few seconds the feeling returned with a vengeance that at first I tried to crawl around the apartment and do something ... but I realized that my feet were incredibly cold, even in woolen socks, and I was chilling, I barely crawled to bed, covered myself with four blankets and fell asleep in about five minutes ... and as soon as I got warm and fell asleep, the pain immediately passed ... slept for about an hour and woke up feeling weak as after an illness, but nothing else hurt me at all ... that is. very radically, I would say in this case the formula worked ... apparently this amount of IS froze me pretty much, and the Evases simply accelerated the process of the malaise ... in any case, wherever I needed a day to recover, the whole situation was over in a couple of hours.

Dagaz-Berkana, wonderful formula to relieve pain.
My husband's hand ached so badly that he could not even hold a fork. I put it on my shoulder with a felt-tip pen, said briefly: to remove the pain. An hour later the pain subsided significantly, he was able to fall asleep, and in the morning there was no pain at all. Three days passed, the hand does not hurt.

Used the formula Wunjo-Sowilo-Tiwaz-Sowilo-Wunjo Getting out of depression due to motivation (to achieve success, often at any cost - this is a side effect).
Side effect it was fun. In general, I wrote the formula on a piece of paper, revived it with blood. I agreed something like - to get out of depression because of a lover due to the fact that I will do work and make a career ... Somehow, I certainly do not remember. As a result, a moooore of some business trips fell on me, invitations to all sorts of different events with the right people constantly began to come.
At one such event I met interesting man, whom she dragged into bed with stasis in order to have fun. He turned out to be a better lover than my ex, and I was instantly "released" from my ex. And then the "side effects" came out. The man turned out to be a very important person in my field of work. And I learned about it already "after". This is the way out of depression and the necessary connections for success at any cost))

As always, "unexpectedly", an attack of peptic ulcer began (((, and the pill could not be taken. I applied Dagaz-Berkano directly to the stomach area with a finger, the pain went away almost immediately and on that day there were no more attacks. In the same way I used this the same formula a few more times.

For a person after surgery (removal of the gallbladder, laparoscopy) Algiz-Laguz-Perhtro-Ingwaz. The second day after the operation.
On the third day: the pain disappeared and the ability to lie on the side was noted, although in two more operated on a day earlier and a day later, everything hurts. Temperature normalization.

Formula Isa-Perth-Uruz, it is great. Three days of torment with a cold, today I could not even open my eyes, and my nose did not breathe at all. Has inflicted essential oil on the nose from right to left. 15 minutes exactly, the nose is breathing, the voices are not watering. Thanks a lot!

My experience in treatment My mother wrote that my head hurts and high pressure, her photo was not at hand, I had to draw and put Otal on the drawing on right hand, Isa on her left hand with a reservation to reduce her pressure. It was in the morning, then I talked to her in the evening, as it turned out, my head continued to ache during the day, but she again measured the pressure and it turned out to be low ... well, that's right, as I said, then I got it Still, a clear intention is important - once again I am convinced ...

Severely poisoned, with fever, difficulty breathing and + the usual symptoms of poisoning. I didn't feel like drinking the pills ... I applied cano-pertro-uruz, literally cut my sleep, slept almost the whole day, woke up from hunger I left it for the night, like a cucumber in the morning

I did one hand for a cold Berkana-Soulo and Isa-Perth-Uruz, on the other for immunity A lgiz-Turisaz-Otal-Turisaz-Algi h. The cold was gone in less than a day.

Used Uruz - Nautiz - Berkano with food poisoning and in the treatment of ARVI.
In case of poisoning, it was applied to the stomach with a marker. The temperature lasted almost all night, but by morning everything was gone. Side effect - all muscles ache, like after the gym, when you overdo it
For ARVI - on the left shoulder and on a figurine with a first and last name (if there is no access to the carcass). The temperature lasts 1 - 1.5 days, then everything returns to normal. Usually on the second day of use, weakness. In parallel with this formula, I use Perth to control the temperature (so that there are no jumps and a strong increase).
This formula was also used in the treatment of stomatitis and follicular sore throat, but in combination with drug treatment.

The Isa-Perth-Uruz formula works gorgeous, did not misfire. I apply on myself, sorry, on the belly at the first symptoms of the flu. After 10-15 minutes - no symptoms, no flu.
My friend's grandson fell ill - 1.5 years old, the temperature is under 40, the child is yelling, Mom is terrified. Everything would be fine, only a friend in Russia, and a daughter with a grandson in America. I advised her this formula quickly, she put the baby on the photo. The next day she talks with her daughter - everything is as if by the boy's hand. When checking the time, the symptoms disappeared exactly 15 minutes after application.

The formula is great, thanks to the runes.

I tried the formula from Allergy Nautiz-Isa-Algiz-Hagalaz-Inguz.
Intention: let this RF stop allergies, cleanse me of erroneous attitudes in the immune and energy systems, protect and make the immune system work properly with the harmonization of the whole organism as a whole and consolidate the result obtained.
Already without pills for the 5th day, on the first day there were changes in the vocal cords, then it was as if someone played with the larynx (slight suffocation, literally 2-3 seconds, tickling and coughing), then everything stopped and now four day everything is fine.

Eyvaz + Berkana in ligature relieves back / spine pain, tested on personal experience.

Very effective healing formula Dagaz-Berkana. Cleans perfectly headache, stomach cramps, gum inflammation literally overnight. You can write on the body, so of course it is more effective, but if it is not possible, I simply write with my finger in the place where it hurts. It takes about 15 minutes.

Mannaz - operator
Perto - catches the channel through which the operator is shaking the vampire
Kano - burns (as if warning you not to pump this person)
Turisaz - cuts the pumping channel
lane Teivaz - makes the vampire's channel vulnerable.

Author: espe
From the author: This becoming was created for me. At work, I felt bad, felt that I was being shaken, and powerfully pumped out: circles in my eyes, strong tremors in the solar plexus area, a breakdown, in general, a semi-faint.
I applied it to my left hand with a pen, stipulated - to find a vampire pumping my energy and cut him off from me, as well as cut off the channel through which the pump is being pumped.
Activated by breathing.

As a result, all the symptoms disappeared literally 15 minutes after the application of the stave.
Literally an hour later, everything returned to normal, deactivated becoming and all the cases

The working name of the stav is "Prosvet".
Becoming conceived to achieve a goal or even the end of the black streak in life.
Working runes: Dagaz, evaz, 2 fehu (+2 fehu secondary plan.), 2vuno.
Becoming passed the test. Worker.
One Kroll got a job quickly (which he could not get for about a year), the second quickly got financial problems solved.
Hopefully becoming will bring light into your life!
We make the clause in our own words and write it down in advance, so that later during the clause we will not get confused.
Something like this: "Let the power of these runes open up new opportunities for me in work, in material goods, in increasing salary, in the ability to allow yourself to travel, ..... other. Let the power of these runes lead me to a new level of material wealth (or spiritual - whatever you want), which will be much higher than the current one ....... Let the power of these runes end my unsuccessful period in life .... Let the power of these runes will help me meet my love and half in life ..... "In general, we stipulate everything that we need on paper, and then after applying the runes we say out loud. At the end I always add:" without harm to my physical and mental health. Let it be so.".


Elm "Tabu", from lov_ushka

Designed to fix any prohibitions.

Consists of:
- Nautiz - coercion, rigid framework
- turisaz - we put up a shield against unwanted temptations
- Ansuz - we are aware of the need to reject something

The formula is very working. I did a ban on alcohol, a ban on overeating. On the prohibition to show physical aggression. With a reservation, you can come up with a punishment for breaking a taboo. Try it. Super. True, somewhere in a week needs to be updated.

dagaz-berkana- relieving headaches, body pain and high blood pressure;
laguz-inguz-laguz- temperature removal;
berkana-fehu- removal of a hangover;
pert-inguz-berkana- recovery after surgery;
berkana-pert-inguz- treatment of infertility in women;
teivaz-perth-ing- treatment of infertility in men;
berkana-soul-wuno- good mood, sleep, protection from stress;
wuno soul yer- removes from depression;
berkana soul- with hypotension;
berkana soul- cold treatment

With a tumor:
Algiz - Evaz - Dagaz - Isa
read from RIGHT TO LEFT, i.e. with Isa. Stopping the process, reversing the disease, treatment and protection.

Pertro - Ingvaz - Berkano - tissue regeneration

Yera - Pertro - Dagaz - the same thing.