Calm formula. Healing runes: healing staves and formulas Runes to calm the nerves

Omnipotent, they can change a person's life in hours, if not minutes. This effect is achieved through the activation of human resources with the connection of the forces of the Universe. The signs drawn on a stone or other medium have a certain direction of energy that affects both the human body and its energy, and the processes carried out by higher forces. Healing runes, healing staves and formulas can help both in arranging personal affairs, and in strengthening health, as well as healing from various pathologies.

Healing with staves

Drawing up formulas for healing is a long-standing pastime of spellcasters of all stripes. Of course, after all, it is better to draw signs on a stone or other medium and make a reservation than to go to the hospital, spending money on medicines and paid specialists.

But in order for the treatment with staves to be successful, you need to know everything about each rune. Namely:

  • The influence of the runic sign on the body.
  • Which disease is most affected by this or that stav.
  • Betting rules.
  • The sequence of the inscription of the runes in the stav.

There is nothing complicated about this, but if you make a mistake, you can lose precious time, which is sometimes not enough to stop a serious pathology.

You should clearly remember the effect of each rune on the human body, as well as what kind of diseases they treat. This is the main knowledge needed by the caster.

  • has a beneficial effect on the hands. The use of this sign gives a signal to higher forces that the pathology is somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forelimbs. She can be anything: simple pain, irritation, burns and even a fracture.
  • beneficial effect on the eyes. There are such cases when already ten minutes after the inscription of the rune, farsightedness significantly decreased and colors returned to the world around.
  • helps with problems respiratory system. Cough, mild forms of bronchitis - all this falls under the scope of this rune. But there is no need to try to cure diseases such as lung cancer with runes. No one says that there will be no positive effect, but this disease is too serious, to be sure of success, it is better to combine the outline of the staves with hospital treatment.
  • solves problems related to childbearing. It can be both difficulties with conception and facilitating childbirth. This rune has proven its effectiveness. It is known that one 74-year-old resident of St. Petersburg was able to give birth to a child after the inscription of the Verkan rune.
  • soothes nervous system and relieves depression. The inscription of this rune is recommended to be combined with the technique sedatives but in minimal doses. This is necessary to enhance the effect, since the action of this rune has not been fully studied by our spellcasters.
  • - a truly wonderful rune. It allows you to cure stuttering. Not even all doctors are capable of this, but a rune sign can. Isn't this magic?

Of course, the combination of several runes and the compilation of staves must necessarily complement the classic hospital treatment. At the same time, it is very important to avoid errors in the outline, because diseases progress, and it may take quite a lot of time to correct the outline of the sign.

Precautions when drawing wellness rates and formulas

All stavas are aimed at appealing to higher powers. And they do not like jokes and disrespectful attitude towards themselves. It is especially important to comply with all established rules in cases where we are talking about health promotions. No, you will not lose health in case of a mistake, but precious time will be lost, because you will have to redo everything again.

So, what you need to remember when drawing runes and making reservations for recovery:

  • Runes are runes, and no one has canceled the doctor's prescriptions yet. Even world-famous spellcasters, recognized magicians recommend combining the use of healing staves with hospital treatment.
  • During the drawing of the stave and the commission of the slander, you need to think only about the upcoming recovery. Any negative thoughts can incorrectly affect the will of higher powers. This means that if not complications, then the absence of an effect is possible.
  • No alcohol and tobacco before the inscription of runes! Everything should be carried out in an absolutely sober form and with an organism not contaminated with nicotine. Violation of this condition leads to a conflict with the universal forces, and this is fraught with the development of a disease that the caster wants to get rid of.
  • The composition of the stav should be carried out in a calm, balanced state. If the caster, for example, quarreled with someone, then immediately proceeded to inscribe, then he will not receive the expected effect, since part of the energy will be spent in the wrong direction.

The attitude to the runes should be extremely serious. They are the embodiment of a universal force that can heal any disease, but can also cause harm. Make bets with faith in success and in good mood, then the effect will definitely not keep you waiting!


Did you know that working with runes can bring many benefits in terms of health and well-being? There are various formulas and connections using these ancient symbols that help not only solve your personal, social, career affairs, but also improve your health at the physical and mental levels. For example, runic becoming on the improvement of the psyche, it has a positive effect on the human brain, relieves obsessive-compulsive states, depression, fears, and formulas for curing diseases allow ailments to pass faster. But let's take a closer look.

Runic staves for the recovery of the psyche

Rune formulas from this category can help a person overcome a difficult emotional condition. On the one hand, they act completely imperceptibly, unlike love spells or money stakes, since they do not affect other people, they do not transform life circumstances, but on the other hand, their strength is so great that, judging by the reviews of practicing runologists, using these formulas, you can even get rid of serious mental illnesses.

Runic rates for the healing of the psyche can be used when a person is in the grip of constant stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue or going through a difficult period in life. They also help with depression, sudden outbursts of aggression, apathy and other disorders. The main thing is to choose the right position, correctly stipulate it and activate it. But let's get down to practice.

Runic becoming for the improvement of the psyche "Snowflake"

In this formula, Gebo is considered the main rune - it is she who is drawn the very first after the dot, symbolizing the person for whom she will work. The rune is responsible for the harmonization of all processes in the body associated with consciousness, subconsciousness, thinking, self-awareness, the work of energy centers - chakras. It can be said that the main action of the formula rests on it.

Also as part of the runic stav for recovery and restoration mental processes contains the following characters:

  • Ansuz symbolizes the mind of man, his consciousness
  • means channels of perception
  • Fehu is responsible for collecting positive energy
  • Algiz guarantees the safety of the human psyche, protects him from repeated breakdowns
  • Kenaz clears the mind
  • Eyvaz removes all the symptoms of "illness" and directs all this negativity into the ground
  • Nautiz needs to be drawn and specified only if a person has an extremely serious condition in which it is necessary strong help. In other cases, the continuation of the left "branch" of Algiz does not need to be drawn

Becoming applied to the photo or body of the object of healing, negotiated on a rune basis, activated in any way, not destroyed until stable, noticeable improvements in the condition appear

Formula "Sun of recovery" from the author Valgard

This runic mental healing can be used not only to get rid of mental disorders, but also to “cleanse” a person at the energy level from various negative influences, including magical ones. Drawing it by hand is quite difficult, so practicing runologists advise you to simply print it out on a piece of paper, stipulate it, activate it and carry it with you, or order an amulet with the image of the formula.

Runes and glyphs included in its composition:

  • The Hungarian rune El Rain cleans the physical body and energy channels
  • The elvish symbol q enhances the action of the formula
  • Glyph Iyuu renews a person at the physical level
  • Glyph Dihal restores the mental strength of the individual and gently relieves him of depression, anxiety, fear
  • Rune Turt removes damage, if any, or eliminates diseases that a person has, and also strengthens his immunity
  • Teyvaz guides a person along the path of complete recovery
  • The non-alphabetic symbol Salt gives the necessary energy support.
  • It makes no sense to discuss the rest of the runes separately, they all serve the same purpose - renewal and restoration of the body, soft cleaning

Since the formula is quite universal, it can also be used as a runic recovery for absolutely any disease.

Runic rates for recovery from diseases

This type includes rune formulas that accelerate the process of recovering a person after an illness. Among them there are universal ones, and there are ones specially designed for the treatment of specific diseases, for example, runic standing for recovery from a cold. The principle of their action is largely similar: the runes help the individual to strengthen the immune system, activate the protective functions of the body, and more effectively deal with unpleasant symptoms. Finding such formulas on the forums of runologists will not be difficult, but we present only a few of them, the most universal and interesting.

Rune formula "Magic Pill"

This setting is versatile and fast acting. It can be used for absolutely any health problems, the main thing is to specify the formula beforehand, based on what exactly you will be treating.

The composition of the formula is small, but this does not at all indicate its low efficiency, but on the contrary - many runologists claim that the simpler it becomes, the faster it works.

The Magic Pill includes:

  • Dagaz, destroying the causes of the disease and starting the healing process
  • Evaz - "catalyst", accelerating the action of the formula
  • Algiz gives patronage and protection of the Higher Forces
  • Uruz in the background symbolizes health itself

Formula "Panacea" for any disease

This working combination consists of Icelandic runes and Inguz. It is necessary to discuss becoming completely, especially for those who work only with the Elder Futhark, but have not encountered Icelandic symbols in practice. People who have tested the work of the formula on themselves claim that it can help with absolutely any disease, including surgical, nervous, infectious. The main thing is to stipulate it, based on the result you need. We activate in any way.

Becoming "From sinusitis"

This runic standing on the recovery of a person from sinusitis has more than once proved its effectiveness. People who used it noted that in three to seven days all unpleasant symptoms completely disappear.

Let's analyze the composition of the miraculous formula:

  • Inguz switches the human body from illness to recovery
  • Two Uruz and Teyvaz strengthen the patient's immunity
  • Two Raido with two Laguz promote the removal of fluid and pus from the nasopharynx in a natural way
  • Eyvaz, paired with Gebo, put a person's breath in order

Runic rates for the recovery of a child

For children, more “soft”, sparing formulas are usually used, since the energy centers of babies are too sensitive. The main rule regarding children's health is not to use formulas that include Hagalaz runes, and also not to draw ligature on the baby's body and photographs - it's better to make a rune amulet or write symbols on paper or on his favorite toy.

Runic formulas for the treatment of colds, coughs and runny nose in children

In order for the baby to get sick with a cold faster, you can use the runic standing for the recovery of the child, consisting of the Uruz rune and one of the following combinations:

  • Dagaz - Vunyo
  • Laguz - Gebo - Algiz

Also, for symptoms of a cold, formulas are used:

  • Dagaz - Berkana - Dagaz
  • Gebo - Ansuz - Dagaz
  • Algiz - Berkana - Vunyo surrounded by two Dagaz

If your baby has a severe runny nose, use the power of one of the following rune combinations:

  • Evaz - Dagaz
  • Dagaz - Evaz - Dagaz
  • Evaz - Gebo - Dagaz (if desired, you can add Berkana with Vunyo to the line)
  • Gebo - - Laguz - Algiz (these runes can only be used if the child does not have a temperature).

Simple combinations of runes will help get rid of a cough:

You can make this runic standing for the recovery of a cat, dog, and in general any pet. We put it on the collar, during the reservation we turn to the goddess Freya. We talk in full, not in detail. The formula contributes to the rapid healing of wounds, tissue regeneration, reducing the risk of infection.

Becoming poisoned for animals

Most suitable runic becoming for the recovery of the dog, because it is these four-legged friends of ours who love to pick up all sorts of bad things on the street. Runes are applied to the pet's collar both in case of an existing poisoning, and in order to avoid it. The main thing - remember that with signs of serious intoxication, you should immediately show your pet to the doctor, and the runes will only help the medicines act faster.

We hope that the article was useful to you. Good health to you, your loved ones, children and pets!

In March 2014, when everyone was bobbing on you know what topic, and I was also shaking and shaking, and it was not clear where to get the knowledge, strength and confidence to make vital decisions, I created a talisman for myself and called it Calm formula.

Target his: grounding, reducing neurotic reactions and removing their consequences, restoring calm and inner balance. In the limit - complete deliverance from anxiety and from the source of anxiety.
Anyone who understands psychology knows that this is not an easy task.

All the Runes in it are associated with the elements of the Earth. And they all act slowly, for a long time, stubbornly, tirelessly, steadily and inexorably.

Ear, Rune of the Grave , is designed to process, rot, digest, decompose and destroy anxiety, its source and the reactions generated by it, transform them into something completely different. Or just destroy it into ashes, into dust and dust. put to rest. She does the main destructive work, and does it long enough and unobtrusively, gradually, so that the destruction does not look like a catastrophe. But it is inevitable.

Etel, Nadela Rune, should attract the strength of the family to help, give internal support, the unshakable foundation of which grows from the genetics and faith of the ancestors, from their fortitude and worldly stability. In other words, it draws to help everything that is inherited and uses it as a strengthening base for the personal psyche. Its action is stabilizing and soothing.

Ac, Oak Rune, activates the hidden resources of the personality itself - confidence, stamina, self-righteousness, readiness to defend - not only the rightness, but also oneself as integrity, personal courage and inflexibility, opposed to any influences and any pressure from outside. Roots, balances, helps to find strength in oneself to become one's own support.

In a sense, this is also a formula for growing up, helping to destroy childhood and youth infantile neuroticism and achieve a psychological state of self-made-man.

How used : carved on a wooden plate in the form of an amulet, consecrated with the maximum offering and dyed, wore first on herself, then lay on the altar.

Result. Nothing magical, fast and momentary. At first, it was not very noticeable at all whether it worked or not. However, it was possible to cope with the anxiety provoked from the outside, but it became clear that the internal source of anxiety must also be defeated. Then we moved to the village - to the land. And I did a lot of different things, magical and psychological, and dedicated to working with the causes of anxiety as well. I pulled out a lot of “greetings from the past”, realized and figured out how they affect me and spoil my life. And most importantly, they gave me a state of fundamental calmness and serenity, they gave me along with an “anchor” by which you can find it and hit it. I managed to make this condition work and apply it in everyday life. It was a difficult process of fighting with yourself, overcoming yourself, transforming yourself. This state of mind helped me a hell of a lot in the subsequent vicissitudes of travel and the anxiety generated by them. It was felt that all the above processes took place under the auspices of the created formula.

Conclusion: this is becoming a very long and powerful action, but its effectiveness can not be assessed immediately. It works discreetly and neatly, but extremely powerfully. Suitable for those who decide on a long labor of inner work or on a long business in the outside world, which promises to be exhausting and nervous.

Peculiarity: according to my feelings, in order for it to work, you need to make serious offerings, ask seriously and have a decent amount of what is called personal power. Or intent. Forces that are too powerful are invoked, they just won't work, they'll ignore them, and they won't come.

separate issue : how to draw runes? At the top, I gave a version of the runescript created according to the rules of A. Bezymyanny, which are used by half of the Runet. But I personally do not always like such runescripts. In addition, their authenticity is a big question. Therefore, the Runes can be written in the form of a formula, one after the other. In my opinion, they do not care how you write them down. The main thing - .