Money is not accumulating. Why can't people save money? Don't Forget the Promise You Made to Yourself to Save Money

Robert Kiyosaki was lucky - his financial education his "Rich Dad" was doing it. Therefore, Robert early age"absorbed" right habits money handling.

You and I are also lucky - we have the opportunity to "absorb" his knowledge and experience.

Despite the fact that many of us over the years of our lives have managed to do a huge amount of stupidity and financial mistakes (including getting into debt/loans "unwillingly") - nevertheless, each of us has a great chance to improve our relationship with money.

Why most people are unable to save money(no matter how significant the amount)? Yes, because all their efforts are aimed at spending / spending money, and not at their increase!

Mankind has existed for about 200 thousand years. Even 100 years ago, the main task of almost every family was a banal survival, as they say, "not to fat."

  • We do not have in our genes the ability to save money, the ability to create personal capital and the competent disposal of our property. We have not yet had time to learn this - there was no one to teach us, because knowledge about personal finance has become widely available to us literally only in the last 20-30 years.

The first analogues of modern banks appeared about a thousand years ago. It turns out that 199 thousand years before that, the human race was practiced only in survival, and not in the creation of savings and wealth.

A person begins to make savings only when he has a surplus. Therefore, it is time to find and eradicate your survival habits, and cultivate habits that contribute to the rapid financial prosperity.

You and I have to change within ourselves 199 thousand years of genetic memory - to eradicate the habit of eating everything that we now have, before it is taken away from us by stronger ones.

  • It is amazing how this habit has changed in a modern person - now he “eats” (spends) all the money he has earned. Our need to spend is so strong that we are even ready to borrow money for this. It's just some kind of madness! Don't find?

Therefore, you and I need to develop a strong immunity to the innate desire to spend everything that is available.

Most people think they don't have enough money. In fact, they lack power over themselves, over their survival instincts.

  • After all modern man death from thirst, hunger and cold does not threaten. But 199,000 years of daily survival practices force us to do what we do best - spend!

Homework for this article:

  1. Conduct an audit of your "reserves" - look in your wardrobes, mezzanines, on the balcony, in the garage, etc. places to store all sorts of rubbish. Make a list of things (items) that you have not used for more than 1-2 years.
  2. Make a rough estimate - how much money did you spend on their purchase

You could use this money for savings and investing. Instead, they lie dead weight. It's a pity to throw it away, no use.

My report on the implementation of this d.z.

  1. 1.5 years ago I moved to a new place of residence. In the process of packing things, I was surprised to find that over the 15 years of my life in Moscow, my property from 2 suitcases (with which I joyfully arrived in the capital of our Motherland) turned into "Gazelle", filled to overflowing with my things that I bought over these 15 years.
  2. To be honest, 2/3 of this can be safely thrown out. Dams, sad picture...

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Financial independence is the ability to live at the level at which you are accustomed to not working.

If, for example, you have no savings or assets or a business that brings you income, and you have to work every day to get money, this is an absolute financial dependence from society, the employer and the state of your body, because as soon as you get tired, exhausted, get sick or want to go on vacation, but you don’t have such an opportunity and you have to work hard in order to receive money, eat it up, pay for housing, transport and everything else.

It is absolute financial dependence.

According to the philosophy of attitudes towards money, people can be divided into:

1) Hungry

2) Scoundrel


4) Honest jerk

A hungry man is a person who spends everything he earns.

The greatest secret of hunger is to eat up everything you have, and no matter how much you earn, earn 5 thousand rubles - you have to spend it, earn 15 thousand rubles, you need to spend, 30 thousand - we will spend everything at zero.

Hungry people tend to spend money in their head even before they receive it, they have not yet received a scholarship, but they already know where they will spend it, they have not yet received a salary, but mentally ate it.

Sometimes they say about some unsuccessful entrepreneurs, they say that this person eats up profits, that is, he does not invest it in business development, but he spends it exclusively on living. It is these people who roll through life with some financial zero.

If you meet people who say that they have no way to postpone, because they need to get dressed and pay for the children and buy food, know that you are a beggar.

A hungry man will always find a way to buy himself a fancy cell phone, he will find a way to smoke a pack of kent a day.

Kent costs about $1, he could not smoke and save this amount and used, he would go to go to a Turkish country, in inexpensive hotel let's say 3 stars for 5 days, but he says he has no opportunity to vacation abroad.

Smoking is a pleasure for the poor.

A scoundrel is a person who spends everything he earns.

The scoundrel is forced to sit on the tail of others, a scam, a casino, robbery, violence, murder, extortion, bribery and everything connected with these. There is no desire to produce money, to create jobs, to create work, but the desire to use it is very strong. It should be noted that the villains are formed mainly from the poor.

Most people will not achieve anything because they will spend all their energy on achieving other people's goals.

A rich man is a person who spends less than he earns.

Wealth is a state of mind.

The ability to live more modestly than the level that you can afford, while if a person has the inclinations of a rich person, he already puts aside his scholarship in his student years, so that after graduation from the university he will manage his funds at his own discretion. Usually these people plan to create their own office, their own business.

Most of the businesses that people are starting to notice started with two graduates renting a basement room with their existing funds, putting in rented old photocopiers, providing consulting services to the population, and copying documents at the same time.

Later, they hired several workers, then another and another, they invested every penny they earned, the premises expanded, the number of jobs increased, and other workers came to these jobs and said “how bad everything is, surely the bosses have money, connections, opportunities”

Justification is the words that losers use to be right in their own eyes.

Honest moron - spends less than earns.

The state of emergency saves at the same time, not knowing what. A person does not have specific plans and goals, he, simply denying himself everything, puts money in a stocking.

Rather than saving for old age, it is better to invest in your youth.

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Date: 2013-05-30

Hello site readers.

Many people don't have money. And a man, as a rule, blames his small income, or his wife-spender, for this. But no matter how much he earns, at least 1,500,000 rubles or more, the money still disappears somewhere! I have already said in the article - that with an increase in income, consumption increases. Here is such a person with..a. And most importantly, he says to himself that if he earns more, then the money will automatically begin to be saved from him. But they will not be until a person learns to save them. So how to save money to have something to live on for a rainy day? More on that below!

Why is the money not delayed?

To learn how to save money, first answer the question - why is the money not delayed? It often happens that a person has unplanned expenses. It seems like you think I will get such and such an amount and set aside so much. But there is a paradox! As the money comes in, so do the unforeseen costs. In my case, this is an endless investment in advertising for the development of the site. It would seem that I did not find a good platform for advertising, but it immediately appears when the money appears. And until I try this advertising platform, I will still dream of it.

Other people might have a car fixed, having a baby, an unscheduled vacation, a debt you haven't repaid for two years, fines, a girlfriend, non-payment. utilities, got sick something that needs to be treated, apartment renovation. If this is not the case, then the money is simply lost.

You know, it feels like when there is no money, there are no ideas for investing it. As money appears, ideas immediately arise where to invest it. And why postpone when it is better to spend everything, and then it will not itch. In general, money is an opportunity for me. I call them opportunities (from English - opportunities). When they appear in a specific size, new possibilities open up that were not available before.

For example, if there was no money before, then I did not think about going to study English language and go on a trip to America. As the money appeared, so the opportunity arose to do it. Of course, with new higher incomes, a person will not live as before. It goes to a new level, which requires a lot of money. Therefore, the money is not delayed, it immediately merges into new opportunities: buying an apartment, a car, traveling, things, education, and so on.

If a person lived with new incomes in the same way as with old ones, money would definitely accumulate. But this happens very rarely. Man is not such a creature to restrain himself. This especially happens when there was no money for a long time (for example, 5 years), and then suddenly they appeared. Then the person will definitely run to satisfy his hunger.

From here we can draw conclusions why the money is not delayed. First - unexpected costs, the second - growing needs, third - human factor, connected with "hunger satisfaction" , fourth - new features that a person has long wanted to use.

If all this is removed, then a person will accumulate so much money that he will then live happily ever after in old age. But you and I are not like that, and we need special ways that will help us save a lot of money.

How to learn to save money?

If you are an adult and you have a family, then you need start keeping a family budget. Start writing down all your daily expenses in a special notebook. At the end of the month, you will be able to analyze your costs and identify what you can refuse. Next month you can save a decent amount. In addition, you will know your fixed costs, and how much you can save in a piggy bank.

Stop buying unnecessary things. Almost all people with an increase in income begin to buy what they do not need. For example, a woman starts buying handbags or shoes. Why does she need this, if her closet is already so full of shoes, and there are so many bags that there is enough to vilify for all days of the week. Men could give up bottles of beer and cigarettes, or at least reduce their consumption. This will save you money and be good for your health.

As I said, as income increases, expenses increase. I do not advise you to deny yourself something. What are we living for then? But if you want to learn how to save money, it will be better if you start control your new requests. Try to save at least 50% of your free money in a piggy bank. For example, your monthly income was 20,000 rubles. Later it grew to 27,000 rubles. More money was 7,000 rubles. Set aside 50% of this amount (3500 rubles) in your piggy bank. And use the rest for your needs. I strongly do not recommend that you limit yourself in something, but be sure to use the above advice, otherwise you will never learn how to save money.

Usually, people don't start saving money just like that. They are saving up for something specific. Therefore, in order to learn how to save money -. What will you save money for? To buy an apartment, car, vacation? When there is, then there is a motive.

The best way not to spend money is if it is in a bank or on a card. Cash is spent instantly. But if they are in the bank, then you will be too lazy to go to remove them. After all, you need to stand in line, waste hours, and even interest will be taken away (in some cases).

You should also learn plan your expenses. I have already said that it often happens that when "superfluous" money, there are new sources of costs. So, if they did not appear as planned, postpone them for the next month or two. For example, there was a need to buy a new TV, as the old one broke down. Unforeseen situation. But you can watch movies on the Internet, or you can not watch this TV at all. Postpone buying or repairing a TV to a later date. If you urgently need a TV, then buy / repair, and write off the resulting costs for the next month.

If you have already started saving money, congratulations - this is a smart step towards a secure future. Ideally, your financial "airbag" should be enough for six months of life without financial income. But even if every month you make a profit and increase your savings, this does not mean that your strategy is perfect.

David Blaylock, a financial planner, analyzed the common ones and gave some tips for improving them.

Strategy #1: Save What's Left

So you pay your monthly bills, maybe spend some on entertainment, and then whatever's left goes into a bank account. Knowing that you, in principle, have money, you can spend more than you should, and then spend the funds intended for accumulation. Also, it's hard to set a specific savings goal for yourself, because you can never be sure how much you'll have left after spending all your money. Instead, you can try another method.

So how should it be?

The very first bill you need to pay after your paycheck is your savings account.

Make it your rule and treat it as a mandatory and most important part of payments (of course, if you have enough money to pay all other bills).

Create an automatic transfer of money from your bank card to your savings account at the beginning of the month or from each cash receipt. If you just set up such an automatic money transfer and forget about it, after a while the amount of accumulated funds will surprise you greatly.

Strategy number 2. I transfer money to a savings account

So, you are regular - that's great. Yes, and a savings account with a plastic card is very convenient. But here, too, there are downsides.

If you run out of money, you run the risk of withdrawing your savings or even spending them on an unexpected but very welcome purchase. And, most likely, you will, because withdrawing money is very easy: it is always within reach, you don’t even have to go to the bank, just use an ATM.

So how should it be?

Open a bank deposit for 6 months or a year. This way you will definitely not spend money intended for storage. Just don't invest everything. Leave some amount in a regular savings account for emergencies.

Strategy number 3. All my savings are in one account

When you have only one savings account, it seems that the money in it accumulates quickly and there is enough for everything. If you're only saving for one thing, like an apartment or a vacation, then you're fine. But if you have several goals, one bank account makes it difficult to calculate and you do not see concrete progress. It is more difficult for you to understand what is enough money for, and what will have to wait.

As a result, it turns out that, having spent savings, for example, on a vacation, you leave nothing for a new car.

So how should it be?

It is better to have several accounts, each of which will be dedicated to a specific purpose, for example: “for home”, “for vacation”, “for education for a child”. This will make it much easier to calculate your finances and see real progress.

Strategy #4: I save big when I can.

Some people do not save money on a permanent basis, but save large amounts at once when a lucky opportunity occurs. In this way of accumulation, feelings of abundance and guilt alternate. The last one is when you have to take money from your savings. The frustration of doing so can even discourage you from ever saving money again.

So how should it be?

The best thing to do is to set yourself savings goals and work towards them. Decide on a specific amount of money to set aside each month. If it seems to you that it can be increased without compromising the quality of life, do it. But! Contributions must remain consistent and equal.

Strategy #5: I save everything I can

Despite the need to have savings, you should not get too hung up on this and deny yourself the pleasures. They help us stay happy and maintain mental health.

So how should it be?

If you haven't had a month in which you could contribute money to an "emergency fund", put off all other payments and pleasures until you can.

When your six-month "emergency fund" is replenished, Blaylock advises changing strategy. Since small cash savings bring little money, it is worth considering longer-term savings with good interest.

Learning to accumulate money correctly is important for everyone, even those who receive a small salary. In order not to borrow until payday and be rich, you must follow simple rules.

Most people in Russia today are financially illiterate. This is constantly used by banks, credit firms, sellers, scammers and many more. Even people who, it would seem, receive decent salaries, fall into credit bondage, forever sitting without money. What can we say about those who have small paychecks - poor students, pensioners, young mothers ...

To break the vicious circle of lack of money, it is important in everyday life to use simple rules financial management, which will help to accumulate money.

Savings will protect you from emergencies. Plus, if you save money, you won't have to turn down unexpected exciting opportunities in life.

The basic rule of wealth is very succinct: "Spend less than you earn." Only four words. It would seem, what could be easier? But for some reason, for many, the opposite happens all the time.

How to save money even with a small salary

We will analyze what methods will help to implement the main rule of a rich person and start really saving money.

1. Keep track of your budget

If you are going to save money, it is important to start keeping a family budget. Don't mindlessly spend money on shopping and paying bills, but keep a record of all expenses for a month.

Thus, you can understand how much money was spent in vain, and what you can save on next month without much harm to the family.

In addition, in a couple of months you will know exactly how much money you and your family need for a normal existence, and how much you can save in a piggy bank.

2. Live on the same amount

If you have already calculated how much money your family needs on average per month for a normal life, then you need to fix this amount. It's no secret that we have easy money from time to time. Someone is given a bonus, others have additional earnings, or maybe you have finally managed to move up the career ladder, and the salary has increased slightly.

Rest assured that as income increases, expenses will tend to rise. Does that mean you can't save money again?

You need to set for yourself a fixed amount of money that you will spend on life every month, even if easy money appears. It is better to immediately put aside additional income, leaving only the necessary fixed amount for life.

3. Save 20 percent of your income

If it is difficult to determine the fixed amount necessary for the normal life of the family, then you can use more in a simple way accumulation of money. Immediately after receiving any income (including easy money), put aside 20 percent of the funds received in a piggy bank. And it is important to do this not at the end of the month, but at that hour! If you postpone this important matter until later, then be sure that the money that you planned to save will most likely have already been spent.

How to learn to save money to save?

Understand a simple thought: everyone is trying to make money on you. Even when you yourself earn money in the service, your employer profits from your work. In modern life, you are constantly hunted by those who want to take your money. Thousands of marketers come up with clever schemes to take your money in such a way that you are also happy when you part with your hard-earned money.

To avoid this, you should try to follow the following principles.

4. Simplify your financial life

The more difficult your financial life the more time and effort it takes. Along with this, the chance of getting confused and making a financial mistake increases.

The more loans and credit cards, the greater the chance of not noticing the loss of funds or missing the next payment.

Pay attention to the services of your mobile operator. Do you need all the connected paid features? If not, disable the extra ones.

Understand utility bills. Calculate the feasibility and amount of savings when switching from average tariffs to metering water, gas and electricity. Buy energy-saving light bulbs. They really lower your electricity bills.

See what other recurring “planned” expenses you can cut.

It is useful to do such general cleaning every few months.

5. Get rid of the highest interest loans

Try to refinance loans in other banks at a lower percentage.

Use an effective way to get rid of loans. Select the loan that has the highest interest rate, and start paying off this debt twice as fast, that is, in double payments. Do this until the debt is paid off. Then add the entire amount of money released, which was spent on repayment, to the payment of the second debt, until that one is also paid off. And so on until the liquidation of all debts.

6. Go shopping with a shopping list

A shopping list prepared in advance with which you need to go shopping will help you avoid spontaneous spending. The point of shopping lists is not only to remember to buy something, but also not to buy too much.

The easiest way is to make it on a regular paper sheet. For these purposes, you can adapt the “reminders” built into gadgets and, in general, any application where you can make a simple list.

However, it should be noted that today fewer buyers use this way of saving. Another method is coming into fashion...

7. Buy products with discounts and promotions

Each of us roughly knows what goods he uses in everyday life all the time. With a certain frequency, each family buys detergents for the kitchen and laundry, shampoo, toothpaste, toilet paper… But you never know what else! These products do not deteriorate and will definitely be needed. Today you can buy them at a discount on promotions, saving decent money on this.

This type of consumer behavior in our country. People who are always on the lookout for promotions and discounts on items they purchase regularly are called Cherry Pickers. This word comes from English cherry picking, literally "picking cherries".

8. Stop using a bank card

Using a credit and even a debit bank card makes it difficult to save money. If you have a habit of paying in stores with a bank card, and not with money, then try switching to cash.

When we pay with a card, we do not realize the value of the money we give for goods - we entered the pin code and that's it. And now there are bank cards that do not even need to be inserted into the terminal. Paying is becoming easier, and, accordingly, saving and saving is becoming more and more difficult. In addition, there may be more money on the card than you would take to the store for purchases. There is a high probability of spending more than planned.

When you go to the store with cash, do not put more money in your wallet than you need for the purchases you planned earlier.

9. Use cashback cards

If you think that the refusal of a bank card is a return to the past, then at least use cashback more often. This word comes from English. cashback and translates as "cash back". Today, many Russian banks issue cashback cards.

The principle of its operation is simple. The buyer pays for goods or services with a bank card, and a part of the paid amount is returned to his account in monetary terms or in the form of bonuses.

As a rule, banks set different amounts of cashback for different groups of goods and services, and therefore you can choose the most profitable one. There are people who use cards from several banks with cashback for different groups of goods. So they try to get the highest possible discount. True, banks are trying to combat such behavior, considering it a fraud, and may limit the accrual of bonuses or refunds. Therefore, it is sometimes desirable to spend money on the card without receiving a cashback.

10. Buy through cashback services

V Lately cashback services are gaining popularity in our country. These are aggregators of goods and services that enter into contracts with online stores. They attract visitors with advertisements or convenient services, such as the ability to select similar products and compare prices, and then redirect them to stores, receiving a percentage of each purchase.
Here, the money is returned not by the online store where the purchase was made, but by the cashback services themselves. They share their commissions with customers in the hope that they will come back again and again.

11. Use the 10 second rule for cheap shopping

Did you see something inexpensive on the counter and immediately wanted to buy it? Hold this thought in your head for 10 seconds and honestly ask yourself the question: do you really need this thing so much? Is it really impossible to do without it? Often these 10 seconds are enough to understand whether you really need a thing.

For expensive purchases, use the 30 day rule. If you want to buy something expensive, do not rush to spend money, but consider the importance of this acquisition for a month. Most likely, after 30 days, there will be no trace of your keen desire to buy this thing.

12. Estimate the cost of shopping in hours of work

In order not to make unnecessary purchases, calculate how much one hour or day of your work costs. Then, when you buy this or that product, think about whether the thing you plan to buy is worth the few hours, or maybe days of your work that you spent to earn this amount of money?

This principle works very well at the time of purchase. household appliances or other large goods, when time is no longer calculated in hours, but in days, or even months. Such financial "sobering up" helps not to commit stupidity in the form of buying unnecessary expensive goods.

How to save money

Now that we got rid of unnecessary expenses and learned how to save money from our income, we need to properly manage the funds

The path to proper money management

Divide the free money that appears as a result of all your efforts into several parts at once.

1. Create a financial reserve in case of unforeseen situations. Free money is needed to solve unforeseen problems that arise. It is better if it is cash, so that in case of an emergency you do not have to urgently run to the bank.

2. Open a deposit in any of the reliable banks, for example, VTB, with the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest. As a rule, expense deposits do not have a high interest rate, but on the other hand, you can set aside a certain amount to this account every month, and withdraw part of the funds at any time.

3. Make a term deposit at the best interest rate. This will be useful when you have already accumulated a decent amount. You will not be able to withdraw funds from such a deposit at any time, but you will be able to accumulate money. Open deposits in rubles, dollars and euros to get even more income if the currency grows in value.

4. Save money not for the sake of abstract wealth, but to achieve a specific goal. You can even draw up several accounts to save: for repairs, for a car, for a summer house ...