4 layers of small capillary structures Grebennikov's platform. Ahead of its time: Grebennikov's anti-gravity platform. As a bonus

Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov (April 23, 1927, Simferopol - April 10, 2001, Novosibirsk) - Russian entomologist and apidologist, animal artist, specialist in breeding and protecting insects, author of a number of books about bees. Honored ecologist of Russia, member of the International Association of Bee Scientists, as well as a member of the Social and Ecological Union and the Siberian Ecological Fund. Founder of the Novosibirsk Museum of Agroecology and Environmental Protection. Self-taught, didn't have higher education. In 1946, he was convicted of forging bread cards, released under an amnesty in 1953. Since 1976, he worked in Novosibirsk, at the Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture and Chemicalization Agriculture. He is also known for his statements about the discovery and study of the “cavitary structures effect” and the creation of a gravitoplan - an anti-gravity aircraft operating on the basis of this effect, which Grebennikov told about in the book “My World” in 1997.

I suggest to everyone who has not yet heard about the amazing invention of the entomologist Viktor Grebennikov to get acquainted with his discovery, from his own words. Everything that you have to learn about could be called fiction - it would seem so implausible if it were not for two very significant but ... Firstly, this is a chapter from Viktor Grebennikov's autobiographical book "My World", published with the money of the international scientific fund in a scanty circulation without the right to sell. This is a memory of real life scientist and his research. Secondly, the principle of operation of the gravitoplane invented by him, the features of its movement and visualization (luminous balls or disks, two devices instead of one, invisibility, etc.) - surprisingly resembles the principle of operation of a UFO.

Flight Features

Alas, nature immediately set its severe restrictions on me, as in our passenger planes: look, look, but you can’t take pictures. So here, if not worse: the shutter did not close, and the films taken with them - one cassette in the camera, the other in the pocket - turned out to be completely and harshly illuminated. Sketches of the terrain did not work out at a height either: almost all the time both hands are occupied, only one can be freed for two or three seconds.

This flight is not at all like what we experience in a dream - it was from such a dream that I began this topic. And this is not so much pleasure as work, sometimes very difficult and unsafe: you have to stand instead of hovering; hands are always busy; a few centimeters from you - the border separating "this" space from "that", the outer one, the border is invisible, but very insidious; all this is still quite unsightly, and my creation vaguely resembles perhaps ... hospital scales. But this is the beginning!
By the way, except for the camera I sometimes have a very junk watch, and, perhaps, a calendar: going down, say, to a familiar clearing, I found it a little out of season, with a "deviation" of about a week in one direction or another. So it is possible to move not only in space, but - it seems! - and in time. I can’t confirm the latter with a 100% guarantee, except perhaps that in flight - especially at the beginning - the clock is lying a lot: alternately they are in a hurry, then they are lagging behind, but by the end of the tour they turn out to be going exactly second to second.
That is why I avoid people during such trips: if time is involved, along with gravity, then suddenly there will be a violation of causal-causal relationships unknown to me, and one of us will suffer? I have these fears because of this: insects taken "there" from test tubes, boxes and other receptacles ... disappear, for the most part, without a trace; once the test tube in his pocket was broken into small fragments, another time an oval hole with brown, as if "chitinous" edges turned out in the glass - you can see it in the picture.

Repeatedly, through the fabric of my pocket, I felt a semblance of a short burning sensation, or electric shock - probably at the moment of the "disappearance" of the prisoner. And only once did I find in a test tube an insect I had taken, but it was not an adult ichneumon rider with white rings on his mustache, but his ... pupa - that is, the previous stage. She was alive: if you touch her, she moves her belly. To my great chagrin, after a week it died and withered.
It flies best - I write without quotes! - on clear summer days. In rainy weather, this is very difficult, and for some reason it does not work at all in winter. But not because it's cold, I could improve my apparatus accordingly or make another one, but winter flights are simply not necessary for me, an entomologist.

Discovery history

How and why did I come to this discovery?

In the summer of 1988, examining under a microscope the chitinous covers of insects, their feathery antennae, the thinnest scales of butterfly wings, the openwork wings of lacewings with iridescent overflow and other patents of nature, I became interested in the unusually rhythmic microstructure of one of the rather large details of insects. It was an extremely ordered composition, as if stamped on some kind of complex machine according to special drawings and calculations. In my opinion, this incomparable cellularity was clearly not required either for the strength of this part, or for its decoration.
I have not observed anything of the kind, even remotely resembling this unusual amazing micro-pattern, either in other insects, or in the rest of nature, or in technology or art; because it is multidimensional in volume, I still have not been able to repeat it on a flat drawing or photo. Why is this an insect? Moreover, this structure - the bottom of the elytra - is almost always hidden from other eyes, except in flight, when no one can see it.

I suspected: is this a wave beacon with "my" effect of multi-cavity structures? In that truly happy summer there were a lot of insects of this species, and I caught them in the evenings in the light; neither "before" nor "after" I observed not only their mass character, but also single individuals.
I put this small concave chitinous plate on the microscope table in order to once again examine its strange-stellar cells at high magnification. I admired another masterpiece of Nature-jeweler, and almost without any purpose put on it with tweezers another exactly the same plate with these unusual cells on one of its sides. the one on the microscope table turned a little clockwise, moved out - through the air!

To the right, turned counterclockwise, swayed, and only then quickly and sharply fell on the table.
What I experienced at that moment - the reader can only imagine. When I came to my senses, I tied several panels with wire; it was not without difficulty, and then only when I took them vertically.

It turned out such a multi-layered "chitino-block". He put it on the table. Even such a relatively heavy object as a large pushpin could not fall on him: something, as it were, beat it up and then to the side. I attached a button from above to the "block" - and then such incongruous, incredible things began (in particular, for a moment, the button completely disappeared from view!), which I understood: this is not a lighthouse, but a completely, completely Other.
And again my breath was taken away, and again from excitement all the objects around me floated as if in a fog: but I, though with difficulty, nevertheless pulled myself together, and after two hours I was able to continue my work ...
This is where it all really started.

UFO" over Zatulinka

I made a very unsuccessful, extremely risky flight on the night of March 17-18, 1990, without waiting for the season and being too lazy to leave for a deserted area. And night - I already knew very well - the most risky time of day for this work.

The failures began even before takeoff: the block panels of the right side of the carrier platform stuck, which should have been immediately eliminated, but I did not. I got up right from the street of our VASKHNIL-town, recklessly believing that at the second hour of the night everyone was sleeping and no one could see me. The climb seemed to start normally, but after a few seconds, when the houses with rare luminous windows went down and I was about a hundred meters above the ground, I felt ill, as if before a faint. I would have lowered here, but I didn’t, and in vain, because some powerful force, as it were, snatched away the control of movement and gravity from me and inexorably dragged me towards the city.
Drawn by this unexpected, uncontrollable force, I crossed the second circle of nine-story buildings in the residential area of ​​​​the town (they are located in two huge - one kilometer in diameter - circles, inside of which are five-story buildings, including ours), flew over a snow-covered narrow field, obliquely crossed the Novosibirsk highway - Academgorodok, Severo-Chemskoy housing estate... The dark bulk of Novosibirsk was advancing on me, and advancing quickly, and now almost several "bouquets" of tall factory chimneys were almost nearby, many of which were slowly and densely smoking... Something was needed take urgent action.

Having mastered the situation with the greatest difficulty, I managed to do an emergency reconfiguration of the block panels with sin in half. The horizontal movement began to slow down, but then I felt sick again, which is completely unacceptable in flight. Only from the fourth time was it possible to extinguish the horizontal movement and hover over Zatulinka - the industrial Kirov district of the city. The ominous chimneys continued to smoke silently and abruptly quite close below me. After resting for a few minutes, if one can call it rest, the strange hovering over the illuminated fence of some factory, next to which residential quarters immediately began, and convinced with relief that the "evil force" had disappeared, I glided back, but not in the direction of our VASKHNIL town , and to the right, to Tolmachev - to confuse the trail in case someone noticed me. And about halfway to this airport, over some dark night fields, where there was obviously not a soul, I turned sharply home ...
The next day, of course, I could not get out of bed. News, reports on television and in newspapers, were more than disturbing for me. Headlines "UFO over Zatulinka", "Aliens again?" they clearly said that my flight was spotted. But how! Some perceived the "phenomenon" as luminous balls or disks, and for some reason many "saw" not one ball, but ... two! Others claimed that a "real saucer" was flying with portholes and rays ...

I do not rule out that some Zatulinites did not see my almost emergency evolution, but something else that had nothing to do with them. Moreover, March 1990 was extremely "productive" on UFOs both in Siberia and near Nalchik, and especially in Belgium, where on the night of March 31, engineer Marcel Alferlan, grabbing a video camera and running up to the roof of a house, shot a two-minute film about the flight of one from huge "alien" triangles-gravitoplanes, which, according to the authoritative conclusion of Belgian scientists, are nothing but material objects, and with such capabilities that no civilization is yet able to create.
So "none", gentlemen, Belgian scientists? As for me, I undertake to assume that the gravitational filter platforms (or, as I call them in short, block panels) of these devices were in kind relatively small, triangular in shape, and worked on our Earth, but on a more solid and serious base than my almost half wooden machine.
I immediately wanted to make its platform exactly triangular - it is much more efficient and reliable - but I moved away from this shape in favor of a quadrangular one because it is easier to fold, and when folded, it resembles a suitcase, sketchbook or "diplomat" that can be decorated in such a way that there is not even the slightest suspicion. I, of course, chose the "sketchbook" ...

I have nothing to do with the events in Belgium and near Nalchik. Moreover, I use my find, as it may seem to you, stupidly irrational - just to visit my "entomo-parks" ... And they, my brainchildren, as I think, are much more important than any technical finds, I have today there are eleven: eight in the Omsk region, one in the Voronezh region, two in the Novosibirsk region.

Isilculia from a bird's eye view

And I continue my way under the noon majestic lush clouds there, to the west, and go, go back rectangles of multi-colored fields, copses of bizarre outlines, and the blue shadows from these clouds also run back under me.
The flight speed is quite high, but the wind does not whistle in my ears: the power protection of the platform with block panels "cut out" from space an invisible pillar or beam diverging upward, cutting off the attraction of the platform to the Earth, but not me and not the air that is inside this column above her; all this, as I think, during the flight, as it were, pushes the space apart, and behind me closes it again, slams it shut.
This is probably the reason for the invisibility of the apparatus "with a rider", or rather, a "riser", or partially distorted visibility, as I recently had over the Novosibirsk Zatulinka. But the protection against attraction is adjustable, although incomplete: you move your head forward, and you already feel, as it were, turbulences from the headwind, which clearly smells either of sweet clover, or of buckwheat, or of the multicolored Siberian meadow grasses.
I leave Isilkul with a huge elevator near the railway far to the left and go gradually downhill over the highway, making sure that now I am invisible to both drivers and passengers and those working in the field: there is no shadow on the ground from me and the platform (however , occasionally a shadow suddenly appears); here on the edge of the splitting, three guys are picking berries - I'm descending to low level flight, slowing down, flying next to them. Normally, no reaction - therefore, neither me nor the shadow is visible. And, of course, it is not audible: with such a principle of movement - in the "expandable space" - the device will not make even the slightest sound, since even friction against the air actually does not occur here.
My way was long, not less than forty minutes from Novosibirsk. Tired arms that you can't take off from the regulators, tired legs and torso - I have to stand almost at attention on this small platform, to the vertical column of which I am tied ... with a belt. And although I can move faster, I am afraid: my "equipment", made semi-handicraft, is still too miniature and fragile ...
Decreasing and slowing down, and this is done by the mutual displacement of the blinds-filters, which is under the platform board, I already see lush thickets of carrots, I distinguish the bright caps of their inflorescences, similar to openwork balls, of course, strewn with insects ...
Even quieter, even slower - and suddenly below, as it were, a dark unexpected flash: my shadow appeared, before invisible, and now it slowly glides over the grasses and bushes. But this is no longer scary: there is not a soul around, and there are no cars yet on the freeway, which is three hundred meters north of the Reserve. You can safely fall to the ground. The stalks of the tallest grasses were already rustling against my "pedestal" - a platform with block panels.
But before putting it on this hillock, I, seized by a rush of joy, move the handle again to move the blinds of the panels and abruptly, like a candle, go vertically upwards.
Quickly shrinking, as if shrinking, the picture below: the pegs of the Reserve, all its edges and fences, all the copses and fields surrounding the Reserve; the horizon begins, as it were, to bulge from all sides with such a huge recess, opening railway, which passes two kilometers on the left, and then the village ...
And now it is all under me - Isilkulia, the country of my youth, is not at all the same as on the maps and plans with their inscriptions, symbols and others, but the boundless, living, dotted with dark whimsical islands of copses, cloud shadows, bright clear spots of lakes, and the huge disk of the Earth with all this for some reason seems whiter and more concave - the reason for this long-familiar illusion I have not found.
I rise higher and higher, and rare white masses of cumulus clouds go down, and the sky is no longer the same as below, but dark blue, almost blue, pebbles visible between the clouds, and the fields are already covered with a thickening blue haze, and it is more and more difficult to see them …
... Oh, what am I doing: after all, down there, in the Polyana, I cast a shadow, which means people can see me, and not just a few, as on that March night of bad memory, but thousands, because now is the day; the hour is uneven, I will again "appear" in the form of a disk, a square, or, even worse, in my own person ... Moreover, to sin, the plane ahead, it seems, is a cargo one, while it is still silently rushing almost towards me, quickly growing in size, and I can already see the cold gleam of duralumin, the pulsation of an unnaturally red flashing light.
Down quickly!
I brake sharply, I turn - the Sun is already shining in the back of my head, and obliquely below, on a giant convex wall of a dazzling white cumulus cloud, there should be my shadow; but there is no shadow, only a multi-colored gloria - an iridescent bright ring, familiar to all pilots, slid over the cloud, ahead of me, down. Relieved from the heart: there is no shadow - so no one saw either me or the "double" in the form of a triangle, square or "banal" plate ...

A thought flashed through (and I must say that, despite the desperate technical and physical inconveniences, for some reason the imagination works much better and faster in a "falling" flight): after all, it may turn out that I am not the only one out of five billion people who has made such a discovery, and aircraft based on the same principle have been made and tested for a long time - both those created at factory design bureaus and homemade ones like mine.

All screening platforms have the same property: sometimes they become visible to other people in very different guises; The pilots are also "transformed" - they are seen as "humanoids" in silvery suits, sometimes small-sized green, sometimes flat, as if made of cardboard (Voronezh, 1989), sometimes something else. So, it may very well turn out that these are not aliens-UFO-nauts, but "temporarily visually deformed" - of course, only for outside observers - quite earthly pilots and designers of such platforms, bringing their offspring to a reliable state.

Flight Rules

Advice to those who, while studying insects, will come across the same phenomenon and begin to tinker-experiment "gravito plan"(by the way, I am convinced that, bypassing insects, this discovery cannot be made): fly only on fine summer days; avoid working in a thunderstorm, rain; do not climb high and far; do not take a blade of grass with you from the landing point; make all knots as strong as possible; when testing and working, avoid the proximity of any power lines, villages (especially cities), transport, crowds of people - it is best for this to be a distant, remote, deaf forest glade, away from human dwellings, otherwise within a radius of several tens of meters can happen - and often happens!- what was called a poltergeist: "inexplicable" movements of household items, turning off or vice versa turning on household electrical equipment and electronics, even fires. I have no explanation for this, but it seems that all this is a consequence of the failure of the passage of time, the thing, in general, is extremely insidious and subtle.
Not a single detail, particle, even the smallest one, should be thrown, dropped during the flight or at the landing site. Recall the "Dalnegorsk phenomenon" on January 29, 1986, which seems to be tragic for experimenters, when the entire apparatus was vomited and scattered over a vast territory, and only pitiful fragments of "mesh" were found from gravitational microcellular filters, which were not amenable - as it should be! - intelligent chemical analysis.

Part of the UFO descriptions - I am convinced of this - refers to platforms, block panels, other large parts of the apparatus, intentionally or accidentally thrown out of the active field by designers and manufacturers; these fragments can bring a lot of trouble to others, and at best give rise to a series of incredible stories, the most ridiculous reports in newspapers and magazines, often accompanied by "scientific" comments ...

Two reasons not to advertise the discovery

Why am I not revealing the essence of my find now?
Firstly, because proof requires time and effort. I don't have one or the other. I know from the bitter experience of "pushing through" my previous finds.
Here, for example, how my many years of troubles about the scientific recognition of EPS ended: "According to this application for discovery, further correspondence with you is inappropriate." I know some of the arbiters of the fate of science personally and I am sure: if I get to such an appointment, which, however, is now almost unbelievable, I will open my "sketchbook", join the counter, turn the handle and soar before his eyes to the ceiling - the owner of the office will not react, or even order to put the magician out.
Hurry, come to replace them, the "arbiters", you young people!
The second reason for my "non-disclosure" is more objective. Only in one species of Siberian insects did I find these anti-gravity structures. I don’t even name the detachment to which this insect belongs: it looks like it is on the verge of extinction, and the then outbreak of numbers was, perhaps, local and one of the last. If I indicate the genus and species, where are the guarantees that people who have the slightest understanding of biology, all kinds of businessmen, will not rush through the pegs, ravines, meadows to catch, perhaps, the last specimens of this miracle of nature, for which no one will stop before what, even if you need to uproot dozens of pegs, plow hundreds of clearings?.. Prey is too tempting!
I hope that I will be understood and forgiven by those who would like to immediately get acquainted with Nakhodka just for the sake of interest and without selfish intent: can I now do otherwise for the sake of saving wildlife? Moreover, I see that others seem to have already invented something similar, but they are also in no hurry to appear with their findings in the offices of bureaucrats, preferring to rush in the night sky either in the form of strange disks, or in the form of triangles and squares, iridescent flickering to the surprise of passers-by. ..

I don’t know if I convinced you, reader, that this will be available to almost everyone very soon, but Nature, without which humanity cannot live, if we do not urgently save it, - will not be available to anyone in its complete absence?

Instead of a conclusion

Not so long ago, we humans began to fly: first in balloons, then on airplanes: today powerful rockets are already taking us to other celestial bodies ... And tomorrow?
And tomorrow we will fly to other stars at almost the speed of light, but even the neighboring galaxy - the Andromeda Nebula - will be even more inaccessible.
But Mankind - provided that it deserves the title of Reasonable! - will solve many mysteries of the Universe, will step over this boundary. Then any worlds from the corners of the Universe remote from the Earth for trillions of light years will become almost instantly accessible, close.
All this will be, because all this is a matter of Reason, Science, Technology. And no more.

I consider it necessary to supplement the article by V. Grebennikov with the details of the description of the gravitational plane, omitted when it was shortened:
- strictly vertical takeoff and landing (of the vehicle) are very difficult, and the initial trajectory is mostly oblique, especially during takeoff, when for some reason the platform is carried in the direction opposite to the Sun, and sometimes vice versa;
- the upper part of my device ... "bicycle": the right handle is for horizontal translational movement, which is achieved general slope both groups of "elytra" -blinds, also through a cable. I do not dare to develop a speed of more than 25 km per minute, preferring to fly ten times slower;
- loosening the wing nuts on the control post, I shorten it, like an antenna for a portable receiver, pull it out of the platform, which I fold in half on hinges. Now it looks almost like a sketchbook - a box for paints, maybe a little thicker;
- folded in half, and therefore neutralized, platform with gravitational fine-mesh block filters, and between them, also foldable, a stand with field regulators and a strap - with which I am attached to the stand.

V.S. Grebennikov. MY WORLD.

As a bonus:

Interesting aircraft 1974 Williams X-Jet
Without wings and screws. Only jet propulsion. It was controlled by tilting in the right direction and changing the traction force.
Weight (equipped): 250 kg
Maximum speed: 96 km/h
Flight duration: 30-45 minutes
Height: up to 3 km

The characteristics of the device did not suit the customer and the project was closed

“... Not so long ago, we, people, began to fly, first in balloons, then on airplanes; today powerful rockets are already taking us to other celestial bodies... And tomorrow? And tomorrow we will fly to other stars at a speed unthinkable today, however, even the neighboring galaxy, the Andromeda nebula, will remain inaccessible to us for some time. Mankind, provided that it deserves the title of the Reasonable, will solve many mysteries of the Universe, will step over more than one frontier. Then any worlds from the distant corners of our Universe, trillions of light years away from the Earth, will become accessible. All this will be, because all this is a matter of Love, Reason, Science and Technology. At the same time, this, my beloved Polyanka, may not remain if I (I have no one else to rely on) fail to save it for posterity. Glades with its checkers, motleys and pigeons, with its bronzes and motley wings, with its bells, bedstraws and meadowsweet ... "V. Grebennikov. Excerpt from the book: My world.

Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov, an artist, entomologist, ecologist, astronomer, and writer, has passed away. He left paintings (with unique macro portraits of insects), scientific publications on entomology, ecology, and astronomy. As well as books: "A Million Riddles", "My Wonderful World", "Secrets of the World of Insects", "Letters to the Grandson" and, finally, the amazing book "My World", which came out in agony (five years late) and turned out to be a book testament, a book summing up his entire creative life. Viktor Stepanovich was a member of the French Society "Friends of Jean Henri Fabre" *, the International Association of Bee Researchers, a member of the Social Ecological Union and the Siberian Ecological Fund. Victor Grebennikov is a natural scientist, a professional entomologist, an artist and simply a comprehensively developed person with a wide range of interests. He is known to many as the discoverer of the cavity structure effect (CSE). But not everyone is familiar with his other discovery, also borrowed from among the innermost secrets of living Nature. Back in 1988, he discovered a manifestation of the "anti-gravity" effect of the chitinous covers of some insects. But the most impressive accompanying phenomenon of this phenomenon is the phenomenon of complete or partial invisibility with the effect of distorting the human perception of a material object located in the zone of compensated gravity. This means that this gravity is a consequence of compensation, or balancing of some void formed in space. Based on this discovery, using the principles considered by the science of bionics, the author designed an anti-gravity platform, a kind of gravity-powered aircraft. And also, he practically developed the principles of controlled flight at a speed of 25 to 40 kilometers per minute! From 1991 - 1992, this device was used by the author as a means of rapid transportation. The effect associated with biological natural structures covers a wide range of natural phenomena, apparently not limited to some species of insects. From numerous phenomenological data, cases of weight loss or complete levitation of a material object are known during a directed, focused, conscious or unconscious psychophysical influence of a person (telekinesis *, levitation of yogis).

Article from the magazine "Technology of Youth", No. 4, 1993

In this article, I removed extra quotes, corrected some syntactic inaccuracies and grammatical errors, carefully preserving the original flavor. I consider it important historical fact and an example of how everything openly lies on the surface, one has only to stretch out a hand, but people think and try something new - not leisure! But to fulfill a ready-made, “generally accepted” formula, program, government directive, or command of some boss is much easier. Kindergarten, high school, army, institute, work in any organization, any institution, in any industry. All this is permeated with lies and injustice "to the marrow of the bones"! Everything has already been thought out and a rotten plan drawn up, even before we were born. The plan, which, as it turns out over the years, is that big brake, that biggest stupidity - of all possible, without which the Earth could develop much faster, moving along its original, truly Paradise Path. Instead, "everyone" (p. 54 p. 7), as if bewitched, pulls the strap of the sufferer and spreads his arms, but how? Nothing, they say, can not be done, such is life ... Approx. Bayorics.

In the summer of 1988, examining under a microscope the chitinous covers of insects, their feathery antennae, the thinnest scales of butterfly wings, the wings of lacewings with iridescent overflow and other Patents of Nature, I became interested in the unusually rhythmic microstructure of one of the rather large details. It was an extremely ordered composition, as if stamped on some complex automaton. In my opinion, such an incomparable cellularity was clearly not required either for the strength of this part, or for its decoration.

Nothing like this, even remotely resembling such an unusual amazing microscopic pattern, I have not observed either in nature, or in technology or art. Because it is multidimensional in volume, I still have not been able to repeat it on a flat drawing or photo. Why was such a structure needed at the bottom of the elytron? Moreover, almost always it is hidden from view and nowhere, except in flight, you can not see it.

I suspected: is it not a wave beacon, a special device that emits certain waves, impulses? If so, then the "beacon" should have "my" effect of multi-cavity structures. In that truly happy summer there were a lot of insects of this species, and I caught them in the evenings in the light.

I put a small concave chitinous plate on the microscope stage in order to once again examine its strange-stellar cells at high magnification. He admired yet another masterpiece of Nature the Jeweler and, almost without any purpose, put on it with tweezers another exactly the same plate with unusual cells on one of its sides. But it wasn’t there: the elytra escaped from the tweezers, hung in the air for a couple of seconds above its pair on the microscope table, turned a little clockwise, moved out - through the air! - to the right, turned counterclockwise, swayed, and only then quickly and sharply fell on the table. What I experienced at that moment - the reader can only imagine ... Recovering my senses, I tied several "panels" with wire, this was not without difficulty, and then only when I took them vertically. It turned out a multi-layer "chitino block". He put it on the table. Even such a comparatively heavy object as a large pushpin could not fall on him, as if something was upholstering it up and then to the side. I attached the button from above to the “block” - and then such incongruous, incredible things began (in particular, for some moments the button completely disappeared from view) that I realized that this was not only a signal beacon, but also a more ingenious device that works with to make it easier for the insect to fly. And again my breath was taken away, and again from excitement all the objects around me floated as if in a fog, but I, though with difficulty, nevertheless pulled myself together and after two hours I was able to continue my work. It is with this remarkable case that, in fact, it all began. And it ended with the construction of my, so far unsightly, but tolerably working gravitoplane. Much, of course, still needs to be rethought, tested, tested. Of course, someday I will tell the reader about the “subtleties” of the operation of my device, and about the principles of its movement, distances, altitudes, speeds, equipment and everything else. In the meantime, about my first flight. It was extremely risky, I made it on the night of March 17-18, 1990, without waiting for the summer season and being too lazy to drive off to a deserted area. Failures began even before takeoff. The block panels on the right side of the carrier platform were jammed, which should have been fixed immediately, but I did not. I got up right from the street of our Krasnoobsk (it is located not far from Novosibirsk), recklessly believing that at the second hour of the night everyone was sleeping and no one could see me. The climb seemed to start normally, but after a few seconds, when the houses with rare luminous windows went down and I was about a hundred meters above the ground, I felt ill, as if before a faint. Then some powerful force seemed to snatch the traffic control from me and dragged me inexorably towards the city. Drawn by this unexpected, uncontrollable force, I crossed the second circle of nine-story residential buildings, flew over a narrow snow-covered field, obliquely crossed the highway Novosibirsk - Akademgorodok, Severo-Chemskoy housing estate ... It was advancing on me - and quickly! - the dark bulk of Novosibirsk, and now almost several “bouquets” of tall factory chimneys are almost nearby, many of which, I remember well, were slowly and densely smoking: the night shift was working ...

Something had to be done urgently. The apparatus was out of control. Nevertheless, I managed to do an emergency reconfiguration of the block panels with sin in half. The horizontal movement began to slow down, but then I felt sick again, which is completely unacceptable in flight. Only from the fourth time it was possible to extinguish the horizontal movement and hover over the village of Zatulinka. After resting for a few minutes - if you can call rest the strange hovering over the illuminated fence of some factory, next to which immediately began residential quarters - with relief, convinced that the "evil force" had disappeared, I glided back. But not immediately, and not in the direction of our scientific agricultural town in Krasnoobsk, but to the right, to Tolmachev - I wanted to confuse the trail in case someone noticed me. And about halfway to the airport, over some dark night fields, where there was obviously not a soul, I turned sharply home ... The next day, of course, I could not get out of bed. The news reported on television and in the newspapers was more than disturbing to me. Headlines "UFO over Zatulinka", "Aliens again?" they clearly said that my flight was spotted. But how! Some perceived the "phenomenon" as a luminous ball or disk, and many "saw" for some reason not one, but ... two! Involuntarily you will say: “Fear has big eyes.” Others claimed that a “real saucer” was flying with portholes and rays ...

I do not exclude the possibility that some Zatul residents saw by no means my emergency exercises, but something else that had nothing to do with them. Moreover, March 1990 was extremely “productive” for UFOs in Siberia, and in the Non-Black Earth Region, and in the south of the country ... And not only here, but also, say, in Belgium, where on the night of March 31, engineer Marseille Alferlan filmed with a video camera a two-minute film about the flight of one of the huge "black triangles".
They, according to the authoritative conclusion of Belgian scientists, are nothing more than "material objects, and with capabilities that no civilization is yet able to create."
So "none"? I presume that the gravitational filter platforms (or, let's call it briefly, block panels) of these "alien" devices were created on Earth, but on a more solid and more seriously equipped base than my half-wooden device.
At first I wanted to make a triangular platform, it is much more reliable, but I leaned in favor of a quadrangular one, because it is easier to fold. Folded, it resembles a suitcase, a sketchbook or a “diplomat”.

Why am I not revealing the essence of my discovery, the principle of operation of my gravitoplane? Firstly, because it takes time and effort to present the necessary evidence. I don't have one or the other. I know from the bitter experience of "pushing through" previous finds, in particular, testifying to the extraordinary effect of cavity structures. See how my many years of efforts to recognize this effect in the scientific world ended: "From this application for your discovery, further correspondence with you is inappropriate." I know some of the Arbiters of the Destinies of the scientific world personally and I’m sure, get an appointment with such, open your “sketchbook”, attach a telescopic stand, turn the power knobs and soar before his eyes to the ceiling - the owner of the office will not react adequately, or even orders to put the magician out.

The second reason for my "non-disclosure" is more objective. Only in one species of Siberian insects did I find anti-gravity structures. I don’t even name the detachment to which the unique insect belongs: it seems to be on the verge of extinction, and the then outbreak of numbers was, perhaps, local and one of the last. So, if I point out the family and the species - where are the guarantees that evil people, scoundrels and businessmen who have the slightest understanding of entomology, rolled into one - will not rush along ravines, meadows to catch, perhaps, the last specimens of this Miracle of Nature. For which they will stop at nothing, even if you need to plow hundreds of fields! Too tempting such prey. I hope that I will be understood and forgiven by those who would like to immediately get acquainted with Nakhodka just for the sake of interest and without selfish intent, can I now do otherwise for the sake of saving Living Nature? Moreover, I see how it seems that not only I invented something like this, and they are already implementing it, experimenting, developing this find, but they are not in a hurry to notify the whole world about it, preferring to keep the secret to themselves. I think because this discovery can also be used for military purposes.

Chapter V "Flight" Part One. (From Viktor Grebennikov's book "My World")

Quiet steppe evening. The copper-red disk of the sun has already touched the distant misty horizon. It's too late to get home - I stayed here with my insect affairs and I'm getting ready for bed, fortunately, there is water left in the flask and there is an anti-mosquito "Deta", which is very necessary here: on the steep shore of the brackish lake there are a great many of these annoying biters. It takes place in the steppe, in the Kamyshlovskaya valley - the remnant of the former powerful tributary of the Irtysh, which, due to plowing of the steppes and deforestation, has turned into a deep and wide ravine with a chain of such salt lakes. Windless - not even a blade of grass moves. Flocks of ducks flicker over the evening lake, the whistling of waders is heard. The high firmament of pearl color overturned over the calming steppe world. How good it is here, in the wild!

I settle down near the cliff, on a grassy lawn: I spread my raincoat, I put my backpack under my head; before I lie down, I collect a few dry cow cakes, put them in a pile next to me, light them up - and the romantic, unforgettable smell of this blue haze slowly spreads over the falling asleep steppe. I lay down on my uncomplicated bed, with pleasure I stretch my legs tired during the day, looking forward to another one, and this happens to me infrequently - a wonderful steppe night.

The blue smoke quietly takes me to the Land of Fairy Tales, and sleep comes quickly: I become either small, small, like an ant, or huge, like the whole sky, and now I have to fall asleep; but why today these seeming "harmful changes" in the size of my body are somehow unusual, very strong; something new has been added to them: the feeling of falling - as if this high bank was instantly removed from under me, and I am falling into an unknown and terrible abyss!

Suddenly, some flashes flashed, and I open my eyes, but the flashes do not disappear - they dance across the pearly silvery evening sky, along the lake, along the grass. There was a sharp metallic taste in my mouth, as if I had attached the contacts of a strong battery to my tongue. Noisy in ears; double beats of own heart are distinctly audible. What a dream!

Inhabitants of the lakes of the Kamyshlovskaya Valley: a bug of a whirlwind, a rower bug, a dragonfly larva (attacks mosquito larvae), a swimmer, a stonefly larva, caddisfly larvae (in houses).
I sit up and try to drive away these unpleasant sensations, but nothing comes of it. Only flashes in the eyes - from wide and unsharp they turned into narrow and clear, either sparks or chains, and make it difficult to look around. And then I remembered: I experienced very similar sensations a few years ago in Lesochka, namely in the Enchanted Grove!
I had to get up and walk along the shore: is it like this everywhere here? Here, a meter from the cliff - a clear impact of "something", I move away from the cliff, ten meters deep into the steppe - this "something" quite clearly disappears.

Here she is, who revealed to me one of the Wonders of Nature - the bee -Galictus quadricinctus (four-belt halict), an inhabitant of the underground "bee town".
It becomes scary: alone, in the deserted steppe, at the "Enchanted Lake" ... Get together quickly and away from here. But curiosity this time takes over: what is it all the same? Maybe it's from the smell of lake water and mud? I go down, under a cliff, sit down by the water, on a large lump of clay. The thick sweetish smell of sapropel - the rotted remains of algae - envelops me as if in a mud bath. I've been sitting for five minutes, ten - nothing unpleasant, it's just right to go to bed somewhere here, but down here it's very damp.

Climbing up the cliff - old story! I feel dizzy, again some kind of “galvanic” acidic taste in my mouth, and as if my weight is changing. Either I am incredibly light, then, on the contrary, I am heavy, heavy; there is again a multi-colored flicker in the eyes ... It is not clear: it would really be a “dead place”, some kind of bad anomaly - this dense grass would not grow here, above, and those very large bees would not nest, whose minks are literally dotted steep clay slope. And after all, I settled down for the night just above their underground "bee town", in the depths of which, of course, there are a great many passages, chambers, larvae, pupae, alive and unharmed.

Irtysh, flowing near Isilkul. Now, instead of a river, there is a huge ravine with a rare chain of drying up lakes, with dumps on the slopes, and they also plan to carry out sewage flow here ...

Not so long ago, Kamyshlovka was a wide full-flowing tributary. So at that time I did not understand anything, and, not getting enough sleep, with a heavy head, in the early summer morning, when the sun had not yet risen, I leaned towards the highway in order to leave for Isilkul on a ride. I visited Enchanted Lake four more times that summer, different time day and in different weather. By the end of the summer, my bees scattered here in incredible numbers, delivering bright yellow pollen to the minks from somewhere, in a word, they felt great. What can not be said about me: a meter from the cliff, above their nests - a clear "complex" of the most unpleasant sensations, five meters away - without them ...

An old fragment of a halict bee nest. You can see the entrances to the closets (cells), part of the vertical shaft (a long recess - a step).

And again, bewilderment: well, why exactly here do plants feel great, and these bees nesting here in great numbers, so much so that the cliff is dotted with their minks, like excessively porous cheese, and in some places - almost like a sponge? The answer came many years later, when the bee garden in the Kamyshlovskaya Valley died: the arable land approached the very cliff, which collapsed because of this, and now there is not only no mink, no blade of grass, but also a huge vile garbage dump. I have only a handful of old clay lumps left - fragments of those nests with numerous closets. The cells were arranged side by side and resembled small thimbles, or rather jugs with gently tapering necks; I already knew that these bees belong to the species Galikt four-belt - according to the number of light rings on the oblong abdomen.

Schematic section of a nest of halicts near its deepest part. Below - fragments of nests, placed with holes up, give a particularly strong radiation (especially a strong emanation).
On my work table, cluttered with instruments, dwellings of ants, grasshoppers, vials of reagents and all sorts of other things, there was a wide vessel filled with these spongy lumps of clay. It was necessary to take something, and I carried my hand over these perforated fragments. And a miracle happened: over them, I suddenly felt warm... I touched the lumps with my hand - they were cold, but above them there was a clear feeling of warmth; in addition, some jolts, twitches, “ticks” unknown to me before appeared in my fingers. And when I moved the bowl with the nests to the edge of the table and bent my face over it, I felt the same thing as on the Lake: as if the head was becoming light and big, big, the body was falling down somewhere, in the eyes there were spark-like flashes, in the mouth - taste of battery contacts, slight nausea...

A nest of leaf cutter bees: a bundle of paper tubes filled with green cups made from leaves. The greater the population, the more tangible the radiation.

I put a piece of cardboard on top - the sensations are the same. The lid of the pan - as if it does not exist, and this "something" pierces through the barrier.
The phenomenon should have been studied immediately. But what could I do at home, without any physical equipment? Employees of many institutes of our VASKhNIL town* helped me to explore the nests (see below). But, alas, the devices did not react to them at all: neither the most accurate thermometers, nor ultrasound recorders, nor electrometers, nor magnetometers. They did a very precise chemical analysis of this clay - nothing special. The radiometer was also silent ... * VASKhNIL (in the USSR) - All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after V. I. Lenin. VASKHNIL-town is still commonly called Krasnoobsk, a town of Siberian agricultural scientists near Novosibirsk.

Equidistant groups of microscopic chlamydomonas are quickly smeared with a multi-cavity structure called "Grebennikov's Chronal Porcupine". It describes in detail and explains the developments of other authors, terrestrial and "alien", including information about various UFOs.
But the hands, ordinary human hands - and not only mine, clearly felt warmth over the nesting places, then a cold breeze, then goosebumps, then some kind of tics, then a thicker, like jelly, environment; in some, the hand was "heavy", in others it was as if something was pushing it up; some had numb fingers, forearm muscles were twitching, dizzy, and saliva flowed profusely.

A bunch of paper tubes, completely populated by leaf cutter bees, behaved in a similar way. In each tunnel there was a continuous row of multilayer cups made of leaf scraps, closed with concave round - also made of leaves - lids; inside the cups - silk oval cocoons with larvae and pupae. I suggested to people who did not know anything about my find that they hold their palm or face over the nest of leaf cutters, and I recorded everything in detail. You can find the results of these unusual experiments in my article “On the physical and biological properties of nesting bees of pollinators”, published in the third issue of the Siberian Bulletin of Agricultural Science in 1984. The formula of the discovery is also given there - a brief physical explanation of this amazing phenomenon. Starting from the study of bee nests, I created several dozen artificial "honeycombs" from plastic, paper, metal, wood. And it turned out that the reason for all these unusual sensations is not a “biofield”. And the size, shape, number and relative position of the cavities formed by any solid bodies. And as before, the body felt it, and the devices were “silent”.

Calling the discovery the effect of cavity structures - EPS, I continued and diversified the experiments, and Nature, in turn, revealed her innermost secrets to me one after another ...
The cavities between the still incomprehensible outgrowths on the body of insects turned out to be special wave “beacons”. In the center (large-scale) - Siberian rhinoceros beetle.

It turned out that the development of saprophytic * (see below) soil bacteria, yeast and other fungi, and the germination of wheat grains are noticeably inhibited in the EPS action zone. The behavior of microscopic mobile chlamydomonas algae changes, the larvae of leaf cutter bees glow, and adult bees in this field behave much more actively, and work on pollination of plants is completed two weeks earlier. The figure on the left, among other things, shows a device for objective registration of EPS, more detailed information about it will be given later in the text. Saprophytic organisms, which means they feed on the dead remains of plants.

It turned out that:

1. EPS is not shielded by anything, like gravity, acting on living things through walls, thick metal and other obstacles.
2. If you move a cellular object to a new place, then a person will not feel the EPS immediately, but after a few seconds or minutes, a “trace” remains in the same place, or, as I jokingly called it, a “phantom”, felt by hand through tens of minutes, or even months later.
3. It turned out that the EPS field does not decrease uniformly from the cells, but surrounds them with a whole system of invisible, but sometimes very clearly perceptible "shells".

The centimeter wall of a grounded steel capsule is not a hindrance to the “all-penetrating” EPS ... It is hard to imagine that waves of a tiny light wasp nest, which can be seen in the picture, can easily penetrate through its armor.
4. Animals (white mice) and people that have fallen into the zone of action of even a strong EPS, after a while get used to it and adapt. It cannot be otherwise: after all, we are surrounded everywhere by numerous large and small cavities, lattices, cells - living and dead plants (and our own cells), bubbles of all sorts of foam rubber, foam plastics, foam concrete. Our rooms, corridors, halls, multilayer roofs. The space between the details of various equipment - consoles, instruments, cars. The space between the trees in the forest, the buildings in the city...
5. It turned out that the "pillar" or "beam" of the EPS has a stronger effect on living things when it is directed in the anti-solar direction (from the Sun), as well as down to the center of the Earth.
6. In a strong EPS field, sometimes watches begin to “lie” noticeably, even mechanical ones, and even more so electronic ones - only Time itself is involved here. Its particles are chronons, the smallest, elementary and indestructible "time quanta".
7. It turned out that all this is a manifestation of the Waves of Matter, eternally moving, eternally changing, eternally existing, and that the physicist Louis de Broglie* received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of these waves back in the 20s, and that these waves are used in electron microscopes . It turned out ... yes, a lot of things turned out, but this will take us into solid state physics, quantum mechanics, elementary particle physics, that is, far away from the main characters of our story - insects.

But I managed to make a device for objective registration of EPS, which responds well to the proximity of nests created by insects. Here it is: a hermetic vessel in which a straw or a burnt twig - drawing coal - is suspended on a gossamer, obliquely;
there is some water at the bottom to exclude electrostatics, which interferes with experiments in dry air. You point an old hornet's nest, a honeycomb, a bunch of ears of corn at the upper end of the indicator - the indicator slowly moves away by tens of degrees ... Such a device is shown in the figure (Page 9). There is no miracle here: the energy of flickering electrons of both multi-cavity bodies creates a system of total waves in space, while a wave is an energy capable of doing work on mutual pushing of these objects even through obstacles like a thick-walled steel capsule (photo on page 10). It is hard to imagine that waves of a tiny light wasp nest, which can be seen in the picture, easily penetrate through its armor, and the indicator inside this heavy, dull capsule runs away from the long-uninhabited, empty wasp nest, sometimes half a turn, and this is so. I ask people who have doubts to visit the Museum of Agroecology near Novosibirsk, where you will see all this with your own eyes.

Cellular device, anesthetic.

In the same place, in the Museum, there is a working cellular device, an anesthetic; everyone who sits on this chair under the case, which contains several frames (6 pcs.) with empty, but full-sized honeycombs of a honey bee (“dry”), will almost certainly feel something in a few minutes. But whoever has a headache - in a matter of minutes will say goodbye to pain, at least for a few hours. My painkillers are successfully used in different parts of the country - I did not make a secret from this discovery. The radiation is clearly perceptible by hand, if it is brought palm up from below to a case with honeycombs, which can be cardboard, plywood, or even better - made of tin, with tightly sealed seams. This is another insect gift ...

The purpose of deep pits on the covers of insects is to create a protective wave field, like that of the Oseblestyanka, she needs such protection, she slips her eggs into the nests of other wasps and bees ...
At first I reasoned like this: people have been dealing with honey bees for thousands of years, and no one complained about anything unpleasant, except, of course, when the bees sting. Held a frame with dry land over his head - it works! I settled on a set of six frames. That's the whole story of this, in general, simple, discovery.

The old hornet's nest works quite differently, although the size and shape of its cells are very close to those of bees. But there is a significant difference: the material of the cells, unlike wax combs, is more loose and microporous, it is paper, by the way, wasps, not people, were the first to invent paper. Wasps scrape old wood fibers and mix them with sticky saliva, the walls of the cells are much thinner than those of bees, the location and size of the cells is also different, and there is also an outer layered shell, also made of paper, in several layers, with gaps between them. I have received reports of very adverse effects from several wasp nests built in the attic. And in general, most multi-cell devices and objects with a strongly pronounced EPS, in the first minutes or hours, do not act beneficially on people; the honey bee comb is one of the few exceptions.

A bumblebee at the brick wall of our house.
And when bumblebees lived in our Isilkul apartment in the sixties, I observed this more than once. Another young bumblebee, having made his way through a long tube from the hive to the entrance in the window and leaving the house for the first time, did not remember the location of the entrance very conscientiously and then wandered for a long time at the windows not only of ours, but also of a neighboring house similar to ours. And in the evening, tired and “waving a hand” at his unimportant visual memory, he sat down on the brick wall of the house exactly opposite the beehive and tried to “break through” directly between the bricks. How could the insect know that it was here, four meters away from the entrance and one and a half meters lower, behind the thickness of a half-meter wall, that its native nest was? Then I was lost in conjectures, but now I know what the matter is; isn't it an amazing find?

And now let's remember the City of Pompilov in the Nursery - when these wasps of the huntress returned directly not only to a given point in the area, but also to a completely different point, where a clod of earth with a mink was transferred: there, undoubtedly, a wave beacon created by the cavity structure of the nest worked.

Hi Hi! Well, here you are, finally, waiting for the next portion of information from me. The data provided in this article are interim and cannot be considered final. But I can assure you that there is very little left until the victorious end!

Grebennikov V.S.

My previous article received an unprecedented response - site traffic jumped by more than a third (only because of one article!), - and that says it all. I'm not talking about the forum, which is "getting fat" at a rate of fifty messages a week, and about my long-suffering mailbox (it got to the point that I simply physically do not have time to respond to a third of the messages)!!! Events are accelerating so much that I already with great difficulty direct them in the right direction.
The "faster" comrades have already (virtually) handed me over to the FSB, the Department of State Security and Foreign Intelligence, then they included me in a lot of secret closed societies and brotherhoods, after that they let me ride on the finished Grebennikov gravitoplane (and even see and hold the original itself in my hands ), well, and all this enchanting action ended, of course, with my tragic death and departure to another world.
For reliability, I will explain the essence of my "isolation" here, on this page. I don't have permanent Internet access at home. I don't even live in the city now. Not more than once every two weeks I, abusing the hospitality of my friend, come to St. Petersburg and have a few hours of the Internet for my own purposes. In a day or two, I should have time to update all my sites; moderate and answer in the guestbook; moderate and, if possible, answer in the forum here on the "Matrix"; read a bunch of letters last time there were at least thirty of them) and answer, preferably, all of them; and finally, click on the list of URLs prepared in advance at home and merge it onto your hard drive for later off-line review.
In such incredible conditions I work. But don't jump to conclusions. I dare to assure you that I always read all the letters that come in my name, and if I did not have time to write an answer on-line, then I will write a detailed one at home and send it next time (which is why letters from me sometimes come in a month or two, but come for sure!). I dare to assure you that I definitely read the messages in the guestbook and read all the messages on the forum, and as a result, I visit the links given by you, and also look through your personal pages. I can assure you that if a person really wants to talk with me, and this person is not very stupid, then such a person usually has intensive correspondence with me, moreover, in global volumes. That's the way things are "in a nutshell". I express my fiery greetings and gratitude to all those who help my investigation. After all, in the end everyone wins!

photographic materials

So, let's begin. To start, I think, is to provide you with exclusive materials. No, of course you have seen all this more than once, but in this quality (!) And in this resolution, no doubt, you will see it for the first time! Say thanks to Mister X who provided these materials. Instructions: click on any small picture or file name - its full version will pop up in a new window.

"innet002.jpg" - 845x1445, 416 Kb

"innet006.jpg" - 1073x1048, 677 Kb

"innet008.jpg" - 1271x1057, 810 Kb

"innet004.jpg" - 796x1044, 507 Kb

"innet010.jpg" - 1201x1579, 1060 Kb

"innet012.jpg" - 1201x1579, 1125 Kb

"innet014.jpg" - 832x1428, 653 Kb

I am sure that looking at the photos, you will discover a lot of new things for yourself. And having opened all this, you will finally be able to fully engage in the discussion and understand the things that I will talk about here.
I will note here the following. In my description, I will rely on the electrostatic theory of the appearance of the antigravity effect. I chose it as the most consistent with the original source (Grebennikov's book itself). Also, without it, it is impossible to explain the very reason (need) to open the blinds of the propulsion system to increase traction. With the very effect of the appearance of antigravity, not everything is clean either, however, first things first.

Platform post (steering wheel)

I think that this is one of the most unexpected sections for you - in terms of the novelty of information. So, steering wheel. The device of the rack as a whole is an order of magnitude more complicated than it is usually thought. In the further description, I will be guided by the following terminology: the upper segment of the steering wheel is the FIRST, then down the SECOND and THIRD, and the lowest is the FOURTH.
Let's start with the first one. The first segment of the rudder is a T-shaped welded structure. Upon closer inspection, it turns out that this segment carries a lot of buttons, signal indicators (LEDs) and even an electric toggle switch. I'm not talking about the round device in the center. Here we are forced, as I said, to involve electrostatics in the explanation. Let's start in order, starting with the ends of the handles. As it was correctly noted in the forum, in the book, when describing one of his flights, Grebennikov says that his left handle jumped off, the blinds folded (de-energized) and he fell down like a stone, making a big hole in the ground. So, in the pictures we see, indeed, an updated and improved device (the same applies to the "traces" on the surface of the platform, - more precisely, their absence). After several unsuccessful flights, Grebennikov lengthened the ends of the handles by several centimeters, securely bolted the rotary motorcycle handles themselves and installed signal LEDs informing the "driver" about the processes taking place in the system. Why this or that LED is needed, I will mention when describing the corresponding systems.
The device in the center of the steering wheel (4) is KOMPAS (this is so obvious that it is not even discussed). This is especially clearly seen in the figure from the sixth chapter, where Grebennikov flies up to the Zhiguli. It was the presence of a compass that prevented the pilot from going astray, plus the ability of the device to arbitrarily reduce speed and even hover in one place. Therefore, Grebennikov did not have problems with orientation. The presence of a compass also strongly indicates the ABSENCE of powerful electromagnetic interactions during the operation of the propulsion system. Only the work of the static field does not prevent the compass from showing the correct direction. Many doubts were expressed about the electrical system - they say, even a low-current electrical circuit passing near the compass should distort its readings. They even suggested making a complex permalloy screen inside the rudder. My God, do you know how much this same permalloy (a ferromagnet with the highest magnetic permeability of all known) costs?! I draw your attention to the fact that even a constantly switched on electrical circuit will not be able to give noticeable interference to the compass, because. wires are INSIDE metal pipes from which the steering wheel structure is welded. Thickness of steel in a pipe wall - not less than 2 mm. Also, all kinds of vibrations cannot affect the compass, because. in Grebennikov's apparatus there are none at all! In view of the uniqueness of the propulsion system, the movement and maneuvers of the platform in space can be likened to movement in zero gravity.

Scheme of elements of the first (upper) knee of the rack

The toggle switch (5) is an electric click (two-position), and it is it that is installed to the right of the compass, that serves to turn on the on-board electrical equipment (signal LEDs) and, possibly, as an addition, “enable” the operation of the propulsion system. As I noticed, a low-current circuit, even being turned on all the time, will not affect the compass.
To the left of the compass, opposite to the toggle switch, there is an electric starter button (3). Grebennikov presses it when the device is still on the ground (right before takeoff). Pressing the button recharges the capacitor plate in the propulsion system with a high potential. I will tell you more about how this happens when describing the blinds and the operation of the emitter. Here it is worth noting the following: at the end of the left handle of the steering wheel, there is one LED (1 - "traditionally" it is called green, in order to know that we are talking about it). It shows the presence of a charge on the capacitor plate of the propulsion system and, possibly, the degree of charge of this plate (different brightness of the glow).
Directly opposite, at the end of the right handlebar, there are two LEDs, red (8) and white (7). They are connected directly to the connectors installed in the mechanical sliding-sliding and tilting units of the blinds. The white LED indicates - forward movement, red - sharp braking. How these modes are implemented will be discussed in more detail below.
About rotary knobs, I think it's not worth talking too much. Left (2), - sliding blinds with an increase in the active surface, - vertical thrust. Right (6), - changing the angle of rotation of each shutter plate around the horizontal axis, - horizontal traction.

Below the toggle switch and the starter button there are two mechanical locking buttons (14, 9), looking into the pilot's stomach. They are connected to rotary knobs according to the principle "if you don't press it, you won't turn it". To turn the handle, you need to press the corresponding button with your thumb (release the handle stroke), and then you can turn it freely while holding the button. This is what Grebennikov does when taking off in the photograph. If you release the button, the handle will remain fixed in the current position (at this angle). This facilitates the hovering mode and simply helps to choose a fixed altitude and flight speed (and the flight time is not small).
All other "convex" elements on the first knee of the steering wheel are fixing screws. There are no other controls and diagnostics, except for those indicated by me. The most interesting thing is that the upper (first) segment of the steering wheel TURNS like a regular bike (!), - controlling the mechanism of platform rotation (asynchronous rotation of symmetrical block panels). The turning force is transmitted through a flexible elastic cable (about 10 mm in diameter). The largest screw on the handlebar (13), centered under the compass, is where this cable is attached. When attaching the rack as a whole to the platform, this swivel cable is inserted into the central socket (the largest in the photo, where Grebennikov holds his "suitcase"). "After loosening the wing nuts on the control post, I shorten it, like an antenna on a portable receiver, pull it out of the platform, which I fold in half on hinges."- Grebennikov "pulls out of the platform" this cable.
By the way, the photographs clearly show that the steering wheel had the ability to turn. On black and white - it is turned to the right (orient yourself) along the arrow (12) and the marks at the bottom of the first knee. On the color one, the steering wheel is turned, on the contrary, to the left. Who knows the laws of perspective, for that it is obvious (we see the right side surface of the platform itself and at the same time the LEFT end of the first knee of the steering wheel). A bracket (10) was welded next to the bolt for attaching the swivel cable, to which Grebennikov tied himself with a belt. Perhaps, on the first knee - everything.
The second knee is of no interest - this is an ordinary tube. It is only worth saying that it does NOT turn (does not spin) with the first, but is firmly screwed to the third, which, in turn, is screwed to the fourth motionless. The lamb on the first knee (11) DOES NOT FASTEN the first to the second - it presses a special bushing, with the help of which, in fact, the steering wheel turns. There is a button on the third knee - facing the pilot. For the fact that this is a button, and not an LED, says that Grebennikov painted it with the same brown paint as the rack itself. Who paints LEDs that don't glow bright anyway? Why this button is needed, I think we will never know. As, however, we do not recognize the purpose of the lamb on the fourth knee (approximately in the center, directed towards the pilot), I did not even mark it (see the figure below).
The fourth elbow ends with a perpendicular flange (25 - with three bolts), which reduces the very "pulling out" moment. The lower elbow cannot rotate because the lower side rotary handle device is welded to it. The body of this device (17) is a CYLINDRICAL piece of pipe (horizontally welded to the post). The free end of the case is cut at an angle (about 40 degrees) and closed with a round plug plate (16) on three small screws. In the center of the plug we have a hole from which our handle sticks out (15). The handle is spring-loaded and has a mechanical nature. Note the rod (18) from the handle body to the control box. In fact, this is a hollow tube in which either a cable or a rod with a larva at the end slides (the larva is below). When the stick is turned AWAY from the pilot, flight is not possible. If you turn it to the pilot, then the flight is allowed. How the clutch / decoupling device itself is arranged is not important, the essence that the handle performs is important. Of course, there is a fully developed design and principle of operation of this pen, but, I note again, everything can work with accuracy, but vice versa, and therefore there is no need to bother with it. Anyway, on our installation we will do it differently. The main thing is the principle of the mover (but more on that later)! On the upper surface of the handle body there is a tuning element (26), resembling a cylinder with a horizontal metal rod, for which, in fact, it is twisted. It adjusts the accuracy of the clutch-disengagement mechanism (pulls up the cable or something like that). In my opinion, the essence of the handle is an ordinary mechanical safety device that blocks the accidental operation of the platform's anti-gravitators in the absence of a pilot.

Scheme of elements of the fourth (lower) knee of the rack

Now about the box at the base of the rack. Four lambs (19, 24) on the upper surface of the box are the fasteners of the stand to the platform. Two lateral (diametrically opposite) lambs (20, 23) adjust the accuracy of operation of the "distributors" (accuracy of information and synchronization of blinds). "Distributors", and there are two of them - the left one (for sliding the blinds elements) and the right one (for changing the inclination of the blinds elements), are also thoroughly worked out, but I will not occupy your head, due to uselessness. It is only important to understand that each mechanical "distributor" of forces (located horizontally) has one cable from each of the rotary knobs on the steering wheel. Next comes the distribution of effort through several cables to all four blocks of blinds.

From the pilot's side in the box there is a pedal (22) for the right foot. The function of the pedal is sharp braking (however, normal braking too). I will tell you in more detail how this happens in the description of the blinds device.
Next to the pedal (to the left of it) is another electric click toggle switch (21). It is bright orange in color and either made of translucent plastic with illumination from the inside (LED), or opaque, but then covered with glow-in-the-dark paint (based on phosphorus or something like that). Why is this needed? Precisely because its use is meant exclusively at night, i.e. in limited light conditions.
And what does he manage? A small headlight (like a reflector from a flashlight) is installed on the front side of the box - it is he who turns it on. The light bulb is also used from a flashlight and is connected through a resistor to a small battery hidden in the same box at the base of the steering wheel (an analogue of the Krona 9-volt battery - it has the same dimensions, only cylindrical). I note that to power all the LEDs, the headlight and the high-voltage converter, to recharge the capacitor plates in the propulsion system, the capacity of such a battery is enough for a couple of weeks of continuous operation (at least for a sufficiently long period). In addition, it can be recharged at home. The headlight can be used during takeoff and landing, while in flight it is useless for two reasons. Firstly, there, at a height, there is nothing to cover. Secondly, with sufficient power of the emitters of the platform, the latter becomes invisible and does not emit light beyond the limits of its field, more about this in the section on the phenomenon of invisibility. In addition, it is quite difficult to RANDOMLY step on a glow-in-the-dark toggle switch and break it, because it is not located very well. That's all for the rack device, let's move on to the consideration of the platform itself.

platform foundation

A certain Robertson.A. in the forum he raised the question - what exactly did Grebennikov make his "sketchbook" from?
Grebennikov did not make a gravitoplane in the form of a sketchbook, he made it from a sketchbook - I did a little research - and numerous screws and lambs - these are nothing more than parts of a sketchbook, slightly modified.
An investigation is, of course, good, but I strongly DO NOT recommend (and to everyone in the future) to pull "inappropriate" facts by the ears. We quickly found out that there was no resemblance to the sketchbooks, but nevertheless everyone (!) put a tick in their notebooks and happily forgot about this incident. The most obvious fact is that each of the halves of Grebennikov's sketchbook is made from a SINGLE piece of wood, and commercially produced sketchbooks are made from multilayer plywood plus the sides are glued. The same Mister X shared the exact information in a letter: “They are really solid, but this is a box from the ancient Soviet packaging of microscopes, I saw such ones - the thickness of the outer walls is 8 mm; the thickness of the ribs is about 50 mm. Get your hands on such a package (now not produced) in certain circles is already a feat, a valuable rarity. All he had to do was take out the foam padding from it, select it in the corners and proliferate the case, which he did. " - As they say, comments are superfluous ...
Although no, I think it's worth adding the following. Tsap-Tsarapych once remarked:
Dragons" Lord wrote that the thickness of the board is 8 mm, and this canopy is attached to the bolts. It is not reliable somehow - it will easily break off in flight along with the meat.
Sober thought. I think that Grebennikov strengthened the base planes from the inside with sheet metal. Let us now note this fact - without explanation, just remember. Another invisible front fighter, Sib, noted:
If the walls are 8 mm - this is rather flimsy - support even for 100 kg of total weight. God forbid you land not at zero speed - you just cut off the edge on the asphalt ... There must be a solid stand at least.
For those who are "in the tank", I will explain in a popular way: the sketchbook looks like a chessboard, its side boards are about 5 cm thick (see above). Moreover, many are mistaken that the L-shaped corner is attached with lambs. In fact, this is a U-shaped profile. Plus, - from the bottom there are also the heads of the mounting bolts.

Blinds (block panels)

So, we are interested, first of all, in the design of blinds. Remember how in the last article I, discussing the number of emitters, drew your attention to the "symbolic" white rays coming from the corners of the platform, on the sketch of Grebennikov himself? The thing is, it's NOT symbolism! In fact, the blinds are structurally ordinary FANS assembled from flat elongated elements. In total we have four fans. Four axes, one for each, are fixed vertically at the corners of the platform, which is very clearly visible in the photographs. By the way, Evgeny Arsentiev on his website "http://evg-ars.narod.ru" (be sure to visit) drew the attention of visitors, here's a fact. Indeed, there is one picture drawn by Grebennikov himself, in which he depicted his apparatus from the BOTTOM!!! This is the moment when he hovered over the plant on that memorable, first, unsuccessful flight.

View of the platform from below (the device of the rear blinds-fans is visible)

In the photographs, you can also find two bolt heads, approximately in the middle of each half of the sketchbook. This is the fastening of the distributing mechanism, which transfers the force from the "distributors" to the fan opening device. Each fan consists of nine plates. The plates, for reasons of strength, are made of sheet metal. Microgrids are glued on the top side of each such plate. On the one hand, the metal does not interfere with the work of the nets, because the EPS effect (the effect of cavity structures) is not shielded by anything, on the other hand, it protects them from mechanical influences - the same grass, when planting. The holes in the plates that you see have nothing to do with microcells. They are made solely to lighten the weight of the metal plates themselves - see how tensely Grebennikov holds his sketchbook, even in a lightweight version?
It is the grids that generate the anti-gravity effect (through the EPS effect), but in order for them to work effectively at full capacity, they need "power". In the corresponding section, I will give the most important lines from a variety of theories that explain the essence of EPS. Roughly speaking, EPS works like this: any material consists of microparticles that vibrate with a frequency characteristic only of this material (read Tesla's cosmology, the works of John Vorel Keely, Thomas Henry Moray, Wilhelm Reich, etc.), - by the way, all these comrades (except the last , who was engaged exclusively in EPS) made real perpetual motion machines, but this is not discussed in this article. So, as a result of such intra-atomic vibrations in the surrounding space around any object there is standing wave(and further, in all directions from the object, discrete "reflections" or in other words, the maxima of such a wave). As I said, for any material, the frequency and wavelength of such vibrations are unique (according to Grebennikov, this is "reflection of de Broglie waves"). If you make a CAVITY, then its walls begin to "radiate" in the direction of each other or at tricky angles, and with the right size of such a cell, the wave maxima add up, - the field is strengthened at a given point in space (field antinode).
So, we draw conclusions. First: you need as many surfaces per cell as possible (oddly enough, but a polygon with the maximum number of sides that can fill a plane without gaps, and even fractally, is a hexagon). Second: the smaller the size of one cell, the more planes we will have for the same volume. And the more cells, and hence the planes, the stronger the EPS effect.

Story Prologue

I recently unearthed a small article on the Internet with a good idea. More precisely, this is one of the chapters of the book by V.S. Grebennikov "My World". Having analyzed this “history” and thoroughly “leaked water” from the text, I present it to your judgment.


The first impression of the article: this is a complete bluff and bullshit; on the face all the signs of a hoax, spiced with death agony to imprint oneself forever in the minds / hearts / memory of descendants. Pepper just rushes from nature, all sorts of bells and birch trees, bumblebees and butterflies ... and in order to somehow convey this to the people, it abundantly dilutes the action with fantasy, a la, how cool I have been flying without gasoline and electricity for several years now!

It would not be worth paying attention to this, if not for one BUT - the pictures of the finished device are given, quite large and clear. And even in action! Post impression: no matter how much I would like to become famous and push the linden to the masses, but I know for sure - I would be too lazy to assemble a model of supposedly a working device for this ... We conclude that either the device exists and works, or the cormorant is completely crazy (with pronounced inferiority complex). I'm hoping for the first one...

The main bummer is this: as one would expect, the pepper clamped the device of the most porous / cellular structure, i.e. mover, without which the whole device is just scrap metal. The photographs also do not show these anti-gravity panels. Grebennikov promises to reveal the secret in the next book, - she came out, whether or not, I do not know. However, it is reliably known that our naturalist died in the spring of 2001, possibly taking his knowledge to the grave. The last clue is his friend who wrote the opening commentary on the book. So, the task is: either to find the house where our hero lived and worked and fumble for the presence of a known design - further, a matter of technology (simple reengineering), or we are looking for this friend (possibly the family and archive of a scientist) and find out the secret ..., - further, the same scenario.

A friend of our pepper is Yu.N. Cherednichenko, Art. researcher Laboratory of Biophysics of the Research Institute of General Pathology and Human Ecology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, lives 10 km. from his home, is well acquainted with Viktor Stepanovich and his work. Claims that the discovery is recorded on paper in the researcher's manuscripts. All the action takes place near Novosibirsk in the academic campus called VASKhNIL-gorodok. Here is what I learned from the text for those who live closer and are not too lazy to find out everything to the end: - Grebennikov lived in one of the five-story buildings in the middle of a residential area, around which there are nine-story buildings in two circles a kilometer in diameter. More landmarks: from Novosibirsk towards the North Chemsky vein of the array, crossing the Novosibirsk-Akademgorodok highway, and further, crossing the field, we find ourselves on the spot (see the map of the Novosibirsk region).

mysterious insect

Let's move on to the device itself. The effect underlying the model, the author himself called the "cavitary structure effect" or EPS. Like, any cavity cellular structures radiate SOMETHING that is not caught by any devices. According to his assurances, EPS cannot be screened (I wonder how he then regulated the traction of the platform - in no way, with opposing block panels directed in the opposite direction, but let's figure it out further). As far as I understand, the panels are based on a rather complex, and therefore rare, structure, which the author discovered for the first time on the chitinous elytra of a certain insect. What kind of insect is this, the cormorant NATURALLY does not say (I'm all about the signs of a hoax). By the way, this is the number three way out to unravel the phenomenon - it's stupid to catch all the insects around Novosibirsk and in all species and subspecies to examine their elytra from the underside under a microscope. In contrast to the author's assertions that there are so many species of insects on earth that dozens of generations will not be enough to analyze them all, I will note that in the indicated zone there are a limited number of them and this path is quite real (although we will not follow it, because it is precisely this and the smart-ass author of the book wants, - like, we will all become entomologists, as one). A few more places where he could catch his mysterious creature: 1. The steppe, in the Kamyshlovskaya valley - the remnant of the former powerful tributary of the Irtysh, 2. The territory of the entomological reserve in the Omsk region, 3. The surroundings of Isilkul - only eleven "entomoparks": eight in Omsk region, one in Voronezh, two in Novosibirsk. Cormorant says that he caught them in the evenings in the light. Let us conclude with a high degree of probability that the insect flies. Even in the text there are hints that the chrysalis or larva of this beast lives in the ground.

Here is verbatim what he writes about his find: “In the summer of 1988, looking through a microscope at the chitinous covers of insects, their feathery antennae, the thinnest scales of butterfly wings, the wings of lacewings with iridescent overflow and other Patents of Nature, I became interested in the unusually rhythmic microstructure of one from fairly large insect parts. It was an extremely ordered composition, as if stamped on some kind of complex machine according to special drawings and calculations. In my opinion, this incomparable cellularity was clearly not required either for the strength of this part, or for its decoration. I have not observed anything like this, even remotely resembling this unusual amazing micro pattern, either in other insects, or in the rest of nature, or in technology or art; because it is multidimensional in volume, I still have not been able to repeat it on a flat drawing or photo. - Yeah! After all, it falls on the ears of the "suckers" ... Yes, pay attention that he was considering BUTTERFLIES, and the detail is quite large - is there a wing?

Or here's another small one interesting point: “I put this small concave chitinous plate on the microscope table in order to once again examine its strange-stellar cells at high magnification. I admired yet another masterpiece of Nature the Jeweler, and almost without any purpose put on it with tweezers another exactly the same plate with these unusual cells on one of its sides. But it wasn’t there: the part escaped from the tweezers, hung in the air for a couple of seconds above the one on the microscope table, turned a little clockwise, moved out - through the air! - to the right, turned counterclockwise, swayed, and only then quickly and sharply fell on the table. - Although, if this is a butterfly, then it is not clear why the plate is CONCAVE, because the wings of butterflies are flat.

Actually, the device

“So we have the anti-gravity effects of the chitinous integuments of some insects. But the most impressive accompanying phenomenon of this phenomenon is the phenomenon of complete or partial invisibility or distorted perception of a material object located in the zone of compensated gravity. Based on this discovery, using bionic principles, the author designed and built an anti-gravity platform, and also practically developed the principles of controlled flight at speeds up to 25 km/min. Since 1991-92, the device has been used by the author as a means of rapid transportation. Estimate - it was he who flew in the form of a UFO for ten years !!!

As for any extraneous effects of the opening, here is another piece: “I connected several panels with wire; it was not without difficulty, and then only when I took them vertically. It turned out such a multi-layered "chitino block". He put it on the table. Even such a relatively heavy object as a large pushpin could not fall on him: something, as it were, beat it up and then to the side. I attached the button on top to the “block” - and then such incongruous, incredible things began - in particular, for some moments the button completely disappeared from view! - Well, okay, we don’t really need invisibility yet ... - we really want to fly! By the way, interesting fact about the inviolability of the "cocoon" space above the constructed platform: "... the power protection of the platform with block panels" cut out "from the space an invisible column or beam diverging upwards, cutting off the attraction of the platform to the Earth - but not me and not the air that is inside this column above her; all this, as I think, during the flight, as it were, pushes the space apart, and behind me closes it again, slams it shut. It is very good that the wind does not interfere with flying, whoever drove a moped or motorcycle without a helmet will understand me.

We approach directly to the device device. I will cite meager clippings from the original, and provide them with some comments (cuttings are scarce not because I cut them, but because there are really few of them, but here are lafs, like “how beautiful the world is” before the place itself). “In flight, I rest my feet on a flat rectangular platform, a little more than a chair cover - with a stand and two handles, which I hold on to and with which I control the device.” - So, appearance platforms appreciated. It's clear from the photo...

“Having loosened the wing nuts on the control post, I shorten it, like an antenna for a portable receiver, pull it out of the platform, which I fold in half on hinges. Now it looks almost like a sketchbook - a box for paints, only a little thicker. - We, of course, do not need to disguise the device as a sketchbook, but for the desire to minimize it when folded, I give the dude five points. What remains unclear is - does he put the folded "rudder" inside the sketchbook, or does it transport it separately? There is a small hint in the next piece: "In the backpack, disguised as a sketchbook, lies, folded in half, and therefore neutralized, a platform with gravitational fine-mesh block filters, and between them, also foldable, a stand with field regulators and a strap - I tied to the bar." - Can the words “and between them” be regarded as the phrase “in the space of a folded box”? According to my estimates, even if there were no anti-gravity block panels in the box at all, then the folded steering wheel would still not fit there ...

By the way, it is not entirely clear why the author used the link “block filters” and not “block panels”, since the word “filters” is used later in another link, as I think, in the correct meaning: “Declining and slowing down, but this is done by offsetting the louvers-filters that are under the platform board. - The filter, in fact, must filter something or otherwise "partially pass", i.e. in some sense "dosing". And in the phrase with blinds, it is obviously applied correctly.

“With the movement of the handle, I again push the blinds of the panels and abruptly, like a candle, I go vertically upwards.” - Everything is clear and obvious. There is a kind of cellular structure of anti-gravity, in fact, a rectangular (in the shape of a sketchbook) board that emits invisible waves vertically downwards, compensating for the gravity of the earth. There are blinds, similar to slots and flat shutters, these slots temporarily open, and thus give traction to the apparatus. “A flexible cable inside the handlebar transfers movement from the left handgrip to the gravity louvers. Moving and pushing these "elytra", I make an ascent or landing.

Further, it is interesting to find out how he moved in the horizontal plane: " Top part of my device and is truly “bicycle”: the right handle is for horizontally translational movement, which is achieved by the general inclination of both groups of “elytra”-blinds, also through a cable. "- Some strange force, the direction of which can be changed by tilting the blinds, you do not This is the most incomprehensible thing in the entire description... The only thing we learned from this paragraph is that there are TWO groups of blinds.Maybe on the front and back block of the anti-gravity panel, because there are also two of them, since the sketchbook is folded On the other hand, I constantly wonder (as a designer) - how did he turn? After all, one of the solutions to this issue is the presence of a LEFT and RIGHT block of panels, and a decrease in output power on one of them (or an increase on the other ) the platform is rotated in this direction. In general, I don’t know what to think. Maybe someone who read the original noticed something that I missed, or there are some interesting ideas about this, please share...

Just recently, I thought: “But what if the anti-gravity panels are actually cut into strips and glued to the rotating blinds, then you can adjust the direction of the thrust in any direction - technically this is doable. And the anti-gravity force screens are actually motionless and structurally, simply, located below the blinds.

“I managed to do an emergency reconfiguration of the block panels with sin in half. The horizontal movement began to slow down ... ”- For emergency reconfiguration, obviously, a small handle is intended at the base of the rudder attachment to the platform, which, at first, discouraging me. I think that it is rigidly (by means of rods and levers) connected with the blinds and freely changes position when manipulating the handles of the device, i.e. duplicates the control of the cables from the left and right handles. So, to summarize: the movement is controlled by the right handle, by tilting the blinds; gravity control is carried out by the left handle, by sliding/shifting the elements of the blinds with a decrease/increase in the working plane of the anti-gravity panel (through slots in the blinds).

“Home-made, in a backpack, an apparatus that develops anti-aircraft thrust not much less than a centner, and horizontal speed - at most thirty to forty kilometers per minute.” - Not sickly, considering also the fact that the anti-gravity panels have a small working surface. After all, there is VERY LITTLE space for panels inside the sketchbook.

Okay, let's move on to the pictures of the device in action. It should be noted that the original pictures were of better quality - here I slightly squeezed them into jpg. When analyzing the submitted materials, I come to the conclusion (I have sufficient knowledge of photography and computer editing) that the photographs are genuine. The author of the device really hovers without any support at the same place where he had previously stood on the ground. The texture of the ground and the cast shadows give no reason to doubt this. Jumping to this height with such a platform is not possible, and the dynamics of the body itself and clothes would easily betray this. So the anti-gravity panel exists and works?!!! Or do I perceive wishful thinking, because I so want to believe in it?

Yes, I almost forgot, pay attention to the round object in the center of the steering wheel. Very similar to a measuring device. There is not a word about this in the text. What is an altimeter? Or maybe a speedometer? .. Solid questions.

P.S.: In general, very interesting material, in my opinion. Here are just a couple of reasons: 1. - I really want to fly;), 2. I came to the conclusion in life that everything ingenious is simple, and this is present here one hundred percent! In short, guys, the only problem is a very small amount of information on this issue. A huge request to those who live close to the unfolding events, find the source and find out all the constructive questions. And a request to everyone in general - share your thoughts on this device with me (preferably on the forum and, if possible, constructive). I want to communicate with the same enthusiastic people as myself :) ...

A few months after writing this article, I re-read the original more carefully and noticed some unspoken nuances. All details below.

Firstly, in the original, nevertheless, it is written what kind of detail of the insect's body carries the prototype of the cellular structure. This is the "bottom of the elytra" - and they are, indeed, curved. That is, we are not dealing with a butterfly, but with a beetle (flying). Elytra - these are the details that, for example, in a ladybug are red and painted with black polka dots, and close the wings from above in a protective cover. During flight, the elytra spread apart, and with the help of the detected anti-gravity effect, help to support the fleshy (fat, thick) body of our beetle.

In the description of one unsuccessful night flight, there is such a place, I quote: "... the block panel of the right side of the carrier platform got stuck ...". As you can see, my doubts about the design solution to the problem of turning the platform in flight had a real basis. There are really two block panels: left and right. They, moreover, if you have not forgotten, ONLY TWO.

I noticed that the word "filters" is applied somehow not correctly. It turns out that the author himself calls them so consciously (on purpose, with meaning, or not?), Here is a quote: "... gravitational platform-filters (or, as I call them in short - block panels) of these devices ...". It didn't get clearer, of course. - What does the platform filter?

Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov is a natural scientist, a professional entomologist, an artist and simply a comprehensively developed person with a wide range of interests.

He is known to many as the discoverer of the cavity structure effect (CSE). But not everyone is familiar with his other discovery, also borrowed from among the innermost secrets of living Nature.

Back in 1988, he discovered the antigravitational effects of the chitinous covers of some insects. But the most impressive accompanying phenomenon of this phenomenon is the phenomenon of complete or partial invisibility or distorted perception of a material object located in the zone of compensated gravity.

Based on this discovery, using bionic principles, the author designed and built an anti-gravity platform, and also practically developed the principles of controlled flight at speeds up to 25 km/min. From 1991-92, the device was used by the author as a means of rapid transportation.

Much is described by him in the wonderful book "My World" (In it, he was going to describe the detailed structure of the gravity aircraft and how to make it. They didn't give it! ..)

Yes, and his death raises questions. Officially, he was exposed to unknown exposures during experiments with his platform.

Who among us has not dreamed of free flight ... Without any engines, without complex and expensive devices, without massive machines, in which there is only a small free space for the pilot, not to depend on any weather conditions. Like in a dream, just pick up and fly.

When I was little, I was surprised to discover that this, it turns out, is possible. Well, not almost like that, of course, the device was still necessary, but it met almost all the requirements. And I was struck to the core by an article in the magazine "Technology of Youth", No. 4 for 1993. It said that the entomologist Viktor Grebennikov made a real anti-gravity from butterfly wings. Eh ... how many butterflies then died due to the fact that I was trying to find the one that was described in this article.

In general, I offer you this note from the journal, plus a little more information for thought:

In the summer of 1988, examining under a microscope the chitinous covers of insects, their feathery antennae, the thinnest scales of butterfly wings, the wings of lacewings with iridescent overflow and other Patents of Nature, I became interested in the unusually rhythmic microstructure of one of the rather large details. It was an extremely ordered composition, as if stamped on some complex automaton. In my opinion, such an incomparable cellularity was clearly not required either for the strength of this part, or for its decoration.

Nothing like this, even remotely resembling such an unusual amazing micro-pattern, I have not observed either in nature, or in technology or art. Because it is multidimensional in volume, I still have not been able to repeat it on a flat drawing or photo. Why was such a structure needed at the bottom of the elytra? Moreover, almost always it is hidden from view and nowhere, except in flight, you can not see it.

I suspected: is it not a wave beacon, a special device that emits certain waves, impulses? If so, then the "beacon" should have "my" effect of multi-cavity structures. In that truly happy summer there were a lot of insects of this species, and I caught them in the evenings in the light.

I put a small concave chitinous plate on the microscope stage in order to once again examine its strange-stellar cells at high magnification. He admired yet another masterpiece of Nature the Jeweler and, almost without any purpose, put on it with tweezers another exactly the same plate with unusual cells on one of its sides.

But it wasn’t there: the part escaped from the tweezers, hung in the air for a couple of seconds above the one on the microscope table, turned a little clockwise, moved out - through the air! - to the right, turned counterclockwise, swayed and only then quickly and sharply fell on the table. What I experienced at that moment - the reader can only imagine ...

Recovering my senses, I connected several "panels" with wire, this was not without difficulty, and then only when I took them vertically. It turned out a multi-layer "chitino block". He put it on the table. Even such a comparatively heavy object as a large pushpin could not fall on it, as if something was upholstering it up and then to the side. I attached the button from above to the “block” - and then such incongruous, incredible things began (in particular, for some moments the button completely disappeared from view) that I realized that this was not only a signal beacon, but also a more ingenious device that works with to make it easier for the insect to fly.

And again my breath was taken away, and again from excitement all the objects around me floated as if in a fog, but I, though with difficulty, nevertheless pulled myself together and after two hours I was able to continue my work.

It is with this remarkable case that, in fact, it all began. And it ended with the construction of my so far unsightly, but tolerably working gravitoplane.

Much, of course, still needs to be rethought, tested, tested. Of course, someday I will tell the reader about the “subtleties” of the operation of my device, and about the principles of its movement, distances, altitudes, speeds, equipment and everything else. In the meantime, about my first flight. It was extremely risky, I made it on the night of March 17-18, 1990, without waiting for the summer season and being too lazy to drive off to a deserted area.

Failures began even before takeoff. The block panels on the right side of the carrier platform were jammed, which should have been fixed immediately, but I did not. I got up right from the street of our Krasnoobsk (it is located not far from Novosibirsk), recklessly believing that at the second hour of the night everyone was sleeping and no one could see me. The climb seemed to start normally, but after a few seconds, when the houses with rare luminous windows went down and I was about a hundred meters above the ground, I felt ill, as if before a faint. Then some powerful force seemed to snatch the traffic control from me and dragged me inexorably towards the city.

Drawn by this unexpected, uncontrollable force, I crossed the second circle of nine-story residential buildings, flew over a narrow snow-covered field, obliquely crossed the highway Novosibirsk - Akademgorodok, Severo-Chemskoy housing estate ... It was advancing on me - and quickly! - the dark bulk of Novosibirsk, and now almost several “bouquets” of tall factory chimneys are almost nearby, many of which, I remember well, slowly and densely smoked: the night shift was working ... Something had to be done urgently. The apparatus was out of control.

Nevertheless, I managed to do an emergency reconfiguration of the block panels with sin in half. The horizontal movement began to slow down, but then I felt sick again, which is completely unacceptable in flight. Only from the fourth time it was possible to extinguish the horizontal movement and hover over the village of Zatulinka. After resting for a few minutes - if one can call rest the strange hovering over the illuminated fence of some factory, next to which immediately began residential quarters - and with relief convinced that the "evil force" had disappeared, I glided back, but not immediately towards our scientific agricultural town in Krasnoobsk, and to the right, to Tolmachev, to confuse the trail in case someone noticed me. And about halfway to the airport, over some dark night fields, where there was obviously not a soul, I turned sharply home ...

The next day, naturally, he could not get out of bed. The news reported on television and in the newspapers was more than disturbing to me. Headlines "UFO over Zatulinka", "Aliens again?" they clearly said that my flight was spotted. But how! Some perceived the "phenomenon" as a luminous ball or disk, and many "saw" for some reason not one, but ... two! Involuntarily you will say: “Fear has big eyes.” Others claimed that a “real saucer” was flying with portholes and rays ...

I do not exclude the possibility that some Zatul residents saw by no means my emergency exercises, but something else that had nothing to do with them. Moreover, March 1990 was extremely “fruitful” on UFOs in Siberia, and in the Non-Black Earth Region, and in the south of the country ... And not only here, but also, say, in Belgium, where on the night of March 31, engineer Marcel Alferlan filmed video camera a two-minute film about the flight of one of the huge "black triangles". They, according to the authoritative conclusion of Belgian scientists, are nothing more than "material objects, and with capabilities that no civilization is yet able to create."

So "none"? I presume that the gravitational filter platforms (or, let's call it briefly, block panels) of these "alien" devices were made on Earth, but on a more solid and serious base, whose almost half-wooden device is mine. I immediately wanted to make the platform triangular - it is much more reliable - but I leaned in favor of a quadrangular one, because it is easier to fold. Folded, it resembles a suitcase, a sketchbook or a “diplomat”.

…Why don't I reveal the essence of my discovery - the principle of operation of a gravitoplan?

Firstly, because proof requires time and effort. I don't have one or the other. I know from the bitter experience of "pushing through" previous finds, in particular, testifying to the extraordinary effect of cavity structures. This is how my many years of troubles about his scientific recognition ended: "According to this application for discovery, further correspondence with you is inappropriate." I know some of the Masters of the Fates of science personally and I’m sure, get to such a reception, open your “sketchbook”, join the stand, turn the handles and soar before his eyes to the ceiling - the owner of the office will not react, or even order to put the magician out .

The second reason for my "non-disclosure" is more objective. Only in one species of Siberian insects did I find anti-gravity structures. I don’t even name the detachment to which the unique insect belongs: it seems to be on the verge of extinction, and the then outbreak of numbers was, perhaps, local and one of the last. So, if I point out the family and the species - where are the guarantees that dishonest people who have the slightest understanding of entomology, grabbers, entrepreneurs will not rush along ravines, meadows to catch, perhaps, the last specimens of this Miracle of Nature, for which no one will stop before anything, even if you need to plow hundreds of fields! Prey is too tempting!

I hope that I will be understood and forgiven by those who would like to immediately get acquainted with Nakhodka just for the sake of interest and without selfish intent, can I now do otherwise for the sake of saving Living Nature? Moreover, I see that others seem to have already invented something similar, but they are in no hurry to inform everyone, preferring to keep the secret to themselves.

Grebennikov also published the book "My World", in which he describes this gravitol.

The question of how the platform works, after the publication, was asked not only by enthusiastic researchers, but also by many other inquisitive minds, even those far from science and technology. After all, in fact, the life and work of the scientist V. S. Grebennikov and his legacy carry so much beauty ... And I, like all other admirers of his work, still want to believe that real flights and his gravitoplane platform, this is not fiction.

Let us ask ourselves the question of the search for truth, or at least try to get closer to it.

Did the platform exist? Yes, it looks like it did. The book contains a number of photographs of this very platform. Enthusiasts-searchers conducted a whole investigation and, it seems, even got their hands on some details of the platform, but without the platform itself, where, supposedly, the propulsion apparatus was located.

And not a single photograph from the book shows the basis of the foundations - the real mover. Why? After all, in fact, the author presented us with photographs of a bicycle without wheels ...

Unlike beautiful color shots of the platform itself, the book contains only two black-and-white photographs with the author on the platform, one of which is “in flight”. Here we will pay special attention to them.

And the first question: “How did the photo in flight turn out, if Grebennikov writes that the platform is invisible in flight?” But the authenticity of the photos is almost beyond doubt. This is already starting to be somewhat alarming ... Simple geometric calculations also show that the platform is "in flight", hanging above the ground no more than 25 cm.

Could this photo be faked? Yes, with modern machines and software systems, you can depict anything you want, but at that time not everyone even knew that computers existed, not to mention even those who actually saw them. So, this event was photographed for real.

And can we now, without the use of sophisticated technology, having built a similar-looking "fly up". If you build a bottom panel out of plywood, and screw a handle from a shovel with a handle to it, then it will turn out to be yes! Even more than that, a man can "fly up", bouncing, by 40-50 cm. It remains only to click the camera at the right moment.

Everything is simple! We all fly! By the way, do not forget to fully unbend at maximum height when posing for the public. Pull the platform up only with your hands, and not with your whole body. And then from the pictures a penetrating look will immediately suspect something was wrong. A lot of blunders, just visible in the only photographs of the "flight".

In the left photo, a person stands almost straight: legs, torso. The head is tilted, as if he is looking at the steering wheel. Pay attention to the angle of the bend of the arms in the elbow joints and the location of the shoulders.

What's in the right photo? It's just obvious! He twisted, pulling the wheel platform under him. At the same time, centering it under your feet is difficult, you need to look down. Pay attention to the shoulders? Why are they so raised, and the neck, as it were, is pressed into the body? Maybe it was not depressed at all, but just a jacket, due to inertia, flew higher than a person when Grebennikov had already "went down"?

And, finally, it is worth noting that Viktor Grebennikov was an entomologist. And this science at that time experienced quite big problems, both with "advertising" and with new researchers. And, the article about anti-gravity from bugs came in handy, fueling interest in entomology in general. The calculation was just not for flights, but for the study of our smaller brothers. And Grebennikov succeeded 100%, with which we congratulate him!