7 habits to help you lose weight. Effective weight loss: we solve problems and develop the right habits. Hunger or Thirst? Check before you eat

Diets have only a temporary effect, and exercise in the gym is useless if there is no system and regularity in them. In order to lose weight guaranteed and without fear of gaining extra pounds again, you need to change your own habits. Hard? Much easier than it sounds. You just need to start.

1. The habit of drinking water after waking up

Enough has been said about the importance of water. But in this case, it's not even a matter of combating dehydration (although 8-9 hours of sleep without drinking is not a joke). For Japanese women, who are famous for their slimness and longevity, drinking water immediately after waking up is a mandatory ritual, along with brushing your teeth and washing your face. So, just follow the example of Japanese women and introduce a new habit that activates metabolic processes in the body and prepares your gastrointestinal tract for work.

2. The habit of always having breakfast

This is a habit that needs to be developed once and for all. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. During a night's sleep, your body managed to get hungry and skipping breakfast for it is stress that will provoke a slowdown in metabolism, which means everything. what you eat next, your body will try to postpone for future use. Just in case.

Breakfast awakens the body, starts the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Metabolism is accelerated and calories are not stored on the sides. It is on this first meal that you can afford more than all subsequent meals, with almost impunity. Of course, we are talking about the morning meal. If you've been in bed before noon, the hearty breakfast rule is canceled.

3. The habit of eating every 3-4 hours

The feeling of hunger is the first enemy of harmony. With a feeling of hunger, it is not even recommended to go to the grocery store - with a 99.9% probability you will buy more than you need there. And it is all the more impossible to sit down with this feeling at the table. You will have time to overeat before you realize that you have overdone it. The optimal breaks between meals are 3-4 hours. At the same time, a portion per serving should not exceed 300 grams (which is not difficult if you eat at such a frequency). Yes, it means a departure from the classic "first, second and compote". Change your habit. Meals include not only breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also light snacks.

4. The habit of controlling salt intake

Salt not only retains water in the body, which in itself adds both weight and volume to the body. The main problem with salt is that it is a powerful appetite stimulant. Salty foods are certainly habitually identified by our taste buds as tastier, making it harder for us to stop in time. But remember that young children are great at eating food without salt and sugar. Moreover, until a certain time, many children do not tolerate salty food. Getting used to it happens gradually. And in the same way, you can turn the situation around. Get in the habit of adding less salt to what you eat. Or not salt at all.

5. The habit of drinking tea without sugar

It's great if you already have this habit. However, most of us have been accustomed to drinking sweet tea since childhood (hello to kindergartens and schools, where the option “tea without sugar simply does not exist). If you still throw in even one lump of sugar in your cup, or sweeten your tea with sweeteners, relearn. Remember that tea is a healthy drink that has historically been prepared without added sugar. Read more about tea and its wonderful properties, love the taste of natural tea, not spoiled by sweetness. If you can't drink black tea without sweetening it, then discover oolong tea. It is easier to drink without sugar, and most importantly, it is considered one of the foods that affect lipid metabolism in the body. Simply put, it helps burn excess fat.

6. The habit of taking food with you to work

This habit is necessary to learn how to control the amount of fat, salt and sugar entering the body. When you dine in a cafe, restaurant, or buy ready-made food in cooking, you cannot be sure that this food is prepared according to all the rules of a healthy diet. More often than not, store-bought food, even salads, have a lot more hidden fat and salt than you'd like. Learn to plan your snacks and meals in the office. Buy yourself some nice a la carte lunch boxes (there are an impressive selection of them today) and a neoprene bag to transport them. Thinking about food for a working day can become not only a good habit, but also allow you not to overpay for meals, which only add inches to your waist.

7. The habit of keeping a healthy snack at work

No matter how we plan our meals for the day, no one is insured against force majeure. It's trite, you can forget your lunch box at home and be left without lunch. In such a situation, the most dangerous thing is to go on an empty stomach to the nearest cookery or cafe. Train yourself to keep something in your work area that can be a healthy alternative to unhealthy snacks. One of our colleagues, for example, keeps a beautiful round vase on her table, in which there are always fresh apples. Another editor, Marie Claire, always has a few of the right natural ingredients in his drawer. And in the editorial refrigerator you can find kefir and low-fat cottage cheese.

8. The habit of doing a "glass of water test"

Sometimes we start to feel hungry just an hour or two after eating. And we grab a snack. However, most nutritionists agree that we often confuse hunger with thirst. That is, when it seems to us that we are hungry, in fact, our body is thirsty. This "misunderstanding" leads to overeating (and, at the same time, does not solve the problem of chronic dehydration). The easiest way to make sure you understand your body correctly is to drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes (preferably doing something other than food). If during this time the feeling of hunger has not passed, most likely, your body really needs new calories. However, more often than not, after 20 minutes, you no longer even remember that you wanted to throw something in your mouth, and calmly live up to the next scheduled meal.

9. The habit of using a pedometer

Download to your smartphone any pedometer tracker that will show you how much you are moving. It doesn't matter if it is not very accurate. Believe me, this is in any case a great motivation to walk more and more often. Or buy any cute pedometer (the design of this gadget can now be found for every taste - from a bracelet to a keychain or a finger ring). Seeing the number of steps taken every day, you, of course, want to set records and overcome yourself, pacing more and more kilometers. Otherwise, it’s not far from giving up elevators, cars and, perhaps, even choosing a bicycle. Kilograms will not just go away, but melt away.

10. The habit of walking before dinner

Use your lunch break to walk for at least 20 minutes. Even workaholics get an hour off. From it, select the first third for the promenade. According to numerous studies, taking a short walk before meals can help curb hunger, as physical activity in the fresh air restores the sensitivity of brain cells, which helps them to better control their needs (including hunger and satiety).

Don't skip breakfast. Otherwise, you will definitely overeat during the day. Eat (coffee is not food) something in the first couple of hours after getting up.

Don't waste your morning preparing breakfast. Pour boiling water overnight. This way you will definitely not miss out on breakfast. Add nuts, fruits, and cinnamon and you have a much more delicious and healthy meal than some of the stuff you bought from a vending machine at work.

Add protein. It will help you stay full longer. But give preference to quality sources of protein: eggs, fish, yogurt.

Forget about buns. Sweet, fluffy buns may look attractive, but this is far from the best option for breakfast (as, indeed, lunch or dinner). Eat balanced meals such as whole grain bread.

Thanks to the catechins it contains, tea speeds up metabolism and promotes fat burning.

Nitrub / Depositphotos.com

Eat breakfast while sitting. As hectic as the morning seems, take 10 minutes to eat in peace. Sit down at the table and focus on food: so there will be more pleasure and satiation.

Wake up earlier. Statistics show that those who get up early are slimmer and happier. Let this be an incentive for you to become a morning person and set your alarm early.

Remind yourself of the goal. Install on your smartphone, which will remind you of your calorie intake. Or glue a piece of paper with this number in a prominent place. This will help you prioritize healthy foods throughout the day.

Weigh yourself regularly. This will help you remember to eat healthy. At the same time, you will never become one of those who "suddenly" gained 15 extra pounds.

As soon as you get out of bed, let the sunlight into the room. It will help normalize circadian rhythms and metabolism. You will feel better and eat less.

undrey / Depositphotos.com

Drink a glass of water. Water will both refresh and speed up metabolism and increase efficiency. Get in the habit of drinking more water.

Meditate... Start your morning with: concentrate on breathing and pleasant thoughts, or better - stop the internal dialogue altogether. Reducing stress levels can help you avoid fat accumulation. And a positive attitude will replace sweets for you.

Exercise on an empty stomach... While you are still hungry, it is the fat reserves that will be consumed.

Get dressed before breakfast. Forget pajamas and a bathrobe at breakfast. Dress nicely and elegantly, even if you don't have to go to work today. This will help you feel more attractive and collected and prevent overeating.

It has long been known that 10 minutes of laughter replaces a glass of sour cream, but does not add calories to you! On the contrary, in 10 minutes of watching funny videos or pictures, you will burn from 20 to 40 kcal. The main thing is not to hold back, laugh heartily.

racorn / Depositphotos.com

Add pepper. First, it will make scrambled eggs, avocados, and sandwiches tastier. And secondly, the active components of black pepper will prevent the formation of new fat cells.

Add cinnamon. It helps control appetite.

Keep your protein bars ready. This is a good option for when you've overslept and can't eat breakfast. Just choose the bars wisely (without extra calories), or better, on your own.

Do not separate the yolks. Many of those who want to lose weight give up yolks and only eat proteins. However, yolks, in addition to calories and fat, contain the bulk of the nutrients of the egg. It is better to eat fewer eggs, but whole.

Get enough sleep anyway. If you decide to get up early to exercise, make a delicious breakfast, or meditate, remember to go to bed earlier. Sleep as much as you need to stay alert and energized throughout the day.

Paradoxically, for those who want to lose weight, most doctors advise against going on rigid diets. Indeed, for the body, severe restrictions on food become stress, because of which extra pounds are gained. To gradually lose weight and maintain results for a long time, you need to develop good habits.

Eat breakfast yourself

Train yourself to have a full breakfast, and not just drink empty tea. Breakfast gives strength for the whole day. If you don't eat anything in the morning, then metabolic processes slow down, and the food that enters the body later accumulates in the form of fat. It is recommended to eat porridge in water, cottage cheese, cheese, bread, nuts and dried fruits. You will not get better from a hearty breakfast, because in a day it will be completely absorbed.

Fill the refrigerator correctly

To avoid the temptation, do not keep harmful foods in the refrigerator - they need to be replaced with more useful counterparts. So, instead of fatty processed cheese, buy cottage cheese, instead of sweet yogurt - kefir, replace sausage with boiled chicken, mayonnaise for sour cream, ketchup for homemade tomato, candies for frozen fruits.

Hide food from you

If you haven't finished eating something at lunch, do not leave leftovers on the table. Sandwiches, pasta, cutlets, salads - all this must be immediately hidden in the refrigerator. Also, do not keep vases with sweets in sight - you do not need to check your willpower once again.

Eat dark chocolate

You should not give up chocolate altogether, unless, of course, there are no contraindications to its consumption. Only milk needs to be replaced with bitter - you can eat it much less. A small piece of chocolate will improve your mood and strength, and your figure will not deteriorate. By the way, high-quality dark chocolate is good for the heart.

Buy small plates

Learn to eat from miniature utensils. Large plates hold more food than the body actually needs. But many of us are accustomed from childhood not to leave anything in the plate, but to finish everything, even if we are already full. It's never too late to wean yourself from this childhood habit.

Or you can do it differently - start dividing the portions in half. Place as much food on the plate as you normally eat, and then send exactly half back to the pot. Take your time to eat the leftover food. Surprisingly, you will be full of it!

Take a walk after eating

If you have eaten your lunch, and the feeling of fullness has not come, do not rush to add yourself a supplement. Better to go for a walk or just leave the kitchen and do your household chores. The body needs about 20 minutes to metabolize food. A little time will pass, and you will feel that you are full.

Don't be distracted by your food

No need to eat in front of the TV or read during lunch. You can get carried away and eat more than your body needs. The same goes for talking while eating. Learn to focus on your food: chew every bite well, and don't get distracted or rushed.

Drink water

You need to drink about two liters of water daily. This is the rule of all diets and generally a healthy lifestyle. Water not only participates in all internal processes, removes salts and toxins, makes the skin smooth and radiant - it perfectly copes with appetite. If you feel hungry, you can drink water and your hunger will dull. It is useful to drink a glass of water with lemon in the morning. Please note that we are talking about plain water - tea, coffee and juices do not count.

Keep a food diary

Buy yourself a beautiful notebook and write down absolutely everything that was eaten and drunk during the day and when. Don't be fooled - record every meal. A clear picture will appear in a week. With the help of a diary, you can understand if you are eating a balanced diet or should you limit, for example, your intake of carbohydrates or fats. The diary also shows how much water was drunk per day.

Move more

Without movement, you will not be able to get rid of those extra pounds. Exercise regularly, and it should be a joy. You can exercise in the morning or do yoga in the evening, go to the pool or gym. If your work is near your home, leave your car and walk. Those who travel by public transport can get off a couple of stops earlier in good weather. And forget about the elevator altogether - go up and down the stairs. This is a great workout for the whole body!

Eat more vegetables

Vegetables are rich in fiber, which makes you feel full quickly. Therefore, you need to eat salads more often and add vegetables to your usual dishes. For example, you can put a few pieces of boiled pumpkin in oatmeal, add broccoli to pasta, and add carrots to a casserole. The main thing is that the vegetables are not fried, but steamed or boiled.
To lose weight, green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli must be included in the diet. They contain iron. If the body lacks it, the cells do not receive enough oxygen, which slows down the process of burning fat.

Drink coffee and green tea

These two drinks can help you lose weight. Brew yourself in the morning natural coffee without sugar and add a little cream to it. Coffee speeds up your metabolism, which can help you lose weight. But do not overuse it - allow yourself one cup in the morning and do not drink it at night. By the way, it is better to refuse instant coffee. It does not bring the same results as natural. Green tea contains ingredients that help burn fat. It can be drunk throughout the day, but no more than 4 cups.

Be careful, each of these drinks will speed up your heartbeat. Therefore, if you have medical contraindications, stop drinking strong coffee and green tea altogether.

Eat fish and seafood

They contain not only iodine and phosphorus, but also the Omega-3 complex, which affects the areas of the brain responsible for hunger. This complex is not found in meat, so you eat up with fish faster than beef or pork.

Fish oil also contributes to weight loss. By the way, it is sold in capsules. Drink two of these capsules a couple of hours before your workout for a more effective workout.

Photo on the fridge!

This is a very old but effective technique. If you want to lose weight, hang a photo of a girl with a beautiful figure on the refrigerator door. And every time, before taking another sandwich from there, look at your ideal. The sight of someone else's slender body should not only wean you from eating at night and overeating, but also make you go in for sports.

Don't drink juices

It is better to give up store juices altogether. They contain sugar, dyes, sweeteners, and other harmful chemical additives. Sometimes you can pamper yourself with freshly squeezed juices. But remember that vitamins and nutrients from them evaporate very quickly. Therefore, it is best to eat fresh fruits, they are much healthier than juices.

If you want to lose weight, gradually accustom yourself to new habits. You do not need to radically change the whole way of life at once - the changes should occur gradually, be a joy, and then they will bring results. But what needs to be done as soon as possible is to stop eating "food junk" - chips, crackers, fries and hamburgers. The sooner you give up these "goodies", the sooner the long-awaited process of weight loss will begin.

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Morning sets the mood and pace of the day, including the diet. We will eat a large or small portion at lunch, whether the body uses calories or "stores it in reserve" - ​​this is influenced by morning rituals, with many of which we have become so accustomed that we do not even notice them.

website found scientific evidence of the connection between our habits and the risk of provoking imbalances in the body and gain extra pounds.

1. We refuse a hearty breakfast

The time of day we eat is more important than what we eat. Scientists from the University of Tel Aviv have confirmed that a diet with a hearty breakfast and a light dinner is more effective for normalizing weight than a daily, but light snack.

And all because during the day the metabolic rate changes. The main conclusion of scientists - do not deny yourself a high-calorie, energy-rich breakfast. Lunch should be medium in size and dinner as light as possible.

2. Ignore the possibility of walking in the sun

Sunlight literally burns fat. At least the subcutaneous layer of white adipose tissue. Scientists from the University of Alberta in Canada have experimentally proved that under the influence of the visible spectrum, lipid particles decrease in volume, freely leave the cell and are excreted by the body.

This discovery partly explains why people gain weight in winter when they lack sunlight. But remember: it is dangerous to overuse sunbathing.

3. Forget about a glass of water after waking up

The body of an adult is 55-60% water, scientists explain, therefore a glass of water upon waking up is a real gift. Water speeds up the metabolism, which reduces the risk of fat storage and helps to flush out toxins from the body. Productivity writer Chris Bailey said that in an experiment, when he started every day with a glass of water, he was able to reduce the amount of body fat in the body from 17% to 10%.

4. Do not exercise

In addition to the obvious advantages - burning calories, accelerating metabolism - morning physical activity also reduces appetite! In an experiment, researchers from the University of Northumbria (UK) found that people who are accustomed to morning fasting exercise eat smaller portions throughout the day than those who take time off from exercising.

The explanation, presumably, lies in the "awakening effect" of loads. Their supporters tone themselves up, and the rest literally "seize" the stress of early awakening during breakfast and lunch. It was also found that exercising on an empty stomach is 20% more effective in terms of weight loss than the same exercises performed during the day.

5. We save tasty treats for lunch or dinner

If you can not resist sweet and starchy foods, deal with them in the morning. This is another finding from a study by scientists at Tel Aviv University, which confirmed changes in metabolic rate during the day. A brownie eaten in the morning will add less extra inches to your waist than the same treat set aside until evening. This is definitely the case when it is better to give dinner to the enemy!

6. We read the news in the morning

The laziest and not accustomed to work person at a certain moment can gather strength and decide on some important act. For example, weight loss. The problem is that if the correct daily routine and proper nutrition do not become habits, there is a risk of falling out again after some time and "rolling back" from the achieved results. So, it would be nice to look at the good and bad habits that affect weight loss. After all, this is, in fact, a way of life.

How habits and figure are related

For what reason do we say that it is better to form suitable habits than to make an effort on yourself and radically change your lifestyle in one day? Habits do not need to be consciously controlled as long as they are beneficial. That is, having formed a successful model of behavior once, then you will not have to constantly control yourself, because there will no longer be conditions for gaining unnecessary kilograms.

And vice versa - it is necessary to get rid of bad habits that lead to fat gain, and not just compensate for them with periodic bouts of initiative and motivation. For example, when you abruptly stop eating sweets, and then you still break off, because you can not hold back the desire.

Good habits for noticeable weight loss

We will not advise something like "go to the gym" or "eat right." These are not habits at all, but conscious and rather hard work. It is better to turn to habits that do not require much effort, but contribute to the gradual reduction of the figure to normal. Useful habits for weight loss can be presented in the form of such a list.

  1. To quickly feel full and reduce the amount of food eaten, 30 minutes before eating it, it is enough to "pour" a glass of water into yourself. This is the simplest habit that everyone talks about. But what effect does its observance give: water stimulates digestive processes, produces an additional diuretic effect, temporarily drowns out hunger.
  2. An obligatory meal should be not only breakfast, but also lunch. Everyone knows that you cannot refuse breakfast when losing weight. But for some reason, few people say the same about lunch. In fact, lunch is also necessary - between 13 and 16 o'clock in the afternoon. Depending on when there were other meals. Lunch consists of protein and fiber. You need to get used to having lunch at about the same time in small portions.
  3. Healthy sweets are allowed and desirable. Giving up all sweets completely is, oddly enough, a bad habit that works against weight loss. Some sweets are not only allowed but will also be beneficial. These are mainly fruits, honey (a spoon, no more), natural marmalade and candy. In total, except for fruits, 30–35 grams a day is enough to get pleasant sensations, but not at all harm the outlines of the body.
  4. Walk when there is time and opportunity. Why not take a couple of stops before work, and only then transfer to public transport? Of course, if you absolutely cannot imagine life without a car, then at least go for a walk in the evening. There is no need to set records by winding kilometer after kilometer. It is enough for 20-30 minutes to walk at a fast pace.
  5. Experimentally reduce portions to the limit. Probably, I have heard that a portion of food should fit into one's own palms. Maybe someone will find such a volume too small. Then try to gradually reduce the usual portion until you reach the one that brings you a feeling of fullness, but does not leave a heaviness on your stomach.
  6. Get into the habit of taking light diuretic drinks. This is not about special fees from the pharmacy, but, for example, about green tea. It helps not to gain pounds, additionally tones up much safer than coffee.
  7. Lots of meals are better than few. You may also be surprised, but the habit of eating many times a day is really healthy. Under the same condition that you consume exactly small portions. Then in just a day there can be up to six meals: starting from the moment of waking up and ending with a glass of kefir an hour before bedtime. Why kefir? Because it is absorbed very quickly.

Something like the "great seven" came out. Each of these habits will help you lose weight, even if you are not following some kind of harsh diet and do not go to killer workouts. But habits, as we noted earlier, are not only good. Some of them, unfortunately, interfere with maintaining a healthy figure. And you also need to know about them in order to avoid unnecessary problems later.

Bad habits when trying to lose weight

Coping with habits, as we said earlier, is extremely difficult. It will take a lot of effort to get rid of them for sure. At first, you will have to be especially careful to control them, but after a few weeks of such control it should become easier. What do you need to cope with, or at least try?

  1. Do not take food to the TV or computer. It is impossible to control the power supply while watching TV programs and movies, as well as playing computer games. The risk of overeating becomes especially high.
  2. You can't stay up late. Someone sits at work for a long time, someone goes to clubs, someone watches TV shows until the morning. It is bad for the figure. To maintain a normal metabolism, you need to go to bed on time - no later than 12 at night.
  3. Stop buying microwave food. No one disputes that it is simple and sometimes even delicious. But there are so many harmful substances in food for quick preparation that no good habits will compensate for the damage caused by them.
  4. Stop eating fried foods. It would seem that what can happen from a serving of fries or a hamburger? And nothing good, really. Fried foods will also undermine your attempts to live a healthy life.
  5. Alcohol is a fight. It is, of course, very difficult to completely give up alcohol. Especially in such a nervous time, when alcoholic beverages serve mostly for relaxation. But regular consumption of even small amounts of alcohol impairs metabolism and leads to the accumulation of fatty deposits around the waist.
  6. Stress must be relieved correctly. Stress seizure is a familiar phenomenon for most women. It certainly helps for a while. But then it only gets worse. It is better to develop a new habit - to discharge yourself not from food, but from sports.
  7. You can't eat without hunger. Trying to form an optimal daily routine, those wishing to lose weight too often set precise times for meals. And they don't even care if they really want to eat. In fact, it is much healthier to eat only when you feel hungry. And if it is absent, then you can make an exception and skip one of the tricks.

It turns out that there are a lot of bad habits too. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with all of them at once. It is clear that it is better to act sequentially and refuse such behavior step by step: first deal with one, then move on to the next. In this case, the chances of losing weight are much greater.

Habits are different - the result is the same

A person who has "developed" good habits for weight loss and abandoned harmful ones will always look worthy. It doesn't even matter what the floor is. As you can see, we didn't have to set any impossible tasks. Everything described is quite real and feasible. For more motivation, you can scroll through the video. It also says a lot about weight loss habits. On this let's say goodbye ... Or we'll see something else - there are always a lot of topics, and not only about losing weight.