Games for a small company. There is such a game Game on my ship how to play

Good day to all!

Ships came to the aid of planes and tanks!

Wargaming once again surprised and delighted everyone by releasing a new toy, World of Warships.

Here you will not see the dynamic battles that were inherent in the previous games.

In WoWs, events do not develop rapidly, and ship battles take a long time, slowly.

Therefore, many are interested in how to play World of Warships?

Immediately, I note that the game turned out to be of good quality, a real tactical strategy, where you should not be too lazy and several times to calculate the options, plan and only then rush to the front line.

The new MMO action game in the genre of naval battle simulator turned out to be interesting. Each ship has a variety of guns for different purposes, a lot of crew members.

Controlling ships is fun and challenging at the same time. Therefore, before starting, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main points - how to play World of Warships correctly.

But first, let's talk about how to start playing the game.

In this article, you will learn:


As with tanks and planes, you must first register in WoWs. If you have an account in World of Warplanes or World of Tanks, you can use an account for any of these games.

After registration, download the game and immediately see the inscription that appears on the screen. You are notified that you have the first rank that allows you to engage in battles with bots.

Cruisers are immediately available to the player. More advanced ships can be played a little later.

In the meantime, after you enter the game, your choice is represented by Hashidate - Japan and Erie - USA. You start to get used to it. It's simple.

Versatility and tactics

The mechanics in the game are such that it makes all players seriously think about tactics. Here, the speed of the game is higher, and the damage is more varied, and there is more protection, damage infliction, and the cards themselves are much more spacious.

By the way, the maps in World of Warships are made with specific directions for movement and they are mostly symmetrical. It is important here to take a trump spot and sit down there, inflicting damage on enemy ships.

Answer the question "how to play World of Warships?" in a few words - think over your actions in advance and do it constantly.

Commands and Classes and Their Meanings

In WoWs, ships are divided by nation and class.

  1. Aircraft carriers - the trump card of these ships is fast maneuverability and high speed... All classes of ships are very afraid of them, because of the formidable weapon - torpedoes.
  2. Battleships - dominate battles, are equipped with the most powerful armor and weapons, plus they can be equipped with scouts (seaplanes).
  3. Cruisers - their speed is much higher than that of battleships. The main targets for their ships is the destroyer, since the cruiser copes with them in naval battles most famously.
  4. Destroyers are super ships that can put smoke screens, as they are equipped with unique equipment.

More detailed description ships can be found in the previous ship guides. The choice of the ship is not paramount. the main role team play in WoWs.

Imagine how spectacular it is when your planes and torpedoes from an allied destroyer are jammed against a dangerous opponent! I suggest you watch it in video for the game, you will admire!

In WoWs, situations change constantly, literally every minute. Each player should not only plan, but also have several plans in stock in case of unforeseen events.

The main thing is to constantly move, move around. Stops of ships are equated to their death.

Use a variety of techniques. So, destroyers can be camouflaged. Cruisers and destroyer fireflies have torpedoes - their most formidable weapon.

The game has several battle modes - battles with bots (Player versus Environment) and a game mode for points. In the first variant, battles are fought by teams against bots.

It is worth noting that the bots here are quite "smart", so the battles are quite dynamic, but the computer is not so offended to lose.

In the second option, players will have to capture and then control a certain area of ​​the map for a long time.

In this case, it is important to make the right maneuvers and distribution of forces.

And the last point - in World of Warships, cards are researched for credits and experience, just like in their previous "brothers-games".

You can earn credits as quickly as possible in the same way - either by transferring experience to silver, or by purchasing a premium account.

These are the highlights of the game. Want to know more information? I recommend reading the World of Warships guides for beginners.

If your friends ask you how to play the game WoWs, show them the right path - let them read the review articles on our blog.

Start playing, master ships and start exciting sea battles. Looking for like-minded people in the game?

Subscribe to the blog news, here you can always find fans of games of any genre and just nice to chat.

On this, friends, let me take my leave. I hasten to write other, no less useful posts for all amateurs online games... Bye!


Piracy is a robbery carried out from ships. A pirate is subject to trial and punishment in any country. The harsh conditions of sea service and scanty salary encourage the sailor to engage in piracy, since it gives a chance to get rich quickly. The pirate is inclined to submit to the authorities in case of danger of reckoning or accumulating considerable treasures; but as soon as the threat passes or the money runs out, the pirate immediately goes back to the old.

Pirate lifestyle

At the head of the pirate team is the captain, a domineering and cruel man, since the lack of discipline on pirate ship threatens with trouble. The pirate lives by the ship's charter. With his hand on the Boarding Saber, he vows that he will abide by it.

Treasure Island

Island in the Caribbean. They say that the thunderstorm of the pirate brotherhood, Captain Jackal, famous for his cruelty and cunning, buried his untold treasures in desert island in the Caribbean, and tore the map into small pieces and distribute to members of his team. However, these are only guesses, because not a single person who got to that island returned alive from there ... Do not believe it, you can check it on your own skin ...


Filibusters - brigands operating mainly against Spanish ships in the basin Caribbean and along the banks of Central and South America... In addition, they organize powerful land expeditions, while other pirates prefer sea robbery. Filibusters act at their own peril and risk, not neglecting any prey. Filibusters are dominated by the French, British, Portuguese and Dutch. Pirates of the Caribbean create specially organized communities on land, called "coastal fraternities".


Conquistadors are Spanish soldiers and adventurers, knights of fortune - in a word, pirates. The conquistador thirsts for gold, the only goal is to search for new lands and riches in an unknown world. Most often, the conquistador is an impoverished hidalgo or caballero. Away from Europe, the Spaniard obeys neither the king nor the church. The main advantage of the conquistadors is firearms.

About the game

"Jackal" is a strategic board game with unique game mechanics. The secret of the "Jackal" is that the pieces of the field are placed in random order, thanks to which the game will be different every time! There is no dice in the game, and the result depends more on your logical and strategic abilities, and not on luck. All this makes "Jackal" a truly interesting and addictive game that you want to play over and over again! The game is designed for two, three or four players aged 16 and over. The duration of the game is approximately 60-120 minutes.

The composition of the game

  • The playing field is 117 square cells with different patterns on one side and the same shirt on the other.
  • Frame - 8 pieces for a frame around the playing field.
  • Ships - 4 square cells with ships drawn.
  • Sailors - 3 pirates each in red, yellow, black and white.
  • Locals - 3 characters, blue, green and brown, which can be found on the island.
  • Coins - 37 coins of the same denomination.
  • Items - a treasure from a Spanish galleon and 10 bottles of rum.
  • Rules - the security of rules that you read.

Preparing to play

Flip the pieces of the field, mix and lay them face down so that you get a real treasure island (according to reliable information, this is a square of 11 × 11 cells without corners). A pre-assembled frame makes this task easy. Place ships in the center of each side of the frame. Then place 3 pirates of the same color on each ship. Now the teams are assembled, you can start the game.

To play together, you will need 4 ships: one player will control two teams, starting on opposite sides of the island. For a three-player game, you need 3 ships. In a four-player game, you can play two on two (the opposing players will be allies) or each for himself.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is clear as day: to find and drag as many coins hidden on the island as possible to your ship. Who brought to their ship greatest number coins, he won.

Treasure hunt rules

How to walk

Only one pirate or ship can go per turn.

You cannot skip a move.

Several pirates from yours or a friendly (in a two-on-two game) ship can be on one cell.

If one of the inhabitants of the island (missionary or) is playing for you, then in one turn you can go either as a pirate, or as an inhabitant of the island, or by ship.

How to mine gold

According to verified data, 17 treasures of various values ​​are hidden on this godforsaken island, including the treasure of the Spanish galleon. If, by turning over the cell of the field, you find a treasure chest, put as many coins on the cell as indicated on it (Roman numeral). But don't rejoice ahead of time! Gold can be considered your own only if you managed to drag it to your ship (in this case, the coin is removed from the playing field into your piggy bank).

  1. You cannot beat the enemy with gold in your hands. But if you really want to, you can leave the coin in place and forward to the enemy!
  2. If you, carrying the coin, are hit by an opponent, you go to the ship empty-handed, and the luggage remains in place.

The same rules apply for treasure from a Spanish galleon.

How to beat enemies

It's very simple: to do this, you need to move to the cell where the rival pirate is.

  1. In this case, the latter flies to his ship, leaving his luggage in place (if any), and continues the game from there. If there were several enemies on the cell, all of them, beaten, are transferred to their ships.
  2. You can beat the enemy only with empty hands. If you were carrying a coin, you can leave it in place and calmly hit your unsuspecting opponent.
  3. If the enemy has dug in a fortress
  4. If the opponent is on a spinning cage (jungle, desert, swamp, mountains), you can hit him only if you are one turn behind. For example, it is at number III, you are at number II.

Trap, 3 pcs.

Once you get into the trap, wait for a comrade to come to the cage - only then can you leave the cage. By the way, this does not mean that you should rescue the lost pirate immediately. He can wait while his teammates complete a combat mission.

In a two-on-two game, a pirate from a friendly team can also help out a comrade who has fallen into a trap.

Fortress, 2 pcs.

Any number of pirates from your own or a friendly team can be in the fortress.

Fortress with an aboriginal woman, 1 pc.

Lucky so lucky. You stumbled upon a fortress with a pretty aboriginal woman. Here you can "resurrect" the killed comrades - one per turn. And they are born right here in the fortress. None of the enemies can poke into the fortress while you are inside. One nuisance: you cannot enter here with gold.

When playing a pair for a pair, a pirate can only revive pirates of his own color. Fortress Aboriginal does not resurrect pirates if you have three or more characters to fight.

Treasure, 1 pc.

Ha! Here is a find. There are hidden treasures from the galleon of the Spaniards who transported gold to Europe! One such treasure counts as much as 3 coins. As you open a cage - immediately place a chest figurine on it. A treasure is transferred according to the same rules as a coin, but counts as 3 coins in value.

Airplane, 1 pc.

And what is this ruin? It's a plane! How he got to the island is unknown, but he can transfer any participant with all his luggage to any cell in the same turn. You can use the plane only once per game - then it becomes an ordinary dummy. If you don't want to fly right now, stay on the cage and wait for a convenient moment (leaving the cage is tantamount to using an airplane). But keep an eye out: the opponent can take away your right to use this miracle of technology, hitting you and sending you to the ship.

Carramba, 1 pc.

Balloon, 2 pcs.

The balloon will always carry you (along with the coin or chest in your hand) to your ship. And so it will be with everyone who later turns on this miracle cage. When playing two on two, the balloon carries the pirate to its own ship, and not to a friendly ship. It is impossible to stand on this cell, the ball acts instantly.

Cannon, 2 pcs.

The pirate's desire to check what is hidden in the depths of the cannon's muzzle is truly inexplicable. In retaliation for curiosity, the pirate flies into the sea in the direction of the trunk, Only his own or a friendly ship can save him. As you know, gold drowns in water and is eliminated from the game. The most experienced pirates use the cannon to quickly throw coins onto the ship with them. and they must shout fervently in flight. Once hit by an enemy ship, the pirate dies (see section).

Lighthouse, 1 pc.

An old lighthouse was found on the island, after a long climb up the stairs, the pirate, who was the first to find this structure, manages to see any 4 cells. The lighthouse only works when your pirate stands on it:

old rules (Jackal: Treasure Island): you need to turn over any 4 unopened cells, they remain open until the end of the game.
new rules (Jackal: Treasure Island Lux): you need to turn over any 4 unopened cells, spy what is there, without showing other players, and return to its place in any order.

The lighthouse only works once per game.

Ben Gunn, 1 pc.

Old Ben would be happy to join the first team to peer in on the light. He was able to keep the gunpowder dry, and the saber sharpened, and therefore easily become your next pirate. At the moment this cell is opened, your team has one more pirate.

Pirate Ben Gunn is represented by a green token and appears where he was found.

Missionary, 1 pc.

In the depths of the island lives a missionary who teaches pirates good and takes sabers and pistols from them. He plays for the team whose pirate found him first. The missionary does not know how to beat enemies, but he himself cannot be attacked. A pirate standing on the same cell as a missionary cannot be attacked either and loses the ability to attack. The missionary does not enter the cages with enemies. If the missionary meets Friday (will be on the same cage with him), then both of them will disappear, enlightened. Every self-respecting pirate tries to get the holy father drunk: if the latter drinks rum, he will immediately take out a dusty cleaver and become the most ordinary pirate of the same team for which he preached before (see the cage). As long as a missionary remains a missionary, he cannot carry any cargo. A clergyman after all. A missionary can open closed cells, but opening a cell with rum will have the same effect as soldering it.

The missionary is represented by a blue token and appears where he was found.

Friday, 1 pc.

The young native Friday was immediately liked by the pirates for his reliability and ability to carry heavy things. Once you find him, he will play for you and can carry coins like a real sea wolf. True, there are three features: firstly, if Friday is attacked, he starts playing for the enemy. Secondly, he himself is harmless (albeit a cannibal), and therefore cannot attack anyone. Thirdly, he has a weak indigenous liver: if he meets rum (in any form), he will drink it all at once and leave the game. Friday can open cells like an ordinary pirate, but if he opens a cell with rum, he will drink it (if there is a lot of rum, just one bottle). In short, a weakling. But Friday is not afraid of the cannibal dad, it goes through any cell in one move and does not fall into trap pits.

Friday is represented by a brown token and appears where it was found.

Rum bottles

  • 1 bottle of rum - 3 pcs.
  • 2 bottles of rum - 2 pcs.
  • 3 bottles of rum - 1 pc.

You found bottles of rum! Rum is such a powerful remedy that pirates, with the mere sight of a bottle, immediately become stronger and begin to independently crawl out of trap pits or get out of any labyrinths immediately directly. When the pirate opens the rum cage, the bottles immediately appear on the ship. Rum can be used on your turn by any member of your team or an allied team. To do this, you just need to remove the bottle from the ship's stores. And you can also drink rum to drink locals: if you stand on the next cell with Friday or a missionary, you can give them a bottle on the same move, from which their life will immediately change dramatically (see cells and).

Cave, 4 pcs.

This is the entrance to or exit from the cave. Most likely an entrance, as the pirate will be convinced of when he looks inside. Until the friends of the hapless caver who remained on the surface find a second such cage, the pirate will wander inside and haunt. But one has only to find a way out, how - voila! - from it will appear the one who is lost. For example, if a red pirate steps on the entrance to a cave, he wanders in it until the second turn opens. The white pirate opens the exit and is transported to the entrance. The red pirate is on the way out. After opening, the cave works as a short transition: you can enter the exit and exit through the entrance in one turn. Or vice versa, enter the entrance and exit through the exit. Through the cave with an open entrance and exit, the pirates walk without difficulty. If your pirate is standing at the exit from the cave, then the passage is closed for enemies. Keep in mind that the "guard" himself will also pass through the underground passage before taking up defense. If several entrances to the cave are open, this can and should be used: a pirate who "dived" into the cave in the same turn "emerges" from any other exit and remains on this cell. Until the pirate leaves it, this exit remains closed for pirates of other teams. To re-enter the cave, you need to leave the cage, and then step on it again. It will take you two turns!

Jungle, 3 pcs.

Jungle. Walking around these places without a machete is a big mistake. There are so dense thickets here that you might not notice a pirate passing at arm's length. You cannot fight in the Jungle, you cannot enter the jungle with objects, but pirates from different teams can be here at the same time.

Herb, 2 pcs.

Hee hee hee, a field with some unknown grass (thanks to the local natives!) Caught fire the moment you turned the cage. Now everyone goes pirates of their neighbor. For example, if the red ones go after you, then the black ones, and then the white ones, then the next move goes to the player with the black pirates - he goes after the red ones, then the commander of the white pirates goes after the black ones, you go for the white ones, and your neighbor goes for you. After that, the field goes out, and your neighbor, the commander of the Reds, makes his usual move. You cannot command someone else's rum, so if you are thirsty you will have to wait for your move.

The value of the field cells from the original add-on

Boat, 1 pc.

You have found a hidden boat in the thickets! When you open this cage, place a lifeboat figurine on it. It can be worn according to the same rules as a coin. When the boat hits the shore, the pirates will be able to launch it into the water and use it as a ship. To launch the boat into the water, you do not need a separate move: the pirate simply continues to move on it if he wants. The boat can pick up pirates in the water or drown splashing enemies. On a boat and ships, you can sail 2 cells from the coast in order to bypass other people's ships. The boat does not float without a pirate inside. The pirate knows how to tack on a boat, that is, diagonally too.

Kernels, 2 pcs.

Pirates know that cannonballs have many uses: they can be dragged around to get better physically, they can dive deep with them, and most importantly, they can be loaded into a cannon. When you open such a cage, immediately place one core on it. If you bring the cannonball to the cannon, the pirate will not fly to swim, but instead will fire one shot in the direction the muzzle is turned. In all cells in a straight line from the cannon, all objects are removed: pirates die, and coins and other things are destroyed. The cores are worn in the same way as coins, that is, you cannot walk with the core into a closed cell.

Wheelbarrow, 1 pc.

Household pirates know that it is better to carry gold and other items in a wheelbarrow. When you open this space, place a car figurine on it. If the pirate has a wheelbarrow, he can drag two objects in it at once (for example, coins or cannonballs). The car itself moves in the same way as coins, it can even be loaded onto a ship. For example, a pirate can carry two coins at once or two cores, or one coin and one core.

Question answer

Frequently asked questions on the Jackal's rules

All the pirates were killed, and the last one was in a trap, what should I do?
Panic! Now only the enemy will be able to free your pirate, simultaneously beating him. But in general, take the following tactics into service: if you have one less pirate, try not to run around closed cells unnecessarily. Leave the honorable duty of exploring the island to your rivals and pick up everything that is bad.

Once in the pit, wait for a comrade to come to the cage - only then will you be able to leave the cage (knock over the pirate figure to show that he has fallen). The pirate who came to the rescue does not fall into the pit, but, on the contrary, helps the comrade who fell into the pit to get out. Place the overturned pirate figurine on its feet. By the way, this does not mean that you should rescue the lost pirate immediately. He can wait while his teammates complete a combat mission.

In a two-on-two game, a pirate from a friendly team can also help out a friend who has fallen into a pit.

Bottles with messages

When a pirate opens a cage with a bottle, the player takes for himself as many bottles as indicated on the cage. Bottles allow you to independently get out of the pits or get out of any labyrinths directly directly. You can use the bottle only at the end of the turn, that is, first, walk around as one of the pirates or a ship, and then use the bottle to get someone out of the pit (that is, pick up the overturned pirate figurine) or out of the maze (move the pirate directly to the last cell). Put the bottle back in the box after use.

If a pirate with a coin is standing on this square, he cannot be attacked. Only one pirate can stand in the bank. If a pirate stands in a bank without a coin, then the bank is considered an empty cell. If a coin lies on this square without a pirate, anyone can come and pick it up.

Walking around these places without a machete is a big mistake. The thickets here are so dense that you might not notice the pirate passing at arm's length. You cannot fight in the jungle and you cannot enter the jungle with coins, but pirates from different teams can be here at the same time.

On this cage, the pirates are in for a small, but very offensive nuisance. Someone singes his beard, someone drops a coin on his leg, someone stumbles over a root, and someone just realizes that they are lost. At this moment, the pirate is obliged to swear hard and like a sea, otherwise he will immediately be upset and disappear.

An old lighthouse was found on the island. After a long climb up the stairs, the pirate who first found this building manages to spy on any 4 cells. The lighthouse works only when your pirate stands on it: you need to turn over any 4 unopened cells, spy on what is there without showing other players, and return to their places without changing the direction of the cells. In this case, the action of the cells is not performed.

The balloon will always carry you (along with the coin in your hand) to your ship. And so it will be with everyone who later turns on this miracle cage. When playing two on two, the balloon carries the pirate to its own ship, and not to a friendly ship. It is impossible to stand on this cell: the ball acts instantly.

When opened, it shoots in any direction in a straight line across the entire island (the direction is chosen by the pirate who opened the cell). A pirate who has received a bullet is considered beaten (as in a fight - he goes to his ship). If there are several pirates in the lane, only the first one gets a bullet.

On this cell, you can "resurrect" the dead comrades - one per turn. And they are born right here in the sanctuary. None of the enemies can poke into the sanctuary while you are inside. One nuisance: you cannot enter here with gold.

The sanctuary does not "resurrect" pirates if you have three or more characters to fight.

Any number of pirates from their own or a friendly team can be in the sanctuary.

Each player goes pirates of his neighbor. For example, if the red ones go after you, then the black ones, and then the white ones, then the player with the black pirates goes first - he goes after the red ones, then the commander of the white pirates goes after the black ones, you go after the whites, and your neighbor goes for you. After that, the field goes out, and your neighbor, the commander of the Reds, makes his usual move.

When you open the cage, a bear wakes up (put a bear token on the cage of the den) and bites the pirate who woke him up. The pirate goes to his ship. After that, the bear immediately takes 1 step to the nearest pirate. The bear walks through all obstacles, holes and labyrinths, straight ahead, without stopping, and also walks through closed cells without opening them. Cells like arrows or ice do not affect the bear either. At the end of each next turn of the player who woke him up, the bear makes another turn. If the bear catches up with the pirate, it will bite him, and the pirate will go to his ship. The bear cannot get on the ship and does not smell the pirates on the ship, so it runs after the pirate on land. If all pirates are on the ships, the bear stands still. The bear cannot be attacked. The bear is not affected by abilities (unless otherwise indicated on the ability card). Anyone who is taken to a cage with a bear is bitten and goes to his ship.

Bear picking shortest way to the nearest pirate, prefers to walk diagonally (example in Figure 1). With an equal number of moves to the pirates, the bear chooses the first pirate as a victim clockwise, counting from the northern point of the island, and goes to him (example in Figure 2). North point the islands can be seen in the picture with the layout of the island.

Picture 1

Picture 2

In the depths of the island lives a missionary who teaches the pirates good and takes sabers and pistols from them. He plays for the team whose pirate found him first (put the missionary token on this space). The missionary cannot carry coins, cannot beat enemies, but he himself cannot be attacked. A pirate standing on the same cell as a missionary cannot be attacked either and loses the ability to attack. The missionary does not enter the cells with the enemies, and the enemies cannot enter the cells with the missionary.

A missionary cannot "resurrect" pirates in the sanctuary.

Every self-respecting pirate tries to please the holy father: if the latter receives a bottle with a message as a gift, he will immediately take out a dusty cleaver as a token of gratitude and become the most ordinary pirate of the same team for which he preached before (see the cage). You can also hand over the bottle to the missionary from the neighboring cage by coming to it and passing the bottle on the same move.

As long as a missionary remains a missionary, he cannot carry any cargo. A clergyman after all.

The missionary can open the closed cages, but opening the cage with the message bottle will have the same effect as if you personally handed the bottle to him.

Boom! Bang! When you flip this cage, an earthquake starts on the island! Swap any 2 cells where no one is standing and nothing is. You can change the cells of different landscapes - mountains with a beach, for example. You can change the direction of the arrows.

Devilish luck! Fortress! As long as you are here, you are safe: you cannot hit the pirate entrenched in the fortress. It’s a pity that you don’t come here with gold.

Any number of pirates from their own or a friendly team can be in the fortress.

The value of the field cells from the Ben Gunn Island add-on

Old Ben would be happy to join the first team to peer in on the light. He was able to keep the gunpowder dry, and the saber sharpened, and therefore easily become your next pirate. After you have opened this space, place the green Ben Gunn token on it. Now you control Ben Gunn as another pirate of your team.

The value of the field cells from the Island of a Thousand Caves expansion

Skillful pirates know that it is better to carry gold in a cart. When you open this cage, place a cart figurine on it. If the pirate has a cart, he can drag two coins in it at once. The cart itself moves according to the same rules as coins, it can even be loaded onto a ship and descended from the ship with it.

This is the entrance to or exit from the cave. Once you have opened this cage, knock over your pirate. He is lost in caves and will be lost until someone finds a second cage of the same type. As soon as an exit is found, the pirate who found him is transferred to the first open cave cell, and the lost pirate appears at a new exit. Now every time your pirate comes to the cave cage, he is instantly transported to one of the exits. Please note that you cannot instantly transfer to an open cave cell where an enemy pirate is standing. You need to wait until he clears the passage for you. If it is impossible to get through the cave, consider it an empty cage.

The value of the field cells from the Friday Island add-on

Place his chip on this square. He plays for you. Friday cannot attack. If he is attacked, he starts playing for the enemy. If Friday finds or receives a bottle with a message, he is out of the game. If he is on the same square with the missionary, both are out of the game. Friday walks through pits, labyrinths and a cannibal like empty cages. The coins he left with the cannibal are removed from the game. The bear eats Friday for good.

The value of the field cells from the Jolly Roger Island expansion

This wheel is clearly bewitched. When a pirate hits this square, he moves in the direction of the arrows. At the end of your turn, rotate this square 90 ° clockwise.

Roger's wheel rotates only 1 time per turn, even if the pirate slammed it several times.

Place a turtle figurine here. She walks after the player who found her. The turtle walks along the outermost cells of the island, clockwise, one cell per turn.

The turtle does not open closed cages. She does not attack anyone, no one attacks her. Cells and abilities have no effect on it. The bear does not notice her.

Pirates can climb out of the water onto the turtle cage. You can get out if there are no other characters on the cage.

If the turtle does not appear near the water, it first goes to the outermost cage.

The value of the field cells from the Tide Island add-on

Place a palm tree token here. This cage can be entered as a dummy. Or you can spend another move to climb the palm tree from this cell.

When a pirate is sitting on a palm tree, he cannot be fought. He is not affected by abilities. The bear does not smell him and does not go to him.

You cannot climb on a palm tree with objects - leave everything below. You can't climb a busy palm tree. You can't get off the palm tree while someone is standing below. Even if it's a comrade, a local resident, or a bear.

From the high hill you can see the tide is starting. Place three beach squares in the box.

You can remove closed and open cells in different parts of the island. The cages must be injected with water. There should not be a ship close to the cage. There should be no objects or characters on the cage.

How to mine gold

According to verified data, many treasures of various values ​​are hidden on the island. If, after turning over the cell of the field, you find a treasure chest, put as many coins on the cell as indicated on the chest. But don't rejoice ahead of time! Gold can be considered your own only if you managed to transfer it to your ship.

How to wear gold:

  1. Each self-respecting pirate can carry only one coin.
  2. You can only move with a coin through open cells.
  3. You cannot beat the enemy with gold in your hands. But if you really want to, you can leave the coin in place and forward to the enemy!
  4. You cannot swim with a coin. If a pirate enters the sea with a coin, it drowns (out of the game). The pirate stays afloat.

  1. When a pirate with a coin enters the ship, take the coin and place it in front of you. Now it is yours for the rest of the game, and no one will take it away. It remains to bring more of the following.

If you are standing on a cage with a coin, and your opponent hit you, you go to the ship empty-handed, and the luggage remains in place.

How to beat enemies

It's very simple: to do this, you need to go to the cell where the rival pirate is.

  1. In this case, the latter instantly gets to his ship, leaving his luggage in place (if any). If there were several enemies on the cell, all of them, beaten, are transferred to their ships.
  2. You can beat the enemy only with empty hands. If you are carrying a coin, you can leave it in place and calmly knock on an unsuspecting opponent.
  3. If the enemy dug in in the fortress, then you cannot beat him (that's why it is a fortress).
  4. If your opponent is on a labyrinth cage, you can hit him only if you are one move behind. For example, it is at number 3, you are at number 2.

All pirates take turns and move according to the values ​​of the cells. First goes black, then yellow, then red. A bear walks after the pirates.

The rules for moving the bear are described in the section.

At this point, one move in the problem is considered complete. The pirate dies if a bear stepped on him, or if he fell outside the island (stepped on a cannon, arrow, etc.). On each task card, you will find the conditions for the fulfillment. Somewhere you will need to meet a certain number of moves, somewhere to save the required number of pirates, somewhere both, and another, and something else from above.

Can you resurrect an ally pirate in a 2v2 game in the sanctuary?
No. resurrects only pirates of its own color.

My pirate enters a cage with two pirates from the other team. One of them has the "Musketeer" ability. How to play the battle correctly?
Very simply, that pirate who does not have any abilities immediately goes to his ship, and whether the musketeer goes depends on the result of the throw. In all such cases, those who do not have the ability are considered beaten.

Island 4

Historical reference


Piracy is a robbery carried out from ships. A pirate is subject to trial and punishment in any country. The harsh conditions of sea service and scanty salary encourage the sailor to engage in piracy, since it gives a chance to get rich quickly. The pirate can submit to the authorities, in case of danger of reckoning or accumulating considerable treasures; but as soon as the threat passes, or the money runs out, the pirate immediately goes back to the old.

Pirate lifestyle

At the head of the pirate crew is the captain, a domineering and cruel man, since the lack of discipline on a pirate ship threatens with trouble. The pirate lives by the ship's charter. With his hand on the boarding saber, he vows that he will abide by it.

There is such a game

You are lightly loaded! You need to load a little! What? Do you have a party load, study and seminar at the factory? Exactly! From the party one more and asks. Please, come to the circle of balalaika players.

It needs to be strengthened for a long time, there is a very weak layer there. Loading employees was Sametsky's favorite pastime. There is such a game. It is called "load the ship". They play it only in hours of desperate boredom, when there is absolutely nothing to keep the guests busy. - Well, let's load the ship. What letter? We loaded the "M" yesterday. Let's go to "L" today, Everyone speaks in turn, only without stopping. And nonsense begins. - We load the ship with lamps, - proclaims the owner - Lambrequins! - the first guest picks up, - Foxes! - Lilliputies! - Jigsaws! - Locomotives! - Liqueurs! - Lapuans! - Fevers! - Lokhankami! During the first minutes, the load of the vehicle goes quickly. Then the choice of words becomes less, the players begin to push. The case is moving more slowly, and the words are remembered quite wild. The ship has to be loaded: - Lumpen proletarians! - Limitrophs! - Lezginki! - Frankincense! Someone is trying to load the ship with Lifshits. And this game is over. A stupid dispute arises: is it possible to load a ship with your own names? Sametsky experienced similar difficulties. He organized all the amateur circles imaginable on our planet. In addition to the usual ones, such as a circle of professional knowledge, choral singing or foreign policy, were also listed in the reports: Circle for the upbringing of a Soviet mother. A retraining club for a Soviet baby. Circle - "Let's study the Arctic in practice". Circle of ballet critics. Having reached such social heights, Sametsky tensed and unexpectedly took another step towards the sun. He organized a night duty called: "Ambulance for an elderly employee in the elimination of professional illiteracy. Reception from twelve o'clock in the morning until six in the morning." The outlandish duty room was located in the same basement where the wall newspaper was usually glued. Here, noticeably haggard, faded girls and Jaguar Petrovich were on duty at night. Jaguar Petrovich has completely disappeared. His cheeks were almost gone. Nobody came to the night dispensary. It was cold and scary there. Still, the restless Sametsky made an attempt to load the ship even more. Maletskiy invented a pocket wall newspaper, which he affectionately called "Wall-pocket". - You see, I have to bring the newspaper to every employee. It should be the size of a business card. It will be distributed to everyone. He took the newspaper out of his waistcoat pocket, read it, reacted and walked on. Imagine the reaction! .. The whole difficulty was how to fit the required material on a tiny piece of paper: an article on the international situation, and on internal institutional life, and a caricature of one employee who lunged, in a word, everything. I could only save the situation Chief Accountant with a beaded handwriting. But the chief accountant refused, insisting that he was busy compiling the annual balance sheet. - Well, we'll see it later, - Sametsky said, - I regard it as an attack. But here it turned out that Sametsky had overloaded his ship. - What is he actually doing? - suddenly asked at a flying meeting. - Well, of course! Strong social activist. Everybody knows. - Yes, but what kind of work does he do? - Excuse me, but he organized this ... well, a night columbarium, an ambulance, a kind of trade union Sklifasovsky ... And then ... retraining of babies. Even in "Vecherka" they noted ... - And what position does he occupy? This is exactly what no one knew. We rushed to the payroll. It was very brief and vague: "Sametsky - 360 rubles." - Foggy, foggy, - said the chief, - oh, how foggy everything is! Of course, Sklifasovsky is Sklifasovsky, but this is not suitable for the state. I won't pay. And the fate of Sametsky was decided. He overloaded his ship. And the ship went down.

The company's products are universal systems, product catalog. Unique developments.

Lesson synopsis - a selection of lessons outlines in children's subjects, this is the basis on which the lesson will be: operation and home care.

Updated 08 Aug 2014... Created by 04 Feb 2014

It happens that you meet with a small company of close friends, and everything goes so naturally and cheerfully, time flies unnoticed, by itself.

And sometimes, on the contrary, the conversation does not go well, you sit and do not know what to do!

For such cases, just different games have been invented. Here are some ideas for small companies:

guess who

This game can even be played together.

Each of the players writes on a sticker the name of a famous character, maybe fictional, but only really known to everyone. For example, Sherlock Holmes or Winnie the Pooh.

After writing, put the piece of paper on the table with the inscription down.

When all the stickers are inscribed by everyone involved in the game, swap them in a circle. Take the one that is in front of you and, without looking at the inscription, glue it on your forehead.

Thus, the character you need to guess is visible to everyone around you, except you.

Now everyone has to guess what is written on his forehead. Each player can take turns asking a question about his character, trying to quickly guess what is written on his sticker.

For example, "Do I really exist?" or "Am I a man?"

Questions should be such that you can only answer "Yes" or "No".

The winner is the one who guesses who he is before the others.

Sea battle

A great game to while away the time together with your girlfriend.

You only need two checkered sheets and two pens.

First, prepare yourself a field for the game: draw two 10 by 10 squares on the pieces of paper.

Sign the sides of the squares with letters horizontally and numbers vertically.

Now, in the first square, arrange your "ships": 4 ships in one square, 3 in two squares, 2 in three squares and 1 out of four squares.

All ships should be straight and not touch each other either by sides or corners (you can touch the edges of the field).

You shouldn't see the location of each other's ships.

Find out what contests can be arranged at the party

Now we begin to play: take turns "shoot" in the opponent's field, calling the coordinates of any cell within the square, for example, "B5".

If this cell is occupied by your ship or a part of it, it means that you were hit and you say “wounded” if your ship was partially “flooded”, or “killed” if the ship was “wrecked” entirely.

The cell is crossed out and one more "shot" can be made.

If the square is empty, it is marked with a dot and the move goes to another participant .. Mark all your shots on the adjacent empty square.

The winner is the one who sinks all enemy ships first.

I never…

Perfect game for bachelorette parties and fun get-togethers.

Not only will you have fun, but you will also learn a lot about each other.

It's very easy to play.

One participant says what he has never done, for example, "I never got my ears pierced." Everyone who also did not have their ears pierced, including the first participant, receives one point.

The player with the most points wins. So try to come up with something that everyone but you did.

Do you know any other interesting games?

Games ships online take us on a long voyage across the seas, where there are always a lot of adventures that require courage and mutual assistance. Sometimes the voyage lasts so long that the sailors forget what the land looks like, and when they step on it again, it seems to swing under their feet, like the deck of a ship. People have long conquered the expanses of water and learned to resist the raging elements, get seafood and fight on ships equipped with guns. In this section you will visit a pirate ship, and together with romantics of distant wanderings will attack, rob and kill. The whole life of pirates boils down to boarding a loaded merchant ship, enriching themselves at its expense, and exterminating the crew or selling them into slavery. Of course, you will also meet Jack Sparrow, who values ​​his Black Pearl so much. Standing at the head of his bandit team, he again sets off on a dangerous journey to unknown islands, where untold treasures are buried. On the way of Jack, sea monsters, other pirates and soldiers who are in the service of the state and are called upon to destroy people like him are always waiting for him.

Ship games offer players to test themselves in a variety of battles, when ships are trapped in a grotto between rocks and there is absolutely no room for maneuver. You need to show real ingenuity in order to extricate yourself from a dangerous situation with dignity - to defeat the enemy and take your ship or a whole flotilla to an open place where you can always regroup and even flee. You have to place deep-sea mines or maneuver yourself on a deadly field, trying not to hit them and not fly up into the air. Use the sonar to probe the bottom in search of jewels, schools of fish and the enemy. All modern ships are equipped with this device and are very helpful to sailors during their mission.

Conquer the depths of the sea by playing Ships games

Also you will like free games ships that ply uncharted depths. Submarines are a separate but very impressive topic for your exploration and it is easy to come across the famous Nautilus, piloted by Captain Nemo. He, too, sometimes has a lot of trouble when he is faced with something fantastic. But even simple sharks can cause considerable harm and a brave captain, dressed in a spacesuit and armed with a harpoon, begins his hunt for monsters. However, even a paper boat can become an exciting entertainment if you set yourself the goal of bringing it to a certain place so that it does not sink along the way. Helping two friends blow on him with a certain amount of force will give him acceleration and direction. On the way, he must collect important items and avoid collisions with numerous obstacles. For such a fragile boat, the brook turns into a real labyrinth of dangers, and the branch becomes quite a serious obstacle.

All ship games are presented to your attention for free, for self-study and entertainment. First, try to build a large ship yourself, and then put it to the test:

  • Become a brave sailor
  • captain of a pirate ship,
  • play darts with the team,
  • shoot a cannon,
  • hijack someone else's ship,
  • learn to use the navigation system,
  • catch fish
  • take a boat cruise and spend a month in a romantic setting.

But during the game, spaceships, you turn into a space ranger and can explore many galaxies, visit other planets in order to capture, destroy, or establish economic relations with them. Offers star Wars and scientific expeditions.