economic diplomacy. Economic diplomacy: concept, types and forms. Means and methods of economic diplomacy

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economic diplomacy of economic interests on the world stage and protection of economic security by diplomatic means.
The main functions of modern economic diplomacy are: a) promoting the national economic interest in the world market and ensuring national economic security; b) performance of functions for the implementation of foreign economic policy; c) state assistance to the forms and methods of participation of national structures in the international economy; d) increasing the role of economic issues in consultations between embassies, ministries, etc.
In general, modern world realities of the beginning of the XXI century. lead to significant changes in economic diplomacy, for example:
The field of objects of economic diplomacy is expanding. In addition to trade, investment, taxes, issues of economic assistance, labor migration, competition, etc. are added.
The circle of subjects of economic diplomacy is expanding. Along with the traditional positions assigned to the professional diplomatic service, other public entities, including private business, are beginning to participate in economic diplomacy. It is developing and concretizing the rules for supporting its business abroad.
Globalization brings new themes and challenges to economic diplomacy, in connection with which it ceases to be a purely interstate activity.
The issues of institutionalization of the function to ensure their national economies due to the need for a correct perception of international legal norms and institutions, provided that national interests and security are ensured.
Sectoral variations of economic diplomacy appear that are global in nature: energy, environmental, food, etc. For example, in the context of globalization, the behavior of countries in such a key issue as the degree of possession of energy resources and control over their sources, routes and means of delivery is of great interest.
Such an evolution leads to changes in the requirements for the staffing of external relations bodies, their ability to correctly see the changing structure of problems and their individual components, from responding to moving on to managing the process. From this we can conclude: from the function of contributing to the solution of individual private issues, economic diplomacy is increasingly moving to ensuring the tasks of state management of the process as a whole.

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The process of globalization of economic life is rapidly gaining momentum. Quantitatively, this finds expression in the growth rates of the international exchange of goods, services, and capital, outstripping the dynamics of production. The qualitative side of the growing internationalization is the strengthening of interconnections and interdependencies between national economies.

The rapid growth in the volume and diversity of world economic relations, accompanied by an increase in the economic interdependence of the countries of the world, is the essence of the process that is commonly called the globalization of the world economy. As a result, a relatively integral economic system is being formed, which practically covers the territory of the entire planet and dictates its own rules of the game to national economies.

The increase in the role of economic diplomacy is explained primarily by the multiple growth in the importance of external factors for the development of the Russian economy during the reform period. The country literally overnight, by historical standards, was involved in the maelstrom of economic globalization. At the same time, the Russian economy was forced in just a few years to go through a stage in the evolution of foreign economic relations, which took decades for developed countries. From 1991 to 1994, the share of exports in Russia's GDP increased from 5 percent to 20.5 percent. The role of foreign investments in the country's economic development has noticeably increased. All this suggests that external economic factors are more important for the Russian economy today than at any time in the past. This fully applies to the conditions of its participation in the world economic system.

A new factor requiring serious reflection and decisive action from our economic diplomacy has been a profound change in the very essence of the concept of Russia's economic security in the context of globalization. The events of August 1998 showed that Russia's economic well-being increasingly depends on the stability of the world financial and economic system. Accordingly, an important task for Russian diplomacy is gradually getting involved in the processes of developing a new international trading system and financial architecture, and reforming key multilateral institutions operating in this area.

The most convincing arguments of Russian diplomacy in dialogue with foreign partners on all economic issues - from restructuring the international trading system to attracting investment in the country - are Russia's economic recovery, strengthening the monetary and financial position of the state, real steps to improve the legal framework of a market economy.

The main task of economic diplomacy at present is to ensure the integration of Russia into the world trade and financial system on equal terms, the elimination of discriminatory restrictions against Russian business in world markets. On the agenda is Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). This was once again emphasized by the President Russian Federation V. Putin in his address to the economic elite of Germany, at the meeting held in Hannover in early April 2005 with German Chancellor G. Schroeder. Here it is necessary to maintain an optimal balance between the need to protect the domestic market of goods and services and the promotion of the interests of our exporters in the international market. Therefore, in the question of WTO membership, the main thing is not the terms of entry, but the acceptability for our economy of the conditions for Russia's participation in the world trading system.

The Russian Federation has already taken a number of important steps towards joining the WTO. V State Duma a package of bills has been submitted to bring Russian legislation in line with the norms and principles of international trade practice. Among them is the draft of a new Customs Code, regulations governing the basis for licensing export and import operations, the application of anti-dumping and countervailing measures, certification and standardization, and the protection of intellectual property rights.

As an acceding country, Russia will be able to take part in the elaboration of the rules of world trade in the course of the ongoing WTO “development round”. In this way. The Russian Federation is actually being drawn into the multilateral system of regulation of world economic relations.

Ensuring the participation of the country in the processes of regional integration is becoming an increasingly important area of ​​Russian economic diplomacy. In the future, regional integration may become one of the most effective means of making globalization manageable.

Of course, integration processes within the CIS are of fundamental importance for Russia. As the economy of our country and its Commonwealth partners rises, this regional association may in the future play the role of one of the stabilizing factors in the global economy.

A major step in promoting integration processes in the CIS space - and at the same time contributing to the creation of regional mechanisms for regulating globalization processes - was the formation of the Eurasian Economic Community, which included Russia and Belarus. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Developed with the most active participation of Russia, the Treaty on the Formation of the EurAsEC is the basis for transferring cooperation between partners to a qualitatively new level. It is designed not only to increase the efficiency of interaction between the member states, but also to create the necessary prerequisites for the gradual transfer of certain supranational powers to the Community bodies.

Of particular note is the fact that the EurAsEC is based on the democratic principles of building a new world order in the context of globalization. The decision-making system is built in such a way that it excludes the dominance of any one state, aims partners at finding mutually acceptable compromises. The EurAsEC is open to all states that will assume obligations under the Treaty and other agreements in force within the Community.

There are good reasons to believe that with an interested approach on the part of all participants, the EurAsEC will become a major pole of cooperation within the CIS.

Long-term economic cooperation between Russia and the European Union can make an important contribution to imparting a more stable, manageable nature to globalization processes.

This primarily applies to such a vital sector of the economy as energy. Here the mutually complementary nature of the interests of Russia, one of the world's leading energy exporters, and the countries of the European Union, the world's largest energy market, is especially clearly seen.

It is important to unite the efforts of Russia and the EU countries in scientific research and development. In the context of globalization, it is the knowledge intensity of the production sector that becomes one of the main factors determining the position of states in the world economy, their attractiveness as partners in trade and investment cooperation.

The rise of the Russian economy, combined with the dynamic development of relations with the leading Asian countries, primarily with China, India, ASEAN members, Iran and Japan, creates serious prerequisites for a qualitative increase in Russia's participation in the integration processes on this continent. Russia, by its practical line in the political and economic sphere, helps to strengthen the integration mechanisms existing in the Asia-Pacific region, primarily the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum and the ASEAN Regional Forum. The large-scale bilateral and multilateral economic projects it proposes can seriously strengthen the stability and dynamics of the development of the Asian region, taking into account the new, destabilizing challenges and risks of globalization, which manifested themselves with particular force during the financial and economic crisis of 1997-1998. In turn, the further integration of Russia into the system of regional cooperation will become a factor in accelerating the development of the country, including Siberia and the Far East.

It is, in particular, about special place our country in the formation of a new energy infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region.

According to forecasts, the share of the Asia-Pacific region in world energy consumption will grow steadily in the foreseeable future. This will widen the gap between their own energy reserves and the needs of the economies of this vast area. Russia is ready in the long term to contribute to the stability of the Asia-Pacific energy market through the construction of large oil and gas pipelines from Siberia to China and Korea, large-scale supplies of oil and liquefied gas from Sakhalin fields to the countries East Asia, ASEAN and in the USA.

Another area of ​​activity in which Russia, as a Eurasian power, could play a special role in Asia is the creation of a unified transport infrastructure, including through the unification of the Trans-Siberian and Trans-Korean railways, the formation of transport corridors connecting Europe with South Asia through the Caspian Sea, the US West Coast with the northeastern provinces of China through the Russian ports of the Far East.

In order for the advantages that globalization brings for our country to outweigh the risks arising from its development, it is necessary, in the words of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, “to work for the competitiveness of Russia in every sense of the word.” The economic diplomacy of the state is an important component of such work.


The emergence and definition of the term "diplomacy". Basic forms and methods.

Diplomacy in the sense in which we understand it now appeared with the development of productive forces, with the advent of social consciousness and the first, at first rudimentary, legal norms. It is believed that the word "diplomacy" comes from the Greek word dipl?ma, which in ancient Greece was called double tablets with letters printed on them, issued to envoys as credentials and documents confirming their authority. Literally, this word meant "doubling" from the way they were folded. This is where the word "diplomacy" comes from. Independently, this word began to be used from the end of the 16th century. The first use of the word diplomacy in England dates back to 1645.

The Diplomatic Dictionary (editor-in-chief - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR A. A. Gromyko) gives the following definition: “Diplomacy is the principled activity of the heads of states, governments and special bodies of external relations to achieve the goals and objectives foreign policy state, as well as to protect the rights and interests of the state abroad.

Types (forms) of diplomacy

appeasement policy

The essence of this type of diplomacy is appeasement, that is, unwillingness to aggravate or inflame the contradictions that exist between countries. This type of diplomacy involves various concessions on minor and non-principled issues to the opposite side. The most common example of this diplomacy is the policy of England and France on the eve of World War II, when they tried to resist the aggressive aspirations of Hitler.

Gunboat diplomacy

The essence of gunboat diplomacy is to demonstrate force in order to achieve their foreign policy goals. It got its name from the word "gunboat" - a small ship with serious artillery weapons.

Dollar diplomacy

This type of diplomacy involves the use of economic methods (for example, loans) to achieve their goals.

Public diplomacy

Public diplomacy refers to actions aimed at achieving the goals of national foreign policy by establishing long-term relationships, studying public opinion abroad, informing foreign audiences in order to better understand the values ​​and institutions of their own state abroad.

People's diplomacy

People's diplomacy in the broad sense of the word is understood as a historically continuous process of communication, mutual knowledge of peoples, mutual influence and mutual enrichment of cultures.

Shuttle diplomacy

Shuttle diplomacy is one of the means of peacefully resolving disputes between states through a series of negotiations with the participation of a third state (mediator) and on the basis of the conditions put forward by it.

Economic diplomacy

Economic diplomacy, or trade diplomacy, is the direction of diplomatic work, which is based on trade and economic relations.

Digital (electronic) diplomacy(English "digital diplomacy", e-diplomacy) - the use of the possibilities of the Internet and information and communication technologies (ICT) to solve diplomatic problems. Digital diplomacy uses new media, social networks, blogs and similar media platforms in the global network. The main goals of digital diplomacy are the promotion of foreign policy interests, information propaganda via the Internet.

There are differences in the very understanding of the goals and objectives of economic diplomacy.

Some see economic diplomacy as mere mechanisms for promoting the trade and economic interests of national business, including even unacceptable mechanisms of diplomatic protection. Others see economic diplomacy as another opportunity to strengthen their country's international position, its negotiating capabilities. The third one considers it especially important to use trade and other similar problems as a means of promoting the norms and standards of conducting economic relations abroad in the normative and socio-political direction that meets the interests of specific national financial and industrial elites.

Fourth, the possibilities of economic diplomacy are seen as a convenient mechanism for redistributing markets and spheres of influence in a way that is beneficial to them. .

Goals of economic diplomacy:

Security foreign economic security, that is, the prevention or prevention of threats to the balanced development of the economy due to the violation of foreign economic relations. In particular, here we are talking about the uninterrupted supply of food and medicine to the population, enterprises - energy resources, and so on. However, the role of economic diplomacy is not limited to actions in case of emergencies, she carries out this activity in daily activities. Providing the country with the conditions for international economic cooperation, contributing to an increase in the level and quality of life of its population.

Economic diplomacy helps to expand foreign economic relations and their forms, which contributes to the solution of foreign policy tasks and strategies of the state.

Tasks of economic diplomacy:

1. Expansion of mutually beneficial economic cooperation

2. Ensuring foreign economic security, that is, the prevention or prevention of threats to the balanced development of the economy due to the violation of foreign economic relations. In particular, here we are talking about the uninterrupted supply of food and medicine to the population, enterprises - energy resources, and so on.

3. strengthening the country's international competitiveness and obtaining benefits and competitive advantages in the world market.

4. Ensuring national interests in a rapidly globalizing world.

5. use of national resources either for foreign policy purposes or to obtain advantages at the expense of trading partners.

The main task of economic diplomacy, in my opinion, is also to provide favorable conditions for the country and its entrepreneurs for international economic cooperation. Ideally, this should help increase profitability, ensure the continuity and security of the country's foreign economic operations as a whole, and increase the level and quality of life of its population.

Of course, the growing economic interdependence of countries in the context of globalization forces governments to sometimes resort to the means of economic diplomacy to solve foreign policy problems, especially at times when traditional diplomatic means fail to find a mutually acceptable solution.

Undoubtedly, the effectiveness of economic diplomacy and, accordingly, the foreign economic activity of the country as a whole and its entrepreneurs, in particular, depends on the presence of a clear state foreign economic strategy. It should clearly formulate general goals, specific tasks and strategic directions for the development of foreign economic activity, indicate priorities in the commodity and geographical structure of foreign trade, directions and the most desirable forms of investment cooperation. In a market (capitalist) economy, the focus of business solely on maximizing profits seems quite logical. However, in real practice this is not entirely true. Therefore, supporting the interests of private business in the world market is a special section in the art of economic diplomacy.

The tools and methods of modern economic diplomacy are very diverse - from traditional business negotiations to direct lobbying of national interests in the global market and the implementation of an appropriate information policy that promotes the desired solution into practice and forms public opinion. Methods of economic diplomacy also involve the use of traditional diplomacy tools: notes and statements, consultations and discussions, exchange of views, including informal, visits and meetings, participation in the work of international economic organizations. The world has practically formed a mechanism of economic diplomacy, consisting of all known techniques and methods, which is used to reach agreements with other countries on mutual concessions on a bilateral and multilateral basis. One of the specific aspects of economic diplomacy is the skill of negotiating in order to prevent or resolve conflicts in economic relations, search for compromises and mutually acceptable agreements, conclude agreements in one form or another that provide for the expansion of foreign economic cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, as far as possible under the conditions global competition. However, mutual benefit, as is known, can be achieved mainly only through mutual concessions. Therefore, it is conscious mutual concessions that are an important means of reaching a compromise in any situation and are of particular importance in the context of globalization and global competition aimed at achieving global superiority.

V modern conditions universal global competition has virtually no allies. Full-scale global competition initially involves the so-called. "fight" in which the strongest wins. It actually worsens relations, practically excludes full-fledged cooperation, but improves the consumer climate and sharpens the sales instinct and the desire to be the best and strongest, stimulates the will to survive in the difficult conditions of the world market. Actually, global competitive games on the modern world economic arena are somewhat reminiscent of the battle of ancient Roman gladiators, slightly disguised by the spirit of competition and the legitimate goal of creating strategic alliances of business partners, which at any time, in the event of a change in their goals and the slightest violation of their interests, can turn into the most ardent competitors. And this means that those participating in such a modern competitive game must constantly be in political and economic tone and tension, monitoring the maneuvers of their partner-competitor. In the context of global competition, the strategic recommendations of N. Machiavelli are very relevant and it seems especially promising to be active, sometimes even aggressive in form, economic diplomacy with the goal of penetrating and capturing promising world and regional markets. That is why almost all countries of the world are striving to strengthen their institutional and organizational structures to support foreign economic activity and lobby the interests of domestic companies abroad.

Recall that competition is "neither pure nor perfect." But, undoubtedly, there is a "transition point" from the state of competition to the semblance of cooperation. It is this "point" of intersection of interests, based on mutual concessions in solving one's own or common problems, that must be found in the process of diplomatic negotiations on an economic basis. In particular, when discussing global problems common to all mankind at the interethnic level, within the framework of international organizations, at international meetings of heads of state, especially at the G8 meetings, such categories as “global partnership” and “global potential” are mentioned. . This brings diplomacy and economic diplomacy in particular to a qualitatively new level of development and significance, which is characterized by the expansion of opportunities and increased responsibility for solving global problems.

The status of economic diplomacy in the system of state power in almost all countries, including Russia, is high and is constantly increasing, functions are significantly expanding and the quality of work is improving, the virtuosity and professional level of personnel are increasing. As a rule, such structures are headed by leaders high level who have rich experience in diplomatic work and economic management, who understand well the goals and objectives of the country and its entrepreneurs. In order to pursue a more active and effective foreign economic strategy of Russia, in the context of the course taken to accelerate the innovative development of the country's economy, it seems necessary to purposefully train and appropriately educate young qualified, professional personnel with a specialization in economic diplomacy, to perform such a complex and delicate work to promote national economic interests of the Russian Federation in the world market in the conditions of global competition. "Large-scale production of virtuoso gladiator-diplomats" capable of effectively defending the interests of the country and its entrepreneurs in the global economic arena can be considered an important area of ​​international financial and economic education and a factor in the successful implementation of Russia's innovative development strategy.

The main functions of modern economic diplomacy are:

a) promotion of national economic interest in the world market and ensuring national economic security;

b) performance of functions for the implementation of foreign economic policy;

c) state assistance to the forms and methods of participation of national structures in the international economy;

d) increasing the role of economic issues in consultations between embassies, ministries, etc.

Basic methods of economic diplomacy. The diplomatic mission is the main structural unit in providing its state with information about the basic principles and structure and trends in the development of the economy of the host country, its plans and programs, the monetary and financial situation, the development of foreign economic relations, the situation on the markets for goods and services; its export and import potential, about requests for direct investment in the country's economy, collected through official sources to which the mission has direct access. All this allows creating the potential for further economic cooperation.

One of the main tasks of diplomatic missions is to assist participants in the foreign economic relations of their country in their work in the markets of the host country, to protect and control the observance of the interests of the country in the course of their activities and its coordination without interfering in their economic activities; representation of their state as a country whose financial, economic and political position allows us to consider it as a reliable partner in the field of foreign economic activity, to assist its participants in foreign economic activity in its implementation, to organize negotiations, congresses, seminars, round tables, exhibitions; work out incoming proposals from their enterprises for organizing exports - imports of goods and services, investment requests and proposals, provide them with consulting and information services, use local experts to analyze the economy and the market, which therefore require special knowledge that a professional diplomat may not have.