How a person dies in the last minutes. What does a person feel before death? Where is she - the edge of being

The light at the end of the tunnel is a popular representation of how we feel when we enter another world. But as BBC Future correspondent Rachel Nieuwer says, the experiences of near-death survivors are much more varied.

In 2011, a 57-year-old social worker from England - let's call him Mr A - was taken to Southampton Central Hospital after he collapsed on the job. While doctors were trying to insert a catheter into the patient, his heart stopped. Without access to oxygen, the brain instantly ceased to function. Mr A. has died.

Despite this, he remembers what happened next. Medics took an automated external defibrillator (AED), a machine that activates the heart with an electric shock. Mr. A. heard the mechanical voice repeat twice, "Discharge." Between these two commands, he opened his eyes and saw a strange woman in the corner under the ceiling, who beckoned him with her hand.

“She seemed to know me, I felt trust in her, I thought she was there for a reason, but I didn't know for what,” Mr. A later recalled. “The next second I was already upstairs, looking down at myself, a nurse and some bald man.”

Researchers believe that it is quite possible to collect objective scientific data on potentially last moments of life. Over the course of four years, they analyzed more than 2,000 patients who survived cardiac arrest, that is, official clinical death.

Of this group of patients, doctors were able to bring 16% back to life. Dr. Parnia and his colleagues interviewed a third of these patients - 101 people. “Our goal is to understand first and foremost what people feel at the time of death,” says Dr. Parnia. “And then to prove that what patients say they see and hear at the moment of death is really an awareness of reality.”

Seven Shades of Death

Mr. A is not the only patient who had memories of his death. Nearly 50% of study participants could remember something. But unlike Mr. A and another woman whose account of being out of her own body cannot be objectively proven, the experiences of the other patients did not seem to be tied to the actual events that took place at the time of their death.

Their stories were more like dreams or hallucinations, which Dr. Parnia and his colleagues divided into seven main scenarios. "Most of them didn't fit with what used to be called 'near-death' experiences," says Parnia. “It appears that the psychological experience of death is much broader than we have imagined in the past.”

1. These seven scenarios include:

2. Fear
3. Images of animals or plants
4. Bright light
5. Violence and persecution
6. Deja vu or the feeling of "already seen"
7. Faces of family members
8. Memories of events after cardiac arrest

Mental experiences of patients range from eerie to blissful. Some patients report feelings of overwhelming terror or persecution. For example, like this. “I had to go through a burning ceremony,” recalls one study participant. “There were four people with me, and if one of them lied, he had to die ... I saw people in coffins who were buried in an upright position.”

Another person recalls being "dragged deep underwater" and another patient recounts that "I was told I was going to die and the quickest way to do that was to say the last little word I don't remember."

However, other respondents report rather opposite feelings. 22% recall "a feeling of peace and tranquility." Some saw living creatures: "Everything and everything around, in plants, but not flowers" or "lions and tigers." Others bathed in "bright light" or reunited with family. Some had a strong sense of déjà vu: "I felt like I knew exactly what people were going to do and they really did." Heightened senses, a distorted sense of time, and a feeling of separation from one's own body are common memories of near-death patients.

While "certainly people felt something at the time of death," Prof. Parnia says, how they would interpret those experiences depended entirely on their life experiences and beliefs. Hindus may have said they saw Krishna, while a Midwesterner in the United States claimed to have seen God. “If a person who is brought up in Western society is told that when you die you will see Jesus Christ and he will be full of love and compassion, then he will certainly see him,” says the professor. - She will come back and say: “Father, you are right, I really saw Jesus!” But how can any of us recognize Jesus or another God? You don't know what God is. I don't know what he is. Except for images of a man with a white beard, although everyone understands that this is a fabulous performance.

“All this talk about the soul, heaven and hell - I have no idea what they mean. Probably, there are thousands of interpretations, depending on where you were born and how you were brought up, - says the scientist. “It is important to move these memories from the realm of religion to the realm of reality.”

Common cases

So far, the team of scientists has not established what will determine the ability of patients to remember their feelings at the time of death. Explanations are also lacking as to why some people experience scary scenarios while others talk about euphoria. Dr. Parnia also notes that apparently more people have near-death memories than the statistics suggest. Most people lose these memories due to massive cerebral edema caused by cardiac arrest or heavy sedatives given to them in intensive care.

Even if people cannot remember their thoughts and feelings at the time of death, this experience will undoubtedly affect them on a subconscious level. The scientist suggests that this explains the very opposite reaction of patients who came back to life after cardiac arrest. Some no longer fear death at all and begin to relate to life more altruistically, others develop post-traumatic stress disorder.

Professor Parnia and his colleagues are planning further research to find answers to these questions. They also hope that their work will help shed new light on ideas about death and free it from stereotypes associated with religion or skepticism.

Death may well be the object of scientific study. “Any person with an objective mindset will agree that research needs to be continued,” the scientist says. - We have opportunities and technologies. Now is the time to do it."

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This is the fifth and final article of the series devoted to the issues of death. Any living structure in the sense of energy exchange obeys the law of the pentagram: organs and systems of the human body, building interactions in the family and production team ... From experience, we can say that five facets of considering a topic can create the effect of an exhaustive idea (feeling) about it.

The fear of death is that fundamental fear, to the type of which one can reduce the whole variety of fears experienced by a person, up to the “paradoxical” ones: fear of fear (fear of being scared) and fear of life! ☺

As long as there is fear, there is no freedom, no joy, no meaning, there is BLOCKING.

That is why we oppose the phenomenon of fear of death with the symbol of harmonious LIFE!!! ☺

The topic for us is far from theoretical.

Behind us is the support (for research purposes) of the centers of the mind of dead people (John Brinkley did the same, the same topic was considered in the film “I Remain”, in which Andrei Krasko starred before his death), and the study of materials left by predecessors and very respectful use of the results of instrumental studies, which Professor Korotkov conducted at the risk of his life in morgues.

He and his associates studied the energy activity of the shell of dead people up to 9-40 (!!!) days, and the measurement results could clearly show whether the person under study died from:

  • old age
  • accident
  • karmic withdrawal from life (in this case, residual sheath activity was not observed at all)
  • negligence / ignorance (in these cases, it was simply necessary to observe maximum accuracy and attentiveness in a dangerous period from the point of view of Astrology, to use the abilities of the Personality to select a conservative or evolutionary scenario for the unfolding of events in order to avoid an astrologically predictable tragic scenario! Near the bodies of these "careless deceased" later on, the instruments recorded many attempts of the “sometimes gaping” center of the Mind of the deceased to penetrate inside “his body” and revive it. also on their health!

As far back as in the summer of 1995, at the conference on weak and superweak interactions, which took place in St. Petersburg, we talked with the professor about ways to successfully overcome these consequences of experiments. Our experience in accompanying the dead and researching the phenomenon of exercism was also at his service…

In this article, we will try to dispel the veil of uncertainty and consider in detail the processes that occur with a person after death from the point of view of physics.

After all, the answer to the question of what will happen after death is the key to overcoming the strongest human fear - the fear of death, as well as its derivative - the fear of life ... that is, fears that stick their subconscious sticks into the wheels of consciousness of almost any person.

But before giving a detailed answer to the question of what awaits us after death, it is necessary to understand what death is and what Man is.

Let's start, perhaps, with the definition of Man, Man with a capital letter.

So, in a complete divine configuration, Man is a triune being, consisting of:

  1. physical body belonging to the material world (has a genetic history of construction) - iron
  2. Personalities- a complex of developed psychological qualities and attitudes (ego) - software
  3. Spirit- an object of the causal plan of the existence of matter (has an incarnation history of construction), incarnating into a physical body during the cycles of reincarnation to gain the necessary experience - user

Italics is a computer analogy.

Rice. 1. What will happen after death. "Holy Trinity" - a multi-level structure of Man on various planes of existence of matter, which includes the Spirit, Personality and Physical Body

It is in this set of structural units that Man represents the Holy Trinity.

However, it must be borne in mind that not all representatives of homo sapiens have such a complete set.

There are also frankly soulless people: Physical body + Personality (Ego) without the 3rd component - Spirit. These are the so-called "matrix" people, whose consciousness is controlled by patterns, limits, social norms, fears and selfish aspirations. The incarnating Spirit simply cannot “get through” to them in order to convey to the consciousness the true tasks facing this person for the current incarnation.

The diaphragm of consciousness for corrective signals "from above" in such a person is tightly closed.

A kind of horse without a rider or a car without a driver!

He runs somewhere, goes according to the program laid down by someone, but he cannot answer the question “Why is this all”! In a word, Matrix Man...

Rice. 2. "Matrix" person, guided through life by ego-templates and programs

Accordingly, the answer to the question of what happens after death will be different for a spiritual and non-spiritual person.

Let's take a closer look at the physics of what will happen after death for these 2 cases!

What happens after the death of a person. Physics of processes


Death is a change of dimension

According to medical indicators, the moment of stopping the heart and breathing of a person is taken as the fact of physical death. From this moment on, we can assume that a person is dead, or rather, his physical body is dead. But what happens to the center of human consciousness and its field (energy) shell, which covers the physical body during the entire conscious life? Do these energy-informational objects have life after death?

Rice. 3. Energy-informational shells of a person

Literally the following happens: at the moment of death, the center of consciousness, together with the energy shell, is separated from the deceased body (physical carrier) and form an astral entity. That is, after physical death, Man simply passes to a more subtle plane of existence of matter - the astral plane.

Rice. 4. Stable plans for the existence of matter.
"Bird of materialization / dematerialization" - the process of transition of information into energy (and vice versa) over time

The ability to think on this plane also remains, and the center of consciousness continues to function. For some time, phantom sensations from the body (legs, arms, fingers) may even be preserved... Also, additional opportunities for moving in space appear at the level of mental stimuli that lead to movement in the chosen direction.

Detailing the answer to the question of what happens after death, it is worth clarifying that a deceased person, having passed into a new form of subtle-material existence - the object of the astral plane described above - can exist at this level up to 9 days after the death of the physical body.

As a rule, this object during these 9 days is not far from the place of his death or the usual territory of residence (apartment, house). That is why it is recommended to cover all the mirrors in the house with a thick cloth after a person passes away, so that the center of consciousness that has departed to the astral plane cannot see its new, not yet familiar appearance. The shape of this object (Human) of the astral plane is predominantly spherical. The structure of the object includes the center of consciousness, as a separate intelligent structure, plus the energy shell surrounding it, the so-called energy cocoon.

If during life a person was very strongly attached to material things and his habitat, then in order to facilitate the “withdrawal” of the deceased to more subtle planes of the existence of matter, it is recommended to burn the things of the deceased: in this way, he can be helped to get rid of dense material reality and transfer additional energy is the lifting force from the flame plasma.

What awaits us after death. Transients between 0-9 and 9-40 days

So, we found out what will happen after the death of a person at the initial stage. What's next?

As mentioned earlier, during the first 9 days after death, the deceased is in the so-called lower astral layer, where energy interactions still prevail over informational ones. This period is given to the deceased so that he can correctly complete and energy-information "release" all the bonds that hold him on the earth's surface.

Rice. 5. Rupture and release of energy bonds in the period from 0-9 days after death

On the 9th day, as a rule, the center of consciousness and the energy cocoon move to higher astral layers, where the energy connection with the material world is no longer so tight. Here, the information processes of this level are already beginning to have a greater influence, and their resonance with the programs and beliefs formed in the current incarnation and stored in the center of human consciousness.

The process of compaction and sorting of the information and experience accumulated in the center of consciousness, received in the current incarnation, begins, that is, the so-called disk defragmentation process (in terms of computer systems).

Rice. 6. What happens after death. Defragmentation (ordering) of information and accumulated experience in the center of human consciousness

Until the 40th day (after the death of the physical body), the deceased still has the opportunity to return to those places where he still has some connections at the energy or information level.

Therefore, during this period of time, close relatives can still feel the presence of the deceased person “somewhere nearby”, sometimes even see his “blurred” appearance. But such a tight connection is more typical for the first 9 days, then it weakens.

What will happen after the death of a person in the period after 40 days

After the 40th day, the main (most important) transition occurs!

The center of consciousness with already relatively defragmented (condensed and sorted) information begins to “suck” into the so-called mental tunnel. Passing through this tunnel is like watching a movie about a life lived, scrolling the tape of events in the opposite direction.

Rice. 7. Light at the end of the mental tunnel. Scrolling the events of life in reverse

If a person had a lot of stress and unresolved conflicts during his life, then for their repayment during the return passage through the tunnel they will require the expenditure of energy, which can be taken from the energy cocoon (the former energy shell of a person) that envelops the outgoing center of consciousness.

This energy cocoon performs a function similar to the function of fuel on a rocket launcher that launches a rocket into outer space!

Rice. 8. Transfer of the center of consciousness to more subtle planes of the existence of matter, like launching a rocket into outer space. Fuel is spent on overcoming the forces of gravity

In the passage of this tunnel, church prayer (funeral service) or candles lit for the repose of the departed person on the 40th day also help. The flame plasma of candles releases very large volumes of free energy, which the outgoing center of consciousness can use when passing through the mental tunnel to “pay” karmic debts and unresolved problems of the energy-information level accumulated during the current incarnation.

At the moment of passage through the tunnel, all unnecessary information, not completed into full-fledged programs and not corresponding to the laws of subtle plans, is also cleared from the database of the center of consciousness.

From the point of view of physical processes, the center of consciousness passes through the memory body of the 4th dimension (Soul) in the opposite direction until the moment of conception (Genome points) and then moves inside the Spirit (Causal body)!

Rice. 9. What will happen after death. Reverse passage of the center of consciousness through the body of memory (Soul) to the point of the Genome with the subsequent transition to the Causal body

The light at the end of the tunnel just accompanies the process of this transition from the point of conception into the structure of the Individual Spirit!

Further processes taking place at this level, as well as the processes of reincarnation (new incarnation), we will leave for the time being outside the scope of this article ...

What happens after the death of a person. Possible deviations from the described harmonious scenario

So, understanding the question of what awaits us after death and what will happen to us, we have described here a harmonious scenario of leaving for another world.

But there are deviations from this scenario. Basically, they concern people who have greatly "sinned" in the current incarnation, as well as those whom numerous grieving relatives do not want to "let go" into the other world.

Let's talk about these 2 scenarios in more detail:

1. If a person in the current incarnation has gained a lot of negative experience, problems, stress, energy debts while interacting with other people, then his transition to another world after death can be very difficult. Such a center of consciousness with an energy cocoon that has departed after physical death is like a balloon with a huge amount of ballast pulling it down, back to the earth's surface.

Rice. 10. Ballast at the balloon. "Karmically burdened" person

Such deceased, even on the 40th day, can still be in the lower layers of the astral plane, trying to somehow free themselves from the bindings that pull them down. Their relatives can also very clearly feel their close presence, as well as a very strong outflow of energy, affecting the health of living relatives. This is the so-called form of post-mortal vampirism.

In this case, it is worth ordering the ritual of the funeral of the deceased in the church. This can help such a "heavy" soul of a deceased person to get rid of earthly reality.

In the event that the deceased person managed to “sin” very seriously in the current incarnation, he may not go through the reincarnation filter at all, remaining in the lower and middle layers of the astral plane. In this case, such a Soul becomes the so-called astral publican.

This is how ghosts and ghosts are formed - these are just such entities from the lower layers of the astral world that have not passed reincarnation filters due to karmic burdens.

Rice. 11. Physics of the formation of ghosts and ghosts. Fragment from the cartoon "The Canterville Ghost"

2. The soul of a deceased person can also linger for a long time in the lower layers of the astral world, if it is not released for a long time by grieving relatives who do not understand the physics and nature of death processes.

In this case, it looks like a big, beautiful flying balloon that has been hooked with ropes pulling it back to the ground. And here the whole question is whether the ball has enough lift to overcome this resistance.

Rice. 12. Reverse attraction of the Soul of a deceased person to earthly reality. The importance of the ability to "let go" to rest the departing Soul

What are the consequences of this often? In the event that a child is conceived in this family, which has not let go of a deceased relative in their thoughts, then it can be said with almost 99% probability that this child will be an open reincarnation of a recently departed relative. Why open? Because the previous incarnation in this case closes incorrectly (without passing through the mental tunnel to the center of the Spirit) and the recently departed Soul from the astral world (because it did not have time to leave higher) is “dragged” back into a new physical body.

Such is the physics of the birth of a large number of children "Indigo"! With a deeper study, it turns out that only 10% of them can be attributed to real Indigo, and the remaining 90% are, as a rule, "reincarnations" drawn back into this world according to the scenario described above (although it happens that the incarnation comes and "heavy" object from scenario #1). They are so developed very often only because the experience of the previous incarnation was not correctly erased for them, and also the past incarnation itself was not harmoniously closed. In this case, the answer to the question “who was I in a past life” for such children is very obvious. True, this can also affect the health of such children with open reincarnation.

Rice. 13. The nature of children "Indigo".
Indigo or open reincarnation of one of the relatives?

Thus, the child's consciousness gets open access to all the experience and knowledge of the past life. And who was there - a mathematician, a scientist, a musician or a car mechanic - just determines his pseudo-genius and premature giftedness!

Correct care and change of dimension

In the case when the center of Consciousness after death successfully “leaves” into the subtle planes of the existence of matter, passing into the structure of the Individual Spirit, then, depending on the experience accumulated by the Spirit for the current and all previous incarnations, as well as depending on the completeness and fullness / inferiority of information programs in the structure of the Spirit, 2 scenarios are possible:

  1. The next incarnation into the physical body (as a rule, the gender of the biological carrier changes)
  2. The exit of their circle of physical incarnations (Samsara) and the transition to a new subtle-material level - Teachers (Curators).

These are the pies, as they say! :-))

So, before departing to another world... it is even worth studying physics even here!

As well as basic instructions and rules before taking off into space!

May come in handy!

If you want to understand in as much detail as possible all the issues related to death, reincarnations, previous incarnations, the meaning of life, we recommend that you pay attention to the following video seminars.

Contrary to popular belief, not all people experience the same near-death experience.

It seems to many that a person after clinical death enters a tunnel leading to the light, where he is greeted by relatives or luminous beings who tell him whether he is ready to go further or send him back to awaken in this life.

Such specific near-death scenarios have been reported many times, but this by no means means that this happens to every dying person. However, there is a general feeling that most, or at least a large percentage of the people who were able to report it, experience.

Renowned researcher F. M. H. Atwater cataloged near-death experiences in his book General Aspect Analysis, and Kevin Williams analyzed them based on a study of 50 near-death experiences. Williams acknowledges that his study is not scientific and exhaustive, but it may be of interest to evaluate this phenomenon. Kevin Williams Presents top 10 sensations that a person experiences after death:

In 69% of cases, people experienced a feeling of all-consuming love. Some thought that the very atmosphere of this "place" was the source of the amazing feeling. Others believed that it arose from an encounter with "God", luminous beings, or previously deceased relatives.


The ability to communicate with people or creatures using telepathy was reported by 65% ​​of people. In other words, they used non-verbal communication at the level of consciousness.

All life before my eyes

In 62% of people, their whole life flashed before their eyes. Some reported that they saw her from beginning to end, but others - in the reverse order, from the present moment to the very birth. At the same time, some saw the best moments, while others felt that they were witnesses to every event in their lives.


A meeting with a certain deity, whom they called "God", was reported by 56% of people. Interestingly, 75% of people who consider themselves atheists reported a divine being.

Huge Delight

This feeling is very similar to the "feeling of all-consuming love." But if all-consuming love came from some external source, then my own feeling of delight was like a great joy from being in this place, liberation from my body and earthly problems, and from meeting creatures that love them. This feeling was experienced by 56% of people.

Unlimited Knowledge

46% of people reported that they felt a sense of unlimited knowledge, and sometimes even received knowledge, it seemed to them that they knew all the wisdom and secrets of the universe. Unfortunately, after their return to the real world, they could not retain this unlimited knowledge, and yet the feeling remained in their memory that knowledge really existed.

Afterlife levels

In 46% of cases, people reported traveling through different levels or realms. Some even reported that there is a Hell in which people experience great suffering.

Barrier of no return

Only 46% of people who experienced near-death experiences spoke of a kind of barrier where they were told about the decision made: whether they would remain in the afterlife or return to Earth. In some cases, the decision was made by the creatures living there, who informed people about unfinished business. Some people, however, were given a choice and very often many did not want to return, even if they were told about an unfinished mission.

Future Events

In 44% of cases, people were shown future events. It could be global or personal events. Such knowledge, perhaps, could help them decide something when returning to earthly existence.


Although the "tunnel to the light" became a near-hit among afterlife stories, only 42% of people reported it as a result of Williams's study. Some felt the feeling of flying quickly towards a source of bright light, while others felt like moving down a passageway or stairs.

Uncertainty about what's going on

Most people who have had a near-death experience are not convinced that this actually happened to them, and at the same time, it served as proof for them that there is life after death.

In contrast, materialistic science claims that these experiences are mere hallucinations caused by lack of oxygen in the brain and other neurobiological effects. And while researchers have been able to replicate or mimic some aspects of near-death experiences in the lab, they aren't sure these experiences are real.

The bottom line is that we can't be 100% sure what's going on there. At least until we die... and stay there. Then the question arises: “Can we somehow tell people on Earth about this?”

The Bible says that "the dust will return to the earth from where it came from, and the spirit will return to the Creator, Who gave it" ... Pardon the pun, but today only the dead do not try to find out or find out what happens to the soul when the person dies. This is what I was wondering about.

Human death - what is it?

From a biological and physical point of view, the death of a person is a complete stop of all processes of his life. This is an irreversible phenomenon that none of us can avoid. At the moment of death of a person, processes occur that are inversely proportional to his creation. The brain is irreversibly destroyed, losing its functionality. The emotional world is erased.

Where is she - the edge of being?

The Bible says that "the dust will return to the earth from whence it came, and the spirit will return to the Creator, Who gave it." In accordance with this, today some scientists have derived a formula. In writing, it will have the following two options:

  • earthly dust + breath of life = the living soul of a person;
  • lifeless body + breath of the Creator = living person.

The formula shows that each of us is endowed with a body and a thinking mind. And as long as we breathe (we have the breath of God in us), we are living beings. Our soul is alive. Death is any cessation of life, it is non-existence. The human body becomes dust, the breath (the spirit of life) returns back to the Creator - to God. When we leave, our soul slowly dies, subsequently being reborn. A decaying corpse remains in the ground. More on this later.

What happens to the soul when a person dies?

Our soul is released from the body for several days, having gone through several stages of purification:

So what happens to the soul when a person dies? From all of the above, we can conclude that she returns back to the Creator, and does not go to heaven or hell. However, let me! But what about the Bible, which says that ours goes either to heaven or to hell? More on this later.

Where do the souls of dead people go?

Today, scientists are trying to prove the existence of heaven and hell, collecting testimonies of people who have returned "from the other world." Who did not understand - I'm talking about the survivors. Their testimonies coincide to the smallest detail! Unbelieving people say that they saw hell with their own eyes: they were surrounded by snakes, demons and a terrible stench. Those who "visited" paradise speak of light, fragrance and lightness.

Where are the souls of dead people?

The clergy and doctors who communicated with such people noticed an interesting feature: those who "visited" paradise returned to their physical body enlightened and calm, and those who "saw" hell tried for a very long time to recover from the nightmare. Experts summarized all the testimonies and memories of "dead" people, after which they concluded that heaven and hell really exist, with the first being at the top and the second at the bottom. Everything is exactly the same as in the description of the afterlife according to the Bible and the Koran. As we can see, there is no consensus. And this is absolutely fair. In addition, the Bible says that "the day of judgment will come, and the dead will rise from their graves." Friends, it remains to be hoped that the zombie apocalypse will not fall in our age!

It is important!

So, friends, we have considered some aspects of a person. I have tried to most accurately state some of the opinions of modern scientists regarding this problem. Now seriously. Do you know what happens to the soul when a person dies? So I don't know! To be honest, no one knows the answer to this question: neither I, nor you, friends, nor scientists ... We can only speculate based on certain unproven facts of clinical death of people. There is no direct evidence of life after death or death after death, so we can only operate on the unproven arguments that science provides us with. As they say, all the dead take the secret with them to the grave...

Of course, the question is very interesting to many, and there are two most popular views on it: scientific and religious.

In terms of religion

From the point of view of science

The human soul is immortal There is nothing but a physical shell
After death, a person expects heaven or hell, depending on his actions during life. Death is the end, it is impossible to avoid or significantly extend life
Immortality is guaranteed to everyone, the only question is whether it will be eternal pleasures or endless torment The only kind of immortality you can have is in your children. genetic continuation
Earthly life is but a brief prelude to infinite existence. Life is all you have and should be valued the most
  • - the best amulet against the evil eye and damage!

What happens to the soul after death?

This question is of interest to many people, and now in Russia there is even an institution that is trying to measure the soul, weigh it and film it on camera. But in the Vedas it is described that the soul is immeasurable, it is eternal and always existing, and is equal to one ten thousandth of the tip of a hair, that is, very small. It is practically impossible to measure it with any material instruments. Think for yourself, how can you measure the intangible with tangible instruments? This is a mystery to people, a mystery.

The Vedas say that the tunnel that people who have experienced clinical death describe is nothing more than a channel in our body. There are 9 main openings in our body - ears, eyes, nostrils, navel, anus, genitals. In the head there is a channel called sushumna, you can feel it - if you close your ears, you will hear a noise. Temechko is also a channel through which the soul can exit. She can exit through any of these channels. After death, experienced people can determine to which sphere of being the soul went. If it came out through the mouth, then the soul returns to the earth again, if through the left nostril - towards the moon, through the right - towards the sun, if through the navel - it goes to the planetary systems that are below the Earth, and if through the genitals, then it enters to the lower realms. It so happened that I saw a lot of dying people in my life, in particular the death of my grandfather. At the moment of death, he opened his mouth, then there was a big exhalation. His soul came out through his mouth. Thus, the life force, together with the soul, leaves through these channels.

Where do the souls of the dead go?

After the soul has left the body, for 40 days it will stay in the place where it lived. It happens that people, after the funeral, feel that someone is present in the house. If you want to feel like a ghost, imagine eating ice cream in a plastic bag: there are possibilities, but you can't do anything, you can't taste anything, you can't touch anything, you can't physically move. When a ghost looks in the mirror, he does not see himself, and feels shock. Hence the custom of covering mirrors.

The first day after the death of the physical body, the soul is in shock because it cannot understand how it will live without the body. Therefore it is customary in India to immediately destroy the body. If the body is dead for a long time, the soul will constantly circle around it. If the body is buried, she will see the decomposition process. Until the body rots, the soul will stay with it, because during its lifetime it was very attached to its outer shell, practically identified itself with it, the body was the most valuable and expensive.

On the 3-4th day, the soul comes to its senses a little, gets rid of the body, walks around the neighborhood, and returns to the house. Relatives do not need to arrange tantrums and loud sobs, the soul hears everything, and experiences these torments. At this time, you need to read the scriptures and literally explain what the soul should do next. Spirits hear everything, they are next to us. Death is a transition into a new life, death as such does not exist. Just as in life we ​​change clothes, so the soul changes one body for another. The soul during this period does not experience physical pain, but psychological pain, it is very worried and does not know what to do next. Therefore, it is necessary to help the soul and calm it down.

Then you need to feed her. When stress passes, the soul wants to eat. This state appears in the same way as during life. The subtle body wants to taste. And in response to this we put a glass of vodka and bread. Think for yourself, when you are hungry and thirsty, you are offered a dry crust of bread and vodka! How will you feel?

You can facilitate the further life of the soul after death. For this, the first 40 days do not need to touch anything in the room of the deceased and do not start sharing his things. After 40 days, on behalf of the deceased, you can do some good deed and transfer the power of this deed to him - for example, keep a fast on his birthday and declare that the power of fasting passes to the deceased. In order to help the deceased, you need to earn this right. Just lighting a candle is not enough. In particular, you can feed the priests or distribute alms, plant a tree, and all this must be done on behalf of the deceased.

The scriptures say that after 40 days the soul comes to the bank of the river called Virajya. This river is teeming with various fish and monsters. There is a boat near the river, and if the soul has enough piety to pay for the boat, it swims across, and if not, then it swims - this is the way to the courtroom. After the soul has crossed this river, the god of death Yamaraj awaits it, or in Egypt it is called Anibus. A conversation is being held with him, the whole life is shown as if on a film. There the further destiny is determined: in what body the soul will be born again and in what world.

By performing certain rituals, the ancestors can greatly help the dead, facilitate their further path, and even literally pull them out of hell.

Video - Where does the soul go after death?

Does a person feel the approach of his death

If in terms of premonitions, then there are examples in history when people predicted their death over the next few days. But this does not mean that everyone is capable of this. And don't forget about the great power of coincidences.

It may be interesting to know if a person is able to understand that he is dying:

  • We all feel the deterioration of our own condition.
  • Although not all internal organs have pain receptors, there are more than enough of them in our body.
  • We even feel the arrival of a banal SARS. What can we say about death.
  • Regardless of our desires, the body does not want to die in a panic and activates all resources to fight a serious condition.
  • This process may be accompanied by convulsions, pain, severe shortness of breath.
  • But not every sharp deterioration in well-being indicates the approach of death. Most often, the alarm will be false, so you should not panic in advance.
  • Do not try to cope with conditions close to critical on your own. Call for help from everyone you can.

Signs of approaching death

As death approaches, a person may experience some physical and emotional changes, such as:

  • Excessive drowsiness and weakness, at the same time periods of wakefulness decrease, energy fades.
  • Breathing changes, periods of rapid breathing are replaced by respiratory arrests.
  • Hearing and vision change, for example, a person hears and sees things that others do not notice.
  • The appetite worsens, the person drinks and eats less than usual.
  • Changes in the urinary and gastrointestinal systems. Your urine may turn dark brown or dark red, and you may also have bad (hard) stools.
  • Body temperature fluctuates from very high to very low.
  • Emotional changes, the person is not interested in the outside world and individual details of everyday life, such as time and date.