What is the name of the pepper mill. Manual pepper grinder: an indispensable accessory for the culinary specialist and how to choose it right? How to choose the right mill

Spending time in the kitchen is not the most pleasant experience for some women, but when pleasant and necessary accessories, such as a peppermill, provide assistance, time passes faster and the work seems less tiring. IN modern world little things matter. Any dish is not complete without spices, be it salt, pepper, cardamom, ginger, cloves - each of the spices gives the dish a unique aroma and taste.

Earlier, in ancient - ancient times, spices were picked by hand, dried, ground in a mortar and sold not for little money - then they had value. But, unfortunately, now it is easier to buy a so-called spice in stores in bags, which looks more like a powder. In order to have at home not a pathetic semblance of spices, but to feel the smell and incredible taste, you should purchase such an irreplaceable thing as a mill.

The mill consists of a flask, which in turn consists of several parts, the so-called main part, where the seasoning is placed, millstones, which are ground into small particles of spice and directly, a container where the chopped seasonings fall.

There are two types of mills: electric and manual. Which one is better - there is no reliable answer, but we can definitely say that the electric pepper mill is convenient to use. A minimum of effort is required, when using an electric mill, the processing time of seasonings is reduced. If you have an original design, the device can be an excellent decoration for your table, but such a pepper mill has a high cost. In a mechanical or manual pepper mill, on the contrary, maximum effort is required for grinding - the process is quite laborious, but one of the advantages of a manual mill is its precise dosage, which is almost impossible to do in an electric one. There is a disposable mill, you do not need to put anything into it, it is sold ready-made, however, some housewives manage to use it several times, resorting to some tricks. Do you need such an assistant in the kitchen? Yes, your dishes will definitely become more flavorful and tasty.

How to choose the right mill

There are several criteria to consider when choosing a pepper mill:

  • body material;
  • ease of use;
  • the material from which the millstones are made;
  • the presence of adjustment of the degree of grinding.

Take a pepper grinder and feel how comfortable it is. Its shape, weight, everything should be in accordance, feel whether it is pleasant for you to hold it.

Burr material and device functionality

After you have touched and turned the device in your hands, you can start assessing the quality of the main mechanism - the millstones. What is it, you ask. The millstones are the mechanism that grinds the seasonings. There are also several types of them: millstones made of ceramic materials, millstones made of stainless steel and millstones and plastic. Probably, many have guessed that millstones made of plastic are less reliable due to the peculiarities of the material from which they are made. Typically, these millstones are used in short-lived mechanical and disposable pepper mills.

Determine if your option has a grind adjustment option. Please be aware that this feature is not available in the cheap and disposable options. And in more expensive and modern mills for salt and pepper there is such an opportunity, you just need to slightly loosen or tighten the screw on the mill cover. This way you get a grind adjustment, but you have to define the particle size at your discretion. If you take an electric pepper mill, then, on the contrary, thanks to the rotation of a special device, which is located at the bottom of the device, the degree of grinding is easily adjustable, this device has a certain scale, with which you can determine the degree of grinding of the seasoning for each dish individually.

How functional is your pepper shaker. As mentioned above, the ideal option for grinding is a pepper shaker with two rows of teeth on the millstones. Therefore, if you grind only pepper, there is plenty of such a mill, but if you grind Himalayan salt along with pepper, the mill will upset you: not only will it not grind very well, but also the millstones will quickly become dull. If you nevertheless decide to grind various spices, salt and pepper, then it is best to purchase a universal mill. Such a mill has two containers, separately for pepper and separately for salt; in addition, there are device models with two separate mechanisms for grinding various seasonings.

Common types of mills

What mills exist, I would like to dwell on each of them in more detail and consider the advantages and disadvantages. The simplest and cheapest is the disposable mill.

Disposable mill, which can be cheaper and more impractical. Such a mill can be safely called a mill for the lazy. Since it is used once and thrown away. What is she like? Usually, this is a glass or plastic container, in which there are already spices (pepper, salt, maybe a mixture of spices). The main difference from reusable ones is its size, as a rule, it reaches a height of no more than ten centimeters, and the principle of operation is as follows - you simply remove the lid and twist the chopped spices over the finished dish. Some manufacturers have even come up with an "elite" line of disposable mills, where there is an adjustment of the degree of grinding. The main advantages of this device are as follows:

The disposable mill is ideal for lazy and very busy people. But it also has disadvantages:

Another drawback lies in the simple form - any woman wants something laconic, unique, so that this device is part of the interior of her kitchen, but in disposable spices, all jars are identical.

Features of using a reusable mill

The reusable (mechanical or manual) mill is suitable for aesthetes and gourmets. It usually consists of several components: a container where spices are poured, millstones or knives that grind the spices and a container where the finished chopped spices are located. There are a lot of types of such mills for salt and pepper. They are universal or only for one type of seasoning, which, in turn, perfectly grind the peas. Multipurpose mills have stronger salt grinders, with and without various top handles. Mechanical mills can be found in a wide variety of materials: wood, ceramics, plastics, steel, etc.

The advantages of a hand mill are its durability, you can choose a pepper shaker for every taste and for any design: classic ceramic, modern stainless steel - everyone can choose an individual mill. Some people like the process of manual grinding, while others consider this kind of grinding to be real. Such mills can often be found abroad. Very often, such devices are offered to be brought home from abroad as a souvenir.

And such a practical mill has its drawbacks: if you decide to buy it abroad, be careful that it does not turn out to be a souvenir in the truest sense of the word. Examine the millstones so that they are not made of plastic, the best are metal. Please note that a wooden cabinet is impractical; it will absorb odors from other spices. Another drawback is the lack of adjustment of the degree of grinding and the impossibility of grinding coarse spices, and the most significant drawback is that such a manual design is not suitable for grinding several spices in a row. This device should be rinsed before grinding each seasoning. The cost of such a device fluctuates around 300 rubles.

The fresher the grind of pepper, the more fragrant it is, therefore notorious gourmets and good housewives prefer to buy not ground spices in bags, but whole seeds, which must be ground immediately before use.

Pepper mills

To grind whole seeds, a special mill is required, which is of two types:

  • Mills from renowned manufacturers of kitchen utensils, specially designed for reusable use. They are able to serve the hostesses faithfully for several decades.
  • Plastic packaging of peppers with a device capable of crushing the contents. This device cannot be called a full-fledged mill, but it does its job perfectly.

Let's talk in more detail about the second type of devices. A striking representative, which is known to everyone, is the Kotanyi brand. As conceived by the manufacturers, these mills are disposable, that is, unsuitable for further use. The device is capable of functioning only for the period until the contents of the jar run out, after which the packaging must be disposed of. But most of our compatriots disagree with this statement, they believe that there is no point in buying a new mill if it already exists. That is why the enterprising Russian people ask themselves the question: how to open the Kotanyi pepper mill in order to refill it with its contents and make it reusable?

Mill Kotanyi

So, as we have already found out, many people choose Kotanyi spices in glass jars with a grinder built into the lid. It is very convenient to use such mills - you do not need to purchase expensive devices, pour them over, and the sealed package retains the taste and aroma for a long time. The mill is very easy to use. We twist the lid - and the ground pepper is evenly scattered over the products, the peppercorns are of the desired size (small and not small). In a word, beauty!

There is only one drawback of this mill - it is disposable, we have already mentioned this. But people coped with it, having understood how to use the devices a second or even a third time. So how to open a Kotanyi pepper mill?

Disassembly methods

You can disassemble the Kotanyi mill in different ways, which many have already tried:

  • To open the mill, cut the sides of the plastic lid with a sharp knife. Pull slightly and the lid slides easily. Pour fresh pepper into the jar and replace the lid. Secure it with any clamp that is at hand (plastic ring, technical clamp, etc.) or heat it to such an extent that the plastic becomes soft. But keep in mind that the last method can be used once, that is, the next time you remove the lid without damaging it, it will not work, besides, the mill will lose its attractiveness.

  • Not sure how to open the Kotanyi pepper mill? Some cans can be opened simply with a lot of effort - for example, ask your husband for help. Grasp the lid with one hand, the glass base with the other, and pull them in different directions with all your strength, while slightly twisting the lid. If the first time did not work out, you should not continue (not this time), go to another method.

How to open a disposable mill for a fragile girl?

If it is not possible to use brute male force, then you should use the following method:

  • Lower the mill with the lid down into a container filled with boiling water.
  • Leave it there for just a few minutes until the plastic softens. While waiting, the jar can be turned over so that water can penetrate everywhere.
  • Remove the mill from the water (use an oven mitt to avoid getting burned).
  • Pull the cover. It bounces off with ease.

A similar method is to heat the lid of the mill under the hot air of a hair dryer, while the jar must be constantly rotated so that the lid and connection fall under the stream. The expansion process takes about a minute, after which you need to forcefully pull the lid or pull it to the side until the characteristic cotton.

  • Wash, dry the jar and fill it with new spices.
  • Insert the plastic ring into the grooves, put the cover on top and slap it slightly. Ready!

Manual and mechanical methods

Not sure how to open the Kotanyi 4 Pepper Mill? The design of the product has the following features - the movable element of the lid rests on the teeth, it is for this reason that not everyone can remove it with boiling water or the use of force. If the above methods didn't work, try using dexterity. This requires:

  • Take off upper part cover and set the coarse grinding mode on the mill (upward position).
  • With one hand, you should grasp the lid, with the other, the jar, trying to lift the edge of the lid as if on a break.
  • Turn the cover slightly and lift it up again.
  • Repeat the manipulation again (for the third time the cover bounces off by itself);

The process of disassembling and assembling the pepper grinder is identical, so to put the lid back on, you must again apply force to the edge. That is, you do not need to immediately put the element on the can, you should start from the edge. In this matter, there will be no superfluous masculine strength.

There is another known way to open the Kotanyi disposable pepper mill - mechanical. In this case, a knife is used, respectively, there is a risk of scratching the plastic. When using this technique, not the entire cover is removed, but only the membrane (plastic circle).

  • Remove the outer part of the lid, under which there is a membrane with holes for spilling peppers.
  • Lift the plastic circle from several sides with a knife.
  • Pull out the element (some parts will fall out with it).
  • Pour new spices through the partially open neck of the jar.
  • Insert all parts into place and press down slightly. Ready!

The last way

Some batches of mills are more stubborn, it is sometimes difficult to cope with them. In this case, it remains to resort to the last method - the use of two wood planks. In order to disassemble the mill you will need:

  • Take two planks wider than the diameter of the lid.
  • On one of them, cut out a semicircle on either side, deepened into the board.
  • On the other, repeat the action, but with a mirror image.
  • Place the mill on a hard surface and grasp it with one of the workpieces.
  • With the second workpiece, rest on the opposite side and lift it up. She will lift the lid in a semicircle.

Ready! You can fill in fresh pepper and return the lid to its place.

Unfortunately, even if you know all the ways to open the Kotanyi pepper mill, you won't be able to use it forever. The device will last for a maximum of four fillings, after which the mill will become dull and unable to function.

There are separate grinders for pepper and salt. Their main difference is the power and strength of the cutting teeth. However, there are also universal models. In such, in addition to salt and pepper, you can grind almost all seasonings. But both universal and thematic mills have the same structure.

The seasoning mills are made up of three parts. Above is a container into which the product should be poured. Below is a section with teeth that grind the spices. This is followed by a container receiving the shredded product, ready for use. Additional details include a scroll handle and a perforated plate through which the spices are poured out.

Having decided on the type of pepper and salt mill, pay attention to other selection criteria. The most important point is the material from which the item is made. To create mills, glass, steel, wood, plastic, and ceramics are most often used. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, plastic mills can crack if squeezed or used continuously. Ceramic and glass ones are easy to break, so they are not suitable in the kitchen where children are working.

Most durable materials are steel and processed wood. But they also have their own nuances. For example, wood quickly absorbs a variety of odors, and also requires careful cleaning when changing an ingredient. When using a universal grinder made of this material, be prepared for the fact that the salt may acquire a slight peppery aroma over time, which, in turn, may become slightly salty. Steel products are durable and do not absorb odors. But they need to be looked after regularly to avoid rust formation.

The second important criterion for choosing a pepper and salt grinder is ease of use. These spices are used most often and by almost all family members. Therefore, the mill should lie comfortably both in the hand of an adult and in the hand of a child. Also, if you plan to use the little thing not only when cooking, but also at the table, give up the elongated options. Such mills look very stylish and impressive, but their use is more relevant in restaurants than at home.

The third criterion is appearance mills: it is desirable that it ideally fit the interior of the kitchen. This nuance will allow you to complement the room with a functional and effective detail, because many accessories for salt and pepper look very beautiful and attract attention. In modern shops, you can easily find mills in a wide variety of styles. Also remember: the purchased product can be slightly transformed by yourself, supplemented with decoupage or an interesting finish.

Freshly ground spices have a bright, rich taste and aroma. And using the salt and pepper mill is much more pleasant and interesting than using an ordinary salt shaker or pepper shaker. This is why, despite the huge variety of ready-to-use ground condiments on supermarket shelves, the popularity of spice mills is growing steadily.

Photo by Shutterstock

Types of salt and pepper mills

There are two main types of salt and pepper mills: - electric; - manual (mechanical).

In electric mills, millstones are rotated by an electric motor, which is turned on by simply pressing a button or touching a sensor. Power is supplied from AA batteries or a rechargeable battery, so that the device is not tied to an outlet. No effort is needed to grind. Electric mills are very good for grinding large crystals of sea salt. This is explained by the fact that salt is harder than most spices, and it is rather difficult to grind it by hand.

In mechanical mills, the millstones are manually driven by rotating the handle or top cover relative to the housing. The grinding process is more laborious than using electric mills, but the dosage of spices is much more accurate.

Let us dwell in more detail on the main characteristics of salt and pepper mills.

Millstones of mills

The most important characteristic of a spice mill is the material of the millstones. It can be plastic, ceramic or stainless steel.

Plastic millstones are the most short-lived. They are used in inexpensive disposable hand mills filled with a mixture of salt, pepper and other spices. Usually, by the time the container with spices is empty, the millstones will wear out.

Millstones made of ceramics and of stainless steel more reliable and abrasion resistant. The average service life of a mill with ceramic burrs is about five years, with stainless steel millstones about ten.

For a better, waste-free grinding of pepper grains, it is recommended to choose mills, the millstones of which have two rows of teeth

Grinding adjustment

In the simplest and cheapest hand mills, the degree of grinding is not regulated. In more "advanced" devices, adjustment is done by loosening and tightening the cover screw. This is not very convenient, since the particle size has to be determined empirically each time.

In electric mills, the grinding is controlled by turning a special wheel, which is usually located at the bottom of the device. The wheel has a scale that allows you to ideally select the degree of grinding of spices for each dish.


To grind hard crystals of salt, millstones with more powerful teeth are needed. Therefore, mills designed for pepper usually cope poorly with coarse salt, their knives quickly become dull. If you plan to grind not only pepper, but also salt and other seasonings, then it is better to buy several grinders or choose a universal model. In addition, there are special 2-in-1 mills with two salt and pepper containers and two separate mechanisms (or one more powerful mechanism equipped with a salt / pepper switch).

The variety of spices in the kitchen contributes to the preparation of delicious and colorful food. The most popular spice in Russian cuisine is the mixture of peppers.

You can buy a pre-ground mixture in bags, but real gourmets recommend buying a mixture of peppers in special containers with a crushing mechanism.

Such devices are called "mills". Mills have a lot of advantages and disadvantages that every housewife should know.

Description of disposable mills

It is easier and cheaper to purchase a disposable mill that already contains peppercorns. You can find such a product in almost any grocery store.

Before buying a spice converting device, it is worth knowing some features regarding use.

The disposable pepper grinder has the following features:

  • The disposable pepper jars are made of glass and the mill itself is built into the lid.
  • In such packaging, the spices will retain the quality of taste and smell.
  • Thanks to the portioned grinding, the chef can control the quantity and quality of the grinding of the pepper.
  • Quite a high cost in comparison with the already ground product in sachets.
  • It is impossible to reuse containers for pepper.
  • It is impossible to check the quality of the spice inside the package.

Other features may be present depending on the manufacturer.

Steps for disassembling mills of different companies

Disposable pepper mills have the only drawback - you won't be able to reuse the container.

This is considered impractical and damaging to the environment. In addition, it is impractical to constantly spend money on a new device every time.

Note! The disassembly and assembly scheme depends on the manufacturer's company, since they have a fundamentally different clogging method.

Experienced housewives found a way out of the situation and learned how to open containers so as not to damage the grinding mechanism.

This trick allows you to use the grinder multiple times, saving your family budget without compromising on the quality of your food.

How to disassemble a pepper mill of different companies:

Company manufacturer Opening method What to consider in the process of work
Kamis Lower the empty mill into a container. Pour boiling water over the plastic lid evenly. We wait a few minutes and remove the lid from the jar. The device must be washed and dried before reuse. If, after a few minutes in boiling water, the lid does not give in, then you should wait some more time. It is easier to put on the shredder: fix the plastic grooves correctly and close the lid with a cotton
Kotanyi Remove the protective cover. Set the "coarse grinding" mode. Turning the cover and the body in different directions, try to bring the thread to the fracture - the cover should rise. The action is repeated twice You can remove the cover with a knife. Here you need masculine strength and there is a risk of damage to the jar and lid.
Remove the upper protection, a plastic shield is pushed under it with a knife, which is removed with a part of the mechanism. Pepper can be poured into the half-open neck
Prypryvych The mill is removed by the "break" method. Grab the can with one hand, and the lid with the other and pull sharply Depending on the set of spices, a different grinding mechanism can be used, so it is worth trying several options
Erringen Warm up the plastic lid with a hair dryer, and then sharply pull the container and the mill in different directions For such an impact, it will take a lot of effort, since the teeth on this kind of device are too sharp

To reload the disposable pepper mill efficiently without breaking the millstone and chipping the lid, you need to use less aggressive methods.

Regular users of such devices have noticed that it is worth considering some of the structural features of the pepper mill.

Tips for operation and selection:

  • After using the mill three times, the clogging quality and the sharpness of the knives deteriorate, so it is better to replace the device.
  • It is worth choosing a glass disposable mill to be able to use the device again.
  • If the method of opening the container is not suitable, it is worth using a complex of different unsealing methods.
  • Before pouring a new portion of pepper, the container must be washed and dried, so the aesthetics of taste will be preserved.

It is worth considering the peculiarity of the situation. The mill can break under strong pressure or due to a factory defect.

Therefore, you should not give up if the spice replacement did not work out the first time.

Useful life hacks

You can pour pepper into a disposable mill without applying special forces if you use life hacks.

Such techniques and methods will qualitatively simplify life and help in the process of replacing spices:

  1. Remove the protective disc and turn the container upside down with the mill, place the device in a bowl of boiling water. The pressure inside the jar will build up and press out the mill.
  2. Carefully cut the cap at the seams, add pepper and fasten the parts with a clamp. If the plastic is soft, then you can melt the edges of the cut, and connect the parts.
  3. Use scissors to cut the rubber seal under the cover, which can be replaced with a rubber band.
  4. In two boards, cut out semicircles, which in terms of parameters will correspond to the lid and bottom of the container.

Fix the lid in one board, the bottom of the can in another, and unscrew the fixtures in different directions.

The manual disposable pepper mill requires care when opening and sealing, since the materials used to make the device are not of the highest quality.

Note! Some life hacks can be really useful and work out the first time. Others may require some skill and experience.

The further service life depends on the method of opening the mill. If the device will be used again only once, then more radical life hacks can be applied.

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