What is an entry in youth jargon? Registration - what does it mean? What is a youth enrollment

“New day – new word” – this is how the current youth slang is characterized. “Lol”, “tanka”, “fit in” and other youth words are already incomprehensible to the older generation. Sometimes, in order to understand what a teenager is talking about, you have to use a search engine or ask again, subtly hinting at detailed explanation word meanings. This article will talk about what is an inscription, as well as why it is worth protecting a child from a "submarine" and "hustle".

What is an enrollment

Previously, the word "fit" meant a fun pastime with a company at friends' homes.

Now, when saying “fit in”, young people mean a party in a crowd in a friend’s apartment. As a rule, such gatherings involve the presence of alcohol, cigarettes, loud music and debauchery. According to the principle of organization and conduct, oddly enough, entries are divided into types.

1. "Legion". Such a meeting is considered safe, since the purpose of the event is not to get drunk to unconsciousness, but to discuss common interests (cinema, music, hobbies and hobbies). First, a circle of guys is formed, who then invite the girls to the venue of the "legion". The social circle changes every 3-5 times, because the constant company bothers the guys.

2. "Flat". The same as "legion", but popular among informals. The fact is that individual informal movements gather to discuss specific things of their own subculture. These things are music, elements of clothing, last news and other relevant things. Flat got its own name from the word "apartment". In Soviet times, it was called "kvartirnik".

3. Hustle. Dangerous Entry. This event is considered dangerous, since the very translation of the word "hustle" means crushing. The purpose of the "hustle" is to gather so many people that there is nowhere for an apple to fall in the apartment. "Hustle" is dangerous because strangers gather there, about whom the participants of the event do not know anything until the start of registration.

It is not recommended to participate in the "hustle" for teenagers under 18 years old, since at such parties they drink a lot of alcohol, which causes brawls and headaches in the morning. In addition, such events and their participants sometimes become "heroes" of the criminal chronicle, because drug use and debauchery of minors are commonplace for the "hustle".

4. "On the side." A kind of meeting of strangers for one night drinking alcohol. It is also not considered a safe pastime for minors.

5. "Submarine". Perhaps the most dangerous type of entry. The organizers of the "submarine" buy dozens of liters of alcohol, which is drunk in the apartment for two or three days. According to the rules of the party, participants are required to turn off their phones and not leave the venue until the check-in is completed.

6. "Inscription-sausage." That entry, to which not a single invited girl came.

7. "Road party". This is the name of the party that is organized on the way. For example, a train car, a trailer van or a yacht. Interestingly, gatherings in a train compartment with your own fellow travelers fall under the category of "road party".

As a rule, an appointment is organized for new acquaintances. For example, like-minded people gather for the “legion”, but they come to the “submarine” in order to get drunk until they lose their memory and have sex. The main purpose of registration directly depends on the type of event. Nowadays, "hustle", "submarine" and "on the side" are often organized. The rest of the entries are not popular among young people.

It is interesting to know that, in addition to the concept of "inscription", there are concepts of "inscribe" and "write out". The meaning of these words is simple:

  • Enter - invite or let to a party.
  • Write out - expel from the event or refuse to participate.

To get signed up, go to social network and find a party group for the city you live in. For example, for residents of Moscow, the community will be called "Vpiski - Moscow". Accordingly, a specific community has been created for each specific city. Young people often publish posts in such groups with invitations to parties. It is enough to contact the organizer of the event and find out the details of registration.

The most famous inscriptions

In 2016, Channel One raised a lot of noise around the case. This girl was the victim of debauchery at a party of strangers. recorded as many as five episodes of the talk show "Let them talk", which was symbolically called "In the midst of a party." Five hours of recording with Diana Shurygina and Andrey Malakhov describe what happens at the reception if a girl gets drunk and is unable to resist a man.

In short: underage Diana went to a birthday party of strangers 150 kilometers from her own home. There, the girl drank vodka, allegedly "on the bottom", as the victim told the talk show. When Diana became ill, she went into the room to lie down to rest.

Then one of the guys came there - Sergey, who succumbed to the provocations of the drunken Diana and had sex with her. After that, the girl began to blackmail the guy, arguing this with her own age. Since Sergei Semenov refused to pay Diana, she reported the guy to the police. The court decided to deprive Sergei of freedom for 8 years strict regime.

Interestingly, after this incident, Diana became a blogger, got married and now plans to increase her breasts.

Despite the comedic genre of the film "Project X: Dorvali", the picture reflects in detail the sudden consequences of organizing a check-in with random party-goers. Recommended for viewing by parents and children in order to understand in advance what a meeting of such a large-scale party implies.

Inscription is a slang term for a party or hangout among young people. The approximate age of participants is from sixteen to twenty-three years. Anyone can become a participant in this celebration of life, if the main company accepts it. A check-in takes place in a residential area, most often at a friend's house. The decisive vote belongs to the owner of the apartment, he determines whether to invite a specific person or refuse.

Types of entries

  1. Scheduled. The planned entry takes place according to a predetermined scenario. It is planned from two days to several weeks, the invited young people are carefully selected. Alcohol is purchased in advance. The total score is divided among all.
  2. Sudden. The idea of ​​gathering a large number of people comes in the morning, by the evening the party is already gathering. People come in a hurry, there may not be enough food and alcohol.
  3. Two friends (Two Friends). A party is a small drinking party of two or three people. Passes at home, with medium alcoholic drinks(wine, beer, cider). Overnight stay is organized by the owner of the apartment.
  4. Mass gathering. A party with a huge number of people, all rooms are occupied, an incredible amount of alcohol and food. Unfamiliar personalities also come to visit, a friendly atmosphere reigns at home, contact is immediately established with strangers.
  5. Holiday entries. The difference between a holiday entry and another type lies in the reason for the gathering of people, friends gather in honor of a specific event. They eat and drink for several days, with an overnight stay the whole company stays with the owner of the house or apartment. Alternatively, the company rents a house for a couple of days.

Stages of gathering for a party

The starting point is the desire to have fun, to gather friends, to relax, to relax. The age category of young people is sixteen, eighteen years old. Teenagers gather at the home of the owner of a free apartment.

Stages of unbridled fun:

  1. Notifying friends (determining the number of guys).
  2. Fundraising.
  3. Purchase of products.
  4. The heat of the party.
  5. Ending.

Friends notification

Parents left, left their child alone at home, then the fun begins. Adolescence, the desire to play tricks, to show their "coolness" are rushing out. Initially, there is a mass mailing of messages to your friends that "the house is free." Intrigued young men and women, interested in the process of creating bacchanalia, decide to meet with the new owner of the dwelling. There is a discussion of the composition of the participants, with a shortage of the required number among close friends, old contacts, liked personalities, unfamiliar young people are recalled.


When the number of guys per square meter goes off scale, the next stage takes place - fundraising for the party. Young boys and girls, calculate the subsequent costs. Alcohol is an indispensable attribute of such "home parties". Consume heavily alcoholic beverages:

  • vodka;
  • tequila;
  • Bacardi;
  • tincture.

Do not disdain the usual draft beer. Some manage to bring moonshine. Yes, schoolchildren drink drinks with seventy percent alcohol. For the purchase of drinks, food, napkins, the whole company is thrown off or “nishtyaks” are brought.

Purchase of products

Having replenished the budget with a friendly company, a crowd of young guys storm grocery stores. The question arises, will alcohol be sold? Russian law allows you to legally sell alcoholic beverages from the age of eighteen, violating the law, the seller faces administrative responsibility. Schoolchildren legally circumvent the law - they take an adult comrade with them. Having bought alcohol, do not forget to take juices, lemonades, water with gas. Snacks are chips, crackers, snacks, products that do not require cooking - semi-finished products. In addition to alcohol, drinks, food, cigarettes, tobacco, hookah coals are purchased.

The heat of the party

Having bought everything you need, having unloaded the goods at home, the owner waits for the evening in order to activate the party. The onset of evening marks the opening of the entry. Young people actively communicate, have fun, drink alcohol. The whole highlight of the entry is permissiveness, it is allowed to drink, fool around, smoke and possibly have sexual contact. Schoolchildren feel euphoria, get a lot of new emotions, permissiveness and even debauchery are felt. Parents do not see the bedlam going on at home. Calling your son or daughter, the moment is activated - "quiet everyone, mom is calling." The whole company calms down together, the music is turned off, laughter is restrained in every possible way. Parents, falsely convinced that their child is doing homework peacefully, calm down. Wishing Good night, calls are terminated. The party continues to grow. Loud music plays, the entrance is filled with smoking teenagers. Unaccustomed young people become ill from drinking alcohol. On the balcony, young smokers organize their conversation.

End of enrollment

This action takes place until five or six in the morning. Some stay overnight with the owner of the apartment, someone orders a taxi and goes home, the girls are escorted home by the guys.

What not to do on enrollment?

Having analyzed the events taking place at the registration desk, we will consider some taboos. You should not attend this party for non-drinking individuals, there is a high probability not to resist and give up before the onslaught of the crowd. Follower healthy lifestyle life, at least, try alcohol. A non-drinking person, surrounded by a company of hot young people, is like a red cloth for a bull. The game "get the non-drinker drunk" begins. Naturally, the young man wins, who managed to persuade him to skip a couple of glasses of a teetotaller.

The party provides for an impressive number of people, the owner has to keep order and different companies. Alcohol has a peculiar effect on fragile organisms, in addition to cheerful courage, attacks of aggression occur. Noticing a flash of uncontrollable rage behind you, you should calm down. Seeing a brewing fight, the best solution would not be to provoke further developments, but to calm down the young people.

Consequences of registration

A big get-together sometimes means big consequences. The overwhelming number of drunk people in one room cannot remain without a trace. Consequences of enrollment:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • pogrom of the apartment;
  • complaints from neighbors;
  • Increased social status in the eyes of friends.

Alcohol intoxication is the inability of the body to digest a large amount of alcohol consumed. Symptoms of intoxication: vomiting, short-term memory loss, disorientation, chills, hangover. The unaccustomed body is shocked by the incredible amount of alcohol drunk. It is difficult for the body to cope with the onslaught of alcohol and, having decided not to digest the poisonous substance, it pushes the contents of the stomach out.

The pogrom of an apartment is the most common occurrence. A noisy party is accompanied by broken glasses, torn furniture, broken small decor items. Naturally, the presence of garbage, dirty dishes, countless scattered bottles. Collective cleaning eliminates the consequences in a few hours. Having destroyed an interior item, you should buy an identical product, or confess to an accidental unforeseen circumstance.

Complaints from neighbors are regulated by verbal agreement. Turning down the music while smoking cigarettes outside the stairwell. It is better to take into account the wishes of a sleepy, disgruntled neighbor.

Otherwise, the party will be disrupted by a visit from law enforcement. I'll have to explain the purpose of gathering young people late at night. In order not to take it to extremes, the ability to negotiate and respect for personal space will be useful.

Increasing social status, Congratulations! Having arranged a mass party, avoiding negative consequences, you can pass for a hospitable and cheerful person. Feel free to add this memorable evening to your basket of coolness.

What do you need to sign up for?

The motive for organizing an inscription is the desire to unite friends, find new ones, strengthen existing ties, and show one's importance. Fun, drunken frenzy and dancing are only secondary consequences. Teenagers try to live an adult life, start smoking, pursuing the only goal - to be accepted by the company. The positive aspects are the expansion of the circle of contacts, involvement in social life, new contacts. Growing up, young people get tired of drinking, new ways of self-realization, spending leisure time appear.

If you are young and beautiful, then you want to "have a good time", spend time with benefits for the body and stomach. To do this, advanced youth gathers at someone's "hut" in order to spend the weekend and not only with sense, feeling and arrangement. A similar process in adolescents is called "fitting in". What does Vika mean in youth slang? Before continuing, I recommend reading a few articles on the topic of youth slang, for example, who is Vanilka, what does Eblan mean, who is Gooch? This term was borrowed from the word " write in", that is, add to the list of invitees. It is an analogue of the word "overnight", that is, citizens come to someone's apartment with their food, drink and " glamorous kiso". ashamed of your behavior.

Usually it happens like this, someone's "parents" are dumped in the country, and this person has the opportunity invite several people, only ten - twenty individuals. During the whole process, someone will break, tear or soil something, and the whole event is accompanied by noisy fun, loud music, conversations in the style of "do you respect me?".
Basic " cymus"in the list, this is not booze, and not drunken dancing, this is seeeeex. When everything calms down, the most interesting begins, the copulation of everyone with everyone begins, so the guys need to look after their ass, otherwise in the dark you can be confused with a nyasha.
The list that only guys came to is called the sausage list, probably because only males will drink, without kawaii chan.

entry is a party, usually an overnight stay

Generally the word entry", first appeared among the hippies, and means a place where you can stop for the night, wash and relax. You are entered only on one condition that in return they will expect a return service from you, a place where you can throw a tourist rug and a sleeping bag, boil tea, and put yourself in order. In this case, "inscribed" is a flat, where other hippie citizens constantly live.

Do not worry if your son or daughter goes to entry Because people are inherently social creatures, and they are not comfortable being alone. A person definitely needs to get approval from the outside, establish contacts, improve and develop his personality, share information with others, etc. And for all this, you need to constantly be in a team, so a moderate entry has not hurt anyone yet, you just need to understand when to stay.


I’m sitting in the basement and wondering why I’m not at the reception, and why don’t I thump?

The slang expression "fit" has long been used in communication. In this post, we will analyze in detail the meaning of a word that has become very popular among young people.

What does it mean?

So, in slang - an invitation to have fun in a noisy company in someone's apartment. By the way, jargon appeared back in the days of the USSR, when young people were looking for a free apartment for entertainment and recreation.

The founders of the unusual word became members of the hippie subculture. The guys often traveled around the country and, due to lack of finances, stayed for the night in the houses or apartments of their friends, acquaintances, and even strangers. Such overnight stays were commonly called "stays".

To date enrollment in teenagers- these are visits to parties at home or in an apartment, which involve a subsequent overnight stay. Such gatherings promise to be noisy and lengthy. Alcoholic drinks are drunk at the entrances.

Very often, such events are held by one of the acquaintances, when the parents of teenagers go on vacation or on a business trip. The most important thing is the presence of an empty apartment, house or even a summer house.

In some cases, youth slang for a check-in can mean temporarily staying in someone's apartment for a few days.

The main purpose of the event

What is the purpose of gathering such parties? Everything is simple. The youth movement is organized away from adults, who often annoy teenagers with teachings, instructions and advice. The guys want to be away from the elders and have fun.

By the way, sometimes the registration is considered only as an overnight stay. For example, a person does not have money for a hotel or rent, but needs somewhere to spend the night. Or someone simply missed the last bus or tram, and the owner of the apartment, in order not to expel the guest at such a late time, leaves him for the night (such cases are called “unscheduled check-in”).

Party types

What do they do on the so-called "inscriptions"? It all depends on the type of such event. Now we will tell you more about each of them.


One of the safest and most harmless entries. This event is attended by people who know each other very well. They gather not only for drinking alcohol, but also for interesting communication. A small nuance: initially, guys gather at the legions, and then they invite unfamiliar girls to visit. This is often done through social media.


Another quite harmless type of entry. The guys get together just to do what they love together. This could be listening to music or playing computer games.


Youth slang is replete with a similar expression. What does it mean? It turns out that a submarine is an unusual entry in which young people lock themselves in an apartment or in a country house in order to have fun. Its goal is to escape from the familiar world. While the “submarine” lasts, you cannot leave the premises, house or apartment, it is forbidden to use mobile phones and electrical appliances.

on the side

Such an entry is considered unsafe, because people who do not know each other come to it. Another problem with the event is that it can be canceled at the last moment.

road party

Party on the way somewhere. Usually young people gather in the compartment of a sleeping car.


The word translated from English means "crush". These are entries with such a huge number of people that there is simply no free space left in the apartment. By the way, not all teenagers like this state of affairs. But on the other hand, this is a great opportunity to meet someone who will invite you to the next party.


A party that none of the invited girls came to.

How to get enrolled?

Getting signed up is easy. You can simply use the search in the social network "VKontakte". It's easy to find a user there who gathers guys at home for a party for one or more nights.

But it is worth remembering that when attending such events, one should be careful, because the consequences can be the most unpredictable!

Are there any rules?

In order to "fit" into any party, you should know that there are certain rules of conduct at such events.

A prerequisite is courtesy towards those present. It is considered indecent to ask where to get an overnight stay in an apartment. The owner can indicate sleeping place, but usually guests are located directly on the floor.

It is forbidden to take things that belong to the owner of the house, and even more so without asking to take them out of the home. The use of the telephone and the bathroom is possible only with the consent of the owner.

Please bring food and alcoholic beverages with you!

You can learn more interesting information about subscriptions from the video:

Now you know everything about these parties!

At all times, young people have been looking for ways to separate themselves, at least for a while, to isolate themselves from the world of supervising adults and spend it as they would like. This issue is most acute when the interests and lifestyle of young people differ sharply from those accepted in society, namely, when various subcultures emerge. For such meetings, a format of a meeting called "inscription" was invented. Inscriptions are divided by types, each has its own peculiarity, which are discussed in more detail in the article.

In Soviet times, the most striking, rebellious was the hippie subculture, which is distinguished not only by freedom of thought, but also by freedom in choosing life morals. Hippies are often credited with freedom in sex, free attitude to soft drugs. In order for their freedom not to be restricted, it was necessary to gather somewhere for communication. Therefore, it is with the hippie movement that the emergence of such a thing as a fit is associated.

entry- This is a temporary shelter, a rooming house for those close in spirit who really need it. Usually, those who wish to spend time doing certain activities are invited to the vacant apartment as a result of the departure of their parents on a business trip, to the dacha or their own. At the same time, the proposed activities can be completely diverse, either this is the usual holding of a party, or listening to music, or the same activities for which the founders of the hippie list gathered.

Types of entry
The inscription now has different meanings, and there are several types of inscription.

The simplest one is called a flat entry. No matter how mysterious it may sound, it means only a daytime gathering of like-minded people (listening to music, discussing sports events, politics, etc.).

The safest is an entry called legion. It happens when people who have known each other for a long time gather, far from the first time they gather. The purpose of such meetings is not only drinking alcohol, but also communication. The number of guys is equal to the number of girls, and the latter are invited almost every time new ones, which adds some variety to the communication process. But after 3–4 times, the participants get bored with this entry, and they start looking for other entries.

Registration on the side is organized by complete strangers, so going there alone is a completely reckless act, it is better to find yourself a reliable acquaintance for the company.

The hustle entry implies such a number of people that not only sit (lie down), but also stand all crowded and nowhere.

A shuffle entry, on the contrary, is a gathering of a very small number of people with similar interests to discuss the pressing problems of humanity, science and art.

A submarine is a pre-planned listing. The name is not accidental, because. the initiator buys in excess a sufficient amount of booze and snacks for it, gathers like-minded people, with whom he closes for several days in some place remote from civilization. At the same time, communication with the outside world is disconnected, they are fenced off from it in every possible way.

If none of the invited girls showed up for the scheduled party, then such a party automatically gets the name of a sausage party.

Road party - a check-in somewhere along the way: in a train compartment, in a trailer, etc.

Still entries are divided into planned and unplanned.

Unscheduled appointments
Occur after one of the guests discovers that he was late for the metro, bus, tram, etc. The whole company can sit too long. So that people do not spend the night at the entrances and on the street, their owner, willy-nilly, has to leave them overnight until the metro opens or other transport arrives.

Scheduled entries
Usually associated with parents who vacated the apartment for the weekend due to departure to the country. And only an overnight stay in a sheltered house distinguishes it from an ordinary party. In addition, the planned registrations include the need to accommodate a team of fans who followed their favorite team to the competition. This also includes hitchhikers arriving at new town, and those in need of lodging for the night, so that in the morning, with renewed vigor, go to places unknown to them.

Tourist entry
For those who like to travel without any restrictions on freedom and, most importantly, without extra costs, there is a kind of registration. It lies in the fact that in almost every country in the world there are people who are completely free, for the sake of a good company, are ready to let travelers in to wait. They either advertise themselves on the Internet on those sites where “savages” travel lovers usually communicate, or those same “savages” share the addresses and phone numbers of these people. Avid hippie travelers may have a lot of such phones, but not all of them will work and not on every call they will be ready to accept, but there is always a chance and rarely anyone in an unfamiliar city stays overnight on the street. This term is also applicable when the traveler asks to spend the night with one of his relatives living in this locality.

Enrollment rules
Those who want to fit in without problems and not be expelled from the place of registration after a couple of hours must follow some rules that are more of a moral and ethical nature than of a legislative one.

1) You should not insist too actively on registration when you are denied it, because this is not a sacred duty of the owner, but his free will, therefore, in this case, stubbornness and impudence are not applicable.

2) Politeness is a prerequisite for staying in the owner's house, and not only with the owner, but with those whom he may have sheltered.
3) Complete and unconditional submission to the regime of the owners of the house, i.e. if the house is used to going to bed early, it is necessary to do this with everyone together, and if sleep does not come without communication and fun gatherings, you will have to support the company, even if there is no strength at all.

4) It would not be entirely correct to ask where “your” bed is, if there is one, the owner himself will show, but usually you have to spend the night on the floor, so having a sleeping bag with you will always be in the most advantageous position. It takes up little space, weighs little, and its advantage is undeniable, so there is a reason to take a sleeping bag with you on a free journey.

5) The same goes for food. It is not necessary to ask what the owner has to eat, but to offer food brought with you, or at least something for tea, is simply necessary. If you wish, you can carefully inquire about the possibility of using the kitchen and the equipment available there for cooking.

6) Cleanliness and accuracy will make any guest welcome. To wash dishes for yourself and the owner, carefully, so as not to interfere with basic cleaning, take out the trash - this is the minimum that hospitable hosts expect from those they sheltered.

7) You should not bother with your conversations and express your thoughts when it is not interesting, and no one asked about them, i.e. distract the owners as little as possible.

8) The things of the owners are taboo. It is impossible to take them without asking, to consider them, and even more so to take them out of the house, even if it is planned to return them without fail. It is strictly forbidden to look into cabinets and bedside tables, to “host” in the absence of host people.

9) The opportunity to use the bathroom should also be agreed with the owner, because not everyone wants to see a stranger in their bathroom.

10) A landline phone can also be used only by agreement with the owner and preferably only for local calls. Naturally, these conversations should not have an hour duration.

11) Be sure to agree in advance on how many people apply for a ticket. The easiest way is when there are no more than 3 people, if a large company travels, then you will have to break up into small subgroups. And it is necessary to start worrying about your overnight stay in the morning, and not when it is already dark outside.

12) If for some reason the need for registration has disappeared, it is necessary to notify the people who agreed to give their shelter.

13) Once you are registered with a company of travelers like yourself, it is highly recommended to get to know them, because this acquaintance makes it possible to acquire additional phone numbers for registration in other cities.

Although these rules are not written, but their observance forms a certain opinion about the traveler, and in the case of positive memories and emotions left behind, it is some guarantee that next time he will be accepted with great pleasure.

Why are subscriptions dangerous?

Those registrations, when people do not know at all who invited them, unplanned, of course, carry a number of unpleasant moments. You can run into inadequate hosts, as well as hosts can shelter inadequate guests. But the great danger is connected with the fact that the vast majority of registrations involve the adoption of alcohol, and in unlimited quantities. And this is fraught with a lot of trouble the next morning. And it’s good if only the loss of a certain amount of money is discovered, with full health. And, therefore, the most important rule for those who fit in is to be careful in the use of alcohol and other unknown substances offered.

In general, registration is a good opportunity to meet new people, expand your circle of friends.