Raymond pauls personal biography. Raymond Pauls: biography, creativity, personal life. Political activities of Raimonds Pauls

Raimonds Pauls was born in Riga on January 12, 1936. His father worked as a glassblower, his mother embroidered with pearls, and later became a housewife. Little Raymond went to a kindergarten opened at the Music Institute. At the age of ten, he went to the music school. Darzin. Raymond studied piano with Olga Borovskaya.

Later, Pauls entered the Conservatory. Vitola, at first he studied in the piano class, and then in the composition class. In his youth he was fond of jazz, played dances, improvising a lot. It was then that Pauls realized that he would be doing music all his life.

Creative activity

In 1964, Raymond took the position of artistic director of the variety orchestra of the city of Riga, his music began to be recognized. A few years later, Pauls prepared the first author's program, which was presented at the Latvian Philharmonic. All tickets were sold out.

For many years, Pauls was a conductor at the state radio, also worked as a music editor. During that period, Pauls created the musical Sister Kerry. In 1975, the song "Yellow Leaves" was released, which is still popular today.

A new stage in the biography is cooperation with the Diva. The symbols of the era were such songs as "A Million Scarlet Roses", "Old Clock", "Maestro". Later, Pauls collaborated with Laima Vaikule, Valery Leontiev. The composer also wrote music for films and theatrical productions.

Raymond Pauls was invited to participate in filming a movie. In 1978, he got a role in the movie "Theatre", in 1986 he played in the film "How to Become a Star". In 1986, Pauls proposed the creation of the Jurmala competition, the initiative was supported.

In 1989, the composer became the Minister of Culture of his country, and 4 years later he was appointed Cultural Adviser. In 1999, Pauls ran for the presidency of Latvia, he passed the first round, but subsequently withdrew his candidacy.

In the 2000s, Raymond created new musicals "Lady's Happiness", "The Legend of the Green Maiden". 10 years later, the works "Marlene", "Leo" were published. In 2014, the famous performance "All about Cinderella" was created. Pauls continues to maintain contacts with performers, he is the chairman of the New Wave competition, which was created by the composer in 2002 together with Igor Krutoy.

Personal life

Pauls' wife is Svetlana Epifanova, whom the composer met in the fifties. She lived in Odessa, Raymond Pauls came to the city on tour. At that time, the girl was a university student, studying foreign languages. Svetlana responded to Raymond's advances and they got married.

The couple had a daughter, Aneta. The family helped the composer get rid of bad habits. Aneta became a TV director, her husband is a Danish citizen. Daughter Pauls gave birth to two girls and a boy. Only Monica is fond of music, she masters playing the piano. In 2012, Raymond and Svetlana celebrated their golden wedding.

Raymond Valdemarovich Pauls was born in Riga in 1936. The family of Raymond Pauls was partly creative, his father studied music on free bread, and at the same time worked at a glass factory.

As a three-year-old child, Pauls attended a kindergarten at a musical institution, from which the boy's knowledge of music began.

After the Great Patriotic War, Pauls enters and studies at a secondary music school. From 1953 to 1958 he studied at the Latvian State Conservatory. At the same time, wanting to have his own earnings, he also worked at trade union concerts.

In the 1950s, the composer was engaged in performances as part of the Riga Variety Orchestra, concerts were not only within Latvia.

The first record of Raymond Pauls with his songs was released in the 1960s. From 1973 to 1978, the musician directed the Modo instrumental ensemble. A few years later, he took up editing music radio programs.

Real popularity came to Pauls thanks to the song "Yellow Leaves". In the future, the composer creates several incredibly popular hits.

The creative tandem with Ilya Reznik brought good results to Pauls, one of these is the song "Maestro" for Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. The composition immediately became a hit, very famous in all countries of the USSR. In addition to Pugacheva, Laima Vaikule and Valery Leontiev began to cooperate on an ongoing basis.

Thanks to the joint work of Pauls and Voznesensky, the world recognized the song "Million Scarlet Roses", which became popular all over the world and translated into many foreign languages.

Raymond Pauls also created musicals, created works that were used in performances and films.

On the initiative of the composer, the song contest "New Wave" was created in Jurmala.

Little is known about the personal life of the musician and composer. Today, although the biography and personal life of Raymond Pauls is a very popular and sought-after material, there are very few facts from his personal life. It is only known that Pauls is once married to Svetlana Epifanova, and also that he has a daughter and two grandchildren.

Political activities of Raimonds Pauls

Few artists associate themselves with politics, but this is not about our hero. Raimonds Pauls became interested in politics back in the 1980s. Becoming a deputy of the Supreme Council of Latvia, a musician, after 4 years already a people's deputy of the USSR. Further, the composer was chosen to chair the State Committee for Culture in Latvia. When the USSR ceased to exist, Raimonds Pauls was appointed Minister of Culture of Latvia. The composer himself left this post, due to disagreements with the abolition procedure. In the 1990s, the composer got a job as a cultural adviser to the President of Latvia. In 1998, Raimonds Pauls created his own party, which he led. Further, the appointment of Pauls to the post of deputy of the People's Party. In 1999, the musician had a good opportunity to run for the presidency of the country, but Raimonds Pauls dropped out of the race. Since then, the composer and musician has been working only in the musical field.

Raymond Pauls' wife

In 1961, Pauls tied the knot with Svetlana Epifanova. They are still living and happily married. The wife of Raimonds Pauls went through hard times with him, supported him in all his endeavors, inspired him. She is a strict and economic woman. According to Pauls, without her, he could not have achieved so much.

The wife has always taken care of the house, often the musician does not even know how much it costs and how to pay for utilities, because Svetlana has always done this personally. She is meticulous in the details. The wife, according to Raimonds Pauls, is well versed in fashion, she has good taste, therefore, it is she who always deals with the selection of costumes. Raimonds Pauls goes on tour most often with his wife, who always gives good advice and can easily communicate with the press, always knows what to say, sometimes even makes comments.

Children of Raymond Pauls

The musician and his wife Elena have one daughter, who was born a year after the marriage of the young in 1962. Daughter Aneta lives in Moscow, is married and has two children. Raymond Pauls' children make him even happier, especially grandchildren.

Raimonds Pauls is an outstanding composer and musician, the founder of many competitions, an important and integral part of many song competitions. This is a man who was able to achieve everything with his work, a man who was able to create many masterpieces known to the whole world. Raymond Pauls is a great role model for the younger generation. Successful, talented, hardworking. Fame spoils many celebrities, but not Raymond Pauls. In all his life he loved one woman, with whom he tied the knot, and from whom he had a daughter. The composer does not occupy constancy. Today he is already 81, and he still pleases admirers of his art, surprising with his talent.

For talented people, being in love is an invariable element of creativity. For geniuses, the creative component is love. For maestro Raimonds Pauls, his wife Svetlana Epifanova has become a muse and guardian angel. These two people are remarkably similar in their elegant restraint and in their half a century of happiness.

love melody

When Raimonds Pauls graduated from the Latvian Conservatory in piano, he had no idea that this musical instrument would become his destiny. The future maestro made his choice in favor of the Riga Variety Orchestra. Endless tours began, new cities greeted the talented young pianist with a standing ovation. It was in Odessa that the eternal melody of love sounded for Raymond.

During the concert, a girl who was a bit late entered the hall and sat in the back rows, trying to see from afar the person who was sitting at the piano. It was He - the man who became her destiny. But on the day when they were introduced to each other, no one could even think that the young student of Odessa University Svetlana Epifanova would soon move from her native Odessa to distant Riga to become the muse and wife of the Great Maestro.

It will not be easy for her to get used to the restrained Baltic capital after an emotional colorful pearl by the sea. But what could any difficulty mean if her beloved Raymond was nearby? And the tender and passionate music of love played endlessly for her.

"Love is not sighs on the bench..."

They already lived in Latvia, but have not yet officially become husband and wife. Intoxicated with her love, Lana then did not suspect how many times she would have to save her husband. The creative and bohemian atmosphere attracted the young musician. After the concerts, he hurried not home, but to the closet bar next to the Opera, where they constantly celebrated something with colleagues and friends. They drank a lot, leaving more or less valuable things as a pledge of future payment. Faithful Lana in some unthinkable way always came for him at the right time and took him home.

Birth of a family

On August 31, 1962, the two of them entered the doors of the Pardaugava registry office. And then it turned out that the two of them were not enough for marriage. We need at least two more witnesses who are ready to endorse their voluntary desire to become husband and wife. The woman receptionist, seeing how the two looked at each other, decided to go against the existing rules. She called the janitor for help and herself also put her signature in the registration book.

Quite satisfied with life, the newlyweds went out into the street. Their joint cash was enough for two movie tickets and for delicious donuts for three and five kopecks, which they bought after a session at the Palladium. The main thing is that they became husband and wife, and all sorts of conventions like a wedding march or a luxurious banquet could not affect their feelings for each other.

Muse of the great composer

Clever and beautiful Svetlana could make a successful career. But she preferred the role of a faithful wife, the guardian of the family hearth. Once she tried to go to work, but her husband was strongly opposed. Lana decided that family relationships were more important than her career. She became the very muse that will constantly inspire the maestro to create brilliant works. Under this music, new couples will meet and fall in love again and again, under it they will cry with happiness and suffocate with love.

They succeeded. Fame came to Raymond Pauls, and family wealth also came. Faithful Lana helped to establish a rather close circle of friends, which then persisted for many more years. Two married couples - the poet Janis Peters and his wife Barbara, and the famous sculptor Albert Terpilovsky and his wife Tina, the chief director of the puppet theater, will become the closest friends of the Maestro family for many years. With them, he will be happy to fish trout and have leisurely philosophical conversations.

“Again the day will be illuminated by the happy light of loving eyes ...”

The Great Maestro believes that many years ago, in sunny Odessa, a young, shining Odessa woman, Lana, gave him the most precious gift in her life. She gave him herself, and with her - love, inspiration and happiness to love and be loved.

She has always been a fashionista and even in cash-strapped times knew how to look amazing. She taught this art to her eminent husband, and she always carefully monitored his appearance.

The Maestro himself believes that he has an intolerable character and it is simply impossible to be with him sometimes. Although in fact his Lana knows for sure that she doesn’t need anything else in life. Next to her is the best man in the world, she has a wonderful daughter and two adult granddaughters.

Raymond Pauls himself quite seriously considers his wife just a saint. She knows how to manage the household, keep track of accounts, take care of the family and give him inspiration to create brilliant works. And he knows how to write music and make it happy.

For more than half a century, every morning she asks her great husband the same question. And every morning gets the same answer. No, it's not about love at all. Not about happiness. She just asks if he'll have coffee. Of course it will be coffee. And there will be breakfast. And everything that she will offer him will be. She will make him coffee, and he will read aloud to her funny headlines from newspapers. Isn't that what happiness is?

And then he would sit down again at the piano and play his best tune for her. The melody of love, in which resentment and hardship dissolved, as if they never existed. Only infinite gratitude and light tenderness remained. Only love remained.

Raymond Pauls and Svetlana Epifanova cherish their happiness, just as they carefully hid their feelings from prying eyes.

Pauls Raymond Pauls Career: Musician
Birth: Latvia» Riga, 12.1.1936
Raimonds Pauls (real name Oyar Raimonds Pauls) - Soviet and Latvian composer, conductor, pianist, politician. Born January 12, 1936. Raymond Pauls is the author of music for many pop hits, melodies for films. Pauls' songs are performed by such famous performers as: Larisa Dolina, Edita Piekha, Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Lyudmila Senchina, Laima Vaikule, Valery Leontiev and others.

Raymond Voldemar Pauls was born on January 12, 1936 in Riga in the family of a glass blower. His father worked at the Iltsugem glass factory. From the age of three he attended the children's kindergarten of the 1st Musical Institute, where the musical education of the future composer began.

In 1946, Raimonds Pauls entered the music school at the Latvian SSR Conservatory. In 1953 he became a student of the performing department of the Latvian State Conservatory; his piano tutor was Professor Herman Braun. In parallel with his studies, Pauls worked as a pianist in the variety orchestras of trade union clubs. After completing the course in 1958, Raimonds Pauls worked in the Riga Variety Orchestra, gave concerts in Georgia, Armenia, and Ukraine.

In 1962-1965 he studied composition at the Latvian Conservatory, where he was mentored by J. Ivanov, and in 1964 he took up the post of artistic director of the Riga Variety Orchestra of the Latvian State Philharmonic.

It was then that Pauls wrote his first widely known songs in the republic - "We met in March", "Winter Evening", at the same time his service in the cinema ("You are needed") began. Subsequently, the composer created music for a number of performances, films and television films ("Servants of the Devil", "Arrows of Robin Hood", "Death Under Sailing", "Theater", "Double Trap", "How to Become a Star").

In 1973-78 he was the artistic director of the instrumental ensemble "Modo", and in 1982 he became the editor-in-chief of the Latvian Radio's musical programs.

The song "Yellow Leaves" brought fame to the composer in 1975, and over the next five years he created a few more hits - "I'll Pick Up the Music", "Dance on the Drum". In 1979, he created the musicals "Sister Carrie" and "Sherlock Holmes".

A huge happy moment accompanied the creative union of Raymond Pauls and Alla Pugacheva: the songs "Maestro", "Old Clock", "Million Scarlet Roses", "Without Me" were known throughout the country.

Then the composer worked with other famous performers - Valery Leontiev ("Sunny Days Gone", "Cabaret", "Love the Pianist"), Laima Vaikule ("Vernissage", "It's Not Evening", "Sherlock Holmes"), and his songs invariably became hits.

In the mid-1980s, the song "Grandfather and Grandmother" performed by the children's ensemble "Dzeguzite" created by Pauls gained great popularity.

In the late 1980s, Raimonds Pauls initiated a song festival for young performers in Jurmala. In 1988, the composer became chairman of the Latvian State Committee for Culture, and after Latvia withdrew from the USSR, he took over as Minister of Culture of the republic.

After retiring in 1993, Pauls was the cultural adviser to the President of Latvia.

In 1999, he ran for the post of President of Latvia, but lost the election.

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Ojars Raimonds Pauls (Latvian Ojārs Raimonds Pauls). Born on January 12, 1936 in Riga (Latvia). Soviet Latvian composer, conductor, pianist, politician. People's Artist of the USSR (1985). Minister of Culture of Latvia (1989-1993).

Raimonds Pauls was born on January 12, 1936 in Riga, in the Ilguciems microdistrict, in the family of Voldemar and Alma-Matilda Pauls, a glassblower and pearl embroiderer. His father was an amateur musician: he played percussion instruments in the amateur orchestra "Mihavo".

Raymond played the piano as a child. From the age of three he attended kindergarten of the 1st Musical Institute, where his musical education began. At the age of 10, he entered the music school at the Latvian Conservatory - the Riga Music School. E. Darzina. After graduating from school, in 1953-1958 he studied at the Latvian Conservatory. J. Vitola (now the Jazeps Vitola Latvian Academy of Music), with Professor G. Braun in piano.

From 1962 to 1965 he again studied at the Latvian Conservatory, already at the composition department under the guidance of J. Ivanov.

Already at that time he proved himself to be an excellent performer on the piano. In parallel with his studies, he worked as a pianist in variety orchestras of trade union clubs of road workers and medical workers, and as an accompanist at the Philharmonic. He played in restaurants, having studied jazz classics and modern songs. He wrote his first music for the Puppet Theater of the Latvian SSR and the Drama Theater of the Latvian SSR. A. Upita (now the Latvian National Theatre).

After graduating from the conservatory in 1958, he worked in the Riga Variety Orchestra of the Latvian Philharmonic, gave concerts in Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine, and abroad. From 1964 to 1971 he was the artistic director of this orchestra.

From 1973 to 1978 - artistic director of the instrumental ensemble "Modo".

From 1978 to 1982 - conductor of the Orchestra of Light and Jazz Music of the Latvian Radio and Television.

From 1982 to 1988 he was the editor-in-chief of musical broadcasts of the Latvian Radio.

In 1986, on the initiative of R. Pauls, the Jurmala International Competition for Young Pop Music Performers was organized, which lasted until 1992.

From 1994 to 1995 - artistic director and chief conductor of the jazz orchestra (big band) of the Latvian Radio and Television.

In 2002, together with I. Krutoy, he initiated the New Wave International Competition for Young Pop Music Performers (Jurmala).

Since 1967 he has been a member of the Union of Composers of the Latvian SSR. Member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Latvian SSR.

Member of the Supreme Soviet of the Latvian SSR (1985-1989), People's Deputy of the USSR (1989-1991).

Since 1988 - Chairman of the State Committee of the Latvian SSR for Culture, from 1989 to 1991 - Minister of Culture of the Latvian SSR. From 1991 to 1993 - Minister of Culture of Latvia in the office of I. Godmanis. From 1993 to 1998 - cultural adviser to the President of Latvia.

In 1998 he was elected to the Seimas on the list of the New Party, in 2002 and 2006 he was re-elected from the People's Party.

In 1999, he was nominated for the post of President of Latvia, but withdrew his candidacy.

Raymond Pauls collaborated a lot with Soviet and Russian pop artists, as well as poets, wrote music for several Soviet films. Many of the artists owe the composer their popularity and immortal hits. At the same time, Pauls' entourage has always noted the complex nature and isolation of Raymond Voldemarovich.

Ilya Reznik has been a partner of Raimonds Pauls for many years. The creative duet "Pauls-Reznik" owns the most famous hits of Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev, Laima Vaikule, Irina Ponarovskaya, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Masha Rasputina and others.

Cooperation between Raymond Pauls and Ilya Reznik began in 1980.

Alla Pugacheva and Raymond Pauls - Maestro

Over the 5 years of the existence of the Pauls-Reznik-Pugacheva tandem, only 10 songs were created, but all of them are so famous that today Alla Pugacheva is often associated with these songs. In addition to Ilya Reznik, other poets also wrote poems to Pauls' melodies. Andrey Voznesensky is among them. The poet wrote poems for the Latvian song of Pauls - "Dāvāja Māriņa". Thus was born the song "A Million Scarlet Roses", the most famous song of Alla Pugacheva.

During the creative collaboration between Pauls and Pugacheva, many believed that they had an affair. The song "Maestro", written by Raymond Pauls and Ilya Reznik, is actually dedicated to Konstantin Orbelyan, with whom Alla Pugacheva, according to rumors, had an affair at the beginning of her career. But the whole Soviet Union took the song differently and addressed Pugacheva's appeal to Pauls. In fact, there was no romance, as Pauls himself and Reznik say. In 1985, the cooperation between Pugacheva and Pauls gradually came to an end. The last song of the tandem was "Cause Time". In the late 1980s, there was a place for the resumption of cooperation between Raymond Pauls, Ilya Reznik and Alla Pugacheva. Several songs were written, but they no longer became all-Union hits.

The best songs of Raimonds Pauls

Family and personal life of Raymond Pauls:

Father - Voldemar Pauls, glass blower, drummer in the amateur orchestra "Mihavo"
Mother - Alma Matilda, pearl embroiderer
Sister - Edite Paula-Wignere (b. 1939), tapestry artist.

Wife - Svetlana Epifanova, linguist
Daughter - Aneta (b. 1962), graduated from LGITMIK with a degree in television director, lives with her family in Moscow
Granddaughters - Anna-Maria (b. 1989) Monique-Yvonne (b. 1994) and Arthur Pauls (b. 1995)

Raymond Pauls and Svetlana Epifanova

Songs by Raymond Pauls:

And you didn't know (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
Alphabet (G. Rachs) - Ensemble "Kukushechka", Laima Vaikule
Angel (V. Dozortsev) - Maria Naumova
Pilot Angel (S. Patrushev) - Laima Vaikule
Ah, what music (M. Tanich) - Laima Vaikule
Butterflies in the snow (N. Zinoviev) - Valery Leontiev, Nora Bumbiere and Victor Lapchenok
Velvet season (M. Tanich) - Valery Leontiev, Rodrigo Fomins
Without me (I. Reznik) - Alla Pugacheva, Aya Kukule
White Church (V. Dozortsev) - Maria Naumova, Hariy Spanovskis
In an abandoned tavern (M. Tanich) - Laima Vaikule, Nora Bumbiere and Viktor Lapchenok
Vernissage (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule in a duet with Valery Leontiev, Dainis Porgants
Verooka (I. Reznik) - Valery Leontiev, VIA "Dalderi"
Return (I. Reznik) - Alla Pugacheva, Aya Kukule
It doesn't matter (V. Serova) - Laima Vaikule
Where are you, love? (I. Reznik) - Sofia Rotaru, Aya Kukule
Hypodynamia (I. Reznik) - Valery Leontiev, Aya Kukule and Viktor Lapchenok
Years of wanderings (I. Reznik) - Valery Leontiev, Georges Siksna
Hollywood Samba (V. Dozortsev) - Laima Vaikule, Viktor Lapchenok
City of Songs (I. Reznik) - Valery Leontiev, Viktor Lapchenok
Let's get married (L. Rubalskaya) - Laima Vaikule and Jay Stever (Janis Stibelis), Nora Bumbiere and Victor Lapchenok
God bless! (E. Evtushenko) - Alexander Malinin, Margarita Viltsane
Give me luck (I. Reznik) - Mila Romanidi, Hariy Spanovskis and Janis Paukshtello
Two minutes (M. Tanich) - Laima Vaikule, Nora Bumbiere and Viktor Lapchenok
The girl from the restaurant (V. Dozortsev) - Maria Naumova, Khariy Spanovskis
Cause - time (I. Reznik) - Alla Pugacheva, Georges Siksna
Dialogue (N. Zinoviev) - Valery Leontiev, Aya Kukule
Rain in Jurmala (M. Tanich) - Maria Naumova, Normund Rutulis
Doo-bi-doo (G. Vitke) - Laima Vaikule
Duet (Musician) (A. Voznesensky) - Aya Kukule
If you leave (A. Dementiev) - Valery Leontiev, Ingus Petersons
It's not evening yet (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
Castle in the sand (V. Dozortsev) - Laima Vaikule, Viktor Lapchenok
Eclipse of the heart (A. Voznesensky) - Andrey Mironov, Valery Leontiev, Victor Lapchenok
Green Coast (V. Pelenyagre) - Laima Vaikule
Green Light (N. Zinoviev) - Valery Leontiev, Georges Siksna
Mirror (V. Dozortsev) - Laima Vaikule, Victor Lapchenok
Golden wedding (I. Reznik) - Ensemble "Kukushechka", Georges Siksna
Sunny days have disappeared (R. Gamzatov, translated by E. Nikolaevskaya) - Valery Leontiev, Viktor Lapchenok
Cabaret (N. Denisov) - Valery Leontiev, Aya Kukule
Carousel (M. Tanich) - Valery Leontiev, Rodrigo Fomins
The king composes a tango (M. Tanich) - Laima Vaikule, Hariy Spanovskis and Inta Spanovska
Cuckoo (I. Reznik) - Jay Stever (Janis Stibelis) and Laima Vaikule, Maria Naumova and Normund Rutulis
Legend (Anno Domini) (N. Zinoviev) - Valery Leontiev, VIA "Dalderi"
The cure for love (V. Dozortsev) - Laima Vaikule, Nora Bumbiere and Victor Lapchenok
Stairway to Heaven (V. Dozortsev) - Laima Vaikule, Nora Bumbiere and Viktor Lapchenok
Lyme leaf fall - Vaikule, Richard Leper
Yellow Leaves (I. Shaferan) - Galina Bovina and Vladislav Lynkovsky, Nora Bumbiere
Moonlight blues (S. Patrushev) - Laima Vaikule
I love you (E. Sigova) - Jay Stever (Janis Stibelis)
Love has come (R. Rozhdestvensky) - Roza Rymbaeva, Renat Ibragimov, Olga Pirags, Lyudmila Senchina
Maestro (I. Reznik) - Alla Pugacheva, Mirdza Zivere
A moment is beautiful (I. Reznik) - Olga Pirags
Moments (R. Fomins) - Rodrigo Fomins
Summer Garden Melody (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
A million scarlet roses (A. Voznesensky) - Alla Pugacheva, Aya Kukule, Larisa Mondrus
I would love a timid one (E. Sigova) - Jay Stever (Janis Stibelis), Normund Rutulis
I dream of Jurmala (E. Sigova) - Jay Stever (Janis Stibelis), Viktor Lapchenok
You can still save (E. Yevtushenko) - Intars Busulis, Anze Krause
Sea of ​​love (I. Reznik) - Group "Gems", Ieva Plaviniece
Sailor (M. Tanich) - Laima Vaikule
Muse (A. Voznesensky) - Valery Leontiev, Ingus Petersons
Musicians (V. Serova) - Laima Vaikule, Nora Bumbiere
Cover my shoulders with a jacket (M. Tanich) - Laima Vaikule
God created us for each other (E. Evtushenko) - Intars Busulis
Our city (O. Gadzhikasimov) - Renat Ibragimov, Mirdza Zivere and Aya Kukule
Do not hurry, dear (V. Pelenyagre) - Laima Vaikule
Don't slam the door (M. Tanich) - Laima Vaikule
New Year's attraction (I. Reznik) - Alla Pugacheva, Mirdza Zivere
The night is dark (V. Dozortsev) - Maria Naumova, Khariy Spanovskis
Night bonfire (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule, Rita Trenze
Lights (V. Serova) - Laima Vaikule
Organ in the night (D. Avotynya, translation by L. Azarova) - VIA "Ariel", Nora Bumbiere and Viktor Lapchenok
From Dawn to Dawn (V. Serova) - Laima Vaikule
Letter (V. Dozortsev) - Laima Vaikule, Margarita Viltsane
Under the New Age (A. Voznesensky) - Bēgšana, Aija Kukule
I'll pick up the music (A. Voznesensky) - Jaak Yoala, Ingus Petersons
Trains Laima Vaikule Vilcieni - Laima Vaikule
Fall in love with the pianist (A. Voznesensky) - Andrey Mironov, Valery Leontiev, Laima Vaikule
After the rain on Thursday (E. Sigova) - Jay Stever (Janis Stibelis), Ance Krause and Normunds Rutulis
After the holiday (I. Reznik) - Valery Leontiev, Georges Siksna
Singing mime (I. Reznik) - Valery Leontiev, Georges Siksna
The attraction of love (M. Tanich) - Valery Leontiev, Aya Kukule
Scarecrow (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule, Khary Spanovskis
The path to the light (I. Reznik) - Rodrigo Fomins
Rejoice (I. Reznik) - Alla Pugacheva, Mirdza Zivere
Wounds (E. Evtushenko) - Intars Busulis, Laima Vaikule
Roman Holiday (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule and Boris Moiseev
Cricket (Aspasia) (from the movie "Long Road in the Dunes") - Ensemble "Kukushechka"
Seventh Heaven (M. Tanich) - Maria Naumova
Angry song (R. Rozhdestvensky) - Sofia Rotaru, Aya Kukule, Credo group
Blue linen (A. Dmokhovsky) - Larisa Mondrus, Margarita Vilcane and Oyar Grinbergs
Snowfall (M. Tanich) - Maria Naumova, Khariy Spanovskis
Antique clock (I. Reznik) - Alla Pugacheva, Imants Skrastinsh
Old friend (E. Evtushenko) - Intars Busulis, Martins Ruskis
Old friend (V. Serova) - Laima Vaikule
Tango behind the wall (V. Dozortsev) - Laima Vaikule, Nora Bumbiere
Drum dance (A. Voznesensky) - Nikolay Gnatyuk
Telegram (M. Tanich) - Laima Vaikule, Nora Bumbiere
Three tickets (V. Dozortsev) - Maria Naumova, Hariy Spanovskis
Three cherries (V. Dozortsev) - Maria Naumova, Arturs Skrastinsh
You are the wind (E. Sigova) - Intars Busulis, Maria Naumova
Forget me (V. Dozortsev) - Laima Vaikule, Mirdza Zivere
Don't leave me (A. Voznesensky) - Valentina Legkostupova, Aya Kukule
You will love me (R. Rozhdestvensky) - Andrey Mironov, Viktor Lapchenok
Pedro (V. Pelenyagre) went to America - Laima Vaikule, Khariy Spanovskis
Colored dreams (M. Tanich) - Laima Vaikule, Margarita Viltsane
Charlie (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule, Ugis Rose
Man-tape recorder (A. Voznesensky) - Valery Leontiev, VIA "Dalderi"
Black Pearl (E. Sigova) - Jay Stever (Janis Stibelis), Maria Naumova
What attracts a bird - Laima Vaikule, Normund Rutulis
Go ahead (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
Sherlock Holmes (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
Wider circle (I. Reznik) - Renat Ibragimov, VIA "Ariel", Aya Kukule
I Believe (E. Sigova) - Jay Stever (Janis Stibelis), Cuckoo Ensemble
I went to Piccadilly (V. Pelenyagre) - Laima Vaikule, Khariy Spanovskis
I'm not with you yet (V. Dozortsev) - Laima Vaikule, Viktor Lapchenok
I draw (A. Dementiev) - Jaak Yoala, Georges Sixna
I do not say goodbye to you (I. Reznik) - Valery Leontiev
I Love You Too (V. Serova) - Laima Vaikule, Nora Bumbiere and Viktor Lapchenok
“Ah, if I could start life again” (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
"White fogs" (L. Fadeev) - Bazykina sisters
"White Dream" (T. Pospelova) - Laima Vaikule
"Blond" (L. Rubalskaya) - Mila Romanidi
"In the style of a storm" (N. Zinoviev) - Valery Leontiev
“Suddenly” (A. Kovalev) - Jaak Yoala
"Wind until morning" (S. Patrushev) - Laima Vaikule
“All the problems are tired” (E. Shiryaev) - Mila Romanidi
“Everything will return” (I. Reznik) - Renat Ibragimov
"Granite City" (I. Reznik) - VIA "Merry Fellows"
“Let's forget sorrows” (M. Plyatskovsky) - Andrey Lichtenbergs
"Two Swifts" (A. Voznesensky) - Olga Pirags, Alla Pugacheva
"Two Stars" (D. Taiganov) - Dimir Taiganov
"Two" or "Old Friend" (I. Reznik) - Valentina Legkostupova, Alla Pugacheva
"Business Woman" (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
"Rain Rings" (A. Kovalev) - Olga Pirags
"Rain" (A. Dementiev) - Renat Ibragimov
"For all sins" (V. Dozortsev) - Maria Naumova
“Beyond the threshold of happiness” or “There is happiness somewhere beyond the threshold” (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule, Mila Romanidi
"Curtain" (M. Tanich) - Valery Leontiev
"Winter's Tale" (S. Patrushev) - Laima Vaikule
"What is your name?" (S. Patrushev) - Laima Vaikule
“When your purse is full of holes” (L. Prozorovsky) - Viktor Lapchenok
Halley's Comet (N. Zinoviev) - Valery Leontiev
“Better leave” (E. Yevtushenko) - Intars Busulis
"Mambo" (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
"Lighthouse" (M. Tanich) - Valery Leontiev
“Darling, goodbye” (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
"My last Adam" (S. Patrushev) - Laima Vaikule
“There are many white birds above the ground” (L. Prozorovsky) - Aya Kukule
"Not a telephone conversation" (I. Reznik) - Stella Gianni and Ilya Reznik
"The frivolous gentleman" (V. Dozortsev) - Maria Naumova
"Never say never" (V. Dozortsev) - Maria Naumova
"Night Cafe" (I. Reznik) - Stella Gianni
"Special Friend" (A. Voznesensky) - Sofia Rotaru
"In Memory of Nino Rota" (V. Dozortsev) - Laima Vaikule
"Song for an encore" (A. Voznesensky) - Alla Pugacheva
"Wildflowers" (A. Kovalev) - Lyudmila Senchina
"It's time for snowdrops" (A. Kovalev) - Edita Pieha
"Dedication" or "Dedication to friends" (M. Tanich) - Laima Vaikule
"Last March of Love" (E. Sigova) - Evgeny Shur
"Last request" (E. Yevtushenko) - Intars Busulis
“Almost like Riga” (M. Tanich) - Laima Vaikule
"Invitation to dance" (V. Dozortsev) - Laima Vaikule
“Go through life” (A. Kovalev) - Olga Pirags
“The curse of the century is haste” (E. Yevtushenko)
“Forgive me, waves” (A. Kovalev) - Valery Leontiev
“Farewell, farewell ...” (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
"Phoenix Bird" (I. Reznik) - Tatyana Bulanova
"Jealousy" (E. Yevtushenko) - Intars Busulis
"Relatives" (I. Reznik) - VIA "Merry Fellows"
"The slowest train" (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
"Heart" (A. Kovalev) - Jaak Yoala
"Silhouette of Love" (A. Kovalev) - Jaak Yoala
"Blue Sea" (I. Reznik) - Tatyana Bulanova
"Fiddler on the Roof" (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
"Chance Acquaintance" (E. Yevtushenko) - Intars Busulis
“Completely different” (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
"Sunny Bunny" (A. Kovalev) - Valentina Legkostupova
“Thank you, you are enemies” (I. Reznik) - Mila Romanidi
"Old Guitar"
"Old Friends" (R. Rozhdestvensky) - Andrey Mironov
"Old Umbrella" (E. Yevtushenko) - Intars Busulis
"Phone call" (A. Kovalev) - Jaak Yoala
"Tornado" (V. Dozortsev) - Maria Naumova
"Three minutes" (M. Tanich) - Valery Leontiev
“Tell me, please tell me” (I. Reznik) - Philip Kirkorov
"Amazing Camel" (I. Reznik) - the Cuckoo Ensemble
“Smart will not go uphill” (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
"Tender Whisper" (E. Yevtushenko) - Intars Busulis
“This is my woman” (E. Yevtushenko) - Intars Busulis
“I have been waiting for you for so long” (I. Reznik) - Alla Pugacheva
“I pray for you” (I. Reznik) - Laima Vaikule
"I forgot your face" (I. Reznik) - VIA "Eolika"
“I love you more than nature” (E. Evtushenko) - Intars Busulis
“I smile” (A. Voznesensky) - Valentina Legkostupova
“I read your thoughts” (N. Zinoviev) - Larisa Dolina