Twister at home. Recipe: Homemade Twister - Like in KFC

Thursday, July 12, 2018 1:49 pm + to quote pad

Sometimes you really want to treat yourself to fast food. Well-known companies offer many quick meals, but not all of them are healthy, although they have a very rich and pleasant taste. That is why many began to cook fast food at home with their own hands in order to be completely sure of the naturalness of the finished products. One of these products is a twister like in KFC. It is very easy to make it in your own kitchen from the simplest ingredients. The calorie content of this dish is about 215 kcal per 100 g, so you should not eat it too often. Consider how to make a twister like in kfc step by step with a photo.


Easy homemade twister recipe
For cooking, the most regular products which can be found in all stores.

List of ingredients:

4 Armenian yeast-free lavash;
200 g of Beijing cabbage;
2 tomatoes;
400 g chicken fillet;
100 g of hard cheese;
Spices to taste.

Cooking scheme:

We cut poultry meat into slices, rub with spices and lightly fry;
Cut the tomatoes into circles, separate 4 cabbage leaves from the fork;
We form our appetizer: put the chicken on the pita bread, then the Chinese cabbage leaf, on top of the tomato slices. We complete the composition with grated cheese;
We fold the product in the form of an envelope.

This homemade fast food is ready. You can use it in this form, or put it in the oven for a couple of minutes so that the cheese melts. You can also use the microwave for this or lightly fry the twister in a pan.

"Twister" is one of the most popular games in the United States. Everyone plays it, from children to adults, and everywhere - at children's matinees, parties, picnics, or just during gatherings with friends ... We invite you to learn how to make the Twister game with your own hands.


Fans of the game "Twister" have to thank for its creation two American inventors - Twister Charles F. Foley and Neil W. Rabens.

It is hard to imagine, but in the early years of its existence, the game was not very popular. And all because of the wrong Instead of promoting the product among young people (which this game is the best suited), for some reason the management decided that they should be average American moms at the age of about 35 years.

The fun would have been lost on the shelves of toy stores, if not for His Majesty the case. The host of the very popular TV show Tonight Show, Johnny Carson, on May 3, 1966, invited a guest star, Eva Gabor, to play in Twister. And while the actress in her evening dress elegantly moved around the playing field, most of the audience had already rushed to call the stores and place an order for the purchase of Twister. After that momentous day, over three million copies of the game were sold during the year.

To date, "Twister" is still popular, both in his native America and in other countries. All rights reserved by Hasbro.

Game Description

The game "Twister" consists of a large playing field (mat), which is laid out on the floor, and a roulette wheel.

The size of the mat is 150 x 180 centimeters. It is an oilcloth or sheet on which large circles of green, red, blue and four rows are drawn.

Roulette is like a clock, only the arrows do not move by themselves, but are rotated by the players. The "dial" is divided into four segments, which are also divided by color.

Roulette Information

Rules of the game

The playing field is laid out on flat ground. In addition to the players themselves, there must also be a presenter who will spin the roulette wheel. The number of participants is not limited. Just if there are a lot of people, divide into teams.

Game process:

How to make a "Twister" with your own hands?

Of course, you can buy a finished game. But it's much nicer to do it yourself. And if you involve children in the process of creation? There will be no limit to delight, believe me! Even if you don't know how to make a Twister with your own hands, don't worry. There is nothing complicated here. The main thing is desire, imagination and the presence of at least some materials.

So, you will need:

1. For the playing field:

  • oilcloth, sheet, piece of white cloth, drawing paper - for the base;
  • paint on the fabric, the fabric itself, paper - for circles of blue, red, green and yellow.

2. For roulette:

  • plate, board, cardboard - for the base;
  • markers, paints, colored paper, pencils - to fill in the sectors;
  • arrow, pencil, wand - for the pointer.

3. Additional tools:

  • scissors;
  • brushes;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue.

How to make a playing field?

Regardless of what the DIY Twister game is made of (cloth, maple or paper), the standard playing field should be 150 x 180 cm.

After the base is ready, start creating six circles. They can be:

  • cut out of fabric, then sew or glue with special glue to the base;
  • draw with paint;
  • cut out of paper and glue to the base.

IN standard game there is a certain order of filling the playing field with circles:

  • 1 row - red;
  • 2 row - blue;
  • 3 row - yellow;
  • 4 row - green.

You can, at your discretion, scatter the circles in a chaotic manner. This will make it even more interesting. The main thing is to observe the proportion - 6 circles of 4 colors.

How to make a roulette?

We offer you to create the game "Twister" with your own hands templates of two variants of roulettes.

The first is classic, in the form of a square or circle. The easiest way to make such a roulette is as follows:

1. Take thick cardboard or a thin board. Can be dyed in any color you wish.

2. Make sectors: draw with paints, markers, pencils or cut and paste individual parts from paper.

3. Make a rotating pointer in the center of the tape measure:

  • take a stick (for example, from ice cream), make a small hole in it in the middle, attach it to the board with a bolt and nut;
  • cut an arrow out of thick cardboard and attach it to the dial with a small carnation;
  • just put a pencil in the middle of the tape measure.

The segments should be:

  • left leg: marks (circles or squares) in red, green, yellow and blue;
  • left hand: red, green, yellow and blue markings;
  • right leg: red, green, yellow and blue markings;
  • right hand: red, blue, yellow and green markings.

An example is shown in the picture.

The second version of the roulette

The game "Twister" could not resist innovations. Making original fun with your own hands is not so difficult. For example, you can take as an alternative to roulette

You will need to make two dice - one with a color, the other with a designation. Their peculiarity is that the number of sides will be four, and not six, like dice.

Therefore, we suggest that you make cubes that resemble bricks in shape (as shown in the picture).

There are two options for creating dice.


  1. Cut out two identical cube layouts from cardboard, then carefully glue them together.
  2. Wait for the glue to dry.
  3. Take one cube and stick or draw the pictures yourself on the long sides, indicating the parts of the body: left leg, right leg, left arm, right arm.
  4. Take another cube and either paint over the long sides or cover them with colored paper in the appropriate colors: red, blue, green and yellow.

Second option:

  1. You make two layouts on the computer: one with the color, the other with body parts.
  2. Print out both.
  3. Glue the layouts into cubes.

The game is ready. So that your Twister is not damaged or lost, select a special box for it.

Sometimes you really want to treat yourself to fast food. Well-known companies offer many quick meals, but not all of them are healthy, although they have a very rich and pleasant taste. That is why many began to cook fast food at home with their own hands in order to be completely sure of the naturalness of the finished products. One of these products is a twister like in KFC. It is very easy to make in your own kitchen from the simplest ingredients.

The calorie content of this dish is about 215 kcal per 100 g, so it should not be consumed too often. Consider how to make a twister like in kfc step by step with a photo.

Detailed step by step twister recipe as in FSC

This instruction includes the process of making a twister from flatbread to filling.

You will need:

For the cake:

  • 30 g of softened butter;
  • 230 g wheat flour;
  • A teaspoon of salt;
  • 120 ml hot water (about 60 degrees).

For sauce:

  • a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise with lemon juice;
  • By tablespoon olive oil and soy sauce;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

For vegetable filling:

  • 10 gherkins;
  • A fork of leaf lettuce;
  • One bell pepper;
  • Greenery.

For nuggets:

  • 4 tablespoons of flour and breadcrumbs;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 chicken breasts;
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard and mayonnaise with lemon juice (for marinade);
  • Pepper and salt;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Detailed twister recipe from kfc:

  1. The classic version of the snack provides for the presence of strips in the composition. But this recipe includes nuggets. To prepare them, first we independently marinate the chicken breast fillets in a mustard-mayonnaise mixture seasoned with salt and pepper;
  2. For the dough for cakes, combine and grind flour and melted butter into crumbs. Pour hot water, add. We knead a non-sticky, soft dough mass, place it in a deep bowl, cover with a towel and leave it to “rest” for half an hour;
  3. We divide the dough that has arrived in time into 8 equal “koloboks”, each of which is rolled into a cake a couple of millimeters thick. We bake each blank in a dry hot frying pan for two minutes on each side, setting a medium flame. We quickly wrap the baked products in a bag so that they do not lose their softness;
  4. For the sauce, combine all the products from the list and knead until smooth;
  5. Pour the flour into one bowl, beat the eggs with a pinch of salt into another, pour the breadcrumbs into the third. To make the dish even more tasty and fragrant, croutons can be combined with finely chopped garlic and a mixture of peppers;
  6. Warm up the pan with vegetable oil. Dip the marinated chicken fillet alternately into the contents of each bowl (in the sequence as indicated above) and fry for 5-7 minutes on each side until a golden crust appears on the meat. Put the finished nuggets on paper napkins to get rid of excess fat;
  7. Cut the gherkins and pepper into thin strips into the vegetable filling, chop the greens finely, leave the lettuce leaves whole;
  8. Now we collect our twister at home. We generously coat the cake with sauce, put a lettuce leaf on it, and place vegetable filler and meat on top of it.

We turn the product into a roll and serve it to the table.

Easy homemade twister recipe

For cooking, the most common products are used, which can be found in all stores.

List of ingredients:

  • 4 Armenian yeast-free lavash;
  • 200 g of Beijing cabbage;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • Spices to taste.

Cooking scheme:

  1. We cut poultry meat into slices, rub with spices and lightly fry;
  2. Cut the tomatoes into circles, separate 4 cabbage leaves from the fork;
  3. We form our appetizer: put the chicken on the pita bread, then the Chinese cabbage leaf, on top of the tomato slices. We complete the composition with grated cheese;
  4. We fold the product in the form of an envelope.

This homemade fast food is ready. You can use it in this form, or put it in the oven for a couple of minutes so that the cheese melts. You can also use the microwave for this or lightly fry the twister in a pan.

I-twister cheese

Ai Twister is one of the most famous quick dishes from KFC. This company regularly comes up with new varieties, but perhaps the most popular is the cheese i-twister.

You need:

  • A couple of lettuce leaves and tomato circles;
  • 2 chicken nuggets or one corn-breaded strips
  • Tortilla tortilla;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • Cheese sauce, ketchup and mayonnaise.

Cooking process:

  1. In KFS, cheese dough is used for a special flatbread. But we will take a regular tortilla. We lay it out on the table, put lettuce leaves on top;
  2. We melt the cheese in the microwave and lay it in the next layer;
  3. Next come the chicken and tomatoes, sprinkled with cheese dressing;
  4. We wrap the product with an envelope and enjoy the amazing taste.

asian twister

This original appetizer will delight you chicken breast with a crispy crust with the perfect combination of sweet and sour sauce, ginger and bacon, and the savory taste will appeal to all guests.

Required components:

  • 2 pita bread;
  • 200 g of chicken fillet and lettuce leaves;
  • 100 g pickled ginger;
  • 50 g bacon or salami;
  • 50 g of sesame seeds;
  • 4 large spoons of sweet and sour sauce.

Homemade twister recipe:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, bread and fry until golden brown;
  2. We will do the same with bacon slices (but if you take sausage, then you do not need to fry it);
  3. Cover the surface of the pita bread with chicken, lettuce, bacon, pour over the sauce;
  4. Lay out slices of pickled ginger, sprinkle with sesame seeds and wrap the twister.

As an experiment, you can add various fresh vegetables, cheese, seasonings to the recipe.

"Lazy" twister

This quick meal is made hastily, and the main ingredients - tortilla and nuggets can be bought ready-made.

Composition of products:

  • 2-3 tomatoes;
  • 4 Mexican tortillas (tortilla);
  • A bunch of lettuce;
  • 14 chicken nuggets (or pack)
  • Mustard, mayonnaise.

How to cook a twister like in KFS:

  1. Let's heat the nuggets in the microwave, but the best option would be to fry them in a skillet;
  2. We cut the washed tomatoes into cubes, wash the lettuce and chop them in the same way;
  3. Let's heat the cakes (there is an explanation on the back of the package how to do this). Can be microwaved at 650 W for 15 seconds;
  4. Let's start collecting delicious fast food: grease the cake with mayonnaise (who likes it spicy, add mustard to it), put a strip of tomatoes in the middle, but not until the end of the tortilla. You need to leave a place to wrap the workpiece well;
  5. Put a salad on the tomatoes and lay the nuggets on the sides of the tomatoes. The “strong half” can put 4 chicken products in fast food so that a man can more than satisfy his hunger, and the “weak half” - 3 nuggets;
  6. We wrap our culinary miracle in this way: first one side, then we bend the bottom and then the other side.

Feel free to experiment with the filling however you like. Making delicious fast food is better with than with pita bread, because it strongly absorbs tomato juice and mayonnaise dressing, and then it can fall apart. And the cake remains "in at its best even a day later.

Twisters will serve you as a great snack on a trip, at work, on a hike, on the road.

Video: Twister recipe like in KFC

Twister game rules.

Twister is a game that ties you into knots. The last one to stand wins.

A step-by-step guide to making the twister game yourself, the rules of the twister game, a photo of the twister game, as well as advice on buying a twister game for the lazy.

What is a Twister?

The twister is played on a large plastic mat that is placed on the floor or ground. The size of the mat is 150x180. This mat is like board game. It has four rows of six large colored circles: red, yellow, blue, and green. The roulette wheel is attached to a square board and serves as the game's dice. The roulette wheel is divided into four marked sections: right foot, left foot, right hand, and left hand. Each of these sections is divided into four colors (red, yellow, blue, and green). After the spin, the combination is called (for example: right hand on yellow) and the players must move their respective hand or foot to the correct color spot. In a two player game, both people cannot place their hand or foot in the same circle at the same time. The rules are different for more people. Due to the lack of colored circles, players will often be required to put themselves in uncomfortable or unstable positions, which will eventually lead to someone falling over. A person is eliminated if he falls or when his elbow or knee touches the mat. There is no limit on the number of players playing at the same time, but more than four is barely included.

Twister game history

The twister was patented by Charles F. Foley and Neil Rabens in 1966, but it didn't take off until Eva Gabor played it with Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show on May 3rd, 1966. Although the Twister was patented by Charles F. Foley and Neil Rabens, sources also mention a man named Reyn Guyer. He claimed to have come up with the idea for the Twister while he was working for Johnson's Shoe Polish promotion at his father's company. Guyer is said to have originally named this idea new game Pretzel, but that Milton Bradley changed the name to Twister before they launched the game. However, the claim that Reyn invented the Twister is false. According to the US Patent Office, there is no connection between the twister and the Guyer name. Foley and Rabens are credited as the inventors, and their names are the only ones associated with this patent. Their only connection to Guyer is that they were employees in his father's company.

Step-by-step guide to making a DIY game

To make the game Twister we need:

2 sheets of drawing paper,

Self-adhesive film in four colors - red, yellow, green, blue (you can use colored paper and glue or paint and a large piece of transparent polyethylene).





Cardboard size 30x30 cm,

flat head button,

A thin wooden stick (this device is necessary if there is nowhere to take a ready-made arrow).

Game making

From whatman paper, you will need to glue the base for the twister game with a size of approximately 1x1.5 m using adhesive tape.

The finished base needs to be drawn into cells: for 4 circles horizontally you need to draw 5 cells, for 6 circles vertically you need to draw 7 cells. Thus, we will get the centers of our circles.

Next, you need to cut out the circles themselves from self-adhesive colored film (or colored paper). The diameter of the circles should be about 20 cm, but in order to save material, you can make 15-18 cm each. Glue the cut circles to the base, aligning the hole from the compass on the circle with the corner of the cage. If we use paint for circles, then first they need to be drawn with a compass on the base. After painting, it is necessary to stick polyethylene on the game, otherwise the mugs will get dirty.

Rice. 1 The basis for the game twister.

Rice. 2 The basis for the game twister.

4) Now you need to make a dial by which the presenter will determine the actions of the players. The cardboard should be divided into 4 parts and each part also into 4. From the scraps, you need to cut out and stick, alternating, colored triangles on the cardboard (or paint with paints). On 4 parts of the cardboard you need to write: right arm, right leg, left arm, left leg.

Or if you are too lazy to draw, you can type a twister in Microsoft Word, for this we make 4 files with a paper size of 15 x 15 cm. Insert circles with a diameter of 5 cm.

Fig.3 Making a dial for a twister. Insert circles

We make the fill of the circles of the dial for the twister game.

Fig.4 Making a dial for a twister. Filling circles.

Insert a picture of an arm and a leg, and write with the Word Art object: "Left arm", " Right hand", Left leg", "Right leg"

Fig.5 Making a dial for a twister. Left hand.

Fig.6 Making a dial for a twister. Right hand.

Fig.7 Making a dial for a twister. Left leg.

Fig. 8 Making a dial for a twister. Right leg.

We print pictures on a color printer, and trim.

Fig.9 Making a dial for a twister. We print and cut the pictures of the dial.

We take a cardboard base for the twister dial.

Fig. 10 Making a dial for a twister. Cardboard dial base.

Glue the cropped pictures to the cardboard base of the twister dial.

Fig. 11 Making a dial for a twister. Glue the pictures to the cardboard base.

We get, here is such a square, which can be cut exactly according to the pictures, or you can leave it as it is

Fig.12 The dial for the twister is almost ready.

5) Now the most difficult thing is the arrow. With a button on the back of the cardboard, we pierce a hole so that the button does not interfere with the cardboard to stand without staggering. You need to make a hole in a wooden stick (you can use the leg of a compass), while you need to constantly “try on” the arrow on the button so that it is on weight, but does not fall off and spins freely. If the arrow is tilted, then you need to stick a little adhesive tape on its end for balance.

You can make an arrow using Japanese chopsticks and a button, and if they are not at hand, take a regular pencil.

Rice. 13 Hand for twister dial.

That's all! The game is ready! :)

You can also use a Twister dice and a rug(can be printed on a plotter), which were kindly provided by our reader Ksenia Plahotnyuk, from Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

(save cut, print and glue)-

Mat for printing on a plotter(resolution 16489 x 19774 pixels) (downloads: 2194)

Twister game rules

Spread the base of the twister on the floor, and place the dial on a flat surface.

Starting positions

2 players: Stand opposite each other, on the small side of the base, on the blue and yellow circles.

3 players: 2 players stand opposite each other, on the small side of the base, on the blue and yellow circles. The third player stands in the middle on 2 red or 2 green circles.

4 players: 2 players stand opposite each other on the small side of the base on the blue and yellow circles. The third player stands in the middle on 2 red circles, the 4th player opposite him on the green circles.

It is also desirable to have an additional player leading who will turn the dial, and the players on the basis will move in turn, or whoever has time (depending on the type of game you choose)

For example, if there are 5 people in your company, 4 people can participate on the basis of the game, and the 5th person will turn the dial, the last one standing on the basis will be the leader in the next round.

How to play

2 players: Take turns declaring a move without using the dial. If you want to arrange a tricky game - arrange it.

More than 2 players: Choose a leader to turn the dial and announce the movements of the players, Stand in the starting positions.

More than 4 players: Squeeze additional players where you can or split into teams and play the Twister Championship.


The host turns the dial, announces the color and which arm or leg a certain player needs to move. For example: Sasha - the left hand is red.

All players must complete this move as quickly as possible.

Rules of the game

Only one arm or leg per 1 circle. The first player to reach takes the circle. If you cannot agree on who reached out first, the host decides. The decision of the host is not subject to an excuse.

Once you have made your move, you can no longer move, unless the leader gives you permission to do so in order to miss the hand or foot of another player.

If all 6 circles of the same color are occupied, the presenter turns the dial again.

If the facilitator announces a combination of hand/foot and color, which is just what you are doing, you must move your hand or foot to another circle of the same color (If all 6 are occupied, the facilitator turns the dial again).

If the knee or elbow is placed on the base, or if you don't hold, you are out.

Photo game in homemade twister

Other Ways to Play Twister


Try to take it in turns to perform the movements announced by the leader, for example, the 1st time of the dial is for the first player, the 2nd for the second player, etc. so everyone will twist differently and you can intertwine in such a way that it doesn’t seem a little.

Division into teams

A bunch of people who want to play twister? No problem. Divide into teams (preferably in pairs). Members of the same team can share the same circle. As soon as one player falls, or touches the base with his knee or elbow, the other team wins.

Twister Championship

In this game, teams play against each other. Keep track of wins and losses to find out which team won.

Takeoff Twister

Try to play Twister for takeoff. The winning team stays on base and moves on to new opponents until all teams have played. The last team standing wins.

If you want to play Twister, but for some reason you don’t want to do it yourself, you can buy the game.

The purchased boxed version is more convenient to use, it can be transported over distances, taken to friends or relatives. For example: game set Twister from Hasbro"

Alexander Borisov, Samara

Before preparing the twister, you need to marinate the chicken fillet in advance and rinse the lettuce leaf and dry them.
Before wrapping the pita itself, it is necessary to prepare the ingredients. Chicken fillet cut into small pieces.

Add salt and spices. You can add any spices of your choice.

You can add a little water or just mix the fillet with spices. And let it stand.

In the meantime, we make crumb crumbs from crackers.

Add flour to a separate bowl.

And add the egg whites to a separate bowl.

During this time, the chicken fillet was a little infused. We begin to do everything in this sequence. First, dip each piece in egg white.

Then into flour.

Then back to the egg white. After that, into crumb crumbs. She sticks well.

Then, in this way, we spread it on a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil and put it in the oven preheated to 200-220 degrees. Fry on one side for 10 minutes, then you can turn each piece over and fry on the other side. If you can eat fried food, then you can do it in a pan.

If there are too many fillets, then it will be much faster if cooked on a large baking sheet.

So our twister strips are ready. They are so appetizing. And how delicious. The main thing is not to eat them before preparing the twister.

Next, do it to taste. You can grease pita bread only with mayonnaise.

Or mayonnaise and ketchup.

Lubricate the whole pita bread well.

Then put a lettuce leaf in the middle.

Then lay the tomatoes, cut into thin slices as shown in the photo.

And, of course, our chicken strips.

And then we turn. Here is one tweeter ready. And how many more can you make if you have about 10 pieces of chicken fillet. Makes about 5 servings (5 twisters).

It turns out very appetizing, tasty and I hope that it is useful.

You can make a very large twister.

It certainly is very tasty. Moreover, all the ingredients are known: what freshness and composition.

Cooking time mainly depends on you and your dexterity. For the cost per serving, I write the average price, it will vary between 40 and 50 rubles (but it can be even cheaper). Still two times cheaper than in a chain of restaurants.
For a family snack, it is quite possible to cook this dish together with the children. The kids will love it and it's also delicious.
Bon Appetit!

Cooking time: PT00H50M 50 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 45 rub.