What is the difference between a freestyle game and a standard one. Free bread: a guide to the Free regime. Transition to Free Mode

There are rumors among Hearthstone players about dangerous place, existing somewhere outside their standard world - a forgotten dark dimension, into which the rebellious maps of the past were expelled by the Creators, at the moment they created the world we know. Some have heard about this place, some have not, but few dared to step into it. The times of the Forerunners, banished to this dark dimension, transmit chilling legends about the terrible mechanisms piloted by their servants. They whisper about hideous undead spewing slime and a mysterious horseman with a Christmas tree. But none of these stories is as frightening as the tales of an evil doctor who carries the number of evil 7/7/7. In them, he always appears accompanied by two explosive devices and waits for those who dare to appear in the dark dimension. Sit down, our dear readers, make yourself comfortable and listen to the story about this place, known to mere mortals as ... free mode!

Hello dear readers! As you might guess from the title of the article and a short introduction, this article will focus on Free mode games. Since there is not much time devoted to the format, there is a lot to discuss. Let's get down to it without undue delay. Forward to free bread!

Free Mode Basics

First of all, you need to clarify the very basics. free regime because few people have paid attention to it over the past year. Let's start by exposing some misconceptions about the format, and then try to help new players and those who have sprayed all their old cards with the transition to it. After the opening of the foundations, it will be possible to move on to more subtle matters.

Eternal format

So what is it Free mode ? Otherwise, it can be called "eternal". The "eternal" format is found in any card game that has existed for a long time and therefore has been overgrown with a large number of additions. This is a format in which you can use all or almost all of the issued cards, of which there are more and more with each new set, and they are not threatened with any rotation. Free mode Hearthstone fits perfectly into this definition. At this point in time, there are only two sets of cards that are exclusive to Free mode : Curse of Naxxramas and Goblins and Dwarfs. But in April, they are due to be joined by three more DLCs, namely Black Mountain, The Grand Tournament, and the Explorers' League. Over time, other additions will be added to the format, but none of them will be overboard. If this mode If you are not indifferent to playing Hearthstone, the cards will never lose their value to you the moment they leave Standard Mode.

Three common misconceptions

When the introduction of Standard Mode was first announced, the game was not in its best shape. At the time, the meta was in a situation familiar to everyone from the current Standard Mode: several decks that are considered to be the strongest filled the entire ladder. Another significant contribution to the piggy bank of dissatisfaction with the game was the absence at that time of any rotation: if a certain card turned out to be powerful and caused a lot of problems (but not so powerful as to deserve its weakening), then all that was left was to come to terms with the fact that you had to die. centuries will have to act out around her. Dr. Boom was a prime example of this. With that said, it should come as no surprise that almost all players migrated from Free mode to Standard as soon as it appeared last April. Players' memories of that terrible time are the main reason for all the "horror stories" that are heard about Freemode and scare new players away from it. Players who have remained loyal to the Free Mode can reassure that much of what you have heard about it is just a common misconception. Perhaps it's time to debunk them?

Free mode is unimportant and unimportant. Only Standard Mode is "official"!

This is probably the phrase you hear most often. If one format is an official competition format, then a second format does not exist because it is not an official competition format. There are two ways to dispel this misconception: by paying attention to who is disseminating it, and by clarifying the definition of the official format. It looks like a generalization, but, as a rule, that Free mode dead are said primarily by those who immediately sprayed their entire collection of maps of this format with the release of the Standard. People who cannot return to this game mode due to their own actions are now trying to find a suitable excuse for them. There is nothing wrong with scattering cards from your own collection, but you shouldn't even blame the format just because you can't play it anymore.

The second aspect is somewhat more delicate, since it affects the concept of "official". It would be crazy to deny that Standard Mode is the official Hearthstone competition. Everything is as clear as daylight. As a rule, in most card games, this format is preferable for official tournaments: constant rotation of sets is vital for any such game. The problem lies in the phrase itself: "I do not play in Freemode, because it is not an official format of the competition and, therefore, practically does not exist." Be honest with yourself and admit that Official Tournament Format should not mean anything to you unless you are a member of less than 1% of players who participate in major Blizzard events or regularly rank in the Top 100 at the end of seasons to score points. HCT and become so. There is nothing wrong with the desire to participate in tournaments, but the competitive scene is designed in such a way that the concept of "official tournament format" has no meaning for 99% of all players. If you are one of those looking to get into that single percentage and participate in official tournaments, then you can certainly hold your fists for you. Otherwise, the argument that the format is not playable because "is not the official format of the competition" is simply stupid.

Free Mode is too similar to Standard!

At the moment, one can fully agree with this statement. It is objectively correct. Recent statistics indicate significant similarities between both formats. However, there is an explanation for this, and it lies in the presence of the Pirate Scout and the Petty Buccaneer in combination with the Ship Cannon. Reno Jackson was the only card that gave a chance to survive this frenzied onslaught. Prior to the release of Violent City of Gadgetzan, the situation was different, and once the pirate weakening promised this month occurs, you will again see a lot of diversity in Free mode ... Unlike Standard, there are many different strong decks in Freestyle, and usually the meta is completely different here. In addition, the Standard will soon lose Renault Jackson, and the formats will be completely different.

Free mode is made up of only the Secret of the Paladins!

Free mode varied. At least much more varied than the standard one. The competitive archetypes of the mode will be listed later in this article, and you will see for yourself. So do they meet here Paladin's Secret? Of course, there are, but not as much as you might think. There were really a lot of them at the time of the separation of the formats, but then the popularity of the archetype kept declining and declining. Paladin's Secret may not be found at all until rank 5. There will always be strong decks that someone is constantly playing with, and Secret Paladin- just one of those, but this does not mean that it will fill the ladder in its former quantities. In terms of diversity Free mode lays Standard on both shoulder blades.

Transition to Free Mode

The main problem of "eternal" regimes in card games Is their inaccessibility. If you have not played such a game for a very long time, then you just have to turn to its standard mode with rotations, and there is nothing to catch in the "eternal" format: too much money is needed to purchase the necessary cards for a decent deck, especially if they were included in sets of ten years ago. For example, a newcomer to Magic the Gathering can take years to build a deck for “timeless” formats.

Hearthstone doesn't have this problem. Unlike other eternal card games in this game, although you cannot buy old adventures or card packs, you are able to create any missing cards using magic dust. This alone does Free mode in Hearthstone, the most accessible “everlasting” format of all existing card games.

The cost of creating maps is the same for both formats and, as you well know, is:

40 Arcane Dust for the usual cards

100 Arcane Dust for rare kart

400 Arcane Dust for epic kart

1600 Arcane Dust for legendary kart

After you found out that Free mode in Hearthstone - the cheapest in comparison with other card games, it must be emphasized how much it really is available. Newbies have probably heard stories about insanely expensive decks like Warrior Control and Renolock with a bunch of legendary creatures that are much more expensive than similar assemblies from Standard mode. Without a doubt, the mention of powerful legendary creatures, which you cannot do without, did not go past your ears: Doctor Boom and Loatheb.

Honestly, after what they heard, anyone might think that the format is too unattainable, but the reality is not as scary as it might seem. There are only 35 cards available exclusively in Free mode that are played in decks: Fork, Vengeance, Dark Cultist, Voidcaller, Death Bite, Tasty Zombie, Obsessed Crawler, Deathlord, Mad Scientist, Nerubian Egg, Slime Belcher, Lothib, Fire Cannon, Snowbug, Unstable Portal, Goblin Blast Bot, Call to Battle, Prong, Quartermaster, Velen's Chosen, Light of the Naaru, Light Bomb, Discharge, Dark Bomb, Merciless Blast, Defender, Clockwork Gnome, Gear Master, Irritator, Gnome Technician, Piloted Shredder, Ancient Healer, Mystic Kezan, Dr. Boom.

This comprehensive list of the strongest cards Free mode you can count 20 common, 10 rare, 3 epic and 2 legendary cards... If you create every card except the legendary in two copies, all together it will cost you 9,200 magic dust. This is undoubtedly not a small amount, but in most decks you will only need a few of these cards.

Converting Standard Mode decks to Free

As an example, we will consider three decks: Zoo, N'Zoth Priest and Control Warrior... Zoo is one of the cheapest archetypes for this purpose, as you only need four Rare cards (2 copies of Merciless Explosion and 2 copies of the Nerubian Egg) and two regular cards (both copies of the Possessed Crawler) to transition, after which the deck will be ready for fights in Free mode ... All other cards are taken from Standard game mode. Transfer from N'Zot Priest from Standard to the Free version will require four normal (two copies of the Dark Cultist and the Piloted Shredder), two rare (both Slime Belcher) and two epic cards (two Light Bombs). For Warrior Control need to create two regular cards(both Death Bites), two rare (all the same Slime Belchers) and one legendary (Doctor Boom).

Of course, such a transfer of the deck to another format is not suitable for everyone, since beginners may not have the Standard Mode decks themselves, not to mention the excess of magic dust. Fortunately, there is a great low-cost solution for them to try Freestyle, and it comes with Mech cards. The mechanisms are superbly combined with each other and are unusually cheap. In fact, they are so cheap that you don't even have to craft any neutral cards over 40 Dust to build your deck.

In total, all the necessary neutral mech creatures will cost you 640 dust, practically for free. It is worth remembering that not all classes have viable archetypes with mechanisms: they are played by Warrior, Shaman, Rogue, Druid and Mage, with the Druid being the weakest in this five. For very new players who want to try their luck in Freemode, the Mech Mage or Mech Warrior decks can be recommended, although the Pirate Warrior will also cope with the task (albeit a little more expensive because of the Pirate Scout).

Free Mode Decks

Finally, we managed to get to the most anticipated part of the article, namely the decks used in Freemode. The main competitive archetypes for each of the classes will be listed, followed by a final look at the three previously mentioned decks.

Competitive Free Mode decks

Competitiveness here is not just a chance to win someone sometimes. These decks are really good, though not necessarily top-notch. Of course, some success in Freestyle can be achieved with unmodified decks from Standard Mode, but they will be relegated to the background in this article.

Druid:Rump Druid, Malygos Druid, Egg Druid

Hunter:Face Hunter, Midrange Wheeze Hunter

Mage:Tempo Mage, Freeze Mage, Reno Mage

Paladin:Midrange Paladin, Face Paladin, Secret Paladin

Priest:Dragon Priest, N'Zoth Priest, Reno Priest

Rogue:Miracle the Rogue, Wheeze Rogue

Warlock:Zoolock, Renolock

Warrior:Control Warrior, Patron Warrior

In total, this is already 20 battle-worthy decks, excluding most Standard archetypes and various exotic builds, such as Warlock with Horses of Destruction. Basically Free mode very motley, but for some of the reasons indicated, you are likely to see a lot of archetypes from the Standard, looking into it right now. If you crave real variety, then you should be patient and wait for the promised weakening of the pirates at the end of February.

Three decks of Freemode

Of all the variety of formats, this article will present only three decks so far, which were discussed in the section on translating decks from the Standard game mode. Other decks will be the subject of future articles.

Warrior Control Deck

This archetype was once considered the strongest in the game and was the object of dreams of many players who collected magic dust for it. The deck has changed over time (for example, Retribution is now played instead of Whirlwind), but its game plan remained the same.

The deck is somewhat slow and tends to outlive your opponent by constantly killing creatures and depleting all his resources. In the later stages of the fight, putting Ysera in may well be enough to win. The famous combination of Alexstrasza and Grommash Hellscream can be used to quickly end the encounter. Up to the sixth move Control Warrior very passive, and then begins to crush with his large creatures. If by that moment the opponent has not been able to get a good hold on the table, Garrosh will most likely win.

In this version, among other cards, Baron Geddon is used to clear the table - in a meta with a large number of small creatures, he becomes a real salvation. Ragnaros could replace Ysera as another major threat.

Deck N'Zot Priest

Taking into account those cards that are available only in Free mode , you can even argue that N'Zoth is the most powerful creature in the entire game. This deck adheres to an extremely obvious strategy: you try to crush the enemy with creatures with death rattles, and if he fights back, then N'Zot is put on the table and in 9 cases out of 10 the game will immediately end with your victory.

From the very moment N'Zoth appeared in the game, Deathrattle Priest has become one of the most powerful decks Free mode ... If your opponent does not play with a pronounced aggro deck, then clearing such "balanced" cards as Manned Shredder and Slime Belcher will require spending too many resources. By the time the opponent can deal with this army, N'Zot must arrive in time and bring victory.

For survival on early stage the game uses the Lord of Death, then two massive cleanups can come in handy: Ring of Light and Light Bomb. Maryele Purehearted also helps to survive until N'Zoth's draw.

You can try Reno Priest with dragons and deathrattle creatures. If so, keep one copy of the cards listed here and add dragons as the second victory condition.

Zoolok deck

Zoo has shown itself well from the very moment it appeared in the game. IN recent times the archetype is going through hard times in both formats due to the inability to resist the aggression of pirates, but with their impending weakening, one can hope for a new surge in Zoolok's popularity in Free mode .

This is a very old build with a few changes. Those players who were in Hearthstone before its "split" can easily recognize the basis of the then Zoolok. Added to this is one copy of Possessed Peasant and both copies of Darkshire Councilor. At one time, even Standard mode players complained about this map, but in Free mode it is completely out of control and becomes completely irreplaceable. Cards such as Merciless Blast and Obsessed Crawler take a Darkshire Council Member into a real monster in a matter of turns. In a deck full of deathrattle creatures, the card works wonders.


This article has come to an end. We hope that she dispelled some misconceptions and made the readers of the site think about trying their hand at Free mode ... Perhaps in the future there will be a continuation of this article with a description of other interesting decks of the mode and the state of the meta. Share with us your impressions of the game in this game format!

Prepared Pafnutiy, edited Blaze, issued Burnquist

Every year Blizzard prepared fresh adventures and card sets for Hearthstone. The volume of available cards expanded, and the threshold for entering the game narrowed. It became increasingly difficult for beginners to choose card sets, build decks, and navigate the modern meta of the game. But Blizzard would not Blizzard if I hadn't made a small revolution within my project.

So, this spring in Hearthstone 2 formats will appear - "Standard" and "Free". What are they like?

Standard format... The main format of the game. It will be possible to use base and classic cards, as well as expansion and adventure cards that were released exclusively in the current and last calendar years (in other words, no older than two years from the moment of release). Available game modes: duel, normal mode, ranked game. Each year the available maps will be updated, those older than two years will be excluded from the available ones. In their place will come new cards from new additions. Thus, the annual cycle of the standard format ensures constant changes in the game meta and makes it easier for newcomers to enter the game - there will be a clear definition of which cards to play and which decks to choose. First year Blizzard called "the year of the Kraken."

The following decks will be available for Standard Play in Spring 2016:

  • Basic
  • Classic
  • Black Mountain
  • Big tournament
  • Explorers' League
  • New addition (Spring 2016)

Free format... No deck restrictions - you can use absolutely all cards that have ever been released in Hearthstone. Available modes: everything in the game, including adventure and arena.

These are not all the changes that players are waiting for:

  • Old adventures and add-ons that were not included in the standard format will be gradually removed from the store. This is the fate of The Curse of Naxxramas and The Goblins and the Dwarfs this year. The cards themselves are not going anywhere - they can be created from arcane dust and used for free mode.
  • If the first "wing" of the adventure was purchased, the rest will be available exclusively for gold to complete the passage.
  • Each format will have a separate rating and rise to the "Legend", the rewards at the end of the month will be determined by the best rank.
  • Official esports competitions will be held exclusively in a “standard” format.
  • The classic maps will be updated and will be able to spray them, albeit for a limited time.
  • If the player has access to Freemode, the number of available deck slots will double from 9 to 18.

A more detailed description of the changes, as well as a list of "questions and answers" are published in

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Standard or Free Mode?

For three days now I have been closely following the official forum and posts / comments in VK. I noticed (not me alone) a funny tendency - Russian players whine about the standard mode more than foreign ones. What is the reason for this, I do not know, but I can say with confidence that those who lose their canser decks and cannot imagine their life and the game without them cry the most on the forums. This is primarily the secret of paladins, fans of fur decks, zools, etc. The second wave of whiners are those who recently discovered Naxxramas and / or crafted Boom. The third wave is the gallant protectors of the druids, protecting the honor of the combo, but already notified about the upcoming nerfs of cards of this class. The funny thing is that every disgruntled player considers it his duty to create a separate topic, where he expresses a no longer fresh idea, repeated dozens of times in the comments and other forum threads. All their complaints can be divided into several categories:

  1. This is a collectible game, you take the collection from us.
  2. Blizzard makes everyone donate, even more disrespect for beginners, why take adventures and maps for rent.
  3. If we unite and do not play standard, then Blizzard will change his mind and the modes will be equal in terms of balance.
  4. I will have to go to the "cut" standard, since there will be no balance in free mode.

And what can you answer to this:

  1. If Naxxramas and GvG are removed from standard mode, this does not mean that you are forced to get rid of these cards. Tummies, Loothibs and Doctors 7 can come in handy in free mode, brawl, friendly match, or just in a collection.
  2. If you are for whole year If you cannot collect at least a couple of decks from new cards without donation, then I just feel sorry for you. Especially if you can spray cards from Naxxramas, GvG and so on, i.e. for 1200 rubles or 3500 gold, it is guaranteed to get about 3 thousand dust, and this is already a solid amount. For beginners, almost nothing changes, except that adventures are not so useful and priority for them (Nax is no longer a must-have, but Mountain and League to their liking), i.e. you will still have to craft most of the cards and sit on the 20th rating until at least some rudiments of the skill appear.
  3. Sheer nonsense, Blizzard spun your opinion on the well-known three-letter organ. Moreover, fans of the secret of paladins and other bastards will sooner or later understand that this is not serious and that you need to master other decks, and not use an imba card and is proud of rank 10 in free mode.
  4. There is no balance in the free regime now, there are obvious leaders (who are not just leaders) and obvious outsiders. Plus, in the new mode, randomness is somehow minimized. So sooner or later the free mode will be abandoned for many reasons, and not only because of imbalance (especially since Ben Broad has already assured the community that the developers want to support both modes, but we know that this is nonsense and which mode priority is given).

Okay, this is about the opinion of some of the players on the forum, everyone has the right to express it, and so on, and now here's my opinion. During these three days, I have already revised many times the possibilities of the new regime, the adequacy of this event (in fact, the introduction of this very regime) and indeed the future of Hearthstone. And I came to the conclusion that it would be really interesting and unusual. Just imagine: a completely new meta, new leaders (I hope that without obvious imbs, as now) and outsiders, new decks and archetypes, new mechanics and synergies, the absence of pretty boring doctors 4, 6, 7, as well as other popular cards from Naks, the return of non-playable cards, weakening of almost all decks and minimization of randomness (possibly). Isn't that interesting? Are you not ready to sacrifice some tummies and tasty zombies for this? The developers took such a serious step, sooner or later taken in any popular CCG, they will not allow an imbalance of the matchup triangle, they will not allow any one global archetype to reign. Do you really want to continue to sit in the druid meta, the secret of paladins and zooloks? Or do you just yourself cannot accept the death of these archetypes and do not want to try some new decks? The problem is not with the developer, the problem is with you and your limitations. I regret not playing my favorite echo mage or a new control priest for me in my now familiar build, I also lost a few of my favorite decks, but I do not dwell on this and gladly accept any updates to this game, as Hearthstone should evolve and move on, and the monotony of the meta cannot be changed with just a set of maps or adventures. For the free mode, I will leave the echo mage, the control of the priest and the freezmag in their current builds, while the rest of the unnecessary cards will happily go to dust, including Doctor 7, which I advise you too. I choose Standard mode, do you?

Fateful changes await the tavern! We're proud to announce the addition of a variety of game formats to Hearthstone! We hope that both beginners and veterans will enjoy them. Thanks to standard format Hearthstone will remain exciting and accessible for years to come, while free format everything that you already know about the game and what you love about it will be preserved.

The new standard

The standard format will allow players to fight in game mode using only the latest Hearthstone cards... You can create decks in this format only from the basic and classic sets of cards (they will always be at your disposal), as well as from those that appeared in the game in the current and last calendar years. For the duel, we will match you opponents with decks assembled according to the same standard format.

The standard format will allow Hearthstone to sparkle with new colors.

  • It will make the metagame more dynamic and balanced.

  • The set limit will make each card more meaningful!

  • Developers will have more freedom when creating new maps.

  • It will be easier for beginners to join the game as they do not have to collect a lot of cards.

The standard format is intended for friendly duels, ranked play and normal play only, but not for arena, solo play and adventures.

Free - will!

Freeform is just a new name for the version of the game that you are already used to and in which anything can happen. While in the standard format, the emphasis is on newly released cards and striving to balance the newest game process, the free format allows you to have fun from the heart in the conditions already familiar to you. Of course, over time and as new cards are added, it will become more and more unpredictable!

The very same gameplay in this format will not undergo any changes: you, as always, will be able to complete tasks, earn gold, fight for the rating, win card backs, strive for the Legend rank and make free decks from your entire collection of cards. If you decide to use a "free" deck in a rating or regular game, then your opponent will definitely be a player with a free format deck.

Forward to the legend!

With the introduction of the standard format, you can choose which of the two formats to play in ranked matches. In each you will have your own rank, and therefore you may well get the "Legend" in both free and standard formats. However, at the end of the season, you will receive a reward for reaching the best rank in one of the modes. So choose which one you like best!

Time for a change

The upcoming introduction of formats to the game is a great opportunity to weigh and evaluate what Hearthstone is like at this stage. Usually we are very restrained in the issue of changing maps in order to improve the balance (and we will adhere to this policy in the future), but next year provides us with a brilliant opportunity to reevaluate a number of cards from the basic and classic sets (including class cards) and add to them description of a number of long-awaited amendments.

For more information on which maps will be changed and why, we will share with you closer to the appearance of the standard format in the game.

More space for decks!

Yes, finally you have more room for your decks! We have prepared a small gift that you will receive shortly before the introduction of the standard format into the game: if you have unlocked all nine heroes, then your collection will be replenished with nine additional places for decks, which means that you will have eighteen in total!

Release the Kraken!

The standard format is coming to Hearthstone this spring! When that momentous day arrives, you will be able to build standard decks from the following sets:

  • Base

  • Classical

  • Black Mountain

  • Big tournament

  • Explorers' League

  • New addition (Spring 2016)

Curse of Naxxramas and Goblins & Dwarfs Sets cannot be used in standard format. Each year after the release of the first expansion pack, cardsets issued prior to the previous year will be removed from the standard format.

The standard format will have an annual cycle. Each new year in Hearthstone will be symbolized by one of the zodiacal constellations that shine in the night sky of Azeroth. The emergence of a new constellation above the horizon heralds the start of the year and is accompanied by a lot of fun and glee wherever Hearthstone is played!

The first standard year will be named the year of the Kraken so get ready for a sea of ​​events!

For free bread

This year, Adventures and Expansions will be removed from the store that will not be included in the standard format, namely Curse of Naxxramas and Goblins and Dwarfs. If you still need cards from these sets (for free mode or for collection), then you can create them from Arcane Dust - even adventure cards that were previously impossible to create. Speaking of adventures, if you purchased at least the first wing from an adventure before it went out of rotation, you can still buy the rest of the wings and complete the walkthrough.

Not long left!

We've done a great job on the standard format and are eager to see how it transforms Hearthstone, brings gameplay to life, and add-ons begin to play a greater role. In addition, this innovation will not slow down to affect the competitive element of the game, because it is in the standard format that the Hearthstone Championship Tour will be held! All in all, we believe that the standard format will be the quintessence of all the best that Hearthstone has to offer.

We hope you share our enthusiasm and we look forward to your feedback.

Without a doubt, you have questions, and therefore we bring to your attention the section "Questions and Answers". If something still remains incomprehensible to you, we are always ready to help!

General issues

I have not been able to read yet .So what's going on with Hearthstone?

We're adding formats to ranked and regular play in Hearthstone. In the standard format, it will be possible to use decks consisting only of those cards that were issued in the current and last calendar years, as well as basic and classic sets. The free format is already familiar to all Hearthstone players. It does not imply any restrictions, you can use any cards in it, including all those that are allowed in the standard format.

What is "format"?

In card games, format refers to the rules and restrictions governing the set of cards allowed in the deck.

Why are you adding formats?

Thanks to the formats, we can achieve some important goals for Hearthstone. The standard format will make the gameplay more dynamic and exciting, will free up the hands of developers when creating new maps, and will also help beginners to get used to it sooner. The free format will give players a mind-blowing and unpredictable experience with all the cards that have ever been released - just like the version of the game you are already familiar with.

How often do you plan to update the standard format?

The standard format will be updated every year with the release of the first expansion. At this time, card sets issued in the current and last calendar years will be added to it. Basic and classic card sets will be in this format on an ongoing basis.

Why will base and classic cards always be included in the standard format?

These cards serve as the backbone of the Hearthstone basics. They add a unique character to the game, beginners can understand how they work, and returning players can be sure that there is always something familiar for them.

What is the Year of the Kraken?

The Year of the Kraken is a special name for the first year of the standard format. With the release of the first new expansion next year, a new year will begin in Hearthstone: the standard format will be updated, and the symbol of the year will be another mythical creature.

Deck management

What will happen to my decks when the standard format is introduced?

Decks that are made up entirely of only valid cards in standard format will become standard decks. All decks that contain free format cards will automatically turn into free decks. They can be made standard by highlighting the deck name (or hovering over it with the mouse pointer) and choosing a standard format. The game will then mark all Freelance cards in that deck so that they can be replaced.

Will the default cards in my collection be tagged?

Although each individual card is not marked with its format, there will be clues in your collection with the help of which you will know which deck you are making - standard or free. You can also use a filter to select only standard maps.

Will the new deck slots be used only for standard decks?

Additional deck spaces are suitable for both standard and freestyle decks. You will be given nine additional spots after unlocking all nine heroes.

Crafting, Spraying, and Collecting Cards

How will the card collecting process be arranged?

Adventures and DLCs in the standard format can be purchased for gold or real money. Packs that do not fit in the standard format cannot be purchased from the in-game store, however, you can create any such cards using Arcane Dust - even those that were previously impossible to create or disengage.

How will the adventure purchase system work?

For adventures in standard format, everything will remain the same. Adventures that are not part of the standard format will no longer be available for purchase. If you managed to buy at least one wing of a particular adventure, you can unlock all the others using in-game currency.

Can I still create and spray maps that do not fit the standard format?

Yes, you can craft and disenchant these cards - including those not previously crafted or disenchanted - for their normal Arcane Dust cost. The only exceptions are basemaps, which, in principle, cannot be crafted or dispersed.

Note that you can also craft and spray cards from standard format adventures. The main thing is that you have already received them!

Game process

How will random effects work in standard format?

Random effects (including summoning random creatures or cards, the Excavation mechanic, morphing, or any other similar effect) will summon cards that are allowed in the current format. This means that only cards of the same format can be summoned in a standard format. Any card can be used in free format, so such effects will work as usual.

Can I receive awards in both formats?

You can earn gold, complete quests, level up heroes, and earn victory points for a golden portrait in both formats without any distinction. However, the monthly highest ranked reward in ranked play and the card back will only be awarded based on the top score of the two modes. As a reward for the season and arena fights, you can only get those cards that can be used in the standard format.

Will the standard format be used in the arena?

The default arena and other Hearthstone game modes, such as Solo, Adventure, and more, use a freeform format. Some Brawl events can be played in a standard format, but in general it only works in ranked and normal play.

Will the format system be used in brawls?

Each new brawl takes place according to different rules, and therefore some of them will be conducted in a free format, while others in a standard format. In any case, they will remain just as crazy!

Will the formats have any impact on my adventure decks?

The adventures take place in a free format, so you can create appropriate decks without any restrictions.

How will the matchmaking system work?

By queuing you up in a standard format, the system will automatically match opponents with decks of the same type. The freestyle queue will include players with both freestyle and standard decks, as freestyle offers the ability to use standard decks.

Can I play with a standard freestyle deck?

Yes! The free format contains the entire collection, regardless of the release date, including those cards that are used in the standard format. Therefore, you can queue up in a freestyle format with a standard deck.

Can I play standard friendly duels?

Yes! In the case of duels, you will have the opportunity to choose a format, and your opponent will only be able to choose a deck that suits him.

With the advent of the format system, your current rating will be "divided" into free and standard. For example, if you are rank 5, then after making the changes you will have rank 5 in both standard and free formats.

As the ranking system will be split, you will be able to move forward in the ranking table and aim for the legend in every from formats separately. At the end of the season, the reward will be based on the highest rank among the two formats, but not for both. Regardless of the format in which you received the reward, it will only contain standard cards.

Please also note that in Normal Play the matchmaking rating will be the same for both formats.

Which rank will my Battle.net friends see?

Your Battle.net friends will only see the standard format rank.

Will you be announcing the Top 100 Players of the Season for both formats?

At the moment, we are planning to announce only the list of the top 100 players in the standard format.

Can I earn Hearthstone Championship Tour Points in both ranked play?

No. Hearthstone Championship Tour Points will only be earned in Standard Ranked Play in 2016.

So will all official Blizzard esports events be hosted in a standard format?

Yes. The official format for the 2016 Hearthstone Championship Tour and Hearthstone World Championship will be Standard.


Can I use different shirts and special characters in any format?

Yes, all shirts and heroes you collect can be used in both formats.

Can you spray the base and classic cards that you upgrade for the Year of the Kraken at full cost?

Basemaps are non-sprayable and cannot be created under any circumstances. However, the Classic Cards that we will change can be disenchanted at their full cost for a limited period of time.

Will the introduction of formats lead to an increase in the time for selecting an opponent?

We do not think that the introduction of the format system will lead to a significant increase in matchmaking time.

Will I still be able to participate in non-purchase adventures?

You will be able to play only those adventures that you already have. If you purchased at least one wing of an adventure that was removed from the store, then you can open all the others, but only for in-game gold, and not for real money.

I am a beginner and I do not have access to free format in game mode. What can I do to unlock this format for Normal or Ranked Mode?

To access the free format and create the appropriate deck, you just need to create just one card that is not included in the standard format. If you already have such cards, the free format will open automatically.

Do you plan to return the old kits to the standard format?

We currently have no plans to return old Free to Standard cardsets.

Tell us about the new addition for 2016.

It's very, very cool. We think you will definitely like it. We will tell you about it very soon ™.