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Manufacturer: Interactive Designs
Year: 1993
Interface language: Russian
Tags: action, adventure

About the game: The plot of the game repeats the plot of the original film. The large McCallister family travels to celebrate Christmas in Miami, Florida. On the night before departure, a tree falling on the wires caused power outages in the McCallister house and all clocks went out. The next day, due to a failed alarm, the McCallisters had to pack up in great haste to catch their plane. At the airport, one of the McCallister sons, Kevin, accidentally fought off his family and boarded a plane flying to New York. The rest of the McCallister family flew to Miami without noticing the absence of the child. The boy found himself alone in New York.

Meanwhile, the "Wet Bandits", Marvin and Harry, escaped from prison and decided to continue their criminal activities in New York. The first thing they decided to do was rob Duncan's toy store, which had a large amount of money raised for the orphanage. And then little Kevin appears in the path of criminals, determined to prevent a daring robbery.

You play as Kevin McCallister, in whose way there will be not only the "Wet Bandits", but also many different criminals and hostile characters. The game has several large levels. You start at the airport, then make your way across the street to the hotel, visit the toy store, run through the old building, visit the central park and other places where the film was set. Distinctive feature the game is the presence of a certain role-playing component - you can collect various items and, by combining them, craft various weapons, such as a crossbow, slingshot or grenade launcher.

At Home Alone is a strategy game developed by 阿 正 不 经 for the PC platform. The environment in the game belongs to the anime style, and the following features can be distinguished: strategy, adventure game, free game, role-playing game, indie, casual game, simulator, steam achievements, horror, anime and others. You will have access to such game modes as "for one player".

All over the world the game At Home Alone is distributed according to the free model by the publisher 0Cube. At the moment, the stage of the game is launched, and the date of its release is 11/01/2018. You can find out about the possibility of downloading At Home Alone for free, including through a torrent, on the official website.

MMO13 has yet to give At Home Alone a rating. The game is distributed on the Steam store, whose users rate this game with their reviews 8.2 out of 10.

The official description of the game reads:

“This is a recreational healing Mini-plot game explored at home. Players will play and wander around the house from the perspective of a little girl. What will she do when she is alone? What strange stories will happen in the process, and in the process of exploration, you may find some strange secrets .... "

The fictional embodiment of the famous "family-Christmas" American movie of 1990, "Home Alone" serves as a vivid proof that even with a film license it is possible to make excellent and original computer games.

But first, a few words about the plot - in case someone has not seen this tape of the same name. Actually, this is described in three pictures in the introduction to the game: a large and friendly McCallister family, having gone on vacation abroad, accidentally forgot their youngest child, eight-year-old Kevin, at home. Unfortunately, two thugs-burglars, Harry and Marv, become aware of the family's departure, who are planning to rob a huge mansion on this occasion - "unfortunately" for them, for young Kevin, having learned about their intentions, firmly decides to act on the basis of from the principle “my home is my fortress”. So for would-be burglars, confrontation with one junior boy school age turns into a whole series of grievous bodily harm and other work-related injuries ...

But where Harry and Marv will be able to fully take revenge on their underage tormentor - this is in created by Ivan Manley and his colleagues computer game... At least in the versions for IBM and Amiga, which were released in 1991 and are distinguished by a rare originality, combining elements of an arcade (you have to run, jump and even shoot constantly) and a logic puzzle. We play, of course, for Kevin, who appears on the screen with a side view and moves through the numerous rooms and corridors of his mansion (as a rule, it does not fit into one screen).

The gameplay is clearly divided into two parts. "Phase 1" consists in preparing the house for receiving intruders - in order to collect all kinds of objects in the rooms that can serve as traps, and place them in the right places, an hour of playing time is allotted (from 8 to 9 in the morning) or about six and a half minutes of real time. There are 26 such items in total - for example, a bag of flour that can be hung from the ceiling, or a hose that leaves a large puddle on the floor when used. Special items from this number are the tarantula from the collection of the older brother (which, once caught and released, does not sit in one place, but moves around the rooms by itself) and a pneumatic gun.

You will have to use this last in the next part of the game, in "Phase 2", which comes, as soon as the clock reaches nine (or, if you managed to prepare all the surprises ahead of schedule, you can scroll the time using the N key). Now our task is to lure both bandits (who enter the house in different ways and move separately from each other) into traps (without falling into their hands). The trick is that the further Harry and Marv are from Kevin, the higher the chance that the trap will not work - as soon as they find themselves in the next room, and even more so in the same room as our hero, they forget about everything in the world and serve as easy prey for the irons and fire extinguishers that lie in wait for them. However, Kevin then has to behave extremely carefully in order to have time to escape without letting the robber get too close to him. And this is not to mention the fact that there is a considerable risk of falling into our own trap ourselves - we will not get any harm, but we will have one less treat for our guests. At the same time, Kevin also has a couple of secret ways to move around the mansion that are inaccessible to Harry and Marv (for example, the path from the attic window to the tree house), which opens up strategic prospects for us.

Each of the two bandits initially has 50 points of "health", which we must spoil in every possible way: getting into any of the traps costs them five points. In addition, the pneumatic gun is extremely important - the only item that we keep in our inventory since the first phase: firstly, it can be used to shoot each of the robbers once, causing them one-time damage of the same five points; secondly, although after the first use this weapon ceases to be so formidable and the repeated volley does not cause any damage, it is still capable of stopping the enemy walking towards us for a few moments, which gives us precious seconds needed to escape. And thirdly, only with the help of a well-aimed shot can you activate some of the traps suspended from the ceiling or on the jamb of an open door.

It is easy to calculate that in this alignment of forces, it will be necessary to successfully set and activate at least eighteen traps out of twenty-five, not counting shots from a gun: the task is quite non-trivial and requires considerable ingenuity for the correct placement of traps in the first chapter, taking into account everything possible in the future the trajectories of Harry and Marv's movement around the McCallister mansion, and even greater dexterity in chapter two, to skillfully jump over their own traps and insidiously lure their antagonists into them. Expect to see the Game Over screen from Kevin being thrown into the arms of the robbers more than once or five times before capturing a 100-point winning score in the final table of players.

It should be added that the graphics in "Home Alone" looks very good. In addition to the main window with a view of the current location, the screen also displays the status of both visitors - to the right and top left: in the first chapter, here you can see just close-up portraits of Harry and Marv, and in the second - their figures moving towards us (stopping at falling into a trap). Central top part the screen is occupied by Kevin's notepad: at first, the name of the room in which we are located is displayed here, and objects for traps taken, but not yet placed in their places (you are allowed to take them three at a time), as well as the current time and the number of surprises already prepared. In the second part of the game, a counter of damage inflicted on each of our opponents is added to this last one. The sound effects of the game with its musical accompaniment, which require AdLib or Roland LAPC-1 / MT-32 sound cards for their playback (Sound Blaster is officially supported, but does not appear as a separate item in the settings, are also pleasing; the sound will be much worse when selected as a device Tandy or PC Speaker - in the latter case, the music sounds only in the splash screen).

But the implementation of control in the game is perhaps the only thing that you can find fault with. Kevin moves using the arrows - left, right, and also up - if there is a window, door, staircase, etc. in the depth of the current location (the permissibility of such a movement is always indicated by the corresponding signature on the "notebook" in the center at the top). The keys "jump" and "shoot" are the only ones that can be configured (by running ha.exe with the "r" key or by means of a separate executable file haconfig.exe), and even then only of four possible options to choose ("0" numeric keypad and “+”, “0” of the numeric keypad and “Enter”, Tab and Space or Z and X). You will have to use them often, especially the jump, without which Kevin will not even be able to take many of the high-placed objects - so choose the combination that is most convenient for you. However, even worse is the fact that the next three commands are tightly tied to function keys F1, F2 and F3. In the first phase, with their help, we accordingly raise the available items (invitingly blinking when approaching them), select one of two or three available in the inventory - and set it in the right place. On the screen, potential places for using the currently selected and taken object are displayed with crosses, and when approaching them - with an arrow “HERE!”. The F3 key allows you to simply throw an item anywhere else, but then you will need to pick it up to use it again. Finally, in the second phase of the game, by pressing F2, you can scroll through the names of installed but not yet activated traps, and F3 will remind you of their location.

Yet, despite even such not the most convenient control, play "Home Alone" turns out to be interesting, difficult and unusual. Unique gameplay, skillfully balancing between tasks for speed and quick wits, cute graphics and funny protection of your home from burglars - what else does a lover of old games need to be completely happy?