What are taoke antonyms. What are antonyms and synonyms? Examples of different antonyms

"Of Greek origin and is translated as" opposite name ".

Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning, expressing it with the help of paradigmatic connections.

Antonyms are a very interesting phenomenon of the language, because in the mind of a person are stored in the form of an antonymic pair.

Despite the fact that antonyms are opposed to each other with all their content, their semantic structure is highly homogeneous. As a rule, antonyms differ in one differential feature.

For example, a pair of antonyms "-" has common semantic features (quality, mood) and only one differential (positive and negative mood).

Due to the homogeneity of the semantic structure, antonyms have almost completely the same compatibility.

Types of antonyms

There are 2 types of antonyms:

1) multi-root and single-root.

Single-root antonyms usually form non-prefixed and prefixed words. Examples: friend - foe; bad - not bad; enter - exit; come up - move away.

Multi-root antonyms are completely different in their appearance. Examples: stale - fresh; life death.

2) gradual, non-gradual and vector antonyms.

Gradual antonyms express the opposite, which implies the existence between two extreme points of intermediate steps. Examples: genius - talented - gifted - average ability - mediocre - mediocre; - capable - intelligent - not stupid - of average ability - stupid - limited - stupid - stupid.

Irregular antonyms call concepts between which there is not and cannot be an intermediate degree. Examples: true - false; alive - dead; free - busy; married - single.

Vector antonyms denote the opposite direction of actions, signs, qualities and properties. Examples: forget - remember; increase - decrease; supporter - adversary.

Antonyms are words, belonging to the same part of speech, differing in spelling and sound, and meaning directly opposite concepts.

One part of speech is not the only condition under which words of the opposite meaning can be called antonyms. There must be some common feature between these words. That is, both concepts should describe feeling, or time, or space, or quality and quantity - in which case they will be antonyms.

Examples of antonyms.

Let's analyze this definition with examples.

Antonym for the word "Before".

The antonym for the word "before" will be the word "now"... Both words are adverbs - “when? before ”and“ when? now". Both of them are united by a common feature - the description of time. But if the word "before" describes a situation or event that took place sometime in the past, then the word "now" refers to the present. Thus, the words are opposite in meaning and are antonyms.

Antonym for the word "Friendly".

The antonym for the word "friendly" is the word "Unfriendly"... Both concepts refer to one part of speech - the adverb. As the rule requires, they are united by a common feature - that is, they describe an emotional shade. But if the word "friendly" means joy and pleasure (for example, from someone's presence), then "unfriendly" has the exact opposite meaning - the one whose appearance or speech is characterized by this word is clearly not happy about anything.

Antonym for the word "Tears".

The antonym for the word "tears" will be the word "laughter". Both concepts refer to nouns, both of which describe an emotional action. But if in the first case the emotion is clearly negative - tears of grief, tears of sadness, tears of pain - then the word "laughter" means joy, happiness and fun. Words are opposite in meaning - and therefore they are antonyms.

Other popular antonyms.

Below is a list of words and their antonyms.

  • The word "Synonym", the antonym is "Antonym".
  • The word "Interesting", the antonym - "Boring".
  • The word "Wind", the antonym - "Quiet".
  • The word "Find", the antonym - "Lose".
  • The word "Fresh", the antonym - "Spoiled, callous".
  • The word "Beautiful", the antonym - "Disgusting, terrible."
  • The word "Snow", the antonym - "Rain".
  • The word "Waited", the antonym - "Sudden, unexpected".
  • The word "Carefully", the antonym - "Careless".
  • The word "Sun", the antonym - "Moon".
  • The word "Day", the antonym - "Night".
  • The word "Fast", the opposite is "slow".

We hope you now know what an antonym is.

Presentation "Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms" Developed by Ammosov Tolya student 3 "v" class MOBU secondary school № 17, Yakutsk

Synonyms are words of the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling (cf. homonyms), but having the same or very similar lexical meaning (cf. antonyms). Examples of synonyms in Russian: cavalry - cavalry, brave - brave. Synonyms serve to increase the expressiveness of speech, to avoid its monotony. Each synonym has its own special shade of meaning that distinguishes it from other synonyms, for example: red - scarlet - crimson - crimson.

Antonyms (Greek "against") are words of the same part of speech, different in sound and spelling, having directly opposite lexical meanings: truth is a lie, good is evil, speak is silent. Examples: bad is good, lie is truth, living is dead. black white Fast horses Turtle slow Lion big and cat small

antonyms expressing different directions of actions, signs, social phenomena, etc. Examples: enter - exit, go down - rise, light - extinguish, words describing the same situation from the point of view of different participants. Examples: buy - sell, husband - wife, teach - learn, lose - win, lose - find. By structure, antonyms are: multi-root (forward - backward); single-root - are formed with the help of prefixes that are opposite in meaning: enter - exit, or with the help of a prefix added to the original word (monopoly - antimonopoly). From the point of view of language and speech, antonyms are divided into: linguistic (usual) - antonyms existing in the language system (rich - poor); speech (occasional) - antonyms that arise in a certain context (to check for the presence of this type, you need to reduce them to a language pair) - (gold - half a copper, that is, expensive - cheap). They are often found in proverbs. From the point of view of action, antonyms are: proportionate - action and reaction (getting up - going to bed, getting rich - getting poor); disproportionate - action and lack of action (in a broad sense) (light up - extinguish, think - think over

Words describing the same situation from the point of view of different participants - The teacher teaches (teaches) - the student learns (receives information)

Homonyms Omonims (ancient Greek - the same) - different in meaning, but the same in sound and spelling of the word. The term was introduced by Aristotle. Not to be confused with homophones, homographs and paronyms. Homonymy is a random coincidence of words, For example, in the words "braid" (tool) and "braid" (hairstyle). Concurrent words related to different parts of speech, all or almost all Russian linguists certainly refer to homonyms. Examples of such homonyms are "flow" (leak) and "leak" (leak).

3: Scythe - on the girl's head; scythe - a tool for mowing; spit - a long cape in a body of water or in a watercourse (Curonian Spit). 7: The clef is a musical sign; key from door; the spring is a natural source of water; wrench - wrench; key - information that allows you to decrypt a cryptogram or verify a digital signature; key - hint, cheat sheet, answer to the task, key - closing device in the electrical circuit 3: Butterfly - insect; the bow tie; butterfly knife. 2: Onion is a plant; bow weapon. 3: Pen - writing (gel, ballpoint, etc.); pen is a human hand; handle - doorknob. 4: Brush - a bunch of ropes; wrist; brush - berries (rowan brush); brush - brush (for painting). 2: Lynx - running (eg horses); the lynx is an animal. 4: Three - horses; three - mark; troika - the judicial organ of the NKVD; three-piece - suit.

Words that are different in meaning, but the same in sound and spelling. The scythe mows the grass. Long braid - girlish beauty

Words that are different in meaning, but the same in sound and spelling. 2: The world is the universe; peace is the absence of war, enmity. 2: Messenger - giving a message, a signal about something; messenger - in the army: a private for parcels on business. 3: Beam - part of a structure, a beam resting on something at several points (on walls, abutments); gully - a long ravine; beam and beam are lexical homonyms. 2: Kiwi is a fruit; kiwi is a bird. 2: Zebra is a beast; zebra - crosswalk. Mowed with an oblique oblique oblique (a known problem phrase for foreigners).

The true wealth of the Russian language is the presence of synonyms in it, which avoid repetitions and serve as the most accurate expression of thought. Literally translated from Greek, the word synonym means "the same name."

Synonyms are words of the same part of speech, different in spelling and pronunciation, but identical in their lexical meaning: lie is not true, lawyer - lawyer, criminal - criminal, aboriginal - old-timer, damage - damage, mystery is a mystery, hypothesis - guess, lawmaking - lawmaking and etc.

Synonyms are combined into a synonymous series: polite - delicate - correct - courteous - tactful - courteous... Words in a synonymous row can be completely identical in meaning. These are complete, or absolute synonyms ( thermometer - thermometer, goalkeeper - goalkeeper). Incomplete synonyms are close, but not identical in meaning. They can differ in shades of meaning (ideographic synonyms): timid - timid - timid - cowardly; soon - quickly - quickly - swiftly; red - crimson - purple - ruby; style of use: eyes - eyes (high vocabulary) - peepers (rough colloquial vocabulary); power (high style) - country - state... Contextual synonyms are also noted, which are words that converge in their meanings in a certain context. For example, the homogeneity of definitions can be caused by their contextual convergence: cheerful, good-natured humor; proud, brave appearance; deserted, inhospitable house.

In the synonymous row, the main word stands out, which most fully characterizes the entire row - dominant... Usually, the dominant refers to common vocabulary: doctor - healer - doctor - aesculapius (dominant - doctor); to be afraid - to be afraid - to be horrified - to be afraid - to be afraid to be afraid - to tremble - to tremble - to shake (dominant - to be afraid).

A polysemantic word can have as many synonyms as it denotes concepts. For example, the word to convene has two synonymous series, as it denotes two concepts: 1) call - invite - call (Call guests); 2) convene - organize (Convene an extraordinary congress).

Phraseological units also enter into synonymous relations.... They can be synonymous in meaning with both words and with each other: break wood - bend / bend the stick - go over the edge("Make a mistake / make a mistake in a complex matter"); from time to time - from time to time - sometimes - from time to time; day after day - year after year - every time - always; hang your head - grieve - grieve; from around the corner - treacherously - secretly; in the order of things - usually.

The use of synonyms in the process of legal communication makes it possible to avoid unnecessary repetitions, to clarify, supplement certain information, and to clarify the legal text. In necessary cases (for example, publicistic oratorical speech at the court), synonyms can add special expressiveness to speech.

Clarification- one of the most important functions of synonyms in the communication process. This function consists in revealing the properties and various characteristic features of the designated objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. The need for clarification is due to the fact that the designated phenomenon is multifaceted and it is almost impossible to express it in one word, therefore the use of several synonyms makes it possible to reveal new sides in the designated object. The clarification function is often used in publicistic legal speech, for example, in the speech of court speakers. So, I.M. Kisenishsky in his speech on the case of A.D. Sheikhona very often uses this function: “ Without a comprehensive solution to all ... issues, it is impossible to make a fair and just verdict, from which objectivity, accuracy, absolute legal impeccability and justice are required! There is a difficult, complex, responsible process of seeking the truth ... The high principles of legality and social justice must triumph... ". In the function of clarification, synonyms are also used in the scientific legal text: “(legal sciences) study certain aspects, elements and features of state and legal reality in a certain aspect, at a certain level". (General theory of state and law / Edited by V.V. Lazarev).

Much less often, the function of clarification in the use of synonyms is noted in laws and regulations. This is determined by the specifics of the text itself and its purpose. For example, in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Police" there is the use of synonyms in one sentence in order to more fully show the characteristic features of a particular subject: illegal actions ".

In the written form of the official business style, including its legal sub-style, the selection of synonyms from the synonymous series is due to the desire for accuracy and clarity of the presentation of the material. So, they do not invite for interrogation, they call in, the certificate is given, and not written, a citizen, not a person, etc. In particular, in the Federal Law "On the Police" we come across a stylistically processed text regarding the selection of the necessary synonym: "The police in their activities (and not in their work) are also guided (not based) by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ...", "The legal basis of activity the police make up ... this (and not this) Federal Law ... "(Article 3).

Synonyms also perform the function of substitution, which consists in replacing units that are adequate in meaning in order to avoid monotonous repetition of the same words. In this case, mainly absolute synonyms are used, of which, by the way, there are not so many in modern Russian, since the language tries to avoid words that completely coincide in meaning and stylistic coloration. Usually, the named function is used in dictionary entries - the interpretation of the meaning of a word based on the selection of synonyms: justice - justice, lawyer - jurist, lawmaking - lawmaking, linguistics - linguistics - linguistics, litera - letter etc.

Synonyms in the language arise in different ways. They can appear as a result of borrowing: export - export, instant - lethal, modality - evaluativeness, expression - expressiveness; as a result of penetration into the modern Russian literary standardized language of professionalisms, dialectisms, jargon: potatoes - bulba, thief - swindler - mazurik, steering wheel - steering wheel, towel - towel - scrubber, house - hut - hut - kuren; as a result of the coexistence in the language of nominative elements of active and passive composition: cheeks - cheeks, finger - finger, intercede - ask, impartial - independent and etc.

Antonyms (literally translated from Greek means "against a name") are words and phraseological units with a polar, opposite meaning, having one conceptual basis: work - rest, hard - soft, sweet - bitter, truth - untruth - lie, with a king in your head - without a king in your head - stupid, active - passive, speak - be silent, legally - illegally etc.

Significant differences in objects and phenomena of the objective world are reflected in the language as an opposite (polarity). Antonyms are opposed to each other on the basis of a qualitative attribute: calm - restless, meeting - parting, rejoicing - upset, start - finish, fake - natural, open - close etc. Thus, only those words and phraseological units that contain an element of quality in their meaning and which can be assessed by the speaker from opposite points of view can be antonyms.

Antonyms in the antonymic series should belong to one part of speech or to one class of phraseological units, that is, have one conceptual essence: to designate either an object, or a sign of an object, or a process, or a sign of a sign, etc.: light heavy(the quality of the subject is an adjective), lightness - heaviness(subject - noun), easy - hard(a sign of a sign is an adverb), decisively - indecisively(phraseological units with the meaning of the attribute of the attribute: "decisively" - "hesitantly"), etc.

A prerequisite for antonymity, therefore, is the presence of one conceptual basis: White black(Colour), walk - stand(position in space), big small(the size), South North(direction of the cardinal points).

An ambiguous word can have as many antonymic correspondences as it expresses concepts: big small(text), big - small(victory), rough - soft(Human), rough - soft(the cloth), low - high(ceiling), low - high(growth), fresh - stale(bread), fresh - stale(newspaper), clear - cloudy(about the weather), clear - unclear(to explain something), shallow - deep(moat), small - large(coin), etc.

Antonymy is closely related to synonymy. One and the same lexical unit can enter into synonymous and antonymic relations with others at the same time - an antonymic-synonymous series, or a synonymy of antonymic oppositions.

One-root antonyms differ in form ( action - opposition, truth - untruth, free of charge - free of charge, good - bad) and multi-root ( wealth - poverty, accusatory - exculpatory, alibi - evidence, cleverly - clumsily).

The language of law is characterized by a large number of antonyms. This is due to the class nature of law itself. Class differences and mediate opposing interests, rights and responsibilities. In the language of law, the following types of antonyms are distinguished.

Antonyms expressing the qualitative opposite. They indicate a contrasting contrast. Such antonyms denote intermediate concepts. Otherwise, they are called gradual (stepwise): white - (gray) - black, past (present) - future, serious (bodily injury) - less serious - light, capable - (partially capable) - incapacitated.

Antonyms expressing the opposite direction of actions, signs and properties. This is due to logically opposite concepts: enter - exit, collect - disassemble, action - inaction, marriage - divorce, export - import, trust - distrust, emigration - immigration.

Antonyms expressing complementarity (complementarity). The denial of one phenomenon, as it were, determines the presence of the meaning of another: observe - violate, true - false, together - apart.

Antonymic pairs are also noted in phraseology: to fall (to fall) in spirit - to perk up, at hand - beyond the distant lands, with the mind - crazy, and ours and yours - neither ours nor yours, a wide circle - a narrow circle, open eyes - closed eyes, yesterday is tomorrow, with - without help etc. A phraseological unit can have an antonym as among other phraseological units (internal antonymy): to the heart - not to the heart, to win is to be defeated, in the eyes - behind the eyes, at a snail's pace - in a quick move, in the Russian language - in cloth language,- and among lexemes : a lot - with a gulkin's nose, cowardly - not from a timid dozen, new - well-worn, depressed - perked up, for a short time - forever, to start - to finish, with a king in his head - stupid.

Often antonyms are used by lawyers in oral speech in order to make speech expressive, expressive. By using antonyms when describing contrasting phenomena of reality, one can more clearly state the fact that takes place. So, V.I. Lifshits actively uses antonymic pairs in his speeches at the court: “Alas, the court is given one thing to say: either only“ white ”or only“ black ”, because some group of witnesses is telling an obvious lie, but the truth can only be contained in the testimony of another groups ". ("Unexpected Witnesses").

In legislative speech, antonyms usually do not create expressiveness, they are perceived as terms or terminological combinations: compulsory and voluntary insurance, rights and obligations of citizens, to appoint - to dismiss from office, internal business - external business, closed formations - open formations, creation - liquidation, departmental - non-departmental.

Even if you graduated from school a long time ago, it is still not too late to understand what antonyms are, including contextual ones. Antonyms are words of one part of speech with directly opposite lexical meanings, contrasting phenomena: good - evil, truth - lie, speak - be silent, much - little, up - down, appear - disappear. Antonyms are pairs of words, which are always based on a common feature (height, weight, quality, quantity, feeling, time of day, space), but the meanings are opposite.

It should now be very clear what antonyms are. However, this is not all the information required. Proper names, numerals and pronouns have no antonyms. However, official words can also be associated with antonymic relationships: for and against, with and without (They like to drink tea with and without sugar).

Classification of words-antonyms

By structure, antonyms are divided into:

  • multi-root (forward - backward);
  • single-root: they are formed with the help of prefixes opposite in meaning (enter - exit), as well as with the help of a prefix that is added to the original word (monopoly - antimonopoly).

Usually, antonyms include mixed-root words, but some linguists consider such pairs of words as antonyms: calm - restless, big - small, love - not love. Here the antonym is formed with the help of the negative particle "not", the prefixes "devil", "not", etc.

From the point of view of language and speech, there are antonyms:

  • linguistic (conventional): they exist in the language system (loud - quiet);
  • speech (occasional): occur in a specific context. They are more often found in proverbs and poetry.

So what are contextual antonyms? Contextual antonyms are words that are opposed in a specific context. This phenomenon has an individual and authorial character: wolves and sheep (as you understand, the polarity of the meanings of these words is not fixed in the language). A writer can discover opposite qualities in certain concepts and contrast them in speech: sunlight - moonlight, one year - all life, not a mother, but a daughter. The opposition of such concepts is not reproduced in the language. These are occasional (contextual, speech) antonyms.

Antonyms in terms of action are:

  • proportionate: denote action and reaction (getting rich - getting poor, getting up - going to bed);
  • disproportionate: in a broad sense, they mean action and lack of action (to light - not to light, to think - to think about it).

Polysemous words and their antonyms

In different meanings, a polysemantic word can have different antonyms.

For example: fresh bread - stale bread, fresh thought - hackneyed thought, fresh evening - stuffy evening, etc.


Antonyms can serve as a means of poetic expression. This technique is called antithesis. Basically, the antithesis is characteristic of poetic and oratorical speech: "black evening, white snow" (A. A. Blok). The antithesis is also found in the titles: "Thick and Thin" (A. P. Chekhov), "Fathers and Sons" (I. S. Turgenev),

So, now you know what antonyms are, examples of these pairs of words will not be difficult for you. Remember what contextual antonyms and antitheses are.