Secretary. Working conditions Secretary's working area

Reception organization

The secretary's workplace is an important criterion for organizing the work process. It must meet all the requirements that ensure maximum convenience in work, minimum expenditure of effort and time to find the necessary items and things in the workplace. The secretary is the “face of the institution”, therefore, his workplace should be an example of the correct organization, because the work of the entire institution is often judged from how the secretary’s workplace looks like - the reception area. Great importance is attached to its layout - the overall impression of the company depends on where the reception is located, how it is equipped, and what the interior design is.

The reception is usually located near the entrance to the manager's office, so that you can easily see everyone entering the reception. Its total area, where the assistant secretary is located, should be within 12-16 sq. m.

Reception furniture. When choosing furniture for a secretary's workplace, the same criteria are taken into account as when choosing any office furniture:

  • · dimensions;
  • · elemental fullness;
  • · design, color(the style solution of the furniture for the manager's office is dictated either by the general style of the office and office furniture in a given company, or by compliance with the manager's office);
  • · service life, guarantees, etc..

The reception room should contain items and furniture necessary for the work of the secretary and the organization of the reception:

A hanger for outerwear or a wardrobe (if one is not provided in another area);

Upholstered furniture with a sufficient number of seats;

One or two coffee tables;

Plasma TV;

Water cooler;

Decorative elements of the interior (aquariums, plants, prints, etc.);

Secretary's table;

Prefix with a curbstone for a computer, computer;

Swivel chair (always with a back and, preferably, with armrests);

Office equipment;

Safe for storing documents.

Secretary's desk. The desktop can be placed both along the wall and in the corner. The main thing is that the table should be located so that the secretary can see everyone entering the reception. In addition to the desktop, it is best to use a separate desk for your personal computer. On such tables, you can place a display, keyboard and processor, scanner, printer.

The height of the worktable should preferably be within 68-73 cm. The worktop should be firm and smooth, mainly made of wood. The surface of the table must be matte (gray, green, brown with a reflectivity of 20-50%) and easy to clean. The corners and the front top edge of the table top should be rounded. working secretary labor organization

The main requirement for the organization of the workplace is to save time on the search for funds and objects of labor. Therefore, everything that is constantly required by the secretary during work should be located within an outstretched arm in order to be able to use the necessary.

To do this, you must observe the following rules:

  • 1. The movements of the employee should be shorter and more economical in terms of time and effort;
  • 2. Each object and means of labor must have its place (based on pt. 1);
  • 3. Stationery should be stored in a desk drawer (based on p. 1);
  • 4. Phone, fax should be located on the left so that you can use them with your left hand, leaving your right hand for writing or other work;
  • 5. The documents, with which the secretary works, should be placed in their visibility zone;
  • 6. For processed documents, it is advisable to have special trays or compartments in the box.

Therefore, on or near the desktop there should be:

  • - means of small office equipment (writing materials: pens, paper, pencils, erasers, etc.);
  • - means for processing paper documents (gluing and fastening machines, envelope opening and cutting equipment, addressing and stamping equipment);
  • - communication facilities (telephone, teletype, fax, operational dispatch communication);
  • - means of storage and retrieval of documents (various types of filing cabinets, cabinets, safe).

Place on the PC table:

  • - shredder for prompt destruction of confidential information;
  • - Means for drawing up and producing text documents (dictaphone, printer, scanner, in stock - portable typewriter);

The internal organization of the desk departments is also an important element of the organization of the secretary's workplace. Drawers should slide out easily, smoothly and quietly and, preferably, have locks. The secretary must skillfully use the drawers of his desk, giving each of them certain functions.

For example, boxes are highlighted:

  • - for paper and stationery;
  • - for working documents, reference books, catalogs, etc .;
  • - for folders with current documents and completed works;
  • - for folders with controlled materials;
  • - personal belongings.

Work chair The secretary should be lifting and turning and adjustable in height and angles of inclination of the seat and backrest, as well as the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat. The surface of the seat, backrest and other elements of the chair should be semi-soft with a non-slip, non-electrifying and breathable coating that allows easy cleaning of dirt.

Reception design. If the company already has its own developed corporate style, then it is precisely its shades that must be adhered to to decorate the reception office. Above the secretary's table, you can place the company logo, clock or calendar. Also, photographs on the walls, which capture moments from the life of the office, or graphics, or paintings with a small hint of the company's activities, will be appropriate.

But if the company does not have its own corporate style, then when organizing a reception it is worth considering the following recommendations:

  • - If the sun in the office is extremely rare, it is better to decorate its walls in warm colors (yellow, coffee, cream, soft green) to fill the room with light and make it more spacious;
  • - For offices located on the sunny side of the building, it is better to choose colder and calmer shades (gray, blue, blue, deep green), they will balance the room and make it comfortable to stay;
  • - Strong cold shades (blue, blue, purple) and black tones are not recommended, as they relax, suppress emotions and can even cause depression and bad mood;
  • - It is not recommended to use black for office decoration, because it is depressing and creates a gloomy atmosphere, but small color accents in the reception area invigorate, stimulate and raise the mood.

Traditionally, two options for decorating an office room are used:

  • 1. Walls, floor and ceiling executed in restrained similar colors, color accents are carried by pieces of furniture, accessories, jewelry, flowers.
  • 2. Walls, floor and ceiling painted in saturated colors, furniture and accessories are matched.

Both options are good, but the first is more comfortable for vision - it does not strain the gaze and does not cause increased attention.

In addition to flowers, paintings, graphics, small plastics and other decorative elements are used to decorate the office and its reception.

Workplace lighting. To create light comfort in the reception, you should:

  • - make the right choice of light source and lighting system;
  • - create the required level of illumination of the workplace;
  • - neutralize the effect of blinding;
  • - eliminate glare;
  • - provide uniform illumination.

Also, to create more comfortable lighting for your office, you should take into account the color rendering. The effect of the spectral composition of the light source on the visual perception of colored objects., The distribution of brightness and the level of illumination. The surface density of the light flux falling on the site of a given value.

The least fatigue and eye strain is caused by working in natural light, it is also the most favorable. But in the autumn-winter period, work with such lighting is not possible during the entire working day. Therefore, it is recommended to use artificial lighting, while it should have the same direction with natural lighting.

More comfortable recognized local lighting(creates light zones). These areas can consist of a table lamp and a floor lamp scattering light into the ceiling, or a combination of a diffuse office lighting system with a table lamp (it must be bright enough and still have a diffusing effect). The choice of local lighting, on the one hand, increases the comfort of the environment, and on the other hand, ensures maximum energy savings.

In addition to creating comfortable lighting, lamps in their quantity should fit perfectly into the interior of the office, in accordance with the general style.

The microclimate of the workplace. The microclimate affects the functional state of a person during work so widely that it can be called one of the determining factors of performance. It is characterized by such values ​​as temperature, relative humidity and air velocity.

The most comfortable temperature for a person is 19-20. Taking into account seasonal and daily fluctuations, the temperature in the office premises should not exceed 22 on hot days, and should not be below 18 in cold weather, and minimum humidity should not be lower than 25-30%, normal-in the range of 40-60%.

It is necessary to pay attention to air purity. The most common harmful factor in the air environment in a modern office is ozone allocated to office equipment, and dust(there are spores, bacteria on its particles). When working with paper media, the air is filled with various toxic substances that penetrate the human body and irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. It is especially dangerous when toxic substances enter the bloodstream directly through the respiratory tract or damaged skin, which causes disruption of the activity of the whole organism or its systems.

Fresh flowers should be used in the reception area, as they replenish oxygen reserves, partially neutralize the harmful effects of technology and, in addition, give comfort to the working room. Plants should also be in harmony with the general style in which the interior of the workplace is sustained.

To maintain humidity and a comfortable temperature in the workplace, it is necessary to use an air conditioner: simultaneous regulation of its temperature, humidity, cleanliness and air exchange. Air conditioning is especially justified in the summer months, or rather in all cases when the room temperature reaches 27 and above.

You should also carefully consider the purchase of new office equipment: be sure to ask the seller what materials the equipment is made of, are there any quality certificates for these materials, for the purchase item itself, what substances are released during the technological process.

The secretary's workplace is the reception. This is where visitors await a welcome by their leader. And since the secretary is the person of the company, representing it, it is important for the secretary to maintain order in the reception area, including at his workplace, and to do everything necessary to make the visitor feel comfortable. To do this, you need to properly and rationally organize your workplace.


  • 1. Documentation support of management. Methodological guide for students / comp. N.P. Ivanova. - M., 2011.
  • 2. The journal "Secretary-Referent" has been published since 2002.
  • 3.http: //
  • 4. - Furniture catalog.
  • 5. - Repair, design, furniture for home and office.
  • 6.http: // - Electronic library.
  • 7.http: // - Online library.
  • 8. - Club of professional secretaries.
  • 9.http: // - Internet magazine.


Secretary, the executive assistant is the face of the company. It is often the professionalism and manners of this employee that are judged on the company as a whole. Representing the company in the external business environment, the secretary, the assistant manager convey the corporate culture of the company.

In the late 80s - early 90s, with the advent of “wild capitalism” and the appearance of the first businessmen in our country, the profession was rejuvenated dramatically. A young leader, accordingly, needs a young secretary. And now a new type appears in the profession. This is a beautiful, young lady who, most often, enjoys the patronage of her boss, accompanies him at receptions and presentations (because she speaks foreign languages), who knows the basics of etiquette well. She performs many functional duties, sometimes not inherent in this profession.

An efficient, professional secretary with good business manners can be of great help to his manager and optimize his professional performance.

The tasks of the secretary include organizational, communication, service and many other functions. An effective secretary should be able to: convey information to external and internal clients, be resistant to uncertainty, maintain a business style, prevent stress, etc. Modern secretary - “This is an initiative and judicious assistant to the chief, who has all the professional skills necessary for an office, making decisions within its competence and, if necessary, taking over management. In our time, the requirements for the secretary are increasing in connection with the changes in the information space of society.

The secretary plays an important role in the effective work of the leader and the organization as a whole.

In recent years, the secretary profession has undergone significant changes. If recently it was customary to call the secretary "the face of the company", then today he can already be compared with the right hand of a leader, regulating various production processes. In our country, the demand for qualified secretaries has increased dramatically. This is primarily due to the emergence of a large number of structures.

Chapter 1. Secretary's workplace


1.1. Office reception

Reception office- this is the center of the firm's work, its heart. The most talented and intelligent leader will not be able to cope with the work if the work of the reception is poorly organized. The main person in the reception is the secretary. Increasingly, the position of a secretary is even combined with the position of an office manager.

Reception- this is the center of the firm's work, because the efficiency of the head's work depends on how the work in the reception is organized.

The quality of the receptionist's work is directly related to the competent organization of the in-house space in general and the reception area in particular. The speed of resolving issues and the general impression of the company from its clients, customers, business partners depend on where the reception is located, how it is equipped, what is the design of its interiors.

A modern office must meet the requirements of economy, which is especially important with high prices for office space, high technical equipment, organic design and security in terms of both information protection and the personal safety of company employees. That is why the issues of organizing office space are now of concern to all thinking leaders.

The cramped, dark, poorly equipped "dressing room" in front of the executive's office will immediately present the company in an unfavorable light in front of potential valuable clients.

First of all, you should take care of the reception, which should make a favorable impression on the visitor, since the reception is the place of the first contact with the company (organization, institution). The reception area should be spacious enough, with a well-organized interior, waiting areas, with the necessary announcements and, if possible, products that characterize the direction of the company.

The secretary should be able to meet visitors, be kind and friendly in order to ensure an efficient meeting or to smooth out difficult situations. From his friendliness, clarity and completeness of answers to questions, the first idea of ​​the company as a whole is formed.

In addition, in the reception room, purely physically, there should be a place for placing the appropriate equipment of the secretary's workplace, for documents of current office work, reference and informational literature, advertising publications, for the necessary office equipment and, of course, for visitors to the company.

The total area of ​​the reception area, where the secretary-assistant is located, should be within 12-16 sq. m. When choosing the size of the area, it is necessary to consider the following factors:

1) approaches to furniture and equipment;

2) arrangement of furniture and equipment;

3) the need - in some cases - of special conditions;

4) the ability to install auxiliary equipment.

The organization of the secretary's workplace, taking into account the requirements of the scientific organization of labor for its planning and maintenance, as well as taking into account the requirements and possibilities of using modern office equipment, for its equipment and equipment is a prerequisite for achieving high efficiency, efficiency and quality of work, maintaining efficiency throughout the entire working day, providing truly helpful secretarial service.

Workplace planning and organization

The main requirement for the rational layout of the workplace is to save time on the search for funds and objects of labor and reduce the physical efforts of the employee. To do this, you must observe the following rules:

ü there should be nothing superfluous on the working surface of the table;

ü each object and means of labor should have its place, since their disorderly arrangement causes unnecessary movements and wasted time. In foreign practice, the law of "free table" is used: on the table there can be only one work with the necessary documents and means of labor, everything else should be inside the table;

ü stationery (pencils, pens, paper clips, etc.) should be stored in a desk drawer with special dividers;

ü all communication equipment (telephone, etc.) must be placed on the left or on a special stand so that you can use them with your left hand, leaving your right free for work;

ü documents, with which the secretary works, are placed in an area that provides their review, for processed documents it is advisable to have special trays or compartments in the box;

ü documents and means of labor are located so that the best sequence of work is ensured;

ü the employee's movements must be optimal, i.e. shorter and more economical in terms of time and effort.

Rational workplace planning involves establishing convenient reach areas for certain operations.

Workplace secretary is an important unit in the organization of the work process in the institution. Since the secretary is the “face of the institution”, then his workplace should also be an example of the correct organization, an indicator of a high work culture. Indeed, from how the secretary's workplace looks like, they often judge the work of the entire institution.

The layout of the secretary's workplace should provide maximum convenience in the performance of the duties assigned to him and at the same time meet the requirements for saving space:

ü the workplace of the secretary in the reception is usually located next to the office of the manager, in the center of the room, not far from the door to the office and so that it is easy to see everyone entering;

ü in the reception room there should be only items required by the secretary and other employees directly in the process of work;

ü furniture for visitors should be located in an area clearly visible by the secretary, convenient for its placement.

Most of the time the secretary works while sitting, and this is tiring, so he must be able to comfortably stretch his legs, stand up freely, change his posture for writing, working on a typewriter, and reading.

Secretary's workplace- this is, first of all, a comfortable and spacious enough work table. Experts recommend using a universal table, at which you can work with documents, as well as conduct a conversation with visitors. For these purposes, a table is best suited, which is narrower directly in front of the seated person than on the sides. This design allows you to have enough space on the table to accommodate documents in progress and at the same time to conduct a conversation with visitors.

Special equipment and necessary office equipment:

· Means of drawing up and producing text documents (computer, voice recorder, printer, scanner);

By means of communication (telephone, radiotelephone, radio, fax, network card for the local network, means of operational dispatching communication, e-mail)

· Means of processing paper documents (gluing and fastening machines, envelope opening and cutting equipment, addressing and stamping equipment, etc.)

Copiers and machines

The workplace should also have the necessary stationery: pens, pencils, markers, scotch tape, calendar organizer, paper for printing documents and paper for notes, paper clips, stickers, file folders and plastic folders, a stapler, etc.

Its plane is mentally divided into two fields. In the left one, in addition to the current work and related documents, there is a telephone equipment, a desk lamp, a stationery, a tray with incoming documents. On the right margin of the table, place a tray with completed documents and writing materials. Here they also put a tray with documents that need to be filed into the case.

All tools are placed on the plane of the table within 160 x 160 cm, which allows you to take them by hand without getting up. Each object is allocated a certain place, certain objects are located

complex (for example, pens and notepads for recording telephone conversations are placed next to telephones). Stationery should be separated for different purposes.

In addition to the desktop, it is best to use a separate desk for your personal computer. Such desktops offer convenient placement of the display, keyboard and processor, as well as a scanner, printer, modem, etc.

At the same time, it is better to place a table for a PC in such a way that the display screen is turned in the direction opposite to visitors. This will protect confidential information that may be on the display screen when an unexpected visitor arrives.

And now a few general requirements for the organization and equipment of workstations with a personal computer.

the design of the desktop should ensure optimal placement on the working surface of the equipment used, taking into account its number and design features (size of the PC, keyboard, etc.), the nature of the work performed.

the height of the working surface must be adjusted within the range of 680 - 800 mm; in the absence of such a possibility, the height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm.

the work table must have a leg rest space that is: height - not less than 500 mm, depth at knee level - not less than 450 mm and at the level of outstretched legs - not less than 650 mm.

the design of the working chair (chair) should maintain a rational working posture when working with a PC, allows you to change the posture in order to reduce the statistical tension of the muscles of the neck-shoulder region and back to prevent fatigue.

the working chair (chair) must be lifting and swiveling and adjustable in height and angles of the seat and backrest, as well as the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat.

the surface of the seat, back and other elements of the chair (armchair) should be semi-soft with a non-slip, non-electrifying and breathable coating that provides easy cleaning from dirt.

the computer keyboard is best placed at a distance of 10 - 15 mm from the edge of the table, then the wrist will rest on the table. It is advisable to purchase a special wrist pad, which, according to doctors, will help to avoid bone disease.

for effective use of a manipulator of the "mouse" type, a special "rug" is required - a tablet. The pad-tablet must meet the basic criteria: firstly, it should adhere well to the table surface, and secondly, the material of the upper surface of the tablet should provide good grip on the ball, but not impede the movement of the mouse.

the center of the monitor screen should be approximately at eye level, and the distance between the eyes and the plane of the screen should be at least 40 - 50 cm. It is advisable that direct sunlight does not fall on the screen.

in relation to the person sitting at the table, the window should be on the left or in front.

Protect from bright light with thick curtains on the windows. However, it is not recommended to look at the monitor screen in complete darkness; an additional source of diffused light is required (you can turn on a chandelier, a table lamp).

It is better to place the secretary's desk and the PC table closer to natural light sources. the secretary has to work a lot with documents by the nature of his duties.

The secretary's chair should be the same size as the desk. It is best to use a swivel chair with wheels that can be adjusted in height. This will allow the secretary to quickly switch from working with equipment to working with documents or with visitors, i.e. will meet the practical tasks of the secretary's work.

Sideboards for tables, including roll-out ones, have a set of interchangeable drawers. The secretary must skillfully use the drawers of his desk, giving each of them certain functions. For example, drawers for paper and office supplies stand out; working documents, reference books, catalogs, etc .; folders with current documents and completed works; controlled materials folders; personal belongings.

All official documents in the process of work should be as follows: received and necessary constantly - on the working plane of the table; used periodically - in drawers of the table, on the working planes of attachments and in cabinets. Each movement of the document from the table or to the table must be controlled; all waste documents must be in a strictly defined place; it is necessary to be able to determine by indexing in which box or folder the required document is located; all documents inserted into folders must be indexed immediately in accordance with the plan for their temporary storage.

Work zone

The rational organization of the secretary's workplace is of great importance. To do this, first it is necessary to clarify and identify the main functions of the secretary, information links, the daily routine, the list of materials that he should have. Then choose furniture, inventory, hardware, office equipment and stationery.

Its rational version assumes the placement of objects of labor within the zones most convenient for performing labor processes. They are called work areas.

Work zone- space in a stationary workplace in horizontal or vertical planes, in which the employee, without moving, can perform work. Distinguish between normal and maximum

The normal working area in the horizontal plane is limited by an imaginary arc, outlined by the ends of the fingers of the right and left hands, bent at the elbow joint with the shoulder freely lowered. Such a zone

takes about 1000 mm in front and 300 mm in depth. The most frequently used tools and objects of labor are located here and the main work is done.

The maximum working area in the horizontal plane is limited by an imaginary arc, outlined by the fingertips of a person's fully extended arm. In this zone (the employee acts with outstretched arms), there are labor tools that are used less often. The overlapping area (for two arms) is determined about 1500 mm in front and 500 mm in depth. Usually the dimensions of the table are taken slightly larger than the maximum reach.

In the vertical plane, five zones are distinguished: the lower inconvenient zone (up to 750 mm from the floor); the lower one is less comfortable (from 751 to 925 mm); comfortable (from 925 to 1675 mm); top comfortable (from 1675 to 1925 mm); the top is uncomfortable (from 1925 mm and above).

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Report. Working conditions in the office.

Employers do not promise easy jobs for their employees. But they usually do not even suspect that they have certain rights to the conditions of their work. What should be the workplace in the office?


The temperature regime of the office space during the warm period of the year should be + 23-25 ​​° C, in the cold period + 22-24 ° C. If the thermometer deviates from the indicated levels, the employee has the right to limit his stay at the workplace (continuously or in total per working day). If the temperature in the office exceeds + 29 ° C, the duration of the working day should not exceed 3-6 hours.

When a manager ignores the problem of overheating of his employees, a complaint can be made against him to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russia. If the arrived experts confirm the complaint, the chief will be fined in the amount of 10-20 thousand rubles. or suspend the activities of the company for up to 90 days (Article 6.3 of the Administrative Code of Russia).


The range of 300-500 lux is considered the illumination norm. Scientists also remind that the lack of a scenic view from the window negatively affects the performance of staff. There must be blinds or curtains attached to the window. If there is no window at all, employees are entitled to a 1-hour shorter working day, 7 days of additional vacation and an increase in wages. If the listed norms are not observed, the manager violates the rules and regulations of labor protection and falls under administrative responsibility in the form of a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles. (20 thousand rubles in case of violation of fire safety rules).

Constant noise exposure from 80 decibels is considered harmful. For comparison: a regular telephone conversation is about 62 decibels, the rustle of leaves is about 20.

Personal space

Each employee with a modern work computer is entitled to at least 4.5 m² of office space. For computers with CRT monitors, this rate is even higher. The distance between the working tables on which the monitors are installed must be at least 2 m on the front side. The lateral distance between the edges of the monitors is at least 1.2 m. The minimum distance between the eyes and the monitor surface is 0.5 m.

Other norms

The employer is also obliged to provide subordinates with a place for lunch, rest rooms and a first-aid post (Article 223 of the Labor Code of Russia). Article 226 provides for deductions for improving the working conditions of personnel in the amount of at least 0.2% of the total cost of producing goods or services.

Working conditions of the secretary of the assistant

The most important factor in ensuring the productive and high-quality work of the assistant secretary while maintaining health is the appropriate sanitary and hygienic standards of working conditions.

The sanitary-hygienic and aesthetic components of the workplace include: normal lighting, favorable coloring of the working room, elimination of noise, ventilation and air temperature, planting of greenery in the room, establishing the correct mode of work and rest.

Table 5 - Basic sanitary and hygienic labor standards

An important condition for a favorable microclimate in the workplace is optimal lighting. Since most of the documentary operations are associated with the use of vision, eye strain causes tension in all muscles of the human body and leads to general fatigue.

The reception area should, if possible, have natural light.

Light should fall on the working surfaces of the desk and office equipment from the left side or from the front. In this case, the light source should be located at an angle of more than 30 from the horizontal line of sight.

Illumination of the workplace can be general (lamps are installed on the ceiling) or local (table lamp).

The microclimate is characterized by such values ​​as

temperature, relative humidity and air velocity. Optimum room temperature is a prerequisite for good performance. The high temperature in the room causes drowsiness, fatigue, and reduces efficiency. In a cold room, attention is scattered, which is harmful for people engaged in mental work.

The sanitary standards for the microclimate in office premises define the requirements for humidity and air speed. These physical quantities, according to the laws of physics, have a direct impact on the heat exchange of the human body. Temperature and humidity are quantities that depend on both the time of year, day, and weather conditions. In addition, heat sources in office premises can be various equipment that consumes energy, some of which in the form of heat is released into the environment, and the person himself, emitting up to 1200 kJ per hour. The most comfortable temperature for humans is 19-20 ° C. Taking into account seasonal and daily fluctuations, the temperature in the office

premises should not exceed 22 ° С - on hot days, and should not be lower than 18 ° С in cold weather, regardless of the number of people in the room.

From those given in table. 5 data shows that the temperature level is associated with air humidity. At lower temperatures, higher humidity is allowed; at high temperatures, the humidity should be lower. Physiologically, high humidity at high temperatures has a depressing effect. Psychologically, at the same temperature, humid air seems hot, dry - cold. The minimum humidity should not be lower than 25 - 30%, normal - within 40 - 60%.

There is one more characteristic that needs to be paid attention to. This is the purity of the air.

When working with paper media, as well as in rooms where operational printing tools and high-frequency devices are located, the air is filled with various toxic substances and biological agents (bacteria) that penetrate the human body and irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, eyes, skin ... It is especially dangerous when toxic substances through the respiratory tract or damaged skin get directly into the bloodstream, which causes disruption of the activity of the whole organism or its systems.

The most common harmful factor in the air in a modern office is ozone. Ozone is released by office equipment, which form electric charges and ultraviolet light during the technological process.

Dust, including paper dust, is another common type of air pollution. Dust exposure depends on its toxicity and concentration in the air. The dust particles contain spores, bacteria, fungi, which are carried inside the room with the air flow.

More recently, scientists have discovered the existence of a microscopic dust mite. Such a mite lives in upholstered furniture, carpets. Getting on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it causes sneezing, tearing on the membrane of the eyes, can cause, for example, a runny nose and other allergic reactions. With constant ingestion of the lungs, specific diseases arise.

It is possible to combat harmful microscopic substances by means of general hygienic measures: wet cleaning, airing, regular vacuuming.

The reception area should be regularly ventilated or air-conditioned. Fresh air for a small room, where many employees and visitors often accumulate, is a very important factor for normal work. Short-term opening of windows (5-8 minutes) is easier to tolerate than a constant light air flow (draft).

The fight against noise in the room is carried out by soundproofing noisy equipment and workplaces. To reduce noise directly at its source, you can put felt or foam pads, put mufflers on telephones, grease the doors, glue the legs of chairs with flannel or similar material. To protect against external noise, it is recommended to use earplugs, which reduce the perception of external noise by 50%.

It is also worth working on landscaping the reception area, since fresh flowers not only paint the room, but also significantly improve the microclimate in it. This is especially important if the office is located in the central part of the city.

Plants reduce noise, improve the composition of the air, moisturize it by evaporating water from the leaves, which is especially important in rooms with steam heating. Plants for the office must be selected skillfully, taking into account the area of ​​the room, which side the windows face, whether the flowers are allergens.

As for the color scheme of the reception area, the use of the appropriate color not only improves the appearance of the room, but also increases labor productivity, reduces fatigue, and has a positive psychological effect on a person. Color has three functions: physiological, psychological and aesthetic. The choice of colors for office decoration is determined by the architectural features of the premises, lighting, climatic conditions and, to a large extent, from the direction of the employees' activities.

At low air temperatures, preference is given to warm colors - yellow, beige, pink, orange. White, gray, blue, green colors are suitable for a warm, sunny room.

In small rooms, light, low-saturation tones create a feeling of distance, an increase in space. More saturated colors will make a large space feel more cozy.

It is recommended to use warm tones with a yellowish tint in rooms where there is no natural light. It is advisable to choose warm colors in rooms where noise is expected to be high.

Thus, the rational organization of the work of the secretary-assistant consists of the organization of the workplace, working conditions and planning of the working day.


1) Appak M.A.Automated workstations based on personal computers. M .: Radio and communication, 1989.

2) Pavlyuk L.V., Vorobiev N.I. A guide to office work and the basics of working on a computer. - M .; SPb .: Publishing house. house "Gerda", 1998

3) Popov G.Kh. Personal work technique. - M., 1979.

4) Soloviev E. Ya. Business man's etiquette: Organization of meetings, receptions, presentations. - Minsk: PKIP "Asar", 1994.

5) Fedotov V.V. Rational organization of mental labor. - M .: Economics, 1987.

The secretary's workplace is usually located in the reception area of ​​the manager or firm. The interior and equipment of the secretary's place plays an important role due to the fact that the secretary and the receptionist of the office are the "visiting" card of the institution, which creates the first impression of the company, its employees, and the culture of work in general.

The secretary's workplace is divided into three zones:

the main one, where the work table and the necessary technical equipment are located;

visitor service area;

auxiliary, where there are various cabinets, a safe and other accessories used to a lesser extent by the secretary.

The interior of the room must be carefully thought out, because the colors surrounding a person have a huge emotional impact on his condition. Today the firm can use the services of a designer. The main thing in the color scheme of the office is soft, without sharp color contrasts. If the room is on the sunny side, and it is always hot and stuffy in it, then it should be decorated in cold light colors (blue, light gray, etc.). There will be a feeling of coolness. If the sun does not peep into the room, then it is better to make the decor in warm colors (pink, beige, etc.). These paints will create a feeling of light and warmth.

Landscaping should also be considered. Living plants are not only a beautiful decorative element, but they contribute to the creation of a favorable microclimate in the room, help to form an appropriate psychological attitude, and calm down. Plants release oxygen necessary for living organisms, humidify the air by evaporating water with leaves.

Indoor plants must be selected skillfully. Large plants are well placed in a large reception room or hall against the background of a free wall. If the room is narrow and long, then large plants installed in the far corner visually reduce the length of the room. A large free-standing plant immediately attracts attention. Therefore, it must be especially carefully selected and have good decorative qualities. The main condition in the placement of plants is that they do not interfere, you do not have to bypass them.

The choice of furniture must be given special attention. The secretary's workplace directly includes a desk with various attachments, a swivel chair or an armchair and a chair for the visitor.

In the service area of ​​visitors there are a couple of chairs (armchairs) and a coffee table.

In the auxiliary area, wardrobes are installed - both for storing cases and for a wardrobe (if the organization does not have a centralized wardrobe), and a safe.

The dimensions of the furniture must correspond to the dimensions of the room. It shouldn't clutter the reception area. Furniture production is currently very well developed, so you can easily make custom-made furniture, taking into account the characteristics of the room and the design project.

The secretary's workplace is located near the entrance to the manager's office so that the secretary can see people entering the reception area.

Most of the time the secretary has to sit, so he should be able to stand freely, stretch his legs, change his position. For the convenience of work, it is better that the chair is rotating, on wheels - lifting and turning. This design allows you to adjust the height of the chair, providing a comfortable fit.

Without office equipment, it is impossible to imagine the work of any office employee. Office equipment reduces labor costs, time for creating documents, storing, processing, transferring information, and perform most of the formal-logical and technical procedures. The set of office equipment includes a personal computer with the appropriate software, a printer (for outputting information on paper), a scanner (for entering information into a computer from paper), a copier (for duplicating work), and a fax machine. A computer and a printer are the most necessary equipment for work, and they are located directly on the desktop. The rest of the equipment, less used, can be located on attachments in the main and auxiliary zones.

There must be a telephone set on the secretary's desk. To find the necessary information, the computer must be connected to the Internet.

The desk should contain those accessories that the secretary uses most often. From the documents on the table should be incoming and required for work, the rest should be laid out in folders and put away in desk drawers or in a closet. Also on the table should be a desk lamp, diary, note paper, desk organizer with various stationery. Everything that is required for constant work should be located within an outstretched arm, so that you can take an object without getting up. Each item should be in its place.