Who are the Khazars and where did they come from. Secret report: Israel admits the Khazars are Jews; secret plan of return migration to Ukraine. Jews from Persia and Byzantium

Neighboring peoples wrote a lot about the Khazars, but they themselves practically did not leave information about themselves. How unexpectedly the Khazars appeared on the historical stage, just as suddenly they left it.

Out of nowhere

For the first time about the Khazars in the 5th century was reported by the Armenian historian Moses Khorensky, who wrote that "the crowds of Khazars and Basils, having united, crossed the Kur and scattered on this side." The mention of the Kura River, most likely, says that the Khazars came to Transcaucasia from the territory of Iran. The Arab chronicler Yakubi confirms this, noting that "the Khazars again took possession of everything that the Persians took from them, and held in their hands until the Romans drove them out and put the king over the four Armies."
Until the 7th century, the Khazars behaved rather modestly, being part of various nomadic empires - for the longest time in the Turkic Khaganate. But by the middle of the century, they had grown stronger and bolder so that they created their own state - the Khazar Kaganate, which was destined to exist for more than three centuries.

Ghost state

In the Byzantine and Arabian chronicles, the greatness of Itil, the beauty of Semender and the power of Belendzher are described in all colors. True, there is a feeling that the chroniclers reflected only the rumor circulating about the Khazar Kaganate. So, the anonymous author, as if retelling a legend, answers the Byzantine dignitary that there is such a country called "al-Khazar", which is 15 days' journey from Constantinople, "but between them and us there are many peoples, and the name of their king is Joseph."
Attempts by archaeologists to establish what the mysterious "Khazaria" was, actively began to be undertaken in the 20-30s of the XX century. But all is unsuccessful. The easiest way was to find the Khazar fortress Sarkel (Belaya Vezha), since its location was known relatively accurately. Professor Mikhail Artamonov managed to excavate Sarkel, but he could not find traces of the Khazars. "The archaeological culture of the Khazars proper remains still unknown," the professor stated sadly and suggested continuing the search in the lower reaches of the Volga.

Russian Atlantis

Continuing the research of Artamonov, Lev Gumilev leads his search for "Khazaria" on the flood-free islands of the Volga delta, but the list of finds attributed to the Khazar culture is small. Moreover, he never managed to find the legendary Itil.
Then Gumilyov changes his strategy and conducts underwater reconnaissance near the part of the Derbent Wall, which goes to the Caspian Sea. What he discovered amazes him: where the sea is now splashing, people lived and needed drinking water! Even the medieval Italian geographer Marina Sanuto noted that “the Caspian Sea comes from year to year, and many good cities already flooded. "
Gumilyov concludes that the Khazar state should be sought under the sea water and sediments of the Volga delta. However, the attack came not only from the side of the sea: from the land a drought was approaching the "Khazaria", which completed the one started by the Caspian Sea.


What nature failed to do was accomplished by the Russian-Varangian squads, who finally destroyed the once mighty Khazar Kaganate and scattered its multinational composition around the world. Part of the refugees after the victorious campaign of Svyatoslav in 964 was met in Georgia by the Arab traveler Ibn Haukal.
The modern researcher Stepan Golovin notes the very wide geography of the Khazar settlement. In his opinion, “the Khazars of the delta mixed with the Mongols, and the Jews partly hid in the mountains of Dagestan, and partly moved back to Persia. Alan Christians survived in the mountains of Ossetia, and the Turkic Khazars-Christians in search of co-religionists moved to the Don. "
Some studies show that the Christian Khazars, having merged with the Don co-religionists, subsequently began to be called “roamers,” and later also Cossacks. However, the conclusions, according to which the bulk of the Khazars became part of the Volga Bulgaria, are more credible.
The 10th century Arab geographer Istakhri claims that "the language of the Bulgars is similar to the language of the Khazars." These close ethnic groups are united by the fact that they were the first to create their own states on the ruins of the Turkic Kaganate, which were headed by Turkic dynasties. But fate decreed that at first the Khazars subordinated the Bulgars to their influence, and then they themselves joined the new state.

Unexpected descendants

At the moment, there are many versions about the descendants of the Khazars. According to some, these are Eastern European Jews, while others call the Crimean Karaites. But the difficulty is that we do not know what the Khazar language was: a few runic inscriptions have not yet been deciphered.

The writer Arthur Koestler supports the idea that the Khazar Jews, having migrated to eastern Europe after the fall of the Khaganate, became the nucleus of the world Jewish diaspora. In his opinion, this confirms the fact that the descendants of the "Thirteenth Tribe" (as the writer called the Khazar Jews), being of non-Semitic origin, ethnically and culturally have little in common with the modern Jews of Israel.

The publicist Alexander Polyukh, in an attempt to identify the Khazar descendants, followed a completely unusual path. It relies on scientific findings, according to which the blood type corresponds to the lifestyle of the people and determines the ethnos. Thus, Russians and Belarusians, like most Europeans, in his opinion, more than 90% have blood group I (O), and ethnic Ukrainians have 40% group III (B).
Polyukh writes that group III (B) is a sign of the peoples who led a nomadic lifestyle (to which he includes the Khazars), in which it approaches 100% of the population.

Further, the writer reinforces his conclusions with new archaeological finds of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valentin Yanin, who confirms that Kiev at the time of its capture by Novgorodians (IX century) was not a Slavic city, as evidenced by "birch bark letters".
Also, according to Polyukh, the conquest of Kiev and the defeat of the Khazars carried out by Oleg suspiciously coincide in time. Here he makes a sensational conclusion: Kiev is the possible capital of the Khazar Kaganate, and ethnic Ukrainians are the direct descendants of the Khazars.

Recent finds

However, sensational conclusions may be premature. In the early 2000s, 40 kilometers south of Astrakhan, Russian archaeologists during excavations of the medieval city of Saksin discovered "Khazar traces." A series of radiocarbon analyzes date the cultural layer to the 9th century - the heyday of the Khazar Kaganate. As soon as the settlement was delineated, its area was determined - two square kilometers. What large city, besides Itil, was built by the Khazars in the Volga delta?
Of course, it is too early to rush to conclusions, however, already now the pillars of Khazarology M. Artamonov and G. Fedorov-Davydov are almost sure that the capital of the Khazar Kaganate has been found. As for the Khazars, most likely they simply disappeared into the ethnic culture of neighboring peoples and did not leave behind direct descendants.

Neighboring peoples wrote a lot about the Khazars, but they themselves practically did not leave information about themselves. How unexpectedly the Khazars appeared on the historical stage, just as suddenly they left it.

Out of nowhere

For the first time about the Khazars in the 5th century was reported by the Armenian historian Moses Khorensky, who wrote that "the crowds of Khazars and Basils, having united, crossed the Kur and scattered on this side." The mention of the Kura River, most likely, says that the Khazars came to Transcaucasia from the territory of Iran. The Arab chronicler Yakubi confirms this, noting that "the Khazars again took possession of everything that the Persians took from them, and held in their hands until the Romans drove them out and put the king over the four Armies."
Until the 7th century, the Khazars behaved rather modestly, being part of various nomadic empires - for the longest time in the Turkic Khaganate. But by the middle of the century, they had grown stronger and bolder so that they created their own state - the Khazar Kaganate, which was destined to exist for more than three centuries.

Ghost state

In the Byzantine and Arabian chronicles, the greatness of Itil, the beauty of Semender and the power of Belendzher are described in all colors. True, there is a feeling that the chroniclers reflected only the rumor circulating about the Khazar Kaganate. So, the anonymous author, as if retelling a legend, answers the Byzantine dignitary that there is such a country called "al-Khazar", which is 15 days' journey from Constantinople, "but between them and us there are many peoples, and the name of their king is Joseph."
Attempts by archaeologists to establish what the mysterious "Khazaria" was, actively began to be undertaken in the 20-30s of the XX century. But all is unsuccessful. The easiest way was to find the Khazar fortress Sarkel (Belaya Vezha), since its location was known relatively accurately. Professor Mikhail Artamonov managed to excavate Sarkel, but he could not find traces of the Khazars. "The archaeological culture of the Khazars proper remains still unknown," the professor stated sadly and suggested continuing the search in the lower reaches of the Volga.

Russian Atlantis

Continuing the research of Artamonov, Lev Gumilev leads his search for "Khazaria" on the flood-free islands of the Volga delta, but the list of finds attributed to the Khazar culture is small. Moreover, he never managed to find the legendary Itil.
Then Gumilyov changes his strategy and conducts underwater reconnaissance near the part of the Derbent Wall, which goes to the Caspian Sea. What he discovered amazes him: where the sea is now splashing, people lived and needed drinking water! Even the medieval Italian geographer Marina Sanuto noted that "the Caspian Sea is coming from year to year, and many good cities have already been flooded."
Gumilyov concludes that the Khazar state should be sought under the sea water and sediments of the Volga delta. However, the attack came not only from the side of the sea: from the land a drought was approaching the "Khazaria", which completed the one started by the Caspian Sea.


What nature failed to do was accomplished by the Russian-Varangian squads, who finally destroyed the once mighty Khazar Kaganate and scattered its multinational composition around the world. Part of the refugees after the victorious campaign of Svyatoslav in 964 was met in Georgia by the Arab traveler Ibn Haukal.
The modern researcher Stepan Golovin notes the very wide geography of the Khazar settlement. In his opinion, “the Khazars of the delta mixed with the Mongols, and the Jews partly hid in the mountains of Dagestan, and partly moved back to Persia. Alan Christians survived in the mountains of Ossetia, and the Turkic Khazars-Christians in search of co-religionists moved to the Don. "
Some studies show that the Christian Khazars, having merged with the Don co-religionists, subsequently began to be called “roamers,” and later also Cossacks. However, the conclusions, according to which the bulk of the Khazars became part of the Volga Bulgaria, are more credible.
The 10th century Arab geographer Istakhri claims that "the language of the Bulgars is similar to the language of the Khazars." These close ethnic groups are united by the fact that they were the first to create their own states on the ruins of the Turkic Kaganate, which were headed by Turkic dynasties. But fate decreed that at first the Khazars subordinated the Bulgars to their influence, and then they themselves joined the new state.

Unexpected descendants

At the moment, there are many versions about the descendants of the Khazars. According to some, these are Eastern European Jews, while others call the Crimean Karaites. But the difficulty is that we do not know what the Khazar language was: a few runic inscriptions have not yet been deciphered.

The writer Arthur Koestler supports the idea that the Khazar Jews, having migrated to eastern Europe after the fall of the Khaganate, became the nucleus of the world Jewish diaspora. In his opinion, this confirms the fact that the descendants of the "Thirteenth Tribe" (as the writer called the Khazar Jews), being of non-Semitic origin, ethnically and culturally have little in common with the modern Jews of Israel.

The publicist Alexander Polyukh, in an attempt to identify the Khazar descendants, followed a completely unusual path. It relies on scientific findings, according to which the blood type corresponds to the lifestyle of the people and determines the ethnos. Thus, Russians and Belarusians, like most Europeans, in his opinion, more than 90% have blood group I (O), and ethnic Ukrainians have 40% group III (B).
Polyukh writes that group III (B) is a sign of the peoples who led a nomadic lifestyle (to which he includes the Khazars), in which it approaches 100% of the population.

Further, the writer reinforces his conclusions with new archaeological finds of the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valentin Yanin, who confirms that Kiev at the time of its capture by Novgorodians (IX century) was not a Slavic city, as evidenced by "birch bark letters".
Also, according to Polyukh, the conquest of Kiev and the defeat of the Khazars carried out by Oleg suspiciously coincide in time. Here he makes a sensational conclusion: Kiev is the possible capital of the Khazar Kaganate, and ethnic Ukrainians are the direct descendants of the Khazars.

Recent finds

However, sensational conclusions may be premature. In the early 2000s, 40 kilometers south of Astrakhan, Russian archaeologists during excavations of the medieval city of Saksin discovered "Khazar traces." A series of radiocarbon analyzes date the cultural layer to the 9th century - the heyday of the Khazar Kaganate. As soon as the settlement was delineated, its area was determined - two square kilometers. What large city, besides Itil, was built by the Khazars in the Volga delta?
Of course, it is too early to rush to conclusions, however, already now the pillars of Khazarology M. Artamonov and G. Fedorov-Davydov are almost sure that the capital of the Khazar Kaganate has been found. As for the Khazars, most likely they simply disappeared into the ethnic culture of neighboring peoples and did not leave behind direct descendants.

The history of the Khazar Kaganate, the largest and most powerful state in Eastern Europe in the VIII-IX centuries, still raises many questions. The kaganate was a poly-confessional state in which Judaist, Muslim, pagan and Christian communities existed on equal terms. Perhaps this was due to the multiethnic composition of Khazaria, whose population was a motley mixture of different ethnic groups. Ugrians, Turks, Iranian-speaking Alans - they were both the conquerors of these territories and the vanquished. These and other questions are answered by the book of orientalist Novoseltsev "The Khazar Kaganate".

The publishing house "Lomonosov" published a book by the famous orientalist Anatoly Novoseltsev "The Khazar Kaganate". Novoseltsev (1933-1995) is known as the largest Russian orientalist, including one of the best Khazar researchers.

In the book "Khazar Kaganate" he examines the versions of the origin of this ethnic group, the structure of their state and how it influenced the history of Eastern Europe.

Novoseltsev, in particular, cites the opinions of foreign and domestic historians and archaeologists. For example, the historian Grushevsky noted the role of Khazaria (up to the 10th century) as a barrier of Europe from new nomadic Asian hordes, rightly considering the Khazar state in the 8th-9th centuries to be the strongest state in Eastern Europe. And the American historian Dunlop believed that the Khazar state existed until the 13th century (although its defeat by the Russians at the end of the 10th century greatly weakened and fragmented the Kaganate).

Interesting is the idea of ​​the Hungarian historian Bart that Khazaria was a trading state (and not nomadic or semi-nomadic). It is noteworthy that he observed that almost all the settlements of the kaganate were located in the river basins. This, incidentally, was a common characteristic for Eastern Europe at that time, including Russia.

One of the sections of Novoseltsev's book deals with the issue of the ethnic origin of the Khazars. As you know, the Khaganate was a poly-confessional state in which Judaist, Muslim, pagan and Christian communities existed on equal terms. Perhaps this was due to the multi-ethnic composition of Khazaria, whose population was a motley mixture of different ethnic groups. With the permission of the publishing house "Lomonosov" we are publishing an excerpt from the book by Anatoly Novoseltsev, which tells about the ethnic composition of Khazaria.

“Since the IV century, together with the tribes of the Hunnic Union, a stream of Finno-Ugric and proto-Turkic tribes poured from Siberia and more distant regions (Altai, Mongolia) to Eastern Europe. They found a predominantly Iranian (Sarmatian) population in the steppe regions of Eastern Europe, with whom they entered into ethnic contacts. Throughout the IV-IX centuries in this part of Europe there was a mixing, mutual influence of three ethnic groups: Iranian, Ugric and Turkic. Ultimately, the latter prevailed, but this happened rather late.

The nomads of the Hunnic association first of all occupied lands convenient for cattle breeding. However, their predecessors - Alan, Roxolan, etc. - they could not, and did not want to completely drive them out of these lands and for some time wandered along with them or next to them. In the Eastern Ciscaucasia there were just such lands, convenient for cattle breeding, and here the nomads of the Hunnic union rushed immediately after the defeat of their main enemies - the Alans. The Alans suffered great losses in this struggle, but survived in the North Caucasus, albeit mainly in its central part, and their closest relatives, the Massagets-Maskuts, in the coastal zone of modern Dagestan and neighboring regions of present-day Azerbaijan. It was here, obviously, that an intensive synthesis of the local Iranians (and possibly also the Caucasians) with the newcomers, who in this area were called Huns for a long time, took place, perhaps because among them the Hunnic element was very influential.

However, it was not the Huns who played the main role in ethnogenesis, the Khazars, and above all the Savir tribe - those same Savirs (Sabirs), whose name, according to al-Mas'udi, the Turks called the Khazars.

For the first time, the sabirs-savirs appear in sources for Eastern Europe in connection with the events of 516/517, when, having passed the Caspian gates, they invaded Armenia and further into Asia Minor. Modern researchers unanimously consider them to be from Western Siberia.

One can reasonably believe that the Finno-Ugric tribes of the south of Siberia were called savirs, and, perhaps, the very name Siberia goes back to them. One gets the impression that this was a significant tribal unification of the south of Western Siberia. However, the advance of the Turkic hordes from the east crowded the savirs and forced them to leave their ancestral territory in groups. So the Savirs, together with the Huns, or later, under pressure from some enemies, crossed over to Eastern Europe and, once in the North Caucasus, entered into contacts with the multi-ethnic local population. They were members of various tribal associations and sometimes led them.

In the period from about the second decade to the 70s of the 6th century, Byzantine authors especially often mention the Savirs in this area, primarily Procopius of Caesarea, as well as Agathius. As a rule, the Savirs were in an alliance with Byzantium and fought against Iran, and this is evidence that they lived near the famous fortifications of Chokly-Chora (Derbent), which just in the first half of the 6th century were reinforced and took on a form that has survived to our days. days.

And then the savirs somehow immediately disappear from almost all sources about the North Caucasus, although their memory was preserved in the Khazar legends set forth by Tsar Joseph. At the same time, in the "Armenian Geography" Savirs are present among the tribes of Asiatic Sarmatia to the east of the Khons (Huns), Chungars and Mend (?) To the Tald River, which separates the Asiatic Sarmatians from the country of the Apakhtarks. This news is contained in the section "Ashkharatsuytsa", which gives the impression of a complex combination of sources of different times. There is much that is unclear, including the ethnonyms "Chungars" and "Mend"; it is not easy to identify the Tald River (perhaps this is the Tobol). But the word "apakhtark" is explicable from the Middle Persian language as "northern", and therefore it is possible to assume that this part of the text goes back to the non-extant versions of Sassanid geographies, which the author of "Ashkharatsuyts" was undoubtedly enjoyed. And then this news is attributed to the VI century. True, the continuation of this text again looks strange, because it says that these apakhtarks (plural) are Turkestanis, their king ("tagovar") is Khakan, and Khatun is the Khakan's wife. This part is clearly artificially "fastened" to the previous one and could appear in connection with the Turkic Khaganate, whose inhabitants were "northern" inhabitants in relation to Iran.

It is quite possible that it was the Turkic Kaganate who became the culprit for the death of the Savir Union. Probably connected with this event is the resettlement of a part of the Savirs to the Transcaucasus, about which the Byzantine historian of the 6th century Menander the Protector speaks. These are, obviously, the very "sabartoyaspaloy", about whose departure to Persia writes Constantine Porphyrogenitus, although he mistakenly links their resettlement with the events of the 9th century (the war between the "Turks" and the Pechenegs).

It is not difficult to prove that Konstantin Porphyrogenitus is wrong. Ibn al-Fakih, who wrote at the beginning of the 10th century, mentions Savir as as-Savardiyya. Al-Mas'udi on the Kura River below Tiflis places the siyavurdiyya, indicating that they are a branch of the Armenians. The Armenian historian of the first half of the 10th century Iovannes Draskhanakerttsi places sevordik (plural, singular - sevordi) near the city of Ganja. If the Sevardians were armenianized in the first half of the 10th century, as V.F. Minorsky believes, then this could not have happened during the life of two or three generations, so their resettlement to Transcaucasia took place long before the 9th century, most likely in the 6th-7th centuries ...

The collapse of the Savir Union was, apparently, a notable event in the history of Eastern Europe at that time, and only the limitedness of our sources does not allow us to determine its scale. After that, savirs, in addition to Transcaucasia, appear under the name Savars in the Middle Volga region, where the Volga Bulgaria arose.

But some part of the savirs remained in the Eastern Ciscaucasia, when a stream of Turkic tribes poured here. Among them could be the Kosa Turkic tribe, known from Chinese sources. Researchers associate the ethnonym "Khazars" with him, although other variants can also be assumed. Perhaps it was this Turkic tribe that then, during the second half of the 6th century and later, assimilated the remnants of the Savirs in the Ciscaucasia, as well as some other local tribes, as a result of which the Khazar ethnos was formed.

Among these assimilated tribes there was undoubtedly a part of the (northern) Muskuts, as well as some other tribes, in particular the Basils (Barsilia), Balanjar and others. Volga region (in the form of baranjar). The city of Balanjar is associated with this ethnonym, which is obviously identical to Varachan. As for the basils, it is worth dwelling on them especially, although it is possible that the basils and the balanjar are one and the same.

(Khazar coin)

The Basils are mentioned several times by Movses Khorenatsi in the sections of his history related to the semi-legendary presentation of the activities of the ancient Armenian kings (Valarshak, Khosrov and Trdat III), and once they act together with the Khazars, which is, of course, unrealistic for the II-III centuries. These information do not lend themselves to precise commentary, they only testify to the fact that the Basil tribe knew in Armenia in the 5th-6th centuries. In "Ashkharatsuyts" a strong people of Basil ("amranaybaslatsazgn") are placed on the Atil river, obviously, in its lower reaches.

But remember that Michael the Syrian calls Barsilia the country of the Alans. From this, it can be assumed that initially the Barsils (Basils) were an Alan (Iranian) tribe, which was then Türkized and merged with the Khazars in the Eastern Ciscaucasia, and with the Bulgars in the West. The latter is confirmed by the information of Ibn Rust and Gardizi about the Bulgar tribe (in the text of Ibn Rust “sinf” - “species, category”, in Gardizi “gorukh” - “group”) Barsul (in Gardizi — Darsul). In total, these authors have three groups (types) of Bulgars: Barsula, Esgal (Askal) and Blkar, that is, the Bulgars proper. If we compare this with the division of the Volga Bulgars by Ibn Fadlan, we will find an interesting thing. Ibn Fadlan, in addition to the Bulgars proper, names the tribe Askals, but does not mention the Barsilians. But he has a clan al-baranjar, and this, perhaps, confirms the identity of the Turkicized Basils (Barsils) and Balanjars.

Sources give rather contradictory information about the ethnicity of the Khazars. They are often ranked among the Türks, but the very use of the ethnonym "Türks" was not always definite until the 11th century. Of course, in Central Asia, and in the caliphate of the 9th-10th centuries, the Turks were well known, from which the Caliphs' guard was formed. But it’s one thing to know “our” Turks, and another thing to understand the diversity of ethnic groups that walked in the literal sense of the word across the vast steppe expanses of Eurasia. Among these hordes, the Turks undoubtedly prevailed in the 9th-10th centuries, absorbing not only the remnants of the Iranians, but also the Ugrians. The latter were part of political associations in which the Turks played the main role, and when the same Ugrians broke away from them, the name of the Turks could remain with them for some time, as was the case with the Hungarians in the first half of the 10th century.

On the whole, the writers of that time clearly saw the fluidity of the steppe population and its continuity. For example, Menander the Protector wrote that the Turks were formerly called Sakas. In this his statement, as well as in the persistent naming of the North Caucasian nomads by the Armenian sources as the Huns or the Arab sources of the Khazars in the 8th century by the Turks, one must see not only a tribute to the historical tradition, but also the realization of the fact that the Huns or Turks who lived in the North Caucasus before did not disappear, but merged with the same Khazars and therefore could be identified with them. During the period when the Turks became the dominant ethnic element in the steppes from Altai to the Don (IX-X centuries), Muslim authors often included Finno-Ugrians and even sometimes Slavs among them.

(Reconstruction of the capital of Khazaria - the city of Itil)

But some Arab writers of the 9th-10th centuries nevertheless separated the Khazars from the Turks. The Khazar language, as proved by linguists, is Turkic, but together with Bulgar it belonged to a separate group, quite different from other Turkic languages ​​that were most widespread in the 9th-10th centuries (Oguz, Kimak, Kypchak, etc.), well known in the Muslim world ... This, obviously, explains the seemingly strange fact that Muslim authors provide contradictory data on the Khazar language. In the 11th century, when Mahmud Kashgar compiled his famous "Dictionary of the Turkic language", the Khazar language had already disappeared, and the scientist did not record its vocabulary. But Mahmud uses the Bulgar language in his lexicon, and this is solid proof of belonging to the Turkic family and the Khazar language, the closest relative of the Bulgar language. Differences between them, of course, existed, but at our current level of knowledge, they are elusive.

There was an extra film for me today. I see a newspaper with color photographs, a modern newspaper, an ordinary one, well, like “ Russian newspaper", For example. I begin to read, and I cannot understand in any way what language it is written in. On the front page is a photo of Erdogan, and the signature to it, and the text of the article, are written in a letter unknown to me. It is neither Georgian nor Armenian. Not Hebrew and not hieroglyphs. More like runic writing, but I've never seen one like this before. I ask: "What language is the newspaper in?" The answer sounds in my head: - "Khazar".

What nonsense. I "turned over" so much material in search of material evidence of the existence of Khazaria, and made sure that reliable information about the Khazar writing simply does not exist.

In the morning, over a cup of coffee, I come across an unsolved crossword puzzle that my wife "tortured" last night, and in the most prominent place comes the question "Prophetic avenger to the Khazars", of four letters. “Oleg” is inscribed in the boxes by the hand of his wife. I have not forgotten the school program yet. And then I remember my vision, and how it scalded me with boiling water. A sign, however. You need to think. And this is what my thoughts led to.

What do we even know about Khazaria? Even if you run your mind through known facts, and then there are already very serious doubts about the existence of the Khazar Kaganate in the form, as mentioned in the textbooks. Everything, absolutely everything that is known to the average statistical citizen on this issue, is based on one paragraph from the textbook, and a map of “ancient Khazaria” that was imprinted in the memory, which someone completely randomly painted on the modern map in one color.

Today, this version of the presence of the kaganate on the territory of modern Russia is actively discussed by those who are sure that the Jews want to "chop off" Russia's ancestral lands under the guise of restitution. In general, the fears are true. They "chopped off" Palestine only on the grounds that some kind of their Jehovah promised them this land as their property, and no one except the Jews themselves ever knew about this promise.

In addition, what is actually happening now is fully consistent with these plans. Even if there are no plans, a sane person has no doubts about Jewish expansion. It is forbidden to talk about it in the "independent" Russian media, but you cannot get away from the facts. The plans for the construction of "New Khazaria" are being implemented before our eyes.

But today we have a different task. It is necessary to understand how, in general, information about the Khazar Kaganate appeared in world history. We will not touch Pushkin, he just died, and he hardly knew the truth about how everything really was. What sources do we still have? Again, everything rests against the "Tale of Bygone Years", or rather, its Radziwill list, which today only the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences believes, and I doubt it even.

The Cambridge document, or otherwise the letter of Schechter (by the name of the discoverer. Whoever doubted! A document of such importance the Kyrgyz could not find.) Is a manuscript in Hebrew. Contains a fragment of a letter from an unnamed Jew, subject of the Khazar king Joseph to an unnamed lord from a Mediterranean country. One of two (along with the letter of Tsar Joseph) written monuments of Khazar origin.

At the time of this writing, the author was in Constantinople (Let's remember this important point!). The addressee of the letter with high degree Probably the Cordoba dignitary Hasdai ibn Shaprut, who collected information about the Khazaria. The time of writing can be dated to around 949.

The letter contains unique information on the history and religion of the Khazars, the resettlement of Jews to Khazaria, the activities of the last three Khazar kings: Benjamin, Aaron and Joseph. Of particular interest is the story about the modern author of the Russian-Khazar-Byzantine war in the Black Sea region, where H-l-g-w is named as the Russian leader, which conveys the exact Scandinavian form of the name Oleg.

Is the mention of Prophetic Oleg in Schechter's letter accidental? Of course no. The one who falsified this “document” was definitely familiar with the work of A.S. Pushkin, and so that no one doubts that the letter is genuine, he could not resist the temptation to mention Oleg in it. Probably, on the eve of the First World War, it looked quite convincing, but not today.

There is one more "convincing" document ... Consisting as much ... From one phrase in "ancient Khazar":

Allegedly, this is a Khazar official - the censor signed the Kiev charter. The inscription was translated as "I HAVE READ IT". And can this be taken seriously?

So ... What else do we have, besides the works of historians of the 19th and 20th centuries? Aha! Probably, as in the cases of the ancient civilization, Sumerian or Egyptian, coins, brooches, jugs and rings with inscriptions in the Khazar language remained on the territory of ancient Khazaria? Dudki! All archaeological finds in this region have pronounced signs of belonging to the Scythian and Sarmatian culture. This suggests that not only Jews have never been here, but the Polovtsy and the Pechenegs were not Turks, but the same Slavs as the settled inhabitants around them.

See what scam I found on Wikipedia. In the article about Khazaria, there is a link to a certain treasure with Khazar treasures:

The discoverer of this masterpiece, as expected, is again not Ivanov. Click on the link to find out what comrade Finkelstein found there. And we find ourselves, for some reason, on an English-language article on Wikipedia. Okay, let's not be too lazy, click on the page translation, and we get….

This is what the Jews themselves call chutzpah. Proving the existence of the Khazar material culture in the Kuban, they refer to the Bulgarian Tsar! Unprecedented arrogance!

Okay ... What else do we have Khazar? Without a doubt, in the wake of the Ukrainian events, everyone became widely aware of the little bauble, which was previously known only to specialists, mainly in the field of customs law. This is a tamga.

People do not understand what tamga is in general, and think that it is ancient Hebrew such Khazar money. In some ways they are right, since the word “money” itself is derived from “tamga”. What is tamga?

Tamga is a seal that the tax collector put on the bags with goods, from which the freight duty was paid, so that at the next outpost, the merchant would not be charged with a repeated customs duty - tamga. Thus, tamga, these are not coins, and not these pendants with tridents, but actually paid customs duty, no matter in what currency, they often paid in kind with a percentage of the transported goods. You are bringing ten jugs of butter, you gave one at the customs, and for the other nine you received the stamp “tamga”.

From the word "tamga" arose the word "customs" (the place where tamzhat - tamga is collected). And in Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish and some other languages, another name was fixed - "mytnya" (mitnya, mitnitsa), after the name of collectors of transport tribute - tax collectors.

But it is logical that the seal of the tax collector was periodically changed in order to avoid forgeries. Merchants at all times were cunning, and they could stick left seals on customs goods as much as they wanted. And if so, then the types of tamga - the seal were visible - invisible. But modern professors explain this issue in their own way, so as to pull the facts by the ears, so that everyone believes in the existence of the Khazars, and explain this diversity by the fact that each “Khazar” had his own tribal tamga ... Oh, it's not even funny.

Who was the first to launch the "duck" that in the picture above there is a Khazar tamga-money, I do not know. I only know that such plates with a trident were called "girls" earlier, and served as a mandate, visa, and a security certificate. Marco Polo writes about this in his book "On the diversity of the world."

Here again it is necessary to clarify. Brothers, this is the father and uncle of Marco Polo, Marco himself was still a boy during his journey through Great Tartary.

So that's it. The table is not a table at all, but a lady. The travelers came to the great khan of Tartary (today he would be called the President of Russia), and he gave them a personal girl, a tablet with his personal seal - a diving falcon. This is NOT a tamga. This is a talisman, confirming that foreigners travel with his personal permission, and the givers of this enjoy immunity. Having presented the daughter to the khans and princes (in our opinion, governors and heads of regions) of the provinces through which the path of the Veneti (Apennine Slavs) lay, they were also Venetians, the travelers could count on all-round help. Protection, assistance, and even provision of provisions and pit horses.

Women were also distinguished by the metal from which they were minted. Gold ones gave maximum powers, silver ones gave the owner less rights, and iron ones, many servants had. More recently, archaeologists in Yaroslavl discovered a lady who supposedly belonged to Alexander Nevsky himself. So much for the debate about the "Mongol-Tatar yoke". The fact that the President empowers the governor with local authority with a certificate is not considered a yoke now. And the fact that Nevsky went to the Great Khan for a daughter (label) is called by historians almost a betrayal of the prince!

But the fact that the Kiev Prince Vladimir minted coins with the seal of the Great Khan, most likely, indicates that he received permission to mint his own Kiev coins from the Great Khan of Tartaria himself. Who was there before Chingiz? And Javan himself! The son of Iapetus, the grandson of Noah.

Although by blood he was most likely a Jew. The son of a Jewish housekeeper Malushka (Malka, Malanya) could not be Russian, the Jews pass on kinship through the mother. His portrait is more than eloquent.

The names Malakhov, Malkov, Malkin, and their derivatives, in Russia were worn only by Jews.

And he took the "Christian" faith again from ... Constantinople. Remember, at the beginning of this article, I drew attention to the fact that the "Cambridge" document was written in Constantinople? Now I again draw attention to the fact that Prince Oleg, who went down in history as the first fighter against the Khazar ghouls, and even took death from them, nailed his shield to the gates of Constantinople. Now the question is: - why did he wet the Khazars, and hung up the shield to the Byzantines?

Well and further. There is no Khazar language, no household items, no tools, no weapons, no documents, maybe there are maps somewhere? And this is a big problem. Cartography in the period to which the existence of Khazaria is attributed (650-969) was in its infancy. I have a map, presumably of the eighth century, and it has a lot of interesting details, but there is no hint of Khazaria.

This is a fragment of the map of Claudius, to see it in full, click on the picture.

The island in Azov has long been gone. The Ripaean mountains have turned into Northern ridges, and they are not observed at all on the territory of Ukraine. The Volga is quite recognizable. And the rivers Kuban and Don are indicated quite accurately. Two other rivers nearby, are also quite identified, only now they are very shallow, and are called Mius and Kagalnik. Ta-Dam !! KAGALNIK. So there was a Kaganate!

And who says that it was not? Prince Vladimir, among others, was also a Kagan title! But this does not mean at all that at the end of the tenth century the Khagans were Jewish kings. In the Bible, the Jews are simply kings, or am I wrong?

Aha! Tell me what to do with the Jewish surnames Kogan, Koganovich, Cohen and Hogan? And the answer is right in front of your eyes. Kogan is written with "O", and Kagan - with "A". and It is not the result of a linguistic transformation. Because from Persian, “Khazar” (هَزَارْ, hâzâr) means “thousand”, and “Kagan”, most likely, also has a Persian (Farsi) etymology.The words "Caesar" and "Tsar", according to A. Ron-Tash, appeared just from the word hâzâr. Why not? And Kogan is the surname of the Ashkenazi - Germanic and Polish Jews, and it means ... Lyubimov. In Ukrainian, even now, "love" is "kohannya".

The theater director Yuri Lyubimov, after all, is also from Ashkenazi, and his parents must have become his favorites when they received Soviet passports. At that time, all kohan (kohan) became beloved, and zukermans became sugar-loving.

Ask why I was looking for the etymology of "Khazaria" in Farsi? It's that simple. The Khazar tribes still live in the north of Iran, i.e. in Persia, and this is how they look:

And you want to say that these are Jews? No, the guys are democrats ... Of course there were Khazars, and they have not disappeared anywhere. As they were a small nation, they stayed with it. And no Jewish empire called "Khazar Kaganate" in the territory occupied by modern Russia, never existed. This is confidently confirmed by studies of DNA genealogy. If the Jews ruled Sarmatia for more than three hundred years, how did it happen that there were no traces of Jewish chromosomes left in the blood of the modern native inhabitants of the Kuban and the North Caucasus? It can't be like that. We have neither Mongolian traces nor Jewish ones. Consequently, the "Jewish Kaganate" is the same fiction as the "Mongol yoke".

The Khazars could live in the Kuban, and their princes could be called kagans, but these were not Jews, but the same Slavs, only their language was Persian, ali Arabic, like the Pechenegs and Polovtsians. And they could periodically plunder the settlements of the northern Slavs, but no one paid tribute to them for sure. And Vladimir added the position of Kagan to his titles, most likely because he became the ruler of the Khazars. This is a common practice of monarchs, with each new subject of the federation a new title was added.

Here is Ivan the Terrible, went on a business trip to Pleskavia and Novgorod, and immediately became, in addition to his previous specialties, also the Prince of Pskov and the Prince of Novgorod. So is Vladimir. Isn't that okay?

In general, we get a retreat on all fronts. No language. No writing, no artifacts, no maps, nothing. Not a single clue giving a reasonable reason to assume the existence of a Jewish empire in the Kuban and the North Caucasus. Can there be legends about the famous Khazar Kagans, or military leaders? There is. Kagan Bulan, allegedly the founder of the Khazar empire, but we also know about him from the fake Radziwill list.

And what other Presidents of Khazaria have we heard about? Hanukkah and Passover, allegedly, were also Khazar leaders. Well, I don't know what to say. Purim is just not enough. And besides them, Joseph and Aaron are remembered. But where did They rule? In Constantinople. Those. in Constantinople. In Byzantium. Again, all roads lead to Istanbul. Accidentally? No, I think. The true Jewish state was precisely Byzantium. And the true Jewish culture is Christianity with all the attributes now attributed to Byzantium. Well, it was necessary to fill in something missing in history for 1000 years?

For 150 years Jews have been unsuccessfully looking for traces of their culture in Palestine and the Kuban, and they cannot find anything. Why? Yes, because they themselves were bred as suckers. They told tales about "ancient Judea", inspired them that their culture is special, unlike anything else, but in fact, Jerusalem is Byzantium. And Jesus is the prophet Isa, he is Yusha, who came from the east, and began to teach the mind to reason, mired in debauchery Jews.

And they fled not from Egypt, but from the Bosporus to Europe. They fled from the Ottomans. Therefore, in Asia Minor, Arab and Jewish genes are so intertwined. This is where it all fits together.

And the version of Fomenko that Jerusalem is Constantinople, and Jesus was crucified on the shores of the Bosporus Strait, is fully confirmed.

Yes, and the grave of Jesus still exists in the suburbs of Istanbul, on the Beykos hill, which in the Bible bears the name of Golgotha.

Painting of the 17th century. "Rest of the inhabitants of Constantinople at the grave of Saint Jesus". In the future, the ruins of the Yoros fortress. This is the real Jerusalem.

And this is how Beykos and Jerusalem look today. View from the grave of Isa Khazarin (Yushi Khazarey).

The Latin version of the 15th century Bible contains references to the fact that Jesus was executed on the Bosphorus in the area where the biblical Jerusalem was located:

Obadiah 1:20 et transmigratio exercitus huius filiorum Israhel omnia Chananeorum usque ad Saraptham et transmigratio Hierusalem quae in Bosforoest possidebit civitates austri ... "

In the Ostrog Bible, a description of the weather of the area in which Jerusalem was allegedly located was preserved, and it has nothing to do with the desert climate of today's Jerusalem. It talks about cold, rainy-snowy weather! Under Empress Catherine, they removed it and wrote that it was just very cold. And then this paragraph was removed altogether.

This is what Jesus' grave looks like today:

On the sign at the entrance there is an inscription: Нz. YUSA (Khazreti - Saint Yusha), and next to a tablet with quotes from the Koran. For the uninitiated, it is worth explaining that in Islam Yusha - Isa (Jesus) is very revered as one who suffered suffering for his faith. His name is mentioned in the Holy Book of Muslims over 100 times!

The well-known Old Russian text "The Walking of Abbot Daniel" contains a description of the Gospel Jerusalem.

In a modern Russian translation, a fragment of this text sounds like this:

"The crucifixion of the Lord is on the east side ON A STONE. It was high, ABOVE THE COPY. THE STONE WAS ROUND, LIKE A SMALL HILL.


In the ground, under that stone, lies the head of the primordial Adam ... And that stone spread over the head of Adam ... AND THIS IS A SPRINKLE ON THE STONE AND TO THE PRESENT DAY ... SAME (IN THE WALL) TWO ".

Daniel's description of the site of Christ's crucifixion fits perfectly with what we see today on Mount Beykos on the outskirts of Istanbul. Namely, - a round stone like a small hill with a hole at the very top, in the center. A crack in this stone.

Now attention! In Turkish "Saint Yusha" sounds like "Hazreti Yusa". HAZRETI is this ... NAZOREY? The Slavic letter H and the Latin H are written in the same way, but they are read differently: one as H, and the other as X. So "N" and "X" could pass into each other, and from the word NAZOREY ​​could get KHAZOREY ​​or KHAZRETI.

Those. Yusha (Jesus) was not any "Nazarene", he was not from Nazareth, but from Khazaria. Then everything fits together. After all, it is so funny written in the Bible that they say that the Magi saw a star in the EAST, and went after it, found the baby, presented him gifts, etc. But in the same place in the Bible it is said that the wise men with gifts came from the EAST. Tprrrruuu! Stand Zorka! We saw a star in the EAST and went to the EAST, but came back from the EAST. What is it like?

Hey! Christians, who will tell you where the wise men came from and where? Everything falls into place if in Constantinople they saw a star that lit up in the east, and it was so, this is a supernova explosion, the Crab Nebula, which happened in the first half of the 12th century. And then, 33 years later, Yusha came from the east. Which differed from the Byzantines in that it cut the truth to the womb.

I went to christian churches, and drove from there the priests selling candles and Cahors. And from the doors of the temples he drove the usurers sitting on banks (folding chairs), which gave money at interest. Bankers sitting on banks, this is the original Jewish business, isn't it?

"In the summer of 5500, the eternal king, the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, was BORN to the flesh on December 25.(Paleya, sheet 275, turnover).

“The third kingdom of Tiberius Caesar. In the summer of 5515 Augustus, Caesarea received the kingdom of Tivirius, son of Kauli, and reigned in Rome for 23 years. With this, the great coward was swift and ruin, 13 hails even to the ground was crushed. In the 15th year of Christ FROM IVANNA IN JORDANESE REC, 30 years of age of his month of January on the 6th day at the 7th hour of the days of the indict 15th circle of the Sun 3 nameless fingers. And from that time I chose a disciple 12 for myself, and began to work miracles, and after baptism I was on earth 3 years before my holy passion. With this Tiviria was also the SAVED PASSION AND RESURRECTION of our Lord Jesus Christ. Years in the 18th year of the kingdoms [a] of Tiviriev, our Lord Jesus Christ of salvation for the sake of man suffered in the summer of 5530 March on day 30, on Friday at 6 o'clock days, indicta 3, circle Sun 7, Moon 14, and Easter as a Jew "(Paleya, sheet 256, turnover, sheet 257).

And then, when the Muslims learned about what the Jews had done with their beloved prophet Isa, they went to Jerusalem - Constantinople in war, and everyone who participated was taken away without joking, as they can. But most of the bankers managed to collect 40 tons of gold, and fled to Spain - Iberia, and the Rhine. The first became Sephardic, the second Ashkenazi. Now you understand the roots of the mutual hatred of Jews and Arabs, which smolders at the genetic level?

Probably, this is not all that I wanted to say about the Khazars. Yes, definitely not all. But this is not a scientific work, not a dissertation, only thoughts. To put an end to the matter, which can only be stopped, but not completed, I will express a couple more considerations.

It seems to me that modern Cossacks are also Khazars. No wonder they were called by the people "barracks"! And the northern goose, the goose, also got its name from the Khazars. And the hussars, these are also Cossacks - Khazars. Agile, sharp, tough, born warriors, the first to tame horses.

And not any usurers.

P.S. Unbelievable, but it is a fact. As soon as I posted a note, I "accidentally" came across a picture with a font that I instantly recognized! Fleece-hieroglyphs from the newspaper with a photo of Erdogan in my extra film!

Do you know what this "scribble" is?

This is a Mongolian letter! That's what it is!

class = "eliadunit">

In the middle of the fourth century of the new era, the Huns attacked Eastern Europe and amazed the Europeans with their appearance. The historian of that time described them: stocky ‚beardless‚ "ugly, similar to eunuchs" ‚" rooted to horses "‚ they constantly "wander in different places, like eternal fugitives" ‚and" crush everything that comes their way. " The Huns occupied the Caspian and Don steppes ‚devastated the Black Sea region‚ broke into Central Europe. Attila became their master; it was a huge Hunnic empire which disintegrated after his death in 454. The tribes and peoples of the Eastern European steppes freed themselves from the power of the Huns and began to develop independently, and their names appeared in the historical chronicles of those times: akatsirs ‚barsils‚ saragurs ‚urogi‚ savirs ‚Avars‚ Bulgarians ‚utugurs with kutugurs.

From the sixth century AD, the first information about a previously unknown people who settled on the territory of the Lower Volga region and the eastern part of the North Caucasus appears in the Syrian, Armenian, Byzantine, Latin and Chinese manuscripts. And in the following centuries, there are many references to them in Arab and Persian sources. The Arabs in their chronicles called them "al-Khazar", the Armenians called them "khazirk", in the "Initial Russian Chronicle" they are called "kozar", in the Jewish medieval writing they appeared under the name "kuzar" ‚" kuzarim ". In modern Russian, this people is called the Khazars.

Byzantine writers of those times ranked the Khazars among the Turkic peoples. The Arab writers also believed in the same way, although there were some among them who attributed the Khazars to the Georgians or to the Armenians; in the Armenian source they were associated with the Chinese, in the Georgian chronicle - with the Scythians; the Arab geographer of the tenth century Abu-Abdullah al-Mukaddasi wrote: "Outwardly ... the Khazars have a resemblance to the Slavs." In fact, the name "Khazars" covered tribes of various origins ‚numerous nomadic and semi-nomadic peoples‚ the remnants of the Huns who passed through the southern Russian steppes ‚and the Türkic elements prevailed there.

The cradle of the Khazars was the Caspian steppes of the Northern Ciscaucasia, that is, the territory of modern Dagestan. The Khazars were a warlike people ‚even in the sixth century - as part of other Turkic tribes - they went on campaigns to Transcaucasia and temporarily captured Georgia and Armenia, and the Persian Shah even built a giant wall with many defensive towers to protect them from them. The Armenian historian of the seventh century Movses Kagankatvatsi describes them as "an ugly, vile, broad-faced, eyelashless crowd" which "in the form of women with loose hair" rushed to Transcaucasia.

The Khazar Kaganate was formed in the middle of the seventh century, and its capital was first the city of Semender on the territory of present-day Dagestan, and then Itil at the mouth of the Volga. In the seventh century, the Khazars drove the Bulgarians to the west and captured the Azov steppes, the Northern Black Sea region and part of the steppe Crimea. "The Khazars, a great people ... - wrote the Byzantine Theophanes the Confessor. - They took possession of the whole land up to the Pontic Sea." So a federation of different tribes arose, which was headed by a Khazar (Turkic) clan, and all the tribes and peoples that were part of it enjoyed sufficient freedom, up to the point that they could independently go on campaigns, conclude treaties and accept the religion that they wished ... During the period of its highest prosperity, the territory of the Khazar Kaganate stretched from the Danube to the Aral Sea, from the Upper Volga to the Caucasus.

There were two supreme rulers in the Khazar Kaganate. One of them is the main king, the kagan, who belonged to a family of noble origin; the custom of his election was described by the Arab geographer Istakhri: "When they want to appoint someone as a kagan, they bring him in and begin to strangle him with a silk cord. When he is already close to giving up his ghost, they say to him:" How long do you want to reign? " : "So and so and so and so many years ..." This custom was associated with belief in the divine power of the kagan: he himself determined in half-oblivion the period of stay of divine power in his body. During the war, this kagan was killed, because the divine power in him had dried up, and a new kagan was chosen instead of him, whom they began to worship.

The Khazars came into contact with the Slavic tribes: glade ‚northerners‚ Vyatichi and Radimichi in different times saw the Khazars and paid tribute to them. The Khazars waged long wars with the Arab Caliphate, and - as contemporary historians note - Khazaria played an important role in the history of the Eastern European peoples, screening them from the Arabs and withstanding the attacks of the previously invincible Arab armies.

Khazaria also helped Byzantium, because it pulled off the Arab forces, which otherwise would have threatened the Byzantine Empire. The Slavs settled in the Dnieper region at the end of the seventh - beginning of the eighth century, and the Khazars defended them from the east from the attacks of the nomads. By the eighth century, the Khazar state had become a powerful political and military force Eastern Europe, and behind this protective fence, Kievan Rus could subsequently arise and develop. If it were not for Khazaria, which opposed a powerful Arab penetration in the Caucasus, the history of Eastern Europe, and perhaps the entire Western European civilization, could have developed differently.

The Khazars were at first pagans ‚one of the many pagan peoples of Eastern Europe‚ made sacrifices to fire and water ‚worshiped the moon‚ trees ‚the most revered deity Tengri Khan‚ - and we would not have mentioned the Khazars in this story, if not for one circumstance. In the first half of the eighth century, part of the Khazars of the Northern Ciscaucasia, led by their ruler Bulan, converted to Judaism. In those places lived then the Jews, who left Sassanian Iran at the time of the forcible implantation of someone else's faith, - from them, most likely, the Jewish religion came to the Khazars.

The legend says that an angel appeared to the Khazar ruler Bulan in a dream and said: "O Bulan! Your intentions are pleasing to the Creator, but your actions are not pleasing." The angel promised Bulan power and glory if he accepts the Jewish religion; after that Bulan set off on a campaign to the Caucasus and won several battles. From many sources it is known that in 730-731 the Khazars won major victories in Caucasian Albania (present-day Azerbaijan) ‚- Bulan's adoption of Judaism is timed around 740.

But before he did this, the emperor of Byzantium and the ruler of the Muslims sent him rich gifts and sent scholars to persuade him to their religions. Bulan arranged a dispute in which a Christian, a Muslim and a Jew participated, but did not make any decision. And then he asked the Christian priest: "What do you think is better religion - the Israelites or the Ishmaelites?" To this the priest replied: "The faith of the Israelites is better than the faith of the Ishmaelites." Then Bulan asked the Muslim qadi: "What do you think, which faith is better - Christian or Israeli?" Cadius replied, "Israel is better." After that Bulan said: "If so, then you yourself admitted that the religion of the Israelites is the best, and therefore I choose the faith of Israel, which was the faith of Abraham. May Almighty God help me!"

This story about Bulan became known to us from the letter of the Khazar Kagan Yosef to the Spanish Jew from Cordoba Hasdai ibn Shaprut.


Hasdai Abu Yusuf ben Yitzhak ben Ezra ben Shaprut - or Hasdai ibn Shaprut - lived in the tenth century in the Spanish city of Cordoba. He was an educated person, a patron of sciences; He knew perfectly Hebrew, Arabic, Greek and Latin, studied medicine and discovered the "all-healing" remedy - the root "faruk", which was famous among the Arabs. Hasdai ibn Shaprut was a personal physician and secret adviser to the Caliph of Cordoba Abd al-Rahman, conducted diplomatic negotiations of the Caliphate with other countries and achieved success in negotiations with "charming speech, strong mind, great dexterity and thousands of tricks." He sent rich gifts to the Babylonian academies ‚gathered around him and supported Jewish scholars‚ bought up Jewish books in the East; as they said then, "Hasdai ben Yitzchak was among the outstanding experts in law. He opened the gates of the Andalusian Jews to the knowledge of the laws."

In those days, Spanish Jews were extremely proud of their high position and numerous successes in trade, politics and culture. But at the same time, they depended on foreign rulers, they were representatives of a people scattered around the world and oppressed, who had no political independence anywhere, - and the Catholic clergy constantly emphasized that the Jews are a people despised by God, and all their former advantages have long been passed to Christians. Therefore, Spanish Jews with great excitement perceived any rumors about the existence of independent Jewish states in unknown lands.

At the end of the ninth century, a certain man named Eldad appeared in Spain, who claimed that he came from the tribe of Dan, one of the ten missing tribes of Israel. He said that four tribes - Dan ‚Naftali‚ Gad and Asher - live richly and happily under the scepter of the Jewish king in the country of Kush (Abyssinia), beyond the legendary Sambation River.

This news astonished the Spanish Jews and caused indescribable excitement. Everyone knew that the ten missing tribes constituted the population of the kingdom of Israel, and when it was destroyed by the Assyrians in 722 BC, everyone was taken captive - to Assyria and Media ‚and from that moment ten tribes of Israel seemed to disappear from the face of the earth. They were searched for ‚legends were created about them‚ from time to time strange people appeared ‚semi-adventurers‚ semi-visionaries ‚who assured everyone that they had come from those places where these missing tribes live independently under the rule of a just Jewish king‚ - and they were believed ‚these people‚ because that they really wanted to believe that not all the sons of the people live under someone else's authority, a whim. Eldad from the tribe of Dan also reported that "the tribe of Shimon and half of the tribe of Menashe live in the Kuzarim country, six months away from Jerusalem; they are innumerable and collect tribute from twenty-five kingdoms ..."

Hasdai ibn Shaprut knew about the stories of Eldad from the tribe of Dan and - like all Spanish Jews - expected confirmation of this. In the middle of the tenth century, he learned from visiting Persian merchants that somewhere in the east, in the distant steppes, there was a powerful Jewish state. At first he did not believe these merchants, but soon the envoys from Byzantium confirmed this message: there is such a state fifteen days' journey from Byzantium ‚his name is al-Khazar‚ and King Yosef rules there. "Ships come to us from their country," the messengers said, "and they bring fish, leather, and all kinds of goods ... They are in friendship with us and we are honored ... Between us and them there is a constant exchange of embassies and gifts. They have military strength ‚power and troops that go to war at times."

The Jews enthusiastically received the news of the existence in the east of the kingdom, which lives according to the laws of Moses. They immediately decided that the Khazars were the descendants of Yehuda, and thus the biblical prophecy came true: "The scepter will not depart from Yehuda." Even when it later became clear that the Khazars were idolaters who had converted to Judaism, this did not shake sympathy for the unknown people. Jews read stories about the Khazars in subsequent centuries ‚there was a variety of Jewish literature on this topic‚ and the correspondence of Hasdai ibn Shaprut with King Yosef occupies an honorable place in it.

Hasdai ibn Shaprut wrote a letter to the Khazar king: "From me, Hasdai, the son of Isaac, the son of Ezra, from the descendants of the Jerusalem diaspora in Sfarad (Spain), the servant of my lord, the king ... so that he would live long and reign in Israel ..." This is he sent the letter first with a special envoy through Byzantium, but the local emperor kept the envoy for six months and then returned him back, referring to the incredible dangers that lie in wait on the way to Khazaria. Most likely, in Christian Byzantium they did not want to contribute to the rapprochement of European Jews with the Khazar Kaganate.

The persistent Hasdai ibn Shaprut decided to send the letter through Jerusalem, Armenia and the Caucasus, but at that moment an opportunity turned up ‚two Jews from Zagreb who took his letter to Croatia‚ from there it was sent to Hungary ‚and then through Russia to the Khazars.

Hasdai ibn Shaprut wrote in his letter that if the information about the Jewish state is correct, then he himself would have "neglected his honor and renounced his dignity, he would have left his family and set off to wander the mountains and hills, by sea and land, until I would come to the place where my lord, the king, is to see his greatness, his glory and high position, to see how his servants live and how his servants serve, and the peace of the surviving remnant of Israel ... How can I calm down and not think about the destruction of our magnificent Temple ... when we are told every day: “Every nation has its own kingdom, but you are not remembered on earth.” In his letter, Hasdai ibn Shaprut asked the king many questions: about the size of the state and its natural conditions ‚About the cities‚ about his army ‚but the most important questions are" from which tribe he is "‚ this king ‚" how many kings reigned before him and what are their names, how many years each of them reigned and what language do you speak. "

Khazar Kagan Yosef received a message from Cordoba ‚and two answers have survived to this day: a short and lengthy version of his letter. It was written in Hebrew ‚and‚ perhaps ‚it was not the kagan himself who wrote it‚ but one of his Jewish confidants. Yosef reported that his people came from the Togarma clan. Togarma was the son of Japheth and the grandson of Noah. Togarma had ten sons, and one of them was named Khazar. It was from him that the Khazars went. At first, Yosef reported, the Khazars were few in number, "they waged a war with the peoples who were more numerous and stronger than them, but with the help of the Almighty they drove them out and occupied the whole country ... After that, generations passed until one king appeared with them. whom Bulan. He was a wise and God-fearing man, who trusted with all his heart in God. He removed fortune-tellers and idolaters from the country, sought protection and patronage from the Almighty. "

It is also said in that letter: Bulan "performed circumcision on himself, his servants and servants and all his people ... and brought (to himself) from all places the wise men of Israel ..." After Bulan, who converted to Judaism, Tsar Yosef listed the Khazar Khagans - Jews ‚and each of them had a Jewish name: Obadia‚ Khizkiyahu ‚Menashe‚ Hanukkah ‚Yitzhak‚ Zvulun ‚again Menashe‚ Nisim ‚Aaron, Menachem‚ Benyamin ‚again Aaron and, finally, the author of the letter is Yosef. He wrote that in his country “no one hears the voice of the oppressor‚ there is no enemy and there are no bad accidents ... The country is fertile and fat ‚consists of fields‚ vineyards and orchards. All of them are irrigated from rivers. We have a lot of all kinds of fruit trees . With the help of the Almighty, I live in peace. "

Yosef was the last ruler of the powerful Khazar Kaganate ‚and when he sent a letter to distant Spain - no later than 961‚ did not know yet that the days of his kingdom were already numbered.


At the end of the eighth - beginning of the ninth century, the Khazar kagan Ovadia made Judaism the state religion. This could not happen by chance, from scratch: apparently, even then in Khazaria there were a sufficient number of Jews, in today's language - a certain "critical mass" close to the ruler's court, who influenced the adoption of such a decision. From this, apparently, the moment part of the urban population of the Khazar Kaganate began to profess the Jewish religion.

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Even under Bulan, who was the first to convert to Judaism, Jews came to the Eastern Ciscaucasia, fleeing the persecution of Muslims. Under Obadiah, as the Arab historian Masudi noted, "many Jews moved to the Khazars from all Muslim cities and from Rum (Byzantium), because the king of Ruma persecuted Jews in his empire in order to seduce them into Christianity." Jews settled entire quarters of Khazar cities, especially in the Crimea. Many of them settled in the capital of Khazaria - Itil. Khagan Yosef wrote about those times: Obadiah "corrected the kingdom and strengthened the faith in accordance with the law and rule. He built houses of assembly and houses of teaching and gathered the wise men of Israel‚ gave them silver and gold ‚and they explained to him twenty-four books (of the Holy Scriptures)‚ Mishnu "Talmud and the whole order of prayers".

This reform of Obadiah ‚obviously‚ did not go smoothly. The Khazar aristocracy in the distant provinces rebelled against the central government. On her side were Christians and Muslims; The rebels called for help from the Magyars from across the Volga, and Ovadia hired nomad Guzes. The Byzantine emperor and historian Constantine Porfirorodny wrote about this: "When they had a separation from their power and an internecine war broke out, the central government prevailed, and some of the rebels were killed, while others fled." Judaism continued to be the state religion ‚and the Jews lived in tranquility on the territory of the Khazar Kaganate.

All historians of those times noted the religious tolerance of the Khazar rulers-Jews. Jews, Christians, Muslims and pagans lived peacefully under their rule. The Arab geographer Istakhri wrote in the "Book of Countries": "Khazars are Mohammedans, Christians, Jews and pagans; Jews constitute a minority, Mohammedans and Christians are the majority, but the king and his courtiers are Jews ... religion ". The Arab historian Masudi noted in the book "The Washers of Gold": in the capital of the Khazar kingdom "seven judges, two of them for Muslims, two for the Khazars, who judge according to the law of the Torah, two for the local Christians who judge according to the law of the Gospel, one of them for the Slavs, Rus and other pagans, he judges by the pagan law, that is, by reason. " And in the "Book of Climates" of the Arab scientist Mukaddasi it is said quite simply: "The country of the Khazars lies on the other side of the Caspian Sea, it is very vast, but dry and barren. There are many sheep, honey and Jews in it."

There were attempts to make Christianity the state religion of Khazaria. To this end, the famous Cyril, the creator of Slavic writing, went there in 860. He took part in a dispute with a Muslim and a Jew, and although in his "Life" it is written that he won the dispute, the kagan did not change religion, and Cyril returned with nothing. "Our eyes are directed to the Lord, our God, and to the sages of Israel, to the academy, which is located in Jerusalem, and to the academy, which is in Babylonia," - Kagan Yosef wrote in his letter. Having learned that the Muslims in their lands destroyed the synagogue, the Khazar kagan ordered to destroy the minaret of the main mosque in Itil and to execute the muezzin. At the same time, he said: "If I, rightly, were not afraid that not a single undestroyed synagogue would remain in the countries of Islam, then I would have destroyed the mosque as well."

After the adoption of Judaism, Khazaria developed the most hostile relations with Byzantium. First, Byzantium set the Alans on the Khazars ‚then the Pechenegs‚ and then went against them Kiev prince Svyatoslav, who defeated the Khazars. Historians explain in different ways the reasons for the fall of the Khazar Kaganate. Some believe that this state has weakened as a result of constant wars with the surrounding enemies. Others claim that the adoption by the Khazars of Judaism - a peace-loving religion - contributed to a decrease in the morale of the nomadic warlike tribes. There are also such historians who explain this by the fact that the Jews with their religion turned the Khazars from a "nation of warriors" into a "nation of traders".

The Russian chronicle writes about this simply, without going into the reasons: "In the year 6473 (965). Svyatoslav went to the Khazars. Hearing this, the Khazars went out to meet, headed by their prince Kagan and agreed to fight, and in the battle Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar and the city They and Belaya Vezha took ... "In other words, Svyatoslav took the Khazar city of Sarkel on the Don - aka Belaya Vezha, apparently captured the capital of the Khazars Itil and Semender on the Caspian Sea, and then returned to Kiev. "The Rus destroyed and plundered everything that belonged to the Khazar people," the Arab historian noted, and after that, for several years in a row, the Guz tribes plundered the defenseless land without hindrance.

The Khazars returned to the destroyed capital ‚rebuilt it‚ but, as Arab historians note, it was no longer Jews who lived there, but Muslims. At the end of the tenth century, Svyatoslav's son Vladimir again went to the Khazars, took possession of the country and imposed a tribute on them. And again the cities of Khazaria were destroyed ‚the capital was turned into ruins; only the Khazar possessions in the Crimea and on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov survived. In 1016, the Greeks and Slavs destroyed the last Khazar fortifications in the Crimea and captured Khagan George Tsulu, who was already a Christian.

Some researchers believe that small Khazar principalities continued to exist until the Mongol invasion. For the last time in the Russian chronicle, the Khazars are mentioned as participants in the conspiracy against Prince Oleg Tmutarakansky in 1079, and in the descriptions of Jewish travelers of subsequent centuries, the Crimean peninsula was called Khazaria for a long time.

There have been cases before that, when a significant part of the population of a particular country was inclined to Judaism. This was especially evident in the first century of the new era: in Rome, in the Black Sea region and in Asia Minor - in Cappadocia. The women of the neighboring nations, who lived side by side with the Jews, more often converted to Judaism than men, because they were attracted by the honorable position of women in the Jewish family and in the Jewish society under the protection of laws and customs. Men were sometimes stopped by the fear of circumcision, but nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of non-Jews, the so-called "sebomen" - "admirers", kept the Sabbath, rejected the pagan gods, recognized one God and the foundations of the Jewish faith, but did not observe all religious precepts.

In the first half of the first century AD, Judaism became the state religion in the kingdom of Adiabenus in Mesopotamia, in the upper reaches of the Tigris River. Before accession to the throne, King Izat converted to Judaism; together with him, his mother Elena did it, and then, according to the Jewish historian Josephus Flavius, and the entire population of Adiabene. King Izat strictly observed the laws of the Jewish religion and sent his sons to Jerusalem to study the Hebrew language and the Jewish faith there.

In the years of famine, King Izat sent significant amounts of money to Jerusalem ‚Queen Helen bought grain and dates for the starving, and King Monobaz II spent the treasures collected by his ancestors for this. Queen Helen built magnificent buildings in Jerusalem and Lod and presented the Jerusalem Temple with a golden lamp, which was hung over the gate of the Temple. The first rays of the rising sun were reflected on the shining surface of the lamp ‚its brilliance was visible throughout Jerusalem‚ and this served as a signal for the beginning of the morning prayer.

During the Jewish war against the Romans, the royal family from Adiabene helped the rebels, and Josephus reports that in the "ranks of the Jews, the most distinguished and valiant were Monobaz and Kenedai, relatives of Monobaz, the king of Adiabene." King Izat and his mother Helen were buried in Jerusalem in the "royal tombs" carved into the rock and preserved to this day. One of the streets of Jerusalem is called "Geleni ha-malka" - Queen Elena.

There was also a Jewish kingdom in southern Arabia ‚in Himyar‚ on the territory of present-day Yemen: at the beginning of the sixth century, the royal house and its subjects converted to Judaism and zealously kept the commandments. It was a kingdom that extended its power over the vast territories of Arabia, and its king Zu Nuvas did not let Byzantine merchants through his lands to India, because in their country "Jews are oppressed". This tsar maintained contacts with Jewish teachers from Tiberias ‚they were his mediators in negotiations with Christians‚ - and Christians in revenge threatened to burn down synagogues in Tiberias if the Jews did not stop "sending letters and noble people to the king Himyar." The Byzantine emperor set the Ethiopians against the kingdom of Himyar; Zu Nuwas died in battle in 525 ‚and with his death came the end of the Kingdom of Judah in South Arabia.

It is also known that the Berber tribes of North Africa adopted Judaism in the pre-Islamic period, and they had Jewish principalities. The powerful Jaraua tribe, who professed Judaism, ruled over almost all the Berbers of the Atlas Mountains, and at the end of the seventh century, the Jewish ruler Dagiya al-Kagina stood at the head of this tribe. During the invasion of the Arabs, she defeated their army and forced them to retreat.

Five years later, the Arabs again attacked the Berbers, and Dagiya al-Kagina ordered to destroy all the Berber cities so that the enemy would die in the devastated country. She fell in a battle with the Arabs near the water source, which began to be called "Bir al-Kagina" in memory of her.


In the nineteenth century, in the Cairo synagogue ‚in its geniza (in a special storage where the dilapidated, damaged, unusable Sacred Books were placed)‚ among other ancient manuscripts and documents, - without beginning or end - a historical manuscript about Khazaria, written by the Khazar a Jew. The most interesting thing in this manuscript is that its author considers the Khazars-Jews to be natural Jews who came to these lands and assimilated with the surrounding population, retaining only the circumcision rite, but then they again turned to the true faith:

"And our fathers fled from them (the Armenians) ... because they could not endure the yoke of idolaters. And they took them to themselves (the Khazars) ... They became related through marriages with the inhabitants of this country ... learned their deeds, always went out with them to (the war), and they became one people. Only the commandments of circumcision they adhered to, and (some of them) kept the Sabbath. And there was no king in the country of the Khazars, and the one who won the war, they made a military leader over them. (So ​​it was) until one day the Jews went out with them to the battle, as usual. And one Jew won the victory with his sword and put to flight the enemies who opposed the Khazars. And the Khazar people made him a military leader over themselves, in accordance with and remained in this position for a long time, until the Lord had mercy and aroused the heart of that commander to return (to Judaism), and his wife, by the name of Serah, persuaded him to do so ... and the father of the young woman, a righteous man in that generation ‚instructed him on the path of life .. And the Israelites, together with the Khazar people, repented with complete repentance ... And they changed the name of the Khazar commander to Sabriel and made him their king ... "


The Russian scientist-Turkologist V. Grigoriev wrote in the nineteenth century: "The Khazar people were an extraordinary phenomenon in the Middle Ages. Surrounded by wild and nomadic tribes, it had all the advantages of educated countries: an organized rule, an extensive flourishing trade and a constant army. and deep ignorance challenged each other's dominion over Western Europe, the Khazar state was famous for justice and religious tolerance, and those persecuted for their faith flocked into it from everywhere. Like a bright meteor, it shone brightly on the gloomy horizon of Europe ... "

A similar thing was noted in the twentieth century by the Russian academician Y. Gauthier: "The historical role of the Khazars is not so much conquering, but uniting and pacifying. This circumstance pushes them out of the multitude of peoples of Asian origin, successively replacing each other in the space between the Volga, Don and the Caucasus ... "


In the nineteenth century, Jewish tombstones were found in Taman, on the front side of which traditional Jewish symbols were engraved - the seven-branched candelabrum, the shofar, the rod of Aaron, and on their back side there were non-Jewish symbols. They resemble the tribal signs of the Steppe Turks ‚usually burned on the bodies of their horses‚ signs of ownership - a brand. About forty percent of the monuments in the cemetery near Taman had non-Jewish symbols on the reverse side, and it can be assumed that the Khazars-Jews were buried under these monuments.


In 1976, the sensational book The Thirteenth Tribe by the English writer Arthur Koestler was published in New York. In this book, he argued that the current Ashkenazi have nothing to do with the "sons of Abraham" ‚but are Türks by origin, descendants of the Khazars, who scattered across Europe after the collapse of the Khaganate in the tenth century. According to Koestler, the Ashkenazim "came out not from the Jordan, but from the Volga, not from Canaan, but from the Caucasus, which means that they are much closer to such peoples as the Huns, Uighurs or Hungarians, than to the seed of Abraham, Yitzhak and Jacob." ... If the mashkenazy are not Semites ‚the writer declared‚ then “the very word anti-Semitism turns out to be meaningless and represents the unfortunate fruit of a misunderstanding, equally shared by the executioners and victims ... the joke "what story has ever played with a man."

This theory was not invented by A. Koestler. At the end of the nineteenth century, a similar assumption was expressed in Russia by Maximilian Gumplowicz in his essays "The Beginning of the Jewish Faith in Poland." Then the same was tried to prove by the professor of Tel Aviv University A. Polak in scientific work"Khazaria" (1951). However, modern scientists - on the basis of numerous data - convincingly prove that Jews settled in Western Europe even before the spread of Judaism in Khazaria, and during the late Middle Ages, Ashkenazi Jews began to migrate from Central Europe to Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus and formed Jewish communities there. ... A certain number of Khazars who converted to Judaism became, possibly, part of the Crimean, North Caucasian and South Russian Jewry and was absorbed by them.

The theory of the Khazar origin of Ashkenazi Jews was used by Arab leaders in 1947, opposing the partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. This theory is also spread by anti-Zionist organizations to prove that the Jewish people have no historical right to Eretz Yisrael.

Felix Kandel