Could there be cancer. How to detect early cancer. General and local symptoms

Cancer is a serious disease during which a malignant tumor is formed in the body, which has symptoms characteristic only of it, as well as nonspecific signs. By listening to your body, you can diagnose the disease at an early stage and begin treatment immediately. After all, it is very important to recognize the disease when it is still possible to fix everything and save human life. Any sudden change in well-being should be a reason to see a doctor. Sudden weight loss, fever for no apparent reason, discoloration of the skin can be signs of both cancer and another disease. You should not self-medicate, wait until it passes by itself, it is better to contact a specialist and get tested.

Attention, cancer: symptoms and signs!

If diarrhea or constipation has become the norm, and the color and volume of feces has changed, then these are the first signs of bowel cancer.

If the process of urination has become frequent and painful, and blood impurities are different in the urine, then these symptoms indicate problems with the prostate gland.

Long-lasting wounds, cuts that can fester and bleed, are fraught with danger. Small sores in the mouth, vagina and penis that do not heal for a long time are also cause for concern, as they indicate the presence of infection in the body and, possibly, the primary signs of cancer.

Purulent and bloody discharge indicate a neglected disease in the body. Coughing up blood often indicates signs of lung cancer. The detection of feces in the blood indicates, at best, colitis, and at worst, a malignant neoplasm. Discharge of blood from the nipples can be a symptom of breast cancer, from the vagina - the cervix. One of the early manifestations of cancerous growth is induration in certain parts of the body, such as the female breast and scrotum. You can diagnose them yourself with a regular examination of your own body. Having found them, you should immediately go to the doctor. Regular gastrointestinal problems or difficulty swallowing food are signs of stomach or intestinal cancer.

Lung cancer symptoms usually present with hoarseness, a suffocating cough that persists over time. It is difficult to identify throat cancer, the first signs of which are similar to those of a cold. This is a hoarse voice, perhaps its complete disappearance, inflammation of the lymph nodes, cough and putrid breath.

Neoplasms in the form of moles, warts characterize a disease such as melanoma, which can be cured at the initial stage.

Nonspecific primary signs of cancer

There are a number of symptoms characteristic of the onset of various diseases that are not as dangerous as cancer. People blame their discomfort on them, without thinking that everything is much more serious.

Sudden weight loss for no apparent reason. Almost all cancer patients lose a lot of weight, especially when it comes to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

An elevated temperature indicates that there is an infection in the human body that suppresses immunity, and therefore the body throws all its strength to fight it. But, as a rule, an increase in temperature does not occur in the initial stages of the disease. So the involvement of temperature in oncology should be considered only if there are additional signs.

... Gradually increasing fatigue. Malaise and increased fatigue can result from the loss of blood that occurs with stomach or intestinal cancer.

The formed tumor can be painful. Pain indicates a serious damage to the whole system in the body.

Changes in the skin in the form of manifestations of urticaria, jaundice, increased pigmentation.

What is cancer, signs of organ damage

So, let's consider the main types of pathology and their signs.

Stomach cancer

It never develops suddenly in completely healthy tissues. It is preceded by such abnormalities of the stomach as gastritis, ulcers. Scientists have proven that a certain variability of the disease is attached to each geographic area. For example, where people often have bowel cancer, there are almost no cases of diagnosing tumors in the stomach.

The reasons for the appearance of malignant tumors:

Eating foods containing nitrates, as well as salted, pickled, smoked products, dishes cooked over an open fire;
... removal of part of the stomach by surgery;
... chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach.

An interesting fact was discovered by doctors: people with the first blood group are most often susceptible to stomach cancer.

Symptoms of the disease:

Feeling of discomfort and pain in the stomach after eating;
... drastic weight loss and lack of appetite;
... frequent bloating, heartburn, regurgitation, nausea, bouts of vomiting, flatulence;
... low iron levels;
... fast fatiguability;
... black stools (due to bleeding inside the stomach).

The main problem is that small tumors that can be simply excised usually do not cause these symptoms.

Breast cancer

The main reason for the development of breast cancer is hormonal changes in the female body. Such changes occur during pregnancy and lactation, after abortion, at the time of the onset of menopause. The hormone estrogen is most often responsible for the development of the disease, namely, its increased concentration, which occurs during abortion and menopause. When carrying and breastfeeding, this hormone is practically not produced. Therefore, it is believed that long-term breastfeeding is an excellent prevention of malignant tumors. Estrogen is produced in large quantities by the fatty tissues present in the body. Accordingly, the more there are, the more hormone is produced.

The first signs of breast cancer are nipple discharge and nodules that feel like stone, firmly fixed in the breast tissue. Their sizes can be from a couple to 10-15 centimeters in diameter. The skin over the nodule is pulled inward, wrinkled, resembling a lemon peel.

Skin cancer

The main reason for the development of skin cancer is long-term or short-term, but strong exposure of the skin to UV radiation. It has been noticed that light-skinned and fair-haired people are susceptible to this disease, since they are more sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet rays.

You can identify skin cancer on your own, signs of the transformation of a mole into a malignant neoplasm are visible to the naked eye. It can grow both horizontally and increase in volume, become asymmetrical and inhomogeneous in color. Often, a mole gets wet, bleeds and itches, hair stops growing on it and existing ones fall out. The skin around her becomes inflamed, and she herself becomes covered with crusts and flakes. A mole can become overgrown with small nodules, become loose, glossy.

To make sure that this is definitely cancer, it is not enough to detect signs, you must immediately consult a doctor and take smears, scrapings, biopsy, if necessary, conduct an ultrasound examination of the affected tissues, check them for the presence of metastases.

Lungs' cancer

Most often, in the early stages, signs of lung cancer are practically not manifested. That is why people learn about the development of this disease in the body during routine medical examinations or too late to count on a positive outcome of treatment. It is difficult to identify it in yourself without the help of doctors, since the symptoms are similar to many other diseases. But there are still signs of lung cancer that you can identify yourself. This is a cough, bronchitis with pneumonia, arising for no apparent reason. In the process of tumor growth, certain parts of the organ stop working, causing shortness of breath.

A common symptom that most complains about is pain in the chest area, namely, where the neoplasm is located, fever and a fuzzy heart rhythm. In the future, if the initial stage of the disease is not recognized, the cancer will show more serious and characteristic signs, but you should not wait for them, so you can skip the moment when there is still a chance to be cured. In addition, lung cancer has pronounced symptoms only if it is located in the large bronchi.

Throat cancer

It is difficult to detect throat cancer at the initial stage, the first signs are very similar to a common cold. Until now, doctors have not come to an unambiguous conclusion: where does this ailment come from. However, there are statistical data from which it can be seen that it occurs mainly in men, especially in smokers and drinking alcohol. Old age, inadequate oral hygiene, work in hazardous work, genetic predisposition, low consumption of vegetables and fruits, the presence of cancerous tumors in the neck and head - all this can cause the progression of cancer in the human body.

It is difficult to diagnose throat cancer, the first signs of which may differ depending on which area is affected. The main symptoms include the following manifestations:

Hoarseness in voice, its complete loss is possible;
... pain when swallowing, difficulty in this process;
... the smell of putrefaction coming from the mouth;
... the inability to cure a dry cough that does not go away for a long time;
... coughing up bloody sputum;
... lymph nodes in the neck are inflamed and enlarged;
... breathing difficulties associated with tumor growth;
... loss of appetite, and with it rapid weight loss;
... hearing loss, ear pain.

If a malignant formation develops in the upper part of the larynx, then the person's teeth hurt and fall out, and a sore throat. If cancer has affected the lower throat, then pain is felt, similar to sore throat.

The signs of cancer in women may differ slightly from the classic ones, since the disease is more aggressive due to the increased level of estrogen. They become irritable, get tired faster, and the menstrual cycle is disrupted. They reported cases of upper respiratory tract bleeding and a higher blood count in sputum. Cancer in women is detected earlier, as they are more attentive to their body and more often seek medical help. Men make up 90% of the total number of people who have throat cancer, they can ignore the first signs, attributing them to general malaise and fatigue.

Uterine cancer

A very common ailment that affects women over 40 years old. What can contribute to its development? There are a lot of reasons: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, nicotine addiction, the presence of human papillomavirus in the body, HIV, frequent change of partners, early pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, irregular menstrual cycle, late onset of menopause. The risk group includes women overweight over 10 kg. Cancer of the uterus can be foreseen in advance, since its precursors are erosive processes, the formation of ulcers and scars after childbirth, proliferation of the endometrium and the presence of constant inflammatory processes.

The classic signs of uterine cancer that all women complain about are whitish discharge, bleeding and soreness. But all this does not appear at the very beginning. In this regard, a number of difficulties arise in order to immediately recognize uterine cancer. Signs and symptoms of the initial stages of the disease - mucous discharge with impurities of pus, blood, appearing after exertion and tension of the pelvic muscles. Very often, the cycle is disrupted, and trips to the toilet become frequent and painful, which indicates the progression of the disease, which has already reached the bladder. If at first the discharge may be odorless, then in the last stages they acquire an unpleasant putrid odor. A significant reason for going to the doctor is bloody discharge, even if it is insignificant, in women in menopause. The insidiousness of the disease is that it is impossible to externally identify such a woman, because she looks fresh and cheerful, only in the last stages is weight loss observed.

Cervical cancer

This cancer, affecting the cervix, is the most common of all genital cancers. The risk group includes women from 35 to 55 years old. According to statistics, this ailment is more common in Hispanic women than in European women. This disease is predicted by the erosion and dysplasia that preceded it, so it can be detected in the early stages, and therefore cured. If you do this on time, you can keep a woman's ability to have children and have a full sex life. The most important causative agent of cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus. It is sexually transmitted, even a condom does not serve as protection, since its cells are very small and penetrate through the smallest pores in the latex. In addition, the virus is located not only on the genitals, but also on the adjacent areas of the skin. There are a number of other factors: smoking, frequent sexual intercourse with different partners, sexually transmitted diseases, constant weight loss, AIDS. They can cause cancer. Signs do not appear in the early stages. The woman does not feel any discomfort.

It is necessary to undergo scheduled examinations by a gynecologist annually, to be tested. These procedures can help detect early signs of cervical cancer. Symptoms typical for this disease:

Bleeding that occurs after sex, examination by a gynecologist, in between periods, as well as after the onset of menopause;
... change in cycle duration, color and volume of menstrual flow;
... an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge. They turn white, with impurities of blood, and in the later stages acquire the color and smell of rotting meat waste.
... feeling pain during sex;
... pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen;
... weight loss;
... constipation and problems with urination, as a result of which the legs begin to swell;
... increased fatigue and general weakness.

It is worth noting that all these signs can manifest themselves not only in cervical cancer, but also in almost all diseases of the genital organs. Therefore, it is necessary to seek help from qualified gynecologists and oncologists.

Testicular cancer

This is a rather rare, but still occurring male cancer. However, it is one of the most aggressive forms of it, affecting men under 40. The reasons can be both congenital benign tumors and injuries, infertility. The most important reason is cryptochism, when the testicle did not descend into the scrotum. Cancer is transmitted genetically and affects more Europeans than African Americans.

The symptoms of this form of cancer are local in nature. Attention should be paid to the seals in the gland. You can feel them with your fingers. When they are squeezed, the man does not experience discomfort. The pain is located in the lower abdomen, in the affected testicle, which swells over time, becomes heavier and sags. Some types of testicular cancer can cause hormonal imbalance. In boys, this leads to untimely voice changes, frequent erections. In adult men, on the contrary, sexual desire disappears, cases of impotence are not uncommon. In the body, female hormones begin to be produced to a greater extent, which leads to a modification of the figure. Such men become effeminate.

In order to prevent the development of cancer in your body, you need to engage in prevention, lead a healthy lifestyle, and eat right. Nutrition plays a very important role in maintaining health. Indeed, the development of some forms of this disease, such as cancer of the stomach or intestines, is promoted precisely by unhealthy fatty foods stuffed with preservatives. The stomach is unable to digest it, and it begins to rot. It is very important to regularly visit doctors for preventive examinations. If, nevertheless, cancer was found, then you should not think that this is a sentence and life ends there. Timely diagnosis gives very high rates of recovery.

Cancer is currently one of the worst diseases on earth. This is a malignant neoplasm (tumor) that develops from the epithelial cells of various organs (mucous membrane, skin, internal organs). With the timely detection of cancer, lethal outcome can be avoided and conservative treatment methods can be dispensed with.

Cancer causes and symptoms

According to statistics, cancer-related mortality ranks second after cardiovascular disease. More than 6 million people are diagnosed with cancer every year. The main characteristic of this malignant tumor is a violation of the structure of tissues and the loss of the ability of cells to differentiate. Cancer cells with blood flow aggressively spread throughout the body, where they form secondary tumor foci (metastases).

Tumors are benign and malignant. There are many cancers: cervical cancer, upper lip cancer, vaginal cancer, larynx cancer, thyroid cancer, etc.

The manifestation of the symptoms of the disease largely depends on the localization of the cancer, the rate of its growth, and the presence of metastases.

How to define oncology?

Definition of oncology - characteristic features

Cancer can be identified by a change in the condition of the skin in the form of a growing swelling in a limited area. These swellings sometimes ulcerate, and deep ulcers appear that are difficult to treat.

There are also a number of signs of cancer that are not related to its location in the body: appetite decreases, groundless, sudden weakness appears, the patient loses much weight, anemia in the blood, and a person also develops an aversion to meat.

In order to determine an oncological disease in a patient, specific and non-specific analyzes may be offered to him. An experienced oncologist is well aware of how to define oncology in a particular case. It would seem, at first glance, that a routine examination can tell a lot, especially when it comes to suspicion of prostate cancer, melanoma, breast, uterus, lymphatic system disease. And general urine and blood tests can raise the suspicion of possible damage to the kidney, bladder or rectum.

One general rule applies here: non-specific simple tests often indicate an oncological disease in an advanced form. If there are no obvious signs of the disease, but you want to be completely confident in your health, you need to conduct an in-depth examination.

Diagnostics of oncology

How to determine oncology by analyzes?

Firstly, it is necessary to conduct an initial examination and clarifying instrumental diagnostics: ultrasound and X-ray examination of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity, thyroid and mammary glands, endoscopic examination of the bladder, intestines and stomach. To examine the lungs, an x-ray is sufficient at first.

More detailed information allowing to determine the disease is provided by computed tomography of the abdominal and thoracic cavities.

Magnetic resonance imaging is indispensable for examining the brain and spinal cord. However, this method is quite expensive and therefore less readily available.

In order not to torment yourself with thoughts about how to define oncology, you need to start with a simple one: men need to visit a urologist annually, and women - a mammologist and gynecologist.

In some cases, a blood test for tumor markers is done. Cancers of the bladder, ovary, bowel, and prostate are very likely to be found.

Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, a diagnostic puncture of a lump, tumor or cyst is performed from exactly the place that arouses suspicion. The obtained cellular material is sent for microscopic examination.

If the organ is deep enough, and it is not possible to carry out a puncture, the material for research and clarification of the diagnosis is provided by the operation.

Modern examination methods make it possible to detect cancer at an early stage, when it is still well treatable. But for this it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, after which anamnesis and thorough analyzes will be carried out.

In addition, the question of how to define cancer at the present stage allows the latest medical equipment: computed tomography, radiography, endoscopy, biopsy, puncture. Therefore, if you notice even the slightest manifestation of any of the above symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for an examination.

Many malignant neoplasms in the early stages of their onset are asymptomatic or disguised as other diseases. Medical specialists from all countries are working on the problem of how to recognize cancer at stages 1–2. The prognosis of recovery and survival directly depends on the stage at which the tumor focus was diagnosed.

Risk subgroups and predisposing factors

It is quite possible to detect cancer at an early stage - for this you just need to be attentive to your own health and undergo a comprehensive diagnostic examination every year. Particular attention should be paid to people belonging to the cancer risk subgroup:

  • abusers of tobacco, alcoholic products, drugs;
  • persons whose closest blood relatives already suffer from various cancerous lesions;
  • previously exposed to radiation;
  • workers in industries with particularly harmful working conditions.

Early diagnosis in the above category of citizens is the primary task of medical staff. Especially if there is one or a group of predisposing exogenous or endogenous factors:

  • the age category after 45–65 years, as the body ages, its tissues and structures wear out, more often there is a failure in cell division, their mutation;
  • the presence of bad habits - in tobacco, alcoholic products there are significant amounts of various carcinogens;
  • negative external factors - geographic place of residence, unfavorable environmental conditions, low level of availability of medical care;
  • a person's usual way of life - for example, a tendency to physical inactivity, a poorly adjusted diet, chronic stressful situations, workaholism;
  • negative hereditary predisposition - 35–45% probability of the formation of a cancer focus in those whose closest relatives have already encountered a detected tumor focus.

A malignant neoplasm can form not only in persons with low financial resources, but also in wealthy people.

What are the signs you can suspect cancer

In the early stages, the focus of modified cells, as a rule, does not manifest itself in any way. It is diagnosed after germination into the nervous and vascular structures, when the activity of tissues and organs is disrupted. Clinical manifestations suspicious for cancer:

  • for a long time, non-regenerating trophic defects, wounds - despite the medical efforts being made to heal them;
  • unexplained discharge and bleeding;
  • visually noticeable change in the shape and staining of nevi, warts, moles;
  • the formation of seals on the body, various swellings, retractions;
  • prolonged cough, increased shortness of breath - in the absence of chronic pathologies of the respiratory structures;
  • a significant decrease in appetite, sudden weight loss, up to cachexia;
  • frequent pain impulses in various parts of the body, without somatic conditions predisposing to that;
    previously uncharacteristic, persistently growing weakness, increased fatigue;
  • decreased performance against the background of persistent dizziness, increased sweating;
  • identification of frequent low-grade fever;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the region of the larynx, esophagus, stomach;
  • independently determined enlargement of lymph nodes - in the armpits, groin;
    tendency to viral and infectious pathologies;
  • a sharp disorder of visual, auditory, speech function.

Only a specialist should decide how to determine a cancerous lesion - it is not recommended to draw conclusions only on the basis of the above signs. Appropriate diagnostic procedures must be performed.

Laboratory research

After a thorough collection of anamnesis - complaints, family diseases, when and what symptoms a person has noticed, a physical examination will be performed by a specialist.

The patient undergoes thermometry and anthropometry, visual examination - staining of the skin and mucous membranes, sclera and tongue. Then the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is listened to, possible deviations from the standards are identified.

After this comes the turn of palpation and percussion - the boundaries of organs, the presence of incomprehensible seals, their soreness, palpation of regional lymph nodes. At this moment, biomaterials can be taken simultaneously for further research from the surfaces of the skin and mucous membranes - scrapings from nevi, warts.

In order to determine cancer, the patient must be sent for laboratory tests.

In a detailed general blood test, warning signs will be an increase in the parameters of leukocytes, against the background of a decrease in hemoglobin and a change in the blood formula itself - the presence of immature elements, myelocytes and blast cells. An acceleration of ESR is observed - a mandatory sign of any inflammatory process in the body.

In biochemical analysis, a specialist is interested in the parameters of the activity of organs and systems - bilirubin, creatinine, alkaline phosphatase, transaminases and total protein, fibrinogen. If abnormalities are detected that are unexplained by the pathologies present in a person, additional research is necessary.

Similarly, urine, feces, cerebrospinal fluid are checked - the parameters of the shaped elements are compared with the average standards.

Blood for tumor markers

Blood diagnostics for specific tumor markers is gaining more and more popularity. It is a specific protein released by the mutated cells into the bloodstream. Each tumor has its own specific protein compounds. They have distinctive features from normal blood elements - in terms of functionality or quantitative characteristics.

In the early stages of tumor formation, cancer diagnosis with the help of tumor markers is carried out in hospitals during preventive examinations, for example, the PSA level of the blood is checked in the male part of the population, and the activity of the ovaries and mammary glands in the female half.

Under laboratory conditions, venous blood is taken by venipuncture, which is then examined with special reagents. Tumor markers of the pancreas, lung structures, intestinal loops, prostate, mammary glands, as well as liver and stomach are tested separately. However, the cost of such studies is quite high, so they are purposefully appointed by a specialist.

In addition, it is emphasized that tumor markers do not give 100% of the result, the diagnosis is not made only on the basis of information from such a study. It is imperative to compare it with the results from other diagnostic procedures.

Instrumental research

Mandatory for conducting, if it is required to diagnose a tumor focus, are the following instrumental studies.


  • ultrasound scanning - allows you to visualize parenchymal neoplasms, their localization, boundaries, the presence of metastases in distant organs;
  • X-ray is a widely used method, financially low-cost, it helps to identify foci of inflammation and darkening in dense structures, for example, the spine, statutes.


  • radioisotope diagnostics - allows you to carefully analyze the formed functional changes by introducing radioisotopes through a vein;
  • various endoscopic procedures - gastroscopy, irrigoscopy, colonoscopy;
  • immunodiagnostics - an analysis of the reactions of immune structures to certain types of cancerous lesions is carried out;
  • cytological examination - determination of atypia in smears and tissue points.

When and how to detect cancer, the specialist determines. Taking a biopsy is crucial - a piece of tissue directly from the tumor focus. As a rule, under the supervision of an ultrasound or CT scan.

Additional modern methods for diagnosing cancer are layer-by-layer examination of tissues and organs on computed tomography images. Accurate information allows you to identify the localization of the pathological focus, damage to adjacent organs, germination, for example, into the vessels. As a rule, no special training is required. The contrast solution is injected to the patient just before the examination.

Hospitalization is also not carried out, the technique is quite feasible on an outpatient basis.

A more informative, but less accessible technique is MRI. The smallest structural units, soft tissues, and lymph nodes are examined. A direct diagnosis is possible - a highly differentiated cancer lesion or a poorly differentiated one.

Myths and diagnostics

Since there is no absolutely accurate method for diagnosing cancer at an early stage of its onset, the task of medical staff is to identify predisposing conditions - precancerous ones. People with similar results of preventive examinations are under the supervision of their doctor. He is obliged to carry out laboratory and instrumental research in dynamics.

One of the existing myths is that you can get cancer from someone who is already sick. This is a false statement. It is impossible to become infected with a tumor. But to pass it on to your children - yes. Therefore, if a cancer focus has been detected in the closest relatives, it is necessary to monitor your health especially carefully.

Another myth is that cancer cannot be cured at the moment.

This is absolutely not the case. Early diagnosis of pathology allows you to get rid of it in a short time and forever. The prognosis for survival and return to work capacity is 98-100%.

Provided that the disease was diagnosed at stage 1-2A. This is the main task of doctors - to prevent the transition of the oncological focus to a neglected, inoperable stage. To understand this, the population is holding informational talks, conferences, and "Schools of Health on Cancer" are being created.

Cancer is a malignant tumor that can form in any organ, and it only grows over time. The structure of the tumor depends on the age of the person and the presence of other diseases. Before describing the symptoms, you need to understand what cancer is.

Content of the article:

What is cancer (disease)

Basically, cancer is described depending on its location in the body, if the disease appears in the gastrointestinal tract - there is a sharp weight loss, called cachexia, then anemia appears. If cancer affects the liver, the person feels exhausted, and the metabolism slows down. Localization of a malignant tumor demonstrates a clinical picture, if it is located in the end of the stomach, symptoms of stenosis will appear. Because of this, food will not enter the intestines. But if the disease appears in the initial part of the stomach, then dysphagia will appear - food will not enter the stomach or will enter, but in small quantities.

In the future, at a late stage of the disease, all symptoms intensify, but they are associated not with the main cancer, but with metastases that have penetrated deep into the tissues of the body. For example, the symptoms of lung cancer can be expressed through the brain if metastases enter the brain. For example, doctors say that prostate cancer can be diagnosed only after checking the bones, if there is pain and metastases in the bones - this indicates prostate cancer.

All malignant tumors, excluding local symptoms, which are associated with only one organ, have certain general symptoms. The further the tumor develops, the more it destroys the internal organs, and the most important systems of the body. Over time, changes occur in the metabolism, endocrine, nervous and immune systems. Because of this, the tumor has a double effect, either it destroys only one organ, or destroys the whole system. When exposed to one organ, a tumor is poisoned with healthy tissue, which is located in proximity to the neoplasm. The local influence of a cancerous tumor is revealed during the delivery of tests, if the patient complains of certain symptoms. There are several groups of cancer symptoms: obturation, destruction, compression. Each group has its own characteristics: destruction - destruction of the tumor, obstruction - narrowing of the lumen of the organ, compression - pressure on the organ.

Why is it important to confirm / deny cancer symptoms?

There are chances of a cure for the disease if it is identified as early as possible and treatment is started immediately. A person can immediately be examined and detect cancer when he did not have time to develop it, and the tumor is not of a huge size. This means that the cancer has not had time to affect other organs, it is not large and can be cured. As a rule, doctors prescribe an operation with complete removal of the cancer, this method can cure cancer in the early stages. It is imperative to start treatment if skin melanoma is present, it can be removed quite simply if it has not deepened and pierced the inner layers of the skin. But very often melanoma develops at a rapid pace and penetrates too deeply, so it is impossible to carry out any treatment, only if it has not gone deep. A person has 5 years to undergo treatment if the melanoma is not very advanced.

A psychological factor often works - a person is afraid to see a doctor, he believes that surgery or cancer treatment can provoke complications, and he tries to ignore any symptoms that he notices. Of course, symptoms such as fatigue and diarrhea do not necessarily relate to cancer, but this could be a sign of cancer and should be checked anyway. Also, the girl may think that the standard uterine fibroids and cysts do not indicate the presence of cancer, perhaps this is a common disease that will pass over time. But the more a person ignores the symptoms, the more chances that the disease will deepen and become incurable after a while. Very often, perfectly healthy people find themselves with cancer after being tested, while they did not have any symptoms, and if a person has at least one symptom related to cancer, you need to go to the doctor immediately.

Five common signs of cancer

You need to understand how the nonspecific symptoms of this disease manifest themselves. First, a person may suddenly lose weight for no reason, or changes in skin color and acne may occur. Secondly, the presence of any infection is indicated by a high temperature, cancer is no exception. Of course, there are general symptoms that apply to all diseases combined at once, but still remember the main symptoms of cancer in order to see a doctor in time.
  • Dramatic weight loss - Almost all people who have been diagnosed with cancer have lost most of their weight during their illness. If you lose at least 5-7 kilograms for no apparent reason, you need to check in the hospital for cancer. This may be due to cancer of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Fever (high temperature) - a high temperature indicates the presence of cancer, especially if it affects entire organ systems. Basically, fever is associated with the fact that cancer negatively affects the immune system, and the body fights infection and activates its forces, unfortunately, unsuccessfully. But the temperature does not appear at the initial stage of cancer, so if there were no other symptoms before the temperature - perhaps this does not apply to cancer.

  • Weakness - weakness increases gradually, when the disease penetrates deeply into the body. But fatigue can develop at the very beginning after damage to the body, for example, if there is a hemorrhage in the stomach or large intestine. Due to the loss of blood, severe fatigue and discomfort occurs within the body.

  • Painful sensations - pain appears in the initial stages of the disease, if there are several tumors in the body. Often, pain speaks of the defeat of the whole system of the body.

  • Changes in the epidermis - hyperpigmentation occurs, jaundice, erythema, urticaria and so on appear. Tumors may appear on the skin and hair may grow more strongly, indicating the presence of cancer.

Seven Cancer Symptoms That Need Attention

Above we have listed the main nonspecific symptoms, but you need to know the main symptoms with which you can determine the presence of the disease. Immediately it is worth making a reservation that symptoms are not found in all cases, moreover, they are common for other diseases. But still, you need to immediately contact a therapist and tell about all the symptoms so that he prescribes tests and a complete medical examination of the body.
  • Violations of the genitourinary system and stool disorders - often there are chronic constipation or diarrhea, the amount of stool and its color may change, which indicates colon cancer. If you feel pain when urinating and you see blood in your urine, you should see your doctor right away. Often there are too frequent urge to urinate for no apparent reason, which indicates problems with the prostate gland.

  • Ulcers and wounds do not go away for a long time - very often tumors look like an ulcer, and at the same time they bleed a lot. If there is a small sore in the mouth that persists, it is a sign of mouth cancer. It occurs most often in smokers and alcoholics. If there are sores on the vagina or penis, you need to immediately undergo an examination, as this indicates a serious infection of the body.

  • Strange discharge of pus or blood - if the disease has developed a very long time ago, and you did not notice it, strange bleeding or discharge of pus may begin. For example, if you cough up pus with blood when you cough, it is lung cancer, and if blood is found in the stool, then it is colon cancer. If you have cervical cancer, there is a chance of vaginal bleeding, and if there is blood in your urine it is bladder cancer, your kidneys may be infected too. If blood comes out from the nipple, it indicates breast cancer.

  • Small lumps anywhere on the body - If a tumor is felt through the skin in the testicles, mammary gland, or other soft tissue, it is a sign of cancer. Moreover, it is impossible to say for sure whether this is an initial form or an advanced one, but if you notice a seal, immediately inform your doctor. It will increase over time.

  • Difficulty swallowing and problems with the gastrointestinal tract - very often the symptoms indicate cancer of the stomach or intestines, see your doctor immediately.

  • The appearance of moles or warts - if there were already moles, and they became larger or changed color, you need to see a doctor. It is quite possible this is melanoma, and if examined, it can be cured at the initial stage.

  • Hoarse voice or violent cough - a persistent cough indicates lung cancer, if the voice is lost - it is thyroid or throat cancer.

Atypical Cancer Symptoms

Far from the most common symptoms of cancer, which also indicate the development of the disease:
  • The appearance of sores on the tongue and mouth;

  • Change in the color of warts and moles, change in their size;

  • Sore throat, violent and painful cough;

  • Lumps and nodules in the nipples, hard lumps in the testicles, mammary glands and other places;

  • Painful sensations when urinating;

  • Strange discharge of pus and blood;

  • Problems with swallowing and abdominal pain, especially in the elderly;

  • Severe migraine;

  • Sudden loss of appetite or weight;

  • An increase or decrease in temperature for no reason indicates the presence of cancer;

  • Constant infection for no apparent reason;

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle;

  • Tumors that do not respond to treatment

  • Redness of the lips and skin, yellowness in the eyes and on the skin;

  • Strange swelling that has never appeared before;

  • Bad breath.

But keep in mind that these symptoms indicate not only the presence of cancer, but also other diseases. In any case, you need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination and find out what the problem is.

Cancer symptoms of different organs

  • Stomach cancer

With stomach cancer, it is impossible to say for sure which symptoms predominate most of all, since there are a lot of them. Very often, doctors ascertain chronic gastritis and other non-serious diseases, without doing any serious examinations. Medications are usually prescribed that do not cause even the slightest relief. But professionals can comprehensively analyze all the symptoms and identify the presence of cancer, the main system for detecting cancer was introduced by L.I.Savitsky. He has compiled a list of mild symptoms and common symptoms for other illnesses that can tell if a person has a cancer in their stomach or a symptom not related to the disease.

Only when the cancer has deepened deeply and has passed into the tissues of the body does a person develop strong symptoms: severe pain in the stomach, which are felt even in the back, increased weakness and unwillingness to do anything, a sharp weight loss for a long time. Doctors pay attention to the skin, it becomes very pale, and in some cases it acquires an earthy tint. But at the initial stage, the skin color remains the same.

The main symptoms are: nipple retraction and induration, bloody and incomprehensible nipple discharge. Very often, cancer is accompanied by no pain, but in the presence of mastopathy, the pain appears and intensifies every day.

  • Skin cancer

There are several forms: infiltrative, nodular and ulcerative. Squamous cell carcinoma develops very quickly, in order to identify it, doctors carry out a painless crossing of all nodules that have a pink or yellow color. The nodes may have translucent pearl-colored edges with the formation of pigmentation. Tumor formation progresses gradually, and very quickly. But there are forms of cancer that develop slowly, they can develop over the years, and a person does not even know about their presence. Further, several nodules bind together and form a dense and painful neoplasm that has a dark color. It is at this stage that people go to the doctor.
  • Rectal cancer

As in other cases, at the initial stage there are no symptoms of cancer, but the tumor continues to grow and after a while the intestinal lumen closes. Painful sensations appear, since feces cannot pass freely, this provokes the release of blood and pus. Over time, the feces deform and change their color, in medicine it is called a ribbon-like stool. Rectal cancer has been compared to hemorrhoids, but with hemorrhoids, it appears at the end of a bowel movement, not at the beginning. In the future, there are frequent urge to defecate, frequent discharge of bloody-purulent masses, which have a disgusting odor.
  • Lungs' cancer

It all depends on where the tumor appeared. It can appear in the tissue of the lungs or in the bronchus, if a tumor appears in the bronchus, a person begins to cough daily. The cough is dry and painful, after a while sputum with blood appears. Inflammation of the lungs, such as pneumonia, appears periodically. Because of it, other symptoms appear: chest pain, temperature 40 degrees, pain in the head, weakness and inability to concentrate.
If cancer has formed in the lung tissue, then the disease will go away without any symptoms, which only complicates the situation, because the person does not undergo a medical examination. If an X-ray is taken, an initial tumor can be detected.

  • Uterine cancer

Mostly women complain of strange pains and regular bleeding even after menstruation. But these symptoms only indicate that the tumor is gradually disintegrating and the cancer is already in advanced form. The initial form of uterine cancer does not manifest itself in any way, so women are not examined. Leucorrhoea, an unpleasant watery or mucous discharge that is mixed with blood, also speaks of cancer. Leucorrhoea often has a very unpleasant odor, but not in all cases, sometimes they do not smell. If you have strange discharge, consult a doctor, it is quite possible that the cancer has not yet passed into a deep and advanced stage and there is a chance of a cure.

Checking for conditions that may be associated with cancer, or directly detecting malignancy, is called cancer screening. This method will help you navigate how to define cancer... Diagnostic tests establish the possibility of cancer even before the general symptoms.

Screening helps doctors identify some types of cancer at an early stage, which helps to establish timely adequate treatment. By the time symptoms appear, the cancer may have spread to other tissues, making it less responsive to therapy and worsening the prognosis of the disease.

Types of cancer screenings

  • Universal screening (mass):

Includes examination of all representatives of a certain age group.

  • Selective screening:

Aimed at people with higher susceptibility, as well as those with a family history of the disease.

Screening is not always effective. It often produces false positives (when there is actually no disease) or false negatives (when cancer is undetermined). Therefore, additional examinations prescribed by the attending oncologist should be carried out in order to identify a possible disease.

Since there are many types of cancer, different symptoms are identified.

To find out for sure how to define cancer, you should initially find out the connection with the organs of tumor dislocation and the duration of observation of some symptoms.

With a prolonged course of the disease, the tumor grows into adjacent tissues (nerves, blood vessels and other cells).

  1. Expenditures of a large amount of energy by the body (occurs so that mutated tissues can grow). Because of this, a person feels tired, weak, weight loss, and sometimes fever for no apparent reason.
  2. Feeling of seals in some parts of the body. It occurs as a result of the release of toxins by cancer cells into the blood channels. In this case, a tumor forms in the lymph nodes or in the general bloodstream.
  3. Constant pain is present because the tumor can affect nerve endings or other organs.
  4. Changes in skin condition. The skin becomes discolored or has unexpected pigmentation, rash, or itching.
  5. There is persistent or other discharge from the mouth, genitals, nose, ears, or nipple.
  6. Open wounds or bruises form that do not respond to antibiotic treatment. Attention should also be paid to mouth ulcers that do not heal and are characterized by an unusual color (red, brownish-red) and uneven edges.
  7. Pallor of the skin, combined with weakness and a tendency to infections. Such symptoms may indicate leukemia, bone marrow cancer, etc.

How to determine if there is cancer in advance?

Certain types of cancers can be detected in the early stages under certain conditions. For this, it is recommended to use appropriate diagnostic tests.

Women who are at a higher risk of developing the disease are advised to have mammograms as early as 40 years of age. The procedure is performed for women whose first-line relatives (mother, sister, daughter) were ill with this disease. For prophylactic purposes, women aged 50-74 are recommended to examine the mammary glands every two years.

It is advisable to use a Pap test or others to prevent the disease in young women under 20 and slightly older who are prone to have abnormal cells. For women without risk of disease and without atypical pap smear screening for cervical cancer, it is necessary to diagnose every 3 years, regardless of.

  • Bowel cancer

The key to diagnosing colorectal cancer is to identify benign growths called polyps. They can be removed during colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. Also, it is recommended to screen the colon and rectum by taking feces to detect occult blood. The examination must be carried out for people who have this type of oncology, and are also at the age of 50-75 years.

The disease is defined when conditions such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction are present. Diagnostics includes special testing, sometimes a biopsy to check for the presence of a prostate-specific antigen.

The disease is determined by tomographic examination, which is recommended to be carried out annually for people aged 55 to 80 years, as well as those who have a thirty-year history of smoking.

  • Pancreas cancer

Almost undetectable in the early stages. However, as a preventive measure, regular endoscopic ultrasound, as well as MRI and CT scans, are recommended for those at high risk of developing the disease due to congenital genetics and negative family history.

When a question arises: " How to tell if there is cancer?», It is best to consult a doctor who will select the most effective way to diagnose cancer and confirm or refute your suspicions. The choice of a method for detecting cancer depends on the possible location of the tumor. Common basic medical tests for oncology include urinalysis, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, biopsy, ultrasound, radionuclide examination, endoscopy, colonoscopy, physical examination, mammography, and other tests.