Are they looking for a boy in Belovezhskaya Pushcha now? New facts about the disappearance of a boy in Belovezhskaya Pushcha have become known. Mysticism on Zarechnaya Street

They have been looking for Maxim Markhalyuk in Belovezhskaya Pushcha for almost 2 weeks. Until now, there is not even a hint of where the boy might be. As of 08:00 on September 28, the boy has not been found, reports the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee. _ Today, with the involvement of the personnel of the Svisloch District Department of Internal Affairs, servicemen of the internal troops, as well as officers of a special police detachment, 6 square kilometers of the territory adjacent to the agricultural town of Novy Dvor of the Svisloch District will be examined. Yesterday's survey of the wetlands of Belovezhskaya Pushcha in search of the missing ten-year-old Maxim Markhalyuk did not yield any results. About 300 police officers took part in search activities together with rescuers. Recently, the Investigative Committee, investigators are working out all versions of the incident. The main version is that the child was lost in the forest, but later it appeared that Maxim could run away from home and had been planning his escape for more than one year.

- We carry out what the staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the headquarters tell us. Searches are carried out every day, and every day volunteers are required, ”Sergei Kovgan, commander of the Angel search and rescue squad, tells the Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist. - When it turns out that everything is checked and rechecked and then there will be no result, of course, a decision will be made to suspend the search activities. Until the information arrives that needs to be verified, with the exception of information from psychics. The version that the boy escaped, like everyone else, was considered from the very beginning. Therefore, abandoned houses in neighboring and distant villages were checked. We received information from local residents where different huts could be located, places where children spent time with friends and where he could be. All these places were checked repeatedly for the presence of any traces of vital activity.
From the very beginning, they spoke positively about the boy's family and about the child himself. Now parents, teachers, neighbors are being interrogated by investigators. The UK has not yet been able to confirm this information.
- There is not a single fact confirming that the child left home. The police and we have not established any prerequisites for this. Previously, he did not leave home, he is characterized by relatives, neighbors and teachers extremely positively. I emphasize: not a single fact has been established. There were no conflicts in the family, - notes Kovgan.
Criminal versions of the boy's disappearance are also being discussed. True, without specifics. He was hit by a car, but the driver, frightened of responsibility, hid the body? Or the child was kidnapped - but who and why? Could a poacher accidentally shoot him in the forest? Investigators will also have to work in this direction. However, until now, the search engines have not found any traces to catch. Immediately after the disappearance of Maxim, a dog was following his trail, but she lost the smell of a child, which mixed with other smells on the road near the forest.

1. How did the boy disappear?

It is known that on September 16, in the late afternoon, Maxim left home in the agro-town Novy Dvor, Svisloch District, Grodno Region. He went to the forest for mushrooms. Since then, nothing has been known about him.

150 meters from the stadium there is a so-called base - a hut, which was built by the boys. His bicycle and a basket of mushrooms were found in this hut. He and his friends gathered mushrooms, sold them and bought building materials for their hut with this money - slate, nails. On the evening before his disappearance, the boy called his friends to go mushroom hunting. Two refused, and he went on his own, ”says Dmitry, one of the coordinators of the Angel search and rescue unit.

True, later it turned out that the basket with mushrooms did not belong to Maxim, but the bicycle was really his.

2. When did they start looking for him?

On the same evening, when Maxim did not return home, relatives and neighbors went to the forest. Then the police and the Angel search and rescue squad joined in. After information about the disappearance of the boy appeared on social networks and in the news, first trained volunteer search engines from all over the country began to come to Novy Dvor, and then ordinary civilian volunteers.

3. How many people are involved in the search?

At the moment, the detachments of "Angel" and the search and rescue squad "CenterSpas", volunteers of the Red Cross, military, police, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, foresters are involved ... Plus, every day groups of ordinary caring Belarusians come who want to help in the search.

More than 1000 volunteers have registered over the weekend, - says Dmitry, the coordinator of the PSO "Angel".

On different days, from several dozen people to several hundred volunteers go out in search. Plus rescuers, the military, the police and people who go AWOL into the forest - without coordinators and coordination with the Angel and the headquarters.

4. Who is directing the search?

Until now, the search and rescue operations were directed by a special headquarters set up in Novy Dvor. It includes employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other specialists responsible for the search. Volunteers check the maps with the headquarters several times a day to note which areas have already been inspected, and where else people or special equipment should be sent.

The headquarters gives us squares. There are places where only narrow specialists, trained people are sent. The same swamps: volunteers will not pass there, - explains Dmitry.

In addition, the headquarters decides when to raise the helicopters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations into the sky (from above, they adjust a chain of people who comb fields and forests, inspect the territory within the search radius). It also receives reports on the work of drones with thermal imagers that work at night.

On the 10th day after the disappearance of the boy, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case. Now the search work and all other procedural actions will be coordinated by the investigators. The case was taken under personal control by the chairman of the IC, Ivan Noskevich.

5. What is the search work of volunteers?

Volunteers are combing the area meter by meter where Maxim is supposedly lost. Search and rescue team members are specially trained people who know how to navigate the terrain, know how to organize volunteers and build the logic of search on the ground. They act as coordinators in groups - Unfortunately, there are often not enough coordinators for everyone. And this greatly complicates the work. City people come, who have been in the forest a couple of times, picking mushrooms, but now they really want to help, for which thanks to them. The coordinator needs to instruct them, but then make sure that they themselves are not lost, - says one of the commanders of the "Angel" Kirill.

They go on searches in groups of five people to several hundred. Volunteers are combing the forest, the surrounding fields: they walk in a chain at arm's length and carefully look under their feet and around. All abandoned buildings, silos, cellars, animal feeders in the forest are being investigated ...

We pay special attention to traces of life activity. Nibs, sunflowers and corn cobs, for example. Everything that we find is traces, things, places of overnight stay, we transfer all this information to the headquarters, and, if necessary, the special forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, cynologists, go to the place. Investigating the traces is not our business, we are only looking, - adds Dmitry.

6. Which area has already been surveyed?

You can endlessly walk in the forest, but we tried to work out the version that the boy got lost in his native forest as much as possible. We combed all the roads, directions are hanging everywhere ... Impenetrable swamps begin at a distance of 8 - 10 kilometers from here, even an adult man cannot walk there. We climbed everything to them, went around everything. There is also the Novodvorskoe reservoir nearby - divers worked there. We have been within a radius of the next 10 kilometers more than once. Volunteers are constantly marking time there. There are no traces - the search engines cross out the surveyed places on the map several times a day.

The geography of the search is constantly expanding - the detachments combed the forest, farms and fields 15 - 20 km from Novy Dvor.

7. What traces were found?

Until now, only Maxim's bike has been found - it was thrown near a hut in the forest, where the village boys had their own base. Volunteers also found footprints in the swamp, clothes in the forest, but all this has nothing to do with the missing person. There are no more leads.

Immediately after the disappearance, a search dog was put on the trail, but it went out onto the road and lost its smell. But this does not necessarily mean that the boy was taken away by car or something similar.

From time to time, information appears that a similar boy was seen somewhere in the surrounding villages. This information is being checked, but so far it has never been confirmed.

8. What versions of the boy's disappearance are being considered?

Until now, the main version was this: he is alive, but lost in the forest. Although the locals immediately said that Maxim knew the Pushcha very well in the vicinity of the village - he even led those who lost their way out of the forest.

However, volunteers simulate different scenarios for the development of events.

The fourth day was the most critical. Before that, it rained, and the boy was dressed lightly enough - this is instant hypothermia. If you have eaten something wrong, it is diarrhea, vomiting and, as a result, dehydration. I think, even if he moved, he walked no more than 1.5 - 2 or 3 kilometers, - suggests the volunteer "Angel". - To the north, to the west, to the east of the village, there are roads everywhere, everything is in glades - it's very easy to get out! But we did not find a single trace.

Two days after the disappearance of the child, the whole country learned that on September 16, the ten-year-old Maxim Markhalyuk from the village of Novy Dvor, Svisloch District, presumably got lost in the forest. The message about the lost boy was published in the media and broadcast on radio and television. Then the rescuers and neighbors were looking for the child, but their strength was not enough. Therefore, they began to invite volunteers for a search operation in social networks.

It was known that on the evening of September 16, Maxim, while playing with friends, said that he would go to the forest to pick mushrooms. This is a favorite pastime of the locals: the forest is located not far from the agricultural town. When the boy did not return for dinner, his parents became worried. And 800 meters from the house in the forest next to the hut, which the children had built for games, they found a bicycle and a basket of mushrooms.

September 20th. Volunteers travel from all over the country

Caring people cooperate and travel from different cities of Belarus. Those with tents and other travel gear are offering their belongings to volunteers to use. On that day, three volunteers left Baranovichi in search of Maxim. After returning, one of them is Intex-press, how the search operation is organized.

September 22nd. Volunteers set up camp

And on the Youtube portal about the largest search operation in the country. At that time, they were looking for Maxim Markhalyuk for the tenth day, but still to no avail. Law enforcement agencies did not consider the criminal version.

September 26. Criminal case

On the eleventh day of the search for Maxim on the fact of his disappearance in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 167 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Belarus. If, within ten days after the report on the disappearance, the whereabouts of the missing person have not been established, then this article allows to initiate a criminal case on the fact of an unknown disappearance.

The Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus said that no criminal trace was found in the missing boy.

- Today there is no evidence that a child who disappeared in the Svisloch region has become a victim of a crime, - the chairman of the Investigative Committee told reporters Ivan Noskevich.

September 27. The search continues

In the morning at 9.00 in the group of the search and rescue squad "Angel" information appeared that the lost boy had not yet been found. Also, administrators asked users not to spread rumors.

The main version of law enforcement agencies is that the boy got lost in the forest. Although after the initiation of a criminal case, other versions are also being worked out. For example, a boy could leave the house of his own free will.

The search parties went around the entire territory where ten-year-old Maxim could get lost. However, some places in the forest and abandoned farms are being reworked.

Maxim Markhalyuk from the agro-town Novy Dvor of the Svisloch region disappeared a month ago, on September 16. On October 10, the boy turned 11 years old. They are still looking for him.

“The searches will be conducted as long as a criminal case is opened. In order to close a criminal case, certain grounds are needed, which no longer exist, ”said Konstantin Shalkevich, head of the information and public relations department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to him, additional polls are being conducted on the spot, information exchange is being conducted.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the unknown disappearance of Maxim Markhalyuk - in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 167 of the Criminal Procedure Code (10 days after disappearance).

The boy is on the international wanted list - Interpol is also looking for him. As Konstantin Shalkevich noted, when the information about the missing person is placed in the Interpol bank, the information is brought to the attention of the employees who, by the nature of their activity, are looking for the missing people.

“The mechanism of information dissemination, methods and methods of work of foreign colleagues are the same as ours,” said the head of the information and public relations department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

- You walk past Maxim's mother, she's at work, I don't want to say or ask anything. There is nothing to say, and what to ask. If she had any information, then everyone would already know. So what do you say? To agitate once again is simply impossible. After all, every time she again experiences a tragedy. It can be seen that a person who has lost weight, emaciated - one cannot look without pain and tears. Remember when there was information about the Polish trace? So she just perked up when told. And now ... Now she again has this condition ...

In the largest search operation in the history of the country, aviation and unmanned aerial vehicles were used, professionals and volunteers participated.

On some days, more than two thousand people were involved in the search for the boy, Sergei Kovgan, commander of the Angel search and rescue squad, told

“Everything possible has been done on the spot. There are still places that no one can technically survey - swamps. We combed everything we could, several times, but there is no information about the boy's whereabouts, ”Kovgan said.

There is an algorithm for a search and rescue operation, experts know what and how to do, Sergei Kovgan emphasized: “The search for the boy has not been stopped, it is being continued by the Angel squad by informing in all possible ways. This is how we do everything that depends on us. And the law enforcement agencies are engaged in operational-search activities. "

Currently, the "Angel" detachment is looking for more than 54 children, all of them disappeared before Maksim Markhalyuk.

This year alone, "Angel" helped to find dozens of people and thousands in five years of work. However, this public initiative rests only on the enthusiasm of people "who are willing to spend their time and energy in the name of finding other people."

The search for schoolboy Maxim Markhalyuk, who disappeared in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, has not stopped for more than a month.

Maxim Markhalyuk left his home in the village of Novy Dvor (Svisloch District) on the evening of September 16. Since then, nothing has been known about the boy's whereabouts.

“At the moment, MIA officers are looking for Maxim together with dog handlers and a special task force. In spite of everything, we do not lose the hope that the boy will be found, "- told Sputnik in the Grodno search and rescue team" CenterSpas ".

The members of the detachment, according to representatives of "CenterSpas", always hope that the missing will be found sooner or later. Meanwhile, 40 days have passed since the day Markhalyuk disappeared.

The whole country continues to follow the search for Maxim. In the midst of the search activities, over a thousand people from all over the country came to the village of Novy Dvor - volunteers of the search teams "Angel", "CenterSpas" and others wanted to help the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Ten days after the boy's disappearance, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case. Law enforcement agencies are working out all possible versions of Maxim's disappearance, but the situation with the child's disappearance has not yet been clarified.

In Novy Dvor itself, at the mention of the name of Maxim, they just shrug their shoulders and sigh. On October 10, the boy had a birthday - he was 11 years old. The villagers hoped that they would still find Maxim by his birthday, but there is still no child.

- Absolutely no news. Nobody tells us anything. The Investigative Committee works and does not share anything with us, - says Alla Goncharevich, director of the school where Maxim's mother works. - If the parents knew at least something, we would know too. And so ... Absolutely nothing. We do not give up hope. In fact, there is no child.

But you never know what, there are different fantastic cases. This is not a standard situation. In a simple situation, we had to find him right away at night, well, let it be on Sunday. Well, the maximum on the third day. The situation is simply non-standard. There were already such searches that it was impossible to come up with, even think about something. All guesses are already at the level of fantasies. From the experience of books, films and life. To come up with something new is very difficult.

According to Alla Ivanovna, of course, the mother worries about her son the most.

- You walk past Maxim's mother, she's at work, I don't want to say or ask anything. There is nothing to say, and what to ask. If she had any information, then everyone would already know. So what do you say? To agitate once again is simply impossible.

After all, every time she again experiences a tragedy. It can be seen that a person who has lost weight, emaciated - one cannot look without pain and tears. Remember when there was information about the Polish trace? So she just perked up when told. And now ... Now she again has this condition ...

Valentina herself does not particularly want to talk to journalists.

“And what can I say if there is no information,” she explains in a quiet, tortured voice. - I'm calling, but there is no information ...

How to look for a "lost" in the forest and what to do if you meet a bear? Tips from "Angel" and Nikolai Drozdov11 September 1, 2019 at 09:21 AMSince 2012, volunteers have rescued over 600 people. For one day we were able, albeit in simplified conditions, but to see how the "angels" work.

Maxim Markhalyuk, who disappeared a year and a half ago, is still being searched for13 February 7, 2019 at 06:36 PMToday, the main version of the police in the region is an accident. It is assumed that the boy went into the forest and got lost.

"We don’t go to Pushcha once again." How Novy Dvor lives a year after the disappearance of Maxim Markhalyuk48 September 16, 2018 at 12:38 PMExactly a year ago, on September 16, 2017, Maxim Markhalyuk disappeared in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. At first, the police and local residents were looking for him, and then volunteers joined the search. Unfortunately, the boy was never found. A year later, TUT.BY visited Novy Dvor.

More than a thousand people were searched for in the forests in Belarus for five years, 37 could not be found15 July 18, 2018 at 03:39 PMOver the past five years, more than 1,000 people have been searched for in the forests in Belarus, said Dmitry Kryukov, head of the search organization department of the main department of the criminal investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, BelTA informs.

TRK Mir explained how the photo of Maxim Markhalyuk got into the fictional story in the program. Editor fired20 June 7, 2018 at 11:16 PMThe photo of the missing Maxim Markhalyuk appeared in the "Family Matters" program on the "Mir" TV channel. It was used to illustrate a fictional story of controversial paternity in the Family Matters program. Now the TV channel is trying to figure out how this could have happened.

The photo of the missing Maxim Markhalyuk was used in a fictional story on the Mir TV channel44 June 7, 2018 at 12:11 PMThe photo of the missing boy appeared in the "Family Affairs" program on the "Mir" TV channel. True, they used it to illustrate a fictional story of controversial paternity.

"I swam badly and did not orientate myself in the forest." Investigator and mom - about the long search for Maxim Markhalyuk88 19 February 2018 at 07:00Maxim Markhalyuk disappeared on September 16, 2017. Now the search for the boy is still ongoing, although not by as many people as in September. Nobody is going to close the criminal case. A special group, which includes 6 investigators and police officers, is engaged in it. One of the leaders of the USC in the Grodno region told TUT.BY about how the search for the boy is now going on, about working with psychics and volunteers and about the versions that the investigation is considering. And Maxim's mother, five months after the disappearance of the child, is still expecting her son to go home.

The police told how the search for Maxim Markhalyuk went and what is being done now37 December 22, 2017 at 01:18 PMThe police spent the day of informing in Novy Dvor, where Maksim Markhalyuk disappeared on September 16. Among other topics, the topic of finding a boy was also touched upon.

The term of the investigation into the case of the disappearance of 10-year-old Maxim in Pushcha was extendedNovember 27, 2017 at 13:00Investigators, together with the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense, local authorities and volunteers, carried out a huge amount of work aimed at establishing the boy's whereabouts.

"We believe that we just went to travel." Maxim, who disappeared in Pushcha, turns 1127 October 10, 2017 at 08:57 PMNow in Novy Dvor nothing reminds that two weeks ago the largest search and rescue operation in the country took place here.

"Polish trace" by Maxim Markhalyuk. The truck driver said he was giving a ride to another boy32 October 5, 2017 at 02:09 PMThe press service of the police in the city of Radom assured us that they know about the missing in Belarus little Maksim here, and if information about any street children appears, this information will not go unnoticed.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus: there was no official information from Poland useful for finding our boy6 October 4, 2017 at 06:42 PMThe diplomat said that in connection with reports in the Polish regional media, the situation is being monitored by the Embassy of Belarus in Warsaw and the consulates in Bialystok and Biala Podlaska.

"Could have something to do with your missing boy." Polish police looking for a child hiding in a wagon178 October 4, 2017 at 01:21 PMA Polish regional news website reported that the police in Siedlce were looking for an unknown 10-year-old boy.

The mother of Maxim, who disappeared in the forest, believes that his son is alive. What's new in the search?79 October 3, 2017 at 03:19 PMThe woman said that every day psychologists from the Ministry of Emergency Situations come to her and help maintain her morale. But, for example, locals and neighbors treat her grief differently.

There are fewer volunteers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is working. Report from Novy Dvor, where they are looking for a child in Pushcha for 13 days78 September 29, 2017 at 08:10 PMAt the moment, searches in Belovezhskaya Pushcha continue, but on a smaller scale. The large camp of the Angel search and rescue squad has moved to the square near the village council.